Christians are Wimpy by Dutch Preacher

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Ghristians are Wimpy __________ Sermon

Given by unknown Dutch preacher, Transcribed by Prophet Frank Krischick, Translated by Magistrate of God Patrick Pereira. 24 August 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

A while ago, an article was written by a Dutch Professor named Dekker, he wrote that he observed a centuries-long process whereby he saw that the Christians have lost their confidence. These Christians find their confidence through the things they can see with their physical eyes, and that's a bad development. This Professor Dekker has come to a conclusion that Christianity is, continually adapting to the things that go on in the world that surrounds them, instead of how it was in the past, where Christianity was completely intolerant on sin, in the time that Jesus was with us on this earth. No one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6) That's a pretty challenging statement. Jesus came against the protocols and organized religion of that time. In a likewise fashion, in the 20´s of the 21st century, people where intolerant to the teachings of evolution, and anticonception use was avoided, the people didn´t try to play God and decide when and where they planned to have children. Extramarital sexuality was forbidden and a taboo in society and the act of homosexuality was an abhorrence, unheard of, a taboo highly rebuke-able! If you compare that age, with this age, it´s obvious to everyone with an objective eye, that society has gone through a radical shift. The so called "Christian" has adapted itself more to the traditions and teachings that are dominant in the culture surrounding them, then on Jesus His teachings from the Word of God. 2

Where can we still find this authenticity that Jesus showed us on this earth ? Where can we find this fundamentalism that thrived the Apostles to spread the news about the coming Kingdom of God around the entire world. Today you have those people who are attempting to unite teachings from the evolutionary theory to that which is written in the book of Genesis. Knowing that every word of evolution theory, contradicts everything written in scripture about creation. I don't want continue on this subject, because i´ll go on and on.... Christianity is slowly but surely becoming a worldly practice and you can hardly differ a Christians from a heathen these days. Faith has become something personal, and kept secret, not to bother others with. Maybe you have heard this one before! Faith is something personal and i´ll keep it for myself! I hear this one very often from people who believe in Jesus Christ for Salvation. But what if... Paul and Peter, John or any of the Apostles of Jesus in that time kept their faith for themselves like we do now? There wouldn´t be many believers! Would you have come across the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ if they kept their faith for themselves as we do now? I'm glad, exceedingly, that the Apostles didn't keep their faith for themselves and wrote down the words we now know as the


new testament and spread it, even risking their lives because of this message they and the Messiah gave.. However, nowadays it all about ME. I am Saved, I believe it, and I keep this all for myself, I don't have to tell the people about it because it´ll only cause conflicts and the message could offend them. And I'm not willing to enter into conflicts with my those inside the community I live in, I want to maintain peace at all times. Christians are weakening, ladies and gentlemen. Christians have become wimpy. Christianity has transformed from a world changing phenomena into a social club were people comfort one and another. A social club were people stroke each-others ego´s. It´s no longer a group of Christians that dare to exhort each-other firmly, that ignites the fire in each-others hearts again. Not a group of men that dare to rebuke someone who has departed from the righteous path. People are nice to each-other, hug one and another, and tell each-other how much they love each-other and say: Yeah, all-right you might have sin in your life but I love you, you can´t help it, you´re human, so, yeah... You know that our relationship with God´s son will change everything that revolves around us. Not just us, but also our surroundings. Its not supposed to be that we are changed by our surroundings as if we have a dependency upon our circumstances, we rely upon God! God is Bigger! God is bigger then everything you see around you. He is above all of that and God´s son is also highly exalted above all of creation (Matthew 28:18). 4

We allow everything to influence us, except the Spirit of The Lord and the teachings of Jesus Himself. Could it be that modern day Christians have turned into insecure beings? Are there still followers of Jesus that come out for their faith and state publicly who they serve and follow? Look at the Godless, they glorify in their godlessness! They organize humongous parades, love parades, gay parades and who else knows what more! But the children of God hide themselves, safely in the corner as frightened little mouses. While the Lion of Judah lives in their hearts! We are no frightened small mouses! The great “I am” lives inside us! Isn´t He bigger than those who are from this world? Why would we be scared for what man can do to us? Except the fact that they could kill us, but did you know that God can inflict greater damage in Hell? You know.. It should be the exact opposite! The world being afraid of Jesus! And you shouldn´t worry about the cares of this world as whosoever has been “reborn-in-Christ” is in him more then a victor, as Jesus already overcame the world. And whosoever wants to live for Jesus, all will be arranged for them by God, says the Word of God. As it is written, Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.


People keep seeking, seeking, seeking, things that´ll make their lives feel fulfilled and worthy, and know not that everything a man could possibly want can be found in Christ Jesus. And those who know this, have the responsibility to communicate this to the lost. In Jesus you will find satisfaction. In Jesus you will find Peace, love but also strength to gain victory over everything that can be gained victory over in a supernatural way. We have received the tools to build an indestructible house. We have received everything to construct it, but what do we do with it? Well, we create a nice looking flowerpot with it. We put in a seed in the flower-pot and we grow a flower! And we put this flower in our hair And then we just wait for the next thing that the lord will do Well...That seems to be the way we are... Beloved reader, if you are a christian: Seek the kingdom of God and let that fire inside you kindle higher and higher until it's an all consuming fire. That destroys everything impure on his path. Everything that is written in scripture is true. Believe it, act upon it and live by it. Especially the last: Live by it. A lifestyle with God is nothing less then adventurous, however many people think it is boring!


It is not centered upon us but upon God, and through him, the evidence of your faith will become visible to your environment. If you want to a be a “contagious Christian”, as they call it these days, then focus your attention on restoring your relationship with God and obeying His will. Follow Him, look at His example, receive what He wants to give you, walk in His ways and all other things will be given unto you. We don't have to think about appealing ways to reach the people and their needs who are tailored by their fleshly desires. Giving a appealing message or organizing an appealing event, or giving appealing gadgets or gifts, only to wrap the message of God into an appealing package. You know... You like the message or you don´t. The Gospel is foolishness to those who perish. But to those who are saved or are getting saved, it is the power of God. Its about the type of man that you are! If you don't like the message, you also will not like the message if I wrap it in a nice package. So however I package it, won´t change the fact if you like God´s message or not. If you appreciate it or not, it´s entirely up to God! Perhaps now you might think, well... Shouldn´t a Christian be kind and tender? That says yes to everything and is always available? Read the bible once again, please! You have to understand that the Apostles of God knew what love was all about, their love is different then just being a nice guy.


These men from the Bible who Jesus chose personally to surround himself with, where men with fire, men who where warriors and were willing to fight “the good fight” in the name of Jesus Christ. They were willing to pay a price, unto their own lives for the sharing of the gospel to the people. If I love someone. If I feel love for someone. If I care for someone, I will not withhold myself while exhorting someone who´s is in need of correction. Neighter would I withhold myself to tell the truth to that person I claim to love, if that person is walking in error. I won´t withhold myself because I´m afraid that they will hate me because they are allergic to criticism or because I´m afraid they will avoid contact me, when they do that, I at least have done what is right, to the best of my integrity. That´s what you do if you love someone. If you don´t love someone, you keep it all for yourself, you won´t bother yourself with it. But.. Euhm... You aren´t supposed to judge, right? If you observe something in a person, that isn´t from God, if you see someone act corruptly towards God, if you see someone live in sin on purpose, and I´m not talking about those who´d like to get out of sin, I´m not talking about those who trust upon God that He will take the sin out of their lives, those who combat the sin, and want to get rid of the sin in their lives. I´m specifically addressing those, who consciously and willfully commit sin with a clean conscience. That´s easy to observe. Then you´re supposed to address it. Look! That tree has green leafs! That´s not a condemnation! That´s a observation! It´s a fact! 8

The tree has green leafs and you live in sin! A condemnation is, you live in sin and are unable to escape hellfire, that´s a final judgment. I´m not in the authority to do that. If you see sin, you convict the sinner. For the purpose of getting the sinner out of the sin, to save the soul of the person that commits the sin. It is possible, that the person doesn´t even know it is sinning against God. Perhaps the person will think, oh no! I´m living in sin! How foolish of me! Help me! And then you pray with the person you just convicted and confronted with the truth. That´s what you do if you love someone. You don´t wait till that person walked off the cliff, you prevent it from happening, by telling the person, the cliff is coming, you are sinning! You are not condemning, as that is the complete opposite, if you say nothing, you allow that person to walk to it ´s condemnation. If you have no love for someone, you don´t care when that person walks off the cliff. Then you walk and come across a person with a dislocated arm, and then you think, no... no... I wont touch that dislocated arm! It might hurt! And I´m nice, I won´t hurt that person by putting the arm back into the proper position. No I won´t do that! However if you love that person, you take that arm and pull it back where it belongs, instantly!


Yes, it hurts! The man´s screaming however the arm is fixed! You know... I´m happy that God is showing me heroes lately, instead of all those wimps, people that have the fire of God, people who turn off their carnal minds and just follow the Spirit of God and just radically tell the people the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ´s Kingdom. Those who focus upon pleasing Jesus. Those who use everything they are, to please and serve Jesus. If I look at those kind of Christians, I observe that their entire lives have been transformed, and it turned up side down, in their favor. Those people transform to the character of God´s son. Signs and miracles are following them, as promised in the Word of God. And not like so many of this age, that follow the signs and the miracles that others perform, that hear that in America, Canada, Russia or somewhere in Europe can be found the signs and miracles, then they buy a plane-ticket and fly over to see what´s going on. The Word of God talks about the opposite, the signs and miracles are supposed to follow us, if my relationship with God is in order. If you see signs and miracles in the lives of people who turn into fundamentalists, fiery Christians that just follow the Spirit of God. It´s fantastic to witness and motivating to observe and it moves me, and awakens a fire inside of me when I see these people do their thing. People that are being transformed into mature Christians. 10

Beloved Christians, we don´t have to be wimpy anylonger. Read your Word of God and get up, and discover what´s awaiting you, and I wish this for you all, in Jesus name, the fire of God, falls already for years, hundreds of years, over us human beings, the Spirit of God is given to believers in the book of Acts and the same can happen for you. Let yourself be ignited by the Lord. Allow yourself to be pulled by the Father in Heaven, and don´t resist his pull, don´t resist God. If God says do it! Then do it! God is good and He desires the best for us and has all blessings from heaven waiting for us. For everyone who receives His son Jesus Christ. Beloved. Brothers and sisters, please, RAISE UP! AND WALK IN JESUS NAME!

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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