The Wheel of Life by Grand Maester Patrick Pereira

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Understanding the Danger that Idolatry brings to “Self (Human)”, and the relation of “Self” to the “Highest Self (God)” “THE WHEEL OF LIFE” (THE BLUEPRINT-ENGINE OF THE SELF) Written by Grand Maester Lvl. 6 1. Philosophica 2. Rethorica. 3. Spiritual Realm 4. Subconscious Realm 5. Self Realm 6.Highest Self Realm

Patrick Pereira 6 November 2016 - Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

The Abilities of Spirits inside of the “Command-center” of the “self”: the Parliament of the mind. Offensive Spirits (The Militairy):

Lvl. 1: Spirit of Diciplination (acting offensive), threatens or disciplines to regain control (overhand) over (personal) situation. ( Disobedience to mature authority is allowed to reign in the immature by God, when the mature depart from will of God, to get the attention of the mature towards the fact that something is out of balance).

Lvl. 2: Spirit of Justice, uses speech and diciplination that leads to regaining of (nonpersonal) order inside the region it has authority over. Defensive Spirits (The Militairy):

Lvl. 1: Spirit of Fear, forewarns the President Spirit of all the possible “negative” and “unbeneficial” outcomes towards a desire to take an action, to why the President Spirit, should not act to keep the “self” safe.

Lvl. 2: Spirit of Terror (Inc. Fear of God, Conviction of God), strikes the President Spirit with state of shock of the system, to prevent it from acting.

Ruling Core Spirits (The President of the Season):

Positive Lvl. 1: Spirit of Joy (Good for “Self” is President - Blessed), makes the life experience of 2

the “self” pleasurable. Ambition. Brings value to development of “character” and discovering the possibilities of this reality. “Selfish Gain without emphasis on ethics”. Makes new experiences enjoyable: “I´m so happy my first this and that, I did it!” Makes life´s troubles, feel like challenges, endless opportunities!

Positive Lvl. 2: Spirit of Love (God is President), “chosen by God”, for blessed function inside of the realm of Higher Self. “cares” for ethics, as it cares for the well being of all “selves” inside the “Higher Self”. Ruled by Integrity and Honesty and Servitude. Regulates in Righteousness.

Negative Lvl. 1: Spirit of Sadness, depressed. Apathetic. Feels Abandoned. Expects negative-loss from all outcomes, makes “self” feel hopeless.

Negative Lvl. 2: Spirit of Hate (Satan is President), Under Judgment of Discontinuation, Hardened Heart. “Given over by God, for the realm of “forget-fullness”. Lost conscience: “Does as it pleases regardless of offending “Higher Self” or how many “other selves” might get hurt”. Regulates by lawlessness, obtaining whatever “self” desires as quick as possible before time runs out.

Counselor Spirits (For the Presidency):

Lvl 1: Spirit of Discernment. Usually only given to a “Prophet”. This spirit aids with understanding the purpose of God about what situation is


presented before him by the ruling president spirit of the “self”.

Lvl 2: Spirit of Truth. Usually only given to a “Prophet”. This spirit explains real time the purpose of God to what is observed by the ruling president spirit of the “self”.

Positive Lvl 1. Spirit of Regret: Desires to move presidency and military to ignore “Lvl 1. Anger” out of feelings of recompense for “The wrong the Self has done to the “other Self” who it encounters. When obeyed, leads towards “Positive Presidency”.

Positive Lvl 2. Spirit of Grace/Mercy: wants to move presidency and military to ignore “Lvl 2. Justice”, and to act in “mercy” out of love for “Human life” towards a wrongdoer who it encounters that shows a lvl. 1 Spirit of Regret. When obeyed, leads towards “Positive Presidency”.

Negative Lvl 1. Spirit of Unforgiveness: Keeps an account (of those who “self” feels “tied” to), and wants to move presidency and military to “payback” after feels wronged in the realm of the “pride”, simply being “corrected at error”, thus excuses wrongdoings against authority. Raises it “self”, it´s importance measured with the relation to the other another “self”. And justifies “offensive” Lvl.1 behavior because of it. When obeyed, leads towards “Negative Presidency”

Negative Lvl 2: Spirit of Victimism, feels zero responsibility for own actions, feels that all evil actions are perfectly justified, “because of ...”. 4

Shutting down of conscience starts here. When obeyed, leads towards “Negative Presidency” Counselor Spirits (Opinion):

Positive: Spirit of Lust/Desire, wants the desire of “self” fulfilled. Whatever the desire of the “self” is. Desire of the heart is given to Blessed People (Psalm 37:4).

Negative: Spirit of Envy, desires to move the presidency and the military to lower or damage “other units of Self” who have what “self” desires.

Positive: Spirit of Favoring, moves presidency to ignore “Lvl 2. Justice” command of the military. What is observed by the “self” in relation to another “self” is desirable. (No Justice for you, I want you, or “You are tasty for my “self” (food)”)

Negative: Spirit of Disgust, moves presidency to ignore “Lvl 2. Justice” from the military. What is observed by the “self” in relation to another “self” is not desirable. (No rights for you, I don't want you, or “you are dangerous for my “self” (food)”)

Note: The Husband and Wife, combine the power of the spirits inside of their command-centers for the sake of the upbringing of their offspring, continuation: Marriage. Note: The American “Age of accountability” concept, is a imperfect rethorica of: God gives a human, two seasons: Lvl 1: Growing up. Lvl 2: Maturity. 5

At Maturity, the consequences of evil actions are greater. If the Lvl 1 individual belongs to God, in the sense of that person being prepared for usage by God, then the Lvl 1 phase prepares for Lvl 2. Those who are not prepared for usage by God, can already die of consequences of evil actions during the lvl 1 stage of their lives. Note: The Maester and Maestress: “Lvl 2” (Spiritual Maturity) is attained, when all “Lvl 1” (Spiritual Immaturity) actions, have led “Self” into it´s destiny forcefully, whereby all intelligence inside of self, led that person into his or her destiny, whereby life is no longer in own control, but one lives out the consequences of the choices made during “lvl 1.” You cannot grant yourself Lvl 2, nor negative nor positive. After all “Lvl 1” actions have been taken, God decides, if he “saves” (Positive Maester) you, or “hardens” (Negative Maester) you. The Divine-Timeless Input, Storageroom and Output of the “self” (THE RELATION “SELF” HAS TO “HIGHEST SELF” inside of “self”.) :

The Spiritual Realm (Abstract Land): Leads those in the command-center, as they are curious to learn what comes out, that can benefit the “self”. Spirits sent by God, as visitors, projected at the “commandcenter” at “positive” presidency, will allow their understanding and creative thoughts to be lend towards the president that will lead to constructive and progressive actions: blessed. An influx of information that leads to “downloading” a concept or 6

teaching from God´s realm, over time, progressively: Inventing: leading into destiny, purpose of life. Spirits sent by Satan, as visitors, projected at the “command-center” at “negative” presidency, will allow their understanding and destructive thought to be lend towards the president that will lead to destructive and regressive actions: accursed. An influx of information that leads to “downloading” a virus from Satan´s realm, that over time brings the self to a “regressive” state. (Known as Familiar/Deceptive Spirits) Interpretation: If you Sin against God, your Command-center will be deceived by demonic spirits. If you Please God, your Commandcenter will be blessed by assistance of angelic spirits. On the “map” of the “self”, this is the mechanism that leads “self” into God´s will: Destiny. This is the realm of unlimited possibilities. The Subconscious Realm (Timeless Land) During Lvl 1, Positive presidency, most memories, have a positive attachment to them. Once a “self” goes into negative presidency, the “other selves” from the “positive season”, lose purpose and go into the subconscious realm, where they influence not, the command-center´s decision making process. Purpose driven memory activation, goes inside and outside of the subconscious realm, being “reactivated” for a purpose. Once the “other selves” that are connected to the memory of “self”, become too evil (Lvl 2 Negative), God does not “store” the memories in the subconscious realm for “later usage in another season” as they lose eternal purpose. Interpretation: 7

A Jail where “memory of visitors” go, if they are no longer necessary, or where extreme memories are stored that put the command-center in a “shocked” state, traumatizing, getting it “off-course”: Extreme Sexual Fantasy, and the Deepest forms of Pain and Fear. The Subconscious realm traps everything, that hinders the destiny of “Self”. And if something is released, it´s only released in the right season for a purpose. Once a series of evil choices is made, the abstract mind will download the "viruses", and once that "Judgment of God" is over, those memories go into the subconscious realm. Realm of the Dead (Forgetfulness Land) (Psalm 88:10-13) Forget-fullness, a memory losing it´s influence over the command-center, when association of another “self” is “removed” from the realm of the “self” by God as it lost it´s beneficial purpose in the life of “self”. Interpretation: That which serves no purpose to God, is discontinued, from the Realm that the Higher Self, Governs. Humans, in the “Command-center” of the creation of the “Highest self” (God): God has “forgetfulness” too, this is where Lvl 2. Negative Maesters go to, or those that died at Lvl 1, in an immature state. Their influence over our “shared reality”, diminishes, once God´s purpose is fulfilled. Those under “judgment of God”, are stored in “God´s Subconscious Realm”. Temporally removed from “society”. 8

Highest Self Says: I Myself will set My face against that man and against his family, and I will cut off from among their people both him and all those who play the harlot after him, by playing the Harlot after Idols.” (Leviticus 20:2-5) Once a man, puts up, or values an idol, a statue of any kind, God starts a process of “cutting you” off from your contemporaries says “Highest Self”. Once you commit “idolatry”, the part of the Spiritual Realm (Abstract Land) that is experienced by the “self” will start to project information upon the command-center of the “self” that will lead to an imbalance of the “command-center” of the “self”. The “Military” spirits will take over command from the “presidency” and all your “commands” will lead to: Isolation from all your memories and purpose driven life-style. Idolatry on Lvl 1 will kick “joy” out from presidency, replace it with “sadness”. Idolatry on Lvl 2 will kick “love” out from presidency, replace it with “hate”. Thus being ruled by Anger and Sadness, you will disconnect from your personality and beneficial usage of your abilities as your interpersonal command-center has been hijacked. Anything you put above the will of God, can be considered an idol, an in-balance towards where God wants you to be or go, the imbalance that the physical idol brings is ofcourse greater then the greed of money. A “self” at the Lvl 2 stage of his life, who commits Idolatry, is committing a direct insult and disrespect at “Higher Self” and thus, “offends” “Higher Self”. 9

Interpretation: Idolatry leads to emotional breakdown, as, Idolatry provokes God to put you into his “subconscience” and if you afterwards still not quit it, into “God´s realm of forget-fullness”. Nothing in existence can be “destroyed”, as it lives on as energy inside of minds of others, it simply becomes forgotten by the momentary experience of “self” and other “selves” inside the creation of the “Higher Self”. The Word of God says, that the realm of forgetfulness will one day be emptied into the eternal Hellfire realm (Revelation 20:11-15), the permanent subconscious of God after his purpose with this creation has been accomplished and “evil” serves no more purpose. The Subconscious realm of “Highest Self” traps everything, that hinders the will of “Highest Self”, first into temporal forgetfulness, then, afterwards, at no repentance, into permanent forgetfulness to be transferred into the realm of Hellfire.


The breakdown. Going from lvl 1 to Lvl 2. Once a “self” up-used all choices, presented before “self” by the “self-ties” like Family-ties, and turned off the conscience of “self” to ignore all “self-ties”, “That´s the point of no return”, that´s when “destiny” comes and picks up “self” if “self” is elected by “Highest Self” for “Lvl 2. Love” as Presidency, as: After all your Lvl 1. intelligence has been up-used, and all your choices have been made while being at Lvl 1, living out the consequences of those choices will put pressure upon your “command-center” and eventually lead to “breakdown”. Breaking of personality traits, leads to isolation of “self” in relationship to other “selves”. Like Family, Immoral Sexual, Moral Husband-Wife, Parental, Teacher and Friendship ties. 11

A lust for money, can make you neglect family contact and that can lead to an imbalance in the command-center, also idolatry creates an imbalance, after the imbalances are acted upon, one day, something that is loved by the “self” will be lost due consequence of imbalance in command-center. That´s the breaking-point of “self”, when that which is loved the most by the “self”, goes into the realm of “subconscious” or “forgetfulness”. That´s when the entire “self” becomes ruled by the spirit of sadness. The great halt, nothing can deceive you there, as nothing is desired. This is the turning point of “self”, entering the “Sadness season of Lvl 1”, that will lead to Lvl 2. The naive Lvl 1 command-center, will send the “self” to the past, to repair the ties it has broken, as there “life” was still “positive”, an act to return to Lvl 1. Positive Presidency. During this season the voice of joy is no longer followed. After this season, one has acted upon the own intelligence, and endured all the consequences, once the cycle is round again, the “self” is Spiritually mature at Lvl 2. The “self” can forgive everyone after realizing the “self” chose all actions and enter into “love”, or the “self” can “blame” other “selves” and “hate” everything and everyone. The Lvl 2 “Self” knows the long-term consequences of actions and is no longer, naive, or surprised by what “Highest Self” presents before “self” and is no longer easily tempted to act upon an “imbalanced command-center”. At this moment “The Will of God” is entered by the “self”. THE “SELF” ARRIVED AT LVL 2: 12

During the “2nd part of the cycle”, the season of sadness, all the personality traits of “self” have been damaged. All bonds, friendship, love, and family bonds have been damaged. All professional relationships have been damaged. All that made “self”, “self” are no longer coming thought “self”. The personality traits, relationships, and professional pursuits during Lvl 1, are nothing more then a preparation for the “Lvl 2.” version of them. Once “self” arrives at Lvl 2, all “personality centers” inside of the “self” are complexified, more into a purpose driven structure, instead of competition driven, or self expressive driven, in relationship with other “selves”. Before Breakdown: Performance of Dance, Art, Music, Sports for expression of self. After Breakdown: Performance of Dance, Art, Music, Sports for expression of teamwork. Before Breakdown: Performance of talents for benefits for “self-only”. After Breakdown: Performance of talents benefit of “Higher Self” and “other selves”. The Lvl 2 Self, inside the Commandcenter of God. “Self” cannot die, as it will go into the realm of “forgetfulness” of the Highest Self. A temporal “de-activation” outside of the appearance of those inside “mutual creation” where all “selves” dwell. “Self” can be isolated from “other selves” by deactivation of talents and personality traits that leads to Isolation from contemporaries, as a punishment for evil deeds or idolatry.


If “Self” is in the will of “Highest Self”, it will go into the “command-center” of “Highest Self”. The “presidency” of the Command-center of “Highest Self” is chosen by “Highest Self”. And thus “Highest Self” can “dream” whatever “Highest Self” desires to dream, through those in the commandcenter of “Highest Self”. Jesus Christ, was exactly what he said he was, the “President” of the Command-center of “Highest Self”, inside the realm of where all the other “selves” dwell. At His Second coming, he will replace God´s representative on earth, the president of the “command-center” of “Highest Self”: “A Lvl 2 Spiritual “Self” that is elected by “Highest Self” to rule the creation of “Highest Self” (Genesis 1:26). At Jesus´s return, all those who are inside the realm of “forgetfulness” of the “Highest Self” are going to be revived (1 Thessalonians 4:16). And those who are inside the subconscious of the “Highest Self” are going to be thrown into “the lake of fire” (Revelation 20:11-15). And the Lvl 2 Spiritual “selves” on the side of God, that are still alive, will become immortal, once Jesus takes over control of the command-center of the “Highest Self” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52). Once a “self” comes into existence, “self” cannot be undone, “self” then must be stored somewhere. Those who fight against “Highest Self”, are treated like a Virus by “Highest Self”. When a Lvl 1 “Self” does that, that “self” is usually pardoned by the “Highest Self” as the other “Lvl 2 Selves” 14

have misled the “Lvl 1 Selves” in their “rebellion against Highest Self”. A Lvl 2. Spiritual “Self” can be defined as Maester. Two categories: A “Positive Maester”, A “Negative Maester”. That can be described as: A Maester and a Dark Maester. If “Highest Self” loves you as a “self”, your Lvl 1. actions will lead you into “Highest Self Purpose”, then your “failures” are used for “good” inside of a “design” of your life´s course: predestination, a purpose driven life.


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