The Greatest State of Wisdom (Sermon) by Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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The Greatest State of Wisdom __________ Sermon

Given by: Grand Maester Patrick Pereira, Apostle-Prophet of God. Transcribed from audio by Samantha Schmidt

Accepted Thesis For state of “Enlightenment” Sermon was the trigger that Led God to open my Mind´s Eye, at 20:00 CET in the s´Hertogenbosch area on the same date as the sermon was recorded.

6 January 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Location of Recording: St. Augustine's Church of Eindhoven Tramstraat 37, 5611 CR Eindhoven, Netherlands


Most people think that they are wise, most people think that they are successful, however your viewpoint of success is defined by what your heart and mind desires... It´s subjective... There are people that want to get rich, such look upon everyone who is rich to be successful. Then when you become rich you will find out that you will attract a certain type of women you didn´t anticipate upon attracting: The“Gold Digger”. The unexpected “side-effects”. What is for the one man an interesting thing, is for the other man totally uninteresting. There are not many teachers alive today in this world that you trust and who can counsel you in ”General Truth”, not ”Subjective Truth”. Counselors that aren´t subjective to their personality, in terms of defining in a subjective way that what is “success”. This piece of information I'm going to share with you, I'm going to share with you at a very special location. I'm going to position myself how I need to be positioned to minister this intelligence to you because I want you to understand that I understand something that the ancient people of Egypt, Babylon, ancient England and the Americas understood. Not today's Americans but ancient Americans... 3

Also, the people of the city of Eindhoven had this understanding a long time ago when they built buildings like these (Referring to the location where this sermon was recorded). So before I minister this most important piece of wisdom that I can transfer to you I'm going to put myself into position. Straighten myself up a little bit. Are you ready to hear what I have got to say to you today? LIFE (your life, his life, their lives) is seasonal... See it like a book... Chapters: then this happened..then that happened...then this happened..then that happened...then this happened and then the book was over. So you, without “SpiritualDiscernment” think: 'I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have “this” and “this” and “this”.' That's one chapter of your life, a chapter (season) where you do not yet know what life really is about, nor have developed a “Life-Philosophy” and are influenced by the “LifePhilosophy” of others in your direct (persona network) and indirect (the media) environment. The season where you are influenced towards developing a mind that is motivated to move into a direction, the mind that sets a goal, without a solid & truthful “LifePhilosophy”, a season, in the early stages of your life where you are influenced by others, knowing or unknowingly, by force.


Your mind without “SpiritualDiscernment” isn't capable of looking at the:

entire book of your life I like to compare the book of your LIFE to a giant painting that is locked inside of a puzzle-system. Your conscious mind (that continually registers the “now” moment) is collecting the pieces of a giant puzzle, receiving one piece of the puzzle everyday from your subconscious mind who sees the EntirePicture, at the day of conception. (EntirePicture:The reason/purpose to why God created you)

There will come a day, sooner or later, that your conscious mind, has enough pieces of the puzzle to understand what your subconscious mind was able to see from the beginning. That will be the day that this season is over: 'I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have this and this and this.' ENLIGHTENED GRAND MAESTER PATRICK SAYS: JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT HOLD THE INTELLECTUAL










Once that day came, the start of “the next chapter of your book” the day that your conscious mind has gathered enough pieces of the puzzle whereby it can identify the intelligence of the painting that the subconscious mind can see, the painting that was drawn by God, in it´s complete state, or in an almost completed state, whereby you can see enough elements whereby you can use your imagination to predict the images on the remaining pieces of the puzzle of where your life is supposed to go to: The plan of God for you: The Purpose of your Existence.



Once you entered this season of your life, whereby you understand why you have been given these talents, the realization that all earlier seasons in your life where to mold your personality and character into that you naturally do what you have been created for to do, the intellect, the creativity and the abilities... Once you arrive in this season of your life, the frame of mind that led your course of actions in this older season: “I'll build a life for myself and then perhaps one day I'll be happy if I have this and this and this.” Can no longer “enslave” you, as you become confident of YOUR success, as you come to the realization that you “designed for a reason” by an Almighty Supreme Being for His purpose. -NO MORE COMPROMISES OR FEAR DRIVEN ACTS-



Apostle-Prophet of God, Grand Maester Patrick Pereira.

In the realm of human beings, only someone who is a “Prophet” with the spirit of “Discernment” can translate this intelligence into the linguistics that your mind can comprehend. Only a Prophet understands the seasons... Ephesians 4:11-13 - So Christ himself gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, to equip His people for works of service (ministry), so that the body of Christ may be built up (constructed) until we all reach unity in the faith (at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ). Every season of your life serves a purpose. Whether you understand that or not, is not of influence whether it happens to you or not, as it serves you a purpose. The body is made out of matter so when time passes, it dies. 8

However that which makes movement (the consciousness) is not made out of matter. So though the body dies, the consciousness does not. It returns to it's Creator who positioned it into this body; into this vessel. The word of God defines your body to be a vessel; the “temple” where the Spirit of God can dwell inside. 1 Corinthians 6:19 - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God? You have an enemy that is also operating inside of this creation: Satan; the devil and the fallen Angels who obey his command, the Demons. Satan is a rebellious Angel, and Angels, rebellious or not, are immortal beings, they all have the ability to “see” your painting, Satan can see what God is going to accomplish through you long before you arrive in the season where you are made aware of your purpose. Satan´s aim is to keep you ignorant of your purpose/destiny as long as he possibly can, as he does not want you to come to the state of General Truth as then God will impact this creation through you, thus making him loosing territory and control. Satan desires you to stay distracted away from your purpose, and be harmless, keep you busy with your lusts and pride, that you never reach your full potential. 9

Satan attempts to mess you up before you arrive at the day that it is made known to you what is your purpose/destiny, and the last resort from getting you to arrive there is “The Spirit of Suicide”. If you ever hear a voice in your mind who attempts to convince you to “end your own life”; that´s the spirit of suicide: Satan sending a demon to you in the realm of the spirit (the mind) to attempt to move you to use your free will to cancel your usage of the vessel that God gave, just before you God desires to use your vessel for His Purpose. Of-course, when Satan sends a spirit (demon) who convinces you to commit suicide, you are not aware of His Purpose. Ignorance of General Truth is Satan´s main weapon against man-kind. Just before God is planning to give you the next piece of the puzzle towards the completion of your painting, Satan will come and try to dismantle or distract you with sin-desire, to destroy you and God´s plan through you. The more you “sin”, the greater the risk becomes that the fulfillment of the painting will not come to pass. This is why the Word of God says they are all deceived by Satan: "Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the plan of Salvation. They don't


understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God." - 2 Corinthians 4:4

Satan allows people who are subject to his God-less or False-Religious systems to live according to their selfish desires, emotions and pride... He allows the easy way, the quick way, the path of least resistance... And in his systems, those without virtues as ”Charactre, Morality, Righteousness and Godliness” are glorified and favored on high positions of authority with the purpose to bend the minds of the others to render them harmless to the system, to make it look unfavorable to develop Human Virtues that will lead to God´s blessing, to make the masses do the exact same as those who are raised in Satan´s systems under group pressure 11

by designing the desire to “imitate the favorable” to not be an “outcast” who can´t “play along”, a “loser”.

A society under Satanic Authority is molded in such a way that “sin” is good, and Human Virtues like righteousness, holiness and the building of character, are bad and unfruitful in such systems and will only lead you to exclusion and isolation.


Why do you think that it is that way? 12

ENLIGHTENED GRAND MAESTER PATRICK SAYS: It is about being blessed or being cursed, if you are blessed; then all your interactions with other human beings will have a positive outcome, and if not, if you are blessed and are having negative outcomes, it´s happening to mold your character or teach you a valuable life lessons that are vital for your destiny to understand, the purpose of a blessed person always makes the interactions of that person to have a nature of a upward spiral. The opposite counts for someone who is accursed, all he does, regardless of his intellectual levels, no matter what he does, it has the nature of a downward spiral, the quality of the person´s life continually decreasing.


"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 When you're cursed, your life is always going down... Everything you do just doesn't work, no matter how smart, powerful or beautiful you are, you'll find out that when you think you almost have it and then find what you desire collapse and shatter into oblivion. And you try again and it crashes. All your efforts just keep collapsing. That's being in an accursed state.

ENLIGHTENED GRAND MAESTER PATRICK SAYS: In a Satanic Society you can get your emotional need of group-acceptation met and stay accursed, or do what is right, and become isolated from the masses and become blessed by God in this life and in the afterlife.

You cannot enter your destiny/purpose without refusing what Satan attempts to offer you in this world, to make you forfeit your destiny/purpose.


You can do things that will bless you and you can do things that will curse you. What are the things that will bless you and what are the things that will curse you? The thing that will curse you is sex outside of a marriage covenant because once you have sex without marriage what you do is you sign a covenant with cancellation. The word of God says that God only blesses sex within the covenant of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Remember what I wrote about “being in a blessed state of being”, someone who is blessed, to him or her, everything they do works and it is all made to last. When you have sex without marriage you're “cursing” your relationship, so it will go down, you're signing it down once you commit the act. No matter how much you try to save it on your own efforts, it will always break down some way or another. That is why sex outside of marriage is one of the quickest ways to curse yourself. Also you'll acquire a “soul-tie”. Once you have sex outside of marriage you create a spiritual soul tie and you can't get rid of that soul-tie ever again. Your purpose/destiny will keep going but your mind and your heart will keep turning back to the individual you have created a soul-tie with, and you will have agony.


You will keep going forth and keep wanting to go back: An inner conflict between the heart, mind, soul and spirit. This is what happens when you have sex outside of marriage. How can you get yourself blessed? You preach the word of God to the people: You tell people that “they have the opportunity to pray to Jesus Christ and you can ask Him for mercy. God can save you, he died on a cross that you may be forgiven. All you have to do is get baptized and stop sinning against God.� God wants you to share this information with another human being. Why is this important? I've read the Word of God in many languages, the entire oeuvre of 66 books that are found in Divine Inspired Scripture, including prophecy. However not everyone is like me. The masses do not read the word of God. The one who has the talents to study has a responsibility to go and tell the other ones who don't study nor read. Once you think about your fellow man, that's when you're thinking about what God wants. As long as you only think about: me, me, me, myself, how I feel, what I


want, how they will think about me = You're not thinking about them. God is thinking about you but He is also thinking about them.


God loves all people. 17

That doesn't mean you have to tell them lies to please their emotional nature to not “hurt their feelings�, or tell them what they want to hear: You've got to tell them the truth! Because you've got to give them the opportunity even if they don't want to hear it! Like a loving parent educating a child saying "Child, if you eat candy all day one day it's going to mess you up! You've got to eat some vegetables too!" When you preach the word of God to sinners it's almost like telling them "Go eat the broccoli and get rid of the candy." The natural response is for them to try to avoid that. When that happens you pray for them.

If your mind is busy with things like bringing righteousness to society and ridding society of corruption, if your mind functions like that, chances are that God is going to bless you with the desires of your heart and you are going to enter your destiny. All that Satan your enemy attempts to do is use your nature against you to finish or damage you before you enter your destiny. God has a plan for every single living soul as He created them. It is up to you to choose; do you want 18

to enter that destiny or do you want to take what Satan wants to give you? Do you want to be blessed or do you want to be cursed? Analyze your actions, the rhythm you repeat everyday, what are you doing? Does your daily rhythm consist of actions that will make God say "good work" or that will make God say "bad work?" Once you start analyzing your life like that you're going to make an evaluation and think 'perhaps, I'm under the judgment of God, perhaps I've got to change a couple of things.'

Once you start communicating with Jesus Christ in prayer this way, you'll be fine and you will enter your destiny. You've got to remember life is long, one giant picture, and you are made for a purpose somewhere in it. That doesn't mean it's going to happen tomorrow. 19

God´s mentality doesn't work like a microwave; more like an oven. He prepares you and he polishes you and he molds your character. In the Word of God it is written that the kings of Israel (the Godly kings of Israel), they RULED but how did they fall? They allowed idols. Hindu, Asian, Persian, and Median “gods”, they put up statues that were worshiped. So, then God cursed them. God can do that.

But why would a Godly king put an idol up? 20

Well, a man is a man. A man wants to be liked by society. If everyone hates you - that's not a nice feeling. If everyone rejects you - that's not a nice feeling.

So when the civilians came to protest: "We want our fake god too." Then the kings of Israel perhaps thought: 'well, I've got God and God is with me but He is pretty invisible. I can't see God but I know He is there as I can feel Him.' And then he does what the people want as the pressure they inflict is felt instantly. 21

So, how does God prepare you to not make those epic mistakes? He isolates you. You get a seasons of pure isolation whereby you become able to be happy just being alone. The same thing with modern women - they defile themselves by going from man to man to man because they can't be alone. Being alone is horrifying for most people because they don't know for sure that God has something for them. So everyday for them is "I've got to take this opportunity! And that opportunity! And this opportunity!" Then they forfeit their destiny because all of these are satanic opportunities.


Those temptations are there to put you to the test. Every-time when you think: 'Oh, that's a good deal' but the thing is corruption - it is a test from God. It's Satan getting permission to tempt you with corruption and then God is looking if you are worthy to be blessed.

Just imagine that God is about to appoint you with a new calling, office or a job, a high ranked calling, office or job, and just before that opportunity arrives in your life, you will see that Satan will come to tempt you with sin or something you know is not right but it will feel like perhaps you will get a quick gain. Quick gain; the devil is the author of "all quick gains." What you must understand is that every-time you are tempted with that "quick gain" God is allowing it because the big long term gain is just around the corner. If you don't pay attention you'll walk right past by it. The masses in today's society (the 21st century) are all about that quick gain and virtually none knows what investment is about and few are about long-term gain. 23

There are a few, a very few, who take it upon themselves to minister the word of God to the masses because it's the right thing to do. They see the state of society and they know that it is doomed for destruction and think: “I want to people to get saved”. That's called “the call of duty”. Few want to enter this duty because once you enter your call of duty, all of the corrupted will start going to war with you! They will go against your family, against your love life, against your personal life, against your friendships. 24

People will alienate you, they'll persecute you, they'll put you in jail. If you've seen the videos on my Youtube channel ( then you know how it goes. The price of being a man, of being a leader, is huge but so are the benefits. People want to be raised by God but they don't want to do the work that is necessary to sustain a calling of God. People want everything quick - stop being such a quick, quick, quick person because as long as you are of the microwave mentality the Satan will keep making you chase after your tail. If you want change in your life, get into balance with God by getting right with Him by doing what is right, by analyzing your life, by taking the things out of your life that curse you such as sex outside of marriage, smoking, drinking, and watching porn. All of these things, that are defined as sin, get them out of your life. Exchange them for good things - study, education, serving, helping, answering the call of duty, ministering the word of God, charity, things that will bring God's blessing. If you do so, you will see, your life will fall into place like a work of art. Then the older you get the more pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you will know that God is real. Not with your wisdom but by your subconscious. Your wisdom knows that your body is made out of matter so it will die but time does not affect consciousness. 25


The system that makes my body move, is not older than it was yesterday because it is not made out of matter and it knows not time. Thus, intellectually I can reason with you about immortality - that God's day of judgment is real and that God is real and that we are in a creation that some people call a “hologram” however I'm talking about your inner self, your subconscious, your soul. Your subconscious will know about God when you observe your actions and how they affect the actions of 26

others towards you. Don't be surprised if you're living in immorality and all of the decent people forsake you. Every-time someone is in front of you who is just like you, then you'll see your deeds influence your life. That intelligence is on the level of your subconscious, people call that “spirituality”. Don't bow down to idols. Don't put up skulls, do not worship them. Don't pray to ancestors and forsake false gods. When people die their consciousness is removed from this reality, the dead do not speak, if the dead speak to you, that´s demons who “mask” as the dead. Stay out of false religion: John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Free Publications and books written by: Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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