The Spiritual Strategist by Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira

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The Spiritual


So you think you’re smart There are accounts of people in history, those who had access to greater spirits of wisdom then the average citizens had access to. Meister Eckhart (1260 A.D.), Aristoteles (384 B.C.), Dionysius (1st century AD), Augustine (354 A.D.), Sun Tzu (544 B.C.), John Bunyan (1628 A.D.) and various others who came into the world with a specific purpose, and because of that their minds, by nature led them into their destiny, whether they were aware of it or not, to fulfil their purpose, which was leading a situation into the will of God. Aristoteles was pre-destined to tutor Alexander the Great. How many of you are pre-destined, sent by God as a blessing to tutor the next Emperor? The Word of God holds account to the most important figures, that held wisdom for the sake of the wellbeing of your heart, mind and soul. However there are other forms of wisdom like “Rhetoric”, “Strategy” and proper understanding of “Human nature”, “Emotion”, “Morality” and “Social understanding” which can benefit you understanding. There are minds in this world who have been predestined to become extraordinary experts of their respective fields, as God led them personally through the seasons of their lives so that their expertize became perfected, versus the rest of mankind who just follow their nature and developed understanding without it directly being led by God throughout orchestrated

seasons that defined their character and expertise for their created purpose.

In the animated movie “The Secret of Kells” is portrayed a story of a wise man who has access to the Eye of Providence, and thus, being able to access an intellect unknown to ordinary men, with as purpose to educate the civilians with the intelligence from God. Although the story is a fictional story, the Eye of Providence is not fiction, and it’s working can be considered similar as this animated movie portrays. The “Eye”, once you have access to it by Divine Election, then The Spiritual world, the “Eye, it being a bridge, whereby you can understand it’s intelligence and use linguistics capacities to bring the intelligence it into this reality through a book. One who has access to the Eye of Providence is “Enlightened” and is depicted with a golden halo around his head. those who have been predestined know what they are talking about.

Obtaining peace of mind Dionysius wrote that Christians do not want to forsake sound biblical teaching for “ear-tickling lies” because they know the peace that God gives them inside of their minds will be taken away from them when they do that. This is not a factual statement like what most people think wisdom is, it’s specialized understanding of the consequences of a poor choice, gathered by life experience. “Where does this action lead me into in the long term” V.s. “what is my short-term personal benefit if I commit this action” Most people in the 21st century think medicine will give them peace of mind, they are unaware that God can grant them peace of mind, And if they obtain that peace of mind and forsake the truth that gave them that peace of mind, that the peace will go away along with the truth, the truth brings peace. Medicine for peace of mind, does not bring truth, so it won’t bring long term peace of mind, as the root of the disturbance of the peace of mind is not targeted by the medicine. There are minds in this world who have been predestined to become extraordinary experts of their respective field, as God leads them personally through the seasons of their lives so that their expertize becomes perfected.

Interpersonal Spiritual Strategic Warfare Aristoteles observed human beings and also figured out that they are all desiring pleasure. Preaching from the Word of God won’t make people feel pleasurable as the contents of the genuine biblical preaching warns people for the consequences of a life indulged in pleasure

Revelation 20:11-14 I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. The truth is only appreciated by those who seek the truth, all other characters, as Aristoteles wrote, seek after pleasure. I don’t design rhetorical speeches and message-signs

that cater to pleasure-seekers. I design rhetorical speeches and message-signs that target higher characters: “Hellfire is Coming & Jesus can forgive your Sins”. To motivate people, you must target something that moves them, not expressing mear creativity, an expression of self: the most beautiful combination of words according to opinion. I’m not uttering opinion or showing people creativity, I’m designing combinations of words on signs that moves people to action, once observed: 1. Thou targets their pleasure seeking nature: you write a combination of words on a sign that makes them feel happy, 2. Thou targets their fearful- pain avoiding nature: you write a combination of words on a sign that makes them feel as if they are in danger and immediate action is required. When you want to move people, you target that which interests them: “The force of self-preservation or the desire for pleasure”. If your sign or speech targets people’s sense of wellbeing like “God will give you this and that” most people will like you, however those targeted are not intelligent. People who are driven by their primitive nature, are seekers of pleasure. Those seeking the road of least resistance: the masses.

The opposite of those are disciplined people: those who have Self-restraint/control. Those who are moved by lack of discipline require a constant flow of dosed impulse of pleasure: a reward. Give them pleasure, and you become their master. Give them pleasure, and they will follow you. The Word of God doesn’t target pleasure-seekers as the message of God is not a very pleasurable message: You must stop committing sins or God will throw you into the everlasting fires of Hell. You rise above your pleasure-driven nature with the help of God’s Spirit, or you are taken care of in Hellfire. The ones who are seekers of pleasure, are not going to like the Word of God, however those who are disciplined will like it. As, it says, if you discipline (disciple) yourself according to its standard, then God will supernaturally protect you, provide for your needs and give you victory over your enemies. The lust-seduction tactics vs. the scare tactics. If you are scared for snakes or spiders, if I throw them at you, I don’t need to command you to leave. If you are after a beautiful woman, and I put her in front of you, I don’t need to command you to pay attention. Self-interest moves people. So this idea, that you’re going to be thrown into the

lake of fire, awakens self-interest. To target self-interest, you can only cater to the people their lusts or fears. If you want to target the masses (which are those who lack discipline) with the Word of God, you must find a way to make them stop wanting pleasure. That’s almost a mission impossible. How can you change a being that only pursues pleasure, to stop pursuing what his nature requests of him?

“The Awakener” I don’t design speeches or signs that you can use to become liked by the people, I design a strategy that helps you lead people to into a life full of blessings with God. If you read the message “Hellfire is coming”, you might

think that I’m condemning the people to hell, which is not my intention. My intentions with this combination of words is to confront the people with the consequences of their sins, as everyone has a sin nature, so everyone is doing something he or she isn’t supposed to do, so the message targets everyone’s conscience, a 100% success rate.

The Truth, is you are never a victim of anything if you act like you are a slave! If you feel entitled to things instead of you actually needing to develop a character, then don't complain when you are misled. Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my (Jesus) sake shall find it. Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him (Jesus), that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. Regardless of the position of the ruler on the battlefield, which is the King, he has the strategic

advantage as he is being used by God to lead the people into blessing or accursing. God protects the ruler regardless of his strategic position, strategy, logic, nor has he accountability towards civilians, none of it binds nor limits a nonceremonial Ruler, King or Emperor as entire creation gives the ruler access to victory, as none of his enemies will gain favor from God to defeat the ruler until his reign is over: when he is sentenced by God Himself, Daniel 2:21 he (God) removeth kings, and setteth up kings: The ruler is sentenced, judged and or evaluated by God when his purpose or usage has come into creation or is fulfilled. This personal selection by God, the duty of governing an entire society into righteous conduct of itself (Justice), sustaining order, preventing a nation or society from subjecting itself to the laws of barbarism. This personal selection and duty, gives the ruler access to privileges that those who are subject to him have no access to. This is why old and ancient Kings of the Empire of the English said: “I don’t have to give account to the people, I am only accountable before God.” The ruler’s extreme services that benefit the entire society on all levels, allowing the creative, intelligent, and cultural expression of the civilians, give him this status unto God and is transferred upon his

descendants. If the ruler be evil, the descendants are given over to fulfil evil positions, a powerful generational curse. If the ruler be righteous, the descendants are ensured to good positions of nobility and aristocracy, a powerful generational blessing. Proverbs 24:21 fear the LORD and the king. Do not join those who are rebellious: The king has the highest form of human pride, if you offend the pride of the king and challenge him, knowingly or unknowingly, you force him to protect his kingship, as when you challenge him and gain victory in the eyes of his subjects, then you have socially dishonored the King, and if the King is not in perfect control over his pride, you then are advocating for a disciplinarian measurement by the King, it is then entirely up to the mercy of the King to pardon you, as he will surely show you why he is King and should be respected at all times. Avoid offending the pride of the king at all times, if you love your life.

When a person is confronted with the words �HELLFIRE IS COMING�. Then the conscience is instantly awakened to desire change: perhaps God is warning me. what if I’m

going to hell tomorrow ? perhaps I should get right with God. perhaps I should think about my actions another time. once a person stops sinning against God, the word of God says that God forgives your sins when you get baptized after calling upon the name of Jesus Christ and that will lead towards a blessed life, rid society of a evildoer as that person who normally commits sin does no longer desire it, The words “HELLFIRE IS COMING” have multiple applications which benefit society, and most pleasuredriven civilians don't hold the intelligence to understand that. Confronting people with their fears or lusts will lead them to self-disciplination to avoid or obtain. Once a person is afraid he or she might end up in hellfire in the afterlife, the individual then might be moved, out of self-interest to contact God in prayer to plead for his or her life “Please God don't send me to hell” is what the heart of a sinner will say. and God hears that, and then God can speak to that person or send a messenger who then responds with: I know how to get out of hell. the combination of words: “HELLFIRE IS COMING” is the most rhetorical way of saying: you have to stop doing evil! Imagine yourself standing before the people and saying “Stop committing evil or I call the Police” vs. “Stop

committing evil because the fires of hell are coming to you”, it has a different kind of impact, doesn’t it? The common “Jesus loves you” rethorica on streetsigns will make sinners walk by, and they will move on like nothing happened, it won’t be registered in the mind of sinners, as it targets not anything that is valued by them. However the Christian that “Evangelizes” that way will surely tap himself on his back and say in his heart “I did a great deed, I am surely a great saint now!”. Such method targets nothing else then the person who holds a sign written with those words or the person who speaks them out as method of evangelizing. No one will become a disciplined Christian by telling them that their Creator loves them, they already know that by looking at how much evil they are able to get away with. When you want to successfully arrive inside the mind of the sinners, you must understand their nature, this is rhetoric, communication, later in this oeuvre, this collection of books called “The Tower to Heaven”, you will find a book named “The Art of Communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Effectively!”, we will go deeper on communicating with the people in that book. as long as your mind is dominated by the thoughts of how the citizen are evaluating you, then your desire will be to be liked by them, and then you are not strategically communicating with a target. Once you resort to strategic communication those in the society of the 21st century will consider your communication as extreme and many people might say

why are you so judgmental? Why do you care anyway? Let everybody just do whatever they like, don’t be so judgmental, we don’t care!

ap·a·thy 1. Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness. [Latin apathīa, from Greek apatheia, from apathēs, without feeling : a-, without; see a-1 + pathos, feeling; see kwent(h)- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] Tolerance, as in the acceptance of evil practices. Before a society dies, it is given over to what can be considered “careless beings”, the last sign before it is completely eradicated and exchanged by another civilization or pushed into an uncivilized dark age. That on the theme if you should judge or not judge, those who do not want to be judged, tend to be evildoers, who want to avoid correction. Do not be intimidated by their reasoning once you have developed your own spiritual strategy. In today's society when a Christian minister preaches: repent from your sin as the Word of God commands him to do, the sinners will respond with: don't judge me, be tolerant, tolerate me in my sins! Don’t tell me my sin is evil you hater! you hate on me committing sin and unrighteousness acts, but who are you to define what is righteous and what is not! don't hate me when i'm an abomination don't hate me when i have a spirit of perversion you may not be intolerant to my wickedness! and then they attempt to silence the ministers of God God’s voices of righteousness.

that is the last life sign of society. so when you have been led to think that this response that modern sinner have to be normal. then I’m telling you it's not. it shows you that you're living in society that is breaking down according to the reasonable mind of Aristotle. do you think you are smarter than Aristotle? Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the great. Christians should judge however how does a Christian judge if you should judge? Your judgement should lead not to punishment but to correction. Your judgement should not be an execution of punishment. But a correction that leads to repentance. you are doing something wrong stop doing that or otherwise you risk going to hell for it. you tell the sinner if you keep walking down that road God is going to send you into the pit because God doesn't like this and this and this and all the information that you have drawn out of the word of God towards understanding the will of God in that person’s life. you ought to judge by the word of God, but you're not sentencing them to punishment. Most people who say that you are judgmental when you apply your spiritual strategy into practice, what they are actually saying is:

Just leave me in my sins, I don't want to be confronted, leave me in my unrighteousness So once the general population says “don't judge me” what they actually saying is | Don't speak righteous” and when general population says: “Don't speak righteous” isn't that a sign of a dying society ? when people don't want righteousness no more ? and that was the reasoning of Aristotle. And before you say, Aristotle wasn’t under covenant with God, so, his words on this subject carry no spiritual value, let’s take a look on Jesus his Personal view on this matter: As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. - Revelation 3:19 if you carry no value, nobody will care to correct you and everyone will let you march into your own destruction while laughing deep inside of their hearts. Love does not mean you consider a person’s feelings, but that you do what is righteous and good for that person in the long term, regardless of how it makes that person feel momentarily. When you communicate the words: “HELLFIRE IS COMING” on a street sign to the general population, then you target their emotion of fear, in the hope that it hijacks their system, to make it change their course to avoid ending in that place. However that’s only one side of the coin, once the

desire is created to have a change of course inside of the mind after your strategically designed spiritual communication, then it is also your obligation to bring them the solution to the problem you just presented them with. JESUS CAN FORGIVE YOUR SINS Once you triggered the emotion of fear, then you trigger the emotion of joy and bring them the solution. Once they see a text like this, the mind will question “Then who is this Jesus, why and how can he forgive my sins? In this example of communication, the individual feels both rejected but also accepted. they feel rejected and they receive acceptation if‌ that is Spiritual strategics and the better you become at it, the more efficient and creative you become in perswaying people to repent of their sins and turn them to the Lord Jesus Christ, the more blessed you will become. Blessed?

The Strategy of Making the Almighty your Ally. A spiritual strategist, structures his or her day in such a fashion that all actions that lead to accursing by God Almighty are removed from being committed, and that time is solely used, to do commit practices whereby one receives the blessing of God. less sinful, less sinful and then becoming neutral, Ideally, in such a way that every action of your days is designed to take you into a state of higher blessing, progressively. you start doing things whereby you just not got out of sinful habits and self-destructive habits, but start to build an account in heaven, and let that account fight for you. If you analyze your behavioral patterns. All things that are self-destructive, or defined by the word of God as “Sin, you target to eliminate out of your life. Should you take effort to become blessed by God ? A blessed person, will more than often, then not always, get the overhand in (social) conflicts.

We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall. - Proverbs 16:33 Once an Accursed and a Blessed of the Lord Jesus Christ oppose each other and their destiny is decided by “luck”, the dice will always fall in favor of the blessed one, unless the victory hinders the destiny of the blessed one in the long run. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. “bad things” and “losing of battles” still happens to blessed people for a purpose and in the story of Joseph from the Bible we find the best illustrator of this spiritual understanding. Once you are blessed, and you are given over into the hand of your enemies, it is part of a character refinement, mentoring, and or a diciplination process that benefits you in the long run. There is no PERFECT spiritual formula for success, as your spiritual integrity tests and your trials are not made known to you in advance, nor the amount of seasons whereby your character has to be refined by God. In conflict, the favor of God will always fall upon the one who was blessed This is the first and most important reason why you would want to be blessed. In a conflict between two parties, both parties believe they are “right” and deserve the victory, however that is according to the own standard of both individuals who claim to be the rightful owner of the position of “being right”.

To Enlighten your mind a bit to the perspective of Spiritual Strategy, If I, Grand Maester Patrick Pereira are on a course unto destiny, and you become my enemy for whatever reason you hold for right, and thus becoming a stumbling block for my destiny, the Lord God Almighty will not give you victory over me for Destiny’s sake. God’s purpose being regarded as of higher importance then your own sense of righteousness. In simple words. when i am on a course of victory because my God-strategized destiny requires it so, you might be “right” in your own eyes but that don't mean you will defeat me as you perhaps have other sins whereby God cannot give you the authority to gain victory over me, nor does he want the destiny to be broken, as that will stop a process whereby he wants to deliver a lot of other people, a plan greater than your personal desire or needs. In Spiritual Strategy, factors as a person’s account in heaven and personal destiny are taken into consideration while estimating the proximity of defeat or victory. Factors which the average non-spiritualstrategist does not take into consideration. Most conflicts between individuals are based upon the self-driven desires and once you enter into conflict with someone who is not acting upon his or her own self will but upon start to frustrate his or her duty, then the spiritual implication of who is right, the dynamics of how God judges, will change. when you are selfish no more then you think about the needs of others, the fact that others have feelings as well, that others have desires as well, once you think like that instead of just how you feel, it's more likely that God will bless you in a conflict then the one who

only thinks of him or herself. everyone is campaigning for power but the blessed one gets the most self-interest. so instead of trying to be right every single time, attempt to strategically maneuver yourself into the position of being the most blessed. a person who is not accursed, you can't defeat him take a look at the life of Jesus. Jesus was allowed to be crucified because he wanted it, he didn’t commit any sin. his hour came when he was predestined to die for your sins on the cross. you deserving a punishment he taken it. Thus you going free on judgement day. so you couldn't persecute Jesus before that moment because God didn't give permission for him to be sentenced. that's why he was so bold against everything and everyone, He knew that only by God’s power they could persecute him. Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. - John 19:11 to be defeated, God personally must sign your downfall. (Daniel 2:21). that means you have to be handed over to the will of your enemies by God Himself, and being blessed will prevent that from happening, unless there is a spiritual purpose to it. that is why the successful Spiritual Strategist is virtually undefeatable.

And above all things have fervent (love-)charity among yourselves: for (love-)charity shall cover the multitude of sins. - 1 Peter 4:8 So instead of trying to increase your influence by attempting to network yourself among the big ministers of God or the powerful and influential people to ensure your own position, attempt to design strategies to change people their course from eternal hellfire into the Kingdom of God to build yourself up an account in heaven. Love, doing what is right to another human being, acts of charity, being a positive and constructive influence to your surroundings, will provoke God to bless you. Blessed is he that considereth the poor (Blessed are those who have regard for the weak;): the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. Psalm 41:1 A change of perspective. so in order to make someone to be handed over by God to his or her enemies, the individual has to be proud, living in sin, living a wicked and selfish lifestyle, provoking God to anger. when you are blessed by God the most blessed one will be used in the most favorable way so if two people are blessed and God has a purpose the one who is most blessed will have the most favorable position it's like God creating a movie and shaking the cards for the starring roles.

the one who is most blessed starts on top and then it goes down the line. if you want to be the one who has the nicest role in due season, because God makes seasons, become the most blessed. If you want to be risen in the next season, then become the most blessed. do you want to be lowered by God the next season, become accursed. God is always shaking the cards, in every season. As long as your motivation is to become popular or liked by the mass population, you cannot become a spiritual strategist.

Patrick Pereira (Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet) Author Writer

Frank Krischick (Prophet) -Transcription

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