God´s Agenda __________ Graduation Paper.
Created by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira 3 July 2016 Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.
If you have studied the entire word of God, both the writings of the old covenant as the writings of the new covenant; known to western civilization as “The Old Testament*” and “The New Testament”. *You need to understand the writings of the old covenant in it´s right context to understand the world that Jesus was born into, to understand what Jesus had to deal with. You cannot understand the life of Jesus without knowing the religious circumstances Jesus was born into.
And have understood the content of the Word of God (66 books) in it´s right context; which is to understand the author´s original intent, how the author meant to convey his message instead of interpreting the scripture in such a way that it suits your personal agenda. Then this Graduation Paper is a tool for you that will confirm to you that you have “successfully interpreted the Word of God in it´s right context”. If the following conclusions matches with the conclusions you have drawn after being exposed to the “Word of God” and the “re-birth in Christ Jesus” experience, then you have graduated. -Translating souls into the Kingdom of God-
It's God's Agenda to enter your body, to dwell inside of your system (1 Corinthians 6:19) and after everything that offends Him is removed out of your life (Acts 3:19), then He will start a process of distributing His presence to others through you (Mark 16:15).
Becoming “Born-Again”, replacing a carnal nature for a spiritual nature by sovereign act of mercy and election God, Without going through this process, access will be denied to you - John 3:5-6
1. Agenda-point #1: He, The Spirit of God, desires to dwell inside of you continually, He does not want to observe you using your “system” (body) in sinful ways; committing sinful things or observing sinful things so that you expose Him to that, continually. He wants to dwell inside of your system without continually being offended by observing you being so carelessly in taking in “Satan's garbage” and defending it as if it´s “acceptable” and that “God should not be offended by it if He really loves you”. “Satan´s garbage”: Body manipulation (Tattoo´s, Piercings.), Make-up (Women using the method of “seduction” to attract a mate.), Selfdestructive habits (Smoking, Drinking, Substance-abuse), Sexual Immorality (Homosexuality (M/M, F/F), Bisexuality, Oral Sex, Sex without the sacrament of marriage, pornography, masturbation, and observing/participating in anything that portrays sexuality as recreation instead of it´s original purpose which is reproduction). Idolatry (Praying and bowing down in an act of worship to statue´s or any other man other then Christ, Jesus, who is God-in-the-Flesh.) These are the things that “Fake-Converts” will defend with the following words: “it is not written in the Word of God, litterally”, however anyone who has been in touch with the Holy Spirit of God knows that these “habits of the flesh” are “characteristics” that do not befit an individual who is 3
destined to rule for a thousand years at Christ´s return (Revelation 3:21). Jesus said that one must be reborn by the nature of the Spirit of God, with the warning that without being “born again” that you will not enter. The spirit of God does not lead people to what is categorized in this graduation paper as “Satan´s Garbage”, only the flesh can be “pleased” this way. The Spirit of God is not “pleased” by “Satan´s Garbage”. As long as you evaluate the desires of the flesh to be of more importance then the desires of the Spirit of God, you will hear “Access Denied” on the day of Judgment (Revelation 20:1314), this is a matter of priorities: Who´s agenda you are executing, God´s agenda, or Satan´s agenda. The rest of the sins that God is offended by are written clearly defined by the word of God and need no further mention in this graduation paper. 2. Agenda-point #2: Once your system has matured and has been cleansed enough to be inhabited by the Spirit of the God of Israel, continually, then it is His agenda to do what has been successfully done to you to others, using you as an ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20) of His Presence and Agenda: 1. Sanctification. 2. Distribution. Most inhabitants of this planet have fallen in such a defeated and fearful state that they can no longer execute nor understand these 2 simple "Agenda-Points" on God's Agenda after reading God's Word. They have become Heretics. 4
International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Youtube.com/ISOBP Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira. Issuu.com/GodsEmpire