How to Rid Society of Hate (Counsel for Sovereign Rulers) by Meister Patrick

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How to rid society of hate (Counsel for Sovereign Rulers) __________ Strategy

Given by Meister Patrick 19 September 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Hearken to my words, if you want to understand why there is so much hate in society. The reason people don't like each-other and do the things what the Word of God (Galatians 5:19-21) would define as “envy driven actions“ is going to be addressed in this sermon. Envy and hate driven actions towards a fellow citizen are rooted from the question “who is to blame”. Actions are meditated upon inside the minds of people, to get hate out of people, you must change their stream of thoughts, to prevent them from acting upon their envious and hateful taught without violating their free will, you may never punish someone for his thoughts. Your target is to create a desire in a person, whereby the person by free will do it gladly. A metaphor to assist your understanding of this concept: Let's take the game of soccer, sometimes a team gets a hold on a star player who is capable of lifting up the entire team to a world level, just one player that won the cup almost by himself! That one player gets all the glory, from the people, the sponsors, everyone is always focused upon making sure that the star player feels as comfortable as possible to prevent him from leaving the team. Glory! The rest of the team appears like mere assistance to get that one star-player to perform that thing whereby all the attention of the world goes to the soccer club or national team. The one that makes the beautiful pass, the pass that leads to the offense capable of scoring that fantastic goal, the one that cunningly tackles the offense of the enemy away; people hardly see them... 2

Except when they are really exceptional of-course... People always glorify the one that orchestrates the successful offense and the hero of the team that leads the offense and brings the enemy to a defeat personally. This is why people hate: When people make mistakes, they blame others... They don't believe that “you reap what you sow”. They can´t see that if you commit evil, that God allows a curse to fall upon them whereby people will do evil to them as a recompense from God. When society is dominated by hate, people don't understand the concept written above, that society is running on a primitive and uncivilized level of intelligence whereby they blame everyone else for their problems. When someone else is more successful, that's competition, then the glory goes from one person to another, so the one who lost the glory will try to re-capture the glory and to be the most offensive one again, then cost of everyone else, as that's where the glory can be found, selfishness. People seek glory for themselves, and the others see their success and start to hate. They think, “he is getting everything, I´m getting nothing, so for what reason should I be serious, help or do my duty with integrity, why should I care anyway, he is getting all the glory! As long as the people stay in this way of thought: “I blame everyone else for my own problems”, then society will remain a hateful place, as everyone thinks everyone to be evil. If you as a sovereign ruler want to rid your subjects from these kinds of streams of thoughts that lead to a hateful 3

society, you must educate them in the public school system, adding to curriculum, and in the media by cartoons and by showing role-models of the following concept in a creative way: You reap what you sow - Galatians 6:7. He who trows the ball at the wall can expect it to return. Do good get good, do evil get evil. Go into the wrong (evil) door and you will get punished by God (eventually), go in the right door (good) and you going to be rewarded (eventually). Subjects inside of a hateful society no longer posses the intelligence to see this, and the subjects will start thinking that everyone is evil, except for themselves and their motivation to act with integrity will disintegrate: I am good and everyone else is transgressing against me. Vs. I have a problem, I made a mistake, if I correct my mistake my problem will go: If everyone thinks that way, the problem of a hateful society will seize to exist. Teach your subjects to discern that acting like victims is not wise, teach them to blame no-one else then themselves as their own actions and choices led them to the situation they are in right now, helping them discern that they are living the consequences of their and their ancestors actions and choices. It´s not the fault of the angry government or the angry priests, or the angry strict people: No it is you who is under a curse you have put yourself under by your own choices and actions, and then you as a sovereign ruler teach them or lead them out of that accursed state. Once a civilization figures out that their hate-ful society and poor situation is the fault of their choices and errors, once they know they are in error, they can recognize 4

their need to be forgiven by the Almighty, and that someone has to pay for the committed errors and transgressions. This is when you teach them about Jesus, He dying on the cross, paying for their sins, forgiveness at repentance and baptism. Jesus offering the people a “clean slate”, says the spirit of God. Then the people have the opportunity to do it all over again as if they never made the mistakes, if they really have integrity and want their life quality to be improved, they will do it. If they get a “clean slate”, God will not use their past sins against them (Isaiah 23:45), so when they try to do it all over again, it will prosper, is what God says.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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