God, only for the wise! Sermon by Apostle Patrick

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God, only for the wise! __________ Sermon

Given by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick 12 June 2016 Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

As long as you are naive about this world and it´s system, you will not desire to seek God. As long as you have ambitions, hope and self-confidence that you will somehow “make it” in this world, you will always reject the knowledge of God. Because of the “accursed” state of the sinner, all attempts of “making it in this world” will fail eventually, the “naive” sinner will learn about this truth eventually, sooner or later, and when the naive sinner does receive “success”, it will always leave an empty feeling inside of the heart of the “successful sinner”, it will not ever be what the “naive but successful sinner” thought it would be. And when the plans of the “naive” fail, blame it not on the individuals who are sent to make you fail, or on those who destroyed your plans or mistreated you as, these are “higher principles” working out, a “higher plan” unfolding itself for a “higher purpose”: Destiny. Those who have experienced a great dosis of success, tend to understand, because of their success, what´s really important. Personally, after “trying it all”, I made true effort to seek God, after I learned that no success of this world can grant a human being true satisfaction in life, those who think it can are naive. Following the ways of this God-less world is a recipe for failure, guaranteed! And the sooner you figure this out, the better, as you then can shift focus on what´s really important: A relationship with God and the blessing of God. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.


The greatest driving force within every human being is the force of “self-preservation”. Those who seek power, tend to seek it to ensure their “self-preservation”. It´s not interesting for the “successful” and/or “authoritative” to give up their success or authority for God, or worse, to humble themselves when they already have exactly what they want, and exchange it all for His will. It makes no sense to those. Authorities need not God until their Authority is stripped away, the successful need not God, until their success is stripped away. Once you have “Success” and/or “Authority”, God can put you to the test, testing your integrity, over and over again, and when you fail, you are stripped from your “success” and/or “Authority”. This is why God, rarely can be found, at “the end” of Authority and/or Success. Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Those who have developed a succes-formula for themselves, and/or their families and give it up for “righteousness-sake” are those who exchange their course of action from “self-preservation” to “righteousness”. Think about the family of Corrie Ten Boom , giving up a “watch-repair-shop” to save hundreds of Jews during WorldWar 2: Ensuring themselves persecution and poverty, just for the sake of doing what is “right”. Those who commit such self-less course of action, are of the highest civil order; bringing the force “selfpreservation” under subjection for the higher cause: God & Righteousness.


Ordinary people refuse to do what is “right”, because they fear material loss, pain, rejection of peers/society, loneliness... Or what about the fear of making a mistake? The “I´ll stay out of this” attitude, which is rooted out of a lack of vision, vision, which is a leadership-quality... When you have little to nothing, coming to Christ by experiencing the love of caring Christians appears to be easy, however when you have all the success of the world, and listen to your conscience, and risk that success to do what is right, that´s the difficult path that leads to great honor. Only if you are able to give up the desire for “selfpreservation”, then the Holy Spirit can take over the steering wheel, thus defining the course of your ship (your life).

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Youtube.com/ISOBP Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira. Issuu.com/GodsEmpire


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