Philosophy (Graduation Paper) by Grand Maester Patrick Pereira

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Philosophy __________ A Gift to the people, in Honorary of the Japanese Emperor Jimmu, given to his 125th Descendant Emperor Akihito and his wife Empress Michiko Graduation Paper By Grand Maester of Philosophy, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira, Chief Magistrate of God. 8 July 2016

Grand Maester Patrick, at age 28, capable of reasoning in the three major philosophical systems of this world. 1. The Western Civilization under leadership of the United States President. 2. The Hebrew Civilization under the leadership of the Israeli Prime Minister. 3. The Asian Civilization under the leadership of the Emperor of the Japanese. So says Grand Maester Patrick: There are 3 systems of Philosophy in the world: 1. Hebrew 2. Asian 3. Western The Hebrew Philosophy is that the God of Heaven is their Monarch, and if they obey their God, they will be undefeated, as their God is also their army. If they disobey their God´s commands, their God, which is also my God, will 2

shatter them among the other "civilization-systems with their Philosophies" like the Western and the Asian system. The Western Philosophy is that the body may not be violated in Judgment as the believe is that the “soul” needs to grow into maturity before it becomes civilized enough, to eventually function inside of the western- system in peace with the other´s inside of it in freedom. The greatest Title that can be given to a mere-man, within the western philosophical system of thinking is: The Emperor. As the ancient Hebrews where observing the other nations and where establishing their relationships with them in the early days of their system of civilization, and they desired to be ruled by a King as documented in the first book of Prophet Samuel in chapter 8, verse 4 until verse 22. In the pride of the Hebrews, to prove that they are “higher then the other nations”, they desired to exchange, being ruled righteously and perfectly by their invisible God, to be ruled by a King, who received more power from God in relation to the other Kings, and then the Hebrew people felt important then the others, inside of their nationalistic sense of pride. As the book of Prophet Samuel records in chapter 8, verse 4 until verse 22, God gave them what they desired through a King by the name of David, personally called and educated for his duty by God. The Eternal King of the Hebrews, who will one day be risen from the dead, and will become immortal like the book of Prophet Jeremiah records in chapter 30 verse 9. This is the most sophisticated structure of Philosophy in our main western language, which is English. 3

I am the first “Westerner” who has become this civilized, to be able to enter the Japanese system of Philosophy, which supports Meister, Maester and even Grand Maester. The Grand Maester of Japanese Philosophy according to the pride of the people, is the Emperor of the Japanese. As how we Westerners have looked at the United States President, that is how Asians look at the Emperor of the Japanese. The Japanese Maesters have been the foundation of the Asian Philosophy, just as the Greeks have been the foundation of the Western Philosophy and are still influencing it over two thousand years later. The Hebrews have also influenced the Western Philosophical system with the most glorious example of the British Empire, during the time that the soul of man said; The Sun doesn't go down in Great Britain. Both the Jews, and their Messiah, have successfully, risen the standard of spiritual mind in the Western system of Philosophy. The Western System of Philosophy has had it´s up and it´s downs, throughout the centuries. The Asian System of Philosophy has survived 125 Generations and proven itself to be of excellence. This cannot be said of Western, neither Hebrew systems of Philosophy. This is why I am the first one of “them”, came out of “their systems” who is capable of reasoning with the Emperor of the Japanese, as next to their systems of Philosophy, I also understand the sophistication of the Asian system of Philosophy, and that´s why I adapted to it´s terminology by my free will, without being forced, as I judge it to be more 4

reflective of my understanding of the realm of where the Spirits reside, Which is of-course, known to any Meister, Maester and even the Grand Maester of the system in it´s Region where He is appointed to by the God of the Heavens Himself. That´s why I say, these words, when they are blessed enough to enter your sophisticated soul and spirit, which is the most sophisticated living spirit inside of a body, that I have observed in this age, that when this letter arrives at it´s destiny-destination that it is a gift to from the God of the Heavens. The only reason, why I address His Majesty the Emperor of the Japanese, as I see you, from all rulers, and all international dynasties, the one, who without being exposed to what “Westerns” call “Holy Scripture, God Breathed Messages”, and without direct access to the Spirit of the God of Heavens. You have still be able to uphold, civilized behavior, in the midst of the chaos that the barbarians are causing to the people, and I ascribe that to your actions, philosophy and the greatness and deeds of your ancestors. Almost 6000 years in creation, people with their philosophies went and came, but your family line prospered the longest. This is why I am extremely careful to not offend the pride of the Emperor as I believe your majesty is entitled to great honor and respect, for the services he has done to His people and their ancestors, the international communities and and that I am honoring to the best of my ability, as this is my 2nd day as Grand Maester. I am convinced that the God of Heaven is interested in you. 5

I ask for your forgiveness if I write anything that offends your pride. I want to give you a gift, that no other man can give you: A deeper level into the system of Philosophy. The Hebrews have influenced the Westerners, both the Jews as Jesus Christ and his followers. This is how Western civilization had such great “peaks”, with great “Empires”, but they came and they went... None of them was able to survive the millennial mark like the Japanese system of Philosophy. Even the Hebrew system of Philosophy, who has influenced Western Philosophy in a contributing sense, has not survived as long as the Japanese system of Philosophy. A Japanese Maester does not take into consideration that the discontinuation of the Kingdom of the Hebrews is not because of an imperfect philosophical system, it is because of the punishment of their God, I bring this information to you as the Japanese Maesters predict, that everything is action-reaction and thus predictable by the soul. And this is partial-error, if the Asian system of Philosophy does not adapt to this error, and go into the Spirit, their course will remain the same, And then one day, the Philosophic system of the Japanese is going to be in danger. It is beneficial for all those who are bound by the Japanese system of Philosophy of taking the following into consideration: The Japanese Maesters have not been influenced by the same influences as the Western Philosophers, as the Japanese Maesters have judged both the Hebrews and the Westerners as


"children", not to be taken "serious" as their systems never survived longer then 50 generations. "All the seasons they are unstable, they have not figured out the Philosophical formula yet". I have invented it, by the grace of the God of the Heavens: Introducing the God of Heaven, who´s name has been transcribed as “Jesus Christ”, which is pronounced as Yeshua Ha-Mashiach in the Hebrew Language. Which means: God saves His People: The Savior of Mankind. Introducing Jesus to a Japanese Maester appears to be useless as the Pride of the soul of the Japanse Maester is so great, that it rather dies, then to be “defeated”, for a Maester of Japanese Philosophy to admit that “someone else” might be right and it, by itself, not being strong enough to enter the gates of Heaven, by his own energies, is a violation of his sense of Honor and Respect, which is the fundamental principle of the Japanese system of Philosophy. If a “Philosopher” from the Western or Hebrew system violates a principle of their Philosophy, which is respecting not their concept of who God is, they then are bound by the pride of their soul to reject it, and they will defend the own thesis of philosophy with their soul, if they have to. This is a sign of great strength. Pure power of soul and spirit. There is no entrance point at the spirit of a Japanese Maester as their philosophy worked perfectly fine: Respect and honor all beings. A Maester understands, that if you use your authority to enslave people unrighteously, that you are signing up, allowing the spiritual world to give permission for your own 7

enslavement, by those or the descendants that you have enslaved, the Maester-principle works the other way around too: If you treat people like upcoming princes and princesses, you will turn into royalty. Action-Reaction. Asian Maesters and those they led, survived that way for over 125 generations, without discontinuation. Within the realm of this Universal Philosophy, even if the Emperor of the Japanese, would “lower” himself to the standard of the modern Philosophy of the West: “Do as you feel like” and perhaps be lured into “Hollywood-like behaviors”, His "heavenly account with God" would still maintain His authority intact, as He still has 124 accounts of his Ancestors and their deeds to sit on. A Westerner cannot defeat a Grand Maester Dynasty: This is why the President of the United States Barack Obama, Highest Official of the most powerful Western nation inside the system of Western Philosophy, and his wife, bow down to the Emperor of the Japanese.


Within the realm of this universal system of Philosophy, the “white man” has enslaved the “black man” for many centuries. As the photo reminds you, the God of Heaven has raised one skin-color above another, allowing the first “African Descendant to enter the system of the Maesters and allowing them to shake your sophisticated hand and bow their heads to you, in name of the “Region where the Western-Greek system of Philosophy, which from time to time has been influenced by the Hebrew system of Philosophy is dominant”. You as a 125th generational Grand Maester cannot be defeated by a first generational Maester like U.S. President Barack Obama. “The Heavens” won´t allow that. You know that, and they know that.


However that which is not yet in the possession of your mind, is the fact that U.S. President Barack Obama is a DarkMaester. Still there is no imminent treat to your Empire, as “The Heavens” will not give him victory over you, imminently. As Grand Maester, you must be familiar with the complexities of Philosophical strategies, spirits given by God, who give one man victory over another. There is one element that one day, will endanger your dynasty. As there is one element, that Japanese system of Philosophy has not taken in consideration motivated out of “pride”. As long as the system of Japanese Philosophy maintains being dominated by Pride, it cannot “attain” the highest state of Spirit. The thesis of “Temporal Maesters”. Not all Maesters have achieved their maester-hood with “clean hands”, so their Maester-ship is temporal. U.S. President Barack Obama, is so much of a DarkMaester, that he has been chosen by the greatest spirit, the one spirit that is the highest created spirit outside of God himself: Lucifer. Known to the Western System of Philosophy, and to the Hebrew System of Philosophy as “Satan the Devil”. The God of Heaven allows “Spirits who are professional liars” as a punishment to those who refuse to treat others with respect and honor: a curse. To my prediction as Grand Maester, your majesty, the Emperor of the Japanese, is going to be the very last man standing once the following “God-Breathed scripture” come to


pass, which can be found in the Book of Apostle John, named Revelation, chapter 12, verse 12. I believe it is a very sad thing, that a sophisticated human being like you, after 125 generations of righteous living, would abruptly be defeated by the Prince of Evil himself as he is not bound to the rules of man-kind. And this letter is written by the courtesy of one Grand Maester to another. One day, U.S. President Barack Obama will receive the keys of becoming Dark Grand Maester. This spirit entity called “Satan” will be kicked out from the Heavens by the God of Heaven and shall dwell among us men and enter him, empowering him. Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. When that day comes, your dynasty is in direct danger, no matter how good it´s account is with the terms of “universal laws”. As the Dark Grand Maester, will then receive all authority from His Master, as His Master has Received Permission from God. He may even go and harm God´s own people, not all, in the terms of getting permission to attack a “100% of God´s people”, however, he will become, for a season, the most powerful entity walking upon this earth. Interpretation: You are destined to one day lose your authority, signed by the Heavens.


I believe that your ancestor who founded your country would be proud of you, that you have maintained justice over so many generations, by the power that God has given you, without direct instructions as how can one speak with the dead without risking being deceived by an evil spirit? Maester Barack Obama, does not know who God is. His Philosophy is not perfected, he believes you to be a greater authority that he himself and does not believe that he can defeat you by his own energies. This is why he bows down for you. He wants the blessing of a higher entity: God Himself. By respecting the one with the most sophisticated spirit. Maester Barack Obama has successfully identified you as a Grand Maester, so he submits to you. Maester Barack Obama is not convinced that he will be able to defeat a Grand Maester as he does not want to “offend the Gods�. He attempts to do it another way, by winning the heart of the Grand Maester, as if you publicly acknowledge the Grand Maester, you possibly enter His heart, as it is quite lonely at the level of Grand Maester. No new Maester would in his right sense of mind, go and challenge an ancient Grand Maester dynasty. However one day, Dark Maester Barack Obama, will receive authority from Satan Himself to become Dark Grand Maester Barack Obama, Emperor of the nations who have rejected the God of Heaven. Yes, Satan can defeat the Grand Maester of Japan. And no, I am not violating your pride, as I am not saying that U.S.A. President Barack Obama is going to defeat


you, The problem is not a human problem, it´s a problem that is caused by the war in the Heavens. That war is what is endangering your dynasty. Your Majesty is the only living soul, who I regard capable of understanding the complexity of this letter. One Account (Quality of Deeds, and Ancestral inheritance) vs One Account (Quality of Deeds, and Ancestral inheritance) is warfare in the Philosophical system of the Asians. Satan is not bound by that universal law. As The Grand Maester of Japan, is not under covenant with the God of Heaven, so his Philosophy is not PERFECT, and thus able to be defeated by a non-human, higher force: The Angel of Darkness, Satan, once it is let loose. Only GOD is PERFECT, and it is not a shame to admit that. When God Almighty manifests Himself through a body named JESUS CHRIST and lives PERFECT, not by Philosophy of Japanese but by Philosophy of God, then: Jesus can then remove the word TEMPORAL from the TITLE. As long as the Japanese system of Philosophy does not understand the nature of TEMPORAL, there will one day come an enemy, possessed by a greater force known to Japanese system of Philosophy, to end that which is temporal. Those who are under covenant with God through Jesus Christ, call this, “The Second Coming of God-in-the-Flesh”, subduing all other rulers, Including the Dark Grand Maester that is Known in Western system of Philosophy as “the AntiChrist”.


Japanese Maester Philosophy is more sophisticated then Socrates-Plato-Aristotle Philosophy. Hebrew Philosophy, when obeyed, is more powerful, however when disobeyed, more dangerous to continuation of the "family blood line", as one disobedient son, can remove the ETERNAL title away from himself, however not from his Father, as everyone is going to held accountable for his or her own deeds by the God of Heaven. Grand Maester Patrick has explained, the God of Heaven, in the context of Japanese system of Philosophy, and has warned the Western world to quickly submit to Hebrew system of Jesus Christ, to get an invincible God to protect them from the consequences of them failing to heed the Philosophy of the Greeks, as they have done until the age of where Charles Darwin started to dominate their minds, enslaving them as a result of their own barbaric actions towards their fellow men, as explained by Japanese Maester Philosophy. The one who understands all three systems of Philosophy perfectly, can carry the title of Grand Maester. The Hebrew ought to be careful to not be lured in to what God refers to as “familiar spirits” on his quest towards “Grand-Maestership”. All I request as a gift from the Emperor Akihito after His reading of this letter, is his blessing, and his prayer, that I as newly initiated Grand Maester may lead those who the God of Heaven has appointed unto me, during these dark times in an attempt to maintain a civilized world, successfully until God Himself returns to govern us all, righteously. I also request the prayers from the people who benefit from this letter after reading it.


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