Dealing with Corrupt Clergy. Sermon by Apostle Patrick

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Dealing with Corrupt Clergy __________ Sermon

Given by Apostle Patrick 8 May 2016 (I) & 14 May 2016 (II) Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

Imagine. I become corrupt. And then God sends someone to me to tell me that I am corrupt, and then I start doing all kinds of evil to the person who is sent to me, while God speaking through Him to me. How blind must I become to actually try to destroy someone who is sent by the Holy Spirit. That level of blindness is legendary. Who would commit such a thing? However, sadly, I have seen many who have done this. There are people who function this way. Scary! If you call yourself a “man of God”, and you attempt to destroy a man sent to you by God, “God speaking to you through him” (The Most Important Person), then you are capable of destroying anything (As others are less important to the Man of God). If you destroy the man who God lives inside, claiming you serve God, then you are capable of anything, any form of evil, in exchange for power, the power that led the subjective person into the corruption, that led God to send a messenger person, with the purpose to get that person out of corruption, however that leads to loss of power. These people are even more evil then I could imagine. I call them “the Hypocrites” and I get a real rage at them I get wild at them, and then they always say "WHERE IS YOUR LOVE WHERE IS THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT". Thinking about what comes out of their mouths when I confront them with their evil behavior, shows that they do have fear. This is a Good thing, it limits their evil. As they fear I come back and to the same thing to them again. John the Baptist called them snakes. "Who told you to flee the wrath to come?" when they came to hear his preaching. 2

I understand it. What a kind! They are so wicked and evil that they care not about the punishment of God that they know will come, they KNOW it will come as they KNOW God. When the police arrests me for disobeying their command to stop the preaching of the word of God while crusading through the Netherlands, those who have to take my Tallit and Prophet Rod before they put me into a jail-cel, take it away from me with great care. They know what they are holding in their hands, but they are bound to their work, so they do their work in fear. This is "healthy". What these so called "men of God" do to the Ministers of the Holy Spirit is beyond wicked, if you have people like that in your churches, and you people have it, flee! Pray that God kicks them out, those people will destroy your Church-house for a raise in power. They will kick the warning messengers out of the church WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT and INVITE THE WRATH OF GOD UPON THE CHURCH WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT. I have seen it over and over and over and over and over and over again. End of Part I - Start of Part II. How do you identify a warning messenger of God: When the Spirit of God manifests Himself in a human. The spirit will automatically start to expose corruption. When the true Spirit of God does that, the “receiving party�, those the preaching/prophesieng is pointed at, tends to express the following desire: The corrupt person desires to destroy the credibility of the vessel, or to destroy the vessel itself who the Spirit of God 3

chose as carrier of “the Light” and the bringer of the Truth. The more corrupt, the greater the desire for destruction. "The Light" is typing through me. Pastors cannot attempt to "kill" a prophet, as then the pastor´s credibility is destroyed, which is the aim of the Holy Spirit in the first place, making visible that a "servant of God" is corrupt. If a pastor kills someone, nobody will believe that he is a Christian! So "getting rid" of the "evidence", the Prophet, is not an option. So the credibility of the "evidence" needs to be destroyed. Thus saith the Lord: This is how you correctly identify the corruption in the house of God and true messenger that I sent. It goes hand in hand. The messenger is always sent to the corrupt one, and the corrupt one always tries to destroy the credibility of the messenger. Magnets! Corrupt people do not like righteous people. Also like magnets. Once you are "categorized" as righteous by God, instead of as "religious", then life becomes a truly interesting experience. The religiousness seems to be a cover-up to mask the corruption one knows to have as a human, one acknowledging that one is by oneself corrupt, and needs an external force to help one become "righteous". That is "religiousness". Once you become "Righteous" you come to the stage where you see, that "religiousness" is empty without the righteousness.


I arrived there when I turned 28 and shot the picture attached in this publication. Now I stopped wearing my cross and star of David necklas as I judge it to be a form of religiousness. If you have a clean conscience, then you fear not, and need no association. Only people with corruption fear punishment or evil and need protection from it as only they endure continues troubles as result of their sins. The righteous need it not, they need not to cover their corruption with something like carrieng a symbol, as they have no corruption, so they feel no desire wearing an “association” with a higher force. As they know you “reap what you sow”. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. This should not be misidentified as “self-righteousness”. This kind of "Righteousness" is given by God to a sinner who acknowledges he or she is wrong, and continue-sly follows the Holy Spirit without choosing for any corruption, even if the corruption that comes at you becomes almost too hard to handle, and you still follow the Holy Spirit, then you will arrive at the stage of life where I am speaking about. The reason why people do not like Jesus-only-way-intoheaven, is because the “Religion” of Jesus demands that you turn "righteous". Other religions focus more upon “acting” and “ceremony”, Jesus demands you becoming "righteous". Jesus wants the “inside” to be changed, religion wants the “outside” 5

to be changed. Wearing a Tallit or carrieng a Prophet Rod, if your inside has not changed by the Holy Spirit, then it is in vain. International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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