Spiritual Covenants God Binding the Souls of Men. For Sovereigns, Officials & Free Citizens.

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Spiritual Covenants God binding the souls of men For Sovereigns, Officials & Free Citizens

Meister Patrick Chief Magistrate of God

Interpersonal Covenants When two people agree to enter into a covenant by vowing it before the Spirit of God, thus two people agreeing on the creation of a soul tie bound by God, by using their free will. Likewise, is the soul-tie with Jesus Christ created at water-baptism at repentance of sin, leading you towards a situation whereby God releases you from the “negative side effects” of older soul-ties, and consequences of sins. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The soul tie is created for the purpose of building together unto accomplishing a mutual target. This requires a great investment of time and resources from both parties who are involved in the soul tie. If, one of the two parties desires to break the covenant vowed before God, then the one who desires to initiate the breaking of the vow must recompense the one who did not anticipate on the breaking of the covenant, and the party who did not anticipate upon the breaking, must voluntarily accept the recompense without being put to any pressure by the other party. When two people agree to an “unwritten spiritual contract”, a covenant, and when both parties agree (and invest), it may only be broken when the one who initiates

the breaking recompenses the one who wants to continue building the upon the plan, to such a degree that it allows that person to continue pursuing that which was agreed on, sufficiently, without the other party's assistance. A righteous recompense. When two people work on a mutual target, and one party wants to break the vow before the target is accomplished, and thus both parties reaping mutual benefit from the investment, the party that request to break the covenant out of self-interest, must pay out the value of the other party´s services in hours and materialistic investment, reasonably. The one who desires to break a covenant, isn´t supposed to think that the other party is a slave with no rights, as that is not righteous. A nation is civilized when people respect covenants and a nation is barbaric, when it people do not. If you break a covenant that is vowed before God, outside of these terms, the curse of God falls upon the person who forcefully breaks it outside of the terms written in this publication, and God will then forcefully, in the spiritual realm, recompense the person who experiences “loss”, caused by an act of barbarism. And, once you break an interpersonal vow made before God, God will stop listening to your prayers, and stop answering them favorably until you have payed your vows. Job 22:27 Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows Deuteronomy 23:21-23 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it:

For the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee. Psalms 61:8 So will I sing praise unto thy name forever, that I may daily perform my vows. Sexual intercourse also creates a soul tie, a spiritual covenant. When a man commits sexual intercourse without a civilized covenant with a woman, they are barbaric, under-civilized, as they understand not the following: Father, Mother, Education and Prosperity of Children, and continuation of civilization. A civilized people do understand this. The only interpersonal covenant that cannot be broken by these means, is the covenant of marriage. Mark 10:-79 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. The problem allowing a breaking of a marriage covenant by state law or church law is clear: 1.

God says don't do it: SIN.

2. When a man wants to “rid” himself of his wife, and leaves her with 50% of his monetary assets like the “selfcalled civilized nations” do, he leaves the woman to go and have a party as a recompense of being kicked out, forcing her into sin and lots of it because of the bag of money that can easily, in combination with feeling of rejection, lead her into pursuing temporal feelings of fulfillment until the empty feeling that comes after the sinful lifestyle has been lived to its fullest, or loneliness and a bag of money to spend it on useless things that

won´t bring fulfillment in her life. It might appears righteous to do this in the eyes of the barbarians, however a real civilized human being will quickly come to the conclusion it isn´t. 3. When a woman wants to “rid” herself of her husband, she can commit infidelity, or open rebellion, challenging a man´s authority to automatically provoke the man to leave her a bag of money. Removing a man of his honor and his assets at the same time, forcefully. That's what happens when you suffer civilians to break marriage covenants by law. All of these problems can be prevented when the breaking of marriage covenant is prohibited by Kingdom/State-law and Church-law, and on top that, God´s will is done! The blessing of God, and the preventing of men “dumping their wives with a bag of money, forcing almost all of them into a sinful lifestyle” and “vile women seeking a man to take the bag of money, and moving on like nothing happened”, all problems fixed, with one changing of law. Good and stable homes, happy husbands and happy wives: A civilized nation! Only the corrupted and the wicked won´t like such laws, as it prevents them from living out their corruption and wickedness: the barbarians. Making use of another person, without treating that person as you want to be treated yourself is not civilized according to God standard of righteousness. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind,

soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, is what Jesus commanded (Luke 10:27).

Covenants with Rulers and Local Authorities Every citizen that has the nationality of one of the free nations, has a covenant with its nation´s King. The King ensures it´s “free citizens” rights. This means, the King or another supreme-ruler like a dictator or a president does not see its inhabitants as it´s slaves. Your passport is a “covenant” you have with your ruler. What God does, if your ruler and it´s authorities do not respect the spiritual covenant you have with the King: The Constitution, and/or the Bill of Rights. All the servants of the King, or the supreme-ruler, swear an oath to respect the nation´s Constitution, as when it is violated, God Almighty holds the King accountable. As the Authorities are an extension of the King´s power, they must do what the King requires, which is obeying the Constitution, the covenant the King has with a Citizen. Local authorities may not willfully act in own power, name and authority acting outside of the constitution, as that's treason against their own nation. If the Authorities, disrespect the constitution, they are committing treason against the King, as God will

hold the King accountable for their deeds. As the King must govern with Justice, if the King fails to do this, God Himself will do the work of the King for him, under the accusation of the King neglecting his duties given to him by God Almighty Himself. As the citizens of a Free Nation are not slaves, then God recompenses the citizens who are damaged because the Authorities disrespect the constitution, thus lowering the citizens towards the status of “slaves”. Every-time, this process happens, the King himself loses “authority-in-the-spirit” that is transferred to those, who are treated as “slaves” instead of “free citizens” by the Magistrates and public officials of the King. As, the spiritual covenant, that the citizen has with the King is broken, and God will recompense power and authority from one soul to the soul who has been violated of its constitutional rights. This is why civil authorities who disrespect the constitution are traitors against the King, directly.

Princesses of Satan Once you enter into the realm where the Spirit of God resides, you will understand that there are no borders of countries in this realm. Spirits do not need a passport to enter a nation. Those set of rules do not apply to the border-less spiritual world. In this world, there are 4 categories of spirits, which we are going to address in this publication. 1.

Godly people


Civilized people


Barbaric people


Demonic people

Yes, inside of the realm of the spirit, there are different laws, which are universal. – Godly people are the property of God, the spirit of God is “attached to them” at all times. Like the Jews and the Christians. They are prophetically moved by the Spirit of God, always doing God´s will, whether they know or not, whether reasonable or not, they are “His”, to His disposal, to fulfill his desire, at any time, they are moved by the Will of God. – Civilized people are moved by mutual interests. They are not purely moved by self-interest, they want the entire unit of society to function properly in the long term and know that this is how to deal with interpersonal affairs.

– Barbaric people are moved by self-interest. They see everyone as objects to attain that which they desire to have. They feel entitled to everything. – Demonic people are moved by a demonic spirit that is attached to them at all time, who has shut down all form of reason and logic. They are moved by Satan´s will, driven by pure lust, promoting false religions and/or having anti-God sympathies. For now we are going to focus purely on the princesses of Satan, as they make covenants by sexual initiation, which they call “covens”. A soul tie, enforced by sexual intercourse, allowing someone to be cursed to such a degree that an evil spirit may permanently shut down all reasonable systems that prevents even barbarian people from committing such shameful actions as the demonic people do. Let's make a spiritual group of categories of women. 1. Godly women seek to obey their husband at all times, until their husband leads them into clear sin. 2. Civilized women know their men have rights and needs too. 3. Barbaric women want to lead the man driven by selfinterest, caring nothing for the man himself, a tool for their desire. 4. Demonic women want “sex without affection and/or attachment”, or “channel” a demonic spirit that tells them to have sex with you. If this information frightens you as a woman, that you might have the condition that is described in the 4th category of women: if you pray to Jesus Christ, and repent of your sins, God can remove the demon out of

your body, as God says that Sex without the covenant of Marriage, is a transgression (Hebrews 13:4), which leads to a curse: a downgrade of you and your offspring, lower on this bracket. This information is not meant for people to persecute others to harm them, but for people to identify which kind of spirit is leading you, self-analysis! If a woman wants to have sex with you as a man, and has no interest in talking with you, neither has interest in connecting with your heart by getting to know who and what you are by speaking to you, other than to move you into your or her bed, then that woman is possessed with a demon of lust, sent by Satan, to provoke you to commit sex without the covenant of marriage to curse you, shorten your lifespan, decrease your life quality, and take over authority over your offspring. The only demonically possessed woman who is worse than the woman possessed by the lust spirit, is the fakepriestess. The fake-priestess is 100% property of the “deity” she “speaks in name of”. Whether it be Osiris, Isis, Buddha, or whatever else the name is of the identity of the demon that is attached to her, if you have sex with her you are creating what they call a “coven”. A covenant, whereby that demon may also get access to your body, and your offspring, a strong generational curse, thus predestining your offspring to serve Satan. When you have sexual intercourse with a woman with a lust demon, or a fake priestess, you are spiritually entering a “door” that is painful and accursed, and if you have kids while being in the season that comes after you enter that door, they also inherit the curse.

If you are a blessed person, and commit sexual immorality with one of Satan´s princesses, you then exchange your “blessed rights from God” for living out a lust by access to Satan's princess her body under Satan’s terms. When you make such covenant, initiated by sexual intercourse, the direct predictable consequences are that you will decrease the amount of favor you will get in conflicts with other men. Exchanging power and glory, for access to a body of a Satanic princess, allowing an evil spirit to hijack your rational mind, to be used, for its purposes, which is attacking those who are higher on the bracket, leeching unto them, attempting to lower them into the bracket whereby Eternal Hell-fire is almost assured. Be watchful, with who you create a soul tie with by sexual intercourse, as the “spiritual rights” are transferred with it, the moment the soul tie is created. By sex without the covenant of marriage, the demon may be transferred, that´s why the demon tells it´s princess to commit the act of sexual immorality, as then it may spread the “spiritual virus”, legally, by permission of God. If you respect the covenant of marriage, then you are in the bracket of “civilized” and God will bless you with a reasonable rational mind, whereby a mutual respect is created between husband and wife, just “being”. If you want a Godly partner, you must submit to God´s ways and instructions, and that may even appear strange to those who are in the other brackets, however then you may get access to the blessings of your Godly partner.

If you don't want to submit to those ways, aim for being civilized, and God will tolerate you until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

Barbarian enslaved by the Civilized Now you have a clear understanding of the spiritual force behind “covenants”, you can understand also the most complex teaching of enslavement. In the first chapter of this book, you have learned, to respect covenants and treat people as yourself, then how come that God, the most righteous judge allowed “enslavement” in ancient Israel as an act of righteousness and an acceptable practice, how come that God allowed even Babylon to overthrow Israel because of their sins. To help you gain the understanding of “GodlyEnslavement” I will present to you what I have observed by personal experience. As a Free Dutch Citizen, I have the Constitutional right, to function publicly as a Priest, without being limited by any influence of local authorities, they hold not the exclusive dictatorial right to decide who becomes priest, exclusively. Every-time local authorities violate this right, my covenant with the King of the Netherlands is violated, which leads to a spiritual recompense initiated by God. The King of the Netherlands is then obligated to recompense me for this violation in the opinion of God as the King´s authorities are stripping me away from my rights, as if I am enslaved to them and the King, and that is not so as:

I have covenant rights with the King and with God. If the King fails to govern rightly, and keep his authorities under perfect command to obey the covenant he made with his subjects, then the authorities of the King are advocating to become my slaves, as everytime they "forcefully" take my rights away, God will recompense me, by spiritually, transferring power, as a recompense of the violation, righteously so. This is why violating the Constitution as civil officer is treason, as you take away from, and endanger your Monarch, as he is instituted by the same God, that instituted me as Priest to teach the people to be civilized, as that is the will of God. Every-time that process is interrupted, both me and God are violated, and that will be required at the one who is most influential, which is the King. In other words: Every-time the local authorities come and violate my rights, they are empowering me unreasonably in comparison with other citizens with a Dutch passport by the laws of logic. If the King is under covenant with God or not, is beyond my knowledge, however if he is, he must be wise enough to understand that if he enforces not the law in Justice, that God will do it for him as Dutch Citizens are not slaves, especially not ones who serve God faithfully. Every-time my “covenant rights� are violated by authorities, a transfer in the spiritual realm is made by God, to prevent a process of unreasonable enslavement: a total removal of my covenant-rights. In simple words, God protects the civilized from the

wrath of the barbarians. Every “Free Citizen” has a “pride”, and an “ego”, a free will to choose, however when you only choose to use your free will, exclusively, for the purpose of coming against God’s plans and agenda and the breaking of covenants as a Barbarian, you are signing up for enslavement, your free will being taken away from you in an undisclosed and unavoidable moment in the future. The mindset of a person who is ready for the judgment of enslavement thinks a bit like this:

“He is provoking me to sin/corruption, because he is forcing his will (The Terms of the Vow or the Covenant agreed upon by free will) upon me, so he is bad! That person should accept me making error after error, completely and utterly destroying everything, all my free choices lead to the destruction of the covenant or covenants, and I should be respected when I do so.” When a barbaric people are no longer acting responsible, like a child, completely driven by selfinterest, then a mature person may take over authority, for your own good, as the continuation of civilization is endangered when Barbarians rule. There is no equality between the Barbarians and the Civilized in the eyes of God. This is how Englishmen were allowed by God, to take away the “rights of property” of the native Americans at the foundation of the United States of America, as they were not civilized according to the standard of the Word of God, commonly known as the “Holy Bible”. The Righteous Religious English where persecuted in England by the Barbarians, and fled to create the United States, the native Americans where accounted by God as

Barbarians, and the English as Civilized. God gave the Civilized English, victory over the Barbarians, as one nation under God. If a nation, which is civilized, falls down to Barbarism like Nazi Germany in the 1940's, God gives victory to the Civilized, to re-institute “order”. Every-time covenant-breaking is committed and accepted as normal, and righteous individuals are turned into slaves, then God recompenses them by a transfer in authority, to ensure the continuation of the Civilized world, until the Lord Jesus Christ´s 1000 year World Empire has Arrived and Jesus takes over Command, as Supreme Emperor, Himself at his 2nd coming. All Monarchs, Rulers, Free Citizens and Authorities which are all instituted by God Almighty, should respect their covenants and their vows, if they desire to prevent turning into the slaves of a higher civilization, who enforces righteousness upon them in the will of God as “Parental Governing Authorities” to save your offspring from waking up in a hopeless world, a jungle that is dominated by Barbarians.

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