Psychiatrist vs Pastoral Counselor. Sermon by Apostle Patrick

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Psychiatrist vs Pastoral Counselor __________ Sermon

Given by Apostle-Prophet Patrick 26 May 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

God has civil orders, Whether you want to acknowledge them or not. God sees you as blessed or accursed. If you are accursed you are given over to the “Authority of The World”, if you are blessed you are given over to the “Authority of The Ministers of God”. "Carnal masters vs Spiritual masters". If you defy your carnal master's demands as an accursed, God gives you over to "social officials" who receive power to take away your free will to conform your mind to "the thought of the general good" like “The Judge and jail”, “the Psychiatrist and the ward”. Once you are blessed, The Psychiatrist is exchanged by The Pastoral counselor. Once you are blessed by God you get the desires of your heart and then God frees you from the yoke of slavery. The Psychiatrist conforms, the Pastoral counselor “sets free”. Both receive the power to "remove free will", one by legal power, the other by God not allowing the heart to rest before the Pastoral counselor is taken serious. If a person departs from a normal “carnal” state of mind, the person is captured by a “spirit”. The Psychiatrist calls this a “condition”. Every "condition" is judged by a “carnal magistrate” with the purpose to return the subject back into social norm. "Don´t live for your desires, or live out your emotions, don´t follow The passions of the heart but return to “social norm” to function well in the "bee-hive"". The Pastoral counselor does the exact opposite, because Jesus died, God gives a human freedom to do exactly that which a Psychiatrist attempts to stop: listen to your heart.


When the blessed subject works for God, God rewards the subject with freedom to experience the own will, limited by the will of God and His commandments. Not a slave but a friend! The "condition" of being captured by a spirit can take two forms: Captured by The Holy Spirit leads to excellence, a caring nature, and the un-calculable actions lead to something constructive. In this case, creation helps the subject accomplish a constructive manifestation of a future for the subject, with the exception of being tested/tried by God. Captured by a demon leads to destructive, hateful and careless behavior. The demon binds the subject to commit sin and/or idolatry. And creation destroys the subject, slowly but steadily. When a subject is captured by a demonic "condition", God sends the subject to The Psychiatrist or The Pastoral counselor, depending on who He wants you to serve. Once the magistrate suspect the demonic “condition”, he forward the subject to the pastoral counselor for fasting and prayer. Mark 9:28-29 And when he was come into the house, his disciples asked him privately, Why could not we cast him out?And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. Variable: God can give over a subject to a "condition", that appear “demonic”, to tempt "a Saint", and once a saint passed the “trial”, the demonic force loses grip on the bound subject. Medication or Psychiatric treatment will not remove that “condition” which serves a purpose to God. 3

Once God allows medicinal treatment to be given by a Psychiatrist it serves only to "numb" the “condition”. The only real solution to the “demonic condition” is removing the demon´s legal right to be in “the host”: Halting sin against God. That´s how a subject can avoid being used in a way that is used by God to tempt His saints.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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