The Code of Time (Titanclass) by Judge Patrick Aurelius Angelo Christo Pereira

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THE CODE OF TIME (TITANCLASS) Author: General-Judge of the Netherlands and Germany,




”Atlas” [Archetype] (The Human Spirit as One, the Blueprintstandard Design of the Spirit that operates in and through the Human Collective, the Soul of the Human´s “Material Living Space”, Earth; the “Owner” of Mankind.) carries ”Gaia” [Archetype] (The Heart of the World, the Human Conscience as One, the Blueprintstandard design of the heart-awareness, residing within every human being on earth, known as a Conscience, also known as “Anima”.) Once “Collective Mind” and “The Heart awareness of the Collective” are in perfect harmony (balance), then there is no “Time” (The Garden of Eden), Adam was immortal! ”Chronos” / “Time” [Archetype] The Timeless Spirit of “The Whole”. Sin leads to a negative charge, a unit of karmic energy to the ”Soul” of the collective: ”Atlas” [Archetype] Sin; an act based upon “hatred”. “Hatred”: A destructive, negative act against “Anima”, “The Awareness of the Heart of the Human Collective, the universally shared Human Conscience. Sin leads to “Lossy (Irreversible) compression of Time”, “Darkness”. Sin thus creates a higher error ratio in the reading, the interpretation of Time as a Whole (Discernment). Sin decreases your chances of correct interpretation of time, mathematically. It decreases the chance that you correctly discern the purpose of that which is experienced during time. When your Karmic Balance, stored in your soul, thresholds the 50% border, charged 51% with Negative Energy (Darkened, Accursed), then correct interpretation of Time becomes improbable, thus the “Accursed” Human becomes more and more, unable to respect and

discern the will of “Anima”, the “Moral”, “The Voice of the Heart”, “The Universal Standard of the Heart´s Awareness”, “The Heart´s Interpretation Quality of Time in Space”. Spiritual (Chronological) Discernment: Uncompressed perception of what´s going on, on earth, regardless of your location in space. The Accursed has no access to Conscience [Anima]. In coherence to the percentage of negative energy stored in the soul, is the error ratio of Discerning incorrectly the purpose of that which is experienced during Time; That which, the events that occur, now, during your karmic position in the fragmentation. The Accursed is Doomed to Fail [Divine Judgement]. The “Anima” of the Human Collective, known as ”Gaia” [Archetype] becomes “evil”, when the Soul of ”Atlas” [Archetype] becomes “Accursed”, when the sins of mankind as a collective becomes a danger to the continuation of mankind as a species. When “Anima” becomes “evil”, it is to “purify” the earth from the “accursed”, known as “Divine Judgment”: Divine Judgment: The Collective´s Self-defense System instituted by the Creator Jesus Christ, for the sake of the continuation of mankind through the next generation]. A reverse of the cycle of Time in Duality. The end for one, a new beginning for another.

Time Decompression: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compression of time, leads to a slower perception of the “spirit of the whole”, thus the quality of the experience of time, slows down, it decreases. Aging leads to a decrease in experiencing “Youthful” experiences. Time slows down the perception of “the Spirit of the Human Collective”; ”Atlas” [Archetype] And so Space is created for those who never had Space (The next generation).

Time at the 50% threshold of “Negative Charge to the Karmic Account”, causes a slowdown, a greater error ratio, making wrong choices, responding unintelligent towards that which Time presents them, progressively. Distortion of Time; Sin: Negative “Karmic” Unit, an act made without having regarded the intelligence of the Human Conscience, the heart of the Human collective. Distortion leads to compression of the quality of the experience of the “Whole of Time”. Time Judges Anima-Violators; the enemies of the Human Conscience. Thus Time fragments the perception quality of the human mind towards the “spirit of the human collective, as a whole; ”Atlas” [Archetype] Every Sin: An act made without having regarded the intelligence of the Human Conscience, the heart of the Human collective, leads to a Negative “Karmic” Unit in the soul of the individual that experiences Time. One unit of “Destructive Distortion” upon a complete unit of data (spirit of the Whole); “corrupting (darkening) the interpretation capacity of the human mind.” The worse your karmic account towards God Almighty, the greater the degree of miscalculation-probability. Compression of “Time” leads to loss of perception quality; Inflation. At the 51% threshold of Negative “Karmic” Energy in the soul of an individual that experiences time, Hyperinflation of “Discernment” starts (Pride). At the condition of “ Being Accursed (50%+ Negative)” the road to

inevitable intellectual bankruptcy [foolishness] started. 0% Most Honorable (Discerning) – 100% Most Prideful (Foolish)

Curing your depressed experience of Time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0% Most Joyful (Discerning) – 100% Most Depressed (Foolish) 0% Most Thankful (Winner) – 100% Most Entitled (Loser) 0% Most Exiting (Passionate) – 100% Most Desensitized (Agony) 0% Most Caring (Purposeful) – 100% Most Careless (Purposeless)

“Goddelijke Boodschap” - “Boskopu” - “Göttliche Nachricht” - “Divine Inspired Message”

“The Reverse of Aging” To obtain “Positive Karmic Units”, to attain “decompression of interpretation of Time”, to gradually cure your depressed experience of Time; to have a more “youthful experience of time, you need to trade “Karmic Energy” with those who have not yet lost the “spirit of Joy, Gratitude”; The Spirit of Excitement. The Quality of the your experience of Time (Life) is evaluated by what you do with your time. The Storyline of your life can go two ways: Win (Blessed) & Loss (Accursed), It is exiting to educate the next generation, to teach, as you experience their excitement in your “purposeful” interactions. To trade “Time” (Faster Spinning- Accelerating; Exited perception of Spirit!) for “Purpose” (Ah! The Bliss of Understanding”). Young people do not yet have much responsibilities, thus they have more excitement then their opposites; those who are aging, who have a more de-fragmented perception of “Time'”.

“Teacher”; One who knows “purpose”, and passes it on to the next generation, receiving a unit of excitement (Positive Karmic Energy) in return, during the process (Time-Bond). “Time-bond”; “Ownership, Control, Power” “The Spirit of Power/Authority: Mutual purpose, reasonable, to do right, to discern purpose, to interact reasonably.” –




“Sensai” (Maester); Teacher of Understanding, that trades one unit of excitement from the next generation, giving one unit of understanding in return. “I love the excitement of discovering the nature of Time; “learning” A Sensei, also known as a “Maester” has access to the Spirit of Complete Discernment, which is access to the “Mind-Spirit” that understands the “Purpose”. Purpose; to know, Understand. To shine Light into the Darkness: Seeing-Discerning the nature of “Time”. Discernment; “wisdom”, “spirit”, “one”, “it is”, “agreeable”, “Plus”, “Positive”, “Affirmative”, “right” towards the interpretation of the chronological order of the progress of Time. A Sensei, also known as a Maester, is the one who passes down the spirit of Purpose to the next generation, a “God-father”, A disciplinary who is sent from God Almighty, the one with access to “Power” with “Passion”, known as “the Spirit of Honor”, exiting! Sensei; One that makes energetic-karmic efforts to stay young/vital by serving purpose, “purposeful”. Group-pressure; it feels good to be a part of “the approved group”; as it´s exiting to be part of those that “own”, it´s depressing to be “owned”; a

student, one that experiences “loss of excitement” to obtain “purpose”; One Complete Cycle of Time. A “Wanna-B” Disciplinary, a “Proud Individual” loves to be “in control”, without having “purpose”. A “Misfit-Sensei”; A Teacher of destruction, a “Fool”. “Proud Fool”; One who acts purposeful, known as “Wise in the own eyes”, an accursed that is without “discernment”, an ungodly individual that: “Speaks a lot but says nothing of value, taking everyone´s time by “force”.” To “Own”, to “command Time”; is to have purpose, a beneficial influence towards the “spirit of the human collective, as a whole; ”Atlas” [Archetype]

Dealing with Haters of Understanding: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Those you serve no purpose to (anymore) will reject/eject you, “hate” you, “de-friend” you, and see you as a “foe”. The Sensei only serves purpose to “the Next Generation”. The “purposelessness” of the Sensei’s own generation, leads to emotional repulse, known as “Rejection”. The accursed are incapable of discerning the purpose of a Sensei. The Accursed are inevitably “Proud” towards the “Sensei”, in every interaction between a Sensei and an Accursed, “pride” is involved: Those void of purpose, the “accursed”; those with “Inflating Souls” hate the “Sensei”, as the next generation´s “Sensei/Maester” gets to “own” their “positive karmic units” of excitement; “life-time”. “I don’t obtain! Unfair! Its not right that you “own”! (The Spirit of Greed in the Proud) “Only the wicked experience pride.”

Dishonor [Pride], the Lack of Authoritative Intelligence: To dishonor is to be blind to power, to dishonor is to demonstrate that you are void of power and understanding of social-hierarchy, those without

power hate those in power the most. The inability to permit another human to experience honor, as one has no honor oneself, is to undervalue the soul´s hierarchic system, the inability to acknowledge the value of honor is to acknowledge one is void of the soul system of honor, standing outside, at the sideline, not being part of the 'group of the honorable', hating on those who have accomplished what is necessary to obtain their authority rightfully. Dishonor is pure wickedness; to punish someone for being in authority and of good reputation.

Everyone you serve a purpose to will be reasonable to you, “positive, affirmative”; reasonability is the evidence that pride is absent and that someone “likes” you, and that there is purpose to the interaction, a trade of tangible or intangible value in the interaction, a beneficial influence on the path of the individual`s destiny.

Death. the end of Individual Time: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TO LIVE IS TO HAVE PURPOSE! DEATH IS THE END OF PURPOSE! “The Cycle of Time”: To own (Blessed), someone else needs to lose purpose (Accursed);

“Evil” (Misfortune) receives “Power” over the “Purposeless” , “the Conscienceless”, the “foes” of the “collective”; to complete “The Cycle of Time”. At the end of (human) time, purpose ran out, after a gradual process of aging, power runs out, relatively to the closeness of the end of an individual´s purpose.

Knights Templars; the Protectors of the Secrets of the Holy Church of God Almighty “Anima”; known as “the Divine Feminine”. “Anima”; “The Human Conscience”; “The Heart of the Collective” will lead “THE BLESSED” into PURPOSE; “Anima”; When active inside of a masculine, creates a heavenly authority ; the Authority of the masculine and the feminine in one individual:






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