Curing Dirty Souls (Titanclass) by Judge Patrick Aurelius Angelo Christo Pereira

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CURING “DIRTY SOULS” (TITANCLASS) Written by the General-Judge of the Netherlands and Germany.



Within the receivable spectrum of a human being, the energetic currency that relates to the emotional sensation of “self-worth”, resides in the soul, known as “the core of a human being”. This








awareness”; easterners know this as “the naval energy center”: The storage-center of the “(Ancestral-) Karmic account”. Within the receivable spectrum of the core, there are two opposites: Honor & Pride ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Honor: a solid sense of self-worth. Pride: a fragmented/broken sense of self-worth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The core is mathematically whole, or divided, thus the spectrum goes from depleted from Honor (0%) to Honorable (100%). The greater the Honor positive energy within your soul, the less reliable you are to “approval” from other souls; to “feel approved”, to “feel complete”, to “feel accomplished”. The opposite; the greater the Pride negative energy within your soul, the more reliable you are to “approval” from other souls; to “feel approved”, to “feel complete”, to “feel accomplished”. Proud people rely on status-symbols and pacifiers to “feel complete”; to “feel worthy”. Thus the proud are “greedy”; “addicted to obtain”: “Social status-symbols: “Look what/who I have obtained, I´m successful! ” Approval from Mr or Miss Popular:“the most approved group-leader”. Mr/Miss Powerful, Mr/Miss Famous, Mr/Miss Rich, Mr/Miss Beautiful.

“Pacifiers: “I create my own sense of well being!” Sensations of artificial bliss and ecstasy from nicotine, THC, alcohol, sex, etc, to feel “complete and whole”. The further the core becomes depleted of Honor , as a result of sins against God Almighty, the more the human observer becomes dependable upon “social acceptation” and “pacifiers”. The once the core has been depleted of Honor , completely, the Spirit of Greed becomes the Grandmaster of the “Core of the Damned”. Once the soul of a man or a woman attains “damnation, the free will is lost, as the Grandmaster Spirit of Greed , will command the ”Damned Core”. A damned soul cannot attain a Sane and Holy , a Honorable and Righteous spirit... A damned soul, known as a “barbarian”, is consumed, obsessed, possessed, a slave of obtaining artificial sensations of “self-worth”, through practice of greed; seeing materialism, status symbols and pacifiers as “life´s meaning/purpose”. A slave of obtaining the emotional sensation of “completion”, through artificial de-fragmentation, to be distracted, to experience not the continual negative sensation that comes from the “damaged” soul. Thus the Soul in damnation no longer respects the conscious of the heart, disconnects from the “listening to the heart” to experience the sensation of completion by interacting with other damned soul, so disconnecting oneself from one´s Heavenly Destiny: A Self-Destructive Subconscious; a Heavenly Punishment. Once you convict a barbarian, a damned soul, with the intelligence of your heart, the damned soul will have an emotional response of Pride .

The more Pride, the greater the level of Damnation... The Slave vs The Master: A soul “blessed by Heaven” needs to do absolutely nothing to feel absolutely complete, thus is not receptive to do anything against his or her conscious. A soul “blessed by Heaven” is not emotionally addicted, nor dependent upon the acceptation and approval of “them”, and “they”. For a soul “blessed by Heaven”; group-acceptation is not a source of “joy”, nor the purpose of life, as he or she is not a slave. A soul “blessed by Heaven” is not emotionally addicted, nor dependent upon “buying” the “most exclusive things” to get the acknowledgment and approval of “them”, and “they”, to feel complete, successful, as if you have done your life´s purpose, like a good slave, according to “the group”, the “commoner´s standard ”. The Honorable soul is not a “subject” as his soul is “complete”. A soul “blessed by Heaven” seeks no acknowledgment from “the group”, thus is free to pursue the will of his/her heart, and so will follow the intelligence of the conscious of the heart, following the forces of destiny

through the passion of the heart, eventually becoming “

Established ”. The proud slave, the barbarian, cannot follow his/her heart´s conscious as the Spirit of Greed leads the barbarian on the path of obtaining the group ´s “acknowledgment”. The “unholy” spirit of greed (evil-demonic), leads such a person to live a life without integrity to obtain a false sense of self worth (Pride). The “unholy” spirit of greed (evil-demonic), will lead a “soulcontainer/host”, a human being, to live a lifestyle without a conscious, to live without integrity to attain a false sense of self worth (Pride).

The “unholy” spirit of greed (evil-demonic), will lead a “soulcontainer/host”, a human being, to commit every wicked sin, to completely deplete his/her soul from Honor , leading the person to his or her downfall. The more the soul becomes depleted from Honor , the greater the dependency upon obtaining a false sense of self worth (Pride). “The Evil Spirit of Greed leads a damned soul into a continuum; a negative and self destructive cycle; unbreakable, unrecoverable, inevitably leading to destruction, isolation, and death.” A damned soul can only be cured by a Master, one that buys a slave, and grants that slave his or her freedom. The Lord of Hosts; the Master of All Living Bodies (Human Hosts), God Almighty sent Jesus Christ, who had the Soul of God inside of Him, the “Host”. The soul of God has no fragmentation, so Jesus Christ did no “evil”. Without having to pay for “bad karma”, He let himself be crucified, taking a death penalty, as if His soul was accursed; to obtain the divine right to Soul of Humanity. Mankind wronged him, without having the right to do so, So Jesus Christ obtained the title the Emperor of the Emperors, the Grandmaster of Humankind, as Mankind´s Collective Soul became Bankrupt... So the Grandmaster of Mankind, Jesus Christ, as “owner” of the “collective soul of Mankind” can grant you a “irrevocable” pardon... If Jesus “likes” you, or “favors” you, or “loves” you, or “values” you, if you found a way to find grace before the Grandmaster of Heaven, then He has the Divine Right to “buy your bad karma”. When Jesus Christ does this; He becomes your “LORD”, your “Dad”, your “Pope”, your “Godfather”, your “High Priest” your “Pharaoh”... And then your new “LORD” will excommunicate the Spirit of Greed out of your “Host”, replacing it with a Holy and Godly Spirit. So you will be led to do the exact opposite of what you did when your “negative Karma” was your “LORD”.

Over time, your new spirit will lead you on a path to collect “good karma”, more and more, a positive continuum until the point of purification. Then you will feel “complete”, and no longer are a slave to pacifiers, status-symbols, group pressure, materialism, and become free to follow your heart´s conscious; unshakable, unsuppressed like a Master! At the point of Purification, your “destiny”, reawakens...

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