Capturing a City for God. Sermon by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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Capturing a city for God __________ Sermon/Testimony

Given by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick 7 June 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

In every “Free” Western-European nation, there are 3 forces who “battle” for dominance in every city: 1. Christian Religious. 2. Secular Law Enforcement. 3. Satanic false religions and witchcraft. When the Minister, Messenger, Apostle, Prophet or Evangelist is assigned by God to: "Rid the city of un-Godly strongholds" or to “Rid the city of corrupt People in power” He has gained victory when none of the three described categories above challenges/opposes him. Everyone wins in this God-initiated battle for order. These 3 powers within the borders of a city keep eachother in balance. If the Christian Religious and Secular Law Enforcement sin against God, the 3rd category receives power to function as “Judgment” to the first two categories when they act too corruptly. The “Hypocritical” Christian religious are defeated, and feel the need to perform better to avoid further loss of face/name. The Law Enforcement agencies obtain real-life experience in maintaining order during "spiritual warfare", need to re-evaluate how to apply the law to the supernatural in Justice. And the Satanic false religious and witches learn that they have been lied to, as Satan promised them a lot of power and by the God-sent-minister they endure major defeat, which decreases the interest in pledging allegiance to Satan. And of-course the population loves to see the “corrupt” get a “tick on the finger” from the Minister of God. Everyone benefits from "One City under God". 2

The Netherlands has two of those since 2016. Eindhoven was captured in a process of 14 months, in two shifts of 7 months. The Religious authorities unanimously took the stance that Í was sent by Satan the Devil. The Evangelical Religious Authorities have unanimously taken the stance they are superior then the Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet. The rest of the "Religious Force" of Eindhoven has persecuted the Magistrate and the Magistrate has proved to the population that all the "Religious Force" of Eindhoven combined cannot defeat just One Magistrate of God. The Law Enforcement has respected my rights and the Magistrate of the Law declared me guilty of breaking city laws however has chosen to not inflict harm, neither punishment. They took a "friendly" stance. They honored me as "Preacher of God" The Satanic False Religious and witches endured much defeat and shame, even the less Authoritative Prophet Frank Krischick was able to command the demonic spirit of Islam to be gone in front of the population, and the population rejoiced: they saw á force capable of humiliating militant íslam. The Satanic rebellious "Witch-craft"-women received humiliation from the Magistrate so great that any form of dignity has been removed from their system. A Hindu-religious festival was broken down in a "One Vs All" style, I challenged both priesthood as congregation to rise up against me to see which God has more power. After Prophet Frank blew the Shofar, one defeated all. Amsterdam was captured in a matter of weeks. They gave me the Keys of the city. As If they where begging God for 3

years for a deliverer, and in me they saw the answer of their prayer. The Religious Authorities gave their Evangelists over to my command and countless have been saved in unity. The Religious Authorities Have not accepted me to bring them to the next level. The Law Enforcement has loved me and gave me respect and talked with me about the Sabbath and even accepted my command when Ă? told an officer to leave the protesting Israelite in peace. One of the enforcers said he saw me "prophesy" to the Palestina-demonstrators. They honored me as "Prophet of God" The Satanic false religions Have suffered major defeat. The Evangelists praised God everytime I defeated every Satanic false religious priest who opposed us with great Glory.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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