How to Deal with the Catholics (Counsel for Sovereign Rulers) by Meister Patrick

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How to deal with the Catholics (Counsel for Sovereign Rulers) __________ Strategy

Given by Meister Patrick 20 September 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Hearken to my words, if you want to understand why the Catholic church has grown to these massive proportions. This publication is similar to the letter “Hebrews” from the Word of God, a letter written by an Apostle directed to the Jews in Israel, as this publication is both a Strategy for Sovereigns and a Religious Epistle to the Catholics. The following is a true account of a conversation between Meister Patrick and an instituted Catholic Representative: Meister Patrick: Lets converse about Mary your “coredeemer” then, I'll explain it to you, keep an open eye and ear and don't defend your stance before you draw conclusions. Catholic Representative: OK, I'm keen to listen. Meister Patrick: A man is a sinner, all men have come short on the glory of God, is what the Word of God says: Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; All of us made errors in our pasts, it´s our sinful nature, in the sinful state of our own nature without us being led by the spirit of God, God is obligated to judge us, as we can do nothing that truly pleases the Almighty. Romans 8:14 Those led by the spirit of God, are the sons of God. Galatians 5:18 If you are led by the Spirit of God you are not bound by the law of Moses. If God doesn't judge us in our sinful state, he is not righteous and perfect, if he let´s unrighteousness and evil go “unchecked”. A Perfect being doesn't let injustice go “unchecked”. This Perfect being that men identify as God Almighty, who loves us, has fixed the condition of man, without losing His state of perfection by sending his son Jesus, who lived a life 2

without committing a transgression against God Almighty´s will, and Jesus agreed on receiving a “full punishment” as a ransom to buy the sinner free from the Righteous Judgment of God Almighty. In simple words: When a sinful man stands before the Throne of God, receiving his Final Judgment after he died: Revelation 20:13 The dead where judged according to their works. Jesus has the legal right to say: This one is mine, I have payed for the sins of this being on the cross of Calvary. God Almighty, this person is my legal property. And God Almighty will agree, as Jesus was indeed Judged already, and thus paying the price for their souls, Jesus then becoming their legal owner. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 The body is the temple of the Spirit of God, which is in you, which you have received from God, and you are not your own, for you have been bought with a price, therefor glorify God in your Body and in your Spirit which are property of God. Catholic Representative, nothing else then this process can save a man from Hell-fire. Revelation 20:14-15 The dead and those in the grave where thrown into the Lake of Fire, except for those who´s name are written in God´s book; those with the Spirit of God. If you give glory to Mary, and elevate her even unto “coredeemer”, you are taking away glory from the one who deserves it and give it to someone who deserves it not. Catholic Representative: The priesthood does not accept Mary as Divine (co-redeemer), they venerate her. 3

Venerate; regard with great respect, revere. Meister Patrick: Mary holds no legal asset on Judgment day, nothing she can say will convince God to alter his Righteous Judgment upon anyone, as Mary is one of the created, just like me and you. The creator does not regard the judgment of that which He created, once a human being is presented before Him for Divine Judgment. We will all stand before the judgment seat of God. 2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must all appear before the Judgement seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. This includes also Mary, this is why she instructed everyone to do whatever Jesus said: John 2:5 (Jesus) His mother said unto the servants, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. John 19:26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, woman behold thy son! Matthew 12:48-50 But Jesus answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? And who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother. Jesus didn't seem to venerate his mother at all, it appears to me that Jesus made a mockery of putting any importance on humans, He positioned all the focus on doing the will of His Father.


Mary enters Heaven, because of Jesus His payment on the cross of Calvary, without Jesus His payment, also Mary was lost. Catholic Representative: Why did God pick Mary? Meister Patrick: Why did God pick me? I was a sinner! Catholic Representative: Mary conceived the center of the Universe. Meister Patrick: From all creatures, God chose me to do the work of God in the generation of the 21st century, I understand what you´re trying to say, however do you understand what I´m trying to say? The fact that someone is chosen by God, doesn´t mean that that person is “perfect”. Catholic Representative: I understand. Meister Patrick: Do you remember the story of the most efficient Apostle Paul, what was he doing before his conversion? He was murdering Christians! Those who are used by God the most are usually, let say, quite interesting characters. The way you as a Catholic feel now, is exactly how the Hebrews felt when the Apostle wrote his epistle of Hebrews to convert the Jews to their Messiah, going from religion to truth. Representative, help me understand something: If God sends a representative to you who tells you to repent from bowing down to statues, tells you those candles are useless and the purgatory doesn't exist and baby-baptism being invalid for salvation. What tackles you from hearkening to the truth? Focus, as strategist I am attempting to make a strategy, to succeed at my duty, which is restoring the Catholic church to God. 5

Catholic Representative: This is your way and not Gods way, God wants priests not reformers. Meister Patrick: In order to fulfill my assignment and accomplish my target, I must understand how Catholics can ignore and persecute those under the influence of the spirit of God so easily, as if they have no conscience. Something convinces you that you know it better then the spirit of God. At second thought, you have been defeated, I can see your strategy. You are attempting to convert me to Catholicism, you are not acting with a clean conscience towards me, neither does the truth of the Word of God affect you in any way. Catholic Representative: You focus on all the negatives of the church like a drug-addict focuses on the negatives of the government.... If you become a Catholic priest and pray continually for the spirit of God to intercede for you, and preach the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ... You will have the biggest castle in Heaven. Meister Patrick: A Prophet focuses on Sin! Ephesians 4:11-13 Jesus gives Prophets for the perfecting of the saints. Acts 11:27 In these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. (New-Testament Prophets) You are hiding and defending your sin, if you continue down this path, you are going to be defeated as the God of Heaven will judge you according to your sins! Catholic Representative: OK yeah, you got me. Meister Patrick: You had my trust! You used strategics against me with a hidden agenda! 6

Catholic Representative: Patrick, calm down please. You are too anxious you need to be more like a monk: Prayerful and considerate. Meister Patrick: Are you talking about fake prudence? Catholic Representative: You certainly are moving in the prophetic, although you can save more souls from hell through the Catholic church. Meister Patrick: I am not convinced, as the Catholic church is in hell, just like Pharisees during the time of Jesus. Catholic Representative: Well, now that's a statement and a half. Meister Patrick: On judgment day you'll understand it, on the outside your actions might appear right, but on the inside your heart it isn't right, you attempt to trick a Prophet into your sin. You appear nice from the outside, however are rotten on the inside, not born again! Heaven is so close to you, but it might as well be a million miles away. John 3:5,7 Except a man be born again by water baptism and received the spirit of God, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. Catholic Representative: The greatest sinners in Hell are those who followed Martin Luther (Protestants). Meister Patrick: If you think your Catholic traditions are more important then having integrity, you will surely keep yourself out of the Kingdom of God. However God can use all for the greater good. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.


Catholic Representative: The Catholic church is the greater good. Meister Patrick: I didn't mean it that way, I meant it in such a way that I´ll use this conversation to get all the “good sheep out of your buildings”, or did you really think you could act corruptly to a Meister without suffering defeat? The candles, the purgatory, the baby-baptism, the statues and graven images, the praying to dead men, it has to go! Only then your relationship with God Almighty will be restored. To the Catholics, the “Pope” is their Emperor, their strongman, the Catholics desire all of humanity to submit to their Emperor, chosen by what they are convinced is God Almighty, through their Papal system. Inside of the Catholic communities, unless the Spirit of God unhardened their hearts personally, there is zero interest in being converted to the truth. The Catholics come with only one purpose: Assimilating the local population to the Papal system. No matter how the Spirit of God manifests Himself through a warning messenger, they will send that warning messenger away, and persecute him by all means they deem necessary to re-institute their superiority, as their only desire is you to submit to their Emperor, not the Spirit of God. Their system is superior, your system is primitive: Don´t deal with the Catholics, neither make treaties with them, as they have but just one agenda: Assimilation. If you want to put this strategy to the test, and want to know if this information truly is divine inspired: Let them know you can see their hidden agenda, which is: Assimilation. 8

You submitting to the Papacy, their emperor and and their system of religion. The second you openly let them know you are not interested in submitting to them, but want to submit to the truth of the Word of God only, and actively advocate against submitting to the Papacy and their religious system, they will persecute you! Because then they identify that you have figured out their hidden agenda, which is invisible to the masses. Once they see you have seen through their assimilation strategy, they must rid themselves of you to avoid defeat, as what if you awaken too many people to the truth! Go see it for yourself in action, try preaching in front of a Catholic church: I wont be assimilated by the Catholic church, I stand for the truth, and you are all deceivers attempting to submit people to your master, your Papacy system. I wont submit, I don´t recognize the Papacy! If you utter speech like that, you´ll quickly figure out what I´m talking about. As they wont try to manipulate you no more as they see that their strategy has failed, they must continue to another strategy: Getting rid of the evidence and/or making the evidence appear not credible to avoid damage to their ambition, which is assimilating. They wont try to lie to you no more as they see you´re too smart to be lied to, so they must apply another method, a change of strategy. If they can execute their assimilation undetectable, they need to harm no-one, they do prefer peace above


war, however they wont fear methods of war once they believe they have the advantage. Once they are detected, you will force them to change strategy from peaceful to offensive actions and methods. If God´s people commit too much sin, God allows enemies to take over as a curse: Jeremiah 27:6 Now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, my servant, and the beasts of the field have I given him also to serve him. An instrument of Judgment! The people are free and sovereign, then they start to sin, and then God sends an Emperor; who ambitions assimilation. Their main agenda is to make a Kingdom within a Kingdom, and if possible; overthrow or submit the Sovereign to their papal system and their emperor and strongman: The “Pope”. That´s why the Pope´s of the past always went against Sovereigns and excommunicated them if they did not obey their command. The Pope´s of the past had true Sovereign power, the pope´s of today have ceremonial power, however inside of their hearts they always try to apply strategics to re-institute their old glory and dominion, which was making such a strong Catholic church, capable of putting down Sovereigns! They always attempt to re-institute the glory of the Catholic church, this is always the desire and target of the “Pope”. A “Pope” will never openly confess this, as the best agenda is the hidden agenda. 10

The Pope´s, inside of their hearts, they do not respect the following scripture: Daniel 2:21 God changeth the times and the seasons: He removes Kings and setteth up Kings. A Sovereign is always instituted by God, Prophets and the Religious, even the Meister, must accept this, and act in complete integrity towards those who are instituted by God, not attempting to over-trow them! Overthrowing them is the work of God as written in Daniel 2:21. When King Solomon, instituted as son of King David, started following false religions, the priests did not have the authority to excommunicated Solomon from the Throne. All the Church and priesthood is obligated to do is provoke the Sovereign to act to the best of his integrity and assist the Sovereign to rule righteously, not to overthrow him! Never trust a Catholic into positions of authority, when he says “I will help you” or “let´s work together”, it means: Let me assimilate you! Once you are assimilated into Catholicism, you will be denied access to Heaven, as the spirit of God is not welcome in the Catholic church, only their paganistic ways are welcomed. The Catholic church is not led by the Spirit of God. It´s led by everything but God. It´s like one of the false religions, with some good deeds, just religion! It´s not Holy Spirit filled and led, it´s just a set of rules, with people with hardened hearts doing all these rules, without their heart being “right with God”.


Strange things happen there, like bowing down to a statues, even little children will after reading about the account of Moses and the golden calf, ask their parents: why do we have to bow down to a statue? As Moses said don't do that! A little child can see the folly, however God gives the Catholic church power, so that you as human being have to make difficult choices, as God tests your integrity. Everything has a purpose, even the Catholic church. If you are assimilated by the Catholic church, you are going to be denied access to the Kingdom of God, saith the Lord God Almighty. Then you are going to hear: Get away from me now! Because there is no integrity in the Catholic church, once you start looking at their integrity instead of their religiousness, you'll figure it out quickly. Once you learn about their ways, methods, strategics... They System of Religion is not based upon the Word of God, so you won´t enter Heaven. To enter Heaven you must be assimilated into a system based upon the Word of God. This is what God says: assimilate yourself unto a system that is founded on the word of God, or create a system based upon the Word of God and you will enter, assimilate to anything else and you will hear access denied! By the way, did you know that before you become a Catholic representative or priest that you must swear the following oath? In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the (Catholic) Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety; I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and I shall avoid any teachings contrary to it. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. 12

Source: nts/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19880701_professio-fidei_en.html According to the Catholic church, there is no other way then the Catholic church, and Catholics must swear it, you won ´t change a Catholic without direct intervention from God Almighty. The Catholic church is not a friendly ally of any Sovereign, never make the mistake of thinking this political organization intends to have peace, they look at you as lesser, uncivilized, they don't make a deal with you to make peace: They do it to lower your defenses, to get more time and advantage to assimilate you! If you as a Sovereign submit yourself to a system founded upon the Word of God, then God of Heaven will become the Divine Fortress of your Empire, as God protects those who are led by the Spirit of God: Romans 8:14 Those led by the spirit of God, are the sons of God. God will protect you and your people as a Father who protect his sons.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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