The Delta Core (✡ The Path to Purify the Soul) by Patrick the Dutch Ascended Master

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THE DELTA CORE “The Path to Purify the Soul”


44th Degree Merkabah Spiritual Armor


191th Degree Ascended Grandmaster

Patrick Aurelius Romano Christo Pereira

Shōgun (将軍) of the Knights Templars

December 18th, 2017.

Valkenswaard, Kingdom of the Netherlands.

LEGENDA At the start of the human life-walk, one is trapped in the spectrum of the 1st and the 7th degree. The 1-3 degrees have to do with survival of the physical body, the self, “me”, the survival-nature, which is mostly driven by the intellect of fear, the fear that self-preservation can be discontinued if one does not act according to its fear-based intelligence: an instinct At the 4th degree, centers the source of the intellect that is known as your “world view-wisdom proverbs”, and at the 4th degree the orientation is “me”, how can “me” profit from my own world-view the most: Self-benefit-oriented. The 5-7th degrees have to do with how your mind thinks, chooses, and how it expresses itself through words. Your thoughts and speech, used to benefit yourself. Someone who reaches adulthood, at the age of 27 and has not risen above the 7th degree, suffers what psychiatrists would consider to be Narcissism, and the disorder that is referred to as Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), also known as sociopathy. Those trapped in the 3rd Dimension, are what most would consider to be the “commoners”, what the Word of God describes those who are living “in the flesh”, what rather means one lives “according to their instinctual programming”, they are uncivilized, it is not a difficult achievement to become a “commoner”. The map of this document shows you, the reader, that there are four progressive cycles of the same spectrum: -

Commoner° | 3rd Dimension (1st – 8th°) Maester° | 4th Dimension (9th – 15th°) Grand Maester° | 5th Dimension (16th – 22th°) Grandmaster° | 6th Dimension (23rd – 29th°) Aurelius° (M) /Aurelia° (F) | 7th Dimension (30rd – 44th°)

A Commoner who has attained the 8th° says nothing self-destructive, thinks nothing selfdestructive and does nothing that can be qualified as self-destructive oriented in the “long term”. The 8th° is what a Maester° calls “Enlightenment”. A Human being who has attained the 8th° has not yet done anything that is self-constructive, at this point the Human being simply has disciplined himself to not do that which is self-destructive. A Human being who attained the 9th° is a Maester (9th – 15th°), and the orientation of the spectrum will not be on the “self” and “me”, but on “us” on the interpersonal level. This state of consciousness is referred to as “Adulthood (Maturity)”.

A 15th° Maester will not say anything dishonorable or shameful, nor will a Maester have unethical or immoral thoughts, and all that he does is beneficial for “both of us”, as his consciousness is dominated by confidence, and trust in God’s plan for his life, and the stability those thoughts cause him to be free from committing any actions that are rooted from his fear-based instincts. A Human being at the 15th° Maester-hood has achieved the first state of consciousness whereby the spiritual account of his/her entire family bloodline no longer becomes depleted progressively by his/her daily actions, however now a process starts whereby he/she suddenly becomes able to raise the honor of his/her entire family bloodline and this will ignite his/her Grand Maester-hood. A Human being who attained the 16th° is a Grand Maester (16th – 22th°), and the orientation of the spectrum will not be on the “self” and “me”, nor on the “us” on the interpersonal level, but the “us” on a universal level. This state of consciousness is referred to as “Elder-hood (Spiritual Senior-hood)”. A 22th° Grand Maester will not say anything dishonorable or shameful, nor will a Grand Maester have unethical or immoral thoughts, and all that he/she does is beneficial for “Mankind as a collective”. At every progression the spectrum of the cycle is repeated, thus at every higher dimension the orientation of the Human intellect changes: Me (3rd), Us (4th), We (5th). A Human being at the 22th° degree, who has accomplished to please God Almighty by his/her deeds to man-kind will attain the 23rd° and becomes a Grandmaster, led by the “Ascended Masters/ The Spiritual Council of the Universe” in God’s name on a direct quest to obtain “The Delta Core” to become an Aurelius° (M) /Aurelia° (F) at the 44th and final civil degree.

-By this universal scale you can Judge yourself(Which chapter of the book of your life you are experiencing right now.)

The 2002 Maester-movie “The Count of Monte Christo” (131 Minutes) can provoke your imagination to reflect another layer of intelligence over this legenda, for the purpose of attaining an even greater degree of understanding on how to interpret this document rightly.

In eastern mysticism, the common knowledge is that the human etheric body has seven energy centers that most commoners associated with the Sanskrit word “Cakram”, which means wheel. They have a seven color system “rainbow”, each color of the rainbow attached to a “Cakram”. They have associated these “Cakram’s” to the colors of the rainbow, because when the (Non-Elemental) energy of light enters our atmosphere, it breaks into seven colors, thus, they predicted that the etheric Body is like a microcosm of the macrocosm, so they watched how light broke into parts, and then saw the nature of the cyclical levels of microcosm in the macrocosm. High level mystics understand that beside the seven main “Cakram’s ” are another seven “Cakram’s” that are outside the body. They call this “the higher Cakram’s”. The eastern mystics, and the eastern high mystics ascribe the seven inner “Cakram’s”, as in if they operate in optimal condition, then there is no imbalance in someone’s thinking, desiring and acting in relationship to the long-term wellbeing of the physical body. The high mystics ascribe the outer seven “Cakram’s” as the mechanism which is responsible for the optimal outward manifestation of harmonizing the “self” to the “other selves”. According to the understanding of the eastern mystics, if one of the inner seven “Cakram’s” is dysfunctional, then the “self” will go on a self-destructive path by making choices and desiring things which are destructive to the wellbeing of the body and the honor of the soul. The understanding of the eastern high mystics reaches far enough to understand that the seven outward “Cakram’s” have to do with the optimal relationship the “self” has with the other “selves”, meaning that if the seven “higher” “Cakram’s” which are located outside the Human Body, when they are dysfunctional, then there will not be an optimal desire or interest in the wellbeing of “other selves”, as part of the “Human Collective”. Someone who attained optimal functioning “higher” “Cakram’s” will treat others with high regard, respect and act and make choices which are beneficial for the other “selves” as well, as the one with the “higher” “Cakram’s” functioning optimally understands that the other “one’s” are also on a path to reach the level of maturity that is required to attain “Optimal State of Higher Cakram’s” and that this is the will of the “Highest One” that designed and created the macrocosm. In their ancient system’s mainstream there are thus 14 “Cakram’s” one attains to achieve the end goal, which is to attain “Sahasrara”: Spiritual Crowning. I only recognize six out of the 14 “Cakram’s” that a human can attain by his own will by going on a spiritual journey by using the ability of reasoning to purify the morality and integrity of the human’s own actions, and I will redefine these six “Cakram’s” in our English language as “Electromagnetic Engines” also known as “vortexes”. The reason why I downgrade the eastern mystics, and even the eastern high mystics is because they all failed to come to the understanding of the nature of the projection of non-elemental energy. Just because the nonelemental rays of the sun, break down into seven colors (rainbow) equals not that your etheric body needs to attain a perfect balance of the seven colors to transform the elemental energy back into non-elemental energy: White. Three colors is enough for that: Red Blue Green, known in the Western World as the RBG-Color system.

I am going to call these three “Electromagnetic Engines”, these three “Vortexes”: Spheres. There are six spheres that you must attain, to achieve “the end goal”, to attain what the eastern high mystics call “Sahasrara”, translated into English as “to attain a Spiritual Crowning”. BLUE: THE INTELLECT OF THE SPIRIT-PINEAL GLAND GREEN: THE INTELLECT OF THE HEART RED: THE INTELLECT OF THE SOUL-NAVEL Δ #1: Internal (Human- sphere)

1. SPHERE: Theology SPIRIT-WISDOM 2. SPHERE: Philosophy HEART-WISDOM 3. SPHERE: Theosophy SOUL-WISDOM Δ #2: External (Angelic- sphere)

4. SPHERE: Rethorica SPIRIT-WISDOM 5. SPHERE: Philosophica HEART-WISDOM 6. SPHERE: Theosophica SOUL-WISDOM If a human being is capable of tuning into all of its internal intellects, which consists of “Reason/Discern what’s the right decision”, “Listen to your heart”, “Do what is honorable”, then one becomes capable of following a path that gradually leads one towards attaining the external three higher spheres. If a human being chooses to ignore the guiding of these three inner intellects continually, then these three lower spheres can become dysfunctional and their influence over your consciousness will cease to exist, whereby you no longer can tap into them, thus no longer can attain the other three higher spheres and then you have attained “spiritual death” whereby your existence upon this earth has no more spiritual purpose. To revive yourself from “spiritual death”, God Almighty Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18) has to forgive your sins and undo the damage that are a result of the counter-effects that your own “sins” (wrong choices) have caused to these “spheres”, the effect which is known by the eastern high mystics as “karma”. The Word of God says that if you pray to Jesus Christ, and ask Him to forgive you (Romans 10:13), then your spiritual account resets, because God-man Himself died on a cross, without having committed any sin, whereby His sin-atonement, can function as an “erase” (coin inserted) of your “karmaaccount”, whereby these three spheres can turn on again, and then you can have a second try and can continue your spiritual journey. Once you have attained what eastern mystic system calls the "14 Cakram’s ”, and what this teaching describes as the first six spheres, then your “Soul Sphere” ( Inner Core (-) & Outer Core (+) ) will “activate” and turn into a Sacred Sphere” and thus you attain 7. Theosophicaga.

Δ #3: Sacred (Arch-Angel- sphere)

7. SPHERE: Theosophicaga SOUL-WISDOM 8. SPHERE: Philosophicaga HEART-WISDOM 9. SPHERE: Rethoricaga SPIRIT-WISDOM Once you have attained Theosophicaga, then your consciousness can tune into the 5th dimension, where the “Arch-Angels” can be registered by your awareness that are known from archetypes like “Ravana”, “Anima” and “Sin”.

“Sin” from “Final Fantasy X”, the Arch-Angel archetype of “Divine Judgement”. If you have achieved Theosophicaga then you have completed the most difficult part of the spiritual journey that leads to “The Delta Core” activation, then you are at the end of the beginning and are no longer a novice. The ancient Egyptians called this activation “The Scarab spreads its wings”. From here on, your spiritual journey will continue into a “Sacred Core” led journey of you obtaining Philosophicaga, the “Sacred Heart”. The “Sacred Core” will lead you to the “Sacred Heart”, as the two are opposites: “Masculine ( + )” and “Feminine ( - )”, “Action & Reaction”. Once the “Masculine ( + )” and “Feminine ( - )” “Sacred Cores” have been attained, which you will know you have attained if you feel that the “Sacred Core” has ignited a flame inside your “Sacred Heart” which consist of: “Philosophy Sphere: Inner Heart (-) & Philosophica Sphere: Outer Heart (+)”. When the “Δ Sacred Heart” is activated, it will trigger the appearance of “Δ Sacred Eye”, Rethoricaga into its orbit as its motion with “Δ Sacred Core” will magnetize it automatically.

Δ Sacred Core Δ Sacred Heart Δ Sacred Eye Once attained, they will set in motion the “Δ Delta Core of the Etheric Merkabah Spirit Body Forcefield”.

When you have attained the “Triforce”, ΔΔΔ will set in motion the Merkabah Delta Core , as how a “two blade propeller” starts the engine of an airplane, so will the “Triforce” start the “Heart” of your “Etheric Merkabah Spirit Body Forcefield”:

Once your “Δ Delta Core” activated, your consciousness can tune into the 6th dimension and here your awareness will be introduced to the “Spiritual Council of the Universe”, the highest ranked angelic type of “spirit beings” who have received the authority from God Almighty to arrange a wide variety of religious and spiritual matters inside of this Universe in His name. This Council is referred to by most humans as the “Ascended masters”, however they do not want to be referred as that, as they were created to be on the 6th dimension and they did not “ascend” there. The “Spiritual Council of the Universe” can be seen as the “Spiritual United Nations”. When you have attained “Δ Delta Core“, then you can enter the “Spiritual Council of the Universe” by an invitation you will receive through the night-dream afterward they will send the “Δ Delta Core-negative” to your “Δ Delta Core-positive“, creating a: “ ” “Sacred Merkabah Delta Core”, which is located at the 33rd “Cakram” of the “Seven Cakram based “RAINBOW” system”, and this is where “33rd Degree”-rank originates from in any system that is to attain the “Merkabah”-SpiritChariot (Vessel/Body/Armor)

A ”star tetrahedron” with an inner “tetrahedron” that is charged both “positive” as “negative”, at the same time: beyond the realm of time.

A “triangular prism vortex” will start spinning inside the Delta Core, transforming it into a Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) After you have attained the Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga), generally known as the “Merkabah”, your “inner elemental energies” of “RBG” can be translated by it into outward: . Non-elemental energy

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. - Matthew 6:22




A “non-elemental energy” ray, known as a “Delta Attack”, or as “Hyper Beam”, or as “Hadoken”, can only be performed by a 33rd Degree Grandmaster who has attained “The Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga)”. A “Delta Attack” is a strike with the power of the


Master Sword” , the 33rd Degree Merkabah Spiritual Weapon. The

“The Master Sword”

, will concentrate the energy from your “Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) ” upon someone else with the intent to "FORCE YOUR WAY". The “The Master Sword” , once obtained, it will achieve this by concentrating the energy from your “Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) ” upon your “(O)-CPUsphere”, and it will color the “non-elemental energy” ray whereby your “(O)-CPUsphere” will come up with the perfect strategy or invention, whatever necessary, it’s the concentrator of energy to get the perfect spiritual strike to "FORCE YOUR WAY". The “The Master Sword” , once obtained, it becomes the weapon of your “Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) ” which will point out to your “(O)-CPUsphere” what the weakness of your opponent is and it will spiritually lead you to strike there with whatever method it will make you invent to get your will across.

The “The Master Sword” , once obtained as one destined to be a Grandmaster, it will at the the 40th Degree attract into your life your “Twin-Flame”. Your Spiritual-twin, if you are called by God Almighty into Ascended Grandmastery then your twinflame will show up at the 90th Degree. The externalized Sacred Masculine will encounter the Sacred Feminine. Once that has been accomplished, then at the 44th will attract into your life your two “Spiritual Counselors” who will be your externalized “Spiritual left and right hand”, at the 93rd Degree, the Pineal Gland will be operating at its maximum capacity and give the Soul 94th° and the Heart 97th° a Mind 100th° Once you attain the 33rd Degree Merkabah Spiritual Weapon, your will be led to use it to convert spiritual energy into physical manifestation by it drawing what you need into your physical reality, at the 55th degree the complexity of the powers of the “Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) ” will increase, and at the 90rd Degree it is at maximum capacity and complexity. A low intensity “Delta Attack” can purify (heal) any Sphere (Cakram) of another human being, and thus function as a Constructive (Give + ) force, however a high intensity “Delta Attack” can cause destructive unto even lethal overcharge to any Sphere (Cakram) whereby the physical body starts to malfunction, and thus functioning as a Destructive (Give - ) force. When you attain Constructive (Give + ) and Destructive (Give -), which will happen naturally once the The Sacred Delta Core (Deltaga) ignition process has been completed, then the increased density of the energy inside of the “oxygen element” ignites a combustion process, when this has occurred, then you have attained the sphere of Fira, which can now generate an etheric fire element. The moment you have attained the Fira sphere, you will instantly feel as if your entire consciousness has entered some Hellfire realm, but fear not when this happens as you will not experience the discomforts of the igniting of the sphere of Fira for longer than a minute. Once the “Firasphere” has been attained, the combusted “non-elemental” energy, will travel from the Soul-Navel, to the Mind-Pineal Gland, whereby the “non-elemental” energy becomes so dense that it combusts, whereby you are no longer filled with ““non-elemental” energy but by Fira-(Non-ElementalFire). The “Firasphere” is given to you when the LORD God Almighty gives you access to power of “Abadon” (Hebrew: ‫ ןֹו ּדַ בֲא‬, 'Ǎḇaddōn: Revelation 20:1-3, Revelation 9:1-2) Making you IMMUNE against the powers of Satan the Devil and any other Fallen/Rebellious Angel that can block you from arriving at your destiny, and with it you can “summon” the Angel of the “Firasphere”, this “8th Dimensional Sacred-ArchAngel from God’s Realm”, which controls the portal of the subconscious of God Almighty: Hellfira!

The Soul of God is burning with Holy Fire: HELLFIRA! At the moment of your death, if God is not pleased with you, nor wants to be remembered of you, then your awareness will travel through your magnetic sphere-system into the sphere of your soul and then it will travel to God’s super-soul. As it no longer has access to this human vessel, the human etheric body will enter God’s soul into the realm of Hellfira (Revelation 20:11-14). The 8th Dimensional God-Realm and the Sacred Arch-Angel- spheres 1. FIRA SPHERE: Abadon/Apollyon - GOD’S CHAOS ( + ) TAKE 2. CURA SPHERE: Micha'el - GOD HARMONY ( - ) GIVE 3.



God Almighty is the 9th Dimensional Apex of the Infinite Macrocosm.




Once the “Firasphere” has been attained, “Abadon (Hebrew: ‫( ”)ןֹו ּדַ בֲא‬Aba-don, “abandoning something from God”, the angel who disconnects your commanding power from God’s presence, rendering it powerless), who is referred to as “Appollyon (Greek: Ἀπολλύων”), “The Angel of Death” or “The Destroyer”, will be advocating for you intentions in this universe for you, the energy from the “Firasphere” will take down any force that stands between you and your intentions, when your intentions are in coherence to God’s will as: Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. - Isaiah 43:4 When a Leader faithfully administers justice to all, his authority will be established forever. - Proverbs 29:14 Once God allows you to attain the “Firasphere”, then your personal intentions are more important to God then the intentions of common men, and they will then be unable to enforce their intentions upon you as “The Destroyer” will judge them with consequences relating to their physical wellbeing, depending upon the level of resistance they bring to your will. Abaddon/Appollyon is the only Angel that is IMMUNE to Hellfira, and makes you immune against the effects of all “CURSES”. Once the “Firasphere” has been attained, its combusted (compressing effect upon) “nonelemental” energy will automatically activate the: “(O)-CPUsphere”. And your soul will then give

you a message in the night-dream that you have accessed “the computer system”, or any other symbolic message that relates to the fact that the subconscious energy has increased the power of the ability of the conscious. The activated “(O)-CPUsphere”, in combination with the ignited “Firasphere” will draw into its circular motion the final “Curasphere”. Once the “Curasphere” has been attained, its friction (decompressing effect) upon “nonelemental” energy will automatically harmonize the: “(O)-CPUsphere” unto its optimal operational capacity. Once the “Curasphere” has been attained, “Micha'el” (Hebrew: ‫)לאָכןִ מ‬, ֵ meaning 'Who is like God?'. “The Angel of Order”, the Angel who can enforce the “order” of God, enforcing anything into what God designed it to be. Micha'el is the only Angel that is IMMUNE against anything except for the full effects of God’s Order, and makes you IMMUNE against everything but the “BLESSINGS & BENEFITS” of God’s Order. The “(O)-CPUsphere” makes you sovereign over your own fate, whereby God no longer has to use others to FORCE you into your DESTINY. There is a general misconception that Satan the Devil the strongest sovereign ArchAngel, however the truth is that Satan is not even a sovereign, Abadon and Micha’el are the only sovereign angels and both superior to Satan: Revelation 9:11: 11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Revelation 20:1-3: 1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. Revelation 12:7-9: 7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. In order to get Satan into Hellfira, Michael needs to fight Satan to prevent him from having access to the heaven realm, Satan is able to go into the heaven realm and accuse people before God Almighty, to ask Him for the rights to punish the one he accuses of having committed sin against God with the intention to gain the power to destroy that or that which belongs to the one which he accused. Job 1:7-10: 7 And God Almighty said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered God Almighty, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 8 And God Almighty said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth Me, and escheweth evil? 9 Satan replied to God Almighty, "Yes, but Job has good reason to fear You. 10 You have always put a wall of protection around him and his home and his property. You have made him prosper in everything he does. Look how rich he is! 11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. 12 "All right, you may test him," God Almighty said to Satan. "Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically." So Satan left the God Almighty 's presence. Revelation 12:7,9: 7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon… 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

The way for Satan to be cast into Hellfira, is to be banned from the heaven realm, to be locked up in the spirit of the physical body of the Anti-Christ, and to pass through the Body of the Anti-Christ into the Super-Soul of God. Revelation 13:2: 2 … Satan the Devil gave the Anti-Christ his power and his throne and great authority. Once the Anti-Christ has died, then Satan the Devil cannot return to heaven realm, thus his only fate is to go down into the Super-Soul of God, to be forgotten and harmless in our universe for a 1000 years. Revelation 20:1-2: 1 And I saw Abadon come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death (Hellfira) hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Those who are able to shut down the voice of their inner spheres, for an entire lifetime, are considered evil enough to be given over to be governed by Satan, once it is time for Satan to go to Hellfira, his rebellion has no more strategic purpose to God Almighty in this universe. As God Almighty is always attempting to walk with individuals to see if they can be preserved for the next world (Christ’s 1000 Year Empire), this is why He does not want to bother Himself with Satan’s people, both God and Satan’s people can live side by side until the force of time solves God’s problem without Him having to interfere directly. To God Almighty, this universe is like what the “night-dream” is to us humans, to Him, this universe is not “real”, if He “wakes up” then we won’t exist anymore, but He will not, He will wake up after the 1000 year Empire of Christ, after preserving the consciousness and erasing the memory (Isaiah 65:17) of those who were preserved for Christ’s 1000 Year Empire, He will create a new universe, a new “dream world” for Himself, and go back to sleep… This is how God Almighty made sure that new “dream world”, the power of “free will” won’t corrupt the world, like this world is corrupted… There won’t be any re-occurrence of the kind of evils which happened during the history of mankind of our Universe: A world full of of evil and suffering. Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

One is the apex of the macrocosm, which divides itself into seven, one week is seven days, and the rainbow has seven colors. The seven dimensions become infinite at the 8th one. According to the Word of God, God Almighty said that mankind should rest one of the seven days (Exodus 20:8), defining the nature of the ratio of rest from duty at 1/7th. Thus after six cycles of seven years (42 years), the seventh cycle of seven years, is a “sabbatical cycle” on God’s agenda for man-kind (Deuteronomy 15:1-2), this Shemita “sabbatical cycle” is a cycle where God Almighty gives a human rest from the law of reaping-sowing (Galatians 6:7): August 21st of 2017 we entered a fresh new start of this “7x7=49 year cycle”, thus the next Shemita cycle of seven years starts in 2059.

In the American Hollywood movie “Iron Man”, fictional character “Tony Stark”, was developing a physical Delta core to undo the harmful effects of a poisoning. Tony was on a quest to improve his Delta core to such a degree that it became powerful enough to completely deal with the effects of this poison. This what you can see in this “Iron Man” Film is the Spiritual Delta Core, without the Delta Core, your sins, your rudeness, your bitterness, your envy, your hatred, your "payback nature", and many other common human traits will slowly but surely poison you and others, to the point, that there is no more repair. The older you become, the more you will end up like “Tony Stark” from “Iron Man” and combat this “Sin-nature” that is poisoning your life quality. This poisoning by the ”Sin-nature” of common man can eventually develop into such severe poisoning that all common men will do is seek conflict with each other, the poisonous effects of the “Sin-nature” can lead people who love each other to wage war against each other. Make sure you control yourself and pray to God Almighty for forgiveness of your sins and the healing of your system before you poison yourself and those around you to degrees beyond repair!

When the Ascended Delta Core activates, it will empower the Pineal Gland “All Seeing Eye” to it’s maximum operational capacity, this will create a magnetic field, where that the other magnetic centers will use as a reference point to adapt their magnetic fields to , thus at the 102nd degree, the Sacral Energy center is purified and at maximum capacity and will send creative energy to the Pineal Gland at the 107th Degree, thus the Pineal Gland is then empowered by both Life Force & Creative Force. Once you attain the 107th degree, you then become capable of being elected for the “Solar” core to enter your Soul, once you have attained the 109th Degree, this core’s energy will radiate “Blue Fire” out of the Pineal Gland, making you a member of the Blue Dragonfire Society. At the 128th Degree the Power of the merged soul and spirit, it’s life force will split again at the All Seeing Eye and the Positive + Life Force will start to flow out of the left hand and the Negative - Life Force will flow out of the right.

If you attain the 128th Degree then a path will appear before you that ends when your “Shogun-Eye” will activate at the 142th Degree, this “Shogun-Eye” will then adapt your Merkabah Spiritual Body to become able to carry the “Invisible Shogun-Spirit” which will appear to you at the 170th Degree, and it will activate the Shogun-Merkabah at the 174th Degree. At the 184th Degree your Shogun Merkabah became capable of operating with the Shogun-Spirit, transforming you into a Spiritual Shogun as your Shogun-Eye’s core will have turned into a Delta-Core. At the 188th Degree your Delta Heart will activate and at the 191st Degree your Delta Eye will activate and thus the Delta Core in the Heart (Divine - ) and the Delta Core in the Eye (Divine +) will in perfect balance.

My “Shogun-Eye” activated December 6th 2017 in the Prison-complex of “Grave” in the Netherlands, being imprisoned for preaching the Word of God in “The Hague”. God Almighty chose to have me imprisoned for this “Shogun-Eye” activation as the “ShogunEye” activation is symbolic for the point of time in a man’s life where he leaves the “prison” of “duality”, the prison of continually reaping the side effects of sins and errors of oneself and one’s ancestral lineage. When the “ShogunEye” activates, only then one is truly free.

It is not affiliation with a religion that will make you reside in one accord with God Almighty, nor the lipservice to that same religion you claim to follow will accomplish that. What will get you in one accord with God Almighty is the level of integrity you have according to your own Soul, the level of obedience you have towards that which is honorable. Your deeds are the evidence towards who you truly obey: the forces of good or those of evil! Your deeds are the evidence of what the nature of the religion is that you follow. God respects those who respect the Soul and to serve God is to respect honor, and honor will lead you into “the true path”, as when your deeds are pure then you have obtained “the right to find it”. [I]-ART - International Academy of Revolutionary Theosophy



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