Why Modern Peoples have Deaf Ears to the Truth Sermon by Enlightened Grand Maester Patrick Pereira

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Why Modern peoples have deaf ears to the truth __________ Eye of Providence


Given by Enlightened Grand Maester, Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira 11 February 2017 Valkenswaard, the Netherlands.

You as a Born Again Believer in the work of payment that Jesus Christ has done on a cross two millennia ago (1 Peter 2:24) to break the curse of death by Hellfire (Revelation 20:13-15) that Eve the first Disobedient Woman (Genesis 3:6) has put us all under are commanded by Jesus to make Christian Disciples (Matthew 28:19). Jesus warns that he will deny you before God when you are ashamed (Luke 9:26) of Him before men or Deny (Matthew 10:33) Him before men. You are saved, and God invested in your transformation, and demands a return of investment (Matthew 25:14-30). You understand the value of the transformation process of being reborn of the spirit of God (John 3:3), and God wants you to share the information you know about this process so that your fellow men can enjoy the same benefits: Benefits like Life Eternal (Mark 12:25), the blessing (2 Corinthians 9:8), provision (Psalm 23), protection (Psalm 91) of God and the power to live a righteous lifestyle, that you now enjoy because of God’s love (Romans 2:4). It is accounted as pure egocentric selfishness if one does not want to share


this great gift of God with your fellow man. Letting your fellow man enter eternal hellfire ignorantly, while they could have been saved if they knew the right information, given to them by a chosen person of God who used his or her free will to do God’s will, as our realm is ruled by our free will (Genesis 1:26), is accounted as selfishness. Living a life with the Power of God’s Holy Spirit inside of your body, yet never testifying about its power once, why do so many Christians, knowing the commands of Jesus, who saved them from eternal fire, fail to do this out of appreciation? The title of this sermon suggests it: The modern Peoples are Deaf to the truth… The key to solving a problem is to understand the problem. In this sermon it is my assignment to make visible to you the problem, and it be up to your creativity to solve the problem with God next to your side in the invisible Spiritual realm which you register inside and with the capacities of your mind, just as you can experience your own emotions, in the parts of you which reside in the realm which is invisible. 3

Most people cannot be convinced by preaching the Word of God out loud, unless God, while you are preaching, is convicting them on the spot, confirming to them that the words that you are speaking are by His inspiration. They cannot be convinced by the Words of the Holy Bible as nothing can convince them as they are wandering aimlessly. If you have no aim, then there is no reason to obey anything or anyone, unless it is to avoid imminent criminal punishment, when one disobeys the law or rulers of the nation one is a citizen of. Thus the average aimless obedience to a set of rules is purely a habit that is adapted into one’s life for the purpose of the avoidance of punishment, not because one wants to obey a doctrine or set of laws, but rather to avoid consequence of disobedience. To those without aim, the truth is a hinder, as it forces them to have an aim in their conscience, and to those who do not desire to have an aim, such must rid from their system by reason or debate, this aim, you present before them when you speak the truth to them.


Thus, bringing the truth brings conflict (Matthew 10:34). As… The average modern man believes that everyone is equal, everyone. In the 21st century a fool and a wise man are regarded as equal, the fool tends to be glorified as he offends no one’s pride and the wise man frustrated by his environment out of territorial and jealousy motivations. The focal point of 21st century Modern Society is not an aim, a strive or a target, but, everyone being equal, the respect of everyone’s personal self and it’s expression of self, being equally valuable and regardable. If you offend that, you offend what modern people call “The Moral Right to be who you are” and will be seen by the aimless as a great offender who has no respect of peoples, one who raises himself above others. A proud person, in the eyes of the aimless… Nothing that will come out of your mouth will pass by that emotion of disgust that is aroused when observing your attempt to communicate the “Absolute” truth.


The audience of aimless will do nothing else then feel a moral obligation to lower the person they feel that is raising him or herself un-proportionally, and give that person a teaching on politeness and righteous code of social conduct: Respect our freedom to be who we want to be! We do not want your absolutes! Don’t push your truth upon us! They will look at you as an uncivilized evil doer, not a word will arrive in their minds as they are consumed with making you submit to the quota of the hive:

Stop raising yourself above us!!! A modern metaphor, by a modern prophet, for modern people: Have you ever seen a man who continually buys more then he can afford? A man who always finds himself in debt of some sort and always buys items whereby you think: “Do you really need to buy that and go in debt to buy such items? Is that responsible?” The person who is unhappy and likes to buy things to make him or herself happy, will not listen to your wise words of 6

financial counsel, that it is a wise thing to not spend more than you can afford in the long run. Such counsel is for when your aim is to run your financial account successfully in the long term, the person who buys himself happy is not interested in running a successful long term financial account but in happiness. It might appear wise to give financial counsel to such individual, however it is wiser to give emotional support and counsel to such individual to identify the root of the cause of the feeling of unhappiness and help that person solve it, then the desire to buy one happy is eliminated and then the long term sustainability of the financial account is ensured. Such individual values feelings and emotional above financial health. If you want to give financial counsel you must find someone who has the aim of becoming financially stable. As long as an individual has no interest in attaining financial stability, the wisest words of economics will sound like a repetitive broken record to the ears of the aimless.


The wallet of the aimless is not influenced by rules of good economics and investments, but by feelings, desire and other momentary needs which fluctuate by situations and events, and the financial account is not designed for purpose of progressive structure by disciplined habit which is developed out of economical understanding, and I assure you that it will be that way until the day arrives that an individual attains an:

AIM. People with no Aim, seek no truth. People with no Aim, want everyone to respect their person, as their aimlessness led them no-where and that made them fragile to critique as their sense of self-worth is underdeveloped, as they have no real accomplishments they can rely on for a feeling of Grande self-worth. I can sense in the spirit that by now, you start to understand the complexity of this problem and have obtained a new perspective. 8

My assignment is almost finished, we are almost there. Peoples without an aim, seek to prove that they are good enough to be exactly who they are, that they matter! If you give them the slightest of feeling that they don’t matter and that their person is unintelligent, or that they do not hold the truth, if your intellect is superior then theirs, then you offend their…

Pride. Ha ha… Do you know what happens when you offend someone’s pride? There are cultures in this world where people will defend their pride with their life! Modern Peoples in 21st century society believe everyone’s truth is equally as important, respectable and valuable as anyone else his or her truth, only that kind of truth they refer to actually is “opinion”, not actual truth.


When you as truth-communicator sent by the Holy Spirit, also known as a preacher, do not respect their opinion, which they hold for “truth”, then you trigger their emotion of territorialism, a hostile emotion that can develop into the emotion of anger and lead to heated conflicts, the intensity of the conflicts depend upon the spiritual maturity of the audience. Higher civilizations will respect your preaching and say: I do not agree on a word you say and I do not like it, but I won’t touch your freedom of speech, you have the Right to say what you say and I will not take that away from you, that is beneath me! Lower Civilizations will tend to find ways to rid themselves of you. The peoples of the 21st century do not tolerate people who raise themselves above others and proclaim exclusive truth, this will trigger a great emotional response and then reason has lost its power. Once emotions take over the scene you cannot win, as it has nothing to do with reasoning or the truth but with reinstitution of equality of opinion, a discussion that cannot be overcome by superior intellect. 10

When reasoning the truth to the aimless: trigger their selfish motivations, their fears and bring the message in such a way that it appears to be a solution to their problems and that obeying it benefits their life quality.

International School of Biblical Prophecy Video Education/Coaching center for God´s servants Youtube.com/ISOBP Publications and books written by Apostle-Prophet Patrick Pereira. Issuu.com/GodsEmpire


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