The Man Angry at God, Sermon by Meister Patrick

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The Man angry at God __________ Sermon

Given by Meister Patrick 16 September 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Those who have never experienced a “hardened heart”, once they come across someone with a “hardened heart”, they tend to try to “prove the existence of God” to the ruler or the authority they observe to be “angry at God” or “willfully coming against the will of God” Exodus 9:12 And the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had spoken unto Moses. In their naive mindset they try to reason logically with someone who is “angry at God”, attempting to prove a stance to someone who is in an irrational state of being. Someone with a “hardened heart” feels like God does not care for him/her or his or her problems. He or she is angry at what God has done to him or her, or to that or someone which the hardened person loves. He or she with the “hardened heart” reasons the following way; why did God not prevent that? Why did God do that? Why did God allow that? Didn´t He care? Didn´t He foresee what that would do to me? Saying “God loves you” to a person with a “hardened heart” can sound ridiculous to the hardened recipient, resulting into a quite unexpected response to the observation of someone who has never experienced a “hardened heart” him or herself, the same effect happens when you trivialize what the person with the hardened heart is going through: “Oh, you´ll get over it, it's not such a big deal, there are worst things that can happen, God will send you something new”. Or any other type of counsel that makes the loss of the person who´s heart is hardened sound like it is easily replaceable.


Such counsel will provoke the person who has a “hardened heart” to over-react easily. Once you counsel this way, be assured that the one with the “hardened heart” will release such anger upon you whereby you will understand quickly that whatever is lost to the person with the “hardened heart” is not replaceable. Those with a “hardened heart”, tend to seek account at the servants of God for what he or she has to endure. Psalm 105:15 Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Saying that scripture to a person with a “hardened heart” is not likely going to “snap” that person out of his “state of hardness of heart”, as that approach is a “rational” approach. Also, this approach, is not likely to work, as the person with the “hardened heart” is seeking the servant of God out, because the servant is beloved at God, releasing his or her anger at the servant of God purposely. So, how do you deal with someone who´s angry at God in such a situation properly then? You focus on finding out the root of the cause that led to the “hardened heart”, and act like you will solve it, giving the person with the “hardened heart” the hope that you might be sent by God to help that person “get back” or “get over” what he or she has lost, that led to the “hardened state of heart”. Give the person with the “hardened heart” the feeling that you understand the solution to fix the state of the heart. As having a “hardened heart” is not a pleasurable state of being. That´s how you can win that person over to maintaining a state of peace with you.


Create hope and a vision of a way to fix the state of the heart, and make the hardened person believe that you are the only one who truly understands how to fix the condition of the heart, as that´s how you maximize the chance that the person who is angry at God will not hurt you, as a servant of God, to get back at God, seeking revenge at your address. When a person is under Divine Judgment, a season of punishment, like the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Biblical account of Moses, God purposely hardens the heart of a person under Divine Judgment to lead that person to commit foolish things that will lead that person into his or her own destruction. Avoid going to war with someone who has a “hardened heart”, as a brawl will benefit no-one. Don't challenge someone with a “hardened heart” if your own heart is not hardened, as the one with the “hardened heart” is capable of doing things you as someone who is not hardened is not capable of, avoid it at all costs unless you are absolutely sure that the person with the “hardened heart” is in a season of Divine Judgment. You don´t understand the irrational darkness inside of the heart of someone who is hardened if you never have experienced a “hardened heart” yourself, small careless mistakes can lead to big consequences and conflicts. You must identify if someone with a “hardened heart” is hardened because of “loss and/or disappointment” or because of “Divine Judgment”, being led into destruction. People can lose their beloved ones, or be disappointed, while God still upholds them during a difficult season, while still being “hardened”. If the person you are dealing with, who is “hardened”, is under Divine Judgment, then God will protect you, because


“destiny” is going to be used against that person, entire creation will be used by God, to come against that person. If the hardened state of being is because of loss or disappointment, help that person fix his or her heart, solve the person´s state of heart by showing interest, give the person the idea that you are the solution, or going to help to fix the heart of the person. It is your target to ignite hope inside the person with the “hardened heart”, and get that person out of the state of hopelessness, as that is the cause that leads to “behavior that is irresponsible”

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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