The Objective Ranking of Womanhood for Men of High Esteem by Magistrate of God, Apostle-Pr. Patrick

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The Objective Ranking of Womanhood for Men of High Esteem __________ Publication (act of God.) Magistrate of God, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira 24 June 2016, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

“The Sweetheart” “Her Excellence, Lady Above Correction”. “The Lady of Character”

“Miss Spiritual”

“Miss Gifted”

“Miss Independent”

“The Candy-shop Girl”

“The Professional Dummy”

“A Man´s best friend”

“The Ho”


Observe what a woman does, or how she gets her core human need of feeling “wanted/desired” fulfilled and evaluate her by that. You can evaluate her value in observing how does this “need” of being “wanted/desirable” expresses itself in her life, high class or low class, careful or careless, and how does she hide it when you confront her with the fact that you understand that which drives her before she decides to get married. A woman won´t get married before this need is fulfilled completely. “The Sweetheart” (100%) The Civil/Aristocratic “Sweetheart” always listens to her heart, if her heart says no, she won´t commit it no matter what, she can´t be tempted with materialism or popularity. Only a master of the heart can “keep her in check” until she´s done “playing” around. The Sweetheart is a woman of “destiny”, the woman that is created by God to be yours. Once she´s “ready”, she will walk with you wherever you go. She´s unstoppable and ultra bold in her choices, in expressing her will. When you as a man are still “playing” around, she´ll distance herself from you to protect her “open” heart. She´s not busy with what others do, She´s a “crown” upon a man´s head. She does not desire to be seen by “all men”, she dresses modestly, as she desires not to attract “the wrong kind of man”, and waits for “the one” to come and capture her heart, she wont “give her heart away”, She´ll give hints, but be silent about the content of her heart most of the time Her motto: 3

“You are the master over my heart. If you are gone, I will wither away in self-pity.” “Her Excellence, Lady Above Correction” (90%) The Aristocratic Lady above Correction has put out a fixed course for herself (life) and knows that “error” will make her life´s path until she arrives where she wants to be a longer road. She looks down upon all those below her in this “woman-hood” ranking system as “naive”, and is bothered by the “shame” they bring to “woman-hood”. She is a strong allrounder. And in most cases, powerful and influential. She desire to be free of character-flaws. She´s looking for her “other half”, “Mister Above Correction”, as she know´s if you have not such character, you will only bring her “trouble”. She´s a “maintainer” of a man´s honor and un-shakable. Her motto: “If you find a way to tell me something I not already understand, I will submit myself to your higher ways, gladly, until I reach your level.” “The Lady of Character”(80%) The Civil/Aristocratic Lady of Character finds honor in the fact that she´s a virgin, or never speaks lies. She has “high values” and cares about her “honor” and “good name”. She´s desirable and valuable, however not above correction , she can give into temptation “on a weak day/moment” as she only inherited the wisdom, that makes her pursue a life of Character as a inheritance from the educational investments of her family. This creates the risk that one day she can start to desire to experience a season of “unbinding the chains” later in her 4

life when she´s “fulfilled all her duties” as a woman and done what “everyone told her to do, which honorable women do”. “The cage creates a desire to do the opposite, curiosity, she is not like Lady above correction. This is the lady with the “good background” and if she lacks something, God will help her maintain a respectable life quality to reward such Character. Her clothing is modest, as she also does not want to be seen by the “wrong kind of man”. Her motto: I´m not perfect, but I will conduct myself with Honor to the best of my ability. “Miss Spiritual” (70%) The Civil/Aristocratic Miss Spiritual finds honor in the fact that she´s figured out she cannot “make it on her own” and that without “supernatural” help she´ll stay in her “broken” state in this life (the gift of self-reflection). She looks down upon all other women on this scale, even those ranked above her because she understands those “un-spiritual” cannot see how “empty” they really are without “help from above”. Most of “Miss Spirituals” understand not that also those ranked above them her are “instituted” by God in this “reality”, whether those ranked higher acknowledge the “creator” or not. In a man,“Miss Spiritual” seeks a “completion of her self, an extension to her”. In her eyes, entire creation is supposed to serve her, not the man. Miss Spiritual desires to be the wisest, rarest and most special, the chosen one by “invisible force(s)”, and desires to have many followers. She rarely desires to be led by a “normal non-spiritual man”, if she ever desires to follow a man in the first place, she want´s to get married to God himself and skip all those men, 5

who keep judging her! And if she has figured out that she´s created to submit to a man by the “higher force” (Ephesians 5:22-24) that she worships, that man is “required” to have more followers then her, otherwise submitting to you will feel like “stepping down”, even if God personally tells her to step down for a man, it´s hard for her to do. She naturally desires to “lead a partner into higher ways” and to “complete him” and won´t feel satisfied when a man resists her doing that. A man of High Esteem will not desire a woman to “control” him. It directly goes against his nature. “Miss Spiritual” tends to have had many sexual partners in “immorality”. Men of High Esteem naturally disregard her for that. She desires to be “the priestess” and more then often it is not interesting for her to enter into “real priesthood” as then she must subordinate herself to the Christian Apostle or Christian Bishop. The Word of God gives her no permission to “rule inside of the House of God” or to “teach a man” or to “speak in church”. So “Miss Spiritual” is very easy to be tempted to enter into “false priesthood” where she can be “exactly what she desires to be”, a “spiritual” leader inside of a big building where all the wise people come to get the blessing of the Almighty. It rarely happens that “Miss Spiritual” identifies that the Almighty commands a woman to get married, with a “threat” of punishment if not” (Hebrews 13:4), she´ll find her “own” way and be distracted with the devil´s tricks until she figures out what the ladies that are ranked above her have figured out. 6

Her motto: Man! I won´t listen to a word you say until I identify that you completely understand “life” and prove that to me by the amount of your followers! “Miss Gifted” (60%) Miss Gifted is all about her “achievements”, she is more talented then the rest in her respective field. Whether it´s sports, design, looks, her talents open almost all the doors for her. She needs not to develop a character to make it, her talent on itself will make her desirable, Miss Gifted rarely has a conscience as it´s all about competition. She is looking for a man who performs even better then her. She avoids looking like “the simple”. Fame, Sports, Titles, Money, Design, in extremities is what will put you on her radar. Every expression of Excellence is interesting and attractive to her as it makes her feel more accomplished then other women. Her desire is to feel like she has “captured #1”, the best of his field. When she reaches the age where her talent no longer makes her attractive to the #1 players, the risk exists that she poses naked in a famous magazine to ensure that she won´t be lowered in social class and that the lifestyle she got used to can be continued. Her motto: If I can outperform you, you are not interesting for me, I ´m out of your league! “Miss Independent” (50%) When you see Miss Independent, you see a woman that most like is is dressed up dull and appears to be “un-popular”. She uses her mind to attract a partner. Her mind´s achievements make her feel desirable and accepted to men who 7

understand her enough to see her intelligence. She looks down upon “average men”, that´s why she dresses dull on purpose to not attract them. She desires to be regarded better as an “average girl”. She wants to prove to a man she needs him not, and likes not to be led. Only If you accept her the way she is she will accept you. She is very unattractive to “real men” who desire a “real woman”. Her motto: I don´t need you to make it, my intellect will provide for me. “The Candy-shop Girl” (40%) The Candy-shop Girl is all about the marketing of her body. She triggers in a man the most primitive sexual desire to lure in whatever she desires from a man. She desires to trade her body for acceptation of a man and/ or materialistic gain from a man. She will make absolutely sure that all men can see how well toned her sexual organs are, and dresses up in such a way that you cannot miss how well her genes have made her body look. She is a “toy” for to aristocrat-man and a “prize” to the civil-man. She desires to be Miss Popular. For a woman, this road appears to be the “easiest” road. Her motto: I make sure everything appears round and good, can´t you see how beautiful my breasts are? I need you to look at me! “The Professional Dummy” (30%) She is the sinner-woman that is completely innocent. The Professional Dummy plays dumb to lure in a naive man who always wanted to feel like the master over his house, and the ruler of his family. She gives that kind of man the feeling 8

that she´s a “Yes and Amen” kind of woman with no self-will. She acts like she is totally empty of character and is extremely submissive. Her greatest desire is to feel secure and that´s why she put´s up such facade. She is the most obedient. And she will keep the facade as long as you can provide for her needs. Her motto: I will make sure that I wont give you any resistance, I´m completely harmless. Help me get what I need! “A Man´s best friend” (20%) She has such low self-esteem, that she gave up acting like a woman. She will like everything you like, in the hope you stay with her, she is the weakest. She has no “cards” to play, so she hopes to become just like you, and then the common-hood between you and her, will make you desire to stay with her. Once she receives self-confidence, she will leave this category for the better. She desires not to feel alone. Her motto: I´m just like you! “The Ho” (10%) The Ho has no strategy what so ever, no aim, nothing. Most men identify her not as she is not dressed up like a woman who uses her body to get men to do what she wants. She is hid like an average woman. She just wants to feel “good” and get along. She´s a survivor. “You give me something, I give you something”. She will give herself to the highest bidder. She will give you what you want, with no real limit as she cares not anyway. This kind of woman will “pull the plug” to get the lifeinsurance on your life. Her motto: 9

What did you say you´re going to do for me? Civil class: Those who do not set the tone in society, but have a “sustaining” role within society. Aristocratic class: Those who set the tone for society, the rich, the famous, the wise, the high priesthood, the politicians, and other notables. God “connects the dots” for them, life goes “in a flow” to them. These are privileged before God. Quality Counsel for Women of Value. 1. When a man talks you down to stop you from growing he is trying to “control” you, This is “bad”. When a man talks you down because he feels that you are not ready for the next level and guides you there, then he is “leading”. This is “good”. 2. If a man truly desires to be with you in marriage, he will try to know “everything about you”, including if you are capable of destroying him. Before he can accept you he must test you if he can trust you. He will investigate if you are a “good investment”. This is “good”. If a man just wants to “use the services of your body” and desires not marry to you, his focus will go to how you make him feel. He is sense driven, pleasure seeking, he wont really test you as it´s not necessary. Questions like can you cook or can you raise kids will never surface when he just wants to use the services of your body. This is “bad”. Quality Counsel for Men of Value.


1. Every woman has a emotional need to feel special and a primal need to be a mother. If you fulfill her emotional need to feel special, she will focus on her primal need to be a mother. If you fail to fulfill her emotional need to be special, she can be tempted. The two most basic needs of women, the needs that involve the assistance of a man, can conflict with each-other, and which need is stronger can fluctuate with age. 2. When you are doing what you are supposed to do, you cannot be around your fiance “all the time”. When you prepare yourself for your God-instituted duty, or office. And the woman who you desire to marry sleeps with another man, while she is waiting until you have accomplished what you needed to accomplish before you could “marry her”, is not worthy. A woman like this needs to feel loved all the time, even when you have to do “higher duty”, that means in a urgent situation you´ll always be afraid she ´ll go with another man, that will influence your mind in a emergency situation. When she goes with another man and waits until you have achieved your important duty she is not worthy. A woman who knows what you do is important as the fiance of a man of High Esteem, will understand why she needs to wait and prepare herself for when you ´re ready. That's worthy. The Gatherer Vs. The Experiencer.


A real man who is not a “master over a woman´s heart” (yet), will fear that once the marriage contract is signed, that a process of dismantling of resources will start. “OK, I catched him, now how can I act so badly that I make him divorce me, then I can remarry, saying in my heart I am innocent, as he left me. Then I can take the money and marry a man who I would have chosen by sexual selection who has not such money to provide for my other desires”. Women of “wealth”, “character”, “above correction” and the “sweetheart” do not do this, as they seek no “security” or “establishment”, they seek someone who makes them feel happy with life. They “experience” life. The woman who “experiences” life, once she “chose” a man to “give” herself to, she means it, as she needs nothing else then how you can make her feel. “The Gatherer” is capable of destroying a man´s inheritance or the future he build for himself by investing time into service to society to benefit herself or her children. The lower one goes on the bar of the objective ranking of womanhood of men of high esteem, the lower in class the expression of a woman´s “gathering” becomes. An example, in east-Germany, it is common that women attract a man, to obtain a child, to request child support from the government, and then want nothing to do with the man, it´s all about the child support and the independence and freedom of choices that governmental paycheck brings. A man becomes a tool to the “gatherer”. The “gatherer” tends to seek an easy income. It is better to become a real man, and to develop oneself excellent enough to become capable enough to make a woman


who “experiences” fall in love with you, then to stay immature, average, sense-driven and give yourself to a “gatherer”. Be careful with women who seek “security”, it´s a man ´s instinct/desire to “protect the woman”, do the hard work and put the meat on the table and make her feel like you are a “master over a little castle”. This is even a God-instituted social role playing game in real life. However, real love and passion, unique life stories and experiences are not experienced this way. To experience that, a man needs to attract a “experiencer”. “The master over a little castle” character is too boring for her. Following “the system” is easy, making a new system is hard. Creating opportunities is more difficult then “taking every opportunity”. The “experiencer” woman, feels attraction towards those men who can create something out of nothing. Complaining as a lifestyle is a guarantee that the “experiencer” woman stays far away from you, as a “changer” does not complain as he trusts in God and/or in his own capability to change a situation for the better. A man who is High or stable inside of the system VS The Improver of the System. Improving the system is a whole other league that requires qualities like communication skills, wisdom, concentration, creativity, will power, risk-taking, organization skills. The Improver vs the stable sustainer. The Improver has no real predictable or calculatable formula. The sustainer inside of the system goes for the predictable and secure road, He values a paper that ensures that he went through a series of lectures and gathered enough information to function well inside of the system. 13

Excitement, unpredictability and adventure are the main reasons why the “experiencer” women choose him above the “secure and boring stable man”. Identifying the “Chiefest” for Women of High Esteem. You as a woman, are unable to get the Chiefest away from his course. You are not a factor of importance in his decision making. The “If I don´t do this she´ll reject me” attitude is unknown to him as he has plenty of choice, he just needs to pray to God and plenty of favorable women are sent to him by God. He ignores the desire for company of a woman by strength of discipline and determination to achieve his goal, or God protects his mind to not be distracted. “The target man”. Women tend to prevent men from reaching this level to remain in a position of control over a man, once a man reaches this level, there is no control over him by a woman. Warning for Powerful men. If you are a man who has great influence and/or power. Taking the wife that belongs to a “simple man” can appear to be something done quite easily for the man of power. If you take a woman that is destined for that “simple man” and you belittle him while doing that, you force God to “flip the switch” to recompense him for how you took that man´s dignity away from him. This means that if you have committed such actions, that somewhere in your life´s experience that you will re-encounter that man, raised by God above you, capable of taking your dignity away from you. Only if you are a man of pure destiny you won´t be affected by this in this life.


Why Men and Woman who are categorized “above correction” have no fear. Corrupt people can only manipulate you if you have fear, if you observe life to be a series of choices that are presented before you by God for Him to see what you choose, to define your role in His Kingdom, then evil has no grip on you, as you know that there is “only loss of value” when you “give in to fear”. When you know that the evil ruler has received permission of God, you know it´s a test of integrity for a raise, a higher service in God´s ever lasting kingdom. “Above correction knows no fear”. A person who´s above correction observs how “rich” you are in the Kingdom of God instead of observing purely with the eyes in the “now”. I.

Working for God is a level higher then “doing good”. II. Training those who work for God is a level higher then “working for God”. III. Making successful systems for the Kingdom of God, like Tv-Channels, Radio-stations, Schools and Institutions, Youtube-Channels, is a level higher then “Training those who work for God”. The Macho Man and the Blonde The man that modern women call “the asshole”, or “the macho-man”, is the male equivalent to what men call “the hot blonde with big boobs and big blue eyes”. Women with their partner, holding hands, will look at “macho-man” when he walks by, just as men with their partner in their hand will look at the “hot blonde” when she walks by.


Both the “macho-man” as the “hot blonde” symbolize “high fertility”, they that tend to ignite a very primitive reaction in “the others” who are not a “macho-man” or a “hot blonde”. The “macho-man” and the “hot blonde” tend to attract each-other as they both are each-others opposites in the spectrum of “types” that ignite the most primitive response in the opposite gender. Both the “macho-man” and the “hot blond” can make those of the opposite gender lose control over their own lives and give over the power to them, because of their attractiveness. The Hidden Love Language Be careful to not abuse this information for sexual “escapades”. Once a person passes by someone of the opposite gender, and that person has “desire”, (“not taken”, desire; a driving force to meet a partner when acceptable in own opinion), She will give “subtle” eye-contact. If she´s unavailable/ already taken, then she will avoid disrespecting her man by staring at other men. Once you give a woman acceptable, prolonged eyecontact back, she´ll try to “re-appear” before you, to let you know she´s available without looking like a “ho” to society, subtle... That´s the “go” signal. Men, stop looking at “all women”. Not all women are destined to marry with you. Most women are destined to marry to another man. Stop looking at the women that are destined to marry another man. How would 16

you feel if all men look at your woman? It´s time to get civilized, O.K?

1. 2. 3.


How to repair a “broken heart”. Admit that you are wrong. No excuses for why you did it. You where wrong. Convince partner that you will never do it again. Help partner see that you understand what you have done wrong, communicate that you clearly understand what you have caused, with the aim to remove the fear that you will break partner´s heart again. Give partner extra love to compensate for the error.

Additional information to evaluate a mate objectively. 1. If she acts like having “sexual innocence” instead of openly explaining to you that she´s a sinner with a natural sex drive, then she´s not trying to get to know you on a soul to soul level but marketing herself to you with an agenda. This kind of woman cannot be trusted by the targeted audience. When a woman exceedingly talks the sexual immorality of other women down, that is a sign that she values sexual purity in a woman. Every woman is tempted sexually, if she acts like this is not true, she´s a liar. Whether she gives in to the temptation or not, defines what kind of opportunities will be presented to her by God. (After the seasons of temptation.) 17

Low Character: I am sexually innocent. High Character: I am against using it immorally. 2. Virgin is most suitable for a man of High Esteem, however the great majority of women in Western-Europe have fallen into sexual immorality. If a woman had more then 3 sexual partners before she reached the “fulfillment of the need of being wanted/desired” then she is not fit to be a marriage partner to the targeted audience as it is likely that God will turn her success into a season of Judgment of God quickly as the Word of God records that God Judges those who abuse the body sexually (Hebrews 13:4). 3. Women play with men, unto using them as tools, as they see that most men have no further interest in them then “the nice feeling that comes when they dump their load” or “how good he will look with her by his side”. The way men look at women superficially, gives the woman a rational justification in her mind for committing such evil. 4. Women who dress up to ignite a impulse driven man to look at them (like The Candy Shop Girl), as men´s eyes naturally draw to that they tend to see as most desirable, if a woman plays on that level, the “man of esteem” disregards her, as “playing on that level”. Only on weak days a man of “Esteem” can be lured into giving 18

into his impulse driven nature. Once his strength returns to him, he will disregard women who play “that game” again like they are nothing. 5. I. Women who dress up to be “seen” do this as they want to avoid the pain of rejection of the group and are pleasure driven. She knows not what to do or to follow and is easy to manipulate as whoever is the most popular in the group, that´s who she will listen to. Lovelife should be separated from social-life, women who cannot do this should be avoided for marriage by men of High Esteem. A woman who trades expression of sexuality in a social investment matter will shift their focus on whatever culture tells them to do to obtain acceptance. Some of the women of this category “give in” their sexuality to obtain the favor of the leader of the group, to appear as Miss Popular. Women who dress to be Miss Popular do it because they fear to be rejected by “everyone”. A woman who overly seeks approval and acceptation from “the group” will always need a man around her to not feel like she´s “excluded”, “un-popular” or “undesired”, She always wants to appear like “she has it around her”. II. Men and Women who dress up to not want to be seen, appear boring to avoid trouble, critique or “hungry” men or “superficial women”. 19





III. Men and Women who dress up to impose or by excellence, do this to execute dominance, control, power or ownership. They dress up to show territoriality. Women wear make up and want to be seen by Mr. Popular because they seek recognition. This drive for recognition will make women follow trends unto even allow their bodies to be misused for satanic body manipulation. A woman who seeks recognition can be abused by a “player of the heart”, be careful when a woman overly seeks recognition. Life is in seasons, with ups and downs, when a woman acts like she is perfect and only knows “up” and does not go through seasons, she´s lying, and has an hidden agenda: A strategy to obtain a goal, seeing you as a tool. If you think that Rich girls can´t be ho´s as they need nothing, don´t be deceived, they do it for “fun”. The best marriage advice, is to come to the conclusion how difficult it is to find a proper mate, and ask God to protect you from all “wrong” mates, and ask God to prepare you for the “right” mate, and bring that mate into your life when you are ready.


International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira.


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