The Holy Church under Jesus Christ [Catechism]

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The holy Church under Jesus Christ __________ Catechism

Instituted by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira, founder of the International School of Biblical Prophecy and Governor General of the Kingdom of God inside the Holy Church under Jesus Christ.

(Revision) 28 August 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Any man above the age of 23, regardless of one´s location, may, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, as called servant of the God of Heaven use the name: “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ” and it´s logo´s, And apply it´s formula to a “House-Church”, an “UndergroundChurch” and/or a “Regular-Church”. Under the condition that the “Pastor” [ Ephesians 4:11], or other congregation-leader (Male-only), refuses to give the weekly sermon on “Catholic Sunday”, and restores the Biblical tradition of giving the Biblical based sermon on the “Biblical Saturday” [ Luke 4:16 ]. And respects the 4 Sacraments added in this catechism document of “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ”. Women are silent in “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ” [ 1 Corinthians 14:34 ], outside the Church, God has “Evangelist” and “Prophetess” [ Ephesians 4:11 ] women working for Him. The leaders of the “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ” congregations receives permission to print and distribute “The Christian Renaissance” book, copyright-free, under the condition that no monetary funds are requested from the people who receive the printed work. If the 4 Sacraments are respected, the complete blessing of the Lord God Almighty will fall upon the “House-Church”, the “Underground-Church” and/or the “Regular-Church”. When a group of individuals that desire to take up the name “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ”, act upon their desire and establish the local congregation, and later in time start to refuse to keep the 4 Sacraments in regard, then the Lord God Almighty will use creation against those who refuse this, to prevent the name “The Holy Church under Jesus Christ” from being damaged. This Catechism is the “Constitution of this Church”, to ensure the continuation of the quality of the services of the Churches, the Governor General, Patrick Pereira functions as Magistate of God between all congregations and their leaders. No-one inside the Holy Church of Jesus Christ holds the authority to revoke his verdict. The Governor General appointed “Frank Krischick”, Prophet of God, as Delegate of the Holy Church under Jesus Christ in the will of God, only Governor General Patrick Pereira can revoke his spoken or written verdict against members of the Holy Church under Jesus Christ who teach things contradicting this Catechism. When the actions and decisions of Delegate Frank Krischick contradict this “Catechism” or go against the


personal will of the Governor General, Patrick Pereira then holds the binding authority to revoke them. The Authority of the Governor General ensures that all congregations maintain the standard of this Catechism and this office can be transferred to a direct descendant of the Governor General, by his personal choice. Once you use the Name and Logo of the Holy Church Under Jesus Christ, you automatically accept the terms of the “constitution of the Church�. Optional: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem to receive an additional layer of Holy Fire from God over your congregation [ Psalm 122:6 ].


The 4 Sacraments of the Holy Church under Jesus Christ. 1. Baptism, submerged in a body of water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and to receive God's Holy Spirit [ Acts 2:38 ], after repenting of sins and forgiving everyone who has ever "wronged" you [ Matthew 6:14-15 ]. Afterwards: Keep Christ´s commandments [ Mark 12:30-31, Exodus 20:1-17 ]. Addition: The Holy Spirit will lead the new convert into all truth [ John 16:13 ], and correct the converted individual of sin by conviction the individual Himself in the individual's heart and/or by the sending of a prophetically driven messenger of God [ Ephesians 4:11 ].

2. The Lords Supper [ 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 ]. Addition: this is a progressive sacrament for those who have qualified themselves by taking the actions required to meet the requirements of sacrament #1. God offered His son Jesus to pay the penalty for our errors and willfully committed transgressions. The honoring of this sacrament is not a ritual, it is performed to help remember humanity how important the one action Jesus willfully choose to undergo to spare you from the fires of Hell [ Revelation 20:12-15 ].

3. Marriage. Addition: Those who have qualified themselves by taking the actions required in sacrament #1 & #2, have received God His blessing [ Psalm 91 ], and are on the path to "Eternal Life" in "The Kingdom of God" at Jesus His "Second Coming". When a man and a woman want to become one [ Genesis 2:24, Genesis 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:12 ] under the leadership of The Holy Spirit, they then can visit an


Authorized minister of God and get married. Then they become one under the blessing of God. Divorce is not permitted [ Matthew 19:9 ]. Sexual intercourse outside the sacrament of Marriage invites the Judgment of God [ Hebrews 13:4 ]. Clergy are not excluded from partaking in this sacrament when having the desire given to them by God [ 1 Timothy 4:3 ]. Forbidding clergy to marry by the catholic church sacrament, is a means to get control of the human faculties of the clergy, an abuse of power: "God wants you to give up your God given right and freedom to marry to serve our agenda" [ Genesis 2:18 ].

4. The reading of The Word of God. [ 2 Timothy 2:15 ] Addition: throughout the centuries the Churches of God have experienced seasons of Glory, with the abuse of power... “The Elect of the Elect” abusing their state of "Spiritual Enlightenment" to gain unreasonable control over the general population and the “followers” of Jesus Christ. The most known are the "sacraments of the roman catholic church" where one, for example, is forced to confess sin to priests, otherwise there can be no forgiveness. These "additional" church "sacraments" put the clergy in an unreasonable position as a human being and put such a pressure upon the general population that they by nature tend to reject. Sins are confessed to God in prayer, the individual has the free will to ask counsel of the clergy, however it is not a sacrament.


The study of the Word of God is part of the converted individual's own responsibility to avoid the power abuse of Christian clergy.

This publication has the power of:

Thus saith the Lord. This is the Will of the Almighty.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by the Governor General


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