Identifying a liar (teaching) by Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle Prophet Patrick Pereira

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Identifying a Liar __________ Instructions

Given by

Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

21 July 2017 Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

To identify a liar, one must understand the proper definition of a liar. This requires of you, the reader, a great concentration to understand this data. It will also require of you to have the natural talent to have access to the sections of human intelligence that Detectives and Magistrates tend to have access to naturally, to be able to understand the multiple layers of the human beings and their nature to be able to always maneuver oneself on the side of Justice, and by intelligent observation thus identify who is the liar. A liar is an individual who has not yet come to the, or will never understand, that a lie will not profit him or her in the long run and is perfectly satisfied with the momentary benefit of “saving of one’s face”. The definition of the writer of “saving one’s face”: The emotional need of a human being to maintain moral supremacy over another; “you are wrong and I am innocent, thereby you are wrong for accusing me!” The liar is not busy with the establishing of him or herself in relationship to the community around him or her, and might have feelings that the community wronged him or her or never gave him or her a chance, so that the conscience of the liar then suddenly turns into such which is known as “Peter Pan”, a “good doer” who steals from the “wealthy” to feed himself and the poor. The liar feels no desire to establish oneself in the long run within the community and does not respect it and/or does not believe that he or she is able or worthy to accomplish a position in it, as no human being desires by nature to be excluded by the entire group. 2

Those who are excluded have coping mechanisms to not feel the direct emotional pain of exclusion, which tends to be a version of “I decrease the value of being accepted in the group, so their rejection doesn’t hurt me”. The liar does not feel the need to play by the rules, as he or she does not feel he or she belongs in it and is of belief that a life of lies will create the most opportunity for him or her. A liar tends to feel too supreme to submit to the rules, and believes he or she will succeed at the road of corruption of whatever kind the liar got himself involved in, whether it be criminal or interpersonal. As you observe, the liar is a “type” which can be analyzed and it’s tendencies can be identified: - Has a weak self-esteem, that often is hid very well to the untrained eye. - Is victim of exclusion and/or endured abuse of the community around him or her. - Is always busy with the outward appearance, does not have understand of the inward. - Hates to be seen as “wrong”, even when it’s just, is prideful. - Uninterested in the deeper Ethical and Moral values, and if there is any interest, the maximum interest a liar will have in it, is that the liar will want to understands how to appear like the person who is more right than the other, or have a better cover up to deceive people; to appear as a good person and lower other’s their defenses. - Always justifies the lie, as the liar is a “victim”, which then gave the liar right to victimize, which then can come off as “cold hearted”, but in reality is a heart of un-forgiveness: Bitterness. - Thinks life to be unfair. 3

- Feel superior then the others around him, thus lacks respect for others. - Might be “forced” to lie in a progressive fashion as the series of lies brought the liar into bigger problems, whereby the pressure to lie becomes greater continually. - The liar is confident about his own course. When you observe the analysis of a liar, you might come to the understanding why they say that “God is a God of mercy” as a liar comes off as a very pitiful person who never has learned the principles of success whereby a lifestyle of lies no longer is necessary., or has no talents to rely on, or had a hard life. Before the liar is victimized by my writing, I want to bring to your attention now that most offenses committed by liars are committed because of pure laziness and selfishness, those two factors can play a major role in any liar’s liarship philosophy. When judging a liar, one takes four factors into consideration: 1. The level of lack of upbringing and being formed by wrong role models. 2. The amount of abuse Liar has endured to become cold hearted. 3. The level of Selfishness necessary to be involved in the lie 4. The level of self-disciplinarian actions and/or effort one took to establish oneself into a righteous lifestyle that’s acceptable before the community or God (Bible). When one identified the liar, one should not have the same harshness of judgement on every liar in the same fashion as 4

not every liar has experienced the same amount of heart freezing actions against him or her. If a person has received no or little upbringing, and endured sexual abuse by family members, and then such a person succeeded to escape from the family, and suddenly seeks a relationship which gives such individual an opportunity to escape the abuse, then it is not reasonable to expect such a person to behave by perfect relationship ethics, and when you as a victim judge such a person as an evil wrongdoer, because you can’t understand why that person had no integrity in a romantic relationship, as you understand not the conditions where the liar came out of. Someone with a proper quality upbringing, who never has experienced being wronged in an abusive way, when such a person commits the same acts as the person I described before, then the harsher punishment will go to the 2nd character that is described. This is an example to help your mind to take the four factors in practical implication. You need a natural affinity and interest for judgement and justice, like a Magistrate or Detective to position this data in its right perspective. This data is not meant for a novice on how to assume and to criminalize innocent people. This data is a tool for you, that if you already have suspicions, that this will be a framework you lay over your own conclusions and compare the data, and then by final conclusion you are moved into deeper investigation until you have found evidence, and then act upon the evidence, not the suspicion. Now I have introduced you enough to the art of analysis of human nature, to gather information about personality and 5

character, whereby one can make more intelligent assumptions that are based on more than only gut feelings, whereby the chances increase that you will find the evidence that unmasks the liar, then now I will give the statements which will increase the intelligence transfer that this paper’s instructions will give you access to. The Maester says: - The liar is always involved in a “strategy”, thus is always busy with keeping up a story, being busy with that, therefore unable to show authentic emotions, therefor the liar will show either no emotions or overly strategize to be over emotionally, portraying that the liar is just a poor victim. -The liar’s first moves will be to rid himself or herself of any evidence, and then attempt to discredit witnesses. Liars will show tendencies of the continual act of charactermurder of witnesses to cause the investigator (you) to distrust the information provided by them. The liar tends not to talk about people’s good sides, every talk from the liar is strategized to discredit the witness. - The liar is a person without integrity, someone who had no integrity today, also did not have it last week, so investigate the stories of the liar in the liar’s personal network to build a profile about the habitual strategies that the liar applies repetitively to then be able to predict the course of the liar. How to protect yourself from the liar: The Maester says: 6

- When oneself is a liar, then the God of Heaven will accept it that you are being lied to, to teach you the hard way that a lie is sinful to Him, thus punishable by Him. To avoid being lied to, is to stop being a liar yourself, as then people might start to respect you and no longer lie to you as quickly. - If one stopped being a liar oneself, then the same God of Heaven will grant such individual a blessing. This blessing is titled “ The right to Exposure�. It’s a gift to those who have integrity. If a liar attempts to deceive you and lure you into his or her evil agenda, into something that will hurt you or at least not benefit you, then the God of Heaven will take serious efforts to expose that liar to you, and bring the truth to you before you get hurt, as the liar no longer has spiritual legal rights to damage you. How to identify the one who speaks the truth: The Maester says: - The speaker of the truth tends to act impulsive like a child, the emotions of the speaker of the truth might be overstimulated and become overly visible during investigative interaction, as the one that speaks the truth has lost something of value to him or her, and the emotional attachment to whatever is lost might, most likely, provoke the speaker of the truth to do or say unseemingly or improper things. - The truth speaker, when he or she is talking to someone who investigates the integrity (you), to convince you, it is likely that such person will give you information impulsively that might damages him or herself her social image or good name and will not be bothered by that, as he 7

or she is not trying to convince you to believe in something, unlike the liar, the truth speaker will just “let it out”, and that process might come off as an onion that is peeled with difficulties caused by all the emotional barriers. The Angel of Justice and the Gut feeling: The Maester says: - If it be destiny, that the investigator (you) must come to learn about the truth, as it be the Will of God, then the investigator will be led by what is called “Gut feeling” (intuition). - Gut feeling will need a couple of cases before the investigator can use it as a tool properly. - Those who are not backed up by the Angel of Justice will never be able to use their gut feeling to their advantage, as such individuals will register the own desires with more intensity then their gut feeling, thus not being able to concentrate upon it. - One may never use the tool of gut feeling as a basis for your final judgement, as the proper usage of gut feeling is to let it lead you towards the evidence. Final words: The Maester says: -The speaker of the truth might show signs of empathy or signs of being traumatized vs the liar that will tend to speak about others to lower them, to gossip and destroy people their persona’s with the gossip. The intention 8

of the heart of the liar and the truth speaker is what makes the difference as the truthful person is in another general spiritual condition then the liar, thus one can use this art as a tool, to be led, towards the evidence. International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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