Detecting Internal Enemies & Traitors (Teaching) by Patrick the Dutch Ascended Master

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58th Degree Ascended Master

Patrick Aurelius Romano Christo Pereira


November 15th, 2017. Valkenswaard, Kingdom of the Netherlands. As an anointed leader, in Church or in State Government, you will always be facing subordinates who do not agree on the course that you rightfully are setting out, as your vision matches not with their vision. Your ideas are not regarded by their un-anointed intellect as profitable, thus disregarded as unprofitable to obey. Once you are anointed by God, then you have invisible powers working for you, to lead you into your destiny. Whether your ideas are your own ideas or the ideas are placed in your head by invisible forces, as which is happening here with me, Ascended Master Patrick, who is writing this teaching. I, Ascended Master Patrick, am well aware that my intellectual capacities are given to me by God, thus I am capable of understanding that God has given this to me for your benefit. So, you the student, are on a quest to enter your destiny, which is your “God-Given Position”. On your path, as I have written about before, you will have subordinates, who will disagree on your “vision” and your “position”, which both are your Divine Right to have, as an anointed leader who has been called by God Almighty. The un-anointed, with un-enlightened intellects, who judge your “God-inspired” intellectual capacities as inferior, most probably because it does not profit them directly or indirectly, but only profit you yourself, and will make you yourself rise into your destiny, where your “God-Given Position” lays. Note: Not all “God-Given Positions” are good for the people, in some cases, God calls evil people to rulership to punish the wicked for their sins, or God allows one evil ruler to rise, to awaken every other leader into responsible governing as a wakeup call, thus every leader sent by God is responsible for the consequences of their course of action, they only have the Divine Right to choose/command, but are not free from consequences of choices/commands. Those who out of selfish motivations do not respect your vision nor your position, yet rightfully are your subordinates are called “Internal Enemies and Potential Traitors”. Not all potential traitors dare to oppose you frontally, some may, but in most cases, your internal enemies wait for the right uprising to strike you down. Those who tend to oppose a man sent by God frontally, are mostly exclusively women, who regard not your “God-Given Position”, and often, because they carry female physical bodies which are an asset to a man, which they do not wish to lose, the woman does this, as she understands that all she has to do, is to favor another man, and she will make you bow to her will. In the 21st century, your internal enemies, the treasonous-men plot against your position and treasonous-women disregard your position.

IDENTIFY YOUR INTERNAL ENEMIES AND PUT THEM OUT OF POWER IMMEDIATELY: Your God-sent subordinates who are possessed with their pride (narcissism/antisocial personality disorder), will not allow you to “correct” them. Those possessed with their pride cannot admit it when they are wrong, nor can they apologize to you when they have wronged you. Such people cannot endure “the truth”, as “the truth” will drive them to admit that they are wrong. To bring the chance of treason against your “God-Given Position” to an absolute minimum, you need to speak “the truth” to everyone, as it is, led by your “God-Given Rulerintelligence”, and

observe, which of your subordinates does not allow “correction”, which ones of your subordinates does not “apologize” when in error, as these are looking for your downfall, and when your downfall comes, these will be the ones who will say: “You see! You are a fool, you was wrong all the time! Who do you think you are! God punished you for insulting me!” and so raise themselves above you. When you speak “the truth”, thus rightfully correcting someone suffering “narcissism/antisocial personality disorder”, that person will feel utterly dishonored and will pay you back, regardless you corrected them rightfully or wrongly, as they do not see themselves as your subordinate, but they see you as their subordinate, one who they have not yet submitted, but in the realm of their mind, it is just a matter of time once they have put you checkmate by method of political strategy, and they will justify their treason, as you “offended” them! Rid yourself of subordinates who’s sins almost caused their soul be in a completely rotten condition, so badly, that their spirit now suffers “narcissism/antisocial personality disorder”, or simply said those “being possessed with pride”, to rid yourself of those is a wise thing to do for anyone who desires victory over his or her external enemies, and stability in his or her rule. Those subordinates, who suffer the mental illness of Pride (narcissism/antisocial personality disorder), will benefit you nothing, as those who suffer the mental illness of pride, are on a path to Divine Judgement. They have so much sins, and offended God Almighty so badly, that their sane mind is no longer with them, as they ignored their soul so long, and have wronged so many people, that the rotten condition of their soul has entered their mind… Now, captured by their pride, they are reaping what they have sown for years, and they might now see you as a “method” of rising to the top again, this is why they need you, but not respect you. They believe they need you to rise to the top, but will never be loyal to you.

THOSE WHO SEE YOU AS A “ TOOL ” SHOULD NOT BE THOSE WHO YOU “ AUTHORIZE ” INTO ANY FORM OF POWER. To strategically rid yourself of all subordinates who suffer pride, correct them with “the truth”, and observe them if they apologize, or correct you back. Those who dare to correct you back, after you spoke the reasonable truth to them, those you remove from position of authority, as there you observe the spirit of Pride manifest in them. Those who see you as their competition will not be loyal to you, as they believe they have the right to your God-given position. Subordinates controlled/possessed by their pride are those who only desire to serve themselves and their own agenda’s and their own interests. To identify leaches, hidden enemies, those who secretly desire your position, those who are envious, hidden snakes, jezebel-spirits, demonic agents, you simply need to offend your subordinates by speaking the reasonable truth to them in correction and offend their pride with that.

The Delta Core: The Spiritual Reformation Paperback ($11,50) – Audiobook ($0,00) – PDF ($0,00) [I]-ART - International Academy of Revolutionary Theosophy Patrick Aurelius Romano Christo Pereira

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