The Walk of Life. Sermon by Apostle Patrick.

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The Walk of Life __________ Sermon

Given by Apostle Patrick 20 August 2015 Vaasa Region, Finland.

In your walk of life, as early as a child, you start to receive choices. Every time you make a choice, you choose between good and evil. Afterwards, God creates the next situation whereby you can choose between good and evil. The more you choose for “evil/bad”, the more your mind will become "dis-functional/disturbed", the more you choose for “good/righteous”, the more peace you will have in your mind. The more “righteous/good” you choose, the more frequent the doors open, doors that lead to great opportunities. The more you choose the “evil/bad”, the more the doors that lead to great opportunities close. The priest of God, can teach people during their walk in life, because the priest has seen all “seasons”, God has taught the priest; What are all the life problem in the walk of life. Then person in the walk of life, comes to the priest, which is the teacher of God, and says: I´m walking in season #?, I do not know what choice to make. What will be the consequence of my choice? The local priest will tell you, if you go left, you end up there, if you go right, you end up there. The priest is a blessing of God, sent to help you advance in your walk of life. All of Life is about choices, God ordained your life, He makes the steps of a righteous person. This scripture that enforces that statement is written in the book of Psalms or Proverbs. I advice you to it to read it for yourself, then you can become a priest yourself. Once you know whats in the Word of God, you don't need the priest any-longer, because you have the Words of God in your mind.


If you don't want to listen to the priest; read the word of God. Again, a choice, and the choice has a consequence: No desire to study? Then you have to listen to priest! If you don't want to listen to the priest of God, you have to be above correction and study! You see, all of life is about choices. And nobody is above making choices. When you only think about yourself, and “me, me, me”; You are person. If you only think about people, you are not person; you are a servant. What do you want to be? If you want to be in the centerpoint, you are going to serve... Because the Bible says that Jesus Christ said... You know what that means, your are supposed to listen now: Matthew 23:11 The greatest among you will be your servant. So if you want to be the greatest, you must understand what God wants. God loves people, God wants people to walk the walk of life, God wants people to walk a nice life, God does not want people to control other people choices, God wants priests to give counsel: When you go left, that's the consequence, when you go right that´s the consequence. That is the work of a priest. Are you listening to me? Do not go to the priest to ask for forgiveness of sin, speak to God to ask forgiveness of sin. Go to the priest to understand the will of God, and if you do not trust the priest; go to God and ask God protect the mind of the priest. To prevent


that that the devil deceive not the priest, because priest is human and humans make mistakes. If you continually make the right choice, you will arrive in life of blessing, not just physical blessing, you will receive eye to see. If you have physical blessing and not eyes to see equals problem. If you have eyes to see and no physical blessing, also equals problem. You need both, how do you get that? Refuse evil, do not compromise Biblical value´s and choose to go left or right, depending on wherever the righteous go. Do not go into the dark ally with the thief and the liar, because the liar is sent to deceive you and when you are deceived you open the door to be lied to more, and at one point you are lied to so much that you are bound in the lie. And then you complain, why is life terrible? Then you blame God, but why you blame God, blame you own actions and choices! I am a witness, I made wrong choices and God forgave me through Jesus Christ. Call upon the name of Jesus Christ to experience the same thing. Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Afterwards I choose not the evil, I keep choosing the right thing and now I sit here, not by accident, or by coincidence, but by the will of God. I can see the road that God is laying out for me, Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. and I see that every-time that GOD desires to bless me,


that Satan the devil uses the part of creation that is under his authority, to try to stop me. But the devil doesn´t know that God uses every situation for a greater good. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So the attacks of the devil expose to me the agenda of the devil, And when I see the agenda of the devil, I know what God is going to do, as I see what the devil is trying to stop. So at one point you d on´t get angry no more, all-right? When a man has the peace of God, and you see that God is with that man and God leads that man: Sit down and listen, humble yourself until you are ready. Matthew 23:12 And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. And when you ready, when God looks down upon you and say, accepted! That man or woman is ready! Then the door will open, it´s that simple! If the door does not open yet, all you can ask God is "Why door not open yet, what do I still have to learn, God?” If you don't want to wait, you say to God: Teach me quicker! Then you discipline yourself and study more, because then the door can open quicker. Do not complain, do not fight, do not stress, sit down like a king and wait until God thinks your ready. God of Israel Bless you in Yeshua name, Amen.


International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Publications and books written by Apostle Patrick Pereira.


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