GoGirlMgz August 2019

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August 2019



Volume 1 • Issue 3





12 Silver Lining

RACHEL HOLLIS Dubbed the “Tony Robbins Motivational Speaker for Women,” Mrs. Rachel Hollis is one VERY busy badass. And, she’s here to remind you what you’ve known all along.

36 Renegades Write the Rules

BABY LIBERTY Follow the worldtraveling chronicles of our first-ever, on-the-go GoBaby who’s making new friends, melting hearts, and making it her mission to wipe out pediatric malnutrition along the way!

The ultimate goal-digger, this fearless, hardworking woman had a passion for the human condition, while helping others achieve their own dreams of success. And, it paid off.

48 Heavy Metal

Channel Your Inner Disco Queen with the Must-Have Metallic Fashion Trend of 2019

64 The Making of a Mogul

DEBORAH ALESSI Deborah Alessi made a life-changing career change to focus on healing and helping those victimized by dehumanizing and unspeakable acts of violence.

How this Self-professed Introvert Found Her Voice and Helped Millions of Women Find Theirs

BEAUTY 72 A Big Beauty Breakthrough


FREE Subscription gogirlmgz.com Social Media @GoGirl_Mgz 4

This 60-year-old, First-time Entrepreneur Took her E-commerce Fashion Biz from ZERO to $500 Million in Just 6 Short Years!

| AUGUST 2019

Months after being named Revlon's Chief Financial Officer in January 2018, Debra Perelman breaks through the cosmetics glass ceiling at the beauty conglomerate as its first-ever CEO in its 86-year-old history.


This 103-Year-Old Woman Just Scored her Latest Gold Medal in Competitive Running and offers up a healthy dose of instant fitness inspo.



20 28


48 12






Hi All My GoGirls and GoGuys Too!

I founded GoGirl Worldwide over a decade ago, and I started with a big vision in mind. But at the heart of GoGirl I kept it pretty simple. I was determined to stay true to the mission and purpose, no matter who I teamed with or how large of an organization it became. I wrote a GoGirl Pledge that I wanted to always follow, and that I would share with all my GoGirls everywhere. I keep mine on my fridge and I read it all the time. “As a GoGirl I pledge to Go for my dreams, Go for my goals, Go for my passions, Go for my purpose and live life to the fullest every day. As a GoGirl I pledge to Go for giving, Go for sharing, Go for kindness, Go for caring and Pay-It-Forward in every way. GoGirl! Hopefully these words resonate with you. I hope you are inspired to truly live your life to the fullest, follow your purpose and passions and to pay-it-forward too. In giving, we really do receive. The joy that comes from lifting someone else up is one of the greatest feelings on this earth. I hope you are empowered and that your cup gets filled up every month by our magazine’s pages. And when your cup is overflowing with GoGirl power you’ll be effortlessly rubbing off positivity to everyone you meet! One of my passions is to make funny, inspiring videos. I love to make people laugh, and I love to tell colorful stories with my acting and filming. In the past I've made a funny video every week, but my work schedule became so busy that for several years I got away from making my weekly video for my YouTube channel. So last month I personally made a pact with myself and with my YouTube followers that I would once again make a funny video every Wednesday. I wasn’t sure exactly how I would find the time to do it, but I decided that I needed to do it! When I go too long without making my funny videos I start to get sad, and I feel like I’m not practicing what I preach with GoGirl. So…. I’m back!

Jennifer Murphy passion that you never knew you had until now. It’s never to late to start something new, or to restart something from the past. Why wait? Let’s GO! I hope you all love our magazine, and please share it with those you know who would also gain inspiration from reading our pages. Love you all,

Jennifer Murphy “GoGirl”

Founder/CEO - GoGirl Worldwide Magazine

Jen’s GoGirl tips: Remember to let your inner kid come out. Remember to play. Ask yourself, what would I do if I had more time? And then evaluate the items on your plate that might not be necessary, and make room for a hobby or passion that you love and miss, or have always wanted to do! Put the GoGirl Pledge on your fridge or on your car’s dash!

Here is my video where I made the announcement!

Is there is something that you love to do but life has gotten in the way? What would you do if you were able to carve out some time for a passion or hobby that you really love? Think back to when you were a kid. What were some of the things you enjoyed doing? How did you play? Sometimes as adults we forget to play. We let our responsibilities rule our life. We need to be responsible, but let’s stretch ourselves to fit in time for our inner-child. Make time for FUN and PLAY! I’d love to hear from some of you about YOUR passion or hobby. Let me know if I’ve lit a fire under you to dust that hobby off and get it going again, or to discover a


Photo: April Bennett

I hope you have been loving the pages of GoGirl Worldwide Magazine! Thank you to all of you who have let us know that you’ve been moved and inspired by our articles, stories and even the ads! Our goal is to bring empowerment to all aspects of your life, and to encourage you to in-turn pay-it-forward to other girls and women. There’s NOTHING we can’t do when we join forces and GoGirl! And there’s a lot that needs to be done, so we’d better get going!

| AUGUST 2019

Follow Jen on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. She makes funny and empowering videos every Wednesday! @JenniferMurphyGoGirl

Founders Jennifer Murphy | Rachel Medina



Jennifer Murphy

Rachel Medina



Dennis Igoe

Megan Ramos



Daneen San Pedro

Viral Video Media


Nicole Gratson


Adrian Soto


Megan Ramos


Mike Roberts Don DiCostanzo


Adrian Soto CO N TAC T

Office (877) 334-7972 | E-mail ads@GoGirlMgz.com Social Media @GoGirl_Mgz COV E R

Image Courtesy of msrachelhollis.com PHOTO CREDIT:


“Women Empowering Women through Events | Magazines | Products | & Giving� The GoGirl Brand is built by women, for women, and specializes in creating content and experiential opportunities for empowered woman, to empower others across the country with their story and GoGirl mission. GoGirl Magazine, LLC. is not affiliated with any other publishing company and is a digital community complimenting the family of GoGirl events, products, services and its foundation. Copy Right GoGirl Magazine, L.L.C., 2019

The team at GoGirl Worldwide Magazine browse the web and social media for ordinary women doing extraordinary things in their lives, communities, and careers. We then spotlight these women each month and bring forward images and content shared by these women online and on their social media accounts. GoGirl Worldwide Magazine takes no credit for images and/or content shared by these women in their public domains and makes every attempt to publish the source of the images used on our website GoGirlMgz.com, our social media accounts and in our monthly magazine. If a photo has been published by GoGirl Worldwide Magazine that has inaccurate photo credits, please contact us immediately with the proper credits at editorial@gogirlmgz.com. If we have shined our bright pink spotlight on you this issue or in a past issue, thank you for being a GoGirl who inspires us all.


PUBLISHER’S NOTE: I begin with a huge THANK YOU for visiting GoGirl Worldwide Magazine and supporting the awesome women we are spotlighting in this, and every issue. As I work with our team to identify GoGirls to spotlight in our magazine and on our social media, I often find a common thread that many of these powerhouse women share, and that’s that they are fueled by the desire to give to others in a big way. Some give advice through story telling that will help a person get through the day. Others provide tools to overcome challenges in their relationships or careers. Some GoGirls create billion dollar businesses that solve our day to day problems or create services that make things so much more convenient to find, buy, or learn. All in all, one thing is clear; to be a GoGirl is to look within yourself and identify the things that make you uniquely you. It could be your sense of style and glam, or your choice to live authentically in jeans and a fresh face. Maybe you have experienced loss in your life and found a way to overcome and rise above, or are simply the person who people can turn to when they are feeling down. Whatever the GoGirl in you looks like, feels like, comes from, or where she is going, know that the only difference between you and the GoGirls featured here, is the story you are telling yourself as to what is possible. My dear friend and business partner, Jennifer Murphy thought of GoGirl over 10 years ago, and even made attempts to create a business from the idea. She had ups and downs and even gaps of time between each win. However, the one brilliant thing she did was never give up on GoGirl! She found ways to make ends meet while keeping her eye on the bright pink target that was GoGirl. Every friend and influential person she met, she told them about GoGirl. Eventually, her faith and determination and relentless enthusiasm for GoGirl led her to the right people who believed in the mission of the brand and signed up to help Jennifer with the heavy lifting. From one woman’s vision 10 years ago, to a team of 9 talented women and men, GoGirl Worldwide Magazine is a dream manifested.

Rachel Medina Rachel Medina is a 20-year media and publishing veteran, GoGirl Worldwide Magazine Co-Founder, Public Speaker, and a serial Entrepreneur. She is also the host of a new Podcast and YouTube show launching this year called Rachel Unpacked “Unpacking Life’s Baggage Together” where she shares the life lessons and tools for success that she has learned as a parent, wife, business owner, and woman... along the way.

If you’re a woman who desires more from her life than where she is today, or is considering starting a business like the women in this issue, remember this one thing I learned a long time ago that shifted my business mind-set… “We over estimate what we can accomplish in a year and underestimate the massive success we can accomplish in ten.” — Tony Robbins You GoGirl.! Sincerely,

Rachel Medina GoGirl Worldwide Magazine | Publisher | Partner


| AUGUST 2019

SOCIAL MEDIA: @rachelmedina101 Online: RachelMedina.com

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Photo courtesy The RealReal Julie Wainwright, founder and CEO of The RealReal

Silver Lining: This 60-year-old, First-time Entrepreneur Took her E-commerce Fashion Biz from ZERO to $500 Million in Just 6 Short Years!

If the year on your birth certificate is stopping you from chasing a new dream, revisiting an old idea, making a career change — or a career comeback — take a page out of this inspirational GoGirl’s playbook and make it happen! It’s never too late to live the life you deserve, even if you’re starting from scratch.

own business. She was always the whiz kid hired to get a company into financial high gear. After some soul-searching and deep, personal introspection, the proverbial lightbulb lit up.


n November 2000, successful CEO of Pets.com, Julie Wainwright, was forced to pull the plug with the pet e-commerce superstore she helped catapult to IPO status just hours after her husband unceremoniously asked for a divorce. And, you thought you were having a bad day! Following the untimely demise of both her professional and personal lives, Wainwright took solace in much-needed self-care, spending her days and nights focused on getting fit and painting to quell the pain. During the next few years, Wainwright found herself dodging a slew of uninteresting and equally uninspiring CEO gigs, but eventually settled for a position in venture capital. Growing increasingly unfulfilled and bored by her new endeavor, she knew she had to take charge of her own fate. “I had to finally say nobody is going to give me my dream job, so I better figure it out myself.” As Pets.com CEO, Wainwright was not a founder of the collapsed e-commerce enterprise, and never owned or operated her 14

| AUGUST 2019

She had recalled being intrigued by a close girlfriend who absolutely loved to shop for secondhand designer duds from a trusted boutique owner who specialized in highend, luxury brands. With her long-held career as a CEO and e-commerce expert, Wainwright began rigorously researching the online fashion market and discovered the market for luxury items in the United States was bringing in a whopping $50 billion annually with speculative future growth AND an opportunity for disruption. BINGO! So, Wainwright found herself rummaging through her closet, finding 80 luxury items she could easily re-sell. And, in 2011, the RealReal was born – an e-commercebased marketplace for luxury, secondhand goods. The RealReal deals with legendary, luxury-based brands, such as Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Cartier, and more. Consignors can earn up to 70% off the items they sell, while the RealReal takes care of in-home authentication, pick-up, and shipping costs. With an impressive $10 million in revenue within its first year, the RealReal pulled more than $500 million in sales in 2017. The RealReal currently staffs over 950 people.

That was the easier part. The next? Not so much. Already in her mid-fifties by this time, Wainwright bravely sought venture capitalists in male-dominated Silicon Valley, pitching to 20-30 -something men at the helm of the Pets.com meltdown, which just added fuel to an already-growing fire. “It was really, really hard. I didn’t have success until I reached a woman.” Imagine that. Eventually, the mid-life fervent fashion

entrepreneur was able to procure the capital she so ardently sought, and to the fashionable tune of $173 million! The capital came from a total of 22 investors during seven rounds of grueling fundraising. So, since that awful day way back in November 2000, it’s pretty safe to say Wainwright has since made a major career comeback. “Failure is ultimately liberating. Once you come out the other side, you might have faced one of your biggest fears and lived to tell it...That's an amazing gift."


“I had to finally

say nobody is going to give me my dream job, so I better figure it out myself.�

For anyone at any age who is dreaming of beginning their dream business and who may need a motivational moment of sorts,

consider the following statistics. According to a CNBC small business survey of more 16

| AUGUST 2019

than 2000 small business owners, 30% of the entrepreneurs were between 55 and 64 years of age, while over 22% were 65 or older! How’s that for a silver lining?


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A Little

Follow the world-traveling chronicles of our first-ever, on-the-go GoBaby who’s making new friends, melting hearts, and making it her mission to wipe out pediatric malnutrition along the way!

Meet little Liberty.


nspired by another record-breaking, traveling tot, professional jet-setters and self-professed adventureseeking couple, Joby and Stephanie Weeks, wanted their newborn baby girl to not only experience firsthand as much of the world as humanly possible, but be the baby who would give back.


| AUGUST 2019

She’s probably the world’s youngest cosmopolitan, world-class traveler, having successfully visited 50 states within the first 43 days of her brand-new life. The youngest recipient of the 2020 edition of the All Fifty States Club, proud parents, Joby, 38, and Stephanie, 37 – ardent investors in the cryptocurrency (bitcoin), new energy technology, and nutritional supplement spaces, respectively – never imagined such an ambitious achievement for their newest family member. After all, the mere thought of contemplating such a seemingly painstaking pursuit would send most firsttime parents flying into a state of perpetual anxiety tinged with unrelenting disquiet. Read: the trials and tribulations of TSA mixed with a restless infant on a cramped, overbooked flight. Enough said.

A few weeks prior to giving birth to Liberty, Stephanie had read about the amazing story of Harper Yeats, the Canadian baby girl who had broken a world record by traveling to all 50 of the United States within the first 5 months of her life. About to burst at the seams with little Liberty, a 9-months pregnant Stephanie would find herself ruminating (and ruminating and ruminating) on Harper’s inspiring story – obviously more than she had planned.

A GoBaby is Born And, so on October 22nd in Galveston, Texas, baby Liberty was born at home via two midwives, a doula, two doctors, and all under the supervision of veteran politician Dr. Ron Paul (yes, THE Ron Paul). Like they say, there’s no rest for the weary, because within a short 24 hours, Stephanie had readily packed a few bags stuffed to the brim with baby basics, like bottles, blankies, diapers, onesies, and other baby must-have’s and she and little Liberty hit the open road in a rented RV headed for Cedar Rapids to meet her excited grandparents for the first time. With Joby off on another business excursion, Stephanie had a lot of drive time ahead of her – and a lot of time to reflect. It was during this new mom-and-new baby road trip that got Stephanie seriously considering crushing Harper’s roving record. Having continually traveled the world for both work and pleasure, this wouldn’t exactly be an impossible feat, plus the wanderlusting Weeks could introduce Liberty to all their family and friends all over the country along the way. Seemed like a sensible plan. Though Joby initially had reservations about his newborn baby girl embarking

on voyaging all over the country, plus not exactly digging undergoing yet another cross-country road trip, it didn’t take long for him to get on board – literally! The goal was 50 states in 50 days. They had this!

Weeks and Weeks of Wanderlust Stephanie and Joby have been traveling all over the world nonstop for more than a decade. Having crossed off one bucket list landmark and adventurous expedition after another, the globetrotting twosome has managed to visit 1,241 cities and 152 countries, most of which are eloquently documented on weeksabroad.com. Incredibly, they hadn’t spent more than a week ANYWHERE in the past 11 years! While 95% of their continuous travel is businessbased, they don’t forget to sprinkle in a little sightseeing here, back-packing there, and bike-riding over there, excitedly engrossing themselves in a variety of different cultures, lifestyles, and customs.


The Weeks’ motive for the mobile life is the invaluable education one receives when immersing oneself in different cultures and lands – one that a formal education simply cannot offer. Exposure to real-life experiences, enriching diversity, different languages, feasting on exotic foods, and interacting with interesting people offers unique perspectives, compassion, and global awareness – all lifelong values they wish to instill in little Liberty. And, all without getting stuck in the proverbial rut and routine-onrepeat way of life. Every day is different and there is no rush - just savoring every second of their blessed life is what means most to Joby and Stephanie. Plus, countless mementos, keepsakes, and tokens depicting all their travels await little Liberty to cherish as she grows up.

Mission Possible The Weeks trek virtually daily, either by air, rail, ship, car, and even submarine! Having recently purchased a private plane to avoid the woes and worries of journeying with an infant, like standing in long lines in the TSA and contending with exasperating fellow travelers, Joby insists traveling by car or rail are really the best ways to soak up as much of the splendor and stunning imagery of the land. “Rather than reading about Greece – go there…Our motto is go everywhere and do everything,” Joby tells The Gazette. We must mention, in a modest attempt to offset their continuous carbon footprint – and the side-eye glare from aggressive environmental activists – the Weeks mindfully purchased a prodigious hemp farm. Texas congressman, libertarian icon, and 24

| AUGUST 2019

obstetrician by trade, Ron Paul, which Joby was a staunch supporter, was personally requested to attend the birth of Liberty, hence her free-spirited name. This being one of the innumerable globetrotting tales, all accompanied by captivating photographs, memorabilia, and Instagramworthy videos filled with world-famous, historical landmarks and famous figures, like fellow serial investor and airline tycoon Richard Branson and others. Assiduous purveyors of health, fitness, and wellness, the Weeks depend on nutritionpacked supplements to fuel their jetlagfilled flights, road trips, rail rides, and other adventurous escapades – even baby Liberty gets child-safe supplements crushed in the contents of her bottle, unbeknownst to the wee wanderlust-er. Thus, the other goal for the world-bound, record-breaking baby. In all the countries and cites the Weeks visit, little Liberty gets to spend some time with orphaned children. Before Liberty was born, Joby had been involved with an exclusive nutrition product line, and so a portion of those proceeds go to children in orphanages all around the world. The mission is to wipe out malnutrition in every child, a worldwide epidemic that can be completely and easily eradicated. The Weeks are steadfast crusaders in helping humanity to break free from disease, the debilitating banking/debt structure, commercialized electricity, and pediatric malnutrition, just to name a few.

A Benevolent Baby Serves up Some Sweet Support Having realized a lot of their friends, family, and social media fans from all corners of

the globe would be following their voyaging ventures, Stephanie figured this could help affect powerful change. A sobering statistic shows 5 million children worldwide perish due to unnecessary malnutrition. To put it bluntly, that is one child every six seconds! With a precious newborn of their own, along with their impending globetrotting goal to break Harper’s record from the year before, this entire undertaking took on a whole new meaning for the Weeks. So, as they proceeded along their spontaneous jet setting travels, crossing off one state after another (with pics and dates dutifully attached for verification purposes!), they welcomed their social media followers to donate to reputable children’s charities. And, Liberty’s Lemonade was birthed as a fun, super sweet way to raise money for disadvantaged children.

As of this feature, little Liberty is growing up fast and has gone international. She’s now 8 months old and has since scratched off more covetous territories from her baby bucket list, including four continents and 31 countries. You go, baby GoGirl! To see where this onthe-move GoBaby and her amazing parents have been yesterday and where they’re jetsetting to tomorrow, be sure to follow little Liberty’s exclusive itinerary on Instagram @ liberty.weeks.

Bon Voyage, ‘Lil Liberty!

Mission Accomplished Having started in an oversized RV from Texas to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, up to Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma, then touching down in the northeastern states, with the remaining Midwest by last November, the final leg of Liberty’s voyaging ventures included flying to Portland, Oregon, driving to Washington, taking flight to Alabama, and concluding in what Mark Twain famously dubbed “the world’s most beautiful chain of islands,” Hawaii – on December 2nd and eight days ahead of schedule! “Young Liberty is the youngest member of the ‘All Fifty States Club’ for visiting all 50 by the time she was only 43 days of age,” club President Alicia Rovey confirmed. And, she’s just getting started! 25


Ho Be

RISE-ing to The Occasion

ow This Acting School Dropout ecame the Superstar of Her Own Show

Dubbed the “Tony Robbins Motivational Speaker for Women,” entrepreneur, top podcast host, social media influencer, twice New York Times bestselling author, doting mother of four, devoted wife/business partner, and founder/keynote speaker of the sold-out, female-forward RISE events, Mrs. Rachel Hollis is one VERY busy badass. And, she’s here to remind you what you’ve known all along.


nless you’ve been living under the proverbial rock the past few years, Rachel Hollis is a pretty big deal these days, especially amongst working women and aspiring entrepreneurs. The ultimate GoGirl with the girl-next-door looks, toothy smile, and California-cool attitude, this brilliant, unabashed self-help guru is the best friend you never knew you needed. The former event planner and lifestyle blogger who fearlessly posted an untouched, filterfree photo boldly baring her stretch-marked mid-drift, while casually posing in a bikini on a sun-soaked beach back in 2015, instantly garnered over 400k likes and social media star status. But, what many may not know, Hollis was already on the path to followership fame with her lifestyle and food blog, Chic Site, which she started years back before blogging was even mainstream or hip. Her 30

cheeky, direct, unapologetic approach to those seeking advice on beginning a business, finding their purpose, projecting positivity, manifesting goals/dreams, or affecting life change, has resonated with millions of like-minded women. Hollis asserts we’re the only ones responsible for our happiness — no one else.

Because #Lifehappens Granddaughter to Oklahoma cotton pickers and daughter of a Pentecostal preacher, Hollis, now 36, was born in small-town Weedpatch, California. After graduating high school one year ahead of schedule, she relocated to LA with the immediate goal of becoming a famous actress and subsequently marrying Matt Damon. Evidently, life had other plans for the starry-eyed goal-getter. After being offered a full-time, paying gig at Miramax Films where she had been interning, she officially dropped out of acting school. The next few years, she continued working in production, where she would eventually meet her husband Dave Hollis, CEO of her media company The Hollis Company and former Disney executive. Within a few years,

| AUGUST 2019 Photo: deadline.com

the creative duo broke free from the film industry and started Chic Events, an upscale, “glamorous” event planning company — all without any business model, just bravely trusting the process and taking it dayby-day. Hollis really, REALLY loved event planning, which led her to start her blog Chic Site, where Hollis wrote on a “mixed bag” of topics, including the building blocks of starting a biz from scratch, meal recipes, motivational quotes, self-help advice, and personal introspection. The site attracted the Food Network and thousands of followers seeking a daily dose of Zen while scrolling through their social feeds. However, it was when she posted that infamous, unfiltered snap on Instagram that her social followership blew up, solidifying her spot on the motivational map. A featured INC. Magazine’s 30 Under 30 entrepreneur and mom to four kids, Hollis relocated her brood to the ‘burbs just outside Austin, Texas where she began writing her first bestseller Girl, Wash Your Face. The bestseller — part memoir and part motivational advice, sprinkled with bits of bible invocations throughout — was followed by its highlyanticipated sequel, Girl, Stop Apologizing, another audacious, woman-to-women handbook that doesn’t disappoint, dishing up refreshingly funny, candid, inspirational stories about life, love, business, and lots of other fun stuff. 31

A RISE-ing Star

Tricks of the Trade

The cool, casual author, speaker, and

Hollis’ advice for women wanting to

podcast host, often photographed in ripped

begin their own business: “Don’t

jeans and tee with her signature red, tousled

follow in my footsteps. Blaze your

tresses cascading down her shoulders,

own trail.” Everyone has something

is a self-professed early bird. Habitually

unique about themselves they

rising at 5 am, Hollis relishes in spending the first 90 minutes of her morning time to meditate, journal, and practice the attitude of gratitude — all with a cup of joe in tow. Founder/CCO of growing media company, The Hollis Company, that she and her husband co-operate, offers the popular RISE female empowerment

can offer to the world. “Don’t do it like I do it. Do it like how you do it,” otherwise you do a grave disservice to your own ingenuity and creativity. Do YOU. The answers are within us. Rachel attests she is here to gleefully remind you of your potential. And,

events — the explosive, energetic, 2-day

if you’re building a business, the

intensive meet-ups where women from

savvy brand-builder suggests

everywhere converge for a weekend filled

knowing what your customers

with inspiration, motivation, real-life stories,

want, letting them guide you. Pay

no-nonsense, tough talk, and getting your

keen attention to your customers and

butt in high gear! The syllabus is easy.

provide accordingly.

The first day is about owning your past and the second day is about owning your future. These ladies-only conferences usually sell out weeks in advance. The Hollis

Although it had a slow start, Girl, Wash Your Face, released in February 2018, eventually shot up the New York Times Bestseller’s List, maintaining a spot in

Company serves to provide women with the

the top 10 in the U. S. for 7 months,

indispensable tools to achieve their goals in

selling more than 880,000 copies

both life and business, to be the best version

within the U. S. alone. It was the

of themselves every day, and to create

second-most popular book on

lasting, positive change.

Amazon.com in 2018. Photo: instagram.com


| AUGUST 2019

What’s next for the unstoppable businesswoman? Look for a clothing line exclusively-designed for QVC due out next spring, plus another bestselling-hopeful packed with more soul-stirring stories about women and health. You can follow this nonstop, no-nonsense GoGirl @msrachelhollis on both Instagram and Twitter and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ TheChicSite. Be sure to browse her juicy, femalefriendly, long-standing blog at www.thechicsite.com.

Photo: washingtonpostcom

Photo: USAtoday.com


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What’s On Your Bucket List? We’ve been traveling the world together for over a decade, now. Together, we’ve explored 160 countries and counting. Journey with us, here, on the adventure of a life time. Learn how you, too, can become a travel junkie. Discover the best places to see and grab inspiration from our Insider Guides regarding amazingly cool things to do.



Start making your own bucket list. Here we go. . .

This Hard-Hitting,



when social media was just beginning to take shape and advertisers saw the potential selling power the burgeoning platforms could provide.

Meet Amy Jo. A “Jill of All Trades,” this indomitable mover and shaker of all things brand-building has a brag-worthy resume. From podcaster, investor, keynote speaker, and Founder/CEO of Digital Royalty, one of the original, successful pioneers of social media agencies, Amy Jo can also add New York Times Bestselling Author to her list of illustrious accomplishments. The author of “Renegades Write the Rules” and formidable host of the “Why Not Me?” podcast, Amy Jo started Digital Royalty way back in 2009 38

| AUGUST 2019

In 2012, Zappos’ CEO Tony Hsieh and NBA star Baron Davis invested in the social media mastermind and her online, brand-building digital venture. Digital Royalty’s main mission was to help struggling corporations and prolific celebrities and sports figures “humanize” their brands through social media channels. Her infallible motto, “Humans connect with humans, not logos” has been her recipe for entrepreneurial success. Having worked with Hilton Worldwide, Dwayne, “The Rock,” Johnson, and basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal to effectively bring their brands some much-needed human connection, Amy Jo was ready to take on the unforeseen future and start paying it forward. Even though her revolutionary social media venture enjoyed a lucrative, seven-year run, and grew into 10 different countries, Amy Jo left the digital media agency in 2016 with an impressive, collective social media following of 1 million people, citing, “The future of technology is the future of humanity.” Today,

she regularly speaks to audiences as large as 10,000 people all over the world. Prior to dipping her curious toes into the mysterious social media waters and eventually diving head-first into the unexpected of the entrepreneurial world, Amy Jo worked for the Phoenix Suns during their 2005-2006 game season, when social media was an unfamiliar phrase. It was a grassroots effort at its finest.

helping other women thrive and excel in business leadership, while cracking the code for admittance to the elusive “boy’s club.” Recently, she launched Renegade Brand Bootcamp – an intensive, informationpacked, three-month training program tailored to help female founders, brand builders, business owners, would-be CEO’s, creators, innovators, investors, and entrepreneurs reach both their business and life goals, respectively.

Amy Jo is an on-going contributor to Harvard Business Review and Sports Business Journal and has been regularly profiled in legendary periodicals, such as Vanity Fair, Forbes, TIME Magazine, New York Times, Newsweek, Fast Company, and ESPN Sports Center.

As a hard-hitting, assertive female starting a career in a male-dominated industry, Amy Jo developed a personal passion for 39

Give the gift of MAGIC with FAO Schwarz® .

How this Scottish-born, Savvy Businesswoman is Photo: apsense.com

Paying it Forward to Victims of Violence

Aviation to aesthetics, Deborah Alessi previously worked in private aviation, flying to the uppermost ranks, before re-locating to the States where she

would make a life-changing career switch. This beautiful, benevolent businesswoman’s heartfelt story is sure to bring all the feels.

Photo: Faceforwardla.org


fter achieving an advanced degree in business management from Glasgow University, then subsequently moving to the Middle East to work for the Royal Family of Bahrain, Deborah Alessi soon soared to the upper echelon of the private aircraft company’s management team. The prestigious position afforded Alessi a steady stream of exposure to life’s finer things, including traveling to exotic cities and staying in the most lavish hotels, swag bags filled with sumptuous services and products, and refined, cosmopolitan etiquette. Eventually, Alessi re-located to the United States to select, acquire, and manage the aircraft arsenals for a number of famous 500 Fortune companies as well as private brands.

human trafficking, and other dehumanizing and unspeakable acts of persecution, Deborah, her husband David, and their growing team provide emotional support and reconstructive surgery procedures performed by Beverly Hills-based medical experts. Face Forward offers pro bono financial and social resources to survivors of violence who are considering undergoing cosmetic reconstruction while striving to help repair and rebuild the lives of the broken through professional counseling. A refuge for those inhumanely mistreated, Face Forward assists everyone — women, children, and men. Their full-service care package aids survivors by providing surgical and counseling visits, airfare, hotel accommodations, transportation, nursing aftercare, medications, and so much more.

“Face Forward will

not rest until it puts the brakes on domestic violence.”

Now CEO and co-founder of Beverly Hills-based Face Forward, a unique organization focused on healing and helping the hearts, minds, souls, and bodies of those victimized by domestic violence, abuse, 44

| AUGUST 2019

A truly transformative charity, past patients of Alessi’s philanthropic endeavor have gone on to become international advocates

Photo: instagram.com/faceforwardla/

Photo: Voyagela.com Photo: instagram.com/faceforwardla/

for human trafficking and domestic violence prevention, as well as international motivation speakers and even non-profit founders, creating an impactful domino effect of “paying it forward.”

worldwide, as well as other charitable initiatives. According to one journalist, “Deborah Alessi insists Face Forward will not rest until it puts the brakes on domestic violence.”

Alessi employs her past expertise in shrewd businessmaking, luxury skincare, and global goodwill to positively restore the Photo: Faceforwardla.org mental health and physical aesthetic of those adversely affected by the cruelest criminal acts. Deborah and her husband David have served as both board members and benefactors for several non-profits

To learn more about Deborah and her wonderfully compassionate charity and/ or how you can David and Deborah Alessi help, please visit FaceForwardla.org. As a benefactor, you’ll contribute in the undying mission to support victims of violence, helping them to find a new face — Photo: Faceforwardla.org and a new beginning. 45

Your City, ST www.pedego.com

If you’re a fearless fashionista who lusts after labels and catwalk-worthy trends, you’ll fall in love with this year’s shimmering, shiny metallic must’s to make over your winter wardrobe and add a little sparkle to your style. From simplistic subtlety to sassy, statement-making, there’s a piece and a place for everyone.


| AUGUST 2019

From sneakers to skirts to purses to pumps, the key to rocking the luminous look without resembling a space cadet is to keep it to one “accent” piece per ensemble. Check out our “out-of-this-world” picks:

SKIRT Flash some gold (and some skin) with a high-waisted pencil mini-skirt paired with a basic, white tee or sleeveless v-neck top. Top it off and protect your peepers with some sexy sunnies.

SWEAT SHORTS Athleisure wear is here to stay, so why not flaunt your sculpted stems with a pair of gorgeous gold or silver sweat shorts and your favorite cropped, off-the-shoulder sweatshirt? Take chic, sexy loungewear to the next level.

SHOES Dorothy had her ruby-red, sparkling slippers, so why not sport some party-perfect, green metallic pumps to your next soiree?


BOMBER JACKET It’s never a bad time of year to don a bomber jacket. Whether it’s paired over a tight spaghetti strap dress at night or added to your winter travel wardrobe, this lightweight bomber jacket in gold metallic is the perfect go-to for that sporty, sexy street style.

FAUX LEATHER LEGGINGS Rock that “model-off-duty” look with a pair of shiny metallic, vegan leather leggings or pants and a ripped, white tank or ripped rocker tee. Cover up with a cropped, distressed denim jacket for an instant, rockerchic edge.

PURSE Enough space for your phone, a lipstick, and car keys, a cute clutch of the metallic variety are all you need to go from desk to drinks in a flash.


| AUGUST 2019

CROPPED TROUSERS You’ll definitely get a leg up on the disco scene with a pair of cropped, silver trousers complemented with a simple, white camisole. For a more relaxed look, swap the cropped trousers for metallic, glossy ones and team with a loose-fitting tank.

SNEAKERS Hit the ground running with these super-shiny kicks that will elevate leggings, workout wear, jeans, jumpsuits, skirts, or dresses.



| AUGUST 2019



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103-Year-Old Marathon Runner


Photo: usatoday.com | Brit Huckabay, AP

A true testament to the age-old (no pun intended) adage, “Age is just a number,” this age-defying mother of four, grandmother of three, and great-grandmother of three, turned to running three years ago, at the seemingly youthful age of 100, when her competitive cycling hobby started becoming physically arduous due to the precipitous terrains and mountainous courses involved. No excuses for this medal maven.

Photo: espn.com

This sassy centenarian cyclist turned decorated sprinter offers up a healthy dose of instant fitness inspo. Fittingly dubbed “the Hurricane,” 103-yearold Julia Hawkins of Louisiana set a world record with her 100-meter dash at the 2017 Senior Games. And, in the series’ recent 2019 games in Albuquerque, she won gold medals in both the 50-meter dash and 100-meter dash in the women’s 100-plus category. This fierce, fit female is showing no signs of slowing down. 60

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Her secret to attaining AND sustaining that enviable stamina? “I just keep busy. I keep moving…I don’t do exercises, particularly. I used to, but I don’t think I need to anymore… I’ve always been careful about how I eat… [I eat] healthy and keep my weight at a certain point.” Hawkins attributes much of her physical fitness to gardening around her home in Louisiana. Inside her home, her doting husband keeps her gold medal collection in a special box, with some displayed throughout their house. Hawkins is the oldest female cyclist to compete on an American track, according to the National Senior Games Association, the non-profit that hosts the annual Senior Games. On prepping for the possibility of her next race, she tells Good Morning America, “You never know. When you’re 103, every day is a miracle. I just keep getting up and I’m here again.” Hhhmmm…sure does sound a lot like another famously familiar slogan. ‘Just do it.’ Looks like this GoGirl’s golden years are full of, well, gold!

Photo: espn.com

Photo: WomensRunning.com

Photo: prevention.com

Photo: YouTube.com


The Making of a

Photo: forbes.com

Mogul How this Self-professed Introvert Found Her Voice and Helped Millions of Women Find Theirs

As a personal pledge to her late, maverick grandmother, 32-yearold Harvard graduate and CEO/Founder of career and community -building app Mogul, Tiffany Pham made it her life’s mission to find work that was globally meaningful, empowering, and transformative.

Mogul, an online platform and app originally designed to help women expand their community, meet like-minded women, and embolden their career prospects, has exponentially morphed into a multifaceted, multi-media company with a user base of more than 30 million women in 196 countries in just a few short years. Inspired by her giving grandmother who successfully operated several philanthropic businesses across Asia and who was the first female ever to drive a car in Vietnam, Pham promised herself to follow in her grandmother’s bold, pioneer-like footsteps, dedicating her life to helping others realize/achieve their goals, no matter how seemingly challenging, daunting, or trepidatious. Humble (and Bashful) Beginnings

A lifelong, ardent admirer of female-driven television shows and their respective indomitable heroines, like I Love Lucy, 66

| AUGUST 2019

Gilmore Girls, and Friends, it’s of no coincidence Pham eventually found herself immersed in media and pop culture to cultivate a connection with her American surroundings. After completing her first year in the esteemed MBA program at Harvard, painfully shy Pham returned to Plano, TX where you grew up, vowing, “I couldn’t let a single moment in my life ever go by again with regret…I always had to speak up, be part of the conversation, make sure to raise my hand and share my voice.”

“Keep in m

“no” is ju right now easily tur emphatic hard wor persevera self-disco

So, in 2014, upon graduating from Harvard and before officially launching Mogul, the bashful, yet brainy, businesswoman-to-be held an impressive number of ambitious, media-based gigs – from director of business development and strategic initiatives and partnerships at CBS to co-founder of the Beijing International Screenwriting Competition to film producer/ investor with NYC Film Productions. Shortly after landing on Forbes’ distinguished 30 Under 30 list in 2014, Pham’s inbox instantly flooded with emails from women all over the world inquiring

about career advice and exalting her as their role model for work success. And, boom, Mogul was born. An Entrepreneur Who Means Business

A self-taught coder, precocious Pham built a very primitive, self-proclaimed “ugly” version of Mogul and sent it to a couple of thousand women whom she befriended through emails. Within seven short days, the site grew to more than one million users, recently launching its brand-new, way “prettier” app worldwide.

mind, a ust a “not w” that can rn into an c “yes” with rk, patience, ance, and overy.”

A “Jill of all Trades,” Pham also authored two books since launching her superwoman site, You Are a Mogul: How to Do the Impossible, Do it Yourself, and Do it Now and Girl Mogul: Dream It, Do It, Change the World. In addition to all the female-empowering perks, the online platform is also partnered with some famously successful females, whom Pham aptly dubs “Mogul Mentors,” like Madeline Albright, Katie Couric, Margaret Cho, and Rebecca Minkoff among others. With a staff of 40 employees and growing, pro-woman Mogul also licenses software to Fortune 500 companies, including IBM and Ultimate Software, with the intent to help attract a diverse, driven talent pool, while working toward a more level playing field, like equal

pay and opportunity within the workforce. A continuous slate of self-help, “finding your purpose” based webinars featuring notable guest entrepreneurs are also offered to Mogul members and is just a snippet of the fringe benefits aspiring business women can take away from the hugely resourceful platform. A Site with Star Power

Coming September, 1,500 goal-getting gals will descend upon the concrete jungle of NYC for a month of exclusive money-making and goal-setting sessions headed by keynote speaker and money maven Suzie Orman. The finance and goal guru who recently joined Mogul’s board of advisors lauded, “I knew her [Pham’s] goal was to transform women and their lives, especially young women. And, I loved that because that doesn’t exist today. It’s always a woman angle, and this wasn’t so


much an angle. This was a true desire for her to do something.” Tiffany's Top Two Secrets for Success

If there’s one thing Pham is not shy about, it’s being transparent and forthcoming about her personal secrets to career and business success, especially for her fellow introverts and/or those looking to find their voice. Here are two timeless tips to help you nix nerves regarding networking and asking for more money: • Take the paralyzing thought of “networking” out of the equation and replace with “fostering friendships.” From a friendship, a partnership can emerge. You’ll always find camaraderie and full-fledged friendships at the core of any successful collaboration. 68

promotion. Easier said than done, right? Here’s a strategy that will prove to be a surefire way of scoring that extra money and/ or position upgrade. Ask for the promotion six months BEFORE you really need it and work your way backward. This way, if the answer is “no,” you have six months to hit your many milestones of accomplishments

Looks like the GoGirl gene runs in the Pham family of fierce females — and for all the right reasons.

• At work, don’t be afraid to ask for a | AUGUST 2019

Photo: vulcanpost.com

Photo: WeWork

you can present to your employer. Plus, the initial meeting is a great way to “break the ice” and forge an effective line of communication with your boss. Keep in mind, a “no” is just a “not right now” that can easily turn into an emphatic “yes” with hard work, patience, perseverance, and selfdiscovery.

Photo: lionnessmagazine.com


Revlon Appoints its First Female CEO —

Merely months after being named Chief Financial Officer in January 2018, Debra Perelman breaks through the cosmetics glass ceiling at the beauty conglomerate as its first-ever CEO in its 86-year-old history.

Forty-five-year-old Perelman, daughter of long-time Revlon billionaire, Ronald Perelman, will replace the beauty giant’s former CEO, Fabian Garcia. Garcia resigned earlier last year after only two short years into the challenging role amid struggling to boost the flailing iconic beauty brand’s diminishing revenue.


| AUGUST 2019

In recent earnings, Revlon saw net sales decline, reporting losses totaling $61.7 million, almost $20 million more than its losses in the first quarter of 2017. Perelman believes the brand is suffering due to its lack of strategic influencer marketing power — an effective marketing trend that cosmetics competitors, such as L’Oreal and

Estee Lauder, who’ve acquisitioned younger, influencer-based brands like Urban Decay and Too Faced, respectively, have seen much success with. Founded in 1932 by brothers Charles and Joseph Revson as simple nail polish supplier before expanding into a full line of makeup, hair care, and skincare essentials, Revlon was acquired by billionaire businessman Ronald Perelman’s investment firm MacAndrews & Forbes in 1985 and owns nearly 87% of Revlon and its classic sister brands Elizabeth Arden and Almay. Despite its predominantly female customer base, the brand has never appointed a female CEO until now. Dismissing nepotism played a factor in her rise to her new executive role, Perelman insists her twenty years of dedicated, illustrious experience in strategic, leadership roles at both Revlon and MacAndrews & Forbes awarded her the prestigious position. “I have a good sense of the company and obviously the business itself,” she tells Fast Company. Perelman began working for Revlon in 1998, becoming a board member in 2015.

Photo: Debra and Ronald Perelman | philanthropy.com

needed to level the playing field with Revlon’s more successful rivals. Perelman hinted at a complete overhaul of its digital marketing mission and content trajectory. As COO, she wanted to ramp up the company’s overall digital presence, while expanding its e-commerce footprint. As


erelman understands she has her work cut out for her and realizes an immediate, imperative shift in innovative, strategic marketing is what’s

the cosmetics company new CEO, Perelman plans on continuing those ambitious efforts by implementing an exclusive data and analytics group and investing in a creative, in-house content team. 75

“We’re in a position where we have a beauty company that really thinks about women and puts women at the forefront of what we do in the market, in terms of our messaging, and I believe that having it be run by a woman is incredibly exciting…I think this is another first for the company that I’m really honored to be a part of.” — Debra Perelman. As of 2019, just twenty-four women head Fortune 500 companies. Surprisingly, women placed at the helm of beauty companies are shockingly rare, as rivals L’Oreal and Estee Lauder – two of the largest beauty companies - are represented by men. Conversely, Avon had been led by women for years, including former CEOs Sheri McCoy and Andrea Jung, and now Jan Zijderveld.

We congratulate Debra on her exciting, unprecedented role and look forward to what’s in store for the legendary beauty brand. Good luck, GoGirl! 76

| AUGUST 2019


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