God: Reasoned by the Method of Philosophy

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GOD Reasoned by the method of

Philosophy __________ (Publication)

Written by

Defender of the Faith Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm & Philosophy

Patrick Pereira

12 October 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

After having understood the two “Graduation Papers”, “Philosophy” and “the Spiritual Realm”, One can now understand the Philosophy of transcribing the personal observation of the Heart and Mind of God into a system of Philosophy. This document should not be seen as a set of theological facts, but as a grand painting, to help one establish God to be a reality within the realm of reason. Once the gift of Extrasensory is given to a Grand Maester, and that Grand Maester is from an order, that is Initiated by God´s Spirit (Acts 2:38) Then that being, is able to “sense” God, and translate what he senses into a philosophical system. There is no proof of this, other then, you being convinced that I am speaking the truth, after this long process of providing you with all the information that I have provided to you earlier, to establish your trust, that what I am able to observe is not a fantasy, but an actual observation with a gift that I received from God after continual obedience to executing His agenda upon this Planet with my Free will. The Observation:


The heart of God, is a very powerful living organism that cannot be entered by material beings. The invisible Angels, from the Spiritual Realm, appear to be sent from that realm. There is no free will, inside of that realm. Only angels that perfectly obey the will of God, appear to appear from that realm into the realm that I am able, by gift of Extrasensory to sense their presence and influence, the “predictable side” of the Spiritual Realm. The only un-predictable organism inside of the spiritual realm, is what appears to be “the heart of God”. Three layers of reality: Material frame. Spiritual frame and inside the Spiritual frame, if you have been initiated into the spiritual frame by God himself, you can sense a center-point, where God´s heart is. If you are initiated by any other means into the spiritual realm then by what is written in (Acts 2:38, Romans 10:13) then you will never be able to discover the location of God´s heart inside of the Spiritual realm. Angels from that realm, can be sent by God, for the purpose of achieving the personal will of God, to deliver a “spirit of 3

Love” inside the spiritual realm, into the heart of man or woman. Spirit that attaches to a heart, pointing at someone else, whereby someone falls in love with the person who God wants Him or Her to fall in love with, which by laws of natural attraction would not have happened. The ancient Greeks called this “spirit”, Cupido. A spirit that overpowers the power of reasoning, to accomplish the will of God, above the will of man. God has a whole variety of spirits, that he can let loose upon the heart of a man or a woman, both good spirits and bad spirits. However none of these spirits violate the “free will of Man”, as one has to “act” upon the “desire” that is created by God by sending a spirit who pushes it into a direction it wants to go: Listening to your heart. Someones heart can be property of God, without that person being aware of it, otherwise then that person is aware that God sends “good” or “bad” spirits that speak with that person´s heart, to lead that person into His or Her Destiny This is concept of predestination. 4

God wont violate that person's free will. That person must by free will choose to follow the “good” spirits and refuse to hearken to the “bad” spirits. The person under predestination still has access to the gift of free will, and is philosophically able to miss that which he or she is predestined for, if that person has a greater affinity for “evil” then affinity for “good”. Only that way the one can miss his or her destiny. Predestined individuals have unusual attention from familiar spirits who ofcourse will attempt to snare that person with “gifts” and “positions” inside of their system to avoid the destiny that the one who is controlled by his or her heart is going to walk into when refused. In an attempt to avoid it from coming to pass. The Entire Spiritual realm is aware of your destiny if you are predestined, as inside of the spiritual realm there is no such thing as the concept of time, only “purpose” which unfolds itself. The Entire Spiritual realm can see the “purpose”, once God commands it.


Once a predestined person becomes aware of the predestination, God will still not violate that person´s free will. Within the realm of Free will, God can only “manipulate the heart” by sending spirits, to lead a person into a situation, where that person may choose between options: “Free Will”. To go into the next level of Predestination, one must enter into “covenant” with God, only then God becomes able to violate “Free will”, and literally attach “spirits” to your soul, which you then continually carry around in your body. A soul must use his or her free will, to allow a spirit, by covenant, to attach itself to that soul, thus, allowing that spirit to not just control the heart, which already was property of God, but then also the mind becomes property of God, whereby wrong choices are avoided by a superior intelligence, which is attached to the soul, accessible to the human mind. To get this kind of “attachment” to your mind, you need a “perfect account with God”


Not one familiar spirit, nor any curse may be upon you to attain that state of being. To achieve a perfect account with God, one must accept the blood sacrifice of Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, one perfect God who came in the flesh, who committed no transgressions, payed the price of a man´s mis-takes, his errors, on the cross. Taking the penalty for your errors, so that God does not have to punish you for all your deeds, Jesus already took the punishment! A Legal Matter! Once you accept the covenant, a free gift, that Jesus forgives your sins, then your body and soul are ready to be attached by the antenna that can receive messages from God in the realm of the mind! All humans have a body. Inside of that body is a soul. Once you scream to that soul, that soul makes the body experience feelings, depending upon what the nature of your soul is, that will be your response, passive, defensive or aggressive. Jesus said: If you have no access to the Spirit, you won't enter Heaven (John 3:5). It is not about the inside of the realm of your soul, it being "good or bad"


according to your own standard of perception. I am passive and not aggressive, so I am "good", it's not about that. If God wants you, He will send Angels to the realm of your soul, that will manipulate your Heart on the spirit-frame, into situations where you must choose between good or bad. He won't attach a spirit to your soul without you using your free will to be "ATTACHABLE" If you want to enter Heaven in the afterlife, you need an antenna pointed at the spirit of God. Jesus was clear: NO ANTENNA, NO ENTRANCE. Once you receive access to Spirit of God, you can receive the messages what God wants from you inside the realm of your mind. If you act "good" by the standard of your soul, you will never know what you could have done, if you acted by the standard communicated to you by God through giving you access to tap into the “wavelength� of his Spirit. 8

Your soul is predictable, by the philosophy of Human Nature, the Spirit is not predictable by those measurements, as it comes from God and can lead you into things you soul cannot lead you into as it is bound by pre-programmed limitations. Once your body is capable of receiving information from the SPIRIT OF GOD, or even better, you carrying the Spirit of God, attached to your own spirit, then you can make sophisticated actions as "normal" person. How you can get an ANTENNA with GOD is you opening up your Word of God, your Holy Bible and read the instructions of how to obtain it in "Acts 2:38". If that's too complicated for your soul to command to your body do, then try Romans 10:13: Whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved! Predestined individuals, chosen by God, because of their hearts, are always “guided” by God through the spiritual realm, by sending “invisible angels” who manipulate the heart into a certain course. People who experience the purpose of predestination are not equal to ordinary civilians in the eyes of God, if such people commit crimes which normal civilians are 9

easily sentenced for, God will send angels to that person to lead that person away from the wrath of the civilians, who understand not God´s purpose, neither respect it: Self-oriented-righteousness. If predestined individuals commit sin, God deals with that person Himself by allowing “evil” spirits to trick the heart of that person, whereby that person is led into painful, shameful or even destructive situations, depending upon the level of: Judgment of God. Let´s return to the heart of God: The heart of God doesn´t allow Himself to be read by anything of our realm, communication from the heart of God is always a one way communication. You as created being cannot manipulate the heart of God, by projecting something upon it. It is protected. The heart of God can express itself by sending Spirits to your heart or spirit like: The Spirit of Conviction. The Spirit of Love. The Spirit of Grace. The Spirit of Truth. The Spirit of Discernment. The Spirit of Truth, is a direct connection to an explanatory intelligence 10

who provides a human being with the correct counsel for the situation the being finds himself in. The Spirit of Grace, is a spirit that moves a human being to never lower people by executing “final” judgment that leads to discontinuation of individuality: Death, but always attempts to use it´s authority to rise other beings to a higher level of civilized behavior, forcefully. The Spirit of Conviction shuts down a human being´s sense of pride whereby it admits it´s wrong and humbles him or herself before the person who is wronged by the actions committed. The Spirit of Discernment allows a human to see the will of God happening throughout actions that people commit inside of creation, the plan of God, who slowly unfolds itself through people sent into someone´s life to move that person deeper into his or her destiny, and thus, by that ability, identified the will of God and is then able to act upon it. The Spirit of Love manipulates the spirit of reason, attempting to make you spend time with a person who can never pay you back for your time and attention. God´s heart won´t allow Himself to be read, but His heart can express itself by 11

allowing parts of His Heart´s personalty traits to be given to you, and then you can read it. God has a Mind too, that Mind allows Himself to be read by the person who has the gift of Extrasensory. The heart of God, is manifested in our reality, by the speaking of Tongues. An Irrational Language. Someone who can speak in tongues, or can sense the spirit that makes people “speak in tongues”, is connected to the heart of God. God accounts such persons worthy of being around with. Listening to the mind of God, is comparable to listening to a great tree. If trees could speak, and explain how they can get 500 years old, That´s what it would sound like. “I have survived the longest”, “I am the wisest”, “I oversee everything”, “You cant see me, but I can see you”, “You don´t understand yet, but I do”. Sensing the mind of God is not a frightening experience as it appears to be very friendly, and through the tone of his voice, the voice of his mind, you can sense that that being is not out there to hurt you. 12

Just like a tree, it wont ever hurt you. However, the heart of God, sensing it, can surely be a very frightening experience as, it cannot be read, and acts unpredictable. It is impossible to sense what it wants to do, or comes to do, until it sends a spirit to your soul, which then attaches to your spirit and thus you becoming able to sense what it desires of you. Through the Word of God, we know that God is slow to anger, long-suffering, (2 Peter 3:9) the nature of God. If you do not know these things, and sense the heart of God, that would be the most frightening experience of your life as the most philosophically sound way I can describe what I have sensed is the following:


A being, with a center-point of gravity, and on it´s outer layer, which is the only layer which is “visible” to the Grand Maester with the gift of Extra Sensory, are attached, what I would describe as a million of black “pack-mans”, trying to escape the gravity of it´s core, in all directions, however only the core can decide the location, the actual outer layer, does not move the being. These “Pack-mans” make the sound, that the Christian with gift of “speaking in tongues” is expressing. I cannot express that form of communication with Logical Reason, as it´s language is multidimensional, irrational, as it sounds. Once the heart of God is in the near of someone with the gift of Speaking in tongues, that´s how He shows His heart to be Present among His people, as WHO has the gift of Extrasensory? The easiest way is by giving the gift of Speaking in Tongues. Once the speaking of tongues is done, it means: MY HEART, THE CENTERPOINT OF THE COMMANDCENTER OF THE UNVERSE IS HERE! 1 Corinthians 14:22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe but to them that believe not. 14

Within the body of persons who are property of Christ, there are also spirits who imitate this “speaking in tongues”, “faketongues”, however that´s another subject, speaking in tongues is presented here as evidence to understand the Heart of God. Imagine you sit there, and suddenly a body of spiritual matter, with a million black pack-mans on it´s skin shows up in your living room and you cannot sense what it wants from you, until it opens communication with you. It truly is frightening however, you have nothing to fear, as, the Heart of God, does not come to you to harm you.

Would you expose your heart to your enemy? Are the words that the mind of God is making me sense, right now, as God is always... Alive right? You can still “sense”


him with the right “antenna”, I already showed you how to obtain it, right? Let me give you are reminder out of courtesy: How you can get an ANTENNA with GOD is you opening up your Word of God, your Holy Bible and read the instructions of how to obtain it in "Acts 2:38". If that's too complicated for your soul to command to your body do, then try Romans 10:13: Whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved! Because you predictably have taken the easy way and just called upon the name of Jesus Christ instead of looking it up yourself what the scripture says, I will do the work for you: Acts 2:38 Repent of your sins, and then be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and then you shall receive the Spirit of God. The one who has looked up what that scripture said by his or her own desire, can resist the evil realm the strongest: great potential. People who have “imaginary friends” or “things that speak to him or her”, those people are tapping into the spiritual realm and are talking to familiar spirits, who 16

imitate dead relatives, or however, or whatever, convinces the body to obey it´s will. Don´t leave such people in peace with their “spirit guides”, you must act like a parental authority and lead such people to a Christian Minister, preferably a Exorcist. The Spiritual Realm can only be accessed safely, thought the Antenna, instituted by God: His Holy Spirit. Angels and Demons who influence people´s heart, cannot be removed from them, Spirits who attach to their Spirit, can be removed. If there is no access in your area to a Christian Minister, then pray to God directly and say: Please Jesus, this soul is bothered by the spiritual realm, will you please close down this person´s connection to that realm if it is hurtful towards the soul, or bring your presence upon that soul, so that the familiar spirit has to go. Amen. When the heart of God is in your near, you cannot ignore it. The Mind of God can be compared to the electromagnetic field of the earth:


Once you have the antenna, moving in the realm of the mind of God, is like being able to sense the magnetic field, pulsating, sensing the mind. Just like you have a voice inside of your head, who can think, God has that too. With the Antenna you can hear those thoughts, if God gives you the Gift of Extrasensory, you can hear those thoughts all the days of your life. The heart of God, is like the core of the earth, very busy, appearing to be very chaotic, ultra complex communication, processing high intensity communication like a processing chip, and it is connected to everyone taking care of everything, the entire unit, like a father, operating room, operating system, and being God doesnt appear to be boring as everyone talks to him, 18

a cloud of a quadrillion thoughts, not gentle like when one is sensing the mind of God, who is always at peace, ultrasophisticated, which you can sense. “The interpretation of Peace that you can find in the Mind of God is always: Don´t worry, I got it all covered”.

The unanswerable question: If God is eternal, who created God and Where does God reside, and who created where God resides? Answered by the Spirit of Grace, Truth and Justice, which are attached to the soul of:

Defender of the Faith Grand Maester of Philosophy & the Spiritual Realm

Patrick Pereira Theology says that God never was born and never will die: eternal, always was there, always will be there. Translating this concept to your mind, is a proof that I have pulled out the “sword of Excalibur” which makes a man rightful sovereign over the English, as BRUTE or TACTIC force is not enough, 19

according to English folklore to detach the sword of sovereignty out of the rock, only god could give such authorization for a man to do that. The heart of God, can enter a man, and then the spirit of that man becomes as multidimensional as the heart of God, such man can get access to every corner of thought, inside of the universe. This happened to King David of Israel, which said to Prophet Samuel that he had JOURNEYS IN THE SPIRIT, the same JOURNEYS IN THE SPIRIT Solomon his son had while he wrote the book of proverbs. Surfing on the frame of the spirit of truth, and using his philosophical talents to translate wisdom into words. Prince James also had access to the heart of God, He ordered the translation of the King James Version of the Holy Scripture. This is proof of that God chose the English, and gave His heart to their Prince, who then was able to act as:

Defender of the Faith The English can only be ruled by someone chosen by God, as their system, their philosophy is:


Go to church, be good, don´t go to far. A system of Grace that started at Prince James of England. Once such system is abused, it develops into: Do as you feel like. And then a

Defender of the Faith Shows up, to assure, that the system of Grace is not discontinued, by all those who abuse grace, and adapt to the philosophy: Do as you feel like. THE UNREASONABLE LEVEL OF FAVOR FROM GOD, ALLOWS A HUMAN BEING TO LIVE THAT WAY, A VERY LONG TIME. However, also King Solomon´s Kingdom was taken from him, after he committed Idolatry, as God gave Solomon the entire earth and access to it, and Solomon had so little self control that he had 700 wives and could not even value one of them. Also while pondering upon the depths of the spirit of truth, he encountered a familiar spirit that told him that “It´s just one idol, you are King, if you make a covenant with us, we will give you access to that 1 layer of information that your God 21

doesn't want you to have access too, and thus offending God is such an extreme way, that He lost everything. Solomon was no longer able to be reasoned with, as the children of the English are also not able to be reasoned with. 1611 King James Bible Introduction: To the most high and mighty Prince, James by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, & The translators of The Bible, wish Grace, Mercy, and Peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. INTERPRETATION: THE MOST POWERFUL SOVEREIGN ON EARTH, BY GRACE OF GOD, RULING THE TERRITORY THAT WAS APPOINTED TO HIM, DEFENDING THE FAITH, TRANSLATING OF THE WORDS OF GOD INTO LANGUAGE OF THE TERRITORY, BY ACT OF GOD. ENGLAND REPLACED THE FUNCTION OF THE ISRAELI, FOR A SEASON. 400 years after Prince James, after the sovereigns of Britain left the Heart of God, god remembered his covenant with James, and allowed the English descendants to flee to America, and thus the Secularized “Do as you please” system developed out of


the ancient English philosophy of Grace that was like: Go to church, be Good, don´t go to far. This is where the folklore of Excalibur is based upon, the one who defends the system of grace, can only be chosen by the one who instituted that Grace: GOD. the ancient English philosophy of Grace that was like: Go to church, be Good, don´t go to far. BUT IT ISNT THE TRUTH, THIS SYSTEM KEEPS ON WORKING UNTILL THE TRUTH SHOWS UP: THE KINGDOM OF GOD, THE PERFECT SYSTEM! when you loose connection with God, the system of Grace can entertain you all the days of your life, deceiving you into thinking you are doing just fine, but deep from within you can be attached with evil spirits and a cold soul, BECAUSE YOUR ANCESTERS HAVE DONE SO MANY THINGS, LIKE MAKING A KJV BIBLE THAT A MAN LIKE ME CAN READ, AS I CANT READ HEBREW NEIGHTER GREEK. THIS IS WHY I CANNOT IGNORE YOU ENGLISH PEOPLE, JUST LIKE THE WORLD CANNOT INGNORE THE JEWS AS THEY BROUGHT THE MESSIAH


To demonstrate to you that I have accomplished that which the one who pulled the sword out of the rock has accomplished, is by answering the unanswerable question.

I was not after any crown, i respected all laws to the best of my ability and integrity, that´s how you pull the sword out of the rock: YOU WANT TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR ALL. and RESPECT ALL PEOPLES and their RANKINGS and resist not their DESTINY, and ALLOW THEM TO LIVE IT OUT as: All you do is defend the faith. If God is eternal, who created God and Where does God reside, and who created where God resides? God is eternal, who created the Universe, the “Entire Wavelength” as 24

described in the two Graduation Papers of Grand Maestership. That “Entire Wavelength” cannot contain the entire creator, as it is created by it. So the reasonable conclusion is then, that God is outside of our Universe. If God is outside of our Universe, then who made that realm, which God resides in? Do you see the philosophical impossibility? It´s not an impossibility to the one who pulled out the sword: God resides in the “ETERNAL BLACKNESS” with no form and no borders. And there he “supports” an operating system: the Universe. It is like you watching into the reality of your computer system. The screen of the system, is the layer of reality which all the beings are forced to be in, the rest of eternity, unless, the one who supports that system, is discontinued, and that´s impossible as God cannot have an end, otherwise the system would not be stable. One laptop, reflecting two worlds: The world of matter and of spirit. The world of matter is locked in the world of the screen, and in the world 25

spirit, which is locked in the hardware that supports the beings on the screen, and God being the one who controls the computersystem; Universal Laws, programming. Outside of the two frames of the laptop, the screen and the system, is eternal blackness, as space and time are a programming of the universe, outside of it, outside the system it´s void, nothing, no limitation. God resides in it, without limitation, as there is NOTHING there, no borders, no time, NOTHING. NOTHING (LIMITLESSNESS) CONTAINS GOD. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOCATION IN THE REALM OF GOD, AS THAT IS A QUALITY OF MATTER. The system, the universe, is the only created thing. Outside of creation what is there? Nothing! GOD IS SPIRIT! NO LIMIT, INTO ALL DIRECTIONS, ETERNALLY. AND WITHIN THE REALM OF HIS SPIRIT HE CAN “PROGRAM”, WHICH IS CREATED BY CAPACITY OF HIS MIND: WHICH IS THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROGRAMMING. CREATION IS INSIDE OF HIS MIND, HIS CREATIVE IMAGINATION. 26

HE CAN THINK THINGS UP, WHATEVER HE WANTS, AND IT COMES INTO MANIFESTATION, WITHIN THE BORDERS OF THE LAWS HE CREATED INSIDE OF THAT SYSTEM. WE ARE PROJECTIONS IN GODS MIND, WHICH HE CAN OBSERVE. AND WE ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE. SO WE HAVE POWER OF CREATIVITY, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THIS UNIVERSE, THE PROJECTION THAT GOD GAVE US, TO EXPERIENCE. We don't have access to the realm of unlimited possibilities of projections, like God has access to. He must make a universe, and design its law, and then the beings can be. As I said, I have pulled the sword. God of Creation bless you in the name of His only Begotten son, that the system of Grace, identified as Jesus Christ. Amen. Addition: “Angels” are additions to the soul, so that the body can emulate the aspects of God, depending upon what amount God releases upon the being: Creative. BLESSED. “Demons” are additions to the soul that the body can emulate aspects of Satan: Destructive. ACCURSED.


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