Go For a Ride Magazine, February 2016

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Florida’s Best Scenic Ride Maps

Feb 2016

Serving Florida’s Motorcycle & Trike Community Since 2007

A New Direction - Details Inside Parkinson’s Event Recap Bud Run Behind the Scenes MDA Women’s Ride gofarmag.com Have Gun...Will Travel

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Vol. 10, Issue 02 - February 2016

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New Pricing Schedules will be available at www.gofarmag.com. Go FAR’s Print & Digital offerings are an effective and affordable means to reach customers.

4 Let Me Tell Ya’ 6 2nd Annual Shakes Rattles Rides & Rods 8 Biker With A Badge 10 Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride 11 Word Puzzle 12 Sister’s Centennial Motorcycle Ride 15 Scenic Ride Map 16 Newswire 17 Leather Lid Inserts 18 Off Road Riding 20 Road Trippin’ 22 Event Calendar 24 KruisinWithKati 26 Adopt-A-Family 2015 27 Word Puzzle Answer Grid 28 Fort Myers Bike Night

Cover Image: GOFAR is headed in a new direction, more details on page 10

Go For A Ride Magazine 14907 W. Hardy Drive, Tampa, FL 33613 (813) 505-5119 info@gofarmag.com

PUBLISHER & EDITOR: Mike Savidge CO-PUBLISHER: C.M. Struble ART DIRECTION: DANG-designs.com CARTOGRAPHER: Mary Rostad FEATURE CONTRIBUTORS M.W. Simpson, Hyway Rebel McGreggor, Lowell Anderson KruisinWithKati, RollinWithRikki, Director of Sales & Marketing Promotions Kati Ridderman 239-246-3045 KruisinWithKati@aol.com Fort Lauderdale/Miami (Distribution) Huck Hennebery 954-258-4608 Huck.gofar@hotmail.com Florida Sales Rep Rikki 239-494-0508 rollinwithrikki@comcast.net

Legal Disclaimer: Go For A Ride Magazine (GoFAR) is published monthly and distributed for FREE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Publisher will assume no financial responsibility for errors in any advertising beyond reimbursing the advertiser for the cost of the ad. To the best of the Publisher’s knowledge, all materials furnished or used in this publication are accurate, correct, and truthful. Go For A Ride Magazine assumes no liability for errors, omissions, or typos. The advertiser or advertising agency assumes full liability for all content to include text and illustrations. This magazine will not be subject to any liability for any failure to publish or circulate all or any part of any issue or issues because of strikes, work stoppages, accidents, fires, acts of God, or any other circumstances not within the control of this magazine. All copy is subject to the publisher’s approval and the publisher reserves the right to refuse any ad.

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Let Me Tell Ya’ Go FAR was the first magazine in Florida to feature a Scenic Ride Map in each issue. These weren’t business locator maps, but riding routes that would show you some of the best back roads in the state. Since then, several of the other publications have offered similar map features, and there’s even a business devoted to selling these types of ride maps. I can’t take credit for originating this idea as there are other magazines such as RoadRunner who have been doing it longer and better. And the credit for the inspiration to do the maps goes to Mad Maps. I had the pleasure of being their original Florida Scout about ten years ago and spent the best year of my life searching out scenic rides to be used on their maps.

By Mike Savidge

End of the Monthly

Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Lao Tzu Go FAR today is nothing like the magazine that debuted on International Ride To Work Day in July 2007. Better paper, improved content, and a cleaner layout are just a few of the changes readers would notice. Others were more subtle, but all of them combined have created Florida’s Favorite Motorcycle Magazine. Go FAR was the first of Florida’s motorcycle monthlies to go “Family-Friendly”. Other magazines have followed our lead after seeing that everyone isn’t necessarily interested in seeing naked babes on bikes. Nothing against babes, but the goal was to create a magazine that you could place in any business and not worry about offending your customers. You can read Go FAR in church, though it’s not necessarily recommended by a Higher Authority. 4

give you two maps in each issue by also including a “Classic” scenic ride map from the Go FAR map vault. You’ll also find safety features and we’ll show you what’s new in motorcycles and accessories. The Word Puzzle will remain, as will the same roster of writers. Reader’s contributions will always be welcome. Go FAR’s main purpose has been to serve riders by giving them information and inspiration to get out and Go For A Ride. This publishing change will allow us the time we need to develop more indepth features on some of Florida’s fantastic riding destinations. Go FAR will be a better deal for business advertisers. Spend less to get more has always been our motto and it will continue. Go FAR enjoys a higher rate of retainability than many other magazines. Our maps and stories don’t go out of date so people tend to keep Go FAR around longer. That means your advertising message gets more bang for the buck.

Go FAR has covered subjects that span just about the entire motorcycle spectrum. It’s a magazine with the kinds of features you won’t find in the other publications. The goal has always been to have information that was educational and/or entertaining. My thanks to all of the many contributors who helped as achieve that goal. Go FAR is building a unique digital presence. We know you’re reading the Go FAR isn’t alone on the racks. There are digital issue on your laptops and smart about 15 other free magazines that cater phones and checking out the website to the Florida motorcycle community and and Facebook page. Our digital guru at I’ve watched just as many come and go Cyber MediaWorks has insured that our since the first Go FAR. Anyone can start website, and all of the features, will work up a magazine these days, though I think on any electronic device and gets found there are smarter ways to spend money. easily on Google. Have you checked out It requires a lot of time and effort to sell the online Business Directory yet? It’s advertising, publish, and distribute a totally FREE for motorcycle businesses in printed magazine every month. And, at Florida and the ultimate resource if you’re the end of the month, many publications looking for a local business. Adding new still have magazines sitting in the racks. digital features is a priority for 2016 which It’s a sign of the times for the print means we can have some fun with all of industry and a sign that it was time for those digital doo-dads people like to use Go FAR to make another change. these days.. Go FAR will now be published on a quarterly basis. The new and improved, and larger, Go For A Ride Magazine Spring 2016 edition will debut at the end of March. We’ve always been about riding and that will continue to be our main focus. Each issue will include a multi-page Travel Destination feature. We’ll create a new Scenic Ride Map for the area along with information on why you’ll want to put it on your list of places to ride. We’ll w w w.gofarmag.com

Go FAR withdrawal symptoms are treatable. Leading Doctors recommend linking our website at www.gofarmag. com for relief. Daily doses of our Facebook page will prevent recurrence. Thanks for your support, see ya’ soon!

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2nd Annual Shakes Rattles Rides & Rods

By Mike Savidge Things Don’t Always Go As Planned My thoughts were that helping out on this year’s SRRR for Parkinson’s was going to be a breeze. After teaming up with event founder Rick Karkczewski (a fellow rider who has Parkinson’s), AMVETS Post 44, and the American Legion Riders of Post 148, we put together an event that raised more than $16,000. Part of the money went to the Michael J Fox Foundation but the majority stayed local going to the Frances J Zesiewicz Foundation for Parkinson’s at USF in Tampa. We had a great venue, lots of volunteers, plenty of donations, and good weather.

This year, things were different. Due to some scheduling conflicts, the event was moved from February to January. That might have been a good move if the Florida Motorcycle Expo at Quaker Steak hadn’t also decided to change their date to the same weekend. Not a problem, there’s room for more than one event on the calendar. Then, a few days before Christmas, we discovered that we don’t have the necessary paperwork to use the same venue and there’s a permit issue with our beverage provider. Not good. But this is not a group that gives up easily. It was decided that moving the event to the AMVETS Post 44 location would take care of both issues. It’s not as roomy, but offers comfortable shelter and has a fully stocked bar with very reasonable prices. Things were looking up. Then, the morning of the event, I opened to door to find 51 degrees and raining. Things weren’t looking as good. 6

when we needed it and handled many of the event day duties. Terry Cole and the Honky Tonk Hitmen are a solid live band and Parti Patti is one on the best emcee’s on the planet. Ray K organized the auction and was instrumental (donating a guitar signed by the members of Steppenwolf) in making it such a success. To my fellow magazine owners, thank you for your support in helping to get the word out. Deborah Speicher of Thunder Roads has been extremely generous with The sun did finally come out, though it her donations. To anyone I may have never warmed up much, and we did get overlooked, my apology, your help was about 30 riders for Rick’s morning pre- greatly appreciated. party ride. They rode like the wind, er, make that, they rode through the wind. Next year should be bigger, better, and Winds were gusting at over 25mph so the hopefully, a little bit warmer. vendors were moved inside to save their tents from being damaged. A few more bikes came in but cars and trucks filled in most of the available parking space. We probably drew a bit under 200 people this year but they were in a spending mood when it came to bidding on the auction items and buying raffle tickets. Along with the generous contributions from our main sponsors and the registration donations, the event raised over $13,000. Not quite the $16,000 we were hoping for but a very respectable amount under the less than favorable circumstances.

A lot of people deserve a lot of credit for all of their work that made this a success. Without the support of the main sponsors, The Fran Haasch Law Group, A&J Mobility Inc, and Show-Me’s Sports Bar in Tampa (great job on the burgers, too), we couldn’t even get started. The Legion Riders, AMVETS Post 44, and other riding groups lent us a lot of support w w w.gofarmag.com

Event Photos by Deborah Speicher



Biker with a Badge By M. W. Simpson

It’s really not surprising when you watch people’s reaction when you mention “Bikers” or better yet, if you’re a biker, you can get some odd looks. The connotation of the bad ass, beer swilling, tattooed, social criminal usually comes to mind. But I’m here to tell you that I have seen a lot of bikers, even some with that description, arrive at a toy run with a big fluffy teddy bear for some sick child in the hospital. We of the biker community come in every shape, size and walk of life. Our common denominator is that we ride and, when it comes to our own, or a child, we tend to step up to the plate. In both my long careers as a police officer, a prophotographer, and a biker, I have been involved with a lot of charitable people and events. No matter whether it was a $10 donation or a corporate sponsorship, people help people…that’s what we do as a community and as a nation. I pray that never stops, but that is another conversation. Enter Chris Mitten, a tough-guy looking biker who has been in the beer business for 35 years. Thirty of those years have been with Pepin Distributors here in Tampa. Chris has been a Harley man for 41 years and loves to get out on the highway whether it’s a local ride or a long haul to Michigan. When he’s not selling beer he is usually involved in doing something to give back to the community. He and his wife Luana, held “Bags for Breakfast” for several years. This was a weekend day set aside for 8

bikers to drop by their home in the Forrest Hills section of Tampa and drop off a back pack for school kids. In return, you got a home cooked breakfast to kick start your weekend ride. They are hoping to start that event back up this year so watch for an update in Biker with a Badge. Another fantastic project the Mittens are involved in is the “Healing Journal”. This is a book that prompts a child to fill in the blanks, so to speak. It might ask, “What song makes you happy and why?” It could ask questions about dancing or art, all positive things that draw out who they are outside their problems. The book is not just for children that are sick, but also for those that may have been abused, victims of a crime or even divorce. A sad statistic is that as many as 40% of kids go through some trauma in their young life. The books are given to first responders to give away to these children. For more info, go to www.bealubooks.com. If that wasn’t enough, Chris is one of the directors of the annual Bud Run charity poker ride. In its 14th year, the Run is scheduled for May 21st. The Bud Run raises money for children with critical medical needs. Chris says that they have a special connection to law enforcement families and attempt to support them whenever possible. With the help of many, such as director Rick Ramsey and coordinator Mike Waldman, they have helped make life a little better for these children and their families. Chris humbles himself by singing the praises of key sponsors such as American Powder Coating, Pepin Distributors and GOFAR’s friend Fran Haasch. I have done events and I can tell you it is people like Chris who make it happen. The first Bud Run involved w w w.gofarmag.com

a few Pepin Distributors employee’s getting together to help out a co-worker’s child. With less than 100 participants on that first run, it has grown and so has the amenities. This year the end point will be at Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater and the highlight is an auction that will consist of autographed guitars, neon signs and plenty of Budweiser stuff. There will be ride trophies and prizes. To get more info, go to www.budrun.org. There you can register and see the story of this year’s, and past, recipients. The purpose of this story was not to endorse the Bud Run, although I personally do. The point is people like Chris are not in it for the limelight or the accolades. When he talks about his charity involvements, you do not hear bragging, but instead you hear caring and humility. He is one of the unsung biker heroes of our community. No money goes into anyone’s pockets. Many times they don’t receive awards unless you count the smile on a child’s face or the tears of gratification from a parent. Find something that touches your heart and support it…it will come back to you. And by all means, let’s go for a ride! Bsafe.

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Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride 3/8/16

By Deborah Speicher

But the real superstars of the event are The Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride the children with muscular dystrophy started in 2008 as a gathering for women who also participate each year. Some of them have been able to ride along with us courtesy of trikes and sidecars. Most of the monies raised for this MDA event stays local and is used to send the children to MDA Summer Camp. I can’t begin to explain how we feel at this event when the parents and children give us their heartfelt thanks. It is priceless!

to meet up with Karen Davidson and a small group of fairly new lady riders who had won a contest. Initially, we were to meet Karen and the ladies to “escort” them to the Ocean Center on their last leg of their journey. The response from those of us wanting to join them was so great that it was turned into a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (“MDA”) and continues to be a wonderful annual event during Daytona Bike Week.

2016 MDA Ride - March 8, 2016 All day ride through the backroads of Daytona. Departs the Speedway with stops at Destination Daytona, Flagler Beach for lunch, and the Broken Spoke. $50 Donation per rider. Info: Suzanne 407-562-2035

Historically, this ride has attracted hundreds of lady rider participants but attendance has seemed to wane over the past year. This is an empowering event and I would encourage any lady rider who is planning on attending Daytona Bike to sign up to participate in this ride. For more information and to register/ start your fundraising, go to: www2. mda.org/site/TR?fr_id=22368&pg=entry or contact MDA at sgann@mdausa.org. Let’s make a muscle and make a difference!

This year, Karen Davidson (great granddaughter of one of the founders of Harley-Davidson) will once again lead the group ride. In the past, other well-known lady riders also joined the group ride – Cris Sommer Simmons, Laura Klock, Cat Hammes, Vicky Roberts-Sanfilipo and Genevieve Schmidt – just to name a few. Motorcycling celebrities have also joined us at the beginning and/or end of the ride – artist David Uhl, Nancy and Willie G. Davidson, photographer Michael Lichter, motorcycle matriarch Gloria Struck, and rock star Pat Simmons of the Doobie Brothers who gave us a private concert! 10

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By McGreggor


Somethings and people just go together. When you hear one half of a pair, you immediately think of the other half. Don’t you? Answers - page 27.


2. Barnum & ______ 4. ______ & Olive Oyl 7. _____ & Squiggy 8. Laverne & _______ 11. ___ & Jerry 13. Cagney & _____ 15. Crockett & _____ 17. ___ & Yang 19. Holmes & ______ 21. _____ & Hepburn 22. _________ & Meatballs 25. Capt Kirk & Dr _____ 26. ___ & Coke 28. ___ & Tonic 29. Thelma & ______ 30. Brooks & ____ 31. ______ & Lewis 32. ______ & Butthead

Word Puzzle 3

4 5





10 13 15





17 18








26 28

27 29



1. _____ & Roebuck 2. Beauty and the _____ 3. Currier & ____ 4. ____ & Teller 5. Miss Piggy & ______ 6. ____ & Ernie 9. Batman and _____ 10. Barbie & ___ 12. Mork & _____ 14. _______ & Costello 16. ___ and Arrow 18. _____ & Eggs 20. Strawberries & _____ 22. _____ & Cher 23. ____ & Eve 24. _______ & Lightning 25. _____ & Garfunkle 26. ___ & Stimpy 27. _____ & Serena Williams







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Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride 2016 coast with at least 100 women riders, including Adeline’s great-granddaughter, Sofie Ruderman, and Sarah Van Buren, great-great-niece of Adeline and Augusta. Riders will follow the 1916 route as closely as possible, often along the Lincoln Highway. Combining scenic routes, community events, and important stops along the Van Burens’ journey, the route will allow for great touring and promote women as role models by demonstrating their capability as cross-country travelers.

Then: Two Women on a Cross-Country Motorcycle Mission; Now: One Hundred Women Riding Cross-Country in Their Honor In September, Alisa Clickenger announced plans for the Sisters’ Centennial Motorcycle Ride, July 4-24, 2016. A cross-country motorcycle adventure for women, the event commemorates the 100th anniversary of Adeline and Augusta Van Buren’s historic ride across the United States from New York to San Francisco. In 1916 the Van Buren sisters set out to

“The Sisters’ Centennial Ride celebrates our family legacy by raising visibility for women motorcyclists while raising funds for charities supporting women in traditionally male-dominated careers,” says Robert Van Buren. Conceptualized as a way to highlight the “then and now” aspects of two-wheeled travel, community events are planned across the country to showcase the accomplishments of female role models of the last century. Partnering with such organizations as Pennsylvania’s Route 6 Alliance, the Lincoln Highway Heritage Association, and communities along the way, the ride will promote both America’s motorcycling heritage and our history as leaders in the transportation industry over the past century.

2 5t h An n u a l I n t e r n a t i on a l M ot o r c y c l e & S c o ot e r

RIDE TO W O R K D AY Monday June 20th 2016

“We hope many will join us in this celebration of American motorcycle heritage, pioneers, and the freedom to prove they could ride as well as anyone. ride,” adds Dan Ruderman, Adeline’s With World War I looming, they intended grandson. to show the U.S. government that women had what it took to be dispatch riders The event concludes with a group ride in the Army, and they set off on their into San Francisco on July 23, 2016, transcontinental journey on a pair of where festivities will celebrate the ride’s motorcycles. “This was a phenomenal completion and riders’ accomplishments. accomplishment by two courageous Options for participation include a fully women at a time when few roads were supported tour and self-guided tours. paved, Victorian attitudes were in full Registration is open on the event website flare and women did not yet have the at www.SistersMotorcycleRide.com. right to vote,” says Clickenger. “Our ride will honor their achievement and Our team is led by Alisa Clickenger promote the growth of modern-day (MotoAdventureGal), a veteran moto women motorcyclists and the adventure traveler and experienced motorcycle tour community.” leader. She is a powersports journalist and marketer with a decade-long dream The family of the Van Buren sisters has of re-creating the Van Buren sisters’ joined forces with Clickenger to promote historic ride. the event, which launches from the east 12

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Heartland Loop

Road Name

Enjoy a relaxing journey through the rolling countryside of central Florida. In between the quaint small towns are acres of citrus groves and cattle ranches which, along with tourism, are the main industries for this region. It’s not the mileage that makes this a long trip, but the urge to stop and explore the amazing sights along the way.

Road Name


Miles Total

Start in at the intersection of SR70 and US27 SR 70 East 2.7 CR29 Left(North) 5.4 7.1 CR619 Right 2.1 9.2 CR621 Right 13.5 22.7 US98 Left(North) 13.8 36.5 US98/US27 Right 3.8 40.3 SE Lakeview Dr Right 1.5 41.8 S Ridgewood Dr Straight 0.2 42.0 SR17/N Ridgewood 3rd Circle Exit 2.5 44.5 SR17/Cornell St Bear Left 6.2 50.7 S Highlands Dr Right 0.5 51.2 SR64/Main St Left(West) 8.2 59.4 SR671/Parnell Rd Left(South) 10.8 70.2 SR66 Left 6.5 76.7


Payne Rd Lake Josephine Rd Henscratch Rd Miller Ave Poplar St Lake June Rd US27 Returns to starting point

Miles Total

Right 2.0 Left 1.0 Right 3.9 Left 2.7 Right 0.3 Straight 3.8 Right 8.1

78.7 79.7 83.6 86.3 86.6 90.4 98.5

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Š 2016 Go For A Ride Magazine

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The Motorcycle Safety Foundation Introduces its “Riding Straight Marijuana Awareness” Host-An-Event Kit to demonstrate the importance of riding unimpaired • New course-in-a-box delivers valuable lessons in a fun, interactive manner • While not attempting to duplicate a marijuana high, the Kit creatively models how marijuana can impair judgment and the application of motorcycle riding skills • Course can be taught by anyone interested in leading a motorcyclist safety event IRVINE, Calif., Jan. 12, 2016 - The Motorcycle Safety Foundation has introduced the newest member of its Host-An-Event family of traffic safetythemed courses-in-a-box: the Riding Straight - Marijuana Awareness Host-AnEvent Kit. The Kit is a fun, effective way to demonstrate to motorcyclists how marijuana can affect the crucial skills required for safe motorcycle riding. Marijuana is gaining acceptance as having legitimate medicinal applications and as a recreational drug in the United States, as evidenced by recent trends in state laws permitting its use. As of January 2016, 23 states and the District of Columbia allow marijuana for medical use, and four states (Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington) plus DC allow it for recreational use by adults 21 and over. Although marijuana may be legal for medicinal or recreational use in one’s state, it is still not legal, safe, or wise to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by marijuana, since it tends to distort perception of time, space, and speed. This is especially true for motorcycle riders, who must continually make detailed assessments of complex traffic situations and make split-second decisions requiring precise rider input to navigate safely and maintain an adequate safety margin. MSF already addresses alcoholimpaired riding in its popular Riding Straight - Alcohol Awareness Host-AnEvent Kit, which uses Innocorp’s Fatal Vision® Alcohol Impairment Simulation Goggle so participants can experience 16

alcohol impairment with a sober mind and no hangover. Similarly, MSF’s Riding Straight - Marijuana Awareness kit uses Innocorp’s new Marijuana Impairment Simulation Goggle at the core of three separate activities that demonstrate how marijuana and motorcycling are a risky mix. As with all MSF Host-AnEvent kits, the Marijuana Awareness kit can be purchased and used by anyone interested in being a facilitator for special events, riding club meetings and rallies, and community outreach programs, without any certification from MSF or prior experience as a teacher. The Goggle cannot truly replicate the effects of a marijuana “high” but the unique way in which it distorts perceptions causes some impairments. The participant then needs to attempt to compensate for these impairments to complete the kit’s activities. Because the impairments are in the same general areas of cognition and motor skills affected by marijuana, the participant can get a sense of the challenges a “high” driver or motorcyclist would face when dealing with traffic situations. According to MSF President and CEO Tim Buche, “MSF’s message with our new Riding Straight - Marijuana Awareness Host-An-Event Kit is clear: Do not operate your motorcycle or any motor vehicle if you are impaired by marijuana, and find alternate transportation if you are planning to be under the influence of marijuana at your destination. Not only is it unsafe, but just as with alcohol, riders impaired by marijuana can be convicted of riding under the influence, and be subjected to similar harsh penalties”. The National Motorcycle Safety Fund, the non-profit, charitable arm of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, provided seed funding to MSF for the development of this new kit. NMSF supports the work of MSF in the areas of research, curriculum development, delivery of rider training courses, and community outreach programs in order to help eliminate crashes, injuries, and fatalities. The kit will be available in early 2016 at MSF’s online store (msf-usa.org) for a one-time investment of $595. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation® promotes safety through rider training and education, operator licensing tests, and public information programs. The MSF works with the federal government, w w w.gofarmag.com

state agencies, the military and others to offer training for all skill levels so riders can enjoy a lifetime of safe, responsible motorcycling. Standards established by the MSF® have been recognized worldwide since 1973. The MSF is a notfor-profit organization sponsored by BMW, BRP, Ducati, Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Piaggio, Polaris Motorcycles, Suzuki, Triumph and Yamaha. For safety information or to enroll in the RiderCourse nearest you, visit msf-usa.org or call (800) 446-9227.

Indian Motorcycles and Jack Daniels Join Forces

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Jack Daniel Distillery, Indian Motorcycle has announced the creation of a Limited Edition Jack Daniel’s Indian Chief Vintage Motorcycle. Indian, and those who enjoy Jack, will get a chance to view the new model at several places, including Daytona Bike Week in March. The first bike of the series is scheduled to be auctioned in October in Las Vegas. Monies raised will go to “Operation Ride Home” which is a partnership between the Jack Daniel Distillery and the Armed Services YMCA. The funding helps with travel funding for junior-enlisted personnel so they can spend time with their families during the holiday season. Exact production numbers haven’t been released but the press release noted that this model was “taking the iconic Indian Chief Vintage platform to a whole new level with an array of genuine Indian Motorcycle accessories and custom accessories, as well as Jack Daniel’s-inspired custom paint and logos, badging, leather saddle and saddle bags. The bike’s fender is also inscribed with the names of the seven Master Distillers who have overseen the Jack Daniel’s distilling process over its 150-year history. Final customization work was designed and completed by Brian Klock and his inspired team at Klock Werks in Mitchell, S.D. Additional details on the production schedule and ordering process will be released during Daytona Bike Week”. For more information about Operation Ride Home, or to make a taxdeductible donation, please visit: jdoperationridehome.com

Leather Lid Inserts

Ray V. Gordon is the owner and founder of Leather Lid Inserts. They coined the phrase “We Take The Sag Out Of The finally design a patented lid and bag Bag” and that is exactly what they do. reinforcement kit that is designed to help keep the original shape of any leather Ray has been riding motorcycles since he saddlebag on the market. was 14, and has watched the motorcycle industry grow into what it is today. After So, if you’re tired of looking at your caved35 years of owning and operating a in leather saddlebags or if you have brand successful aluminum company in Fort new bags and want to prevent them from Myers, Ray sold the business so he could ever caving in, Leather Lid inserts are retire, or so he thought. Ray bought also the solution. himself a new Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail Classic. And just like everyone else with leather saddle bags, his also started to sag and cave-in. He saw a need to fix this problem. Starting up the new business was something he just fell into by fixing his own saddlebags and those of his friends. When their friends saw his work, they wanted Ray to fix their saddle bags.



More information about our inserts can be found online at LeatherLidInserts.com They’re easy to install yourself or you can have them installed at one of our dealer installer locations which can also be found on our website. RIDE SAFE, ray@leatherlidinserts.com SEE US AT SEMINOLE H-D SANFORD DURING BIKE WEEK 2016 CALL THE BAG LADY 386-873-8998

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Off Road Riding: Boxing on the Track

By Lowell Anderson

It’s that time of the year again! Supercross season is here and the first round of the series in Anahiem was a great example of the racing to come. There were many highlights and some great racing, but it was controversy that stole the show. If you didn’t get a chance to watch the race, there was an incident that occurred between two veteran riders. In one of the heat races, Weston Peick and Vince Friese got together in a rhythm section. Vince ended up winning the battle and pushed Weston wide causing him to crash. In the next heat race the two riders got together again in a bowl turn causing both riders to crash. As they got up Weston completely lost his cool and began pummeling the back of Vince Friese’s helmet! After about 20 seconds of this, and the exchanging of some words, Vince re-mounted his bike and completed the race. Now this incident caused all kinds of hoop-la in the industry. Some people sided with Weston and some with Vince. Everyone asking the same question, was Weston out-of-line? Personally I love seeing this much passion from the riders. It’s not like other professional sports where many of the athletes are in the game for the paycheck. In this sport it’s obvious that many of the participants are in it to win it! They have been training and practicing their whole lives to get to the top of the box in this sport, and when 18

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someone gets in the way of that dream, the results can be dangerous. Vince came out of the incident scottfree. He wasn’t fined and he wasn’t suspended. He was simply warned that the AMA was going to be watching him…. big deal… I don’t agree with Weston’s actions although I think rubbing is racing. Taking some of the aggressive tactics out of the sport would be a disservice to the sport. Giving a guy an elbow in a turn, or taking out his front wheel to make a pass is nothing new. It’s racing and should be looked at it as such. Getting up from an incident and pummeling a guy for doing that is not racing, but I respect the passion anyways. It’s always easy to sit on the sidelines and judge someone, but we are not privy to the sacrifices these riders make on a daily basis just to participate. Weston’s reaction was wrong, but it shows me that he really wants to win.

In the end Weston was fined $5,000.00 and suspended for a race. I think the fine would have been enough to get the message across. Keeping in mind that many of these riders are way underpaid compared to a professional baseball player that makes millions for throwing a ball. The risk level doesn’t even compare in my mind. If Vince isn’t going to be fined for taking Weston out of 2 races in the same night, Weston shouldn’t be suspended. Hopefully Weston can bounce back from this and get in front of Vince for the remaining rounds. I’m pretty sure he will come back ready to race and will be looking to get a little revenge. My guess is it’s going to come from his results instead of his fists! Check out FOX SPORTS for all the upcoming rounds of Supercross for 2016. It’s sure to be an entertaining season of racing!

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Road Trippin’ By Hyway

So far we have staged a gallant fight against the strong hold of ‘Old Man Winter. At times things looked a little “IFFY” and the war isn’t over but the enemy is showing signs of weakening. The days are gettin’ longer and victory is beginning to favor our side as we make plans for another year of Daytona Bike Week and the official beginning of another great year of ridin’ the countryside. As the country emerges from the winter deep freeze it’s time to make ridin’ plans for the months without “R”. Time to put together a game plan and decide where you’re gonna go, Check your gear, get all the yearly maintenances done on your scoot, etc. But as we all know, ridin’ a motorcycle, even under the best of conditions is a risky venture and because a motorcycle offers no personal protection, nada, none! You can’t roll up the windows, lock the doors, and call 911 if you find yourself in an unfriendly situation. You’re in the open and even getting off your bike takes forever when you are in a hurry. Think about it, the last time you were ridin’ with someone and they accidently dropped their bike, in a parking lot or something. Remember how long it seemed to take to get off your bike and get to them? Now let’s say your choice of lodging while touring is camping. A tent or pop-up camper doesn’t offer you any protection from animals or bad guys either. It’s either flight or fight and depending on the circumstances flight ain’t always an option. ‘Bout the only defense you have when riding a bike is what you can do to protect yourself in the moment. If, like me, you’re in the so called “Golden Years” the self-defense thing is extremely 20

Have Gun ...Will Travel limited. Might be time to think about HOWEVER and this is a HUGE HOWEVER gettin’ an equalizer, to kinda even things if you get caught in Mexico or Canada, up a little. best give your heart to God, because you’re bottom side will belong to them! Now please folks, understand I’m not Don’t do it, don’t even think about it! advocating havin’ a quick draw shoot The number one thing stopping me from out in the middle of Main Street at high riding from Florida to Alaska is the fact noon, I’m just saying it might be to your that I can’t carry through Canada. advantage to be prepared in case of an Hey folks if you like the high quality of emergency. We are blessed here Florida this magazine, let our sponsors know, that our lawmakers understand the drop your cash at their shop. need and the right of a citizen to protect themselves and stand their ground. If Keep the wind in your hair and the sun to you choose to get a concealed carry your back. Catch ya at the next gas stop. permit and take “Cousin Roscoe” along Have a question or comment? on your next out of state road trip there are a few things you need to know. First Drop me a line at: off there are just too many laws for hywayrebel@gmail.com any human to learn when it comes to carrying a gun in the different states, best advice DON’T BE STUPID! For some “General Information” restriction, laws and condition log onto: www. freshfromflorida.com, click on concealed weapon. The majority of the “Legal” information in this article was obtained from that site. You can even have a “Live” online chat with a real person from the Florida Department of Agriculture to get your questions answered. Or call the Florida Department of Agriculture at: (850) 245-569. As of the writing of this article, there are 33 states that recognize Florida permits, AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, DE, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, and WY. As for the other 17 states, all I can say is if you had to use your gun in a self-defense situation whether against a person or animal, I honestly believe it is better to be judged by twelve then carried by six. As for myself, like my plastic money, I would never leave home without it. As far as carrying in National Parks and forests, it is legal to carry as long as you have your concealed permit. Now there is one other major concern you need to consider. If you have a Florida permit and you get caught carrying or using a fire arm in a state that does not have a reciprocal agreement with Florida, you might have a fighting chance in our courts, like I said it is my opinion that it’s better to be judged then carried…

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Motorcycle Events

SAT - Feb 6 - Tampa - 11th ANNIVERSARY L.A.M.A. TAMPA $10 donation includes dinner plate. Vendors, Music, Bike Show, Games. Teamsters Union Hall @ 5818 E Dr MLK Jr. Blvd. Info: Johnny 813-299-4482 SAT - Feb 6 - Zephyrhills - Music & Motorcycles 4-9pm, Bike Show, Vendors, Food, Drink and Live Music. Info: 813-780-1414 SAT - Feb 13 - Cape Coral - DOING IT FOR THE CHILDREN POKER RUN 10am Dixie Roadhouse, 1023 SE 47th Terrace. $15 Rider/$5 Pass. Raffles, Live Music, Food, Games. Benefits Ronald McDonald Charities. Info: 239-223-0023 SAT - Feb 20 - Moore Haven - 7TH ANNUAL PARTY UNDER THE BRIDGE 101 Ave J. Rain or Shine. Music, Bike Shoiw, Car Show, 50/50, Food & Drink. Lawn Mower Pulls!


SAT – Feb 20 – Naples – Relay for Life Poker Run & Pig Roast 5091 Tamiami Trail East. 9AM Breakfast, Pig Roast and Live Music at Twisted Spoke Saloon. Kickstands up 10:30AM. $25 Rider/$15 Passenger. $10 Dinner Only. Info: Marva 239-682-3515. SUN - Feb 28 - Lehigh Acres - KATI’S MONTHLY SUNDAY PARTY AT MUGS N JUGS Games, Food, Music and more. 5512 ith Street West. Info: Kati 239-246-3045 SAT - Feb 27 - Gibsonton - 9TH ANNUAL POKER RUN FOR THE HALEY HOUSE Food, Entertainment, 50/50, Raffles, Auctions & Vendors. KSU 10:45 @ Moose Lodge - 9000 Honeywell Rd. $15 donation includes Chip, Hand, Meal, and raffle ticket. Info: TC 813-299-3792 FRI-SUN Mar4-13 - Daytona Beach BIKE WEEK 2016 Info: www.officialbikeweek.com

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SAT - Mar 12 - Fort Myers - Fort Myers Bike Night Music, Vendors, Food, and more. Downtown is “motorcycles only” for the biggest bike night in Southest Floirda. 6-10pm. See ad this issue. THU-SUN - Apr 21-24 - Leesburg - 20TH ANNUAL LEESBURG BIKEFEST The BIGGEST bikefest in the state! It’s a non-stop party in downtown with vendors, music, food, drink, and much more. Info: www.Leesburgbikefest.com. Submission Deadline 10th of Month mailbox@gofarmag.com MORE EVENTS LISTED ONLINE AT: WWW.GOFARMAG.COM

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Kruisin With Kati By Kruisin With Kati

February Riding

I’m betting you all have had an issue with your computer or laptop at one time or another, right? It totally stinks when you’re trying to get some work done and then you notice something isn’t right. Well how about keying along then you see that there are lots of letters missing. I had that happen to me in December, drove me nuts! The A,S,D & F just quit working, try sending out emails or messages without those letters and see what ya get. After having no luck with the high pressure air blower, I went out and bought a wireless keyboard to lay on top of my laptop keyboard, worked great until I needed to go to another room with my laptop. What a hassle carrying extra parts from one location to another in order to not have to go sit at the desktop. Ok, this gets better and I want to share that with you. There is a business here in LaBelle called Technology Solution Services. Let me tell ya, I would recommend this guy, Juan Carlos Castillo, if you have computer issues. I had no idea that a keyboard on a laptop can be replaced and it didn’t cost me a fortune! And I didn’t have to leave it to be worked on, I was able to wait on it and the whole thing probably took 15 minutes. I’ve been through nightmares with this thing so this guy really made me smile. I’m a happy camper this go around. Tell ya what else makes me a happy camper and that’s getting a nice long ride in. It wasn’t as long as what I was hoping for but never the less it was a fun one. Tom and I took a ride up to Port Charlotte to Black Widow HarleyDavidson to see some friends, all back roads of course. What a day to go, it was overcast which wasn’t bad but it slowly turned to a cold drizzle for the ride home. That is still ok with me because it felt like 24

old times in the saddle. Take off for a ride and see how far ya make it before getting rained on. I remember those days and they were always fun for me, hubby for the most part can always do without getting wet. I will admit that the cold rain wasn’t as much as fun as the warm sunny day showers. Gosh I remember one time riding home from Crystal River and it got to pouring so hard that I had to point my fingers out straight to avoid the piercing pain of the raindrops to my knuckles. And one time it was so cold and wet when we rode to Leesburg for bikefest we had to hop straight into the shower once we checked into our room just to thaw our bodies out. Riding makes so many memories and each ride is what you make of it. Talking about riding, I gotta hand it to all those riders that braved the weather on our January Downtown Ft Myers Bike Night! I know most of you got soaked going home and some probably about got blown off the road. A special thank you to those that helped me get my booth stuff packed up and a special thank you to the safe keeper of my cameras. The last time we had this type of weather for bike night was about 4 years ago and even then tornado warnings weren’t issued. Wow what a wet mess we had this go around. Magazines were soaked and tables and tents were blowing over

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on First Street. Meanwhile over in Cape Coral, homes were losing their roofs. I’m not sure how much a tornado can effect ones thinking but on my way home I even saw a rider going east on a west running one way street. OMG I didn’t know what to do, first thought was go after him, he even went right in front of the cars coming toward him. Freaked me out big time. As I sat there at the stop sign trying to figure out what I could do to get him out of there he finally pulled to the side of the road that was less traveled… what does one do in this kind of situation? I sure hope he made it home ok. Here are a couple suggested events to attend in February if you can. First is the 13th – an event benefiting the Children of Ronald McDonald House sponsored by Ronin RC of Ft Myers. Poker run starting at Dixie Roadhouse in Cape Coral. The other event is the every so popular Party Under the Bridge in Moore Haven on the 20th. Well that’s about it for me. Keep the rubber side down and never ride faster than your angel can fly! Hugs, Kruisin With Kati… Check it out, look who is sitting on my bike  BTW Congratulations to the elves of the Adopt A Family Program for hosting another fun meaningful event!! See you again next year!


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Ft Myers Bike Night Jan 9th

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