The Godly Purpose of the Civilized Enslaving the Barbarians. Sermon by Meister Patrick.

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The Godly purpose of the Civilized enslaving the Barbarians __________ Publication (Act of God)

Created by Meister Patrick Functioning as Magistrate of God.

2 Oktober 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Covenant and covenant-breaking, introducing you to the spiritual "small letters". This publication is Part 4 of this series. Now you have a clear understanding of the spiritual force behind “covenants”, you can understand also the most complex teaching of enslavement. In the first part of this series, you have learned, to respect covenants and treat people as yourself, then how come, God allowed “enslavement” in ancient Israel as a righteous and acceptable practice, how come God allowed Babylon to overthrow Israel because of their sins. To help you gain the understanding of “GodlyEnslavement” I will present to you what I have observed by personal experience. As a Free Dutch Citizen, I have the Constitutional right, to function publicly as a Priest, without being limited by any influence of local authorities, they hold not the exclusive dictatorial right to decide who becomes priest, exclusively. Every-time local authorities violate this right, my covenant with the King of the Netherlands is violated, which leads to a spiritual recompense initiated by God. The King of the Netherlands is then obligated to recompense me for this violation in the opinion of God as the King´s authorities are stripping me away from my rights, as if I am enslaved to them and the King, and that is not so as: I have covenant rights with the King and with God. If the King fails to govern rightly, and keep his authorities under perfect command to obey the covenant he made with his subjects, then the authorities of the King are advocating to become my slaves, as every-time they "forcefully" take my rights away, God will recompense me, by spiritually, 2

transferring power, as a recompense of the violation, righteously so. This is why violating the Constitution as civil officer is treason, as you take away from, and endanger your Monarch, as he is instituted by the same God, that instituted me as Priest to teach the people to be civilized, as that is the will of God. Every-time that process is interrupted, both me and God are violated, and that will be required at the one who is most influential, which is the King. In other words: Every-time the local authorities come and violate my rights, they are empowering me unreasonably in comparison with other citizens with a Dutch passport by the laws of logic. If the King is under covenant with God or not, is beyond my knowledge, however if he is, he must be wise enough to understand that if he enforces not the law in Justice, that God will do it for him as Dutch Citizens are not slaves, especially not ones who serve God faithfully. Every-time my “covenant rights” are violated by authorities, a transfer in the spiritual realm is made by God, to prevent a process of unreasonable enslavement: a total removal of my covenant-rights. In simple words, God protects the civilized from the wrath of the barbarians. Every “Free Citizen” has a “pride”, and an “ego”, a free will to choose, however when you only choose to use your free will, exclusively, for the purpose of coming against God’s plans and agenda and the breaking of covenants as a Barbarian, you are signing up for enslavement, your free will being taken away from you in an undisclosed and unavoidable moment in the future. 3

The mindset of a person who is ready for the judgment of enslavement thinks a bit like this: “He is provoking me to sin/corruption, because he is forcing his will (The Terms of the Vow or the Covenant agreed upon by free will) upon me, so he is bad! That person should accept me making error after error, completely and utterly destroying everything, all my free choices lead to the destruction of the covenant or covenants, and I should be respected when I do so.” When a barbaric people are no longer acting responsible, like a child, completely driven by self interest, then a mature person may take over authority, for your own good, as the continuation of civilization is endangered when Barbarians rule. There is no equality between the Barbarians and the Civilized in the eyes of God. This is how Englishmen were allowed by God, to take away the “rights of property” of the native Americans at the foundation of the United States of America, as they where not civilized according to the standard of the Word of God, commonly known as the “Holy Bible”. The Righteous Religious English where persecuted in England by the Barbarians, and fled to create the United States, the native Americans where accounted by God as Barbarians, and the English as Civilized. God gave the Civilized English, victory over the Barbarians, as one nation under God. If a nation, which is civilized, falls down to Barbarism like Nazi Germany in the 1940's, God gives victory to the Civilized, to re-institute “order”.


Every-time covenant-breaking is committed and accepted as normal, and righteous individuals are turned into slaves, then God recompenses them by a transfer in authority, to ensure the continuation of the Civilized world, until the Lord Jesus Christ´s 1000 year World Empire has Arrived and Jesus takes over Command, as Supreme Emperor, Himself at his 2nd coming. All Monarchs, Rulers, Free Citizens and Authorities which are all instituted by God Almighty, should respect their covenants and their vows, if they desire to prevent turning into the slaves of a higher civilization, who enforces righteousness upon them in the will of God as “Parental Governing Authoritiesâ€? to save your offspring from waking up in a hopeless world, a jungle that is dominated by Barbarians.


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