The Spiritual Covenant and the Consequences of it´s Violation. Sermon by Meister Patrick.

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The Spiritual Covenant and the consequences of it´s violation __________ Publication (Act of God)

Created by Meister Patrick Functioning as Magistrate of God.

1 Oktober 2016 Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Covenant and covenant-breaking, introducing you to the spiritual "small letters". When two people agree to enter into a covenant by vowing it before the Spirit of God, thus two people agreeing on the creation of a soul tie bound by God, by using their free will. Likewise, is the soul-tie with Jesus Christ created at water-baptism at repentance of sin, leading you towards a situation whereby God releases you from the “negative side effects” of older soul-ties, and consequences of sins. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The soul tie is created for the purpose of building together unto accomplishing a mutual target. This requires a great investment of time and resources from both parties who are involved in the soul tie. If, one of the two parties desires to break the covenant vowed before God, then the one who desires to initiate the breaking of the vow must recompense the one who did not anticipate on the breaking of the covenant, and the party who did not anticipate upon the breaking, must volunteerly accept the recompense without being put to any pressure by the other party. When two people agree to an “unwritten spiritual contract”, a covenant, and when both parties agree (and invest), it may only be broken when the one who initiates the breaking recompenses the one who wants to continue building the upon the plan, to such a degree that it allows that person to continue pursuing that which was agreed on, sufficiently, without the other party's assistance. A righteous recompense.


When two people work on a mutual target, and one party wants to break the vow before the target is accomplished, and thus both parties reaping mutual benefit from the investment, the party that request to break the covenant out of self interest, must pay out the value of the other party´s services in hours and materialistic investment, reasonably. The one who desires to break a covenant, isn´t supposed to think that the other party is a slave with no rights, as that is not righteous. A nation is civilized when people respect covenants and a nation is barbaric, when it people do not. If you break a covenant that is vowed before God, outside of these terms, the curse of God falls upon the person who forcefully breaks it outside of the terms written in this publication, and God will then forcefully, in the spiritual realm, recompense the person who experiences “loss”, caused by an act of barbarism. And, once you break an interpersonal vow made before God, God will stop listening to your prayers, and stop answering them favorably until you have payed your vows. Job 22:27 Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows Deuteronomy 23:21-23 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: For the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee. Psalms 61:8 So will I sing praise unto thy name forever, that I may daily perform my vows. Sexual intercourse also creates a soul tie, a spiritual covenant. When a man commits sexual intercourse without a


civilized covenant with a woman, they are barbaric, undercivilized, as they understand not the following: Father, Mother, Education and Prosperity of Children, and continuation of civilization. A civilized people do understand this. The only interpersonal covenant that cannot be broken by these means, is the covenant of marriage. Mark 10:-79 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and they shall be one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. The problem allowing a breaking of a marriage covenant by state law or church law is clear: 1. God says don't do it: SIN. 2. When a man wants to “rid” himself of his wife, and leaves her with 50% of his monetary assets like the “self called civilized nations” do, he leaves the woman to go and have a party as a recompense of being kicked out, forcing her into sin and lots of it because of the bag of money that can easily, in combination with feeling of rejection, lead her into pursuing temporal feelings of fulfillment until the empty feeling that comes after the sinful lifestyle has been lived to its fullest, or loneliness and a bag of money to spend it on useless things that won ´t bring fulfillment in her life. It might appears righteous to do this in the eyes of the barbarians, however a real civilized human being will quickly come to the conclusion it isn ´t. 4

3. When a woman wants to “rid” herself of her husband, she can commit infidelity, or open rebellion, challenging a man´s authority to automatically provoke the man to leave her a bag of money. Removing a man of his honor and his assets at the same time, forcefully. That's what happens when you suffer civilians to break marriage covenants by law. All of these problems can be prevented when the breaking of marriage covenant is prohibited by Kingdom/Statelaw and Church-law, and on top that, God´s will is done! The blessing of God, and the preventing of men “dumping their wives with a bag of money, forcing almost all of them into a sinful lifestyle” and “vile women seeking a man to take the bag of money, and moving on like nothing happened”, all problems fixed, with one changing of law. Good and stable homes, happy husbands and happy wives: A civilized nation! Only the corrupted and the wicked won´t like such laws, as it prevents them from living out their corruption and wickedness: the barbarians. Making use of another person, without treating that person as you want to be treated yourself is not civilized according to God standard of righteousness. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, is what Jesus commanded (Luke 10:27). International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants 5

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