The Hero (The Military Discipline of a Champion) by Patrick the Dutch Ascended Master

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THE HERO “The Military Discipline of a Champion”



Patrick Aurelius Romano Christo Pereira

Shōgun (将軍) of the Knights Templars

Embodiment of the Revived Spirit of the Knights Templars of the 21st Century, God Almighty which you call “Jesus Christ”, who’s name in is Hebrew “Yeshua Ha-Mashiach” has authorized me as the Spiritual Shogun of His International Military Church Order. I am the Grandmaster of the Church of the Netherlands, by this Authority I declare before you that if God Almighty has drawn you to this writing, and the Spiritual Seed of the “Warrior” is inside of you, then the chance is great that you have been predestined to be elected to be part of this embodiment of the Revived Spirit of the Knights Templars. In common language this means that it is possible that God has started to recruit you as a Knights Templar for a Holy duty. This document is specifically written for those who have been elected and predestined by God Almighty to be the embodiment of the Revived Spirit of the Knights Templars of the 21st Century. If you do not hold the Spiritual Seed of a Holy Warrior, then you have very little to offer to the Knights Templars of the 21st century, you might assist us with Political Alliance, Financial Aid and with Intercessory Prayer, however this type of assistance will never be able to make you a contributor to the success of the International Military Church Order of Jesus Christ Almighty. The Templar Church is the Superior Military Order as those who are predestined to be the “Warriors” of the Godhead Himself, carry around with them God’s personal protection as God the Holy Spirit is their Shield and Destiny is their Ally. God Almighty gave every Templar a seed at birth, and has prepared every Templar carefully during the seasons of life to prepare the Templar for the Season of War. Because of this seed working through them, they do not make foolish errors, nor do they have corruptions, and have attained superior strategic intelligence, and most of the time even carry around among them a whole arsenal of blessed Priests and sometimes even a Prophet of God who assists him or her along the journey of becoming the Hero they will become once they have entered their destiny.

Your political alliance, financial aid nor your intercessory prayers will scatter Goliath the Champion of the Philistines.

Only a man of the nature of King David will have the Spirit of God upon him powerful enough to take down the most difficult “Goliath” (Champion-opponent). Those of you who read this publication who do not have this seed, however still desire to become a Knights Templar by the means of superior political alliance or financial aid, I want you to consider the nature of the deeds you have committed to obtain this political or financial power. If you consider the nature of the deeds you have committed to obtain this political or financial power and want to take pride in assisting us in reaching our objectives, you might come to the understanding why a predestined Templar sees little value in honoring your alliance, as after the opposing Champion has been defeated as you will take your pride, vainglory, and more often than not, sloth (carelessness) along with you into the matter. The predestined Templar will only honor God Almighty after the opposing Champion has been defeated, not the tools that God Almighty gave to the Templar to defeat the opposing Champion. If you come across this publication without carrying the seed of the Holy Warrior and you let your curiosity lead you: You will observe Templar Church Military Discipline for Champions. Only if you have alliance to Jesus Christ you may proceed and indulge yourself into this publication for the sole purpose of enriching your personal life.

It is not affiliation with a religion that will make you reside in one accord with God Almighty, nor the lipservice to that same religion you claim to follow will accomplish that. What will get you in one accord with God Almighty is the level of integrity you have according to your own Soul, the level of obedience you have towards that which is honorable. Your deeds are the evidence towards who you truly obey: the forces of good or those of evil! Your deeds are the evidence of what the nature of the religion is that you follow. God respects those who respect the Soul and to serve God is to respect honor, and honor will lead you into “the true path”, as when your deeds are pure then you have obtained “the right to find it”. [I]-ART – Templar Church / Blue Dragonfire Society

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