Understanding & Breaking Soul Ties (GrandIlluminaryclass) by GrandIlluminary Patrick of Europe

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SOUL TIES (GRANDILLUMINARYCLASS) Written by the Head of the Church of: The Germanic Tribes

Grandilluminary Patrick of Europe, Ascended Master of the Netherlands, Ascended Maestro of Germany. HAMBURG, DEUTSCHLAND | 31ST MARCH 2018





“UNDERSTANDING & BREAKING SOUL TIES BY GRANDILLUMINARY PATRICK OF EUROPE” VIDEO DESCRIPTION: Why did God create the (soul-tie) emotional-tie? What's the purpose of the "soul-tie"? What would be the most intelligent strategy, the course to take, when you desire to break an existing soul-tie? It is a crime against humanity if I do not make this teaching about soulties. When human beings become aware of soul-ties, it is usually when it is too late. When they see the affect of the soul-tie, then they become aware of the soul-tie and then they go research about a soul-tie. When you search on Youtube to learn about soul-ties, you will find teachers, pastors, bishops, evangelists, and other people that don’t have the complete understanding of the soul, like it says, soul-tie. To explain the soultie, you need to be a Grandmaestro. A Bishop can, through experience, see what a soul-tie does, but he cannot give you the full revelation of the soul-tie is, because to understand the soul-tie, your soul has to be able to flow through your mind. My soul speaks. It is a crime against humanity if I do not make this teaching. My soul understands how important this is for you. We are going to address the soul and the soul-tie. To understand the soul-tie you need to make the following foundations: You must understand layer upon layer, and layer upon layer to understand why God almighty designed the soul-tie. The first layer, God designed the soul-tie. This is a mechanism, a system like windows operating system on a computer. It is there for a purpose. We are going to learn about the purpose. It is there and the first thing you have to understand is that God is civilized , He is holy and righteous which means if I take the life of a person, God does not like that and he will punish me for that. It is called justice, so you have to understand the concept of justice to understand the soul-tie.

If you don’t understand justice, you won’t understand a soul-tie because the soul is the consciousness of honor, and the consciousness of honor is the consciousness of respectful interactions within a society. Honorable interactions, for example, do not do unto others what you don’t want to have done unto you. That is honor, so if you don’t care about your fellow human being, you will not understand what justice is. You need to understand that God loves me, God loves you, and God loves every person on this planet. So if I go and hit any person without a cause, God won’t like that, the programming of a soul-tie: You have to understand that God is full of justice, and not justice like how we humans tend to do (favors, bribes), but perfect justice. If you think you are an evolved monkey, you won’t understand the soul-tie. To bring you out of the evolution theory mode of thought: We are in the universe and the universe has laws called “space” and “time”. You need to understand that If you take away “space” and “time” out of the universe, then you have infinity. Infinity is where the soul is. The soul it is not bound by creation, it is timeless. The soul is not bound to what creation is projecting upon it, what it is observing. It is beyond this realm. I We are really going to go deep into the soul tie. It is vitally important to your life. It is a crime against humanity If I carry this intelligence and I do not share it with you. It is important for you to understand that the soul-tie realm is a systematic realm. It is a systematic realm based upon justice and it is a system of souls, which means, I have a soul, you have a soul, God loves our souls, and it is about the honor of interactions between our souls, so, if you dishonor your own soul by acting “evil, selfish, corrupt, dishonorable, etc”, your

soul will punish you and raise someone else with a more honorable soul above you; This is called divine justice. Think about this: The design of God, humanity is a design, so you have to believe in God to understand there is a design. That is why I write that you that my body can die, the body will die because time will kill this body. However, when my body dies, my consciousness is not made out of materialism. Thus how do you destroy/kill my soul? There is no weapon you can use to kill my soul after my body has died... There is a creator, you have to understand that first before you are able to understand a soul-tie. The creator designed it so that if I hurt another soul that energy from my soul fragments and is given to that other person that I have mistreated, whereby that person raises in rank. Christians which are full of religiousness should understand that Joseph was thrown in jail for 13 years by Potipher and God raised Joseph higher than Potipher using the Pharaoh. It is the same concept, injustice leads to the honoring of the one you are doing injustice to. It’s a Mechanism. You have to understand, In relationships between a man and a woman there is always a dominant one and a less dominant one. You cannot have two dominant ones because they will split up after leading each other insane, so when two come together there is a dominant one and a following one. If its natural, the real man will lead, like me, but not all men attain this type of consciousness, so the woman takes upon her the leadership position and the boyish men follows her around. Power abuse. That is what soul-tie is really about, so you have to understand justice. So you have to understand that the leader can use his power to abuse and exploit the one that is following, that’s why there is a soul-tie. Let’s say you are a young man of 19 years old and you really like that “girl”, who is 17 years old. Your are full of these hormones and the

masculinity inside of you is screaming at you and you just want to jump on that woman. Your primitive instincts are taking you over and you don’t have a deep masculine mind like mine, so you can’t see the 20-year consequences of what your doing right now, so you just jump on that woman and after 2 years, these inner feelings and desires go away. Now you sit there, and now you want to pursue your happiness on another continent, or you want to pursue your happiness with another type of woman. Well then you as a dominant position separate yourself, However, the other person that you are separating from, that person will have made deep emotional soul bonds with you, the dominant one. The weaker one has bound with the stronger one, becoming dependent and following you around, investing in your future and suddenly you cut off and walk away like that person is a what? A slave? Alright, that is not civilized, the soul is about honor and interaction on a honorable level so the soul will not allow you to use another human being as a slave! So when you have sex without marriage and you dump a woman, your soul will bombard your mind with thoughts and emotions and all this input to your mind and you will go back like you are a possessed crazy man, back to the one that you had sex without marriage with, because sex is how you make a soul-tie right? So when you are young and all these hormones are taking you over, you are not thinking about the long-term civilized consequences of your deeds. Many of you will find this teaching and you will wonder why you have these irrational desires to be with a particular person. You might not even love this person anymore, making it an unhealthy emotional-tie, however, because you two became one sexually, in your soul, you became together as one, uniting your energy, your two souls magnetized to the same “soullocation”. You can then separate your body from your partner, but you are still magnetized together, a soul-tie, so when that person you are soul-tied to is in need, that person has the right to your system because if that person is in emotional need, he/she can go insane, he/she could go suicidal, so his or her

soul will cry to your soul, where-ever you are and once that happens, your soul will bombard you with thoughts that will lead you back to that person because that person is in need. The soul tie is like the godly marriage covenant, so today we have legal marriage covenants but when people become too uncivilized, and become barbarians, so to speak, then the natural marriage covenant is moved to the background, yet it's “binding effects” are still held up by a soul-tie, the fifty percent of your money is mine when you divorce me type of soul-tie yoke will fall upon you, if you have sex without marriage. Don’t think you are going to do your thing and make your promises and then you are going to walk away from this woman or this man, no! Your soul will attach and this attachment can go on for 20 years. I estimate, a soul tie will keep going until the one that you have dropped is free again in his or her inner world to move on without you. As long as this person cannot move on, you will be bombarded by your soul tie. So, I have been watching Youtube, on “how to break the soul-tie”, and it is recommended to say “in Jesus name, I curse this soul-tie in Jesus name and I will be set free. In Jesus name”, No! Jesus made that soul-tie. He established it, you abused your power and you are paying the price for your sins by the effect of that soul-tie, now what you are going to say? In God’s name, I am not going to pay for my sins? Its selfishness! People go from one relationship into the other. Laying in bed with someone, without a marriage ring of course in this society, and then suddenly you have all these thoughts and desires for another man or another woman, ruining your old relationship, going into a new one, ruining yourself, trying over and over again to find the perfect partner, taking more and more soul-ties trying to find romantic fulfillment and then you end up in a mental hospital with all these personalities in your head because you have established all these soul-ties with so many people, that’s why you should not have sex without marriage. And the ones that are reading this, who are intellectually aware of soul ties, its too late for most of them! Thus, you are always going to have something inside of you that is going to pull you to do something you don’t really want to do and it is going to be very strong, that’s an emotional tie, a

soul-tie, and only the strongest can cut an emotional tie, you have to be like a military general to cut an emotional tie. It is a real discipline. The emotional and soul ties are not meant to be cut, it glues things together; when you marry and you fight, the soul-tie keeps you together because you will be pulled back by it to your partner. The soul tie is designed, that once your emotions take over, the soul-tie is what protects that outer layer and keeps the two of you together, like a magnet. So once this magnet is established, it will be hard to break. It will require serious discipline and self-analysis to find out what is being aroused in you by your soul ties; Where do all these thoughts come from that desire to pull me into all these conflicting directions? It all comes from your soul because your soul is in the realm of timelessness, without space, so the souls of you and your partner(s) are at the very same location, so they can transmit data at the very same location. When your soul-tie partner is in need, you will experience that, so you need to be careful with who you are making a soul tie with. Whether you are a man or a woman, one you establish it, you are bound. When you are a young boy or young girl, 16 years old, in the middle of your the beauty of your youthfulness, you don’t yet understand what you are going to do if you start to live that wicked lifestyle of these commoners, having sex without marriage, going from man to man to man. Woman to woman to woman and then after a couple of years, suddenly finding out why that is morally and spiritually wrong, and then they get married and feel guilty to their husbands, laying next to him and they don’t want to make love in the bed chamber because they feel like a slut. They lay in the bed with their husbands and feel like a slut and acknowledge that they did not enter the bedchamber like a virgin, “I am not good enough for this man”, suddenly you cannot enjoy sexuality anymore, and became a harlot. Everybody just regards one person; themselves, this is the reason that there is a soul-tie system, so there is justice among men.

You are not thinking about the consequences of your deeds to your partner, but your soul is. This is why the soul-tie is such a strong pull. Do not make soul-ties with people unless you are willing to endure this inner pull, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, as you are not going to be able break it. Don’t go around fornicating, risking, making soul ties, because you are going to understand very quickly why all these common people in the 21 st century are so mentally ill; their sexual insanity led them to create soul ties with so many people and they became unable to organize their own minds anymore as there is so much coming from the soul influencing them like a jail.

Holy European Blue Dragonfire Society




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