So you think you can be loose? Sermon by Meister Patrick.

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So you think you can be loose? __________ Sermon

Given by Meister Patrick 17 September 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Before I start counseling you as a woman on maximizing your marriage value, I want to present to you the counsel written by a woman of wisdom to give you a woman´s perspective on this matter: 1. Sex doesn't keep a man, if you like, turn 360% on bed, he will still dump you. Bleach until you become white, if he doesn't notice the qualities of a wife in you, he will leave you. 2. A man who wins your love with cash may not stay forever. Real men don't settle down with fake women who love money. 3. The beauty of a woman can take her to a Palace but her character will determine how long she stays in the palace. Beauty attracts men but character keep them. 4. Material things definitely has its merits but it cannot alone provide the riches of a truly meaningful life. 5. Being sexy without a character will not get you a husband, you will only get a boyfriend. 6. Sex can bring pleasure but it can never bring love, sex is a product of love, love is not a product of sex. 7. Sex can make a man stay with you overnight but love will make him stay for a lifetime. 8. There are some things that money just can't buy like manners, moral and integrity. 9. How you dress will definitely determine how men will address you. WHAT A HUSBAND NEEDS FROM A WIFE IS NEVER SEX. When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body. But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are 2

already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT SEX." Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experienced they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them. And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex. Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all. There is this young girl who is very beautiful and sexually active. Due to that she thought sex is all that matters to a man. Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married. Her sexual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her. The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay. The problem was simple. She thought sex was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not sex. It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his sex drive but a woman who will submit herself to him. Excuse my language, "every woman has vagina but not every woman has humility." So when you are a humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity will fear to lose you. What does the Word of God say, "wife, submit to your husband. - Ephesians 5:22" The reason is that a man's true love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty 3

cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women. Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh." If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be. When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely. There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need sex, but submission. It is submission that truly makes you a romantic wife. So be the queen you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid. Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen and be his maid also. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. After this interlude given by a woman of wisdom, I, Meister Patrick, want to continue on counseling you on maximizing your marriage value as a young lady or a woman. Few of today´s women know that once they commit sexual intercourse outside the sacrament of marriage (biblically known as “fornication”), which is defined as “loose” in this sermon, that God will put a curse upon her.


Even the most intelligent and integer women, as the one who performed the interlude of this sermon, refuse to convict the women on the fact that they are “loose”, refusing the convict the women that they are committing transgression against God by massively participating in acts of sexuality outside of marriage. Fornication, a devaluating act, that is considered to be wicked, “loose”, is brought to the girls, by a lady, in such a way that it does not offend their sense of “sexual freedom”, the preacher lady only attempts to create a desire to stop having sex without the sacrament of marriage with the purpose to increase the value of the woman in a future marriage! How to be better and more classy! vs. How to avoid you and your children being cursed by God Almighty! In the 21st century, women have made their own rules, among each-other. Man and God have nothing to say, as it appears in today´s society. Some women desire to “raise is social class” and are then willing to change their sexual behavior, the rest wants nothing to do with restraining their sexuality, and no God is supposed to “force His will” upon her sexuality. Exodus 20:5 I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and forth generation of them that hate me. It is written, if you sin against God, he will deal with your offspring. This is the disciplinary part of this sermon, we are going to proceed to the counseling now.


All “loose women” will figure it all out, sooner or later, that woman preacher from the interlude of this sermons has spoken the truth. Once you take the Feministic approach to a real and righteous man, he will disrespect-dicipline you for thinking you can act like he is your next “desire-handbag” you are going to feast on, a real man won´t be a toy for the feministic type of “loose woman”. Once a man of high esteem, identifies a woman who tries to “outplay” him, he will use his mental capacities to teach that woman to not test his boundaries. As the preacher-woman said, a real man of high esteem won´t marry a “loose woman” with a “feministic attitude”. Men might accept your “attitude” when they are interested in the services of your body, once they are done with that, the respect will depart as they no longer judge you with their sexual organs. As long as men judge you by their sexual organs, you can play the feministic game as a “loose woman”, however, then you risk, that such a man, around other willing “loose women”, who are more then often also jealousy at you, also there he won ´t be to control his sexual organs, that led him to compromise even his Masculity by allowing you to be his ruler as a feminist. However such a man won´t marry you, he will not respect you, he will look at you and think “look at that, I´ll use it how I please, and the second she start doing that `nonsense´ men call disrespect, she may go!” Only the man that fears God will get married as he will avoid getting the curses that are warned for earlier in this sermon, however if the man doesn't fear God, you can forget


about marriage as the man thinks: Why buy a cow when you can milk it for free? Even if the man fears God and gets married to you, he WONT respect a “second hand Ferrari” that the boys rode a while till it was warm enough for your husband, once you have lost your virginity, your husband will look at you as nothing else then a handmaiden, unless his heart has affection for you (blinded by love). The more of a man he is, the harder he will be upon “loose women”, the needier he is, the more he will accept their ways. The real Meister respects no “loose women”, as the “loose woman” respects even not herself, she doesn't know what honor is, so the Meister teaches the woman to conduct herself with respect and honor and if she does not obey, she will receive no respect from the Meister as the Meister doesn´t judge her by his sexual organs, but by righteous judgment upon the woman´s character, as the world will look at the Meister´s wife as "that loose woman", the woman who commits extramarital sex has zero understanding. If a woman desires to control-dominate a man, it´s a sign that her heart is hardened. She most likely has experienced being hurt or abuse by a man who has ruled her, whereby now she doen´t want any man to rule her anymore. The man probably wasn´t pleased with her character and rejected her, she was sent away, the more frequent that happens, the harder she´ll get, and every relationship she enters she will attempt to control more and more, to avoid further rejection, until she has been hardened so badly, that she´ll teach her children that “all men are evil”, and put a curse upon them from the beginning, by speaking the words 7

that will deny her children any form of bond with someone of the opposite sexe as they are “warned”. A feminist-woman, has a rebellious heart, her hardened heart needs to be unhardened instead of entering into a marriage that she leads. A loose woman doesn´t understand that extramarital sex, devaluates her, she get´s angry at the man for refusing to wear the worn out sandals of another man, his competitor. The first man saw no long-term value in her, her character flaws led to the rejection, a real woman is not neglected, not abused as the man sees value in the woman so he wants to keep her. The woman who fails to understand that sexual immorality is a devaluation to her value in the marriagemarket, will go on a quest to prove that “she doesn´t need a man”, the feminist! Once she entered this state of being, you as a man have become nothing more then a tool, for her to show, that she can do it without you, she´ll never submit to you. As long as a woman is in this state of being, you as man of High Esteem, or as Meister, are wasting your time, unless she gets out of this state and submits to your leadership. Feminist-woman, will remain in their hardened state of heart, enter a relationship of immorality, while being disconnected from her partner inside of her, safely, preventing their faulty characters from hurting eachother, this is their strategy of “making it work”. A Business-like marriage or relationship, clinical: You do what you want to do, I do what I want to do. Let´s not connect our hearts too closely as then things can start hurting, creating fights and situations likewise. 8

Women without character, they know that once they have performed their services, they will be replaced with another one who can perform better services, more to offer, younger, prettier, women without character feels temporal. She knows her flaws, unwilling to change, she has given up and accepted her role, temporal... So when a woman is fixed on “ruling a man like a feminist”, she knows she has nothing to offer, all she´s doing is what people call in the 21st century a poker face, a game, and “secure her investment by control instead of submission” Doing vs Wanting: Girls go to college, and they study a subject, as that´s what they must do. However deeply inside of their hearts, they rather live out their fantasies and desires! However something convinces them, they won´t succeed without that education. So they resist the urge, to go follow those fantasies and desires! They do what society requests of them, however, when something would appear, creating the possibility to live out their fantasies and desires securely, they will do it. You see it happening all the time, when the girl gets the record deal, or the fashion deal, or the TV-deal. The Manager shows up, offers a big contract, you know where I´m heading. So there is a difference between being honorable because she “must do it” or because she “wants to be known as a honorable woman”. Most women do it, because they are forced to, as there is no other opportunity presented to them.


Once the opportunity presents itself to the “loose woman”, she´ll live out her wicked desires, however she can´t “show it” without being rejected socially. She desires things that she hides from her surroundings. So when a woman acts like she is submissive, she is submissive because she desires to accomplish a target, so when a woman is openly being a feminist, rebellious, at least she is honest about her nature, however she has no intentions to make anything work, what so ever, as she will continue walking the road that appears to be right in her own eyes, with or without wisdom, as it´s not about wisdom, it´s about her proving she can do it all by herself, doing it her way. If she acts submissive, you must test if she does that to accomplish a target like a “gold-digger” or if she is submissive by nature. Because everyone desires something, and fear keeps people from trying to accomplish getting that which they desire, it is your target to actually crawl into her heart, you must know about her fantasies and desires, because if something makes it possible for her to do it, it´s likely she will go and do it unless she fears God. This is called ambition, women with ambition don´t want a man to tell them what to do, because they want to do it their own way. A woman into submission, will marry you and follow you, until her desire is fulfilled, whatever she thought you would bring to her, when that desire is gone or fulfilled, she´ll stop following you. As, she´s a unit, a vessel, a person with an own will. As long as she is willing to follow you, she will follow, it is up to you as a man, to make her want to follow you, by 10

showing her that you know it better, not by words, but by deed, so that she don´t want to walk away. The intelligent thing to do, is developing such a character, that people don´t want you to go, so that they don't want to walk away from you, that you have so much to offer that you don't need to force people like a feminist to give you what you think is rightfully yours, making your business and future secure by strategy of control instead of love. The feminist, something inside of them feels unappreciated, whereby they want to force it, they feel undervalued, all women who are feminist feel the need to “secure themselves”, that´s why they cant submit, they believe not that once her character shows up that you will be interested enough to treat her with respect volunteerly. So women, the best advice is stay a virgin, and take all your time to develop your character and your relationship with God, and one day, if you do not compromise, God will establish you with man of High Esteem. If you already have committed sexual immorality as a woman, stop doing it, never do it again, and let the man you are desiring to get married with know, that your old ways won´t ever return, and that you have really learned your lesson and never want to be known as a “loose woman” again. International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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