Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm (Graduation Paper)

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Grand Maester Of the Spiritual Realm __________ (Graduation Paper)

Written by Grand Maester of Spiritual Realm & Philosophy Patrick Pereira

10 October 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Thesis I: The Ancestral spirits of “the family bloodline”. A familiar spirit gets access to a family bloodline when it goes into covenant with a “deity”, and all the children of the person who went into covenant with the “deity”, unvoluntarily open themselves for a concept that is best defined as “A Spirit sent or allowed to be sent by God, because of the ancestral account of the family bloodline.

Once the prayer is made to a “deity”, the human being thus revoked his free will to not be violated by the “Spiritual Realm”, He or she Requests for the “Familiar Spirit” to be sent by the Deity.


Other ways of opening the “door” for “The Realm of the Spirit” to start communicating with you is by: 1. Taking Drugs like Marijuana, Psychedelics, etc. 2. Participating in Transcendental Meditation, or other Yoga-related practices. Including Martial arts that origin from the Asian system of philosophy. 3. Bringing Idols (statues) in your dwelling place. 4. Having sexual intercourse with a “priest of deity”, know as “initiation”. 5. Witchcraft, Voodoo, Tarot, etc. 6. Praying to a “Deity” or “dead ancestor” Once you do any of these actions, there is no way back as then your soul becomes capable of “sensing into the Spiritual Realm” thus, becoming visible to the entities inside of that realm that suddenly notice that you have noticed them. This can be compared to a fish, that you are screaming at, and it registers not your screaming. Once you figure out one of them can hear you screaming, you´ll try to move that fish to do what you want it to do, by dosing your screaming, as it can register your communication. Once the spiritual entity knows you can sense him, or hear him, the entity won´t ever leave you alone. In the Graduation Paper of Philosophy, I warned the people of God, to not participate in any practice that allows a familiar spirit to enter the family bloodline, as once the door is opened, the door will stay opened, as you can “sense” them, once you know in which realm they reside, you no longer can ignore them and act like they don´t exist. 3

The one who ambitions to become Grand Maester of Philosophy, must, be extremely disciplined, to not be deceived, by a familiar spirit. Once a Familiar Spirit enters the family bloodline, like how the Disney movie of Mulan portrayed, a girl might be lost, and then a “spiritual guide” brings her to the discipline whereby she is of use to the system she is subject to: “Blessed by Deity of System”. Once the familiar Spirit may enter the family bloodline, you give over your DNA, to be used for their cause, the cause of the familiar spirit, so that the chief familiar spirit ´s long term-plan can be accomplished successfully, in exchange for a position and that position to be continued down the family bloodline, as you can see in the Disney movie of Mulan. A spiritual guide, a familiar spirit, will be sent, to keep the family line in tact, by the deity.

The Familiar spirit, is sent to keep the family bloodline intact for the purpose of the familiar spirit, which is continuation of its grip upon the society, so the familiar spirit might even discipline the “naive initiate” whereby on the first 4

sight, it appears to be a “good spirit” to the “naive initiate”. However, all the familiar spirit does, is making soldiers for the system, their assistance is not driven by the force of love, but by the force of preservation of ancestral system, throughout all the generations. Once a “familiar spirit” senses the response that the emotion of fear has upon the soul of man when it is present within the parameter of your body, it knows that you are initiated into the spiritual realm, and it won´t stop bothering you until you hearken to it´s will, unless you find a way to undo the “contract” that was made at the initiation, which I will address later in this Graduation Paper. Thesis II: The Structure of the Spiritual Realm. The realm of the Spirit is invisible to human eyes and does not consist out of matter, matter which in its core is a wavelength as discovered by scientists, quantum mechanics, a pulsating core, that is experienced by the faculties of the human body as matter. Matter is at its core a repetition of units of information: A wavelength. That can be observed by organs like the eyes, if the wavelength is at the frequency that the eyes can process and translate to the brain as “seeing”. “Seeing” is a tiny part of the “Entire Wavelength” that is created by the Being who has created the “Entire Wavelength” which is called: The Uni-Verse. All Matter created by “One Spoken Sentence from God”. Human eyes, cannot sense “the entire wavelength”. 5

Radio frequency, cannot tap into it, WiFi Internet cannot tap into it, and no other being then God can tap into “All Wavelengths” inside of this “Universe”. Only your soul can tap into that entire wavelength, connected to it´s creator, who by this connection keeps your breath and heartbeat going all the days of your life. Tapping into the realm where the spirits reside, is like going into another dimension, and in that dimension, there are beings who can observe us, the one being who can do this the best is GOD. God can observe the “Entire Wavelength”, continually, on all levels, also on the level of “Human Eyes”; which observes matter. Humans without being initiated into the Spiritual Realm, cannot observe the part of the wavelength where God resides. Humans cannot observe any other realm then the realm where God programmed us in our DNA to observe, which is a partial observation of the “Entire Wavelength”. The Spiritual Realm, where the Angels and the Demons reside, which are known to Philosophical system of the Japanese as “Spirit Guides”, and have identified them as “familiar spirits”, “ancestral spirits”, and terminology as such. Whatever you call it, that´s where it resides, however it resides on another “layer” of the “entire wavelength”, that is not perceivable by the un-initiated human being. Two different realms, side by side, frame above frame within the same “Entire Wavelength”.


To give you an idea of how God sees us, is by putting on sunglasses, and imagining yourself to be God, and the two glasses to be the universe, which has two realms, two layers: The Spiritual Realm, and the Realm of Matter. God can see all realms, and is not part of what he created. Almost all beings inside of both frames of the “Entire Wavelenght” must bend to the will of God, as only the human beings have “the gift of free will” inside of the “Entire Wavelenght” that is property of God Almighty. However the Human Being´s free will is limited to the purpose of season the human resides in, in the end, also the Human Being must choose between what is presented before him as “good” or as “evil”. Proverbs 16:9 A man´s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.


No other living organism, has received this gift from God, also not the superior and immortal beings that reside in the Spiritual realm: They are bound to execute the personal agenda of either God, or the being who leads the rebellion against God: Satan.

Once the beings which reside on one frame, the Spiritual Frame, identify that you, on the Frame of Matter, can “sense” them, you have all attention upon you. As all those beings on that realm, will try to get their plan across on our “frame” which consist of matter where you and I can reside in freely, with a body.

Spirits have no “matter-body”, they have a “spirit body”. 8

Both Angels and Demons, are fighting for control over this realm, and they need you, to execute their agenda, and both the Angel and the Demon can empower you to execute it´s agenda upon this Planet. Without us they have no influence over this realm, as us as mankind have been given the authority to rule it by our free will. Genesis 1:27 And God said, Let us make man in our imagine, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bird of the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Thesis III: The “Chief Counselor Spirit” sent by God to maintain “the Godly-family bloodline”. The exactly opposite of a “familiar spirit” is an “antifamiliar spirit”. Someone who has the “Chief Counselor Spirit” will get access to a Family´s bloodline, when that family goes in covenant with “the God of Creation”, once a family goes into covenant with the God of Creation through Water Baptism in Jesus name after repenting of theirs sins (Acts 2:38), the bloodline of that family becomes used for the purpose of “The 9

God of Creation”, and all the children of the person who went into covenant with “The God of Creation”, un-voluntarily open themselves up for a Spirit sent by God, somewhere in the course of their lives, because of the ancestral account that the family-bloodline has with “the God of Creation”. A Spirit, sent by God, invisible, or in a body, who will guide those in that bloodline to attain the level that the one who started the bloodline attained, the forefather, to keep the family honor intact, as a “Blessing from the Heavens”, as the Forefather of the Family Bloodline has made a covenant with “the God of Creation”. Once you, inside that family-bloodline, as a young and undisciplined person are in trouble, someone with the “Chief Counselor Spirit” will bring you to the level of your ancestors by FORCE!

The exact opposite of what happens in the Disney cartoon of Mulan, she is led by an spiritual entity, a little devil, with access to a sophisticated spirit. The one who is from a bloodline who is in covenant with God, can expect, sooner or later, a little angel with access 10

to a sophisticated spirit, to make you fully capable of doing what you have been “given over by your ancestors” to do. Which is serving the agenda of the God of Heaven. As a blessing, to keep the family honor intact. If such youngster get´s lost, a spiritual Chief Counselor, who is send by the side of “the God of Creation”, will come to the rescue, when requested by Prayer to Jesus Christ or by Family-bloodline continuation, managed by God Himself. Thesis IV: Unprecedented Sophistication of Spirit. Both the Familiar Spirit as the Anti-Familiar Spirit that is described in this Graduation Paper as the Chief Counselor Spirit, Can see right through your being. They are not bound by “your” system of thought. They can see through your soul, your heart´s desires, and are perfectly able, to use that as a motivation to discipline you, righteously so. Both types of spirits which found a way to manifest themselves in the realm of man-kind are connected to the realm where the Spirits reside, and are able of the gift of: EXTRASENSORY THE FAMILAIR SPIRIT IS UNABLE TO READ THE SPIRIT OF GOD. THATS ITS ONLY LIMITATION, AS THE FAMILAIR SPIRIT IS NOT MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD. THE HUMAN BEING IS. THE HUMAN BEING WITH THE CHIEF COUNSELOR SPIRIT IS SO SOPHISTICATED THAT IT CAN SENSE THE THOUGHTS OF THE CREATOR, AS THE COMMUNICATION 11

OF THE CREATOR IS THROUGHT THE ENTIRE WAVELENGTH. Genesis 1:27 And God said, Let us make man in our imagine, after our likeness: The man who has access to a sophisticated familiar spirit is in potential able to “sense” all beings, including all spirits, except for the Spirit of God. The man who has access to a sophisticated Chief Counselor spirit is not limited by this limitation. That man, who is Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, which is the title of a man who has the Gift of Extrasensory, can literally “sense” the will of God, without God communicating it with him. The Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, his spirit is so sophisticated that once it interacts with God´s spirit, the will of God is observed as easily as a man observes a painting. It is then up to the sophistication of his philosophy, to translate the content of what he observes into language. As Grand Maester of Philosophy, I have just done that to the realm of the Spirit. Thesis V: The conclusion. A sophisticated familiar spirit, attached to a man, can sense the beings in front of him, and his mind makes a complex analysis. This is why you as a normal man without the gift of extrasensory, cannot fool such a spirit who is allowed to discipline you, as part of the contract your ancestors made to the “Spiritual Realm”.


The familiar spirit received full authorization to do this, thus making such a man UNDEFEATABLE as your forefathers have signed the spiritual contract. The man who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit from God, has a similar style of contract with those familybloodlines who are under covenant with the God of Creation. A Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm can be considered as a “2nd Degree Prophet of God”. A regular Prophet of God (Ephesians 4:11-13), has the Gift of Spiritual Discernment, that Prophet can see God building up a “season”, and God sending people to lead him into the season where God wants to move him into: God using Creation to get His will done, visible to the Prophet with the Gift of Spiritual Discernment. That prophet can also hear the voice of God, once God chooses to “Enter a combination of Words” into the Prophet his “Spirit”. The Second Degree of Prophet of God, is not bound by those two rules, He can literally sense God´s mind, without God having to “Force a translation of his Spirit to something capable for the soul of a Prophet to be understood” This is why Prophets, when they speak, speak so forcefully, as God literally drops the words in their souls, whereby it HAS to be spoken, NOW. This kind of Prophetic communication, offends the pride of the receiver of the prophecy, as such communication respects not any “rule” of “human system”. God will then Protect that Prophet from the Consequences of that. A second degree prophet can translate the mind of God without violating the pride of the people. 13

Thesis VI: The Purpose The Authorization of the Grand Maester is for the sake of the ancestors who have served the God of Creation. How is God of Creation going to explain to His Loyal and Faithful Servants, that their Grand Grand Grand daughter is not in His Kingdom. Do you think that God will reason with His servants like this: My Faithful Servants, because your grand grand grand daughter was addicted to sex, got enslaved by those who have Familiar Spirits, well, I lost her, now she´s in the Fires of Hell (Revelation 20:14-15). I'm sorry, I couldn´t do anything, Satan defeated me! … It´s not going to happen, once those in a familybloodline under covenant with God abuse their free will, God transfers it to a authorized Grand Maester who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit, who then Disciplines, and moves the person back into honorable tradition of the forefathers, who went into covenant with the God of Heaven. They have an name to live up to and they must enter their purpose, their destiny, when their free will doesn´t lead them there, the man who has access to the Chief Counselor Spirit will show up eventually and reason the following way: The Whale Speaks with the Monkey I come to teach you civilization in peace and the monkeys are trowing nuts at me and tell me: WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR NUTS!!! And the whale replies:


There is more to life then eating nuts, what about responsible care taking of children and surrounding, you are no longer doing things that blesses your descendants! And the monkey replies: but the NUT is so NICE! Thesis VII: The Secret of Success of Japanese system of Philosophy The Japanese Maesters have reasoned the following way: Which of the souls is in most harmony with entire creation? As everything is intelligence, everything can be explained. If creation is in perfect balance, there is a perfect formula. They identified the whale to be the most sophisticated soul, without a free will. They have observed the soul of the whale, and reasoned: If we imitate the whale, it´s most sophisticated soul, and adapt our ways, to that of the whale, then we are able to emulate the sophisticated “pre-programmed” soul, then that which “pre-programmed” it, will surely accept us in the afterlife, as that being must come to the conclusion that we have done all reasonable, to be as righteous, as we possibly can, by the means that we have had access to. Civilized behavior, attempting to not offend the “Entire Wavelenght” according to the standard of observation of highest pre-programed soul by that same “entire wavelenght” and thus attempting to imitating it, 15

to avoid the “Wavelenght” to judge them as beings, unfavorably. If you imitate the soul of a whale, according to Japanese system of Philosophy, that´s how you can be good enough to not be judged unfavorable in the “afterlife”. The Philosophical reasoning: Behave like the highest SOUL (the Whale) and then "creator" must be happy, as he created that soul. If you compare that to the philosopher of the Greek system of Philosophy founded by Socrates, who set the standard of the Western system of Philosophy, which is: My soul and spirit is not made out of matter, so it can´t die, it will live forever, in the afterlife, try to become as civilized as you can, to show that you are worthy to your creator. This is how deep Socrates was able to go, the Japanese System of Philosophy is more sophisticated then that: Let´s find out which soul is pre-programmed the highest and attempt to perfectly the way it conducts itself towards its fellow members and enviroment, then our creator will be proud of us. Thesis VIII: The Secret of Grand Maester of Philosophy and the Spiritual Realm, Patrick Pereira. In the graduation paper of Philosophy, any spirit that is capable of reasoning will be able to recognize that I am able to reason by all thee systems of philosophy. There is one element that the Japanese System of Philosophy is not aware of, and has not taken into consideration 16

as none of their Philosophical Maesters, can “sense” the Spirit of God. Once the Spirit of God, visits a Grand Maester of the Spiritual Realm, the “Creator”, appears to be “chaotic” according to the being who is bound by rules of the “Entire Wavelength” This unpredictable nature, transcends this creation. This Spirit appears to be able to move in every possible direction, and all directions at the same time, and is unable to be imitated by the means of reason. The Language complexity of this Spirit, cannot be expressed by reason. This spirit cannot be drawn upon one “one frame”, so I cannot “Reason” it. As it cannot be expressed by the laws of nature, which is: ALL can be reasoned, as ALL is programmed intelligence. When someone has the gift of Speaking in Tongues (1 Corinthians 14:2), which is the gift whereby the irrational language of this Spirit can be uttered by the mouth of a human being. This spirit, cannot be translated, by the means of Philosophy, it is unpredictable, interpretation: God is not bound by the laws of this Universe. Philosophically, His Multidimensional communication power, can create Universes at the disposal of His will. As Apostle John saw: I saw a new heaven and a new earth. (Revelation 21:1). Speaking in tongues (Mark 16:17), is the philosophical proof, that God exists, as you cannot reason that form of communication away, as the “tongues-vibration” shows, that the “Spirit of God” is not bound by this Universal System of


Philosophy that all Intelligence can be explained by the laws of Reason: Interpretation: The Creator is a Being, not a System.


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