The Art of Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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The Art of Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively! __________

Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira


(The Art of Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively!) Copyright © 2016 by Apostle Patrick (Pereira) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. Contact: Apostle-Prophet Patrick, Ex- Prophet-Teacher of God – (Ephesians 4:11) Called by God in 2013. Founder of the International School of Biblical Prophecy - ( ISBN: (If this free publication was of value to you: Share this PDF file with “real” Christians and share your opinion/review of this book on your Facebook-wall or on another social network page.) Note: This book was written while being in the “PROPHET” office. God is so pleased with this book that He has chosen to promote me to the office of “APOSTLE” on the 22 nd of March, 2016. “PROPHET” is an office, instituted by God, with the purpose to return the people to God, a teacher that works within a team. The “APOSTLE” is the overseer of that team. II Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


Table of Contents

Chapter I: Introduction

.............................................. 7

§. I.I: The Purpose; God´s Will ............................................. 7 §. I.II: Real Vs. Fake ........................................................................ 10 §. I.II.I: Islam .......................................................................................... 10 §. I.II.II: Judaism ................................................................................... 14 §. I.II.III Other Non-Abrahamic Religions ................. 19 §. I.II.IV: Christ´s Payment ..................................................... 22

Chapter II: Holy Transformation

............. 30

§. II.I: Spiritual Eyes ..................................................................... 30 §. II.II: Satan´s Minefield ............................................................. 41 §. II.II.I: Racial Conflict ............................................................. 44 §. II.II.II: Gender Conflict ......................................................... 47 §. II.II.III: Pride .................................................................................... 55 §. II.II.IV: Institutional Scribe-hood ................................ 57

Chapter III: Ruthless Effectivity

................. 62

§. III.I: Learning How To Listen ........................................ 62 §. III.II: The Ministry Blocker .............................................. 65 §. III.III: Teamwork .......................................................................... 69 §. III.IV: Transmission Of Information ......................... 70 5

§. III.IV.I: Speech ................................................................................. 71 §. III.IV.II: Signs .................................................................................. 83 §. III.IV.III: Print ................................................................................ 85 §. III.V: Vessel Presentation ................................................... 87 §. III.V.I: Association ..................................................................... 87 §. III.V.II: Undisciplined Laziness (Health) ................... 90 §. III.V.III: Body-language .......................................................... 93 §. III.VI: The Agenda ...................................................................... 94

Chapter IV: The Battlefield

................................ 98

§. IV.I: The Past ................................................................................ 98 §. IV.II: Persecution ....................................................................... 99 §. IV.III: Your Way Vs. God´s Way ............................. 102 §. IV.IV: The Hypocrites ......................................................... 103 §. IV.V: Discussion ....................................................................... 105 §. IV.VI: Satan´s Minions & Attacks ........................... 107

Chapter V: God´s Conviction

...................... 109

§. V.I: What Is It? ......................................................................... 109 §. V.II: What If It Doesn´t Come? .................................. 110 §. V.III: Battle Prayers .............................................................. 111

Chapter VI: Trust ............................................................


§. VI.I: Showing “It Is Safe” To Trust God ........... 112 6

Chapter I: Introduction §. I.I: The Purpose Of This Book; God´s Will Unlike the leader of a sect like the “Amish” or the “Jehova Witnesses”, I will not teach you that God wants you to create a little world inside of the real world. Don´t get me wrong, I do teach that separation of the ways of this world are necessary within the will of God for your life, says the Lord God of Israel, the Creator of this universe and everything and everyone in it. God is leading me to help you understand the difference between a sect leader like “the pope of Rome” and a Prophet of God. The leader of a sect will lead you to isolate yourself from this world, “we” and “them”. A Prophet does not do this as the Prophet of God knows that you, the reader, is going to be King under Jesus Christ for a 1000 years at His return. Revelation 3:21: To him that overcometh will I (Jesus) grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne. Revelation 3:11: Behold, I (Jesus) come quickly, hold fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Revelation 5:10: Thou (Jesus) hast made us unto our God Kings and priests: And we shall reign on the earth. There are people called to be king on this earth in this life, however the great majority of readers are called to be king when Jesus Christ has returned to this earth to rule as Supreme Monarch for a 1000 years. 7

Religious people call this “Going to Heaven”, however reality is that if you are called by God, you are going to be King in the Kingdom of God. God´s Kingdom will be established at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ on this earth, thus putting down all authority from men, then the authority is given to Jesus Christ, who then lets you share in His authority. Yes, Says the LORD. The “Rapture” will cause you to see Heaven where I dwell, however you will rule on earth. Revelation 11:15: The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and His Christ; And he shall reign for ever and ever. The work of a Prophet is to prepare you for that rule, not to isolate you from this world and it´s evil. Isolation of this world, says the LORD, is not my will, I want you to overcome. Revelation 2:26: He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I (Jesus) give power over the nations; 27 And He shall rule them with a rod of Iron. (Rod of Iron: Staff of Supreme Authority) The reason why I want you to overcome, says the LORD, is because I am sending trial and tribulation to refine your character to the degree I need it for what I call you to be in my Kingdom. The sect leader isolates you from this process... It is the will of God, that you develop the strategic attitude of a military General, the humbleness of a lowly servant and the character of a King. 8

How will you do that when you isolate yourself in a sect like Catholicism, the Amish, Mormonism and Jehova Witnesses? Such sects teach doctrine without God initiating it, as when God personally calls you to enter His Kingdom, He Himself will open your eyes, one way or another, and draw you out of such sects as there is work to be done! “Going to Heaven” is not a click-and-done process. It is the desire for “security” that attracts people to sects, as the personal walk with God is unpredictable from a baby Christians´s perspective, it´s unattractive to walk the hardest and most narrow road, especially if you have to start walking alone! The purpose of this book is to help you develop the character you need to rule a 1000 years with Jesus Christ. So no isolation, we are going to develop a spiritual excellence that is so attractive, that the world will want to isolate itself to hear you! This is the will of God for your life, and God will give you His Holy Spirit to transform your mind and heart when you desire this “Holy Transformation”. I Samuel 10:6: The spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt be turned into another man. II Corinthians 5:17: If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature: Old things are passed away; Behold, all things are become new. A true prophet of God does not desire to isolate people, as he understands that Evangelist and Pastor have a purpose too in the plan of God for your life. 9

Ephesians 4:11: He (Jesus) gave some, Apostles; And some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the saints. If you are called by God, and God draws you to this book, then this book is part of that “perfecting of the saints” process. Yes, in the Greek, saint is from “hagious”, which means consecrated to God. Every born again believer in Jesus Christ is a saint, as the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ transforms you into a saint.

§. I.II: Real Vs. Fake §. I.II.I: Islam Once upon a time, says the LORD God Almighty, there was a man by the name Mohammed, I led him to a cave and allowed him to be deceived. This happened around 600 years after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. I want to bring the following Holy Scripture to your attention, written around 500 years earlier. Galatians 1:8: If we or an angel from Heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. If Mohammed, the leader of the sect that identifies itself by the name “Islam” had known that Holy Scripture, he would not have listened to that fallen angel who deceived him. To understand why God allows such great deception, one must understand God´s overall plan. 10

In the book of Revelation, it is written what happens just before Jesus Christ returns to rule for a 1000 years, the time period where you are going to be King and Immortal. I Corinthians 15:53: For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. When Jesus Christ rules, it is no longer a possibility to be called by God, as then the age of God´s Grace has come to an end. Those who are not called by God, cannot get access to this Kingdom that is ruled by Jesus Christ, they have to go! Revelation 13:16: And he (Anti-Christ) caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; 17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he had the mark. Revelation 13:8: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (Anti-Christ), who´s name are not written in the book of life. Revelation 20:15: Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. In other words, they are going to hell! The “He” in Chapter 13 of the book of Revelation is going to be a supreme leader, a false prophet who will do great wonders, so great that entire humanity will be deceived into taking the mark of the beast. Satan will get permission to take over the entire earth and “Mark” those who are his, those not written in God´s book, just before the establishment of the Kingdom of God. 11

And at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, they all will be destroyed on the “day of God´s Wrath”, also known as “Judgment day”. When time is up, it´s over! Then Satan may claim your soul for hell and send you a false Prophet, by permission of God Almighty. I Kings 22:22: I, the LORD, will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his Prophets. Deuteronomy 13:1: If there rise among you a Prophet, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder 2 and it comes to pass, saying, let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them: 3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul. II Thessalonians 2:10: And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. If you take an objective look at the life of the leader of the islamic sect, you can imagine why God allowed him to be deceived, however this goes further... If the entire world will believe a lie, and not the truth, then the lie must become very common and very powerful. It started 12

at Mohammed the false prophet and it ends where their sect is offered “this whole world” by Satan the Devil. All they have to do is reject that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, who was crucified for forgiveness of sin. I say false prophet because God fights through a Prophet by His Spirit, He does not need force to submit people to Him. Mohammed attempted to fight for what he thought to be “for God”; which is human nature without God´s spirit. Fighting Through vs. Fighting For. Your world is the Kingdom of God. Satan offered Jesus this entire world if He would worship Satan: Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exeeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. The closer we get to the arrival of the kingdom of God, the more territory is given over to Satan by Divine plan. The islamic sect is very keen on denying that Jesus died on a cross, and on denying that Jesus is God in the flesh, later you will understand why Satan wants people to believe this, first we are going to think about their main defense of the authenticity of their sect. “We believe the first and second testament, and God promised a 3rd and final Prophet, who wrote the 3 rd Testament, that nullifies the first two”. Every single word that is written in the Hebrew Tanakh and the Greek New Testament has passed my eyes and not a word is written there that God will send a “3 rd and final 13

Prophet who will completely re-write holy scripture and rewrite what Jesus Christ really did, 600 years after He died and rose again.” About such people who write such “3 rd Testaments” the Word of God Almighty says: Accursed! Galatians 1:8: If we or an angel from Heaven, preach any other Gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. If the entire world will be deceived, the lie must become very powerful and reality shows you it is! And there must be a group of people who are going to fulfill such end-time prophesies. The most common way, those who are in the islamic sect, reject the ministers of God is by saying: Your Bible translation is corrupt, it´s translated countless times, which one do you want me to listen to? Nothing that comes out of a preachers mouth can counter that, as everything you know is corruption! Why should they listen to that? §. I.II.II: Judaism Unlike “Islam”, Judaism is not a sect. The Old Testament covenant was once valid. Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Hebrew) is the promised messiah by Moses: Deuteronomy 18:18: I (God) will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. 19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words 14

which he shall speak in my name, I (God) will require it of him. Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it where our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 5 He was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. “Healed by the stripes of the Messiah�, huh? Sounds like a sacrifice/atonement for sin, a man? Those under Judaism sacrifice animals for their sin, not a man! What is Isaiah the Prophet speaking about, Says the LORD? A Messiah, being sacrificed to heal us? Who could possibly be that... The scripture above is quoted from the Hebrew Tanakh, Hebrew Holy Scripture saying that the Messiah of mankind will be un-esteemed and bruised for our iniquities. The thing about those under Judaism, is the deeds of their ancestors. They burned their children into the fire for molech a fake god. Now, the spiritual blinders are on, just like those in a sect. However, this is still different: Romans:11:1: I say then, hath God cast away his people? God forbid. 5 At this time also there is a remnant, according to the election of grace. 8 God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear, unto this day. 11 have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: But 15

rather through their fall salvation is come unto the gentiles (The Non-Jews), for to provoke them to jealousy. 25 For I would not brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved. These spiritual blinders are given to those under Judaism to provoke them to jealousy, and the spiritual blinders come off when Jesus has saved all the Gentiles that He desired to save, then His focus will go back to Israel. You cannot take your own spiritual blinder off, you cannot elect yourself to become king in God´s Kingdom: This can only be by Divine Calling. Those in Judaism should be considered as friends, not as spiritual teachers, other then to give you a more cultural insight on the old testament. Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, and the Children of Israel are God´s people with spiritual blinders on. Genesis 12:3: And I (God), will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee. Is what God said to Abraham. This went over to Isaac, Abraham´s son. And then went on to Jacob, Isaac´s son, who later was renamed by God to “Israel”. Genesis 35:10: And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called anymore Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel. 16

If you bless Israel, God will still bless you. If you curse Israel, God will still curse you. The Apostle of God wrote “Lest ye should be wise in your own conceits�, this should alarm you to the sensitivity of the matter of the nation of Israel to God. Spiritually blinded Jews under Judaism look at Christians as being idolaters. Tanakh Holy Scripture warns Hebrews to not worship men, and they see Jesus as a man, not as God in the flesh. Only God can reveal that Jesus is Him in the Flesh, so never go into discussions. Do not force a Jew, as it is against everything they hold for Holy. You must understand, that those under Judaism would not eat the non-kosher pig-meat from the hand of a king! What then will you as common man accomplish? They will call a minister of God a snake oil seller! Saving a Jew goes by Divine Intervention! As most Jews legitimately fear the punishment of God for bowing down to a man. Once an Israelite said to me that Hellfire is a Christian invention. This is what the Hebrew Tanakh says about Hellfire: Isaiah 66:24: The men that have transgressed against me (God); for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched. Isaiah 33:14: Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?


Psalm 21:9: Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: The LORD shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Christianity flows out of Judaism. The Jews had to follow the law of Moses to get their Messiah. Respect them, honor them, pray for them, bless them, but by all means, do not follow their religion! Daniel 9:27: And he (Anti-Christ) shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 years) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease. Prophet Daniel wrote that 7 years before the establishment of the Kingdom of God, Satan would enter a man, who will make a 7 year peace treaty with many nations, and after 3,5 years, that same man will stop the animal sacrifice in the 3 rd Holy Temple of God in Jerusalem, Israel. Before you become “wise in your own conceits� as the Apostle of God wrote, consider for that scripture to be fulfilled, Judaized Jews need to sacrifice animals. And I promise you, the men who are destined to that job, you can be the best preacher in the world who has ever lived, the blinders will stay on their eyes until their destiny is fulfilled. It is a good thing to convert Jews to their Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, however make sure you do not argue or get angry when the blinders remain on their eyes. Psalm 122:6: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. 18

The Jews are the Elect of God, with blinders on. The islamists claim to be the Elect of God, with blinders on. That sums up how you can look at their religions objectively.

§. I.II.III Other Non-Abrahamic Religions Most “Non”-Abrahamic religions teach that they hold a secret code, a secret sound, a secret prayer and or a secret method whereby you as individual achieve the “next level of being”. “Non”-Abrahamic religions do not focus on “living by a set of moral rules” that a divine creator instituted, being punished/judged when trespassed. And the need to ask forgiveness at a supreme masculine creator God. The “Non”-Abrahamic religions say: Wash your conscience clean with good deeds and repetitive prayer to a whole variety of false gods, depending on your specific need, a god for every need! Yes, sounds like a great strategy, says the LORD God Almighty, let´s bribe God! It is God who gives me the wisdom to expose such folly! If you commit a crime, a righteous judge will sentence you to jail, no matter how many good deeds you have committed or how much you “devote” yourself to that judge. People who are wise enough to understand that you “reap what you sow”, but do not want to submit to a supreme almighty authority who has demands of Holiness and Righteousness tend to be drawn to “Non”-Abrahamic religions: “Balance your evil deeds with a couple of good deeds, pick a god


you like the most, and repeat this secret prayer until you have reached the desired result.” If you are a woman, and you do not like this idea of an almighty masculine creator, why not pick a woman-god, after all; woman gives birth, right? This reasoning has led countless of women to witchcraft religions, and has led many women to hug trees and worship the earth itself, “mother” earth! It is folly. However what is even greater folly is thinking that God wants you to bow down to an idol, a statue of what you/people believe God looks like. You think you can make a statue of a God who created the earth and the quadrillion stars in this universe? You cannot form God, who transcends this creation, inside of this creation! That is an insult! However you think it´s a form of worship? Matthew 6:7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Another folly in the “Non”-Abrahamic religions is the repetitive prayer method. You get a secret “special” prayer that only a very select group of people have access to, a combination of words and then you repeat that prayer. God the creator of the universe can read your mind and heart, you do not need to pray in a secret language repetitively. The reason why repetitive prayer is so important in the “Non”-Abrahamic religion, is because this is how the demon snake spirit can hijack your mind and take you over! The Abrahamic religions teach that once you die, you get Divine Judgment and go to Heaven or to Hell, and stay there forever. 20

The “Non”-Abrahamic religion says: If you have been found wanting when you die, you will “re-incarnate” in a lower social class or a lower life form like an animal. This is a tactic of Satan to get you into Hell: Don´t worry, when you die, you will get countless chances! The Catholic political organization teaches a similar satanic doctrine that is identified as purgatory. Again Satan: Don´t worry if you mess up here, you go into purgatory and there you can try again! It´s all Satan trying to keep you in a comatose spiritual state until you enter into the fires of Hell along with him. Revelation 20:10: And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Satan hates God, and God loves you, so Satan gets at God by getting at you! When a preacher ministers to a Jew, this is what the Jew thinks, a snake spirit trying to snare him/her into bowing down to an idol, a “man” Jesus Christ. Christianity is categorized in the “idolatry” category by the spiritually blinded Jews. Most Jews believe that Christians are silly fools and you will experience that when you talk about God in the Flesh Jesus Christ to them, however, the intelligence that is portrayed in this book will not be able to be turned aside as “foolish”, especially not when God is touching your heart while you are reading this as a Jew. A “Non”-Abrahamic religion is a religion that is not founded upon the fact that God chose Abraham to start the plan


to redeem mankind, to give life eternal back to mankind after it was taken away from Adam after his disobedience to God. Genesis 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: 17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. The “Non”-Abrahamic religion is a primitive religion, based upon idea´s of men, their imagination or a demonic power manifesting itself by the people who have given themselves over to it. Not everything that is invisible and moving is from God. Just because the events in your life go “in a flow”, does not automatically mean that this “flow” is for your own good, you can be led into your destruction too! Let´s continue with the truth, I´ll get you to understand and communicate it to others.

§. I.II.IV: Christ´s Payment God is not a man, that he can be moved by praise. Jesus said: John 14:15: If you love me, keep my commandments. You cannot flatter God to lessen God´s punishment, neither can you bribe God with good deeds to cover up those which have been evil. God is not your colleague or your child, that you define to Him what is right, you are dust! Walking dust! 22

God cannot go against His Holy and Righteous nature, to assist you in understanding: What happens to you stand before a supreme court as a guilty person, and say to the judge: But my good deeds! Or what about a bribe? What about singing the name of the judge in an act of worship? If the judge is objective and righteous, what will happen to that guilty person? You´ve guessed it, the person will be sentenced. God cannot just let you go in His Perfection, He would not be Perfect if He would let you go. “Keep my commandments” is love, defined by God. Your definition of Love is acceptance of wickedness, there is no standard in that. God´s commandments are so designed by God, that when everyone keeps them, society, without great conflicts can work out. If someone steals what is yours, you want justice. If you are married and your partner commits adultery, it is wrong! Lawlessness is wrong! And you want God to accept such wickedness as you define that as “love”? When you stand before the most Holy and Righteous judge when you die, no amount of flattery, bribery, good deeds, nothing will stop God from judging you according to your deeds. Imagine yourself to be a cup of clear water, one sin is one drop of black ink that goes into the clear water. The entire cup of water is darkened, and that is you on judgment day. Any sexual intercourse outside of the institution of marriage is sin.


Hebrews 13:4: Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. I Thessalonians 4:3: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication. 4 That every one of you should know how to posses his vessel in sanctification and honor; What about abortion, which is murder? Stealing? Bowing down to those statues? Praying to dead people? You are going to be on fire when you die! Just one drop of ink will darken the water, and that is how God sees you! As a miserable sinner, worthy of Hellfire who needs to be fixed. And of-course, you cannot fix yourself. You need to be saved! What did Prophet Isaiah say again? Isaiah 53:5: He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities. Says the Holy Hebrew Tanakh, what we westerners know as the Old Testament. This is very humbling! You want to hear that you are great! You want to do the great accomplishment to show your worthiness, but it is all... Nothing. Your cup is still dark. You cannot fix your Hellfire problem, no matter what you do. Only by the grace of God, you can be saved. You is nothing, walking dust who transgresses against God like you drink water! Human beings do not like this humbling, this is why the “Non�-Abrahamic religions are so popular! The false prophets 24

will surely listen to your opinion and care for your feelings, they will make sure it is all about you! A real Prophet cannot be bothered by your opinion as you are still under the curse, whatever comes out of your mouth can only be folly. Discussion with you only leads to conflicts as it is all about you, and you being right. You are a sinner on your way to the flaming fires of Hell, what must I with your under-educated opinion? What a humbling! Now it is the appropriate time to tell you about the grace of God. Ezekiel 18:20: The soul that sinneth, it shall die. God loves you so much that He send Messiah (Savior) Mashiach, Yeshua (Jesus), Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, God who walked among us; John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 14 And the Word (of God) was made flesh and dwelt among us. To commit no sin, to receive maximum penalty: Death on a cross. Because Yeshua/Jesus had no sin, the law of sin-death could not hold him, God rose him from the dead after 3 days. I Corinthians 15:4 And that he (Jesus) was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


Because Jesus died without sin, His death can be used as legal matter on Judgment day. Jesus has the authority to say: “I paid the price for this person´s sin”, and God will accept Christ´s offer, and the chosen/called person will go free on Judgment day. “Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven”: John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Your “dirty” cup is cleansed by the death of Jesus. Because Yeshua/Jesus saved man-kind, God gave him all authority in Heaven and Earth: Matthew 28:18: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Jesus Christ, the Almighty, worthy of worship! Revelation 1:8: I (Jesus) am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. Now, you can receive life eternal again like Adam originally had and lost because of his error. Those under Adam´s curse can receive life eternal back because Jesus was without error, treated as error, by doing so, redeeming you!


Jesus did it all! There is nothing you can do, only Jesus can make you pass the Holy and most Righteous judge unharmed on Judgment day. Jesus saves sinners from Hell! Does this means it stops here? Surely not! Jesus said: Go and sin no more! John 8:11: Neither do I (Jesus) condemn thee: go and sin no more. The atonement of sin is not a means to continue in sin, it´s the start of discipleship. And that´s our next subject! After you have repented, which is the conscious choice of halting the process of sin against God, you go to a river, a swimming pool, and let someone submerge you under water in the name of Jesus Christ: “I Baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and to receive the Holy Spirit. - (Acts 2:38)” Notice how I do not write go to church and get baptized! If you enter today´s comatose church you will be defiled by false doctrine, hypocrites, religious spirits... Get baptized in a river or a swimming pool. Babies are not qualified for this process. Baby baptism is another way of Satan's deceptive strategies. Baptize a baby, tell the baby it will go to Heaven because of that baptism and it will go and sin against God as a teenager, thinking he or she will go to heaven. And if sprinkling water against a babies head is being baptized, then everyone with a shower is saved?


I am warring against a 6000 year long observing fallen angel... Satan has been looking at us as humans for 6000 years! I am undressing Satan´s false religions. Why do you think those in islam say that Jesus did not die on a cross... This is the one action that is the most defining action within the history of mankind, it´s the difference between burning forever in Hellfire or being King in God´s Kingdom... Satan will use any emotion, feeling, doctrine adjustment, to draw you away from what I explained in this chapter, especially in this section. As long as your sin is not atoned for, you are heading for Hell, Satan knows. Acknowledge your fallen state, humble yourself, stop transgressing against God, get baptized, be forgiven and receive the Holy Spirit of God. Only when you have received the Holy Spirit of God you can continue. Once you have received the Holy Spirit of God, you are no longer heading for Hell, but heading for ruler-ship in God´s kingdom, your mind has to be renewed. When your sins are atoned for, God will give His Holy Spirit to you to help you in this transformation process. You are a saint, not because of you, but because of the blood of Jesus Christ, who was shed for you, that separates you from other sinners. “Elected by God”. Have you noticed that I have not mentioned the group of individuals who call themselves “Atheists”? Psalm 14:1: The fool hat said in his heart there is no God, they are corrupt. 28

People who are unable to see the law of “sowing-reaping” working in their life, what can I do for them? Galatians 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he also reap. The sect who identifies as atheists, with their leader Charles Darwin, believe that when they die, that they are destroyed, eternally. This is why they and their children are so wicked! Envision your last day in life: Tomorrow I am going to be judged by God vs. Tomorrow I do not exist no more. It changes your attitude doesn't it? Those who believe that God does not exist, are tempted by Satan, totally invisible, and they keep biting and biting until they are addicted and bound by the sin and then Satan withdraws everything, leaving the “atheist” miserable. Then Satan goes to God and says: You see? This is how far I could take him or her, there is nothing good inside of him/her... In the hope God gives up the soul... Let´s sum up this chapter: False prophets are a curse to get you into Hellfire because your heart and deeds are wicked, sent by God as punishment. True Prophets are a blessing to get you out of error and/or closer to Spiritual Adulthood because your heart is right with with God. Both the true and the false are sent by God. False prophets will cater to your feelings and listen to you, real Prophets will neglect emotion rationally and tell you what you need to hear, whether you like it or not, as he does not work for you, the Prophet works for God. 29

Chapter II: Holy Transformation §. II.I: Spiritual Eyes Nothing happens by incidence, every season of your life serves a purpose. Even the worst of events serve an eternal purpose. To help you understand, I will share with you real life examples. A Dutch woman, with the name “Corrie ten Boom” was a disciple of Jesus Christ during the time that Nazi Germany started to occupy Europe. During that time Corrie ten Boom and her family helped the Dutch Jews escape Nazi persecution by offering them a hiding place. In the season Corrie ten Boom was in, doing “what is right” made you a political dissident, so she and her family where caught and transported to jail. The Jews where safe, however Corrie ten boom was in trouble! A covenant keeping Christian, not anymore under the curse, being taken captive by demon-possessed Nazi´s... Corrie ten Boom was not a hypocrite, she lived by the rules, she kept the commandments, how could this be! Psalm 91:1: He (She) that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. 4 He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 7 A Thousand shall fall at thy side; and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes 30

shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most high, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. 11 For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Where was the shadow of the Almighty when Corrie ten Boom was losing her sanity in jail? When she was interrogated by a Nazi chief, she heard that her father died. Her entire life collapsed after doing what is not just “right”, but “heroic”! How can this be! This must have been what echo´d through Corrie ten Boom´s mind when she was isolated in jail. Until now, for Corrie ten Boom, life with Jesus Christ has been good, no troubles, she lived the “nice Christian life”. This is what draws most people to Jesus: A stable, good, “Godly” life, the “benefits”. Mark 4:2 And He (Jesus) taught them many things by parables, and said unto them (Jesus´s Disciples) in his doctrine, 3 Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: 4 And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up. 5 And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; And immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: 6 But when the sun was up, it was scorched; and because it had no root, it withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and chocked it, and it yielded no fruit. 8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, 31

and some an hundred. 14 The sower soweth the Word (of God) 15 And these are they by the way side, where the Word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the Word that was sown in their hearts. 16 And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word (of God), immediately receive it with gladness; 17 And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: Afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the Word´s sake, immediately they are offended. 18 And these are which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word (of God), 19 And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entered in, choke the word (of God), and it becometh un fruitful. 20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word (of God), and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty-fold, some sixty and some an hundred. “What will Corrie ten Boom do when all those blessings are removed?” This is what happened to Job too (The book of Job), I just presented the Corrie ten Boom story to show you that this spiritual principle is still active in today´s world, where you and I live in. Job 1:7 The Lord said unto Satan, whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, from going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 8 And the Lord said unto Satan, hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a 32

perfect and upright man, one that feareth God and escheweth evil. 9 Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, doth Job fear God for nought? 10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land. 11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. 12 And the Lord said unto Satan, behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. Job´s cattle died, Job´s children died, says the story about Job in the book of Job. And how did Job respond? Job 1:20: Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, 21 And said, naked came I out of my mother ´s womb, and naked shall I return thither: The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord. In this story, where God removes all the blessings from Job ´s life, it continues that Satan asked God to harm his health, and Satan received permission from God to do anything, unto, taking his life, Satan did not receive permission to kill Job. Job was fully covered with sore boils when his wife said: Curse God and die! Job 2:10: But he said unto her, thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. 33

After passing this season in Job´s life, the following happened: Job 42:12: So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more then his beginning. Satan went to God and reasoned the following: Job loves you and follows your statutes because it´s profitable! Take away the profit and see how he will walk away! Going back to the story of Corrie ten Boom, before she was taken captive, she only knew the blessings of God while worshiping God, now, in jail, it is all taken away, even her father died. Bad news after bad news! Then, Corrie ten Boom and her sister where transported to concentration camp “Ravensbruck”, waking up every morning at 4 o'clock for slave labor! II Timothy 3:12: All that live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. What could possibly be the “eternal Divine plan” behind this? The only Divine intervention in Corrie ten Boom´s situation was that she was able to smuggle in a Holy Bible into the concentration camp, as the woman before her in the inspection line was taken aside by the security guards and then Corrie ten Boom entered without being checked. Corrie ten Boom did not just have the “Job-test”, God taught her to perform her duty, no matter in what circumstance to make a... 34

More complete character... Once Corrie ten Boom ministered the Word of God to those in the concentration camp, once Corrie ten Boom conquered the depression and hopeless feeling after losing all and seemingly having no hope, once she put aside her own situation and thought about the soul of the others in the concentration camp, once she learned to be thankful in every circumstance, then she was released by an “Administrative error”. Someone let her go “by accident”, and then God used her all over the world to minister to the Church; the real seasonal nature of the walk with Christ. Corrie ten Boom is dead. Finances, career, notability, it´s of no importance to her any longer. She had the complete seasonal learning experience from God and is now ready to be Queen for a 1000 years under Christ. The modern “Church” does not see the seasonal nature of God molding characters for ruler-ship in the Kingdom of Christ. “How to get your next blessing” is not why Jesus Christ died on a cross, He wants to develop a complete re-born person out of you. John 3:5: Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water (baptism) and of the spirit (receiving the Holy Spirit after the baptism), he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; And that which is born of the spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I say unto thee, ye must be born again. Your fleshly nature can be compared to “Windows 95”, no matter how much you upgrade it, to run “the Kingdom of God”, the minimal requirements are “Windows XP”. No matter how 35

hard you try as a “Windows 95” with its flaws, you will never do it right. Someone has to install “Windows XP” and breathe new life into that computer. This process starts at the Water-Baptism: “I Baptize you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and to receive the Holy Spirit. - (Acts 2:38)” When Corrie ten Boom got out of the concentration camp, she surely appreciated freedom more then before she was taken captive. Today, 25 February 2016, I saw a man in a black Lamborghini sports car, next to him “the blonde”. She looked like she was complaining about her “big problems”, she was arguing with the driver which appeared to be her husband. Because of her physical attractiveness, she has probably never tasted poverty, so she does not appreciate such blessing. She thinks it is her right to have it, completely forgetting that someone worked to obtain what she feels is hers by her appearance. If that woman has tasted poverty, and God blessed her with such husband, there would be more respect, and a happier marriage. This is why no life lesson or trial is skipped, if God loves and cares about you, you will get your full portion! God will keep sending you test, trial and tribulation until He thinks you are a full-grown Christian with “Spiritual Eyes”, who is able to minister the Word of God in every circumstance, with a thankful attitude. Job 5:17: Behold, happy is the man whom God corrected; Therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. 18 For he maketh sore, and bindeth up: he 36

woundeth, and his hands make whole. 19 He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. 20 In famine he shall redeem thee from death: and in war from the power of the sword. 21 Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. 22 At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh: neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth. 23 For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee. 24 And thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine off-spring as the grass of the earth. 26 Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season. The best example I can present you is “Joseph”, son of Jacob/Israel. He was sold as a slave by his envious brothers, tempted by the wife of his master, thrown into the prison for many years because of a rape-accusation, in the end, he became “vicepresident of Egypt” under captain Pharaoh of Egypt. If you desire to know more about Joseph´s story, you can read about it in Genesis 37-49. It was all by “eternal Divine plan”, Joseph´s twelve brothers did not know that they where sending their brother to “rulership-boothcamp” when they sold him as a slave! A real, genuine, born-again, disciple of Jesus Christ, will be sent to “rulership-boothcamp” and you will not skip one class. This is also the reason why Christians are not permitted to divorce.


Matthew 19:9: And I (Jesus) say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committed adultery; and whoso married her which is put away doth commit adultery. “Pastors” without “Divine Wisdom” and without “Spiritual Eyes” say that when your wife or husband cheats on you, that this is a “valid” reason for divorce. Notice how the scripture says “except for fornication”, it does not say, “except for adultery”, adultery is mentioned in the next line. What the author meant to say, is that if a woman “markets” herself to you as a pure virgin, and on the wedding night you find out that you have been fooled, then you may cancel the marriage if you desire to do so. The reason you ought not to divorce is extremely simple: 1. You vowed before God: “Until death separates us”. 2. If a conflict is so severe that it pushes you to divorce, at the re-marriage the cause, the root, the in-ability to deal with that conflict will resurface at the re-marriage, leading to the same problem with another partner. When you choose to divorce, you not only have committed adultery at re-marriage and caused your partner to do so too if he/she remarries, your children, if there are any, are damaged by the divorce! God wants you to find the root problem of your marriage problem, and fix it, then grow stronger together. God does not want you to seek the escape hatch when the difficult season has arrived.


Ofcourse, the governmental instituted “pastor” does not understand this, as only God can give you “Spiritual Eyes”. “The easy way out” and “rulership-bootcamp” do not walk the same route. Prayer: Jesus, please give me Spiritual Discernment! With Spiritual eyes, you do not try to escape the season you are in, you try to discover what the purpose of the season is! “Who has sent you, and for what purpose?” “God? To get me closer to Him? Or Satan? To lure me into sin?” “What is God trying to teach me with the season I am in?” Only the most intelligent will discern the purpose of the season, pass it correctly, and move on to the next chapter of their Godly destiny. Like Joseph, it took him many years to discover why God allowed so much “bad” in his life. It might take many years for you too! Corrie ten Boom could have gotten angry at God for Him taking her father in the midst of her greatest life drama, however she did not, she kept ministering the Word of God in her circumstance. When Joseph was tempted, he could have slept with his masters wife after all the “injustice” God has done to him, however Joseph chose to maintain his integrity and became second in power in all of Egypt. Wherever God has a plan for someone´s life, count on loss! Every event in your life prepares you for the fulfilling of your calling of bearing fruit (becoming a successful minister), and eventually your position in the Kingdom of God, developing the ability and character, matching to the portion God desires you to have. The bigger the crown, the longer and heavier the road and learning curve you have to go through. 39

If you have received strong faith, your presence/preaching can function as a confirmation to those of less strong faith, there are countless of possible purposes of the season you are in right now. “Spiritual Eyes” are developed in accuracy, the deeper you are in the “rulership-bootcamp” experience, also intensive Holy Scripture study will increase your “Spiritual Discernment”. Someone with “Spiritual Eyes” does not complain, does not act like a victim, as the individual with the “Spiritual Eyes” sees the path God lays out for the individual, and finds hope in that. Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not on thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Another servant of God who had “Spiritual Eyes” was an English man by the name “John Bunyan”, who wrote a book, titled: “Pilgrim's Progress”. In his fictional story he portrayed a man who became aware of his sinful nature and sought relief. He owned a Holy Bible and went on a journey to the “celestial city”, which is a metaphor of “the Kingdom of God”. On his journey the character comes across countless situations, that would be qualified as “rulership-bootcamp”. The character “Pilgrim” sees two great tiger-like beasts next to the road that he has to pass by to go to the “celestial city”. Two other travelers are fleeing from the beasts, however “Pilgrim” does not flee, “Pilgrim” trusts in Jesus Christ and finds out that the beasts are bound by chains. With the purpose of testing the faith of pilgrims. Another situation is, where “Pilgrim” does not want to walk the narrow, straight and difficult road and suggest 40

to his travel partner to take this other more comfortable appearing road that seems to go to the same direction. In reality it leads them away, in all kinds of trouble, and when they get out of trouble and return to the narrow road, they leave a sign that says: “Travelers do not be tempted to take this detour.” This is a metaphor to be aware of not letting your sound reasoning to be affected by laziness. Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. On the internet, search for an animated version of “Pilgrim ´s Progress”, and observe it, it will help you form the solid fact in your mind that “going to Heaven” is more then a ritual you do as a baby, or a simple receiving of forgiveness and then going on with life as one always has done, and that God possibly wants to do more then “giving you that next blessing” that you are seeking for...

§. II.II: Satan´s Minefield “Deceiving the dummies and the simple”. Deceiving people away from the born-again experience, a spiritual upgrade that comes by forgiveness of sin. That is Satan´s main objective, but what if you desire to be saved? Then Satan cannot get at you with that strategy, once you know and have accepted the truth, those lies have no more hold on you. Once you have crossed that line, Satan changes strategy and intensity.


While your computer goes from “Windows 95” to “Windows XP”, Satan then attempts to corrupt the installation, as once you run on “Windows XP”, everyone will see that you are different, and then people will get curious and the last thing Satan wants is that you Communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively! Imagine they all want that “Windows XP”! That´s the last thing Satan is waiting for. Satan´s change of strategy goes as following: Satan will provoke behavior that will cause God to remove His blessing out of your life, to cause you to behave in such a way, that God cannot continue loading you with spiritual power and influence, in other words, Satan wants to shut down your game before you reach “Mission Accomplished”. Now, as you can imagine, you are becoming a dangerous problem for Satan once you chose to accept God´s calling, the born-again experience, Satan the fallen angel will have to step up his game. Don´t get me wrong, Satan was the chiefest of angels in Heaven before he was dethroned by God - (Isaiah 14:12-15), Satan wanted to challenge God and sit on God´s throne. Satan, and those angels who took command of Satan, where turned into “fallen angels” and “demons”. And have studied our human race for over 6000 years. The most intelligent of God´s creation has declared war on us and has an amazing trackrecord of 6000 years of observing our weaknesses and human nature... Alright, now back to you guys... Most of you guys think you are chief, you look at your “accomplishments” and “possessions” and puff yourself up. Not


getting it that Satan has distracted you from what really is important: Your Kingship in the Kingdom of God. It´s like all these “smart guys” competing for the best and most luxurious cabin on the RMS Titanic. Once your time is up, forgiveness of sin by Jesus Christ is what is going to get you into Heaven, and your obedience to your calling is going to define if you arrive naked or inherit a giant castle. Satan has so much hate for you that he will do all in his power to damage your overall life experience as long, and as much as possible. Imagine you are going to be King for a 1000 years, but just a small one, because Satan tricked you into refusing a calling because you received a secular job offer, right at the same time of the calling. God is allowing it because He wants to see what you choose! There is no hypocrisy possible before God, once you walk in the Kingdom of God, and understand how long a 1000 years is, you will “rethink your priorities”, only then it´s too late! As long as Satan can corrupt religion, you will not rethink your priorities and you will stay on “Windows 95” thinking you are “Windows XP”, that´s what Jehova Witnesses, Catholics, Mormons, and other “churches” that are apostate, or have become apostate do. They sell you this idea that if you do “this and that”, you will go to heaven, and because they grow so big, common man associates God with them. Broken “Windows 95” acting like “Windows XP”, making “Windows 95” failures, and common man says: If that´s from God, I want nothing to do with that!


The “corrupt installation” is called “counterfeit Christianity”. And it is rampage all across the globe. The more rampage it grows, the easier it is for Satan to keep people away from the “born-again experience”, as those who do seek a life with God, enter such sects, then think what they learn is from God, and then start emulating a religion without God... And more then often, then persecuting those who do have God, because it does not match what “they hold for the truth”, not having a clue of what is going to happen to those under “corrupt installation” on Judgment day, thinking they served God by persecuting God´s movement: they will hear “I never knew you!” from Jesus, scary! Satan has been looking at our nature and our race for over 6000 years, Satan has more intelligence and endurance then us, the moment you grasp what I am trying to convey to you, you will also understand why I wrote in §. I.I: “It is the will of God, that you develop the strategic attitude of a military General, the humbleness of a lowly servant and the character of a King” If you cannot develop the strategic attitude of a military General, Satan will roll you up! Look at the 21 st century “Church”, rolled up! Blind people that are running on “Windows 95”, thinking they are chief! Accomplishing nothing! Which has been Satan´s target! So, let´s roll up Satan for a change! This is what God says: Once I start translating souls into my Kingdom, Satan stirs up:

§. II.II.I: Racial Conflict God Almighty chooses a black man as “carrier of His Holy Spirit”. Satan instantly awakens “White Supremacy”, thus 44

recruiting his army to come against God´s work, “We don´t want a black man to be chief!”: You are so small! We are too big to submit to your leadership! We did this and that, God can´t possibly use you! We are smarter, wealthier, more organized and more experienced! Get out you … Oh yeah, and we will warn the flock about people like you, all that extremism! Look how you act like you are the only way, full of pride, thinking you know it all! We better make sure you do not infect society with your fanaticism. God then opens the eyes of all those He wants to translate into His kingdom in the community of the elected one, and the rest is given over to scoffing, mocking and persecuting; Satans´s work! God Almighty chooses a white man as “carrier of His Holy Spirit”. Satan instantly awakens “The Black Victim Mentality”. Thus recruiting his army to come against God´s work; “Another white man came to tell us what to do” How proud these white men are, full of hypocrisy, they cannot even run their own society and now they come to tell us how to run ours! Be strong fellow black man! Be not as those brown nosers going to the whites for ... We have to show them we don´t need them! Both groups who participate in Satan´s work of blocking the moving of the Holy Spirit, will stand before God thinking they are justified, not understanding the reality check they are going to receive when Jesus Almighty sends them away. Matthew 28:18: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.


Matthew 7:21: Not every one that saith unto me (Jesus), Lord, Lord, Shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Notice how it does not say: “But he who attempts to stop/block the will of my Father, “because of …” Matthew 7:22: Many will say to me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, Have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out Devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I (Jesus) profess unto them, I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. If Satan can lure you into persecuting a Minister of God because of his race, He has found a way to withdraw God´s blessing over your life and render you as ineffective. If God elects a man, you are out of the equation. Many people in ancient Israel did not like King David. And you could “reason” that King David did some things that do not befit a King. However that does not justify any form of warfare against God´s elect, which in this example is King David. God has a plan for those He chose. Regardless of the mistakes, when you choose to wage war against God´s elect, all you are doing is waging war against God´s plan, and against all those that God wants to translate into His Kingdom! Black, white, yellow, if it is God´s elect, do not let yourself be lured into becoming their opposition. And spreading rumors to destroy someone´s credibility is a form of social warfare. If God chooses a man, you say “thank you God for your mercy for 46

giving us another Minister”. If you do not like the person, you move on like nothing happened. If you fall for the racial trap, Satan has rendered you harmless as he lured you into becoming an enemy of God.

§. II.II.II: Gender Conflict Common man desires to be chief over the daily situations in his life, so badly, that common man will use every opportunity to demonstrate how “bigger”, “stronger” and “wiser” he is, as common man believes this is his “right”. This behavior is rooted out of an insecurity, as a real chief do not need to “use” every opportunity to show how much of a chief he is. This is not a spiritual teaching. I am attempting to make a carnal problem visible, to demonstrate how Satan lures the women to become enemies of God. To help you as a woman to not render yourself as ineffective by behaving in such a way that God withdraws His blessing out of your life. The real chief shows his excellence by allowing men of authority to surround him without feeling intimidated, not even a little bit, as the real chief knows how much of a chief he really is. Those without the “chief-nature”, will use any opportunity to gain social advantage, read; they will dishonor their wives in public for the sake of showing their chief-hood over their “property”. This obviously leads to discontent at their wives, and here is where Satan´s playground starts. You cannot “fake” or “imitate” the “chief-nature”, and you cannot change that God made man chief over woman.


Genesis 3:16: Thy husband shall rule over thee. Genesis 2:18: God said; it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. This is how God sees you, woman. And through that context you will understand why the Apostle of the Almighty wrote: I Timothy 2:12: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 15 notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holyness with sobriety. That is a lot lower then Satan has been telling you, or isn´t it? Stay with me, it gets worse! I Corinthians 11:7: The man is the Glory of God, as He is made in His image: But the woman is the Glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. I do not write these things to “dominate” you as a man, I can understand, even your feelings! But only have a little sympathy, I´m going to present the truth to you. I cannot imagine how it must be to become subject to a “common man” with the behavior as I wrote about in the beginning of this section, however... At rebellion, you cannot use it as a valid excuse on the Day of Judgment. Nothing that is organized by “big chiefs” is without purpose: When the woman is the head of the house, then all 48

those sales people aren´t continuously rejected by those “conservative” and “un-impulsive” men. There is a reason why 21st century media and public education portray this distorted family hierarchy, and ofcourse this goes above the head of common-woman... You as a 21st century woman have been molded to think, behave, desire, exactly the opposite of what God created and designed you for. Then God opens your eyes and saves you, and then you take that “dog-programming” they have done to you into God´s House... I Corinthians 14:34: Let your women keep silence in the Churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; But they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the Law (of Moses). 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: For it is a shame for women to speak in the Church. 36 What? Came the Word of God out from you? Or came it unto you only? 37. If any man think himself to be a Prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the LORD. I do not “think” to be a Prophet, a Divine Calling, training and election has made me a Prophet, the way I explain to you the problem of the “feministic” attitude inside the House of God is a witness for you that a true Prophet is writing these words and also a witness against you when you disobey the command. The woman is the glory of the man, that is why ancient Kings had so many wives... “Look how much glory I have!”


God does not see you, woman, as His glory, that role is put aside for men. God has made you for your husband! Remember woman, this is not a man vs. woman battle, I cannot care what common woman thinks, my agenda with you is making visible how Satan has rendered you ineffective. Holy Scriptures say that you are not welcome to claim centerpoint of attention in the House of God, regardless of the poor state of the character of the men. You have been trained by Satan, to act like a man and to lose your purity. In the eyes of God, you are not a man, so you cannot become an “Apostle”, “Bishop” or a “Pastor”. God never calls a woman for these offices. “Sarah the great patriarch and Abraham her husband...” Sarah called her husband “Master”. Oh yes, that is how you ought to see those “unqualified” men who lack that “chiefnature”. I truly have a form of sympathy, however I have to keep it holy and real, and prepare you for Judgment day. Satan has dog-trained the women of this age to desire to be men and to destroy the family structure with the purpose of messing up children at an as early as possible age. This has two downsides: 1. If you act like a man, a “chief-nature” man will not want to have anything to do with you, as he has choice from plenty of “woman-women”. 2. If you desire to become “overseer” in the House of God, by calling yourself Bishop, Pastor or even Apostle, you directly point your middle finger at Holy Scriptures, who goes so far to tell you to be absolutely silent in Church. And by not hearkening 50

to the authority of the Holy Scripture you indirectly point your middle finger at God. As Satan dog-trained you to show that “you can do it too!”, you surely are nothing less then a man! Who does that man think he is! You have “the goods”... A woman who calls herself Apostle, Bishop or Pastor inside of a Church building, functioning as an official is a “heathen witch” What you do outside of the House of God is none of my business, God has women in His service: Prophetess and Evangelist. And when common man come against those, they are making themselves enemies of God. Satan knows that once you defile yourself with fornication, which is sex without marriage, men will stop valuing you... Once you have figured that out as a woman, then Satan arouses hatred against men in general and then you start participating in destroying their lives, the work of Satan. Jesus Himself said: You as a man may only divorce your wife at fornication. Purity is not “man´s” narrow-mindedness, it is mandated by God! So you have been listening to the lies of the devil, have defiled yourself and have taken your quest for “equality” into the House of God... And you take all that emotional baggage and hatred for men , which is caused by Satan´s men who where sent to defile and destroy you as a curse, to that “nice and common Godly man”. You do not “feel” as he does not go with you in your “emotional rage” and your “sexual wickedness”. I´m generalizing, so that this chapter can speak to all kinds of women. 51

You are man´s help, carrier of man´s seed. Man is the glory of God, He speaks inside of the Church. If you as a woman go against that, you render yourself ineffective. If you as a man, stop, slander or play any form of politics against a prophetess or female evangelist that works for God outside of the Church building, you render yourself ineffective. If you are a young woman, do not defile yourself with fornication, if you desire respect of a man with the “chiefnature”. A man with the “chief-nature” does not want the left overs of the wanna-b chiefs: once you defile yourself you are “marked” by the person you fornicated with. In ancient history, if you wanted to work for the Egyptian Pharaoh as a man, that what defines you as a man had to be removed, so that there is no risk that the Chief´s wife would be defiled by a servant. If you fornicate with “servants”, don´t cry when the “chiefs” do not come to marry you. Today´s women are glad to destroy their own house and family, deny men access to their children and use the nature of man against himself. At conflict in the church or house of a Minister of God, the wife of Minister, then flatters other Minister to show her control over the situation as if this is some kind of game. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulteres God will judge.


I love it how Holy Scripture does not even mention the woman in the equation of the punishment for sex-outside of marriage. Revelation 14:4: These are they which where not defiled with women; Ofcourse this scripture has nothing to do with the context of this section, however it does show how God´s point of view on this matter is. You either accept that, or go to Satan. Do not call yourself a woman of God and go against God´s word. If you don´t like God ´s way, Satan has a million uses for you, however they all end up in Hellfire. Matthew 12:36 But I (Jesus) say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of Judgment When you neglect Holy Scripture, and as a woman claim centerpoint attention, calling yourself “Apostle”, “Bishop” or “Pastor”, you show that you are a rebellious witch, and you show that the leadership of the Church you are assigned into does not have it´s act together. You as a woman will stand before God one day, so will be the men who silence the Prophetess and the female Evangelist outside of the Church building. This is a complicated matter, do not render yourself ineffective in Satan´s gender conflict snare. If you as a woman chose/choose for the sex without marriage fornication road, and the chief and his refined nature


rejects you for marriage, do not complain when you have to submit to a “common man” and his “ways”. In Heaven there is no marriage: Matthew 22:30: For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. As a woman, be thankful that you are saved and may enter into immortality. Do not think that you will take your rebellion into my Kingdom, says the LORD. Not welcome, says God. It has nothing to do with skills, devotion or education. It´s all about Divine will: You as a woman are not welcome to lead or oversee God´s house; you will not take your “equality” into God´s Kingdom. Women who “pay back” their husband, by flirting, or worse, commit adultery with other ministers, as you know a real man of God does not initiate divorce, is seen as messing up his mind and demotivates his Ministry, which is Satan´s goal. You do not wish to see the day of Judgment as a woman who goes out to destroy a man´s ministry, which is God´s working. Satan arouses: “Because he can, I can too!” What I wrote in this section is the will of God, amend your ways and doings! When Solomon succeeded King David, King David´s wife Bathsheba saw Solomon as unfit, naive and it was justified! So she started running Solomon´s business, making Solomon look like a boy in front of his wives. God punished her to stop her from blocking Solomon´s growth and for undermining his authority. 54

“Not welcome”, remember those words woman, once you start coming into the Church building and “take over”, when you are tempted to do that, God sees you as a “shameful” heathen witch! For it is written: I Corinthians 14:35: For it is a shame for women to speak in the Church.

§. II.II.III: Pride I Peter 5:6: Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: In order for Satan to lure you into opposing, blocking and/or persecuting a move of God, there needs to be a mental “justification”. If Satan says: Go and stop that new move of God before people get saved, no-one would do that! As that approach is too direct, Satan must be more subtle to lure you into opposing, blocking and/or persecuting a new move of God, as by doing that you will not not just render yourself ineffective, you also damage another man´s ministry! Two flies in one hit! “You have to protect the flock from fanaticism”, you “protector”! That´s Satan´s way of saying: Block the Holy Spirit from moving among you! You serve God longer then that “beginner”, you build all of this, this is yours! Are you going to allow another man to just walk in and do God´s work?


Pride is all about “me”. I do not agree with God´s new movement because “I” think... I am more qualified then God´s elect! “Because of...” You what? When God elects a man, and personally educates that man for ministry, you are what? Who are you anyway? A sinner saved by grace! Remember that every time when God sends His elect to minister to the flock He entrusted to you. If you desire authority for yourself, read the scripture again: I Peter 5:6: Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Your skills, education and accomplishments are nothing, son of dust! Divine election is everything! Any attempt to stop the elect of God is pure wickedness in God´s eyes, unjustified! Before God gives you over to this kind of action to test the real chief that you attempt to stop, you have that kind of pride that comes with a fall. Proverbs 16:18: Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. To position your mind into the proper perspective: Jesus Christ is #1 in God´s Kingdom. Jerusalem and Israel will be restored to King David #2 - (Ezekiel 37:25-28, Jeremiah 30:8-10). Don´t forget about Abraham, Moses, and the other Biblical world-famous spiritual mega celebrities... And the rest will go to “us”, the ordinary mortals... 56

Ofcourse the highest places will go to those who preached to millions... And down the line comes the countless thousands of Pastors who have faithfully pastured a flock of saved people. There is a reason why “Evangelist” is mentioned before “Pastor” in Ephesians 4:11. The amount of souls God translates through you into the Kingdom of God is equal to the position and glory you receive in God´s Kingdom. Pastors who´ve blocked “Apostle”, “Prophet” and “Evangelist” justifying it as “fanaticism”, should not be surprised when receiving a low ranking in God´s Kingdom. And eternal shame is awaiting those small minded ones who have blocked God´s working under the name of “religion”.

§. II.II.IV: Institutional Scribe-hood “I want the chief to approve it before I go there”. Human nature, on it´s quest for “security” and “approval of the flock”, for the sake of “self-preservation” is used by Satan to bind people away from their “maximum potential”. That retirement plan does sound nice doesn´t it? Just don´t talk too much about Hellfire, make sure the flocks feels “comfortable” to not draw away the “tithe” and the “offerings” away. That “something” that causes you to compromise... And do you think that those priestly educational institutions are designed to transform you into a warrior against Satan, training you to claim victory over territory? As you have probably guessed... Ofcourse not! They are designed to cater to a “need”, to provide a “service” to the people, that benefits society, not God! 57

The King wins, because people learn to live a life of ethics and integrity! But what if the King starts sinning against God? Will any of the “Institutionalized” priests go against the King? Yes, some will! But guess what happens to them once they step outside of the “training” they have received? They will become person-not-welcome and dishonored! Being dishonored by the King, the General, the Banker, by anyone of authority is the last thing common man is waiting for. Most people want a good name, and honor from men, stability and recognition, so they devote their time to institutionalized religion, that is designed to not rub too many feathers. Talking against authority will cause one to be excluded from the world and it´s ways, and most want the exact opposite, a good name and position in that world. Churches are accepted by the sinners, as long as “they keep their religion to themselves”. The organized religion is all about fitting in, in balance, so that everybody is happy, money being made, and people turn into “nice” people. Once you are called by God, you no longer associate organized religion exclusively to God, as you have a new point of reference, as long as you do not have this new point of reference, which is a direct relationship with Jesus Almighty, you will automatically by nature desire to not drift too much away from the “mainstream”. A selection of things you can experience when you drift away from the mainstream: Critique: “Are we not good enough in your eyes?” Mockery: “You have lost it...” 58

Exclusion: “Fanatic!” Accusation: “You prideful person do think you are better!” That is not what common religious man seeks. When common religious man sends his son to a theological academy, that son will take in the information, however that son will more then often not take in “the nature”! To battle against Satan, his minions and his principalities you will need more then a religious diploma, or a place of recognition inside of a building: You need to become a warrior of God who walks with God! As long as you seek approval from people and institutions, and seek “security” in finances and social status, you can forget it! Satan will easily find a way to bind you in a comfortable system, not too hot, not too cold... Revelation 3:15: I (Jesus) know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. And render you... Ineffective! Proverbs 29:25: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Matthew 5:20: For I (Jesus) say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.


An individual who has studied the Holy Scriptures to greater extent, becoming an expert in what is written, is a “scribe”. Everyone who is intellectual can train himself into scribe-hood. This can be considered “your theological theoretical knowledge of Holy Scripture”, a scribe is a person who is able to quickly find anything in the Holy Scriptures. There is nothing wrong with being a scribe, as you can see, I function as a scribe too! Prophet and Teacher of God! Jesus did not reject scribe-hood in the scripture mentioned before, He simply stated that it doesn't stop with “theoretical theological knowledge”. You must take what you have learned into practice, otherwise you will not walk in! That was what was wrong with the “scribes” of the time when Jesus walked on this earth for the first time, they did not live by what they taught: Hypocrites! Hypocrites will not enter... Matthew 16:24: Then said Jesus unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. When you only think about your own interests, you are not fit for the Kingdom of God. Once you start thinking about the soul of other men, you quickly come to the realization a lot has to be done that requires a lot of time, so much, that you might lose your own “security”. Jesus says about that, once you lose it that way, Jesus will make you find your life back later. And when your attitude is that you attempt to keep as much as 60

possible “security� for yourself, compromising the work of God, you will see that you will lose exactly that which you desperately attempted to attain.


Chapter III: Ruthless Effectivity §. III.I: Learning How To Listen Most people reflect reality through their own level of understanding and intellect. It is hard to imagine for those who have a naive and innocent conscience that there are people who are “cunning”, as people reflect reality upon the model they have created of it inside of their minds and intellect. This is why people who commit adultery are so quick to accuse those of the opposite sex of committing the same act against them, they quickly become “suspicious” as they cannot see how it is possible that you are not like “them”. Most people only want to speak and never listen, and, this is the perfect way to cancel any form of growth. An example: Most people read the word of God and stop after a couple of books because “it is too much of this, or that”. They open God´s Divine revelation with the following attitude: “I also want to have something to say, just because it´s me! It doesn't matter how inexperienced and unwise I am, I just want to express my stream of thoughts,” And then they close the Word of God and have all kinds of judgment against it. Instead of this approach, one could also think: “Let me read all 66 books in the Word of God, and try to see it from God´s perspective, let me attempt to read the entire word of God, and ask God in prayer to help me understand it in it´s right context and try to listen to the message of God, that He left for me. 62

Common man cannot do this, as here is where common and excellence cross roads. With common man, it´s always about himself! How “I” think, how “I” feel, what “I” want... Once a man departs from commonality, he thinks “what do they want”. That is where chief-hood starts. Once you start caring about others, you obviously need to listen to what comes out of their mouths... Matthew 23:11 (Jesus says:) But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Jesus did not say that because he wants to see you as a “slave”, or because he enjoys to see you as a “slave”... Doing that which is in the best interest of others, instead of doing that what is best for you, yourself. As long as you only think about your own interests only, you cannot be positioned as “greatest”. As God wants everyone ´s best interests to be served. This is why Jesus said: Matthew 23:11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Once you can put aside your own “ego”, you can listen to other people, not to discuss and show your own “superiority-inyour-own-eyes”, but to discover what they have to say about that which defines their success and/or excellence. Then you can learn and benefit from it, and upgrade your mind without having to spend a lifetime gathering the experience while doing it yourself. 63

Not many think of the Holy Bible as the collection of books, where the words of a supernatural teacher are written, for your own convenience. Once you realize what I am trying to convey, you will stop uttering your opinion everytime a wise man opens his mouth. However... Before you start listening to any man who appears to be wise, consider thinking about your life´s goal first. I, the writer, assume, that you desire a blameless judgment day, greatness in the Kingdom of God and want a lot of people to get saved. But think about it, is that truly what you want? If it is the case, listening to the words I write is going to bring you closer to your target. If you have no aim or target, the majority of voices, or the most powerful people are going to decide the course of your boat, then it is up to the integrity of their leadership to make sure you arrive... Yes, think about it... Arrive where? Those voices, that come out of people, if you listen to them, where do they lead you to? Does where it leads to, match your goal or target? Welcome to leadership, leading people to... When you open your mouth and utter your “opinion” in debates, whether politically or ecclesiastically, do you realize, what if someone listens to your carelessly uttered opinion... Which flows from your feelings and your pride... What can the consequences be for the person who listens to you? Ofcourse you do not, as it is all about who?


People want to become chief, however developing the “chief-nature”... Are you starting to understand why you are not (yet) chief, or not the type of chief you´d like to be? First you need to think about what you really want, then you surround yourself with experts who have what you want or know how to help you get what you want, you listen, then you search for books that educate you closer to what you want, and, most importantly, block all those voices who draw you away from your goal/target. All those people who speak out their doubt, all those who tell you to walk away from your target “because of”... Bye bye! You made a choice! Making drastic choices like that closes many doors and that is “scary”, as you are not absolutely certain of your own success, the arrival of the point of time where your goal/target is manifested into your daily reality. However if you stay indecisive, time will make the choice for you, then it´s no longer in your own hands. The ability to set a goal, educate yourself and work on a plan, without any form of success for a prolonged time, is what leaders do, they take “risks”... When their plan succeeded, others can benefit from that leader´s “organized strong will”, which is the chief nature, as it “serves” those who follow you. If you cannot do this process because of fear and because you desire “security”, stop desiring leadership. Listen ← “What action(s), activity and people lead me closer to my target | What action(s), activity and people lead me away from my target →do not listen.

§. III.II: The Ministry Blocker


Satan wants you to identify the lies he has taught you, as part of your identity, so that when the truth comes at you, you feel as if it is an attack upon you as a person, to cause you to even defend the lie. Once you overcome that, and choose to obey truth and wisdom above culture and tradition, you will quickly draw the conclusion that the system you have been trained into is corrupt, that it is not designed in your best interest, but in the best interest of the chiefs of the region you are located in. If the chiefs of your region are somewhat “righteous”, the system then has a “common good” purpose. However it is not designed for your best interest. And coming to this conclusion can leave you disillusioned. “So they have allowed evolution theory into the schools, because they want to have nothing to do with God? So now, I , am for years lured into believing that there is no God and that I do not have to give an account for my deeds and words when I have died and stand before a holy God?” Ofcourse, God allowed this, because He wanted to see how you would behave if there is no mental/religious restraint... “To see; what kind of wood you´re made out of.” That cannot be done when you know God observes you every second of your life. Hebrews 4:13: Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him whom we have to do. Most people do not have this level of understanding in their minds; so they become angry at the liars, deceivers and those that are willfully corrupt! 66

And what about the damage you have done to yourself, attempting to fill the void of your heart while living “without God”. Sex, drugs, alcohol... Cigarettes, prescription drugs, name it... All the things you needed to function normally while being in sin. All this time you took to become old and wise enough to seek what is really important, has taken it´s toll on your physical body and your mind. And that´s the fault of those “deceivers, liars and those that are willfully corrupt”. Ofcourse, few will get it that they chose to commit their choices and actions themselves... However the system in the 21 st century is so corrupt, that the children are not just lied to in school about the existence of God, anyone who dares to oppose that thought, as young as children, will be mentally finished, fought against as they fight growing weeds. So the anger is justified, only you cannot carry it when you work for God in the public domain! Newly re-born disciples of Jesus Christ often mistake this anger for “righteous anger”. And this anger is extremely common among those who have just been released from Satan´s claws. Whether this anger is justified or not, again, this is not about you! It´s about Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively! You attract a bear with... Honey. Don´t get me wrong, when you observe heavy sin being committed in the public domain, please do rebuke the sin in “righteous anger”. 67

Psalm 94:16: Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? However, while Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this state of anger against the system and/or individuals who have wronged/damaged you must be “at least” invisible in your endeavors, as it will block your ministry! God will not open the door to mass-evangelism unless the problem described in this section is dealt with. To help you cope with the realm of emotions that a bornagain disciple of Jesus Christ experiences, I want you to study the story of “Joseph” in Genesis 37-49 or seek a Biblical movie about the life of “Joseph”. Once you have seen that all the “lies” have molded you into a careful, mature and alert Christian... Imagine that all those things did not happen in your life... Would you still have turned to God? And take the time to read such a difficult book as this one? All “Joseph” had to go through, was to prepare him to become 2nd in rank, over all of Egypt. All that God has allowed in your life was to prepare you for chief-hood in His Kingdom. Once you see things this way, forgive everyone who has ever wronged you. Having grudges against people does not stop them, those grudges stop you! Continuously being occupied in your mind by all those grudges, no more chance of objective judgment because of emotional issues! Matthew 6:14: For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye 68

forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Yes, think about how many people you have wronged yourself... How God forgave you, forgive others. If they where in the state you are in right now, they would not have committed the things they have, this is why there cannot be any continues state of anger in the way you Communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively! Pray to God for help to get you over grudges and unforgiveness, as you truly will find this to be a ministry blocker.

§. III.III: Teamwork On this challenging journey of attaining spiritual maturity, God can send you (in chronological ranking) an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and/or Pastor/Teacher – (Ephesians 4:11). It is completely your own responsibility to recognize when and if God sends you an ambassador. God sends ambassadors for a purpose, that is invisible in the beginning, when the ambassador just arrived. If you reject the message of this ambassador, which is Godsent, and say “It´s from Satan!”, it´s going to cost you something of value to you, so that you do not do this again, as by doing this you block your own spiritual growth. God is not limited to the walls of your particular Church building. The safest approach when an ambassador shows up, is to listen, say nothing, and afterwards says to the ambassador: “I am going to talk with God to get your story confirmed”.


You do not accuse, before talking to God! This action is spiritually devastating. The peace of God, comes along with the true ambassador. Rejecting an ambassador is rejecting God´s plan. And theological differences is not a valid ground for rejection, as you can be the one in error. The ambassador is a blessing of God, treat him or her that way. “Thank you Jesus for sending re-enforcement” Within your Church building, everyone desires to be important and add a part of their identity to the worship of God. If you neglect this need of the congregation, you will have a lot of conflicts within your Church that can be avoided easily. Special “think-groups”, “prayer-groups”, “councils”, “space for public prayer”, gives those who come to worship God the opportunity to express them selves and feel important. After all, the promise of God is also for them! Revelation 3:21: To him (& her) that overcometh will I (Jesus) grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne. Revelation 5:10: And hast made us unto our God kings and priests. If you find a way to make your congregation, or following, feel important, you will win their hearts, however do not abuse it, as you then invite God´s correction!

§. III.IV: Transmission Of Information 70

§. III.IV.I: Speech Most people are terrified to speak in public, if that is not you, you become chief on “the battlefield”. You, that uses speech to transmit the information that leads to salvation, are the most valuable in the team. The rest of the team is used by God to make you function properly. Before you enter the public domain, make sure you have excellent knowledge of the entire new testament. Keep denominational teachings away from the public domain. You are going to spend a lot of time with the new testament, because you as chief speaker are going to receive all the questions, and if your religious opponents see that you do not master the knowledge of the New testament teachings, they will “lynch” you in their carnal tribalism. To the chief preacher, it is also of value if you have an unbiased, non denominational understanding of the old testament, then God can also send Jews on your path in your public ministry. As if a Jew sees that you have excellent Tanakh knowledge, and you can prove Messiah through the old testament (Isaiah 53), it is more likely that a Jew will listen to you. While speaking in public, these are the foundational speaking subject, that continuously return, everytime you preach: Heaven, Hell, Judgment day, Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Adult baptism, Spiritual rebirth and transformation, Rulership in God´s Kingdom, The Gift of Immortality, Explanation of what is Sin, and the Forgiveness that comes after repentance of sin. 71

You are going to swim in the lake of fire when you die, unless you repent and turn to Jesus! You are going to experience everlasting burnings! If you live like the devil, you are going to burn like the devil! You are going to be on fire when you die! Are you sure you want to be on fire when you die? Heaven or hell, what do you choose? If you do not choose, time will choose for you! Heaven or hell, where are you going? Turn to Jesus Christ! That was intense, wasn´t it? The first thing Satan desires is to take away the preaching of Hellfire out of the foundational speaking subjects of a preacher. Nine out of ten sins will be avoided when people know that Hellfire is coming at them at the end of their lives. And this is exactly what Satan does not want. Hellfire preaching is the first thing that is removed out of the foundational speaking subjects of a preacher when people want to stay in sin, comfortably. A big God, who tells them what to do, who sends us into the fires of Hell when we choose to reject His plan for reconciliation through the blood of Jesus... Our God is a “loving God”, a loving God surely does not send people to Hell... In other words, what that means is: “Don´t remind me that the Holy God is going to punish me if I act corruptly, I am above correction, no God may tell me what to do, otherwise I will...” A person who has a right standing with God is not offended at hearing the word “Hell”. It are those who are not in a right standing with God who are the first to say: Stop that!


You spend two minutes talking about what you know about heaven, you speak about a subject you want yourself afterwards, you then speak two minutes about Hell, you then again speak about a subject you choose yourself, then you speak two minutes about Judgment day, and so you continue in the foundational speaking subjects, if you do it this way, every single one of your public performances will be of Biblical quality. The first time God requested me to preach about the fires of Hell, I remember the thoughts that came to my mind: “Everyone is going to look at me funny.” “People will be afraid for me, bye bye being that nice personality that only tells the people about grace and mercy.” “Oh wow... I´m going to be that man that will be remembered as that Hellfire preacher.” “Bye bye acceptation of society.” Also I thought: “What if I sin and end up in it myself!” The entire subject of Hellfire makes human beings nervous. Mark 9:43: (Jesus said) And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into Hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched. Revelation 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books where opened (…) And the dead were judged out of those things which where written in the books, according to their works. 14 And death and Hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second


death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. More Hellfire scriptures: Old Testament: Psalm 21:9, Isaiah 33:13, Isaiah 66:26 New Testament: Mark 9:43-47, Luke 16:19-38, Matthew 25:41. To help your human faculties to understand the reality and purpose of Hell: At the second coming of Jesus Christ, the entire earth is going to be given to Jesus, rebellion against Jesus and His ways will not enter... You as a human being must consciously choose to desire to live a holy and righteous life in Christ Jesus to enter. Hypocrisy only works here and now, on Judgment day it won´t pass by God, you must have the “reborn in Jesus” nature that this walk with God will give you. If you do not want it, you will not enter. Rebellion is not welcome in the Kingdom of God. In rebellion, your only choice left is to go back into the world. After all, as long as Jesus did not claim His earth, you still have time to enjoy hypocrisy and a wicked lifestyle. However when time is up, you enter Hellfire and burn for ever... I saw the lake of fire in a vision in Eskilstuna, Sweden in 2015. “Going to Hell” looked like a one way ticket to the sun... You do not want to go there, and yes, it´s love when you warn people about Hellfire. Just imagine, nobody told you about Hell... And you died and awoke in Hell. Would you not think; why did nobody warn 74

me of this place? You knew this place is real and you knew I would go there if I would die without Jesus and burn for eternity and you said me nothing? And you claim to have “love” for me? The hypocrites always emphasize on “love”. The word “love” always comes out of their mouth, however their actions always demonstrate their selfishness. The hypocrites “love”, until it doesn´t go their way no longer, then they “gang up on you”, “destroy your good name”, and “exit you out of the church for talking too much about God and holiness”. In the world it does not go this way, the world values “freedom of speech”, “the right to protest” and “freedom of religion”, these values are even protected and stimulated. If the leadership of the world, stimulates civilian protests, and the leadership of the Church, eliminates every voice that goes against them, what has the refined sinner to do in the unrefined Church? Why would a King or President enter a house of simple farmers? To be humbled? To be scoffed? To enter into all that filthy church politics? To be used as a pawn in some religious person´s agenda? The hypocrites, who claim to know God, and to be “Holy”, which means “separated by God”, openly practice “censorship”, “tribalism”, “forbid religious apparel”, always to “protect the flock”. But when it really is is banana republic style removal of your “competitors”. You first remove someone´s credibility, then you spread rumors, then you provoke the opponent, and then you wait for something that looks like anger and then you say: You see! Satan! He has a Devil! 75

Most people are driven by their fears and the desire to stay alive. If nothing makes them afraid, and nothing endangers the prolongation of their life, they tend to get their desires fulfilled. At a war situation, nobody is busy with their loss of money, the people then only focus on what to do to get their peace back. In a normal situation, changing the course of a person is virtually impossible as the individual will only listen to voices that bring the person closer to his or her desire. Everything else is blocked out. In modern time, the last time common man massively sought God inside of Church buildings was in the United States of America, when the “Twin Towers” fell after two airplanes flew into it. “Terrorists want to destroy us!” was the fear that drove common man back into the Churches. Common people don´t think about excellence, they just want to “get by and feel good”. What prevents them from robbing a bank? Jail... The “punishment” risk. The fear of punishment removes the desire to do evil. Romans 13:3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil (…) 4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good, be afraid: For he beareth not the sword in vain: For he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Job 5:17: Behold happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.


Correction of God is a sign of value, if you where unimportant to God, He would allow you to walk in error and folly, exposing your nakedness for everyone to see. “Love” is doing what brings an individual to a higher level. “Mercy and grace” is giving something that an individual does not deserve or has not earned: “You may go”, “take this”, “I won´t punish you”, “here is a free service/aid/product”. If you make people dependable on you, that is not “love”, that is “control”, “they have to come to you!” God´s punishment, judgment and correction is “love” as over time you will become more prudent, you think before you act/speak and you refuse evil as you fear: Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. In order to change the path of a sinner, the emotion of “fear” or “preservation of life” has to be triggered. This is why the pagan idol worshipers who tag themselves as “Catholics” burned and murdered everything that opposed them, under the “heretic” accusation. This prevents common man from mingling in their business, as “fear” and “preservation of life”, the emotional drives are targeted. You Jew! You “Christ murderer!”, convert to Catholicism or die! I am absolutely certain that there have been Jews who have been converted to Catholicism by this method. Isaiah the Jewish Prophet prophesied, recorded in: Isaiah 53:6: (…) The Lord hat laid on Him (Messiah) the iniquity of us all. 77

God led messiah to the cross, “the Jews” did not kill him, God willingly payed the price for your redemption... The catholic anti-Semitic attitude, justified as “they did it!” Only shows how naked, deceived and spiritually blinded they are! The same Jews, who out of fear for the loss of the continuation of their life converted to the catholic pagan religion, inside of their hearts they where still Jews. You cannot change someone´s heart with a gun or a sword. Once the gun and the sword are gone, the individual who has been suppressed will go right back to the old... The heart must fear God, to not fear man and their “Religious pseudo-political” conquests to exercise power and control over their fellow man. Deep from within, those kind of pseudo-political religious people know that they are wanna-b chiefs, that “kind” uses force to get their will across. Famous people do not have to say a conscious word or do a conscious thing and people unconsciously and gladly imitate them without one command given. Wise people do not have to “dominate others” as ordinary people gladly listen to them! If you hold no quality, nor character, neither truth, yes, then to win, you will need big arms and big swords to get others to do as you desire. “Target fear and self preservation” has to be interpreted, carefully says the Lord God of Israel. The Preaching of Hellfire... Oops! God sees what I do and He will punish me if I do not amend my ways?


Once you preach about Hellfire, common man will desire to know how to avoid... God´s... Punishment! And then you talk about grace, forgiveness, second chance and the new life in Christ... As long as a person desires to have fun, feel good and be normal, you can talk about the higher things of life, but the person does not aim to obtain that. Your main objective while using speech to transmit the information that leads to salvation is to use your talents to create a desire in a person´s heart to desire to want a walk with God. Jesus Christ is God who took a “body” to teach men how to live, says the Lord God of Israel. You must understand, people have a deeply rooted desire to be accepted by the group, as interaction with the group, favorably, assures a good position in society, which then leads to recognition and security. And for common man, causing them to desire change, is not accomplished easily as all kinds of insecurities are awoken when people are forced to change: “What if it doesn´t work out as planned?” “How do I know that when I let go of the world, that this preacher/leader is not going to abuse his power and belittle me, or just leave me halfway...” The fear of the unknown, the fear of rejection, the fear of lack, the lack of trust in others... How do you think you get rid of all of that? You are going to be on fire when you die! Satan hates Hellfire preaching for a reason, it is supereffective. 79

I have seen police officers turning into little children in distress when I uttered that they will awaken in Hellfire unless they stop blocking the preaching of the word of God in Sweden, where I was send as a missionary in 2015. When I walk downtown the city of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, it´s easy for me to see that the people fear Hellfire... The facial expressions of the people when they stare at me, it is all-revealing. Once you start preaching about Hell in your public speeches, you will see how the “religious” people will come to tell you to: “Stop scaring the people, this is not love!” They do this not because they care for the people, this is for the only purpose to appear “nicer then those”, and “come to us!”. It´s an attempt to appear more “righteous”, and to make the Hellfire preaching look like an “evil man”. Satan´s way of drawing attention away from holiness preaching. The religious people sometimes even go so far that they say: “Hell does not exist, God loves us all, He will not send anyone to Hell, stop being so judgmental.” God frequently sends me to social hotspots where the “Jehova witnesses” infestation is affecting the area with their free booklet-stands: “What does the Bible really teach...” God sends me to prophesy: STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE! The people who spread the booklets never listen, never, as they think I am “Satan” who is “persecuting them for righteousness sake”.


Matthew 5:10: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness´ sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. In front of them I scream... THIS IS WHAT GOD SAYS: STOP LYING TO THE PEOPLE! And then they start talking to eachother, ignoring the Prophet of God, as they have been trained in their conferences, in the hope that the aggressor will move away after he expressed his opinion. Everytime when God wants to save people, He sends Apostle, Prophet or Evangelist, who will scare the people with God´s punishment, then the people get afraid, and see this “Jehova Witnesses” booth with blind people standing next to it telling them: “Don´t worry, God is love, there is no Hell..” Pfff... Thank God! Now I can continue in my wickedness and sleep well at night... When a called minister speaks the “entire truth”, the “Jehova witnesses” sect representatives are very vile, looking at the minister as if he is a primitive uncivilized person. They have no idea that every word you say, and every deed will be judged on Judgment day and that Hellfire is real. Matthew 12:36: But I (Jesus) say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou salt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.


So in their communication, as “Jehova witnesses” they do not think: “I am scoffing God´s ambassadors”, “I am deceiving people and frustrating God´s saving work”. Thinking that they are “persecuted” for righteousness´ sake, they have become God´s opponents, responsible for hypnotizing millions! If you take away Hellfire and Judgment day out of your preaching, this is what you create: Irresponsible, uncareful and reality rejecting people. It is your responsibility to transmit the entire truth, regardless of how your audience feels about it. Your goal on the public domain is to create “sin-awareness” and afterwards bring the sin solution, as many people think they are “doing just fine”, they cannot see their own nakedness. After a while, people have heard the “entire” Gospel and have become numb to your preaching, then the correct Biblical logical approach can be exchanged for; “When you have sex without marriage, who is your master! Satan!” “When you commit adultery, who is your master! Satan!” When you watch pornography, who is your master! Satan!” “When Satan is your Lord and master, you are going to share in his inheritance in Hell, you are going to cash in your inheritance in Hell unless you stop sinning against God”. This method of naming the sin, and then the committers thereof as evildoers, only works when you have spoken the entire truth for a prolonged time. You do not start off your public ministry with this preaching-style. This style is your secret weapon for when the population starts to get used to you.


The “who is your master” strategy is purely for the purpose of creating an awareness of sin, never a reason to accuse someone of demonism and then persecuting that person, as you have a: II Corinthians 5:18: And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ (...) Note: In your preaching, do not promote church trips, and do not talk about your particular church: always lead people directly to contact and a relationship with Jesus, if you ignore this note, then people will see you as a salesperson, who´s gathering clients, instead of a saint who is leading people to Jesus! Salespersons are always... Yes... Rejected.

§. III.IV.II: Signs A white cardboard preacher´s street-sign has more purposes then most people think. In your public speaking, untrained public speakers do not know what to do with their hands when they speak. A preacher´s street-sign solves that problem instantly as you hold a white cardboard, with a text written on it with a black marker. I have seen missionaries with a 100 words on a sign. Who in the public domain has the time to stand before you and read so much text! And what about remembering what is written with all those impulses from smart phones, TV screens, advertisements, so much is trying to catch the attention of ordinary civilians. 83

A cardboard preacher´s street-sign is not purposed to hold more text then a common man can read in 7 seconds, preferably under 5 seconds. And on it should be written either “the information on how to get Jesus to help them” or “the information that scares them away from continuing in a sinful lifestyle”. Examples: “Prayer: Jesus save me from Hell” “Jesus saves sinners from Hell” “Prayer: Jesus come live in my heart” “Are you saved? If you would die today, would you go to Heaven?” While you preach, everyone who is passing by is targeted. Pure curiosity will cause the people to read your sign. If they forget the words of your preaching, they will remember the instructions on your sign. When you catch the attention of the media, or people start noticing you and start taking pictures to post on social media like Facebook, the message of how to start the path of Salvation is spread. Texts like: “Hell is coming!” “Are you ready to enter Hell?” Are pure shockers and attention catchers, that draw attention to what you have to say, the unusual nature of such words will quickly make you the talk of the town. If you do not have the talent of public speaking, with the cardboard preacher´s street-sign, you will still be able to make a considerable impact on society without having to say a word. And when people see you, their curiosity will draw them to you,


then you can give your testimony or Biblical information trough your answers. If you do “street-sign only”, subordinate yourself to the ministers who uses speech to transmit the information that leads to salvation. This teamwork will increase the credibility of the mission in general and you will not lose your treasure in Heaven at holy co-operation. Once you are creating a street-sign, you will feel the tangible presence of God. You can also pray to God, to ask for inspiration for a text you can write upon your personal sign, you can´t go wrong as long as you do not depart from: 1. Readable under 7 seconds. 2. Text leads people to contact Jesus. 3. Text scares people away from desiring sin.

§. III.IV.III: Print Those with the least social skills can still make themselves extremely useful in the designing, financing, printing and distributing of “Gospel-tracts”. In the eyes of God, financing “Gospel-tracts” is an accepted form of “offering” money to God (His work). You could write a letter, print it 500 times and distribute it in your neighborhood. If all church members did this, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an entire city would be a mission of a matter of days. In your print distribution, you cover the following subjects: “Why God cannot allow sinners into heaven” →making “the problem” visible, why the reader needs salvation. “The repentance of sin leads to forgiveness” → Explaining that God does not want to condemn the reader, but wants them 85

to stop committing evil and is willing to even forget about old sins, not using it against them on Judgment day. Isaiah 43:25: I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. “That Jesus out of love for you, went to the cross to wipe clean your account of transgressions” → To help the reader understand the holy righteousness of God and why Jesus had to die to be able for the reader to receive forgiveness. “A prayer that contacts the reader with Jesus” → Jesus forgive me of my transgressions, convict and show me what I do that which is displeasing to you, come and live inside of my heart, and renew me by the power of your Holy Spirit, so that I can enter Heaven at the end of my life or at your return. Please send Pastor, Evangelist or Prophet on my path, to help me grow in the Spirit. Amen. “A short summary of nice promises” →Example: With Jesus you will receive life eternal and rulership in God´s Kingdom. “A way to contact you or a website link” → To give the reader the ability to get his or her questions answered. You can create a simple print or a professional flyer. Add scriptural references to all the claims you make, so that the reader can look it up in the word of God. You then visit a busy place, a hotspot, like the “Jehova witnesses” do, and hand your prints out to those who walk by. You can also go door to door, and trow your print into the


people´s mailboxes. Flat departments are very time efficient, their mailboxes are lined up. Sharing 15.000 prints myself, experience has taught me that the blessing that follows this work is the gift of “Spiritual Discernment”, and ofcourse, riches in the Kingdom of God. This work requires no social interaction and is a low profile method of assisting God save the soul of man. After they pray the prayer, God will send an ambassador to lead them into the path of salvation. I once spoke to a man who has distributed a 100.000 “Gospel-tracts”. Start small, 50 people/houses, and experience how the spirit of God will increase inside of you the desire to distribute more. When your “Gospel-tract” is approved by God, those who receive it will feel a heat in their heart, as confirmation that the message is authentic.

§. III.V: Vessel Presentation §. III.V.I: Association All people have a set of “preferences”, things they like and dislike. People who seek an identity are likely to associate with a “sub-culture”, and people who have an identity are likely to avoid being associated with a “sub-culture”. In other words, if you dress up like a hippie or a punker, it is highly likely that common man is going to ignore every “nonHellfire” related word that comes out of your mouth, and not many will want to be seen with you. This is not because they think you are a bad person, this is because of the association inside of their head. 87

The “Jehova witness” sect members gather in business suits, this has multiple purposes: 1. The sect members finally have an opportunity to wear a business suit and feel important. 2. Common man sees business suit as “organized authority”, and “trustable”. The real chief says: “Just because a juppy has an Armani suit doesn´t mean he is...” There is no golden association rule, however! Remove all apparel that is related to “sub-culture”... Those ignite the most negative associations in the minds of the people. And those who design “sub-culture” apparel, often put Satanic symbols on their clothing that are unfamiliar to you. Idea´s for clothing while serving God: “You are one of us” → More discussion – less aggressive rebellion: Casual clothing - Safest, least association. Business suit – Trustable and organized association, can arouse jealousy. “You are an authority” → Less discussion – more aggressive rebellion: Sackcloth – Associated as repentance messenger, unattractive for social recognition. Judge-suit – Associated as bringer of justice, non-religious. Full-size “Tallit” – Associated as Prophet, messenger of God, attracts attention of anti-Semites and religious spirits. A Prophet-rod, made out of wood, can be requested of God for you to carry around if you have a society-changing calling of God upon your life. The Prophet-rod symbolizes the presence of God with the one who holds the rod. 88

While walking with a rod, any man associates that with God. When God requests you walk with a rod, you either dry straight wood, the wood you have removed the crust off, or you get a square wooden bar at the wood-shop, and find a “woodrotation” machine. You position the bar within the “wood-rotation” machine and it starts spinning the wood, then you take a “File” (tool), hold it against the rotating wood and it will transform into a round wooden bar when you keep using the file to remove the edges. Then you take “abrasive paper” and hold it against the rounded wood, while it is still rotating, and then it becomes polished. Then you paint it, carve it if you like, and find a hard rubber cover, and glue it to the bottom of the Prophet-rod, as otherwise the wood will splinter at the bottom while you walk with the rod on stony floors. The ideal length of the Prophet-rod is at eye-height. If you have the type of calling whereby you need a Prophetrod (men-only), God will lead you into getting to know people who can help you modify wood, which is the leading of God. Which symbolizes the presence of God. Without this, leave the Prophet-rod alone. Men, no long hair! Long hair at men is associated as a lack of leadership! This is why in most military organizations it is not optional to be shaven as a man. “One of the soft guys” is not what you want to look like when you start telling the people that they “listen to the wrong leaders, and need to listen to you”. I Corinthians 11:14: Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? 89

15 But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. Women, no short hair! Women of class know that you cut your hair to save time and energy, you do not want to appear like “that kind of woman”, who compromises her femininity, while telling others to follow what you have to say, if you are not even able to organize the time, to value your own hair. (Short hair is an unconscious sign that the priorities in a woman ´s life are unorganized). I Corinthians 11:5: Every woman that prayeth or prophesying with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

§. III.V.II: Undisciplined Laziness (Health) Spiritual leadership, what could that possibly have to do with someone´s health? When your mind is in a healthy state, you do not need to “over-eat”. “Over-eating” is the most common way people have their “civilized drugs”If you look like you over-eat, and are out of shape, people will see your emotionally driven nature by the state of your body. Leaders are not moved by emotions, they always do that which is in the best interest for sustaining “the bee-hive”.


If you don´t have the discipline to take care of your own vessel, the one body you have, your most important possession, what makes you think people will just surrender to your leadership... Ofcourse, those who desperately long for love and attention do not mind, but those who have their act together will not give you the light of the day when you are still driven by your emotions... Lack of bodily exercise leads to a “depressed” feeling and a lack of vitality. The minimum is a daily walk/bike session of half an hour, and a weekly full-body exercise session when you are in the 2050 age category, habitually. I am not saying you should start a body-building plan, as body-builders are not associated as “wise” people, this exercise habit is purely to get your mind and body in an optimal, continues vital state of being. “Chin-ups”, “Pull-ups” and “Push-ups” can be done everywhere you find an iron bar hanging at facial height. Do a little research on how to do those exercises correctly. If you hold the financial assets for gym-membership, ask the trainer to teach you how to “Squat” and “Deadlift”. Leave all the machines and other exercises alone. When you do isolated exercises, (which means, an exercise that focuses upon one muscle-group), your body needs to recover from too much stress on your nervous system, and that will affect your ministry. “Deadlift” and “Squat” are exercises, that while doing them, every single muscle in the body is trained, all at the same time. Add unto that the “Chin-up”, the “Pull-Up” and the “Push-Up”, costless 2nd choice exercises that compliment the “Deadlift” and the “Squat”, and you have a full-body work-out 91

plan you do once a week, while walking/biking 30 minutes a day, and then your body will transform into a stronger system, able to endure more stress. If you have sexual sin or masturbation “keeping it under control” issues, skip the “Deadlift” and the “Squat” until you have enough self control to deal with the hormones that are released with these exercises. Also women ought to be careful to not overdo the “Deadlift” and the “Squat”. Lean is good, muscled is bad, do not attempt to “lift like the men”. Also do not allow yourself to be tempted to enter into sexual sin with the trainer (m/f), some of these people love to demonstrate their worked out bodies to get your attention. They get their complete feeling of importance of how “attractive” their physical body looks like”, they run on “showing off”. You are not there for attention or contacts, you are going somewhere with your life! Most people in the gym are there to attract a more favorable sexual partner, that is the main driving motivator of their desire for discipline, stay away from them! Your body will need vegetables and fruits to recover, and stay away from the supplements. They are not targeted for people like you, you just need to exercise habitually and eat healthy and then you accomplish your target. If you cannot resist the urge and the temptation becomes too great, go and get the “Creatine”. Stay away from all other supplements, there is a whole marketing business on selling worthless supplements, that cater upon your emotions and desires. Never, ever, allow yourself to be tempted into steroids, ever! 92

Also do not show off your body on social media, resist it at all costs. Once you start showing off your flesh, especially as a woman, you position yourself back into the category “spiritually deprived”. Primitive. A man can still be depicted as “warrior” but the woman is always associated as “one who uses candy to lure in the boys”, low class... The approval of “common man” and the rejection of “refined man”, you pick! What type of people do you want to be approved by. Lady, leave your clothing on! After every two months of exercising, take two weeks of rest, to allow your body to fully recover. When you achieve the desired result, still continue with the “Chin-ups”, “Pull-ups” and “Push-ups” to maintain your optimal, vital state of being.

§. III.V.III: Body-language Your body is an instrument that your mind uses to express itself in this material world. The state of your mind, is visible to all through the expression of your body, If a person is inflicted with mental stress, that person tends to touch his or her nose, or hold on to something. This is called “pacifying”, a way how the body deals with a stressful impulse to the mind. When I preach about Hell, I look for who is pacifying. A scratch on the nose or ears, a short explosion of laughter, a hugh smile. Extreme expression of emotion shows that the message arrived successfully. When someone is interested into what you are preaching, the person will make eye-contact and point his/her body towards you. 93

If a person is not interested in what you preach, the person will avoid making eye-contact to avoid social interaction. “Open” body-language symbolizes confidence, “closed” body-language symbolizes insecurity. Avoid portraying “closed” body-language, like holding a book in front of your chest, or holding your hands in front of your re-productive organ. While preaching, showing the palms of your hands will trigger “trust” inside of the mind of the hearer. If you portray “closed” body-language, subconsciously, your hearers will think; what does he/she have to hide, why is he/she so nervous? There are books about body-language, I recommend you find a couple, to improve your non-verbal communication skills. Calm and slow body gestures, open body-language and observing those who are making eye-contact with you, observing those who point their body towards you. These are the minimum non-verbal communication skills required for effective communication of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When your hearers show signs of pacifying, your preaching is effective. Don´t try to give a theological discourse to someone who turns his/her body away from you, that person is listening to you out of politeness, his/her body shows where the person really wants to go →Away!

§. III.VI: The Agenda Now you have learned about the minimum requirements of Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, effectively! You aim to meet these requirements. This is called a “goal, or a “target”. 94

If you walk aimlessly in life, receiving correction equals receiving rebuke, when you have an aim, correction turns into “one step closer to the achieving of your target” If you have no target/goal in life, you are going to follow your feelings, like building a house without a blueprint. A great and talented carpenter without blueprint, will achieve less then an average carpenter with a blueprint. “Knowing where you are going, helps you arrive at your destination”. When you have a target/goal in life, you are also not bothered by what people say about you, as all you focus upon is the achievement of that target/goal. When someone comes to tempt you with sin, you are more likely to refuse it, as it could stand between you and your target, it could make the time you need to achieve your target/goal longer, or even put it at risk! Compare this with those without an aim in life, their motto is: “God loves me, He will forgive me” All they do is follow their senses, as, what else? Yes, I saved the best for last: The agenda! The agenda is to the person with a target/goal, the same as the blueprint of a house to a carpenter who´s constructing. To illustrate: My Authorized King James version of the Holy Bible has 1186 pages. When you are motivated, as most are in the beginning, you will read 200 pages in no time, but as motivation over time lessens, it will become 20, and then you stop, too busy! Not so with an agenda: 1186/365=3.25


Your aim is to read 4 pages a day, regardless of the limitation of your intelligence, with this “blueprint”, anyone can read the entire word of God. In this book are written many aims, like: -Study the word of God to preach the word of God in it´s right context and to be able to answer every question. That aim can be achieved by anyone within 1 year, when you purchase an agenda, and write in that agenda in one of the hour blocks: “Read 4 Bible pages”. And every day you persistently, whether you feel like it or not: You read the 4 pages. After a while, you will develop a “time to read the word of God” habit, a good habit! The disciplinary use of an agenda is the way to reform your mind. Now, communicating the gospel to an entire city is the next aim. “How can I use speech, sign & print to reach this city within 3 months.” You already have the daily “reading” block, you add to it a “print distribution” block, a “preach/street-sign” block, you then add half a running/biking block, and so you have 3,5 hours a day, systematically, bringing you closer to your goal. Once a week you add an exercise block, and a church visit block, and you have successfully turned into a servant of God with the leadership spirit. Reading body-language and other educational reading blocks, networking with others block, serving the Church block, helping others block, there are so many blocks of one hour in one week! Once you understand how efficient the correct usage of an agenda is, you will stop wasting your time trying to be popular, 96

as you will quickly realize that it will lead to nothing constructive. Being accepted or not, it will suddenly mean nothing to you. This desire to want to be seen with the most popular person, or the desire to want to be seen with the chief, and get their approval will cease to exist, as it does not help you towards your target/goal. The correct usage of the agenda causes you to stop trying to look important, instead you become important... Think about what you want to achieve, make a step by step plan, education and execution of what you have learned, and discipline yourself to follow what you have written in your agenda, and every day is one day closer to your success. Sinners use the agenda too, once a sinner learns about the organizatory and reformatory power of the agenda, and starts to build a successful future for him/herself, Satan receives permission to tempt that sinner with something that is almost irresistible to the particular sinner with the agenda, to draw the attention away from the disciplinary routine that leads to the manifestation of the goal/target, with the purpose to stop it before it is completed. When God´s spirit is with you, Satan will not receive permission to block you by temptation, or at least the power is given to you to resist it, blessed!


Chapter VI: The Battlefield Once you enter “the ring”, you will encounter three “kinds” that you will have to learn to deal with: 1. Avoiders of conflict: The type that submits to any form of authority as long as he or she is safe, the kind that walks away “before things escalate”. (Fear driven.) 2. Freezing spectators: The type that stays neutral and desires to stay invisible, not desiring to get involved in any conflict. (Not willing to alter path). 3. Aggressors: The type that comes to challenge/oppose you. The person who feels chief, and you are violating his rule/space. (Not tolerant of people who stick their heads above the field).

§. IV.I: The Past God will allow people to use your sins of your past against you, publicly and inside of the walls of the church, not without purpose: God wants to show you who say the name of Jesus, but really are just hypocrites, trying to maintain tribal chief-hood by using what Jesus forgave you of, against you, smearing your name, as an attempt to render you ineffective as challenger. The “aggressor” type, outside of the church, in the public domain, will be allowed to use your past against you as Kings are unmoved by the opinion of common man. Kings do what is right, regardless of the obstacles... 98

God allows the past to be used against you to make you numb to the opinion of man: Character development. When you know it will come, don´t fear it, turn it into a testimony until the season where God allows this has passed.

§. IV.II: Persecution When God dealt with Abraham, Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering to God. You might think, what does this have to do with persecution? A lot more then you think! Satan was dethroned because of rebellion against God´s sovereign command, when Jesus returns and makes you an immortal human being, the last thing God wants is rebellion in His Kingdom... As Abraham was put to the test, you will be put to the test. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son for God, God stopped him, saw he did not put anything of this world above God, and two thousands years later God sacrificed His own son, to redeem us to Him. Your persecutors are God´s minions, and once they have fulfilled their purpose, God will judge them: Romans 12:19: Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. Deuteronomy 32:35: To me (God) belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. 99

Imagine that God asks you to give all your money to help a minister of God from abroad, and then he tells you to preach downtown in your city... You then stand there and get fined for “disturbing the order”, you then pray to God and get no answer, and you keep getting these fines and think: God, you just asked me to give my finances away, now I am weak, and now I get fines! In that particular trial, God is looking at what you evaluate higher. You already esteemed God more then your money by giving it away at Divine request. Then being in a weak position, God then looks if further financial loss will alter your desire to get the souls of man saved. “Stop this or you lose this.” And God looks if you allow yourself to be intimidated, or if you stay true to what you know is the will of God. Financial loss, loss of freedom, until even death. All to see, what is more important to you? This life is short, what you will see in the kingdom of God is eternal... God allows the “aggressor” type to challenge you from time to time to see if you trust him and maintain this “aggressor” type yourself, or to see if you freeze or even go away to avoid the conflict out of fear. Proverbs 29:25: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. Persecution is allowed to: Move you to another location. Test your trust in God.


Evaluate your integrity, to see if fear, loss or captivity alters your course of actions, with the purpose to see if this world is more important to you then God. You will see minor persecutions, become bigger and bigger, becoming humongous, all at God´s timing, until God saw that you are like Abraham, if necessary, you will even give up your own son, then all persecution will cease to exist. Imagine, you go downtown your city, and are not tested this way, and you start to get people´s trust after a while, and you then later on change your mind, and start to serve a fake idol “god”... You will go to hell and lead all those who trust you with you into hell. That cannot be, that´s why servants of God are always tested for integrity by persecution and pressure before they get “the light” in an effective, soul saving way. Romans 13:1: Let every soul be subject unto higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be ordained of God. 2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. The only valid reasons for rebelling at that scripture is at: 1. When authorities force you to stop spreading the message of Jesus, because it´s Jesus´s message. “we don´t like Jesus”. 2. When authorities force you to deny Jesus, or... (fill in the threat) 3. When authorities force you to sin against God... “Kill all male babies” - (Matthew 2:16), “make


homosexual wedding-cake”, “take this microchip in your right hand or forehead” - (Revelation 13)

§. IV.III: Your Way Vs. God´s Way Once you start functioning properly, Jesus Himself will notice you and He will initiate “the pruning to bear more fruit process”. John 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. The ambassadors of God can then be sent to you or to your church. God´s ambassadors are so excellent, that they will not take you serious, they just come to give you “the haircut”. Unsuccessful people have a hard time dealing with God´s ambassadors, once they show up, they start to feel like nobodies. And every correction feels like the chair is kicked out from underneath them. Those, unsuccessful, always want to feel “equal” to God´s ambassador, and if their “opinion” is not respected, all efforts are taken to dispose of God´s ambassador. God´s ambassadors know how rich they are in heaven, they know how much glory they will receive when the Kingdom of God has arrived and they know God send them to help those who they are sent to, to help them function efficiently. Accusing them for being prideful is futile, a good looking woman comes with an “attitude”, she know´s she´s “all that”. Excellence comes with a price, not that God´s ambassadors get paid...


In most cases, the ambassadors of God are accused, receive smear campaigns, are rejected and all they are sent to do is to give you the spiritual haircut. You accept the spiritual haircut and you grow spiritually to the next level and receive God´s leading in your life. Or you reject it, become a religious person and God will send baby Christians to you from time to time, for you to help them read Holy Scripture: The least authoritative way of ministry. You are the one who loses if you send God´s ambassador away. Learn to deal with personalities to avoid “commanding” those ranked higher then you. You do not want to challenge your blessing, like most do when the “ambassador” shows up. The ambassador is the sign that the plan of God has arrived, when you reject the ambassador, you reject God´s plan. If you are afraid of false guides: Prayer: God, keep all the false ambassadors away from me, or warn me in my spirit when one shows up.

§. IV.IV: The Hypocrites Once you enter “the ring”, all the hypocrites will notice you and attempt to control the spotlight away from you, towards them, as they feel entitled to it, “because of...” The lukewarm, worldly and hypocrites do not respect you, they do not like you, they do not care about how much souls are saved, it is not about your performance, you take all attention away from them! Who ordained you! You are not in our street! Who gave you the authority to speak for God! However you respond to them, whatever you tell them, this is how they will interpret it: 103

He/she thinks he/she's better, what a pride! What a rebellion! You either “clown” them, or you ignore them, by all means! Do not take them serious as if they are on your level! Ignoring is the highest form of social dominance and authority: “You are not on my level, who do these hypocrites think they are talking to me like that.” A good way of dealing with a hypocrite opposing you in public is responding with: “Are you talking to me?” Once you actually start to converse with the worldly, the lukewarm and the hypocrites and fall for that trap, they will use strategies like: You are scaring the people away from Christ! Which means: I am a better pick then you! This is called politics: “Elect me! I am better!” I am a better leader then you, they come for no other purpose then attempting to put you down. They will go to war with you! When they start saying you scare the people away from Christ, they only prove their spiritual blindness: John 10:29: My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; all no man is able to pluck them out of my Father´s hand. 30 I (Jesus) and my Father are one. They do not understand that serving God has nothing to do with politics, only Divine election! Called and chosen by God vs. wanna-b chosen by God, battling in front of the sinners.


“If you know someone is going to burn in Hell, you warn them, if you don't warn them and they wind up in hell, they will say, if you loved me as you claimed, why did you not warn me!” is what you respond to those who try to appear like mister or miss “I am nicer” then that “negativity” preacher. Once the worldly, lukewarm and hypocrites receive God´s permission to challenge or even persecute you, God gave them up: II Thessalonians 2:10: And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. Matthew 5:20: For I (Jesus) say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Once the hypocrites oppose you, be aware, those are not your friends, they have but one goal: To take you out of “the ring” before you replace them.

§. IV.V: Discussion Imagine that you are a beautiful lady, you stand somewhere doing your thing and suddenly an ugly drunk walks up to you and starts saying that you are an ugly woman! I´m not a beautiful lady, I do not know how she would respond, however one thing I know for sure!


She will not enter into a discussion with him, trying to convince him that she really is a beautiful lady! If she was one of the “less desirable” ladies, and a man of rank and authority would start telling her she´s ugly, yes! Then I can imagine that that type of woman is more likely to express her discontent and enter into a discussion: “Not all men think I´m ugly.” This is an act of regaining mental stability after being confronted with difficult information. When you start talking about the burning flames of Hell... and the listener truly thinks there is no hell, that person won´t take you serious! Those who are afflicted by the word “Hellfire” are the first to come to you for a discussion! So that through winning that discussion, they can prove that “Everything is going to be O.K.” Your preaching disturbed their sanity, now they must battle you to restore their peace of mind. Once people come to discuss with you, be at peace, your preaching is working! Instead of entering into their level of discussion, try playing around with them: “So, you are one of those who thinks God will not punish you?” (Smile) – This one makes them look deceived. “So, you actually believe that?” - This one makes then look foolish. “I cannot help you” - This one makes them look beyond repair. “People like you are going to keep Satan company in Hell” This one is a total K.O. When the idolaters, those in false religion come to challenge you, you say:


“I will submit to you when you can prove through the word of God that your “addition” is valid and sent by God.” This approach serves two purposes: 1. The person will research Holy Scripture, to only find out the person is deceived, it´s not there! 2. It´s a very hard to counter social argument.

§. IV.VI: Satan´s Minions & Attacks Attacks from Satan, through his minions or spiritually are always allowed by God for a higher purpose. God is always in perfect control. While in “the ring”, common things you can encounter are: Women with children, commanding you to be silent, for the sake of the child. A woman commanding a man, is already a sign of deeply rooted disobedience and lack of respect for authority. It is “justified” by the “benefit of the child”, and “common man” is quickly tempted to “save that weak woman and her poor child” from that “scary preacher”. Not so with God, once Satan tricks people into blocking the preaching of the word of God, the spirit of God will lighten up the preacher´s right hand “in his spirit”, and the preacher will give a warning. When that warning is ignored, God will enter a common man and wack that woman in her face... I am eyewitness. You do not want to touch Moses, regardless of how Satan tricks you, do not touch God´s anointed: Psalm 105:15: Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.


While the word of God is preached correctly, God will protect His assets. The case I mentioned is an extreme case, people need to be in deep rebellion to be tempted by Satan to attack a man of God, more common ways are: “You are crazy!” “Seek a life!” “Seek a job!” “Stop scaring the people!” “We don´t want you here!” Satan using common man to affect the sanity of your mind, Satan can also influence your mind by saying: “What you do is useless!” “No one is listening!” “No one likes you!” “You are wasting your time!” While you are preaching, you will notice that Satan will try to put your mind into a slumber everytime you enter “the ring” to save the soul of man. When you enter the ring, remind yourself you entered “the war-zone” and stay alert. In “the ring”, Satan´s minions and spiritual attacks have the motivation to get you out of the ring, and if that doesn´t work, to demotivate you. Become numb to it, do not listen to it. Once Satan does this to you, you have become a big preacher, who caught his attention, a problem who has to be stopped! As long as you do not sin, Satan may not take you out! This is all he can do in situations where God is not testing you. Stay out of sin, do not give Satan legal ground to attack you, sin is sin! Persecution by Satan is a sign that you preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, effectively! 108

Chapter V: God´s Conviction To the chiefest of preachers: Once God has judged you as trustworthy, after all the tests and trials, persecutions, after you have accepted all the pruning, and the humbling you get at the beginning of your calling, God can give you “the wall of conviction”. This is only for all-round Ministers, who have walked the very narrow and difficult road. “Religious” people do not get this gift in their ministry. “The time to shine season” does not come before you have successfully walked through all the preparational/testing seasons.

§. V.I: What Is It? You speak, and the Spirit of God fires! God fires heavy conviction in the hearts and souls of your audience”. “The wall of conviction” is bound to a region, once you receive it in one region, it doesn´t automatically means that it will follow you wherever you go. I have seen “the wall of conviction” in Helsinki, Finland in 2015, and in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2016. When people come to “try to be funny”, “the wall of conviction” falls upon them, they then instantly stop, correct themselves and start thanking Jesus, without you saying a word! Back in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, the same type of people come to be funny and no conviction, they continue undisturbed. 109

The same type of people, the same message, just in one location the conviction falls and in the other it doesn´t. To help you understand. God wanted to save Helsinki and called servants to that location. That is something else then you sowing seeds in the power of God. When God is doing it Himself, “the wall of conviction” comes, and when you are in the “time to shine” season, God can call you to become “the vessel” who speaks the words that lead to salvation. Where there is no conviction, your preaching, street-sign communication and print distribution is the sowing of seeds and the laying of a foundation, very important. However when the “wall of conviction” comes, the real action starts. Once the “wall of conviction” is there, you hold a Holy Bible and the Spirit of God takes you over and starts rebuking sin, and then you see the spectators crumble, they cannot stand straight facing you, they have to turn aside, it´s too much for their system.

§. V.II: What If It Doesn´t Come? If you think you are a full grown Minister of God, strategic like a military General, humble like a servant and have developed the character of a King, and the “wall of conviction” has not come, it can have two reasons: 1. You are not full grown yet! Prayer: God please show me what yet I must learn to be qualified to minister within “the wall of conviction”. 2. God is still preparing the revival. “The wall of conviction” is not ready to fall yet.


You can be ready, however if all the Churches in your region are “lukewarm” and corrupt, “the wall of conviction” will not fall.. As what if all those people who “the wall of conviction” fell upon started entering those Churches! God forbid! God´s houses need to be in order, Ministers must work in harmony for man´s soul, and then “the wall of conviction” will fall. Trust God´s timing and plan, and one day you´ll see it!

§. V.III: Battle Prayers Men: God! Make of me the man which is worthy of rulership in your Kingdom, help me continue in my spiritual growth and do not allow me to get comfortable with the level that appears the most comfortable from my own human perspective. Help me do what you require of me, give me the strength to walk the most honorable road, please do not expose my weaknesses when I walk in error, please do not put blinders on my eyes, please always help me to worship you in spirit and truth. Women: God! Make of me the woman, fit to be the wife of a man who has the spiritual chief nature. Transform me into the Sarah, who was wife to Chief Abraham. Help me to maintain my purity, and help me become a woman of virtue, who´s fit to enter your Kingdom.


Chapter VI: Trust Once you become “King of the Hill”, and have walked the ultra-narrow road that no-one wanted to walk, people now can: “See with their own eyes, the results!”

§. VI.I: Showing “It Is Safe” To Trust God Only the true pioneers will make a way where there is no way, once you have made the way; those who are tired of the religious hypocrisy will also start walking the narrow and most difficult road as they have seen what is has done for you and they desire it too... Without you, they would not have done it, as they follow by example! Just your presence will be enough to make people trust in God, as they have seen the victories God has given you. At the last stage of your calling, you simply become a leader that communicates non-verbally, without words: “It is safe to put all your trust in God! Once you are called by God: Deuteronomy 31:8: And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. You will not always get what you want, however God will always give you what you need, to get through the season you are in, in every season of your life on this earth. 112



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