Active and Healthy Program

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Introduction to Active & Healthy

14 37 44 54 58

Obesity Prevention Australia

Gold Coast Parks & Parks Alive Get Healthy Weekend Experiences Activities for Everyone Activities for Active Ageing Activities for Children Vibe Youth Activities for Parents

Street Meet Great Parks for Fitness Get Active Gold Coast Healthy Communities Initiative

’s at E Wh SID IN

CONTENTS 59 62 63 65 69 70 71 72 74

Activities for People with Disabilities

61 70 73 75 76

Volunteering Gold Coast

Walking on the Coast Running on the Coast Naturally GC Aqua Botanic Gardens Sport & Recreation Active Travel Coastal Discovery

Broadwater Parklands Swap It Community Venues Just Walk Me

TESTIMONIALS Since starting 2 years ago the aqua classes have helped me recover from breast cancer and metastases. The $2 classes are great as I am on a pension. After being diagnosed with type two diabetes, the classes have helped me lose over 15 kilos and my health has improved greatly. Thank you. Stroller Group is a great way to regain health and fitness after giving birth in an environment that is inclusive of your new child and in an environment that is social and supportive – very important for being a new mum! – Currumbin Stroller Group I would just like to thank you for organising the Yoga & Meditation classes held on Wednesdays at Mudgeeraba. I am not young anymore and I find these classes most enjoyable and relaxing. Being on a pension, I can not afford many things anymore, and being able to attend these classes, particularly for free, has been extremely beneficial. I have been attending these sessions now for approximately 5 weeks and in that time, I have noticed a remarkable improvement on my general health and wellbeing. I also love the opportunity to meet new people and this is a wonderful initiative. Thank you again for organising such a wonderful activity. I am very pleased that our rates are being used for such a worthwhile program.

I am a regular participant of the Council sponsored Tai Chi at Burleigh Heads. I would like to thank you for funding the program as I thoroughly enjoy the exercises, Rod’s interesting comments and health tips as well as the friendship from the other participants. I used to have a lot of trouble with my breathing and this has now greatly improved. Thank you again for a really worthwhile program.

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ACTIVE&HEALTHY The Active & Healthy Program encourages all Gold Coasters to make being active part of their everyday lives. No matter what your activity and fitness level, the Active & Healthy Program can help motivate you to improve. Packed with benefits • free or low-cost activities • qualified and friendly instructors • activities to suit all ages and fitness levels • opportunities to meet new people and develop new interests

How to get involved • check out the calendar and find an activity that suits you

In this booklet, all activities subsided by the Active & Healthy Program are listed, as well as a range of affordable activities offered by external health and fitness professionals. Activities subsidised by Council are clearly identified with this symbol. For more information about Council’s Active & Healthy initiative please visit

• call the instructor if a booking is required • wear comfortable clothing and footwear, hat and sunscreen • bring along a towel, water bottle and any other equipment listed for your activity

Active & Healthy Ambassador Program Have you changed your life, improved your health or created a social network through an active and healthy activity? If so you could become an Active & Healthy Ambassador and share your story. If you’re passionate about an active lifestyle and helping the community please contact us at

How to get active & healthy How do I get started in the program? Want to start an activity but don’t feel you are fit or healthy enough? Remember, sessions cater to all ages and fitness levels and our trained instructors will ease you into the activity and make you feel comfortable and welcome. There are many different combinations of active and healthy activities to suit your fitness regime and help you exercise a range of muscles.

Top tips to get up, out and active Here are some tips to help you find the time to make physical activity fun and more enjoyable: • Make physical activity a part of your regular routine. Choose activities you will enjoy. That way you will be more likely to make it a permanent part of your lifestyle • Walk wherever you can, get off the bus early, take the stairs at work, park the car away from work, or even leave it at home • Use the activities and events calendar to find enjoyable physical activities happening near you. All are free or low-cost • Start slowly, progress gradually. Start with a 10-minute walk and gradually increase the time • Find out about walking and cycling paths nearby and use them • Don’t forget to balance physical activity with healthy eating to get the best results • Borrow a pedometer pack from your local library and count your steps. Aim for 10,000 steps a day

* Activities do not run on public holidays.

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PARKS ALIVE The Gold Coast has some of the best parks in Australia in the most amazing locations. There are over 2,000 parks to explore, from local neighbourhood playgrounds, amazing foreshore parks to stunning landscapes in the hinterland. There’s a natural playground to suit everyone, whether it’s to celebrate a special occasion, get fit, or to simply relax, unwind and soak up the great outdoors.

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Gold Coast Parks &

MOVIES & MUSIC IN THE PARK Looking for FREE entertainment? Why not check out what’s happening in a park near you this summer?

Movies under the stars Chill out or hang out at one of the many outdoor movie nights on offer right across the city. Pack a picnic or grab a bite from local vendors before settling in for a FREE movie in a great green environment. A night at the movies has never been so cheap!

The Gold Coast Parks website is jam-packed with everything you need to know about our parks. Visit our website to: • find your nearest park or sports field • book a park for a special occasion • find out what’s on • search for the best parks for kids, to take your dog, weddings, exercise and walking trails • find out about community gardens and how to get involved • see what kids’ activities are available in school holidays • find an Active & Healthy activity to suit you

ceive p to re Sign u tter to Newsle ew e ’ s k r GC Pa te on n p to da ts and keep u en ies, ev activit ws. est ne the lat

Local music live Get your groove on and head on down to a park near you for an afternoon of live sounds showcasing and supporting local musicians and our local music associations. Whether you like blues, jazz, acoustic or just appreciate good sounds and want to support our local musicians, there is something on offer for you.

Need more information? Want to know when, what, who or where? Program kicks off in September. To find out more visit for details.

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HEALTHY Our lifestyles can have a major impact on our health and wellbeing. Evidence shows that healthy eating and regular physical activity can help, or prevent, the onset of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The good news is, it is never too late to benefit from a healthy lifestyle. Healthy eating and being active is good for your health and good for you too. The sooner you start, the better you will feel. In this section there are a range of free and affordable healthyeating workshops, cooking classes and education programs on offer to get you started and on your way to becoming more Active & Healthy.

Healthy Eating Guidelines The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides information about the amounts and kinds of food that you need to eat each day to get enough nutrients for good health and wellbeing. There are five main food groups that provide our bodies all the nutrients you need.

The Five Food Groups • bread, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles • vegetables and legumes • fruit • milk, yoghurt, cheese • meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, legumes

Enjoy a variety of foods every day! Two Fruits & Five Vegies It is recommended you eat at least two serves of fruit and five serves of vegies every day. As a group, fruit and vegies are particularly rich in vitamins, minerals and contain other important nutrients such as folate, dietary fibre and potassium. Legumes (e.g. dried peas, beans, lentils and chick peas) contain protein and fibre. Fresh is best. When using canned and frozen fruit and vegetables, choose varieties without added salt or sugar.

How much is a serve? One serve of FRUIT is 150 grams of fresh fruit or:

Join us Get your body feeling great on the inside and join our healthyeating sessions and cooking demonstrations. They include information to help you confidently choose, prepare, cook and eat a great range of healthy food every day! For more information visit or

= 1 medium piece (e.g. apple)

One serve of VEGETABLES is 75 grams or:

2 small pieces (e.g. apricots)

= 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or cooked legumes

= 1 cup chopped or canned fruit

= 1 medium potato

1 cup salad vegetables

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Cooking Your Way to Good Health Bring new levels of health and wellbeing to your everyday life by learning how to cook delicious and healthy foods quickly and easily at home. You’ll have fun, save money and learn how to create foods that not only taste good, but are healthy too! The Active & Healthy Program is providing a whole range of free and low-cost healthy-cooking classes all across the city. Find one happening near you and start cooking your way to good health.

The Healthy Cooking Revolution – Make it, Eat it, Love it! Free.

Fresh over fast is the motto of The Healthy Cooking Revolution... it’s about connecting with the community, inspiring change in people’s food habits and promoting the mission for better food and education for everyone. With simple recipe ideas, nutrition advice and hands-on demonstrations, we can all rediscover how amazing healthy food can be. Mona Hecke is a qualified naturopath and nutrition specialist. With a true passion for inspiring everyone she meets to understand the importance of eating food in its natural state, Mona’s simple approach to good health with fresh ingredients will help every family rediscover the joy of cooking.

For library sessions bookings will be taken by the library hosting the activity. Please see details in the table below. Classes are conducted by Mona Hecke. For more information please contact 0410 111 115 email or visit thelunchboxrevolution.

Thurs 9 Aug 2012 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Sat 18 Aug 2012 10am to 11.30am

10-minute healthy dinners using seasonal vegetables

Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Bookings required Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

Fri 24 Aug 2012 10am to 11.30am

Healthy school lunches, including easy to make snacks

Nerang North Gold Coast Early Years Centre 40 Martin Street

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Mon 3 Sept 2012 10am to 11.30am

Healthy school lunches, including easy to make snacks

Labrador Baden Robin Park Billington Street (park next to hub)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 13 Sept 2012 9.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Arundel New Life Community Care New Life Food Barn, 16 Dunkirk Close

No bookings required

Sat 15 Sept 2012 10am to 11.30am

Super smoothies with super nutrients

Elanora Elanora Library, Pines Shopping Centre Guineas Creek Road

Bookings required Elanora Library (07) 5581 1671

Wed 19 Sept 2012 11am to 12noon

Healthy BBQ

Labrador Labrador Community Hub Billington Street

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Tues 25 Sept 2012 11am to 12noon

10-minute healthy dinners using seasonal vegetables

Upper Coomera Abraham Park Cnr Abraham & Reserve Roads (mobile library stop)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 11 Oct 2012 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Sat 13 Oct 2012 10am to 11.30am

Five wraps in five minutes

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Fri 19 Oct 2012 10am to 11.30am

10-minute healthy dinners using seasonal vegetables

Nerang North Gold Coast Early Years Centre 40 Martin Street

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Mon 5 Nov 2012 10am to 11.30am

Super smoothies with super nutrients

Labrador Baden Robin Park Billington Street (park next to hub)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 8 Nov 2012 9.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Arundel New Life Community Care New Life Food Barn, 16 Dunkirk Close

No bookings required

Sat 17 Nov 2012 10am to 11.30am

Five great salads in five minutes

Nerang Nerang Library Cnr Price and White Streets

Bookings required Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

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The Healthy Cooking Revolution Classes – Make it, Eat it, Love it! Continued… Wed 21 Nov 2012 11am

Healthy cooking on a budget

Labrador Labrador Community Hub Billington Street

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Tues 27 Nov 2012 11am to 12noon

Super smoothies with super nutrients

Upper Coomera Abraham Park Cnr Abraham & Reserve Roads (mobile library stop)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 13 Dec 2012 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Thurs 17 Jan 2013 9.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Arundel New Life Community Care New Life Food Barn, 16 Dunkirk Close

No bookings required

Fri 18 Jan 2013 10am to 11.30am

Cooking with your kids

Nerang North Gold Coast Early Years Centre 40 Martin Street

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Tues 22 Jan 2013 11am to 12noon

Five wraps in five minutes

Upper Coomera Abraham Park, Cnr Abraham and Reserve Roads (mobile library stop)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 14 Feb 2013 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Sat 16 Feb 2013 10am to 11.30am

Healthy school lunches, including easy to make snacks

Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Bookings required Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

Mon 4 Mar 2013 10am

Cooking with your kids

Labrador Baden Robin Park Billington Street (park next to hub)

Bookings required Mona Hecke 0410 111 115

Thurs 14 Mar 2013 9.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Arundel New Life Community Care New Life Food Barn, 16 Dunkirk Close

No bookings required

Sat 16 Mar 2013 10am to 11.30am

Cooking with fresh herbs

Elanora Elanora Library, Pines Shopping Centre Guineas Creek Road

Bookings required Elanora Library (07) 5581 1671

Wed 20 Mar 2013 11am to 12noon

Healthy BBQ

Labrador Labrador Community Hub Billington Street

No bookings required

Tues 26 Mar 2013 11am to 12noon

Cooking with fresh herbs

Upper Coomera Abraham Park, Cnr Abraham and Reserve Roads (mobile library stop)

No bookings required

Thurs 11 Apr 2013 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Fri 19 Apr 2013 10am to 11.30am

Super smoothies with super nutrients

Nerang North Gold Coast Early Years Centre 40 Martin Street

No bookings required

Sat 20 Apr 2013 10am to 11.30am

Super smoothies with super nutrients

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Thurs 9 May 2013 9.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Arundel New Life Community Care New Life Food Barn, 16 Dunkirk Close

No bookings required

Mon 13 May 2013 10am to 11.30am

10-minute healthy dinners using seasonal vegetables

Labrador Baden Robin Park Billington Street (park next to hub)

No bookings required

Sat 18 May 2013 10am to 11.30am

10-minute healthy dinners using seasonal vegetables

Nerang Nerang Library Cnr Price and White Streets

Bookings required Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Wed 22 May 2013 11am to 12noon

Cooking with fresh herbs

Labrador Labrador Community Hub Billington Street

No bookings required

Tues 28 May 2013 11am to 12noon

Quick, cheap and healthy meals

Upper Coomera Abraham Park, Cnr Abraham and Reserve Roads (mobile library stop)

No bookings required

Thurs 13 Jun 2013 10.30am

Healthy cooking fast, fresh and fabulous

Upper Coomera Soul Centre – Upper Coomera Community Pantry, 6/3 Dalton Street

No bookings required

Sat 15 Jun 2013 10am to 11.30am

Cooking with your kids

Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Bookings required Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

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Learn how to build healthy and satisfying food around fresh produce and how to combine foods in a way to improve your health and energy levels. Join holistic dietitian Dr. Casey Conroy and chef Palasis Cooney from Green Smoothie Nutrition and Dietetics in this exciting class that will change the way you think about food. Raw Food Basics How to incorporate more raw food into your diet – it’s easy, delicious, practical and affordable. No spirallising, sprouting or dehydrating necessary. Quick and Healthy Mains Detoxify your body with these fast, tasty and life-generating recipes that are highly simplified renditions of gourmet dishes, without losing any of the core pleasure of the dish. A must-see. Super-Food Smoothies It doesn’t get any easier than this – the best use of your kitchen time for high nutritive value and maximum taste. Learn to blend, go and glow.

Fast and Fabulous Snacks On The Go Busy executives, students and working mums need not sacrifice healthy taste for unhealthy haste. Put together work snacks like a nutrition pro and turn-up your vitality. Guilt-free Desserts Forgo dessert in the name of health, are you kidding? Satisfy your sweet tooth while eating clean with these simple, slimming, beautifying treats. Made with 100% natural foods. Love your body healthy.

Y t e H G LT A E H

Raw Food & Healthy Cooking Demonstrations

Free. Bookings required. For library sessions bookings will be taken by the library hosting the activity. Please see details in the table below. Demonstrations are conducted by Dr. Casey Conroy from Green Smoothie Nutrition and Dietetics. For more information please contact Casey on 0432 618 279, email casey@ or visit

Mon 13 Aug 2012 10am to 11.30am

Quick and healthy mains

Robina Robina Library Robina Town Centre Drive

Bookings required Robina Library (07) 5581 1600

Mon 3 Sept 2012 10am to 11.30am

Raw food basics

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Mon 8 Oct 2012 10am to 11.30am

Fast and fabulous snacks on the go

Nerang Nerang Library Cnr Price and White Streets

Bookings required Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Mon 5 Nov 2012 10am to 11.30am

Super-food smoothies

Robina Robina Library Robina Town Centre Drive

Bookings required Robina Library (07) 5581 1600

Mon 3 Dec 2012 10am to 11.30am

Raw-food basics

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Mon 4 Mar 2013 10am to 11.30am

Guilt-free desserts

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Sat 27 Apr 2013 3pm to 4.30pm

Raw-food basics

Cararra Cararra Community Centre Nielsens Road

Bookings required Green Smoothie Dietetics 0432 618 279

Mon 13 May 2013 10am to 11.30am

Quick and healthy mains

Robina Robina Library Robina Town Centre Drive

Bookings required Robina Library (07) 5581 1600

Mon 3 Jun 2013 10am to 11.30am

Fast and fabulous snacks on the go

Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Bookings required Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

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Sowing The Culinary Seed

Free. Bookings required. See below for contact details and maximum people limits.

Join Jupiters Casino Head Chef Lee Kuhnell as he demonstrates cooking with affordable seasonal produce. He will share his skills and experiences to help you confidently choose, prepare, cook and eat a great range of healthy food every day! Learn simple tips and hints to bring out the best in your homecooked meals. Thurs 7pm to 8pm 2012 – 5 Jul, 2 Aug, 6 Sept, 4 Oct, 1 Nov, 6 Dec 2013 – 3 Jan, 7 Feb, 7 Mar, 4 Apr, 2 May & 6 Jun

Pimpama Whistle Stop Café 88 Pimpama-Jacobs Well Road

Maximum 50 people. Contact Oaklands Hotel – Whistle Stop Café on (07) 5547 5255 or email

Wed 10am to 11am 2012 – 1 Aug, 3 Oct, 5 Dec 2013 – 6 Feb, 3 Apr, 5 Jun

Ormeau Ridge Orbit Homes Qld Arcadia 19, Lot 56, Landsdowne Drive

Maximum 15 people. Contact Stockland and Ormeau Ridge Sales Information Centre on (07) 5546 6425 or ormeauridge@

Currumbin Farm Campus Healthy Cooking Classes

Free. Bookings required. To book please contact Currumbin Farm Campus on (07) 5533 0312, email info@currumbinfarmschool. or visit

Cooking classes with a healthy twist. Learn how to cook yummy recipes that take into account the Dietary Guidelines for Australians. Your new take home recipes include a variety of foods from the five food groups, are low in fat and limit added sugar and salt. Workshops are held at the beautiful Currumbin Farm Campus, so why not make a day of it and discover the farm after the workshop.

Sun 10am to 12noon 2012 – 16 Sept & 18 Nov 2013 – 20 Jan, 17 Mar & 19 May

Currumbin Farm Campus 1226 Currumbin Creek Road Currumbin Valley

Vegetarian Cooking Workshops

Free. Bookings required. Contact The Vege Chip Company on (07) 5525 0670 or email

Learn to create healthy and flavoursome vegetarian cuisine in these interactive workshops supported by Vege Chips. From the preparation of the ingredients right through to the cooking process and then to the best part – eating – you will experience it all in these workshops. Perfect for beginners to those who are looking for new ways to cook and enjoy healthy vegetarian food. Indian Delight Come along to this session and learn to make two delicious Indian dishes – Mung Dahl and Pakoras. Surprising Protein Burst Discover how to use TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein) in cooking healthy and meat-free meals. TVP is high in protein and fresh herb pesto is quick and simple to make. Asian Freshness Join us to learn two recipes with the flavors of Asia, Coconut Red Lentil Soup and Vietnamese Rice Wraps.

Vegetarian Surprise Come to this session and learn to make warm, earthy mushrooms with a delicious buckwheat filling along with a tasty scrambled tofu dish. Ideal for breakfast, weekend lunch or even a light dinner. The Authentic Taste of Mexico Come find out how easy enchiladas can be. This recipe combining spinach and ricotta is simple and delicious. Jollof rice is a delicious combination of rice, vegetables and mock fish, which will surprise your family and friends with its beautiful colours, texture and flavours.

Exotic Thai Learn how to use the distinctive flavours of Thailand in these healthy recipes. Tom Yum curry is a delicious combination of potato, spinach, baby corn and tofu and the magic flavour of Tom Yum paste, with Tofish, a delicious, healthy alternative to battered fish.

Sat 10.30am 18 Aug 2012

Indian delight

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Thurs 5.30pm 6 Sept 2012

Surprising protein burst

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Sat 10.30am 13 Oct 2012

Asian freshness

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Thurs 5.30pm (Kitchen) 8 Nov 2012

Vegetarian surprise

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Sat 10.30am (Kitchen) 9 Feb 2013

The authentic taste of Mexico

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Thurs 5.30pm 14 Mar 2013

Exotic Thai

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

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Healthy Family Foods Working towards perfect health Want to learn how to feed your family healthy and nutritious foods? This interactive workshop will provide you with healthy food tips and recipes for the whole family. Learn from interesting speakers who will provide you with up-to-date and exciting healthy eating information, and visit the mini health expo.

Mon 6.30pm to 8.30pm 2012 – 16 Jul, 27 Aug, 15 Oct, 26 Nov For 2013 dates please contact Healthy Family Foods.

Bookings required. $10 per person or $15 per family (2 parents + 2 children under 14 years) Contact Healthy Family Food’s Raylene on 0410 204 308 or email

Nerang Life Development Centre 67 Warrener Street (opposite Nerang Railway Station)

Your Journey to Good Health


Kick Start 4 Health

• tried to lose weight and failed?

• struggled to stick to your exercise goals? • changed your diet and lifestyle only to fall back into the same old habits?

This program has been specifically designed for you and is your chance to take control of your health, your body and your life!

• joined a gym, only to stop going after the first 3 weeks?

Kick Start 4 Health Workshops Kick Start 4 Health is a personal health and lifestyle development workshop that gives you the necessary tools, skills and knowledge needed to create your own personalised lifestyle plan. Under guidance from qualified health professionals, you will cover all aspects of healthy lifestyle education, and learn how to create goals and a rock-solid plan on how to achieve and stay accountable to these goals. The program offered by Obesity Prevention Australia is offered in a variety of formats and will provide you with the knowledge to take ownership of your health and make choices that positively affect your future. Open to anyone who has a desire to improve their health (14 years minimum).

Free. Bookings are essential. Call Obesity Prevention Australia on 0412 798 316. Gold Coin donation requested for each session. For more information email admin@obesity

Wed 5-7pm 17 Oct to 12 Dec 2012

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Centre, 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Thurs 5.30-6.45pm 18 Oct to 6 Dec 2012

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Wed 10-11.30am 13 Feb to 3 Apr 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Southport Southport Library, Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Thurs 5.30-6.45pm 14 Feb to 4 Apr 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price and White Streets

Fri 11.30am-1pm 15 Feb to 5 Apr 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Centre, 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Wed 10-11.30am 17 Apr to 5 Jun 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Elanora Elanora Library, The Pines Shopping Centre, Guineas Creek Road

Thur 5.30-6.45pm 18 Apr to 13 Jun 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 8-week program

Robina Robina Library, Robina Town Centre Drive

Sat 9am-1pm 20 Oct 2012

Kick Start 4 Health 1-day program

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price and White Streets

Sat 9am-3pm 1 Dec 2012

Kick Start 4 Health 1-day program

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Sport and Leadership Excellence Centre

Sat 9am-3pm 23 Feb 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 1-day program

Robina Robina Library, Robina Town Centre Drive

Sat 9am-3pm 20 Apr 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 1-day program

Southport Southport Library, Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Sat 9am-3pm 22 Jun 2013

Kick Start 4 Health 1-day program

Elanora Elanora Library, The Pines Shopping Centre, Guineas Creek Road

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Healthy eating is about eating smart. Transform your eating habits with these easy tips and learn more about what foods should fill your shopping trolley to ensure your family is healthy and happy. A range of seminars are on offer to help you with making healthy choices.

Y t e H G LT A E H

Good Nutrition & Healthy Eating Made Easy

Free. Bookings required. Contact Marie-Claire O’Shea Dietitians (07) 5527 9173

Happy and Healthy Mums Mums are commonly more concerned about feeding their children healthy foods than they are about their own diet, often grabbing unhealthy snacks on the run. As Mums, we all know that eating and drinking healthily is really important to our family’s overall health. Find out how to get your eating back on track and the best foods to keep you healthy and happy.

Healthy Kids Shopping Trolley Learn what healthy, wholesome food truly is and what foods are best to grow happy, healthy children. Learn how to read food labels and create a healthy shopping trolley in this practical session especially for parents. Healthy Eating for Families Mum, Dad, grandparents and kids are all welcome to learn more about what types of foods should end up in your shopping trolley! A practical session to educate you about what a healthy shopping trolley should really look like.

Become a Healthy Shopper An interactive and informative presentation to assist with choosing healthy options in the supermarket. Learn how to read food labels, understand packaging and brand awareness. A practical session for all. Healthy Shopping Ideas for Carers Do you have the responsibility for shopping on behalf of someone else? Step-by-step simple advice and information that will make shopping easier and healthier!

Wed 6pm 15 Aug 2012

Become a healthy shopper

Ashmore Ashmore State School, Currumburra Road

Tues 6pm 18 Sept 2012

Healthy shopping ideas for carers

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Thurs 6pm 18 Oct 2012

Healthy eating for families

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Mon 10am to 12noon 19 Nov 2012

Happy and healthy mums Healthy kids shopping trolley

Labrador Baden Robin Park, Billington Street (park next to hub)

Mon 10am to 12noon 28 Jan 2013

Happy and healthy mums Healthy kids shopping trolley

Nerang North Gold Coast Early Years Centre, 40 Martin Street

Wed 6pm 13 Mar 2013

Become a healthy shopper

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Tues 6pm 16 Apr 2013

Healthy shopping ideas for carers

Robina Robina Community Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive

Thurs 6pm 16 May 2013

Healthy eating for families

Robina Robina Community Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive

Supermarket Tours Learn which brands are best, how to read labels and pick up great tips. These one-hour free tours are held at various locations across the city and participants will pick up tips while being guided through the supermarkets by a leading Dietitian from Great Ideas in Nutrition. Includes a healthy snack bible for all participants.

$5. Bookings required.

Contact Great Ideas in Nutrition (07) 5536 6400 email

Wed 15 Aug 2012 9am to 10am

Palm Beach Woolworths Palm Waters, Nineteenth Avenue

Wed 17 Oct 2012 9am to 10am

Reedy Creek Woolworths, Cnr Kingsmore Boulevard and Old Coach Road

Wed 30 Jan 2013 9am to 10am

Elanora Woolworths, The Pines, Cnr KP McGrath and Guineas Creek Roads

Thurs 21 Mar 2013 9am to 10am

Burleigh Waters Coles, Cnr Bermuda Street and Reedy Creek Road

Thurs 23 May 2013 9am to 10am

Elanora Woolworths, The Pines, Cnr KP McGrath and Guineas Creek Roads

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Discover real food, understand your unique body’s needs and discover how you can follow some basic principles of natural nutrition to enjoy vibrant energy and optimal health! For library sessions bookings will be taken by the library hosting the activity. Please see details in the table below.

Y t e H G LT A E H

Natural Nutrition for Modern Lifestyles

Free. Bookings required. Sessions are conducted by Dr. Casey Conroy from Green Smoothie Nutrition and Dietetics

Wed 22 Aug 2012 1pm to 2pm

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Wed 27 Feb 2013 1pm to 2pm

Robina Robina Library Robina Town Centre Drive

Bookings required Robina Library (07) 5581 1600

Wed 26 Sept 2012 1pm to 2pm

Elanora Elanora Library The Pines Shopping Centre Guineas Creek Road

Bookings required Elanora Library (07) 5581 1671

Wed 27 Mar 2013 1pm to 2pm

Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden & Lawson Streets

Bookings required Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

Wed 24 Oct 2012 1pm to 2pm

Nerang Nerang Library Cnr Price and White Streets

Bookings required Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Wed 24 Apr 2013 1pm to 2pm

Elanora Elanora Library The Pines Shopping Centre Guineas Creek Road

Bookings required Elanora Library (07) 5581 1671

Wed 28 Nov 2012 1pm to 2pm

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library 61 Sunshine Boulevard

Bookings required Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Wed 22 May 2013 1pm to 2pm

Robina Robina Library Robina Town Centre Drive

Bookings required Robina Library (07) 5581 1600

Unleash Your Potential Workshops

$5. Bookings required.

Unleash Your Potential is an introductory interactive seminar to achieving success in your life. Workshops are run by a qualified life coach who will inspire you to take your life to the next level and assist you in clearing the roadblocks in the way of achieving your goals and reaching your potential in every aspect of your life. Have fun while you review your life, set goals and create a plan of action ready to create bigger and better things in your life. Wed 6.30pm to 8pm 2012 – 1 Aug, 10 Oct, 5 Dec 2013 – 13 Feb, 3 Apr, 5 Jun

Contact 0406 622 288, email paul@holisticwellnesscoaching.

Robina Holistic Wellness Coaching 2/30 Commerce Drive, Robina

Integrative & Holistic Nutrition Workshop Discover how a blend of clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and mind-body practices can empower you to amplify your health along the whole spectrum of possible targets, from physical body to mind and spirit. An integrated Dietician will discuss modern eating issues such as detoxification, raw food and natural weight loss, then demonstrate how easy, fast and fun healthy food can be! Free tasting at each seminar. Tues 6pm to 8pm 9 Oct 2012 & 12 Mar 2013

$10. Bookings required. Contact Dr. Casey Conroy from Green Smoothie Nutrition and Dietetics on 0432 618 279 or

West Burleigh Coastal Chiropractic and Wellbeing Suite 6/43 Tallebudgera Creek Road, West Burleigh (2nd level)

Natural Vibrant Health Seminars

Free. Bookings required. Contact Natural Vibrant Health Clinic on (07) 5562 5333, visit

Imagine yourself waking to a new day, full of energy and vibrancy with a clear mind, and able to achieve your highest potential in every area. Learn how to claim your health back or maintain wellbeing through the series of seminars being offered by the experienced team at the Natural Vibrant Health Clinic. Thursdays 6pm

Robina Natural Vibrant Health Clinic, Suite 1/328 Scottsdale Drive

26 Jul 2012

How to reclaim your natural vibrant health

Dr Valerie Cole GP

28 Feb 2013

A natural approach to chronic illness

Dr Valerie Cole GP

27 Sept 2012

The power of sleep

Dr Reza Samvat Chiropractor

28 Mar 2013

Cosmetic acupuncture, facial rejuvenation

Duane O’Donnell Acupuncturist

25 Oct 2012

Obesity – Nutritional and environmental medicine

Dr Shirley McIlvenny GP

18 Apr 2013

The power of sleep

Dr Reza Samvat Chiropractor

29 Nov 2012

Clinical hypnotherapy and stress

Dr Barry Pierce Hypnotherapist

30 May 2013

ADHD – Nutritional and environmental medicine

Dr Shirley McIlvenny GP

20 Dec 2012

Energetic medicine and chronic illness

Dr Kate Shapland GP

27 Jun 2013

Clinical hypnotherapy and weight management

Dr Barry Pierce Hypnothrapist

31 Jan 2013

Nutrition and diet for sport performance

Karen Lord Naturopath

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FABIC – Behaviour Specialists Fabic aims to support people to understand and change unwanted behaviours, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, social skills development, mental health and behavioural conditions, Asperger’s and autism. Fabic Director Tan Curtis author of Challenging Change… Behaviour Strategies for Life will explain that behaviour is not who the person is, it is something the person can change if taught how to. Using desired behaviour is a skill that requires teaching, not expecting people to automatically know.

Free. Bookings required. Contact the library listed to make a booking.

Asperger’s and Autism An introduction to understanding how persons with Asperger’s Syndrome and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), experience the world differently to those without the same ASD characteristics. Bullying Learn how to identify the signs of being bullied! What to do if you are being bullied or how to support a loved one who is being bullied. Anxiety Understand the signs and symptoms that lead to anxiety, and learn to identify the triggers to your own or another person’s anxiety. What can I do when presented with triggers to anxiety?

Depression, Grief and Loss At times our experience of the world can feel overwhelming and all too consuming, leading to feelings of sadness, depression and at times feelings of “giving up”. This talk supports people to understand how they might be able to get some form of control back over these situations. Understanding and Changing Behaviour To learn to change our own or another person’s unwanted behaviours we must first understand WHY the behaviour is occurring in the first place. This talk will provide an introduction to understanding and changing behaviour. Eating Disorders Learn a different approach to what causes eating disorders and how

to support yourself experiencing difficulties surrounding eating or another person with the same challenges. Myths Around Mental Health There is a fear of the unknown and “mental health” is an unknown to many people. Be introduced to a different approach of understanding mentalhealth issues, including bipolar, schizophrenia and personality disorders. Social Skills Social skills are often an “expected skill”. Expected that people should automatically know the social requirements in any given social situation. This talk will discuss many of the daily challenges people experience with interacting successfully with other people.

Anger Management Many people experience angerrelated behaviours when presented with situations they don’t feel equipped to manage at any given time. This talk introduces strategies of “what to do” to either prevent future meltdowns or how to respond when feeling like a meltdown is pending. Parenting Tips Around Behaviour Management Understanding your child’s behaviour and “why they do what they do” can often be an almost impossible task. Learn some basic tips to understand your child’s behaviour and some simple strategies on being able to modify the behaviour.

Thur 26 Jul 2012 5.30pm to 7pm

Asperger’s and Autism

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Blvd

Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Thur 30 Aug 2012 5.30pm to 7pm


Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 20 Sep 2012 5.30pm to 7pm


Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 11 Oct 2012 5.30pm to 7pm

Depression, grief and loss

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 1 Nov 2012 5.30pm to 7pm

Understanding and changing behaviour

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 6 Dec 2012 5.30pm to 7pm

Eating disorders

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 17 Jan 2013 5.30pm to 7pm

Myths around mental health

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Mon 11 Feb 2013 10.30am to 12noon

Asperger’s and Autism

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Blvd

Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Thur 28 Feb 2013 5.30pm to 7pm

Social skills

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Blvd

Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Thur 28 Mar 2013 5.30pm to 7pm

Anger management

Broadbeach Broadbeach Library, 61 Sunshine Blvd

Broadbeach Library (07) 5581 1555

Thur 4 Apr 2013 10.30am to 12noon

Parenting tips around behaviour management

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Mon 29 Apr 2013 10.30am to 12noon

Depression, grief and loss

Elanora Elanora Library, Pines Shopping Centre Guineas Creek Road

Elanora Library (07) 5581 1671

Thur 16 May 2013 5.30pm to 7pm

Asperger’s and Autism

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Thur 13 Jun 2013 5.30pm to 7pm

Understanding and changing behaviour

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price & White Streets

Nerang Library (07) 5581 7180

Tues 4 Jun 2013 10.30am to 12noon


Southport Southport Library Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Southport Library (07) 5581 7200

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Attaining Peak Performance in Sport

$5. Bookings required.

During this 90-minute seminar, Peak Performance Specialist and Mind Coach Paul Barrett shares with you cutting-edge information on the mind-body connection related to peak performance. Get an insight into the mindset and mental habits needed to go the extra mile with your body to achieve the results and success that you are after. Wednesdays 6.30 to 8pm 2012 – 5 Sept, 7 Nov 2013 – 30 Jan, 6 Mar

Contact 0406 622 288 email paul@holisticwellness

Robina Holistic Wellness Coaching 2/30 Commerce Drive

Grow Your Own Vegetables, Fruit, Herbs & Flowers! Community Gardens on the Gold Coast Southport Joan Park Community Garden Joan Street Southport Loders Creek Community Garden Owen Park, Ewan Street, Loders Creek Varsity Lakes Varsity Vegies Community Garden Jim Harris Park, Mattocks Road Ormeau Peachey Community Garden Tillyroen Road

Community gardens are a great way for residents without their own garden, or those who want to be part of a community gardening project, to get out and use their green thumb. Community Gardens provide the opportunity for all residents to become actively involved – from the youngest to the oldest and people of all abilities. Produce your own nutritious food and enjoy the company of like-minded residents, all while enjoying the great outdoors! Gardening experience is not necessary. Get involved today and help grow the garden, and community spirit! Other gardens currently being planned or under way include the Southern Beaches Garden at Tugun, Ashmore Community Garden, Broadbeach Community Garden, Labrador Community Garden and the Nerang and Coombabah Gardens. Visit for more Community Garden information.

Healthy Ageing Workshops – Bend It or Break It

Free. Bookings required. Call Obesity Prevention Australia on 0412 798 316 or email admin@

If you are over 50 and want to ensure that you spend as long as possible OUT of aged care facilities and maintaining your independence, this workshop is for you. The quality education seminar will provide you with the knowledge and skills to assist you in maintaining your independence and mobility while you age. Thurs 16 Aug 2012 10am to 12noon

Nerang Nerang Library, Cnr Price and White Streets

Thurs 14 Mar 2013 10am to 12noon

Southport Southport Library, Cnr Garden and Lawson Streets

Thurs 15 Nov 2012 10am to 12noon

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Thurs 23 May 2013 10am to 12noon

Robina Robina Library, Robina Town Centre Drive

Sustainable Gardening Workshops

Free. Bookings required. Please call (07) 5581 6799 or visit

The Sustainable Gardening Workshops focus on composting, including the use of bench-top bokashi bins, worm farming and water-efficiency techniques for the garden.

Saturdays 10am to 12noon 21 Jul 2012

Elanora Library

19 Jan 2013

Southern Beaches Community Garden, Tugun

18 Aug 2012

Nerang Library

16 Feb 2013

Broadbeach Library

22 Sept 2012

Broadbeach Library

16 Mar 2013

Nerang Library

20 Oct 2012

Joan Park Community Garden, Southport

20 Apr 2013

Joan Park Community Garden, Southport

17 Nov 2012

Banksia Park Community Centre, Hope Island

25 May 2013

Helensvale Community Centre

8 Dec 2012

Robina Library

15 Jun 2013

Robina Library

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Body Brilliant Workshops

Free. Bookings required. To register call (07) 5522 7422 or visit

Discover what you can do to live an outrageously healthy life, by gaining knowledge to take your health into your own hands. Our team of doctors are now sought-after speakers on Natural Health and how to get the most out of life. If you are sick and tired of headaches, feeling fatigued, ear infections, colic, reflux, back pain, lower-back pain, weight problems, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and so many other health problems, or if you are wanting to prevent these from happening, you must hear this information! These FREE workshops are conducted by the Body Brilliant Chiropractic Clinic. Workshop locations vary and bookings are essential. Tues 6.30pm 18 Sept 2012

Overcoming stress and cultivating an attitude of gratitude

Tues 6.30pm 16 Oct 2012

Sculpting the body of your dreams & cracking the code on rapid, long-lasting fat loss

Tues 6.30pm 20 Nov 2012

Detoxifying your body… and your house

Tues 6.30pm 22 Jan 2013

New year, new you

Tues 6.30pm 19 Feb 2013

Raising a healthy family In unhealthy times

Tues 6.30pm 19 Mar 2013

Move it or lose it

Tues 6.30pm 16 Apr 2013

How to be healthy at 100

Tues 6.30pm 21 May 2013

6 secrets to a healthy, pain-free body

Tues 6.30pm 18 Jun 2013

How to boost your immune system by 400% naturally


Obesity Prevention Australia Inc is a non-profit organisation committed to reversing the obesity and inactivity epidemic that is debilitating our nation. Our Mission

Donate Your Unwanted Fat to Charity

To reduce the incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome in Australia while raising awareness of healthy lifestyle practices through preventative initiatives. Find out more at

If you have been trying to lose weight and improve your health without success, then get involved in the program that educates and motivates you on how to achieve weight-loss goals and most importantly maintain them. Come on, help us lose 1 million unwanted kilograms for charity! Find out more at

National Health Awareness Month The annual event where ALL Australians are encouraged to put their health first, take control of their future and make a small change that makes a BIG DIFFERENCE. This October get involved and:

Girth Hour Held on 1 October, and officially starting National Health Awareness Month, Girth Hour is a fun event that encourages Aussies to:

• reset your plan

1 Take stock of their health, ‘measure up’ (take a weight, waist and hip measurement) and set some health-improvement goals.

• renew your life

2 Do at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily.

Find out more at

Find out more at

• review your health

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EXPERIENCES Free and low-cost activities happening this weekend in a park near you! There is an array of fun and affordable activities where you and your friends and family can learn a new skill, experience a unique adventure or uncover a hidden talent.

Family Fitness & Fun

$5 per family. Bookings required.

In our busy lives it can be harder and harder to find time to fit in exercise, take time out as a family and simply hang out with the kids. Fitness and fun provide the solution to a busy world and create positive lifestyle behaviours for children. Each session includes movements and game play that will have you laughing your way to fitness while having fun with the whole family.

Contact Chisel Fitness on 0439 040 580 or email

Saturdays 9.30am to 10.30am 22 Sept 2012

Helensvale Village Green Park, Discovery Drive

6 Oct 2012

Highland Park Graham Dillon Park, 105 Hinkler Drive

15 Dec 2012

Merrimac Stoner Family Park, 70 Merridown Drive

12 Jan 2013

Pacific Pines Pacific Pines Central Park, 149 Pacific Pines Boulevard

19 Jan 2013

Maudsland Riverstone Crossing Sports Park, Cnr Riverstone Crossing and Rivermill Terrace

23 Mar 2013

Ormeau Landsdowne Park, Landsdowne Drive (off Upper Coomera Road)

6 Apr 2013

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

Park Fit – Outdoor Equipment

Free. Bookings required. Fe Taylor Fitness on 0407 760 013 or

Fed up with the long run to nowhere on the treadmill? Need to re-energise and re-inspire your fitness routine? Checked out a park recently? More than 20 Gold Coast City Council parks have exercise equipment installed, providing an opportunity to exercise and get fit outdoors for free. Exercise equipment is different in each park, ranging from simple, static equipment for chin-ups, sit-ups and step-ups, to new interactive and movable equipment with cardio and resistance features (similar to indoor fitness equipment) such as rowing and stepping machines. If you would like to learn more about how to use the fitness equipment in parks and to get some tips and workouts from a qualified fitness professional, then come along to one of these free outdoor fitness equipment sessions.

Saturdays 9am to 10am 4 Aug 2012 2 Mar 2013

Burleigh Reg Chesters/Rotary Park The Esplanade (meet at 1st station at southern end of park)

6 Oct 2012

Ormeau Norfolk Park, Pascoe Road

3 Nov 2012 1 Jun 2013

Broadbeach Pratten Park, Old Burleigh Road

1 Dec 2012

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Esplanade Cavill Avenue (meet just north of Cavill Avenue)

19 Jan 2013

Varsity Lakes Frascott Park, Mattocks Road

2 Feb 2013

Peachy Park Tillyroen Road

6 Apr 2013

Helensvale Discovery Park, Discovery Drive

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Grab the kids, your friends and neighbours and get active with us this weekend in a park near you. The Leaps and Bounds team are offering a variety of fun and interactive themed activities that will get you moving, laughing and enjoying our great parks. No bookings are required and activities are suitable for all ages and ability levels. Themed activities include: Mini Olympics Bring the family down to the park and get into the Olympic Spirit with our Mini Olympic circuit and games. Hurdles, sprints, novelty races, ball games and much more! Green & Gold Come and join us for some Aussie games – cricket, thong-throwing

competitions, stuck in the mud, down-down-down and thong relays, even some touch footy! Retro Fun Get back-to-basics with your family with old favourites such as sack races, tug-o-war, frisbee games, kick-ball, obstacle courses and hulahoop competitions!

S E nd C ke N e IE We R E P X E

Active Fun in the Park

Contact Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre on (07) 5534 4030 or email info@ Water Mad Put on your rashies and prepare to get wet! We have a wet obstacle course, slip and slide, sponge-catch and other games to keep you all cool! Sandstorm Come and get sandy with the Leaps and Bounds team! We

will be running and jumping and digging in the sand with games and competitions. Bring your buckets, spades and creativity for some family sandcastle building. Don’t forget to slip, slop, slap for this family adventure!

Saturdays 3pm to 4.30pm 28 Jul 2012

Mini Olympics

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

12 Jan 2013


Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

11 Aug 2012

Mini Olympics

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade

19 Jan 2013

Green & Gold

8 Sept 2012

Retro Fun

Nerang Bischof Pioneer Park, 48 Nerang Street

Ormeau Landsdowne Park, Landsdowne Drive (off Upper Coomera Road)

9 Feb 2013

Water Mad

13 Oct 2012

Retro Fun

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

Reedy Creek Southern Skies Park ‘The Observatory’ Southern Skies Avenue

10 Nov 2012

Water Mad

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens 258 Ashmore Road

9 Mar 2013


Kirra Roughton Park, Marine Parade (meet at just north of Kirra SLSC)

24 Nov 2012


Kirra Roughton Park/Kirra Beach (meet in the park)

13 Apr 2013

Retro Fun

Highland Park Graham Dillon Park, 105 Hinkler Drive

8 Dec 2012


Broadbeach Pratten Park/Kurrawa Beach Old Burleigh Road (meet at the all abilities playground)

11 May 2013

Retro Fun

Ashmore Tranquillity Park, Kawana Crescent

8 Jun 2013

Retro Fun

Helensvale Village Green, 200 Discovery Drive

15 Dec 2012

Retro Fun

Robina Lake Lomandra Park, Olympus Drive

Make & Fly a Kite Workshops

Free. Bookings required. Contact Creative Craft Centre, to book please email

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Soar to new heights in this fun and creative kitemaking workshop. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll create your own kite, and then enjoy the thrill of flying it in the park.

Sundays 10.30am-12noon 5 Aug 2012

Main Beach Hollindale Park Macarthur Parade (meet at the playground south of Southport SLSC)

23 Sept 2012

Southport Broadwater Parklands Gold Coast Highway

7 Oct 2012

Varsity Lakes Frascott Park, 34A Frascott Avenue

2 Dec 2012

Cararra Alan Nielsen Park Nielsens Road (in the park next to the community centre)

13 Jan 2013

Coolangatta Pat Fagan Park Marine Parade

3 Feb 2013

Burleigh Justins Park The Esplanade

7 Apr 2013

Mudgeeraba Hinterland Regional Park Hardys Road

5 May 2013

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands Gold Coast Highway

2 Jun 2013

Ormeau Ridge Landsdowne Park Landsdowne Drive (off Upper Coomera Road)

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Craft in the Park

$2. Bookings required. Contact Creative Craft Centre, to book please email

Craft in the Park are hands-on workshops that will allow your kids to express their creativity through a wide range of stimulating activities. The kids will be able to create, paint and decorate a range of themed take-home items while enjoying the fresh air in some of our wonderful parks. Sundays 10.30am to 12noon 2 Sept 2012

Father’s Day Craft

Ashmore Ashmore Apex Park 145 Cotlew Street (opposite Ashmore Plaza)

20 Jan 2013

Aussie Craft

Labrador Harley Park Marine Parade

16 Sept 2012

Pirate Craft

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

24 Mar 2013

Easter Craft

28 Oct 2012

Halloween Craft

Broadbeach Cascade Gardens, Gold Coast Highway

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands The Esplanade

28 Apr 2013

16 Dec 2012

Christmas Craft

Miami Ed Hardy Park Kelly Avenue (meet next to playground)

Mother’s Day Craft

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens 258 Ashmore Road

African Drumming & Dancing

Free. Bookings required. Afro Groove on 0431 726 300 or

Tap into your inner rhythm with African drumming and dancing. In these classes you will be playing African rhythms in minutes and giving your whole body a workout with African dance movements while having fun. This is a wonderful family friendly activity suitable for children 6 years and over. Sun 4pm 5 Aug, 4 Nov 2012 3 Mar 2013

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade (meet near the playground north of Burleigh SLSC)

Sun 3pm 7 Oct 2012 6 Jan, 7 Apr 2013

Upper Coomera Tallowood Park Rose Valley Drive

Sat 10.30am 8 Sept 2012 2 Feb, 4 May 2013

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade

Sat 10.30am 8 Dec 2012

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Self-Defence Super Session

Free. Bookings required. Australian Defensive Tactics on 0430 695 550 or email

Join in this fun, come and try program, open to all ages and ability levels. Discover the secrets of martial arts training and learn how to improve your core fitness, flexibility and strength in this fun and energetic hour of training.

9am to 10am Sat 8 Sept 2012 Sat 15 Dec 2012

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Sat 13 Apr 2013

Varsity Lakes North Shore Park, North Shore Avenue

Sun 20 Jan 2013

North Burleigh Ed Hardy Park, The Esplanade

Sun 2 Jun 2013

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Sun 3 Mar 2013

Ashmore Ashmore Apex Park, 145 Cotlew St (opp Ashmore Plaza)

Sun 28 Jul 2013

Broadbeach Kurrawa Park, Old Burleigh Road

Musical Morning in the Park Mini Musos 9.30am-10.30am Hands-on music in the park. Unleash your child’s musical creativity with percussion workshops and activities. At the end the kids can showcase their new talents in musical games. Children aged 1 to 5 years.

Guitar in the Park 11am-12noon To all you budding musos, ever wanted to learn to play the guitar or improve your skills? Now’s your opportunity in a beautiful park setting. Suitable for ages 7 to 14 years.

Creativity Works – Drama & Music Session 12.30pm-1.30pm Bring your acting and musical talents together in this combined drama and music workshop for teens! No film is without music and no music is without a story! Develop techniques that will allow you to use these elements together to create believable stories.

$3 per session. Bookings

required. Contact Sound Check – The House of Music, Nyssa Berger on 0421 069 824

Sat 11 Aug 2012 Broadbeach Sat 9 Feb, 8 Jun 2013 All Abilities Playground Pratten Park, Old Burleigh Road

Sat 10 Nov 2012 Sat 13 Apr 2013

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens 258 Ashmore Road

Sat 13 Oct 2012 Sat 9 Mar 2013

Sat 8 Dec 2012 Sat 11 May 2013

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

Mudgeeraba Hinterland Regional Park, Hardy’s Road

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Community Drum Circle

$5 or $3 if you bring your

A community drum circle is a fun drum and percussion jam, typically with players of varying musical ability, ages and ethnicities. No previous musical experience is necessary with a drum circle. It is a wonderful way for people to come together in a common, celebratory mood. Connect with others and be released from constraints of language, differing social or economic status, age or skill level with the endless possibilities of musical expression. Instruments provided or bring your own percussion instrument and a chair if you can.

own percussion instrument. Bookings required. Drum Pulse on 0408 984 046 or, visit

Saturdays 3pm to 4.30pm 2012 – 18 Aug, 15 Sept, 20 Oct, 17 Nov 2013 – 16 Feb, 16 Mar, 20 Apr, 18 May, 15 Jun

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Twilight Cruise Sessions

Free. No bookings required. Contact Skateboarding Australia (07) 5575 7808 or info@

Learn how to cruise in these fun cruiser skateboarding sessions. Nothing will beat an afternoon cruise along some our most scenic beachfront parks. The Cruiser skateboard is an ideal longboard skateboard for anyone looking to kick back and cruise along while keeping you in full control. This is suitable for all ages and ability levels. Please bring your own skateboard if you have one. A selected number of skateboards are available for use on the day. Saturdays 2pm to 4pm 18 Aug 2012 25 May 2013

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade (meet in front of GCCC lifeguard building)

1 Dec 2012

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

22 Sept 2012 20 Apr 2013

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

5 Jan 2013

Miami Thorn Park, Marine Parade (meet at the playground opposite Santa Monica Road)

27 Oct 2012 16 Mar 2013

Surfers Paradise Surfers Esplanade (meet beachfront opposite Elkhorn Avenue)

9 Feb 2013

Kirra Roughton Park Marine Parade (meet at park in front of Kirra SLSC)

Mountain-Bike Riding

Free. Bookings required. Minimum age 11 years. Vertec Adventure. To book please email bookings@

Experience the adventure of mountain-bike riding on the Gold Coast. These guided bike adventures are a great way to learn more about the local history and wildlife of Gold Coast bushland, as well as having an experienced guide at hand to assist with your mountain-bike skills. Bike and helmets as well as light refreshments supplied. Sat 9am to 11.30am 29 Sept 2012

Coombabah Wetlands Nature Ride

Coombabah Rain Tree Glen Car Park (Map 18 H10)

Sat 9am to 11.30am 24 Nov 2012

Nerang River Bike Path Cruise

Nerang Bert Swift Park, Centurion Crescent (Map 37 D5)

Sat 9am to 11.30am 9 Feb 2013

Federation Walk Discovery Ride

Main Beach Phillip Park (meet at car park) (Map 29 M9)

Sat 9am to 11.30am 20 Apr 2013

Tallebudgera Creek Circuit

Tallebudgera Koala Park, Kevin Gates Park Boat Ramp, Awoonga Avenue

RideGC RideGC has been formed to deliver a series of cycle rides for the Gold Coast community. These events range from riding your beach cruiser to elite endurance rides so there is a ride for all levels of ability and fitness. The Gold Coast has over 600km of formed cycle ways for the community to enjoy. We also have a relatively flat geographic region bordering our beautiful ocean coastline so why not enjoy it? Check the RideGC website for regular updates on our event calendar.

For more information contact Andy Savage 0402 970 019

Sat 26 Aug 2012 8am

Burleigh Heads Justins Park

Sat 2 Dec 2012 8am

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Sat 21 Oct 2012 8am

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Apr 2013 Contact for date

Broadbeach Kurrawa SLSC Car Park

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Currumbin Community Farm Campus

Free. Bookings required for the archery and farmyard friends sessions. Currumbin Community Farm Campus 1226 Currumbin Creek Road Currumbin Valley (07) 5533 0312 info@currumbinfarmschool.

Discover outdoor and environmental education The Currumbin Community Farm Campus is an environmental and outdoor education centre located in the beautiful Gold Coast hinterland in Currumbin Valley. The centre facilitates an extensive range of educational programs based on outdoor, environmental and lifestyle learning experiences. The programs are fun and interactive and the campus is open on weekends for families to visit. The Farm Campus is set among, a beautiful garden setting and contains amazing facilities, including a residential camping facility, 10-metre Rock Climbing Tower, RSPCA farm animal enclosures, function facilities and heaps more! You can just bring the family along for the day and discover the campus or join in one of the many free workshops offered by the instructors. Why not make a day of it and bring a picnic as well? Every Sunday 10am to 2pm

Farm Discovery Day

Discover what this unique outdoor and environmental education centre has to offer. Pick your own fresh produce, discover the bush tucker trail, pat and feed the animals at the farmyard friends animal enclosures and enjoy the picnic grounds. No bookings required.

Sunday 10am to 12noon 7 Oct 2012 6 Jan 2013 7 Apr 2013

Site Navigation and Archery

Get the blood flowing while enjoying these adventure activities. Test your fitness, strength, speed and navigating skills. Site navigation requires teams to find as many checkpoints as possible, around the farm campus within a selected time period. Archery includes a lesson, a few practice rounds and a chance to compete against your family and friends. Bookings required.

Sunday 10am to 12noon 5 Aug 2012 4 Nov 2012 3 Feb 2013

Farmyard Friends

Get up close and personal with our farmyard friends. Assist our farmer with the daily chores and feeding duties. Prepare the animal food, herd the sheep into their grazing paddock and feed the miniature horse, cow, pigs, chickens and more! Bookings required.

Sundays 10am to 2.00pm 2 Sept 2012 2 Dec 2012 3 Mar 2013 2 Jun 2013

Rock Climbing

Get fit and healthy as you attempt to climb our Rock Climbing Tower. This will be a true test of your courage and strength. Challenge your personal boundaries by climbing as high as you possibly can. Will you make it to the top? All levels catered for. Minimum age 10 years. Enclosed shoes are compulsory.


Free. Bookings required. Minimum age 6 years and children must be accompanied by an adult. Vertec Adventure. To book please email bookings@

Enjoy the thrill of learning to fish. Whether you are a beginner yourself or you would like the kids to learn, this is the way for you all to experience the joy of catching fish. Come learn from the professionals how to bait, cast and catch and to read tides. Two sessions are conducted at each location. Children must be aged 6 years or over to participate and must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your own morning tea.

Sat 22 Sept 2012 9am to 10.30am 11am to 12.30pm

Upper Coomera John Siganto Reserve 639 Reserve Road (Map 16 D1)

Sat 3 Nov 2012 9am to 10.30am 11am to 12.30pm

Tallebudgera Schusters Park, Heather Street entrance (Map 70 B2) (meet at sand beach area at northern end of park)

Sun 27 Jan 2013 9am to 10.30am 11am to 12.30pm

Santa Barbara Charles Holm Park Pinnaroo Crescent (Map 7 Q1)

Dads & Kids Sat 9 Mar 2013 9am to 10.30am 11am to 12.30pm

Advancetown Hinze Dam Advancetown Lake Range Road (meet at eastern boat ramp)

Sat 11 May 2013 9am to 10.30am 11am to 12.30pm

Nerang Arthur Earle Park Connection Road (Map 37 K2)

Come & Try Kayaking

Free. No bookings required.

Come and try kayaking by yourself or with your family at a convenient location. Sessions will be running every half an hour with kayak instructors guiding the experienced and helping with your paddling technique. Come and have a go and see if kayaking is for you or your family. Information will be available on longer kayak trips, and what type of kayak suits you and your family’s needs. All equipment supplied.

Minimum age 12 years, or 6 years if accompanied by an adult. Vertec Adventure.

Sat 20 Oct 2012 9am to 12noon

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Sat 10 Nov 2012 9am to 12noon

Bundall Evandale Parklands, Ouyan Street

Sat 15 Dec 2012 9am to 12noon

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

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Kayak & Snorkel Tour

$5. Bookings required.

Session involves a paddling trip with a short snorkelling session among hundreds of reef fish on the eastern side of Wavebreak Island. Learn about local history and wildlife of the Gold Coast waterways as well as having an experienced guide to help with kayaking skills. All associated kayaking and safety equipment supplied, as well as light refreshments.

Dads & Kids Sat 17 Nov 2012 9.30am to 11.30am Everyone Sat 2 Mar 2013 9.30am to 11.30am

Discover the wonders of Wavebreak Island in this relaxing kayaking adventure, incorporating snorkelling around the island.

Minimum age 10 years, or 6 years if accompanied by an adult. Vertec Adventure. To book please email bookings@

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade (Map 19 E20)

Dad’s Day Out

$5. Bookings required.

A fun day out for Dad and the kids, and a great way to celebrate the important role that Dads have in the lives of their children. Take the kids fishing, kayak and snorkel at Wavebreak Island or discover the wetlands of Coombabah in these fun and adventure-filled activities just for Dads and their kids.

Minimum age 6 years and children must be accompanied by an adult. Vertec Adventure. To book please email bookings@

Sat 17 Nov 2012 9.30am to 11am

Kayak and Snorkel Tour to Wavebreak Island

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade

Sat 9 Mar 2013 9am to 12noon


Advancetown Hinze Dam, Advancetown Lake, Range Road (meet at eastern boat ramp)

Sat 13 Apr 2013 10am to 12.30pm

Discover Coombabah Wetlands Kayak Tour

Coombabah Phil Hill Environmental Park (Map 8 K13)

Kayaking Adventure

$5. Bookings required.

When was the last time you escaped your daily routine to enjoy quality time with someone special? Have fun paddling as a team in two-seat kayaks as you embark on one of the best ways to observe the Gold Coast’s hidden beauty. The guided kayaking adventures are a great way to learn more about the local history and wildlife of Gold Coast waterways as well as having an experienced guide to help with kayaking skills. All associated kayaking and safety equipment supplied, as well as light refreshments.

Minimum age 10 years, or 6 years if accompanied by an adult. Vertec Adventure. To book please email bookings@

Sat 11 Aug 2012 2pm to 4.30pm

Coomera Ecotour See the mangrove-lined shores of southern Moreton Bay and identify native flora and fauna in this diverse marine ecosystem.

Coomera Colman Road Boat Ramp (Map 328 J7)

Sat 6 Oct 2012 9am to 11.30am

Hinze Dam Discovery Enjoy a scenic and peaceful tour on Hinze Dam and learn more about the dam and its history.

Advancetown Hinze Dam, Advancetown Lake, Range Road (meet at eastern boat ramp)

Sat 1 Dec 2012 9am to 11.30am

Surfers Discovery Paddle Discover the waterways around Surfers Paradise and the million dollar views.

Surfers Paradise Girung Island, St Andrews Avenue (meet at boat ramp) (Map 39 L10)

Sat 2 Feb 2013 9am to 11.30am

Coomera River Enjoy a gentle paddle on the Coomera River and discover an array of hidden natural secrets along the way.

Upper Coomera John Siganto Reserve, 639 Reserve Road (Map 16 E1)

Dad & Kids Sat 13 Apr 2013 10am to 12.30pm

Discover Coombabah Wetlands Discover the beauty and flora and fauna of the wetlands in this relaxing paddle.

Coombabah Phil Hill Environmental Park (Map 8 K13)

Sat 25 May 2013 9am to 11.30am

Nerang Enjoy a gentle paddle on the Nerang River and discover an array of hidden natural secrets along the way.

Nerang Arthur Earle Park, Connection Road (Map 37 K2)

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Surfing & Beach Activities

Free. Bookings required. Contact Surf Coach at or register online

Learn how to identify a rip – and what to do if ever caught in one. Get involved in a board rescue relay, relay races and much more at this educational beach safety session. This interactive session is designed for families with children over the age of 8 years. Enjoy a great morning at the beach and learn the meaning of the famous red and yellow flags. All equipment is supplied and numbers are limited, so get in early. Starts November 2012 and runs through to end January 2013 First Sunday of the month 8.30am to 10am

Broadbeach Broadbeach SLSC, 27 Broadbeach Boulevard

Third Sunday of the month 8.30am to 10am

Miami Lifeguard Tower 22, Santa Monica Road (one tower north of the Nobby Beach SLSC)

Stand-up Paddling

$10. Bookings required. JM Stand-up Paddle Company. To book please call (07) 5607 0998 or email

This exhilarating activity is taking the Gold Coast by storm. By the end of this workshop you will know how to stand-up paddle and will be well on your way to learning new techniques for paddling and turning. No previous experience needed and children are welcome.

Second Sunday of the Month, 8am & 9.30am 2012 – 12 Aug, 9 Sept, 14 Oct, 11 Nov, 9 Dec 2013 – 13 Jan, 10 Feb, 10 Mar, 14 Apr, 12 May, 9 Jun

Palm Beach Parklands Gold Coast Highway (Map 70 R3)

8am & 9.30am 2012 – 26 Aug, 28 Oct 2013 – 27 Jan, 24 Mar, 26 May

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade (Map 8 R15)

SUPSA – Stand-up Paddling Surfers Association SUPSA is the first Gold Coast based – Stand-up Paddle Club to be officially affiliated with Surfing Queensland. Whether it is stand-up paddle surfing, downwind paddling, flat-water paddling, racing or competition, our SUPSA club caters for paddlers of any age and ability. SUPSA aims to provide a platform for greater development of the sport of stand-up paddle in the Gold Coast region by hosting family days, races, surfing competitions, special events and instructional assistance. The SUPSA Club meets the second Sunday of each month, with details about each activity listed on the clubs website

Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and the club is always looking for new members. To find out more visit

SUP Tai Chi

$15. Bookings required. Brad Holmes Surf Coaching 0418 757 539 or (07) 5539 4068

Want the best blend of body toning, enhancing better balance, co-ordination and rhythm? SUP Tai Chi is a progressive program, where selected Tai Chi and Qigong exercises are initially learnt on land, then safely and effectively practised on still water.

Sundays 1pm to 2pm

Surfers Paradise Budds Beach (meet opposite Bumbles Café)

Stand-up Paddle Workshops

$10. Bookings required. Adventure Outlet Southport. To book please call (07) 5571 2929

This exhilarating activity is taking the Gold Coast by storm. By the end of this workshop you will know how to stand-up paddle and will be well on your way to learning new techniques for paddling and turning. No previous experience needed and children are welcome.

Sundays 9am and 10am 2012 – 5 Aug, 2 Sept, 7 Oct, 4 Nov, 2 Dec 2013 – 6 Jan, 3 Feb, 3 Mar, 7 Apr, 5 May

Surfers Paradise Budds Beach, River Drive

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Surfing What better place to learn to surf than on Gold Coast beaches? Here you’ll find fantastic waves, warm water and friendly and professional instructors. All equipment is supplied. Make a booking and get ready to experience the thrill of riding a wave. Beginner lessons for all ages and ability levels. Bookings required for all lessons. • Standing and surfing in the first lesson • Easy-to-learn surfing techniques • Ocean awareness and surf safety

Sundays from 8am

Burleigh Heads 43 Goodwin Terrace (underneath Oscars near the underground pool)

Contact Cheyne Horan School of Surf on 1800 227 873.

$15. Bookings required.

Saturdays from 8am

Surfers Paradise Corner Hanlan Street and The Esplanade

Contact Cheyne Horan School of Surf on 1800 227 873.

$15. Bookings required.

Sundays 9am to 10am

Currumbin Alley (meet at the Surf Easy van in the carpark) 1 Duringan Street, near Lifeguard Tower 12.

Contact Garry and Kandy at Surf Easy on 0413 333 602 or visit

$15. Bookings required.

Every day 6am to 6pm

Currumbin Alley (meet at the Surfing Services van in the carpark) 1 Duringan Street, near Lifeguard Tower 12.

Contact Surfing Services on (07) 5535 5557 or 0411 235 080 or email Surfing Services also offer the Vegemite Surf Grom National Junior Surf Program.

$20. For a 1hr 30 minute

lesson. Contact Surfing Services to discuss dates and times of programs available.

Kokoda Bushwalking Adventures Discover the beautiful walks offered across the Gold Coast with ‘Club Kokoda – Gold Coast’. Join us and meet with like-minded people, enjoy the exercise, connect with others and experience the tranquil bushland. Walk and talk with people who have experienced the PNG Kokoda Track. All fitness levels welcome and encouraged. Every walk finishes with an energy restoring fruit plate. We invite you to join us now!

Gold Coin donation. No bookings required. Club Kokoda – Gold Coast Debbie Hogg 0412 579 064 To find out more visit our Facebook page: Club Kokoda – Gold Coast or

Sun 5 Aug 2012 6.15am

Nerang Velodrome Walk 4-hour excursion over a 16km loop.

Nerang Nerang Velodrome, Cnr Nerang Connection Road and Hope Street

Sun 2 Sept 2012 6.15am

Numinbah Valley Walk 4-hour excursion over a 14km loop. Creek crossings.

Numinbah Valley Cnr Nerang-Murwillumbah Road and Pine Creek Road (meet in the car park)

Sun 7 Oct 2012 6.15am

Base Hellfire Pass and return 4-hour excursion over 12kms.

Mt Nathan Bellis Road (meet end of Bellis Road, off Clagiraba Road)

Sun 4 Nov 2012 6.15am

Springbrook Apple Tree Walk 5-hour excursion over 16kms (900 steps).

Numinbah Valley Numinbah Valley Hall, Nerang-Murwillumbah Road

Sun 2 Dec 2012 6.15am

Numinbah Valley Numinbah Valley Christmas Bush Walking Trek 4-hour excursion over 10km or 14kms track. BBQ after walk. Nerang-Murwillumbah Road (meet at BBQ area 1km west, after Pocket Road)

Sun 3 Feb 2013 6.15am

Mt Fairview to Mt Nimmel Road and return 3-hour excursion over 5km. Poles recommended.

Austinville Austinville Road (meet at end of Austinville Road, base of Mt Fairview)

Sun 3 Mar 2013 6.15am

Mt Nimmel Camp Ground to Moffats Crossing 5-hour excursion. Poles recommended.

Austinville Meet at Mt Nimmel Camp Ground, outside of car park

Sun 7 Apr 2013 6.15am

Bellis Road up and over Mt Nathan 3-hour excursion over 12kms. Poles recommended.

Mt Nathan Bellis Road (meet end of Bellis Road, off Clagiraba Road)

Sun 21 Apr 2013 8.30am

Special Event – Rotary Kokoda Memorial Walk 2 to 3 hours over 10km. Experience the energy – of courage, endurance, mateship, and sacrifice. These are the values of our Diggers.

Carrara Metricon Stadium, Nerang-Broadbeach Road

Sun 5 May 2013 6.15am

Numinbah Valley Walk 4-hour excursion over a 14km loop. Creek crossings. Poles recommended.

Numinbah Valley Cnr Nerang-Murwillumbah Road and Pine Creek Road (meet at the car park)

Sun 2 Jun 2012 6.15am

Nerang Velodrome Walk 4-hour excursion over a 16km loop

Nerang Nerang Velodrome, Cnr Nerang Connection Road and Hope Street

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Sails is a not for profit charitable organisation that engages with the community through social and educational activities. Activities offered at their boat and beach adventure days include kayaking, sailing, inflatable powerboats, beach volleyball and sand art. All necessary equipment is provided. Bring personal items such as bathers, sunhat, sun cream, water and food. Youngsters with disabilities welcome.

Saturday 9am to 1pm 2012 – 4 Aug, 1 Sept , 6 Oct, 3 Nov 2013 – 2 Feb, 2 Mar, 7 Apr, 4 May, 1 Jun

S E nd C ke N e IE We R E P X E

Sails – Boat & Beach Adventure Days

$15. Bookings required. Activity run by SAILS. Contact Barry on 0420 811 080 or 0405 468 344.

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade (meet next to boat ramp and swimming enclosure)

Burleigh Run Swim Series Why don’t you ‘stroke and stride into good health’ this summer by taking part in the Bluhat Swim Run Series along beautiful Burleigh Beach? The Bluhat Burleigh Swim Run is a fun community fitness event and is open to everybody from kids as young as 8 years to adults 60yrs+. The event involves 400m of swimming and 3.84km of running, a distance that can be achieved by all ages and abilities. All participants begin with the Zarraffa’s swim leg (400m) off Burleigh Beach (water safety provided from Burleigh SLSC), then change into runners and complete the Running Shop run leg (3.84km). Whether you are a first-timer wanting a fun fitness event, an aspiring athlete, an average Joe or wanting to do it in a team of two, the Swim Run Series is for you. 2012 – 28 Oct, 18 Nov, 9 Dec 2013 – 6 Jan, 26 Jan (Australia Day event)

For more information contact Ty Dowker 0413 148 470

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade

Live at Bond Free Music Series Bond by the Lake celebrates arts and culture in our community. This year we celebrate the cultural dynamism of the Roaring Twenties! Enjoy a Sunday afternoon of jazz, swing and big band music, a unique Jazz Poetry gallery, cuisine culture, creative workshops, children’s entertainment, roving entertainers and more, at Bond University’s beautiful campus overlooking Lake Orr.

Free. No bookings required. Event brought to you by Bond University. For more information please contact Sharon on (07) 5595 5709 or 0420 859 350

Sun 30 Sept 2012 3pm to 5pm

Varsity Lakes Bond University

Featuring Súnas Get your dancing shoes on for Queensland’s premier Celtic group, Súnas, performing their fresh and exciting take on traditional Celtic music.

Sun 14 Oct 2012 1pm to 6pm

Varsity Lakes Bond University

Bond by the Lake celebrates arts and culture in our community. This year we celebrate the cultural dynamism of the Roaring Twenties! Enjoy a Sunday afternoon of jazz, swing and big band music, a unique Jazz Poetry gallery, cuisine culture, creative workshops, children’s entertainment, roving entertainers and more, at Bond University’s beautiful campus overlooking Lake Orr.

Sun 28 Oct 2012 3pm to 5pm

Varsity Lakes Bond University

Featuring Juzzie Smith See why Juzzie Smith is so loved by people of all ages, from all walks of life. Using a combination of keyboard, guitars, harmonica and percussion (all played with mind-blowing mastery). Soul food for the modern world.

Sun 25 Nov 2012 3pm to 5pm

Varsity Lakes Bond University

Join us for Live at Bond’s 2012 finale! Featuring some of Australia’s most highly regarded musicians and more. Join us at the stunning ADCO Amphitheatre overlooking Lake Orr to celebrate the finale of the 2012 music series.

Sun 31 Mar, 28 Apr, 26 May 2013 3pm to 5pm

Varsity Lakes Bond University

Live at Bond music series 2013, autumn season launch! Bond University’s free music series returns in 2013 with another eclectic program of high-quality music for all the community to enjoy.

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Activities for

EVERYONE Regular physical activity is important because it benefits your health and wellbeing today and into the future. Under the ‘Activities for Everyone’ category you will find a range of entry-level activities suitable for those new to exercising. All activities are overseen by qualified instructors. National physical activity guidelines for adults

Regular physical activity will help you: • have more energy

• think of movement as an opportunity, not an inconvenience

• reduce stress and tension

• be active every day in as many ways as you can

• sleep better

• put together at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days, preferably every day

• enhance your sense of wellbeing and improve your mood

• maintain and improve bone, joint and muscle strength • maintain and improve your overall quality of life

• if you can, also enjoy some regular, vigorous activity for extra health and fitness

Activities subsidised by Council are clearly identified with this symbol.

Group Fitness Training Give your body an all-over workout. Watch your fitness levels improve by joining these non-intimidating classes suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Sessions include circuits, boxing, core-strengthening and stretching.

Coombabah Grassy Park Hansford Road (Map 18 L2)

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Tues 6am

Kirra Roughton Park, Marine Parade (meet in front of Kirra SLSC)

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

Mon Wed Fri Biggera Waters 6.15am Lands End Park (Quota Park) Marine Parade

Deeann Morris 0414 671 262


Tues 9.15am

Ormeau Jacobs Ridge Reserve Maidenwell Road

Enhance Your Life PT $3 Alison 0415 753 930

Mon Wed Fri Burleigh 6am Rotary Park, The Esplanade (meet at car park at the end of 3rd Avenue)

Hunter Paltridge 0413 083 501


Tues & Thurs Oxenford Exclusively You 6am Damian Leeding Memorial Park Oxenford (07) 5580 3353 Watersports Lane

Mon Wed Fri Bundall 6am Evandale Park 135 Bundall Road (meet at the southern area of park Bundall Road side)

Alert Training Richard Burton 0412 010 291


Mon Wed Fri Robina 6.15am Robina Common Ron Penhaligon Way

Exclusively You Robina $2 (07) 5578 8995

Tues Thurs Fri Nerang 6am Nerang Community Centre 34 Price Street

Body by Paris 0437 231 426


Tues & Thurs Southport 6.30am Broadwater Parklands Gold Coast Highway

Exclusively You Southport (07) 5531 2022


Mon & Fri 6am



Wed 9.15am

Enhance Your Life PT $3 Ormeau Peachy Park, Tillyroen Road and Alison 0415 753 930 Ormeau Ridge Road

Thurs 9am

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110

Fri 9.15am

Coomera Central Park at Genesis Picnic Creek Drive

Enhance Your Life PT $3 Alison 0415 753 930

Sat 7am

Oxenford Matt Blackman Damian Leeding Memorial Park 0407 969 458 Watersports Lane



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Active & Healthy After Dark A fun and energetic cardio and strength class that will get your heart pumping. Classes will include such activities as boxing, core-strength, cardio and fitness work followed by stretching and relaxation. Suitable for all fitness and ability levels. Mon 5.30pm

Broadbeach Pratten Park, Old Burleigh Road (meet at southern end of park opposite school)

Mezzanine CA, Brendan 0418 667 752


Mon 6pm

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$4 Bookings required

Mon 6pm

Ormeau Phyzeek Personal Training, Mike 0414 843 265 Landsdowne Park, Landsdowne Drv (off Upper Coomera Road)

Free Funded by Stockland

Tues 6.30pm

Currumbin Currumbin School, Mitchell Avenue

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$5 Bookings required

Wed 6.15pm

Robina Robina Community Centre, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive

Chisel Fitness, Chris 0439 040 580


Wed 6pm

Upper Coomera Tallowood Park, Rose Valley Drive

Phyzeek Personal Training, Mike 0414 843 265


Thurs 6pm

Burleigh Burleigh School Hall, Lower Gold Coast Highway

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$5 Bookings required

JM Stand Up Paddle Company 0416 075 994

$5 Bookings required

Body By Paris 0437 231 426


Miami Tues 3.30pm Run in conjunction with Miami Primary School, 18 Oceanic Drive kids afterschool session

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013


Wed 5.45am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Wed 5.45am

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013


Wed 5.30pm

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Body by Paris 0437 231 426


Thurs 5.15pm

Pacific Pines Brockman Oval, Brockman Way

Body by Paris 0437 231 426


Work Out on Water A fun and dynamic session incorporating elements of stand-up paddling, swimming and general exercises. Discover the amazing cross-training benefits of this fun water-to-land workout. Sessions designed to work with all levels of fitness. Some paddling experience required. Sat 7am Oct to end of Mar

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Boxing Blast This energetic cardio-box session combines cardio, circuits and boxing to ensure every area of your body becomes trim, taut and terrific. The class is designed so you can work at your own pace as you punch, duck and weave your way to a fitter, healthier you. All ages welcome. Mon 6pm

Nerang Nerang Community Centre, 34 Price Street

Pilates Pilates is a great all-over body workout to transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. It builds strength and teaches body awareness and good posture. Great for alleviating back pain. Tues & Thurs 6pm

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Deeann Morris 0414 671 262

$2 Bookings required

Tues 8.30am

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Stepheletic 0414 683 835


Thurs 5.15pm

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Fri 9am

Carrara Carrara Community Centre, Nielsens Road

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


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Yoga Yoga is a relaxing and energising form of exercise that benefits the body, mind and soul. Classes cater for all levels and ages. Bring a towel or mat to all sessions.

Mon 9.30am

Pimpama Brian Houston Village Green Jacobs Well Road

Enhance Your Life PT Alison Pryce 0415 753 930


Fri 8am

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre Garrick Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Tues 6am Oct to end of Mar

Miami Thorn Park, Marine Parade

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Fri 10.45am

Clear Island Waters Gold Coast Italo Australian Club, 18 Fairway Drive

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Tues 6am

Currumbin Len Wort Park Teemangum Street

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Sat 7am

Broadbeach Kurrawa Park Old Burleigh Road

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Tues 8.30am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands The Esplanade

Zen Soul Yoga Madonna 0403 643 601


Sat 8am

Burleigh Heads Justins Park The Esplanade

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Garry 0412 007 689


Sat 9.30am

Enhance Your Life PT Jacobs Well Harrigans, Calypso Bay Marine Alison Pryce 0415 753 930 Village, Harrigans Lane (off Huth Road)


Sat 8.30am

Coomera Central Park at Genesis Picnic Creek Drive

B@1 Yoga Healing Clothing, Belinda Moore 0428 911 003


Sun 10.30am

Burleigh Heads Fradgely Hall, Park Avenue (above library)

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Thurs 8.30am Surfers Paradise Oct to end Lionel Perry Park of Mar Whelan Street Thurs 9.15am

Enhance Your Life PT Ormeau Hazelmere Park, Cnr Hazelmere Alison Pryce 0415 753 930 and Rosabrook Crescents


Thurs 6.15pm

Studio Village Studio Village Community Centre, 87 Village Way

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600

$2 Hall hire

Fri 6am Oct to end of Mar

Santa Barbara Charles Holm Park 2 Pinnaroo Street

B@1 Yoga Healing Clothing, Belinda Moore 0428 911 003


Easy Yoga – Stretch & Relax With Meditation We all need to stretch and relax more. Join this class to improve your flexibility and posture with a focus on relaxation. The class will help free the body and calm the mind. Bring a towel or yoga mat to the class.

Mon 9.30am

Nobbys Beach Australian School of Meditation and Yoga 2241 Gold Coast Highway

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Tues 9am

Robina Robina Community Centre Robina Town Centre Drive

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Wed 9.15am

Mudgeeraba Firth Park Sporting Complex Somerset Drive

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Wed & Fri 9am

Nobbys Beach Australian School of Meditation and Yoga 2241 Gold Coast Highway

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Mon & Fri 9.30am

Nerang Gold Coast Cycle Centre Hope Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Wed 6pm

Nerang Bert Swift Community Centre 11 Centurion Crescent (off Crusader Way)

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Thurs 9.15am

Southport Southport Community Centre 6 Lawson Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Step into Life – Toning Sessions A class using weight and bodyweight-based exercises designed to strengthen and tone the major muscle groups, decrease body fat and give you a firmer feel. Step into Life specialises in group personal training, providing state-of the-art group exercise programs delivered by fully qualified and highly skilled trainers. Wed 6am

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Sports Complex Lae Drive (southern end of soccer field)

Step Into Life Jodie 0406 773 689


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Tai Chi Improve your mind and body connection through the control of breath and movement. A qualified instructor will guide you through a series of slow, gentle and tranquil movements to promote harmony in mind and body, improved mobility, suppleness and mental alertness.

Mon 7.15am

Coolangatta Pat Fagan Park Marine Parade

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts 0419 763 360


Wed 10.30am

Labrador Senior Citizens Centre 370 Marine Parade

Australian Academy of Tai Chi, Rod (07) 5572 8921

Gold Coin

Mon 8am

Pacific Pines Pacific Pines Central Park Hotham Drive

Australian Academy of Tai Chi, Brad 0418 757 539


Thurs 8am

Jacobs Well Riesenwebber Park Jacobs Well Road

Enhance Your Life PT Alison Pryce 0415 753 930


Mon & Wed 8.30am

Burleigh Justins Park The Esplanade

Australian Academy of Tai Chi, Rod (07) 5572 8921


Thurs 9am

Helensvale Lions Park Careel Close

GC Tai Chi Academy Gai Wanless 0409 066 501


Mon 9.30am

Ashmore Tranquillity Park Kawana Crescent

FitLife Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376


Fri 8.30am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands The Esplanade

GC Tai Chi Academy Gai Wanless 0409 066 501


Tues & Fri 8am

Benowa Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens, 258 Ashmore Road

Australian Academy of Tai Chi, Brad 0418 757 539


Sat 8am

Ormeau Enhance Your Life PT Hazelmere Park, Cnr Hazelmere Alison Pryce and Rosabrook Crescents 0415 753 930


Tues 9am

Mudgeerara Firth Park, Somerset Drive

FitLife Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376


Sat 8am

Palm Beach Laguna Park, Laguna Avenue

GC Tai Chi Academy Dennis Watts 0419 763 360


GC Tai Chi Academy Dennis Watts 0419 763 360


Wed 8am

Southport Broadwater Parklands Gold Coast Highway

Thurs 8.30am

Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre Marine Parade

The Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (07) 5591 3533


Thurs 1.30pm

Burleigh Burleigh Beach Swim Centre 43 Goodwin Terrace

Burleigh Beach Swim Centre 1300 733 053


Fri 12.30pm Oct to end Mar

Woongoolba Pool Woongoolba Woongoolba Pool 1030 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Rd

Aqua Fit Aqua Fit is a great workout to music in water that combines cardio fitness and strength in a non-weight-bearing environment. A gentle form of exercise that moves the whole body. Conducted in the 25-metre heated pool. Mon 10am Thurs 12.30pm Tues 9.45am Tues 11am Tues & Fri 12.15pm

Helensvale Helensvale Pool, Rugby Lane off Discovery Drive Nerang Nerang Pool, Martin Street Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Pool, Robert Street Robina Robina Aquatic Centre 20 Caulfield Street

Helensvale Pool 1300 775 752


Nerang Pool 1300 775 752 Mudgeeraba Pool

$2 $2

Robina Aquatic Centre $2 1300 775 752


Deep-Water Running Improve your fitness and increase your flexibility in this introductory deep-water running class. Suitable for non-swimmers and pregnant women. Great music, great fun, belts and equipment provided. Mon 9am Thurs 5.30pm Oct to end Mar Tues 8.30am

Coomera Billinghurst Cresent

Coomera Pool – Rackleys Swim Centre 1300 733 053


Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade

Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (07) 5591 3533


Thurs 9.45am

Nerang Nerang Pool, Martin Street

Nerang Pool 1300 775 752


MAD – Mature & Determined Aqua (Indoor Pool) Low-impact water-based aqua class designed for seniors. A great class that moves the body without stress and is particularly beneficial to people with joint problems or those recovering from injury. Mon & Wed 12.30pm Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade

The Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (07) 5591 3533


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The following sessions are not funded by Council Lunchtime Workout

A great lunchtime session to get you out of the office and active. Join this energetic circuit-based class using pin-loaded machines and free weights. Tues 12.15pm to 1pm

Mudgeeraba Focus Fitness, Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110

$10 Bookings required

Boxing For all fitness levels – a full-body workout including cardio, strength and core training. Classes including various boxing and fitness activities and is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110


Mon Wed Fri 6.30pm Nerang Mon & Thurs 9.30am Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Tues & Thurs 6pm

Burleigh Marymount College, Reedy Creek Road

Michelle 0410 656 197

$15 Bookings required

Tues & Thurs 6pm

Varsity Lakes Varsity Primary School Hall, Christine Avenue

ConFITence, Nicole 0402 857 142

$12 Bookings required

Tues & Thurs 6.15am

Biggera Waters Lands End Park (Quota Park), Marine Parade

Deeann Morris 0414 671 262

$7 Bookings required

Tues 6pm Fri 5.45am

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Vigour Fitness, Chantal 0400 107 706

$12 Bookings required

Mon 5.30pm

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Coast to Coast Rock ’n’ Roll A fun way to exercise your mind and body through dance. Gentle on the joints and muscles and aerobic at the same time. Meet new friends and enjoy social outings as well. Great for over 50s. Thurs 7pm

Helensvale Helensvale Senior Citizens Hall 31 Discovery Drive, Helensvale (opposite Club Helensvale)

Coast to Coast Rock ‘n’ Roll Lyn (07) 5529 6244 or 0402 401 081


Kickboxing Muay Thai teaches the controlled use of punches, kicks and holds as its key weapons. Instructors tailor individuals’ fighting style based on the relative strengths and weaknesses of each student. Tues & Thurs 8pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Group Fitness Improve your general fitness and specific health goals with this fun yet challenging total fitness all-body group program. Excellent for individuals of all fitness and ability levels. Even if exercise isn’t your thing these sessions are for you. Equipment is provided, just bring a towel, water and a great attitude! Mon 8am

Coolangatta Queen Elizabeth Park, Marine Parade

Great Ideas in Nutrition (07) 5536 6400

$10 Bookings required

Mon & Thurs 9.15am

Palm Beach Mallawa Drive Sporting Complex, Mallawa Drive

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$10 Bookings required

Every day 6am & 6pm

Mermaid Beach Vision Personal Training Mermaid Beach Level 1, 2519 Gold Coast Highway

EJ Barnes and the Team 0417 195 534

$10 Bookings required

Sat 7am

Biggera Waters O’Connell Park, Cnr Morala Avenue and Ocean Street

Deeann Morris 0414 671 262

$10 Bookings required

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Yoga Yoga is a relaxing and energising form of exercise that benefits the body, mind and soul. Classes cater for all levels and ages. Mon 7.30am Mon, Thurs, Fri 10.30am Mon & Wed 7.15pm Tues 4.30pm Fri 7am & 5.30pm Sat 3.30pm

Broadbeach Essence of Living Yoga Studio 3/52 Peerless Avenue

Essence of Living Michelle (07) 5526 6600


Mon 10.15am Wed 6pm

Currumbin 5 Traders Way

Fe Taylor Fitness 0404 668 109

$11 Bookings required

Mon 6.30pm

Southport Southport Community Centre Lawson Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440

$12 $5 Concession

Mon 6.30pm Tues & Fri 5pm Wed 6pm Thurs (Yoga & Pilates) 7pm Sat (Yoga & Pilates) 7am Sat 8.15am

Helensvale Helensvale Community Centre 31 Discovery Drive

Kevala Yoga, Jodie 0413 589 347


Tues 9am

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Kevala Yoga, Jodie 0413 589 347


Tues & Thurs 9.30am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Tues 9am, 5pm Thurs 9am

Mermaid Beach Australian School of Meditation and Yoga 2241 Gold Coast Highway

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440

$12 $5 Concession

Tues & Fri 5.30pm

Southport Level 1, Suite 4, 42 Nerang Street

Beautiful Buddha Colleen Brown 0401 457 192


Tues 6.15pm

Southport U3A Hall, Margaret Street

Garry 0412 007 689


Thurs 6am

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Fe Taylor Fitness 0404 668 109

$11 Bookings required

Wed 11am Fri 6.30am

Paradise Point Zen Soul Yoga 0403 643 601 Paradise Point Community Centre (Large Hall), Grice Avenue


Wed 9.30am

Paradise Point Kathrin’s Yoga, Kathrin 0414 223 508 Paradise Point Community Centre (Large Hall), Grice Avenue


Wed 10.30am

Upper Coomera Upper Coomera Arts Hall, Reserve Road

Kevala Yoga, Jodie 0413 589 347


Wed 6.30pm

Southport Southport Community Centre, 6 Lawson Street

Garry 0412 007 689


Thurs 10.30am

Coombabah Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hansford Road

Garry 0412 007 689


Thurs 6pm

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4993


Thurs 6.30pm

Mermaid Beach Mezzanine Coaching Agency, Mermaid Central 2431 Gold Coast Highway

Mezzanine Coaching Agency 0418 667 752

$10 Bookings required

Sat 11am

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Community Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4993 $4

Yoga continued...

Mini Yoga Retreat Starting with a free yoga session, we follow this with some kirtan meditation and a talk on how yoga can benefit you physically, mentally and spiritually. A simple lunch is provided and the retreat ends with a massage workshop. 3rd Sun of Month 10.30am to 2.30pm

Burleigh Fradgely Hall, Park Avenue (above library)

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


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Tai Chi Tai Chi is a healing martial art that combines many martial arts movements with Qi (energy) circulation, breathing and stretching techniques. Mon 10am

Burleigh Fradgely Hall Cnr Park Avenue and Ocean Street

Australian Tai Chi Academy (07) 5539 4068 or (07) 5572 8921


Mon 6pm Sat 9am

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$14 Bookings required

Tues 9.30am

Coolangatta Point Danger Scouts Hall, Scott Street

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts (07) 5545 1874


Tues 6pm

Broadbeach Broadbeach Senior Citizens Hall T.E. Peters Drive

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts (07) 5545 1874


Wed & Fri 9.30am

Clear Island Waters Moorings entrance Cnr Markeri Street & Clipper Boulevard

James 0459 146 579

$5 Bookings required

Thurs 9am

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$5 Bookings required

Wed & Fri (6-week blocks) 10am

Parkwood Ozcare Facility, Usher Avenue

Ozcare Allied Health (07) 5569 6200

Free Bookings required

Thurs 9am

Burleigh St John’s Anglican Church Happ Park Avenue

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts (07) 5545 1874


Thurs 6pm

Elanora Elanora Primary School KP McGrath Drive

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts (07) 5545 1874


Fri 9am

Southport Southport Masonic Hall 76 Nerang Street

GC Tai Chi Academy, Dennis Watts (07) 5545 1874


Meditation Workshops In these workshops you’ll discover practical tools for bringing positive and lasting wellbeing into your life, physically, mentally and spiritually. We teach simple breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques. Wed 10.30am Thurs (call for dates) 7.30pm

Nobbys Beach Australian School of Meditation and Yoga 2241 Gold Coast Highway

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440

Free Bookings required

Fri (call for dates) 10.45am

Nerang Gold Coast Cycle Centre, Hope Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440

Free Bookings required

Mon 7pm to 8.30pm From 1 Aug

Mermaid Waters Brahma Kumaris Centre, 27 Bordeaux Parade

Brahma Kumaris (07) 5575 2126

Free Bookings required

Deep Peace Meditation A fully guided meditation session. Yoga breathing and meditation techniques relax the body and calm the mind. No physical exercises involved. Suitable for seniors. Mon 10.45am Tues & Thurs 10.15am Mon & Wed 5.30pm

Nobbys Beach Australian School of Meditation and Yoga 2241 Gold Coast Highway

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Mon 5.30pm

Southport Southport Community Centre, Room F3 1st Floor 6 Lawson Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Fri 10.45am

Nerang Gold Coast Cycle Centre, Hope Street

Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (07) 5554 5440


Afternoon Retreats An opportunity to come together with like-minded people – to workshop, meditate, discuss and share. Different topics every month eg: Don’t Get Mad Get Wise, Feeling Great, Creative Meditation, Pathways to Happiness. Sat 2pm to 5pm

Mermaid Waters Brahma Kumaris Centre, 27 Bordeaux Parade

Brahma Kumaris (07) 5575 2126

Free Bookings required

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The Zumba® fitness program is a funky fusion of Latin hip hop rhythms and easy to follow dance moves – a dynamic exercise program that will get you hooked and wanting more! These classes are all about having fun and getting fit, where participants can let go of their inhibitions and experience the pure joy of moving... Zumba style! Mon & Wed 7.30pm

Paradise Point Paradise Point Community Centre, Grice Avenue

The Zumba Queen, Chadissa Whale 0449 898 622


Mon & Fri 9.30am

Tugun Tugun Progress Hall, 433 Golden Four Drive

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Mon & Wed 9.30am

Helensvale Helensvale Scout Hall, 13 Shepparton Road

Kassy Beevor 0409 495 608


Mon 6pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Mon & Wed 6.30pm

Benowa Benowa Primary School Hall, Benowa Road

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Mon 7pm; Tues 6pm Thurs 6.30pm; Sat 8am

Palm Beach Palm Beach Primary School Hall, Cnr 19th & Townson Aves

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Tues 6.30pm

Nerang Nerang Primary School Hall, 3 Nerang Street

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Tues 7pm

Helensvale Helensvale State High School 243 Discovery Drive (student activity centre)

Kassy Beevor 0409 495 608


Tues 7pm; Thurs 6.30pm & 7.30pm (Zumba toning)

Ormeau Ormeau Primary School Hall, 29 Mirambeena Drive

Jo Mellare 0407 295 595

$10 $12 (Zumba toning)

Wed 9.30am

Burleigh Burleigh Maher Hall, 42 Matilda Street

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Wed & Fri 9.30am Thurs 7pm

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Memorial Hall, Railway Street

Zumba Gold Coast, Sian 0410 902 679


Sun 5pm

Cararra Carrara Community Centre, Nielsens Road

Kassy Beevor 0409 495 608


Pilates Improve your posture, alignment and body awareness while strengthening your lower back, core, abdominals and postural muscles. Gain lean muscles and support your injuries. Both men and women, all levels welcome to a high-quality class offered at an affordable rate so everyone can experience the benefits of Pilates. Mon & Wed 10.30am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Mon & Sat 10am Tues 6pm & 7pm

Robina Robina Community Centre, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive

Sway Bar Pilates Linda Harrison 0416 920 500

$10 Casual $5 Seniors

Mon 4.30pm; Tues & Thurs 7am & 7.15pm; Wed 10.30am; Fri 5pm Sat 4.30pm; Sun 9am

Mermaid Beach Essence of Living Studio, 3/52 Peerless Avenue

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Mon 6pm; Tues 6.30am Wed & Thurs 4.30pm

Burleigh Waters Burleigh Waters Community Centre, Christine Avenue

Lisa Pentony 0429 806 986


Tues 6am

Burleigh 2/62 Township Drive

Pilates Elements, Tenille 0423 841 155


Tues 10am

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Memorial Hall, 62 Railway Street

Sway Bar Pilates, Linda Harrison 0416 920 500

$10 Casual $5 Seniors

Tues & Thur 5.30pm to 6.30pm

Currumbin Gecko House, 139 Duringan Street

Belinda 0403 055 620

$10 Bookings required

Wed 9.30am to 10.30am

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Foundation Centre, 7 School Street

Belinda 0403 055 620

$10 Bookings required

Thurs 6am

Burleigh Burleigh Heads RSL, 8 Sixth Avenue

Fit Chicks Oz, Mel 0403 522 800


Triathlon Come swim, bike and run your way to fitness with these friendly clubs. All sessions are taken by a qualified coach and all ages and abilities levels are welcome. Mon to Sun 5.30am or 6am, 5.30pm

Miami to Burleigh Various locations

Surfers Paradise Triathlon Club Jenny Alcorn 0409 550 445


Daily From 5am

Upper Coomera Various Northern Gold Coast locations

Multisport Gold, Alli 0417 554 295

From $5

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Line Dancing Exercise your body and mind by dancing to lively, upbeat music. Line dancing is a fun way to dance socially without a partner. Mon 9.30am (beg) 1pm (inter) Wed 9.30am (inter)

Parkwood Southport Sharks Cnr Olsen & Musgrave Avenue

Liz Collett (07) 5532 6952 or 0412 598 911


Mon 1.15pm (beg) 1.45pm (inter)

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room Cnr KP McGrath Drive & Guineas Creek Road

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Wed 6pm (beg) 7pm (inter)

Clear Island Waters Italo Australian Club, 18 Fairway Drive

Liz Collett (07) 5532 6952 or 0412 598 911

$6 to $8

Tues 7pm (inter) Thurs 6pm (beg) 7pm (inter)

Benowa Bellevue Park Primary School 1 Sapium Road

Liz Collett (07) 5532 6952 or 0412 598 911

$6 to $8

Fri 9.30am (inter)

Parkwood Parkwood Arundel Community Centre 175 Napper Road

Liz Collett (07) 5532 6952 or 0412 598 911


Kung Fu Discover the art of Kung Fu and learn how to train your body for fitness, health and self-defence through the Tong Long style of Kung Fu. Programs are on offer for all ages and ability levels. Mon to Thurs 6pm to 7.30pm

Burleigh Heads Mantis King Fu Academy 4/29 Township Drive

Mantis Kung Fu Academy 0402 888 892

$10 Bookings required

Women self-defence Mon & Wed 6pm to 7.30pm

Burleigh Heads Mantis King Fu Academy 4/29 Township Drive

Mantis Kung Fu Academy 0402 888 892

$10 Bookings required

Karate Karate is a skilled martial arts practice that focuses on real life practical self-defence and the development of core fitness. Participants are engaged in an array of self-defence techniques and are confronted with real-life scenarios as they develop key skills and tactical responses throughout the discipline. Tues & Thurs 7pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is an ancient form of qigong, the practice of improving the health of one’s body and mind through special exercises and meditation. We welcome you to join us at one of our local practice sites where you will be taught the easy-to-learn exercises and introduced to the practice. Suitable for all ages. Sat & Sun 8am

Broadbeach Broadbeach Pratten Park, Margaret Avenue (meet at northern end of park opposite school)

Gold Coast Falun Dafa Nina Smythe (07) 5502 1071


Sun 8am

Broadbeach Cascade Gardens, Gold Coast Highway

Gold Coast Falun Dafa Nina Smythe (07) 5502 1071


Adults Kung Fu & Women’s Self-Empowerment & Self-Defence Classes Improve your everyday life skills, creating self-confidence, self-respect and also respecting others. This is a family orientated kung fu school where you can have fun and learn a great art form. Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs 6pm Thurs 9am

Burleigh Mantis Kung Fu Academy 4/29 Township Drive

Mantis Kung Fu Academy 0402 888 892

$10 Bookings required

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Learn How to Lawn Bowl

Lessons for anyone wishing to learn more about lawn bowls. A qualified instructor will teach you the basics in a relaxed and friendly environment. All equipment is supplied. Lawn bowls is the perfect sport for anyone wanting to meet new friends while getting some gentle exercise, particularly anyone recovering from sports injuries or illness. Wed 3pm to 5pm

Robina Robina Bowls Club, 257 Ron Penhaligon Way

Robina Bowls Club (07) 5593 1011

Free Bookings required

Barefoot Bowls Bring some friends along for some friendly competition on the greens. All equipment is provided. Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced bowler, Robina Bowls Club is the place to enjoy a casual Sunday afternoon. Coaching is available. Sun 12 noon to 5pm

Robina Robina Bowls Club, 257 Ron Penhaligon Way

Robina Bowls Club (07) 5593 1011

Gold coin donation

PCYC Discover a world of low-cost recreational activities and programs on offer at the three PCYCs on the Gold Coast. Each facility is equiped with a state-of-the-art gymnasium, boxing ring and training room as well as whole array of classes and programs from young kids right through to seniors. Visit yor local PCYC to find out what is on offer today. Mon to Sat Various

Ashmore Ashmore PCYC, Dominions Road

Ashmore PCYC (07) 5539 5774


Mon to Sat Various

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Mon to Sat Various

Broadbeach Gold Coast PCYC, Monaco Street

Gold Coast PCYC (07) 5538 5201


Big Issue Street Soccer Make friends, have fun, kick goals for yourself. Everyone (16 years and over) is welcome at Street Soccer. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the game or a budding player. It’s completely free, fun, friendly and you don’t have to be fit to get involved. So come down and kick goals for yourself. Tues 3pm to 5pm

Southport Mitchell Park, Marine Parade

Paul 0450 521 881


Swimming A fun, friendly adult swimming club that swims throughout the summer months in an outdoor pool. Come along and race against yourself and others in handicapped events. For fast swimmers we also offer open events at carnivals. Sun (Oct to Apr) 8am to 11am

Southport St Hilda’s Swimming Pool, Whitby Street entrance

John (07) 5564 9087


Aqua Aerobics Aqua aerobics provides a great workout with less stress on the joints. Class includes toning exercises for the entire body and the use of water-resistant equipment. Mon to Sat Various

Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade

The Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (07) 5591 3533

$10 Adult $7.50 Concession

Mon & Wed 5.30pm

Southport Yacht Street Indoor Swim Centre, 27 Yacht Street

QWEP 0430 449 898


Mon & Thur 8am

Burleigh Coopers Swim School, Flagstone Drive

Coopers Swim School, Cheryl (07) 5520 2250


Sat 8am

Carrara Radisson Resort, Palm Meadows Drive

Life Change Fitness and Health 0414 933 738


Mon Wed Fri 9.15am

Nerang Nerang Pool, Martin Street

Nerang Pool 1300 775 752


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Dragon Boating

Have fun on the water and learn to paddle with other like-minded people. All ages welcome. A great way to get fit and enjoy Lake Orr. We have experienced coaches to guide you through and a team of fun-loving paddlers to make you feel welcome. Tues & Thurs 5.30pm to 7.30pm

Varsity Lakes Sports House Lake Orr, Christine Avenue

Gold Coast Dragon Boat Club Inc Kylie 0420 403 087

Free Bookings required (first 3 sessions)

Dragon Boating Get involved for fitness, fun, friendship, team building, competitions and travel. Join world-class Burleigh Fire Dragons. Beginners welcome. Any fitness level. Tues & Thurs 6pm Sat & Sun 7.15am

Burleigh Heads Burleigh Fire Dragons Burleigh Sports Club, 111 Christine Ave (behind tennis courts) 0420 752 160

Free Bookings required

Aerobics Low-impact exercise particularly good for anyone who has not been exercising on a regular basis. Mon 9am to 10am

Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre Jim Harris Park, Mattocks Road

Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre (07) 5593 7006

$4 Member $6 Non-member

Aqua Zumba Aqua Zumba is a safe, challenging, water-based workout that’s body toning and exhilarating. Mon & Wed 6pm Wed & Fri 8am Sat 10am

Burleigh Coopers Swim School, Flagstone Drive

Coopers Swim School Cheryl (07) 5520 2250

$10 Bookings required

Adults Beginners Triathlon & Weight-Loss Group Triathlon training is a great form of cross training and if you are looking for support, fun, fitness and weight loss then this is the group for you. Tues 5.45am

Miami/Robina Location changes depending upon session. Please call for more information.

A Body 2 Fit Jenny Barwick 0404 861 811 or (07) 5575 8366

$15 Bookings required

TriBreath Body Sculpting TriBreath is a body-sculpting program utilising body and breath. Using three easily learnt breathing rhythms, each individual exercise has been tailor-made to tone and shape specific areas of your body. Sat 8am

Miami Pizzey Park Athletics Oval, Pizzey Drive

Brett Hayes 0427 154 735

$10 Bookings required

Nia For those seeking a fun and easy fitness program, Nia blends the joy of dance, the power of martial arts and healing art modalities in a one-hour class. Nia offers barefoot movement set to a funky global beat while integrating awareness, self-expression and self-healing in a safe and welcoming group. Every experience can be adapted to individual needs and abilities. Mon 9.30am

Burleigh Heads St John’s Anglican Church Hall, 14 Park Avenue

Lisa Silverstone 0401 423 102

$15 $12 Concession

Wed 9.30am

Tugun Tugun Progress Hall, Golden Four Drive

Lisa Silverstone 0401 423 102

$15 $12 Concession

TRX Suspension Training TRX training will strengthen your entire body without the use of any machines. With every exercise requiring the recruitment of your core, it produces faster results for toning and strengthening your physique. Tues 6pm Thurs 5.30am

Burleigh Heads Chek 360 Fitness Studio, 2/62 Township Drive

CHEK 360 Fitness Ben Thomas 0450 091 582

$10 Bookings required

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Social Tennis Social, mixed and doubles night. All levels and ages welcome. Tues 6.30pm

Carrara Radisson Resort Tennis Courts

Breakpoint Tennis Michael 0414 464 032


Adult Group Tennis Skills and drills session. Get fit, have fun and meet new friends while improving your game. All levels catered for. Mon 6pm

Carrara Radisson Resort Tennis Courts

Breakpoint Tennis Michael 0414 464 032

$15 Bookings required

Tennis Tennis is a social, healthy sport and there are a variety of great programs on offer across the city to help you get started and to enhance your development as well as tournaments and competitions to suit your needs. Tues (mixed social) Thurs (singles comp) 6.30pm

Burleigh Heads Gold Coast Albert Junior Tennis Club 111-135 Christine Avenue

Roger (07) 5576 2522

$10 Bookings required

Mon (cardio tennis) 9.30am Wed (social tennis) 7pm to 10pm

Woongoolba Woongoolba Tennis Club 1042 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Road

All Champs Tennis Academy Michael Parker 0421 795 608

$15 (cardio tennis) $6 (social tennis) Bookings required

Mon & Wed (social tennis) 7pm Fri (women’s social) 9am

Southport Tennis Plus at Queens Park 19 Queen Street

John and Ros Birrell (07) 5531 2725

$12 to $14 $7 (Women’s – Friday)

Strength & Core-Conditioning Group Program A structured strength and core-conditioning program running in 13-week blocks. Each week has three sessions of endurance, speed and power and a strength session. Watch your fitness levels explode and your body fat plummet with this entry-level session. Mon 6.30am Sat 8.30am

Burleigh Heads Chek 360 Fitness Studio, 2/62 Township Drive

CHEK 360 Fitness, Ben Thomas 0450 091 582

$15 Bookings required

Badminton A great social game for all ages. Badminton can help you increase endurance, maintain reflexes and further develop hand-eye co-ordination all while having fun and enjoying some friendly competition. Tues (social) 10.30am Nerang Wed (comp) 7.30pm Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227

$6 to $8

Pump The world’s fastest way to get in shape. Pump is a full-body workout using barbells and adjustable weights to tone and condition all major muscles while raising the metabolic rate for fat burning. Pump is ideal for participants who are interested in muscle conditioning for increases in strength, endurance and bone density. Tues & Thurs 6.30pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Spin Spin is a freestyle indoor cycling program designed to increase cardiovascular fitness and endurance while decreasing body-fat. Suitable for all fitness levels as you control your own intensity and expend energy in a controlled and focused session. Tues & Thurs 5.30pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


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Cardio Kung Fu

Lose weight, tone up, improve cardiovascular and respiratory fitness, and have fun while learning some of the foundation techniques and applications from a mix of martial arts. Mon Wed Fri 6am

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Showgrounds, Mudgeeraba Road

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$10 Bookings required

Qigong Learn the ancient art of breath and energy training. Relaxation is combined with repetitve movements and controlled breathing to systematically work the mind and body. Tues 6pm

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Showgrounds, Mudgeeraba Road

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$12 Bookings required

Flex This class is for those that seek more freedom of movement and less pain from stiffness and inflexibility. We utilise contract-relax methods, Sotai, meridian stretches, and breathing. Thurs 6pm

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Showgrounds, Mudgeeraba Road

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$10 Bookings required

Learn to Swing Dance & Lindy Hop (1940s & 1950s) Ever wanted to learn the classic 1940s and 50s dance styles? Come along to this fun and social dance class and not only improve your fitness, but have a ball at the same time. No dance experience necessary and everyone is welcome. Mon 7pm (beg) 8.15pm (inter)

Helensvale Helensvale Senior Citizens Centre, 37 Discovery Drive

Mark 0415 666 523


Tang Soo Do Karate A traditional martial art that focuses on discipline, resepct, health, fitness and teaches confidence, humility, co-ordination, focus and practical self-defence and personal safety. Mon & Wed 6.30pm

Varsity Lakes The Sports House, Christine Avenue

Master Luke Reinhardt 0418 813 843


Tae Bo® Fitness Tae Bo® Fitness is a program that combines the best of a variety of different exercise disciplines to provide an overall workout. It is the combination of selfawareness and control of martial arts, the focus and strength of boxing, and the grace and rhythm of dance. Sat 8am

Varsity Lakes Hope Church (opposite Varsity College), 4/175 Varsity Pde

BeMPowered Fitness Neri Holladay 0433 764 177

$10 Adults $8 Students

Early Morning Quickie (Street Orienteering) An early morning quickie is a map-based navigation-style event on foot (running or walking) where you use a map and cluesheet to visit as many checkpoints as possible in 45 minutes. Events cater to all ages and fitness levels, ranging from the social walker to competitive athletes. Wed (excl all Dec & Jun) 6am

Various on the southern Gold Coast Visit for details.

Judd Adventures Matt 0401 052 409


The Moving Place Develop body awareness and enliven your sense-of-place through guided movement meditations and gentle sensory explorations. Be supported and inspired to follow yourself into movement and into the unknown – discover your own unique dance! Wed 6.15am

Tugun Alex Griffiths Park Teemangum Street (on the water’s edge of Flat Rock Creek)

Meredith Elton 0420 367 199

$10 Bookings required

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Underwater Hockey

Underwater hockey is a fast-paced fun-filled sport. The action happens at the bottom of a tiled two-metre-deep swimming pool. It’s physical, low-impact and three-dimensional. Bring your mask, snorkel and fins. Tues 7pm

Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Gold Coast Highway

$5 per game

Underwater Hockey Danny 0412 874 224

Drumline & Dance Play drums and dance to the rhythms in an exciting new percussion group at TALENT for the Coast. Drums supplied and tutors on hand to teach rhythms and movement. Sat 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location. Numbers are limited.

TALENT for the Coast Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

Gold Coast Stage Band Play in a professional stage band in this exciting new group for young adults. Professional Musos on hand to teach style and stagecraft, so bring your own instrument with music and some equipment supplied. Tues 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location. Numbers are limited.

TALENT for the Coast Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

Gold Coast City Council understands that a strong community is important. By getting to know a few people in your street you can help build a community that you are proud to be a part of. WHAT IS STREET MEET? Street Meet is a casual, low-cost, friendly way to meet the people in your street. Street Meet normally includes sharing food, games and friendly conversation. A bit like a neighbourhood BBQ or street party.


TER REGISour for y eet M Street day o kit t

Connecting with the people in your community isn’t always easy. By hosting a Street Meet you are creating a casual and friendly environment for neighbours to drop in and introduce themselves.

• It is the first step to building a strong, safe and friendly community • It is a low-cost way to get to know your neighbours • Getting to know the people in our communities increases our sense of safety • You can never have too many friends THE STREET MEET KIT: The kit is a simple guide to hosting a great Street Meet. Included in the kit: • invitations • checklist • information to help get you started • registration form

To find out more or register for your very own Street Meet contact the Council’s Community Development Officer on (07) 5581 7328.

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Activities for

ACTIVE AGEING All Gold Coasters can improve their quality of life and increase their number of healthy years by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Age is no barrier to staying active! It has been suggested that as we get older we should slow down, take it easy and do less – but the reality is, the more we do the better we feel. To keep our physical and mental health we need to stay active. Regardless of your age, ability, weight or health condition, you can still be active in some way. The fact is, you are never too old to start!

Benefits of regular physical activity • controls weight • contributes to healthy bones, muscles and joints • reduces falls • decreases symptoms of anxiety and depression • lessens the need for hospital visits and medication

Activities subsidised by Council are clearly identified with this symbol.

Go to the ‘Activities for Everyone’ section to find other activities such as Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates, Aqua Aerobics and group exercise programs also suitable for seniors.

Nifty Over Fifty – Strength, Cardio & Balance Class Join this fun, motivating and friendly group training session. Improve your posture, balance and strength. Mon 9.30am Coombabah Liz Harper Fri 8.45am Marj Shipman Community Hall 0419 713 104 119 Hansford Road


Tues 2.15pm

Paradise Point Paradise Point Community Centre, Community Lane

I Love Me 0413 110 870


Mon 8am

Jacobs Well Charlie Hammel Park Cabbage Tree Point Road

Enhance Your Life PT Alison 0415 753 930


Wed 8am

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Community Centre, Lae Drive

I Love Me 0413 110 870


Mon 8.30am

Nerang Nerang PCYC Cayuga Street

Body by Paris 0437 231 426


Wed 9am

Robina Focus Fitness Robina Community Centre (07) 5525 1110 196 Robina Town Centre Drive


Tues 9am

Ashmore Ashmore PCYC Dominions Road

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013


Wed 9.30am

Labrador Labrador Community Hub Billington Street

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Mon & Wed 11am

Coomera Coomera Oxenford Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Kris 0408 440 515


Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013


Lift for Life This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Lift for Life is an evidence-based resistance training program. The benefits of resistance training can be enjoyed by everybody regardless of their fitness level, body type and age. People with or at risk of chronic conditions are encouraged to get involved in the Lift for Life program. Mon 8.30am Coombabah Liz Harper Fri 7.45am Marj Shipman Community Hall 0419 713 104 119 Hansford Road


Tues & Thurs Mermaid Beach 2pm Mermaid Beach Bowls Club


Brendan 0418 667 752

Tues & Thurs Nerang 9.30am Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

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Heartmoves This initiative is funded by the Australian Government. Heartmoves, a gentle physical activity program designed to be safe for people with stable long-term health conditions or those who haven’t exercised for a while. Take the steps to get Active & Healthy for life. Runs in school terms only. Tues & Thurs 7am

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Shellie Maller 0438 800 890


Heart & Diabetes Exercise Class A gentle and low to moderate intensity exercise program that is designed to meet the requirements set by Heartmoves, which was developed by cardiac and rehabilitation specialists in conjunction with the Heart Foundation. Designed especially for those with or at risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. Seated versions of every exercise are offered. Fri 10.45am

Coombabah Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hansford Road

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Mature & Determined Aqua (Indoor pool) Low-impact water-based aqua class designed for seniors. A great class that moves the body without stress and is particularly beneficial to people with joint problems or those recovering from injury. Mon & Wed 12.30pm

Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade

Gold Coast Aquatic Centre (07) 5591 3533


Lungs in Action Low-intensity exercise program for those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other stable chronic lung conditions. Developed by the Australian Lung Foundation. 2 SESSIONS AVAILABLE – 10.30am session is a low-intensity session with 11.30am session for a very low-intesity session most suited to those on supplemental oxgyen. Mon 10.30am

Coombabah Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hansford Road

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Mon 10.30am

Palm Beach St Paul’s Palm Beach Anglican Church Hall Palm Beach Avenue

Alan Melville Spiritus Care Services Jo Setter (07) 5556 6700


Wed Labrador 10.30am Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street (runs in 8-week blocks)

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Thur 11am

Paris Kiripatea 0437 231 426 Leanne Tate, Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Health Ventures A one-hour group exercise class for people aged 50 plus. Classes include exercises for strength, balance, flexibility and heart health. Suitable for beginners and those who are unfit, lacking in confidence or with existing chronic conditions. Wed 8am

Carrara Carrara Community Centre, Nielsens Road

Health Ventures Sue 0405 536 994 or (07) 5527 7240


Wed 10am (level 1) 11.15am (chronic conditions)

Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre Lynmuller Lane, Mattocks Road

Health Ventures Sue 0405 536 994 or (07) 5527 7240


Thur 12noon

Coolangatta Coolangatta CWA Hall, 169 Griffith Street

Health Ventures Sue 0405 536 994 or (07) 5527 7240


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Over 55’s Cardio Tennis Cardio Tennis provides a great workout without stress on the joints. Using low-compression balls and exercising to lively, upbeat music, it’s a great way to socialise and keep fit! Beginners to advanced levels welcome. Wed 2012 – 15 Aug, 17 Oct, 12 Dec 2013 – 13 Feb, 17 Apr, 12 Jun

Hope Island Hope Island Tennis Courts Sickle Avenue

Julie Dybendahl 0420 224 809

$5 Bookings required

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Donna Rose (07) 5537 3789


Jazz Dance – Beginners Learn basic and advanced jazz dances. A friendly, qualified dance teacher will have you gliding around the floor like a star in no time. Wed (beginners) Thurs (advanced) 8.30am

Palm Beach Anglican Church Building, 69 Palm Beach Avenue

Gentle Exercise Class Participants will be guided through a gentle lesson of easy to do movements (exercises) that enhance, improve and support quality results for movement and flexibility. Come and exercise in a fun and supportive environment with a Feldenkrais-trained instructor. Bring yoga mat and towel. Thurs 8.30am

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

I Love Me These classes will leave you feeling great. Improve your mobility, flexibility and strength in these fun and motivational exercise sessions. A great way to meet others. Mon 9am

Palm Beach Anglican Church Building 69 Palm Beach Avenue

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Thurs 10am

Helensvale Helensvale Community Centre 31-35 Discovery Drive

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Mon 10.30am Fri 10am

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Community Centre, Lae Drive

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Thurs 9am

Burleigh Heads Fradgely Hall, Park Avenue (above library)

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Tues 8am & 9.30am

Robina Uniting Church Hall 4 Greenwich Court

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Fri 8am (begins Feb 2013)

Molendinar Lynne Richardson Community Centre, Gidgee Court

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Tues 11.30am

Southport Southport Community Centre Lawson Street

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Fri 9am

Robina Robina Retirement Village 1 Glenside Drive

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Wed 9.45am

Mermaid Beach Mermaid Community Centre 2439 Gold Coast Highway

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Dr Cornish Walking Program Promotes healthy exercise habits through a medically supervised walking program. Run by an experienced exercise physiologist. Tues 7.30am

Palm Beach Mallawa Sporting Complex, 19th Avenue

Cornish Walking Program 0414 632 801


Thurs 6.45am

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Sports Complex Lae Drive (meet at the athletics oval)

Cornish Walking Program 0414 632 801


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Seated Yoga Gentle therapeutic seated activity. Excellent for beginners and people seeking no-impact low-intensity exercise. Carers and health professionals are also welcome to attend. Wheelchair friendly. Tues 11am

Southport Southport Community Centre, Lawson Street


Garry 0412 007 689

The following sessions are not funded by Council Young at Heart Yoga This relaxing yoga class is great for seniors and will have you feeling supple and refreshed at the end of the class. Mon 8.15am

Labrador Senior Citizens Centre, 370 Marine Parade

I Love Me Anna 0413 110 870


Gentle Exercise Class Regain and maintain your strength with low-impact easy to follow exercises designed for Seniors and/or people suffering chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Come and exercise in a fun and supportive environment with Heart Foundation “Heartmoves Leaders” working in conjunction with Jonathan Freeman, Accredited Exercise Physiologist ESSAM. Wheelchair friendly. Mon & Fri 9am

Kirra Kirra Community Centre, Garrick Street

Fe Taylor Fitness 0418 196 337

$8 (per class) $12 (for 2 classes)

60 & Better Program Come join in the fun with an invigorating range of activities offered by the friendly 60 and Better group. A great way to meet new people and get moving at the same time. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat are also on offer. Mon 9am

Tai Chi

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Mon 10.30am Thurs 8.45am

Seniors easy exercises

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Mon 2pm Wed 9.30am

50+ moderate exercises

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Presbyterian Hall, Mudgeeraba Road

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Tues 8.45am Thurs 10.30am

Seniors easy-moderate exercises

Burleigh Heads Burleigh Masonic Hall, First Avenue

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Tues 8.30am

Cards & Games

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Wed 8am

Fit ball

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Thurs 10am

Social Cards

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Thurs 1pm


Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Fri 8.45am

Senior moderate/advanced exercises

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


Wed 9am Fri 12noon

Table Tennis

Elanora The Pines Meeting Room, Cnr Guineas Creek Road & Coolgardie Street

60 and Better (07) 5525 6466


BEAT IT BEAT IT is a 12-week physical activity and lifestyle program designed by the Australian Diabetes Council to provide safe and effective exercise for people living with or at risk of diabetes. Also suitable for people with other chronic conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and osteoporosis. Tues & Fri 1pm

Robina Fenix Fitness, Robina Town Centre

Cheryl 0416 326 064

$10 Bookings required

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Health Ventures

With emphasis on fun, variety and safety, these 50’s plus classes include exercises for strength, balance, flexibility and heart health; in combination with activities that promote mental sharpness and memory function. Two instructors at every class ensures safety and personalised assistance. Assessment and ongoing monitoring is provided. Thurs (entry-level class) 7.30am Thurs (level 2) 9am

Burleigh Burleigh Masonic Hall, First Avenue

Health Ventures Sue 0405 536 994 or (07) 5527 7240

$8 Casual $6.50 (10-pass price) $4 First class

Tues (level 3) 8am

Burleigh St John’s Anglican Church Hall, 14 Park Avenue

Health Ventures Sue 0405 536 994 or (07) 5527 7240

$8 Casual $6.50 (10-pass price) $4 First class

Zumba Gold for Seniors Join in the Zumba dance craze and get moving to the Latin music. A great class for seniors that takes you through all the Zumba moves. Mon 9.30am Wed 9.15am

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Community Centre, Lae Drive

The Zumba Queen Chadissa Whale 0449 898 622


Tues 10am

Robina Robina Community Centre, 196 Robina Town Centre Drive

Ruth Leach 0433 098 811

$6.50 Bookings required

Thurs 10am

Arundel Parkwood Arundel Community Centre, Napper Road

Ruth Leach 0433 098 811

$6.50 Bookings required

Steady Steps A fun group aimed at improving strength and balance to reduce the risk of falling. The program runs in 10-week blocks. Tues & Thurs 10am

Parkwood Ozcare Facility, Usher Avenue

Ozcare Allied Health (07) 5569 6200

Free Bookings required

Square Dancing Square dancing is fun! It’s also good exercise, both physically and mentally. Suitable for all age groups. If you can walk, you can learn to square dance. Square dancing is friendship set to music. Sat 7pm to 10pm

Burleigh Heads Burleigh Senior Citizens Centre, 42 Matilda Street

Joy (07) 5523 3047


Social Dancing Learn to dance in this fun, healthy evening for all ages. Learn how to waltz, quickstep, rumba, cha cha and new vogue. No partners needed, just come along and join in the fun and social interaction. Mon 7.15pm to 10pm

Labrador Labrador Scout Hall, 224 Turpin Road

Keith and Barbara 5571 0792 or 0404 748 173


Miami Masters Swimming Club Love to swim or want to learn how? Join the Miami Masters crew for an afternoon of fitness, friendship and fun. Coaches are on hand to improve your stroke or just to get you swimming a lap. Ages 20 years and over. Fee includes pool entry. Tues 6.30pm Sat 3pm

Miami Miami Swimming Pool, Pacific Avenue

Miami Masters 0414 680 437


Men’s Health – Stretch, Breathe & Relax This health and fitness session is designed to address matters specific to mature men who seek to improve their wellbeing and vitality. Breathing and mindfulness techniques are combined with practical exercises and tips for health and longevity. Mon 12.05pm

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Garry 0412 007 689

$8 Bookings required

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Fun & Friendship Morning Join this friendly group of seniors for activities such as indoor bowls, table tennis and cards. All welcome and includes a morning tea. Mon 9am to 12.30pm

Tugun Tugun Community Centre, Coolangatta Street

Mandy 0421 175 553


Mature & Motivated A fun and innovative class for over 50s, specially designed to increase wellbeing and quality of life in a socially interactive environment. Tues 9.30am Fri 10am

Coomera Oxenford-Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Matt Blackman 0407 969 458


Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement This gentle and safe movement class will assist at relieving pain, improve breathing, posture, balance and coordination. Wed 8.30am to 9.30am

Coombabah Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hanford Road

Physiotherapist and Feldenkrais Practitioner Madeleine Edgar (07) 5529 5494


Tues 6.30pm Thurs 9.30am

Labrador 50 Broad Street

Donna Rose (07) 5537 3789

$15 Bookings required

Basketball Masters Join our weekly masters basketball group that gets together twice a week for a social shoot around and game. Open to all ages and abilities, these social pick-up games are a great way to stay in shape and maintain your skills and desire for the game of basketball. Tues & Fri 9am to 11am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Health & wellness Management Programs Chronic Disease Wellness Program This community-based program aims to provide co-ordinated multi-disciplinary services for people with complex care needs associated with a diagnosis of a chronic disease. The program includes clinics and education to help manage heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. It also offers tailored exercise programs for people with heart failure and COPD. The program works closely with the GP, so it is best if you can discuss obtaining a referral with them. Call for more information and days available. Bundall Bundall Community Health Centre, Zurich House, 8/1 Karp Court

Bundall Community Health (07) 5570 8500


Helensvale Helensvale Community Centre, 105 Lindfield Road

Helensvale Community Centre (07) 5529 8611


Palm Beach Palm Beach Community Health Centre, 9 Fifth Avenue

Palm Beach Community Health Centre (07) 5525 5699


Exercise for People With Diabetes Put some balance back into your life. A beachside exercise class run by a qualified Exercise Physiologist/Dietitian from Great Ideas in Nutrition. Specialised program for people with diabetes with medicare assistance available. Mon 8am

Coolangatta Great Ideas in Nutrition Great Ideas in Nutrition, Cnr Dutton Street & Marine Parade (07) 5536 6400

$10 Bookings required

Making Sense of Diabetes This education program is for people with Type 2 Diabetes that focuses on understanding diabetes, following a healthy diet and exercise. The program runs in 4-week blocks. Fri 9.30am to 11am

Robina Ozcare Office, North Hill Drive

Ozcare Allied Health (07) 5569 6200

Free Bookings required

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Health & Wellness Management Programs. Continued‌

Multiple Sclerosis Fitness Program

This community-based exercise program is for people living with Multiple Sclerosis. An individual exercise program is designed to suit individual limitations and can be adjusted to any variation in symptoms. Exercise clearance should be discussed with your GP or Neurologist. An assessment is required prior to attending an exercise class. Mon 8.30am & 10am Wed 8.30am Fri 9.30am

Helensvale Helensvale Community Centre, 105 Lindfield Road Palm Beach Palm Beach Community Health Centre, 9 Fifth Avenue Robina Robina Health Precinct, 2 Bayberry Lane

Community Health Coordinator 0403 607 941 Community Health Coordinator 0403 607 941 Community Health Coordinator 0403 607 941

Free Free Free

Cardiac Rehabilitation Program This community-based program aims to provide specialised care by a multi-disciplinary team to assist recovery after a cardiac event. The program is designed to benefit people who have experienced a heart attack, angina, have had a stent or open-heart surgery, have a diagnosed heart condition or those who have multiple risk factors for heart disease. The program comprises an exercise and education component. Doctor’s clearance is required, therefore discussion with your heart specialist or GP is advised. Call for more information and days available. Bundall Bundall Community Health Centre, Zurich House, 8/1 Karp Court

Bundall Community Health (07) 5570 8500


Chronic Disease Self-Management Course This program covers managing symptoms, reducing frustration, fighting fatigue and improving communication skills to get more out of life. The program runs in 6-week blocks. Tues 10am to 11am Thurs 10am to 11am

Robina Ozcare Office, North Hill Drive Parkwood Ozcare Facility, Usher Avenue

Ozcare Allied Health (07) 5569 6200 Ozcare Allied Health (07) 5569 6200

Free Bookings required Free Bookings required

Great parks for

FITNESS Council provides a range of fitness circuits in our parks. Facilities are free and are a great way to improve your fitness level and general co-ordination. Equipment varies in different parks and can include cross-trainers, steppers, ab-hip swingers, ezy-riders, shoulder presses, rowing machines, cycle seats, butterfly presses and push-up and sit-up boards. Jacobs Well Riesenwebber Park Jacobs Well Road (Map 308 C9)

Pacific Pines Pacific Pines Central Park Hotham Drive

Ormeau Norfolk Park Pascoe Road (Map 305 E1) Peachy Park Tillyroen Road (Map 305 K14) Pincally Crescent Park, Pincally Close

Studio Village Studio Park Village Way (Map 17 A10)

Hope Island Sickle Park, Sickle Avenue

Nerang Swift Park Centurion Crescent

Helensvale Discovery Park Discovery Drive (Map 17 G10)

Paradise Point Paradise Point Park The Esplanade (Map 8 R15)

Main Beach Philip Park, Seaworld Drive (Map 29 N12)

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Esplanade Just north of Cavill Avenue (Map 39 P6)

Varsity Lakes Frascott Park Mattocks Road (Map 59 H8)

Bundall Evandale Park Ouyan Street (Map 39 H7)

Robina Robina Common Ron Penhaligon Way

Broadbeach Pratten Park Old Burleigh Road (Map 39 P20) Albert Park 180 Monaco Street (Map 39 E16)

Burleigh Heads Reg Chesters/Rotary Park The Esplanade (Map 60 F5)

Boronia Park Allambi Avenue

Reedy Creek Southern Skies Park Southern Skies Avenue

Southport James Overell Park Brighton Parade (Map 29 H16)

Palm Beach Rockview Public Park Laceys Lane (Map 70 R2)

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Activities for

CHILDREN Children love to be active. Making physical activity a part of their daily routine is not only fun, but also healthy. Physical activity is important for healthy growth and development. If you are a parent or carer of a young child, the two points to remember are: • children need at least 60 minutes (and up to several hours) of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day • children should not spend more than two hours a day using electronic media for entertainment (computer games, TV, Internet), particularly during daylight hours

Activities subsidised by Council are clearly identified with this symbol.

Active & Healthy Holiday Program Head down to your local park to join in the range of free exciting activities designed to get the heart pumping and the face smiling. Activities run throughout each school holiday period, so to find out what is on offer across the city or to sign up to receive the holiday program visit

Afterschool Kids Fitness Fun A fun afternoon in the park with a range of games and activities on offer to get the kids moving and laughing. Run by qualified trainers. 2012 – Term 3 – 30 Jul to 14 Sept 2012 – Term 4 – 15 Oct to 30 Nov 2013 – Term 1 – 11 Feb to 29 Mar 2013 – Term 2 – 22 Apr to 7 Jun Mon 3.30pm

Coolanagtta Len Peak Oval, Staplyton Street

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre (07) 5534 4030


Mon 3.30pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Body by Paris 0437 231 426


Tues 4pm

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110


Miami Tues 3.30pm (inc. boxing & fitness Miami Primary School, 18 Oceanic Drive session for parents)

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre (07) 5534 4030


Palm Beach Wed 3.30pm (inc. boxing & fitness Mallawa Drive Sporting Complex, Mallawa Drive session for parents)

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre (07) 5534 4030


Boxing & Fitness for Parents While the children have fun at the free Active & Healthy afterschool program, you have the chance to do something for yourself. At the end of the boxing session you will feel energised and ready to get dinner on the table. You can work at your own pace, so get involved. Classes run in conjunction with afterschool program. Tues 3.30pm

Miami Miami Primary School, 18 Oceanic Drive

Fe Taylor Fitness (07) 5534 4030

$3 Bookings required

Wed 3.30pm

Palm Beach Mallawa Drive Sporting Complex, Mallawa Drive

Fe Taylor Fitness (07) 5534 4030

$3 Bookings required

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Free Fun in the Park with The Fun Team A fun and energetic morning activity perfect for the little ones. Come and enjoy two hours of fun while the kids bounce on the jumping castles. Free drink and healthy snack provided. Wed 18 Jul 2012 9am to 11am

Mudgeeraba Hinterland Regional Park, Hardys Road

The Fun Team (07) 5559 0957

Free Bookings required

Wed 17 Oct 2012 9am to 11am

Palm Beach Laguna Park, Laguna Avenue

The Fun Team (07) 5559 0957

Free Bookings required

Wed 13 Feb 2013 9am to 11am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

The Fun Team (07) 5559 0957

Free Bookings required

Wed 15 May 2013 9am to 11am

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens, 258 Ashmore Road

The Fun Team (07) 5559 0957

Free Bookings required

Move & Groove (2 to 5 years) An energetic and exciting movement program that teaches children to dance and express themselves physically and creatively while having fun, developing fitness and flexibility. Classes run in school terms only. Mon 9am

Miami Miami Primary School Hall, 18 Oceanic Drive

Miami State School (07) 5595 4888


Mon 9am

Currumbin Currumbin Primary School Hall, Philip Street

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre Fe Taylor (07) 5534 4030


Tues 9am

Labrador Labrador Community Hub, Billington Street

Kim Mills 0417 479 188


Thurs 10am

Ashmore Ashmore State School, Currumburra Road

Kim Mills 0417 479 188


Thurs 8.45am

Arundel Parkwood Arundel Community Centre, Napper Road

Kim Mills 0417 479 188


Smallsports (3 to 5 years) Interactive and fun activities for kids aged 3 to 5 years. Sports-based motor skills and conceptual program especially for pre-schoolers. Bookings required. Classes run in school terms only. Free sessions funded by the Communities for Children project. Mon 10am

Labrador Baden Robin Park, Billington Street

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Mon 4pm

Pacific Pines Pacific Pines Central Park, Hotham Drive

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Tues 4pm

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Tues 10.30am

Ormeau Highway Christian Church, 351 Creek Street

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4997


Tues 9.30am & 10am

Palm Beach Palm Beach Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Tues 11am Thurs 9am

Coomera Beattie Road Early Years Hub, 65 Beattie Road

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4997


Wed 10.15am

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children (07) 5529 8087


Wed 10am

Robina Cheltenham Park Cnr Cheltenham and Robina Town Centre Drives

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Fri 9am

Coomera Coomera River State School, Finnegan Way

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4997


Fri 10am

Nerang Nerang Early Years Centre, 40 Martin Street

Smallsports 0421 556 032


Fri 10am

Upper Coomera St Mary’s Community Hub, 185 Billinghurst Crescent

Communities for Children (07) 5580 4997


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Craft in the Park Creative, energetic craft workshops for kids. A great way to enjoy the outdoors with your little one while stimulating their creativity and imagination. Ages 1 to 5 years. Classes run in school terms only.

Tues 9.30am

Burleigh Apex Park, Goodwin Terrace

Creative Craft Centre (07) 5520 3376


The following sessions are not funded by Council Hot Shots Tennis Children learn to play on the right-size court using racquets that are perfect for small hands and balls that don’t bounce too high. With MLC Tennis Hot Shots, kids learn to play tennis the right way and develop at their own pace. Tues 3.30pm

Carrara Radisson Resort Tennis Courts

Breakpoint Tennis, Michael 0414 464 032

$15 Bookings required

Tues 4.30pm

Woongoolba Woongoolba Tennis Club, 1042 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Rd

All Champs Tennis Academy Michael Parker 0421 795 608

$7.50 Bookings required

Join our 10 years and under competition for healthy fun learning to play tennis with a club professional. Progress through the grades! Mon, Wed, Sat 3.30pm

Burleigh Heads Gold Coast Albert Junior Tennis Club 111-135 Christine Avenue

Roger (07) 5576 2522

$13 Bookings required

Skipping Skipping is fun, easy to learn and inexpensive. It is a fantastic way to do some exercise, increase co-ordination and self-confidence. We learn single rope skills and double-dutch, long ropes. We cater for ages 7 to 17 years, boys and girls. Sat 3pm to 4pm Miami (during school terms) Miami Primary School, 18 Oceanic Drive

Gold Coast Skipping Club Learne 0407 720 645

$9 Family discounts apply

Physical Culture A combination of jazz dance, ballet and exercise routines rolled into one. Great for co-ordination, rhythm, flexibility, fitness and fun. Classes from 4 years to adult women. Mon Wed Thurs From 3.30pm (various times for each age group)

Miami Miami Primary School, 18 Oceanic Drive

Mermaid Beach Physical Culture 0417 265 106


Mon From 3.30pm

Ashmore Ashmore State School Hall, Currumburra Road

Surfers Paradise Physical Culture 0413 555 139

$15 per week (includes 2 lessons)

Kids Yoga A fun, non-competitive way for kids to gain the benefits of yoga in early life. Kids yoga is a natural and healthy way to exercise, relax and focus. Mon & Fri 10am Kirra (2 to 5 yrs) Kirra Community Hall, Garrick Street Thurs 4pm (6 to 12 yrs)

Little Lamas Yoga Peita 0413 318 954

$8 Bookings required

Wed 4pm

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre 0404 668 109

$7 Bookings required

Mermaid Beach Essence of Living Studio, 3/52 Peerless Avenue

Palm Beach Tues Laguna Park, Laguna Avenue 3.30pm (5 to 9 yrs) 4.15pm (10 to 15 yrs) Wed 9.15am (2 to 5 yrs)

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Kinder Circuit Gross motor activities, a great class to build confidence and ability. Tues 9.30am

Currumbin Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre, 5 Traders Way

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre Fe Taylor (07) 5534 4030

$6 Bookings required

Tiny Tots Dance Come and groove with us. A fun and interactive music and movement program for young children. Tues 10am

Currumbin Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre, 5 Traders Way

Leaps and Bounds Children’s Fitness Centre Fe Taylor (07) 5534 4030

$6 Bookings required

Play 2 Music A fun interactive session of music, dancing and singing for mothers, fathers and children from 0 to 5 years. Funded by Communities for Children. Mon 10am Wed 9.30am

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children (07) 5529 8087


Scouts Scouts provides young people with fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure. Your child will enjoy the many activities and recreation programs on offer. Ages 6 to 25 years. Weeknights From 6pm

Parkwood Parkwood Heights, Cnr Napper Road and Olsen Avenue (behind Red Rooster)

Parkwood Scouts, Ross or Kayta (07) 5574 5263

From $4.50

Kids Triathlon Squad Learn to run, cycle, swim and improve your fitness. Find out how you can get your child started in the sport of triathlon and watch them have fun while improving their health and fitness. Mon & Wed 4pm

Miami/Robina Call for location details

A Body 2 Fit Jenny Barwick 0404 861 811 or (07) 5575 8366


Mainly Music Interactive music and movement session for under 5s and their parents/caregivers for a half-hour session. Snacks and refreshments in a relaxed setting follow the session. Mainly Music is an activity you and your child participate in together. Classes run in school terms only. Fri 9.30am

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Anglican Church Hall 73 Salerno Street, Isle of Capri

Sandra (07) 5592 1543

$3 or $5 per family

Playgroup Chat to other parents while the children up to 5 years have fun playing on the indoor and outdoor play equipment. Fri 9.30am to 11.30am

Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre, Jim Harris Park Mattocks Road

Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre (07) 5593 7006


Boxing Kids A 30-minute boxing class for beginners designed to develop essential boxing skills in a fully supervised environment while focusing on fun and enjoyment. Thurs 3.30pm to 4pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


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Jump Start for Tennis

The kids will have a ball playing tennis the simple way. The children’s program is effective learning through play right from the beginning. Coaches headed up by Julie Dybendahl (2009/10 MLC Hotshots ambassador). All methods used are modern and game based. Ages 4 to 8 and the program is run in 9-week terms. Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat Mermaid Waters 4pm Gold Coast Seniors Tennis Club Thurs (8 yrs +) 5pm Sat (3 to 4 yrs) 8am Sat (8 yrs +) 9am

Julie Dybendahl 0420 224 809

$15 Bookings required

Mon 4pm

Julie Dybendahl 0420 224 809

$15 Bookings required

Hope Island Hope Island Tennis Centre, Sickle Avenue

Gym Fun (School Terms) Gym Fun is a fun and enjoyable class that develops a range of fundamental movement skills in both boys and girls in a fully supervised environment. Students develop co-ordination, flexibility and confidence while learning and developing essential gymnastics skills. Thurs 3.45pm to 5.15pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Basketball These junior basketball programs are designed for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years of age. Learn and develop all the fundamental movement skills required for basketball under the supervision of our qualified coaches in a fun and friendly environment. Sat (6 to 12 years) 8.30am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC Celtics Basteball Club (07) 5578 2227


Sat 8am (4-7 & 9-11yrs) Sat 9am (13-15 yrs)

Varsity Varsity College Hall, Assembly Drive

Varsity Vipers


Dance Fun Our dance classes cater for participants from 3 to 15 years of age and incorporate a range of styles from tiny tots for toddlers through to hip hop, tap and classical. Students learn and develop an array of different techniques and abilities in their quest to become a dancing star under the care and supervision of our fully qualified instructors. Thurs & Thurs 3.45pm to 5.15pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227


Kindergym Kindergym is a movement-based program for children aged between 2 and 5 years. Children are encouraged to interact with others while devloping confidence and essential fundamental movement skills in a fun, supervised and safe environment. Parental participation is encouraged throughout the sessions. Mon & Thurs (school terms) 9am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227

$6 Bookings required

Kids Fit These outdoor classes are a much needed break from computer games and television. We combine fitness and fun while imparting ethics, etiquette and morals. Tues & Thurs 4.15pm to 5pm

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Showgrounds, Mudgeeraba Road

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$6 Bookings required

Kids Kung Fu Southern Preying Mantis Kung Fu for kids. Learn forms, padwork, drills and circuits, correct etiquette, and stretching for health and protection. Mon & Wed 4.45pm

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Fit Life Martial Arts Marc 0416 229 376

$12 Bookings required

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Kids Fun & Fitness

The kids will get fit while having fun in this specially designed program for children of all ages and fitness levels. Includes movement-based games, obstaclecourse circuits and boxing. Classes run in school terms only. Tues 3.30pm

Ashmore River Reserve Park, 48 Kawana Cresent

Jonathan Shorter 0405 537 600

$10 Bookings required

Tang Soo Do Karate A traditional martial art that focuses on discipline, respect, health, fitness and teaches confidence, humility, co-ordination, focus and practical self-defence and personal safety. Mon & Wed 5.30pm

Varsity Lakes The Sports House, Chrsitine Avenue

Master Luke Reinhardt 0418 813 843


Beginner Ballet Providing students with the opportunity to learn correct ballet technique in a positive and encouraging environment. Classes run in school terms only. Wed 3.45pm (5-8 yrs) 4.45pm (7-10 yrs)

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Anglican Church Hall, 73 Salerno Street

Sandra Uptin (07) 5592 1543


Junior Jazz An upbeat class introducing jazz techniques with carefully chosen choreography, music and lyrics while remaining modern and fun! Classes run in school terms only. Thurs 3.45pm (5-8 yrs) 4.45pm (7-10 yrs)

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Anglican Church Hall, 73 Salerno Street

Sandra Uptin (07) 5592 1543


Pure Dance & Fun An introduction to all things dance! For children aged 3 to 5 years (pre-school), this fun and energetic 45-minute class combines the styles of jazz and ballet to develop movement, co-ordination, motor skills and musical rhythms. Classes run in school terms only. Wed & Fri 11.30am

Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise Anglican Church Hall, 73 Salerno Street

Sandra Uptin (07) 5592 1543


Self-Defence for Kids Bring your kids along to learn how to avoid dangerous situations, how to respond when danger is unavoidable and how to show respect and kindness without being a push-over. The objectives of this class are to help children develop confidence, self-awareness, self-discipline, self-defence and calming techniques. Tues & Thurs 3.30pm (hall)

Biggera Waters Biggera Waters State School, Morala Avenue

Seven Star Martial Arts, Chandra 0404 241 477

$9 Bookings required

Wed 3.30pm

Helensvale Helensvale State School, Lindfield Road

Seven Star Martial Arts, Chandra 0404 241 477

$9 Bookings required

Junior Rugby League The Robina Raptors JRLFC caters for children aged 6 to 17 years. As a smaller community-based club, we offer your child the experience of working as a team in a positive environment. Tues 5pm (season Feb to Sept)

Robina Bayberry Lane, Station Reserve Park

Robina Raptors JRLFC, Loren 0414 962 539


Drumline & Dance Play drums and dance to the rhythms in an exciting new group for teenagers at TALENT for the Coast. Drums supplied and tutors on hand to teach rhythms and movement. Numbers are limited. Sat 1.30pm to 3.30pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location.

TALENT for the Coast Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

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Tiny Talent & Training Talent

Learn to play drums in two exciting new groups for children aged 4 to 7 years and 8 to 12 years at TALENT for the Coast. Drums supplied and tutors on hand to teach rhythms and movement. Sat 12.30pm to 1.15pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location. Numbers are limited.

TALENT for the Coast Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

Gold Coast Stage Band Play in a professional stage band in this exciting new group for teenagers. Professional musicians on hand to teach style and stagecraft, so bring your own instrument with music and some equipment supplied. Tues 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location. Numbers are limited.

TALENT for the Coast Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

GMG Sports Training Do you want to be fitter and faster? Qualified speed agility sports trainers will show you how. Speed ladders, hurdles, reaction games and lots of fun. Bring running shoes and water bottle. Runs in 10-week programs. Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 4pm to 4.45pm

Gaven Heights Gaven Heights State School Hall, Universal Street

GMG Sports Training, Glen or Martha 0466 246 563

$10 Bookings required

Mon & Wed 2.40pm to 3.25pm

Coomera Coomera Rivers State School, 81-87 Finnegan Way

GMG Sports Training, Glen or Martha 0466 246 563

$10 Bookings required

GMG Sports Training, Glen or Martha 0466 246 563

$10 Bookings required

Touch Rugby Family fun touch rugby. Sat 8am to 9am

Pacific Pines Pacific Pines State School Hall, Santa Isobella Blvd

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VIBE YOUTH Get into the vibe and experience a range of exciting activities in Council’s Vibe Youth Program. Open to youth aged 12 years and up. Activities are free and low-cost and are offered across the city. Activate your mind, body and soul in the range of recreation activities on offer. Regular physical activity is vital to the overall health and happiness of teenagers. With the advent of computers and the popularity of video games, many teenagers are choosing to spend their free time inside using technology instead of engaging in physical activity. Being active should be a fun and positive experience for teenagers and there are lots of great weekly activities on offer in the program just perfect for teenagers.

Get into the Vibe Vibe holiday programs are held during the school holidays, so check out

Youth precincts The coast has a huge variety of youth precincts on offer, from world-class skate and BMX facilities to small localised youth spaces. These sites provide a diversity of use and experiences and are a great place for young people to participate in recreation activities and chill out. To find out what’s happening at a precinct near you call (07) 5581 6011 or email

Youth Point Connect Youth Point Connect is a Youth Centre located at the Runaway Bay Skate Park on the corner of Oxley and Lae Drives. Youth Point Connect (YPC) provides lifestyle and educational programs to engage local young people, by offering activities to complement the existing use of the skate bowl during school holidays. YPC is open 3pm to 6pm on Tuesday to Friday and 10:30am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Contact: Youth Centre Co-ordinator & Manager Derek Venske on 0404 461 308 Email ypcrunawaybay@yahoo.


Professional Services

Youth Radio Training Centre (YRTC)

• Skate workshops – Contact YPC • Professional skate coaching – Contact YPC

Available by appointment including; • Life Skills • Mediation and Counselling – Youth, Family, Personal

YRTC is located at the village markets, Sickle Avenue, Hope Island. Providing a free service to young people who have an interest in radio and journalism. Learn all about being a radio DJ, voice-overs, interviewing and best of all, produce your own one-hour show. Real equipment, real radio booth. Check out or contact us for information about our 8-week School Radio Training program.

Thrower House Thrower House is a GCCC facility located at Salk Oval, Palm Beach. Thrower House has been designed as a safe space for young people aged 12 to 24 years, community groups and organisations to meet and conduct a broad range of cultural, artistic, recreational and educational activities. The facility incorporates an office space, an arts shed, computer hub, a lounge area or chill-out space, kitchen, shower and toilet. Thrower House is fully accessible. Thrower House facilitates a holiday program each school holidays and runs an afterschool drop-in from Tuesday to Friday each week during the school term for youth aged 12 to 17 years. Many other programs operate out of Thrower House including Southcoast Young Mums.

Thrower House is open Tuesday to Friday 12noon to 5pm during school terms and Monday to Friday 9am-5pm during the holidays. Contact (07) 5581 1622 for further information.

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GC Compound

$15 per 3-hour session. GC Compound (07) 5573 3001

The GC Compound offers customers access to one of the largest sporting complexes specifically designed for use by skate-boarders, BMX riders, mountain bikers, scooter riders, roller-skaters and roller-bladers in Australia. The Compound is a professionally run and supervised facility with qualified first aiders and coaching staff, elite riders and positive role models. The Compound supports youth in the community by providing them with a constructive and safe way to spend their spare time and fosters an inclusive environment in which all riders can develop their skills. All ages and ability levels are welcome. Open Mon to Sun 9am to 9pm 3-hour sessions

Upper Coomera 43-53 Days Road

Twilight Cruise Sessions

Free. No bookings required. Contact Skateboarding Australia (07) 5575 7808 or info@

Learn how to cruise in these fun cruiser skateboarding sessions. The Cruiser skateboard is an ideal longboard for anyone looking to kick back and cruise along while keeping you in full control.

Saturdays 2pm to 4pm 18 Aug 2012 25 May 2013

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade (meet in front of GCCC lifeguard building)

22 Sept 2012 20 Apr 2013

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Hwy

27 Oct 2012 16 Mar 2013

Surfers Paradise Surfers Esplanade (meet beachfront opposite Elkhorn Avenue)

1 Dec 2012

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

5 Jan 2013

Miami Thorn Park, Marine Parade (meet at playground opp. Santa Monica Road)

9 Feb 2013

Kirra Roughton Park, Marine Parade (meet at park in front of Kirra SLSC)

StreetWise Skate Workshops

Free. No bookings required. Contact Skateboarding Australia (07) 5575 7808 or info@

Experience pure skateboarding and the mix of exercise, individuality and friendship this sport offers. Come on down to your local skate park and be taught by some of Australia’s best skaters who are accredited coaches. Workshops are open to all ages and ability levels. Saturdays 9am to 11am 2012 – 11 Aug, 15 Sep, 20 Oct, Nerang 24 Nov, 29 Dec Nerang Youth Precinct, Arthur Earle Park 2013 – 2 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 Apr, 18 May

2012 – 1 Sept, 13 Oct, 10 Nov 2013 – 9 Mar, 27 Apr, 11 May

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

2012 – 18 Aug, 22 Sep, 27 Oct, 1 Dec Miami 2013 – 5 Jan, 9 Feb, 16 Mar, 20 Apr, Pizzey Park Skate Park, Pacific Avenue 25 May

2012 – 8 Sep 2013 – 2 Mar

Coomera Viney Park, 2 Yaun Street

2012 – 25 Aug, 3 Nov 2013 – 23 Mar

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Skate Park Cnr Oxley Drive and Lae Drive

2012 – 4 Aug, 22 Dec

Pacific Pines Brockman Way Reserve, Cnr Brockman Way and Pitcairn Way

2012 – 6 Oct, 15 Dec 2013 – 19 Jan, 23 Feb, 4 May

Varsity Lakes Varsity Youth Precinct 1 Cassia Drive

2012 – 17 Nov

Oxenford Oxenford Coomera Youth Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Guitar in the Park

$3. Bookings required. Sound Check – The House of Music. Nyssa Berger 0421 069 824

To all you budding musos, ever wanted to learn to play the guitar or improve your skills? Now’s your opportunity in a beautiful park setting. Ages 7 to 14 years. Saturdays 11am to 12noon 11 Aug 2012 9 Feb, 8 Jun 2013

Broadbeach All Abilities Playground, Pratten Park Old Burleigh Road

10 Nov 2012 13 Apr 2013

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens 258 Ashmore Road

13 Oct 2012 9 Mar 2013

Mudgeeraba Hinterland Regional Park, Hardys Road

8 Dec 2012 11 May 2013

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

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Teen Foxy Boxing

$2. No bookings required. Ashmore PCYC (07) 5539 5774

Get your gloves on and join in an energetic and circuit-based boxing class designed for females aged 12 to 17 years.

Tues 4pm

Ashmore Ashmore PCYC, Dominions Road

Teen Yoga

$2. No bookings required.

Yoga for early teens is designed to help expend energy and positively energise. Focusing on posture, strengthening the core, breath awareness – all with a positive theme or affirmation. The class ends with guided relaxation and ageappropriate meditation. Thurs 4pm

Ashmore PCYC (07) 5539 5774

Ashmore Ashmore PCYC, Dominions Road


$4. No bookings required.

The ultimate fitness and dance-based workout with a mixture of dance and aerobics moves blended with the latest and greatest sounds of hip hop and funk. Designed for youth between the ages of 7 to 14 years.

Tues 4pm

Nerang PCYC (07) 5578 2227

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Physical activity is something everyone can enjoy. Making activity a regular part of your day has loads of benefits for you and the wider community. What does the Gold Coast have to offer?

Between our beautiful beaches and gorgeous hinterland, there is a myriad of choices. The Gold Coast has something for everyone.

Find an activity

Get up off the couch and get active at one of the many cheap or free activities and events on the Gold Coast. Why not try yoga, aqua aerobics, group fitness or belly dancing?

Find an active club or organisation

Get active at a local sports club or association. Join a soccer team, get a personal trainer or learn to dance.

Help motivate the Gold Coast

Inspire someone with your story. Together we can support more people and be more active, more often.

Membership Our new site makes it easy for sporting clubs and activity providers to promote their activities and events. If you have an activity that community members can join in, register your details today. Registration is free. Jump on the Get Active Gold Coast website today.

Membership is free. By becoming a member you can keep up-to-date with your favourite activities on the coast.

Join Get Active Gold Coast today. Check out the new Get Active Gold Coast Facebook page and stay updated and connected This site has been developed in partnership with Gold Coast City Council and Queensland Health. The site is proudly supported by the Gold Coast Physical Activity Alliance.

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Activities for

PARENTS Eating well and being physically active are key to your child’s, and your own, wellbeing. Studies have found that parents who are active during pregnancy and early in their child’s life tend to raise more-active children. Kids learn by example and you are their greatest role model. Through your own actions you can help instil a love of activity and healthy lifestyle patterns that will last into adulthood. There is no time like the present, so why not get started now?

Activities subsidised by Council are clearly identified with this symbol.

Protect your family Make sure you and your family are protected by visiting one of Council’s free public immunisation clinics. Want to know more? Visit or email immunise@goldcoast. • Council provides a first-rate immunisation service to help make sure you and your family are protected against vaccine-preventable diseases • This service operates from specially located clinics across the Gold Coast. Clinics are conducted by friendly, helpful staff. All vaccinations are administered by qualified immunisation program nurses.

The Original Stroller Group Come join other mums with their bubs in this fun, outdoor, postnatal exercise. The program will regain and improve your health, physique, fitness and wellbeing. Mums with children of all ages welcome. Mon 9.15am & 10.30am

Currumbin Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131 Wallace Nicol Park, Pacific Parade (opposite Currumbin Alley)


Tues 9am Thurs 10.30am

North Burleigh Mick Schamburg Park (meet in Kelly Avenue Car Park)

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Tues 9am

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Tues 10.30am

Benowa Gold Coast Botanic Gardens, 258 Benowa Road

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Thurs 9.30am Fri 10am

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Thurs 9am

Varsity Lakes Cnr Lake Street and Varsity Parade (meet at Delfin House)

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Fri 8.30am & 9.30am

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade (meet at beach end of 2nd Ave)

Hands On PT, Theresa 0432 692 131


Mums & Bubs Fitness Class These fun outdoor sessions will provide you with an all-over body workout. All classes combine fun and effective moves to help you achieve your goals, so that you walk away feeling energised! Babies and toddlers welcome.

Mon 9.30am

Highland Park Lawrance Hinde Park, Explorers Way

Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110


Fri 9.30am

Mudgeeraba Firth Park, Somerset Drive

Focus Fitness (07) 5525 1110


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Parents PT Punch, duck and weave your way back into fitness by joining this class designed especially for parents with kids. This circuit-based class incorporates boxing, strength and cardio exercises. All fitness and ability levels catered for. Kids are welcome. Fri 9.45am

Coombabah Marj Shipman Community Hall, 119 Hansford Road

Liz Harper 0419 713 104


Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Mums & Bubs Yoga A relaxing class for pregnant or new mums that will both tone and strengthen your body. Mums and Bubs Yoga is a time for you to connect again with your body, a place for you and your baby to bond and provides an opportunity for you to meet other new mums. Wed 10am

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Mummylicious Stroller Group Fitness Uniquely designed outdoor fitness classes for mums and bubs. The exercise program targets the physiological effects and weaknesses caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Our focus is to help you regain and enhance your pre-pregnancy fitness levels through safe and effective strength and fat-burning exercises. Mon 9.30am

Upper Coomera Tallowood Park, Rose Valley Drive

Mummylicious Fitness, Christine 0409 470 484


Thurs 9.30am

Ormeau Hilltop Park, Landsdowne Drive, Ormeau Ridge Estate (off Upper Ormeau Road) (Landsdowne Park)

Mummylicious Fitness, Christine 0409 470 484


The following sessions are not funded by Council Flex Core & Pelvic Floor Improve your core strength and flexibility – relieve muscle soreness and back-ache with this low-impact class. Fri 9.30am

Currumbin 5 Traders Way

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$11 Bookings required

Pregnancy & Postnatal Aqua Aerobics A fun Pilates-based aqua exercise class held in an outdoor heated pool. Run by an experienced Physiotherapist, exercises will be tailored to your individual needs. Highly recommended for women with back pain and pelvic pain. Private health fund rebates available. Mon (Jan to Apr) 6.30pm

Woongoolba Woongoolba Pool, 1030 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Road

In Shape Physiotherapy Carrie Symonds 0406 038 401

$15 Bookings required

Pregnancy Yoga Join in this relaxing yoga class that will help to gently stretch, tone and strengthen muscles. Relaxation techniques help alleviate fatigue during pregnancy and to bring mother and baby in harmony with each other. BYO yoga mat. Tues 10.30am

Mermaid Beach Essence of Living Studio, 3/52 Peerless Avenue

Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Wed 8.30pm Sat 7.15pm

Currumbin 5 Traders Way

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$10 Bookings required

Mon & Fri (school terms) 11.30am

West Burleigh 39 Township Drive

Yoga for 2, Sharon 0438 799 009


Tues (school terms) 5.15pm

Mudgeeraba Ted Shepherd Hall, Mudgeeraba Showground Cnr of Mudgeeraba and Worongary Roads

Yoga for 2, Sharon 0438 799 009


Tues (runs in 7-week blocks) 5.30pm

Kirra Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Moonbub Yoga, Janine (07) 5599 5395

$12 Bookings required

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Mums & Bubs Yoga

A relaxing class for pregnant or new mums that will both tone and strengthen your body. Mums and Bubs Yoga is a time for you to connect again with your body, a place for you and your baby to bond and provides an opportunity for you to meet other new mums. Essence of Living (07) 5526 6600


Mon and Fri 10.15am West Burleigh (school terms) 39 Township Drive

Yoga for 2, Sharon 0438 799 009


Wed 10am

Fe Taylor Fitness 0407 760 013

$10 Bookings required

Moonbub Yoga, Janine (07) 5599 5395

$12 Bookings required

Tues 10.30am

Mermaid Beach Essence of Living Studio, 3/ 52 Peerless Avenue

Palm Beach Laguna Park, Laguna Avenue

Thurs 9.30am Kirra (runs in 7-week blocks) Kirra Hill Community Centre, Garrick Street

Mums Boxing for Fitness A fantastic way to burn fat and beat stress! Interact with other women and mums and punch your way to a more toned and healthy body. Funded by Communities for Children. Wed 10.30am Fri 11.30am

Coomera Oxenford-Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children Matt Blackman 0407 969 458


Thurs 9.30am

Mermaid Beach Vision Personal Training Mermaid Beach Level 1, 2519 Gold Coast Highway

EJ Barnes and the Team 0417 195 534

$10 Bookings required

Mum Zone Circuit A fun, socially interactive circuit class specifically designed for women and mums! Childminding $4 per head. Funded by Communities for Children. Tues (indoor) 10.30am Coomera Thurs (outdoor) 9.30am Oxenford-Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children Matt Blackman 0407 969 458


Dad Zone Outdoor Class A fitness class just for dads. Enjoy some time out and get your fitness back in this circuit-based session that involves cardio and strength exercises. Funded by Communities for Children. Sat 8.45am

Coomera Oxenford-Coomera Community Centre 25 Tamborine-Oxenford Road

Communities for Children Matt Blackman 0407 969 458


Mums & Bubs Toddlers Pilates A qualified instructor will guide you through a series of Pilates moves that will help to strengthen and tone your belly, arms and legs. You will work on strengthening your pelvic floor and core muscles to support your body and feel energised. Both babies and toddlers welcome. Fri 9.30am

Burleigh 2/62 Township Drive

Pilates Elements, Tenille 0423 841 155

$10 Bookings required

Super Mums Strength & Core-Conditioning Program A structured strength and core-conditioning program running in 13-week blocks. Each week has three sessions of endurance, speed and power and a strength session. Watch your fitness levels explode and your body fat plummet. Mon, Wed, Fri 8.30am

Burleigh Chek 360 Fitness Studio, 2/62 Township Drive

CHEK 360 Fitness Ben Thomas 0450 091 582

$15 Bookings required

ZumbaŽ Fitness Bring the kids to play while you keep fit and healthy with the easy to follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that you and the kids can enjoy together. Fri 10am

Pimpama Ormeau Community Hall Mirambeena Drive and Old Pacific Highway

Jo Mellare 0407 295 595


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Mummylicious Stroller Group Fitness

Uniquely designed outdoor fitness classes for mums and bubs. The exercise program targets the physiological effects and weaknesses caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Our focus is to help you regain and enhance your pre-pregnancy fitness levels through safe and effective strength and fat-burning exercises. Wed 8.15am to 9am (stroller boot camp)

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade (meet at Charis Seafood)

Mummylicious Fitness, Christine 0409 470 484

$9 First session free. Bookings required

Wed 9.30am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, The Esplanade

Mummylicious Fitness, Christine 0409 470 484

$9 First session free. Bookings required

Fri 9.30am

Surfers Paradise Macintosh Island Park, Gold Coast Highway

Mummylicious Fitness, Christine 0409 470 484

$9 First session free. Bookings required

Surfing Mums Surfing Mums Inc. is a supportive group for mums that surf. Friends can be made with like-minded mums with the potential of swapping childcare on the beach to have time in the surf. $50 annual membership fee to cover insurance costs. Tues 9.30am to 11.30am

Currumbin Currumbin Alley (meet along the rockwall on the surf side of Currumbin Alley)

Victoria 0432 262 163


Fri 9.30am to 12noon

Coolangatta Rainbow Bay, Cnr of Marine Parade and Ward Street (meet on the beach under the silver beach umbrella near the flags at Rainbow Bay)

Vanessa 0406 582 254


healthy Communities Initiative

The Australian Government’s Healthy Communities Initiative (HCI) supports Local Government Areas to deliver communitybased physical activity and healthy eating programs.

Beat It

Gold Coast City Council received funding under the HCI to increase the number of Northern Gold Coast adults, predominately not in the paid workforce, involved in healthy lifestyle activities. A series of physical activity and healthy eating programs will be offered as part of Council’s Active & Healthy Program.

A gentle physical activity program designed to be safe for people with stable long-term health conditions or those who haven’t exercised for a while. Take the steps to get active and healthy for life.

A number of new programs will be introduced to our community, including:

Lift for Life

An evidence-based resistance-training program. The benefits of resistance training can be enjoyed by everybody regardless of their fitness level, body type and age. People with or at risk of chronic conditions are encouraged to get involved in the Lift for Life program.

A physical activity and lifestyle program designed to assist those at risk of or living with diabetes and other chronic conditions. Not just an exercise program, you will build the life skills and confidence you need to get active and healthy and stay that way.


Healthy Cooking Sessions and Demonstrations

Will include information to help you confidently choose, prepare, cook and eat a great range of healthy foods every day! Now is a great time to... Get up, get out... get active & healthy! For more information contact the Active & Healthy team at

This initiative IS funded by the Australian Government. page 58


s th S tie wi E ivi le I ct op IT A pe IL r B fo SA I D

Activities for people with

The Active & Healthy Program develops and supports a diverse range of sport and recreation opportunities inclusive of, and accessible to, people with disabilities. Living an Active & Healthy lifestyle is a great way to get involved in your local community. Special parks for special kids Council provides a range of playgrounds with specialised equipment for children with disabilities. The Liberty Swing is a revolutionary, new concept providing children in wheelchairs with the opportunity to enjoy the fun and recreation of swinging. You can find them in the following locations: Labrador Norm Rix Park Government Road

Broadbeach Cascade Gardens, Gold Coast Highway All Abilities Playground, Pratten Park

Southport Washington Waters Park Gold Coast Highway

Palm Beach Laguna Park, Laguna Avenue

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Rotary Park Railway Street

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Sports Complex Lae Drive

Roller Blaze – Wheelchair Basketball Wheelchair basketball is an exciting team sport for men and women, modelled on the able-bodied game of basketball. It is played on standard basketball courts with regulation height rings and backboards. Come along and have a go – you don’t have to be a wheelchair user. All equipment supplied. Sat 10.30am

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Roller Blaze 0409 612 009

$5 Bookings required

Weekly social competition night Thurs 6pm to 9pm

Nerang Nerang PCYC, Cayuga Street

Roller Blaze 0409 612 009

$5 Bookings required

Gold Coast Recreation & Sport Inc Gold Coast Recreation and Sport Inc is a community-based organisation providing sporting and recreational opportunities to people with a disability of all ages. Activities include art and craft, athletics, bocce, dance, fishing, golf, fitness, gymnastics, swimming, surfing and so much more. If you want to experience any of these programs contact Gold Coast Recreation and Sport Inc and they will assist you. Various

Southport Owen Park, 201 Queen Street

Gold Coast Recreation and Sport Inc (07) 5531 3312

Various Please contact to find out more

Afro Groove 0431 726 300

Free Bookings required

Afro Groove Get your body moving and grooving to beat of the African rhythms. Drumming is a great way to enhance your co-ordination and sense of rhythm while having fun at the same time. 2012 – 7 Aug, 4 Sept, Broadbeach Pratten Park, Old Burleigh Road 2 Oct 2013 – 5 Feb, 5 Mar, (meet at All Abilities Playground) 7 May, 4 Jun

page 59

s th S tie wi E ivi le I ct op IT A pe IL r B fo SA I D

Drum Rollers Learn to play marching drums in an exciting new group for young people aged from 10 years who require a wheelchair. Drums supplied and fitted to the individual wheelchair by our qualified engineer, with tutors on hand to teach rhythms and movement. Sat 11.30am to 12.15pm

Southport Check the website at for this week’s location. Numbers are limited.

TALENT for the Coast, Robyn Devitt 0415 451 502

$5 Bookings required

Sailability Gold Coast 0408 535 002

$12 per sail

Garry 0412 007 689


Combined Martial Arts Academy (07) 5527 4911


Sailability Gold Coast Experience the joy that sailing brings. Sailability Gold Coast is a non-profit organisation run by volunteers. Our motto is ‘Freedom on the water regardless of disability’. Sailability is fully equipped for all disabilities with hoists and slings. Tues 9.30am to 2pm

Hollywell SYC Sailing Squadron, 1 Marina Crescent

Seated Yoga Gentle therapeutic seated activity. Excellent for beginners and people seeking no-impact, low-intensity exercise. Carers and health professionals are also welcome to attend. Wheelchair friendly.

Tues 11am

Southport Southport Community Centre, Lawson Street

Self-Defence Combined Martial Arts Academy Gold Coast has been running programs on the Gold Coast for the past 30 years. The self-defence programs are designed to help people with disabilities to become confident, honest and most importantly, teach them to try hard instead of quitting. Various dates & times Nerang Combined Martial Arts Academy, 46-50 Spencer Road

Dancing A great way to improve your fitness and learn how to dance at the same time. Get your body moving to the music.

Thur 11am Wheelchair Dancing

Southport Anne Kingsford Academy of Dance, 76 Ferry Road

Anne Kingsford Academy of Dance 0407 918 053 or (07) 5591 8053


Tues 10.30am Wed 11.30am

Southport Anne Kingsford Academy of Dance, 76 Ferry Road

Anne Kingsford Academy of Dance 0407 918 053 or (07) 5591 8053


Peter Miller (07) 5579 9930

$12 Bookings required

Tennis Looking for a few pointers on how to get started? Don’t know a double fault from a drop shot? Or maybe you’d like to brush up on the rules of the game and perhaps an explanation of all things tennis. Then come along and get involved. Training for Special Olympics is provided. Mon 5pm to 6.30pm

Carrara Emerald Lakes Tennis Club, 3 Alabaster Drive

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s th S tie wi E ivi le I ct op IT A pe IL r B fo SA I D

No Limits Swimming Club Join the first No Limits Swimming Club on the Gold Coast. Get on your way to learn how to swim, get tips on stroke technique and training tips. Competitions and regular training squads run throughout the month also. This is a great way to meet new people, have fun, develop confidence and a skill for life.

Sat 1.30pm Miami First & third of month Miami Swimming Pool, 80 Pacific Ave

Stephen Cornelius 0414 680 437

Pool entry

Sun 9am 2012 – Jul to Sept 2013 – May to Jun

Southport The Gold Coast Aquatic Centre, Marine Parade

Stephen Cornelius 0414 680 437

Pool entry

Sun 8.30am Oct to Apr

Southport St Hilda’s Swimming Pool, Whitby Street entrance

Stephen Cornelius 0414 680 437

Pool entry

Surfing for People with Disabilities Experience the thrill of riding waves with the Gold Coast branch of Disabled Surfers Association Australia – a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers. The Gold Coast DSA provides surfing for people of all ages and all levels of disability in a fun, safe and friendly environment. All equipment provided. Disabled participants must attend with their carer. Check website for full event details closer to dates. Sun 9.30am Currumbin 2012 – 21 Oct, 18 Nov Flat Rock Beach/Len Wort Park, Teemangum Street 9 Dec (meet in Len Wort Park) 2013 – 17 Feb

Gold Coast Disabled Surfers Association Ian 0422 209 583


active Volunteer Get

We match the volunteer position to suit you

Supporting Volunteer Management, Education and Training, Referrals, Recruitment, Events & Transport Services

VolunteeringGC VolunteeringGoldCoast

(07) 5526 0688 page 61


Gold Coast


Heart Foundation Walking is Australia’s largest network of free community-based walking groups, led by volunteer walk organisers. Council, in partnership with the Heart Foundation Walking, has a number of walking groups led by local residents.

Mon Wed Fri 5.30am

Runaway Bay

Runaway Bay Sports Super Centre Morala Drive (cnr Sport Drive) (walking on track)

Runaway Bay Walk & Talk Group (07) 5581 7723

Mon 7am


Jacobs Ridge Reserve, Maidenwell Road

Enhance Your Life PT, Alison Pryce 0415 753 930

Mon 7am 8am (Jun to Aug)


Bischof Pioneer Park, 48 Nerang Street

Walk & Talk with Alex (07) 5502 1411

Mon 8am

Varsity Lakes

Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre, Jim Harris Park Mattocks Road

Varsity Lakes Community Resource Centre (07) 5593 7006

Mon Wed Fri 6am

Runaway Bay

Cnr Limetree Parade and Morala Avenue (near Oasis Villas, 100 Morala Avenue)

Find Your Fitness Finesse, Shelly 0438 800 890

Mon Wed Fri 7am


Australia Fair Shopping Centre (meet at information desk, level 1, opposite Danoz Direct)

Collin 0419 980 514

Mon Wed Fri 8.45am


Evandale Park, 135 Bundall Road (meet by the lake)

Jim (07) 5539 6067

Tues Thurs Sat 6.30am


Robina Town Centre, Robina Town Centre Drive (meet at Goldsteins)

60 and Better Program (07) 5525 6466

Tues 6am 6.30am (Apr to Oct)


Rotary Park, The Esplanade (meet corner 5th Avenue)

Russell (07) 5535 2544

Tues & Thur 8.30am (Apr to Oct)

Varsity Lakes

Cnr Lake Street and Varsity Parade (meet at Lake and Bar Café)

Varsity Lakes Walk, Talk & Coffee Group Kevin (07) 5520 7048

Tues & Thur 5pm (Nov to Mar)

Burleigh Heads

Justins Park, The Esplanade (meet north side of Burleigh Heads SLSC)

Kevin (07) 5520 7048

Wed 7.15am

Burleigh Waters

Tree Tops Shopping Centre Cnr Reedy Creek Road and Bermuda Street (meet at fruit shop in centre)

60 and Better Program (07) 5525 6466

Wed 9am Sun 4pm


Emerald Lakes, Nerang-Broadbeach Road (meet near boat ramp)

Physical Transformation, Janelle Djordjevic 0418 889 301

Thur 7am


Brien Harris Oval, Peachy Road

Enhance Your Life PT, Alison Pryce 0415 753 930

Fri 7am

Palm Beach

Palm Beach Parklands (meet outside Dune Café)

60 and Better Program (07) 5525 6466

Mon Wed Fri 7am


Stocklands Burleigh, West Burleigh Road (meet at Big W)

Leonie (07) 5520 6111

To find out how to start your own group contact the Council’s Active and Healthy team on (07) 5581 5233 or

page 62


Gold Coast

RUNNING The Gold Coast is a wonderful place to run, with kilometres of beachfront paths along the Oceanway, off-road tracks in nature reserves and forests as well as an array of local running clubs and groups. The Gold Coast is also home to Australia’s biggest marathon, the Gold Coast Airport Marathon which occurs on the first weekend of July each year as well as Australia’s first parkrun event at Main Beach every Saturday at 7am. Even if you’ve never run before, there is a range of running groups

and programs that are designed for those with little or no previous experience, right through to those who are training to compete in the marathon. Running is not only a great way to improve your fitness and overall health, but it is also a way to discover the hidden gems that exist on the Gold Coast as well as meet others.

Gold Coast Airport Marathon You can train for one of Australia’s biggest mass-participation events held right here on the Gold Coast. It is the Gold Coast Airport Marathon held annually on the first weekend in July. It features a full marathon, half marathon, 10km run, 5km run and walk, and junior dash races for the kids. Visit

parkrun Come along to this free weekly electronically timed 5 kilometre run/walk. This run caters for all ages and fitness levels, from absolute beginners to experienced runners wanting to improve their personal best. Walk, jog or run and experience this encouraging and friendly atmosphere for yourself. Registration for your first run is essential. To register or get more information, visit Every Saturday 7am

Main Beach Kirra Upper Coomera

Hollindale Park, Seaworld Drive (meet in the park just south of Southport SLSC) Giltrap Park, Musgrave Street (meet in the beachfront park opposite Kirra Surf building) Tallowood Park, Rose Valley Drive

Running Sessions & Clubs Wed Running Speed Session 6am The sessions will concentrate on building up your speed, speed endurance and lactate tolerance, all designed to help improve your distance running (from 5km to marathon) in a fun and enjoyable group environment.

Broadbeach Pratten Park, Cnr Margaret Avenue and Old Burleigh Road

Ryan McDonald 0422 818 110 mcdonaldryan@hotmail

$5 or $15 for a 4 week pass

Surfers Paradise Triathlon Club A fun and energetic club that has members ranging from 5 to 80. The club runs 2 days a week and everyone is welcome to join in.

Tues 5.50am (track) Thurs 6am (hills)

Miami Pizzey Park Athletics Track Burleigh Goodwin Terrace (meet at front of Burleigh Beach Pool)

Surfers Paradise Triathlon Club Jenny Alcorn 0409 550 445


Gold Coast Runners Club The club caters for runners of all levels of fitness and ability and meet each week for a variety of training runs.

Sun 6am

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade

Gold Coast Runners Club 0414 506 686


Southport Runners and Walkers A friendly club that welcomes all ages and abilities. Distances from 5km through to 20kms, or longer during the lead up to the marathon.

Sun 6.30am/7am

Southport Southport Swimming Pool, Marine Parade (meet at the clubhouse at the northern end)

Southport Runners and Walkers 0409 645 321

Gold coin

page 63


Running Sessions & Clubs continued‌ Fri Gold Coast Running Clinic Learn how to run without injury and improve 7.30am your technique in this beginner running group taken by a qualified physio.

Southport Ferry Road Physio, 294 Ferry Road

Ferry Road Physio (07) 5532 0999


Twin Towns Services Runners and Walkers Club Whether you are just trying to get fitter, or competing regularly as many of our members do, we cater for all speeds and motivations. The club in aligned to Twin Towns Services Club.

Tues & Thurs 6pm Sun 7am

Coolangatta Greenmount SLSC car park Elanora to Tweed Various locations

Twin Towns Services Runners and Walkers Club (07) 5536 3480

Gold coin

Multisport Gold Our Squad offers a friendly, enjoyable and encouraging environment for people of all ages and abilities to embrace a healthy lifestyle by competing and participating in running activities.

Tues 5.30pm (track)

Upper Coomera Coomera Anglican College Track Billinghurst Street Helensvale Discovery Park (meet in the car park)

Multisport Gold Alli 0417 554 295


Thurs 5.30pm (hills)

Sat 6am CHEK 360 Run Club Do you need an extra push, some motivation (6.30am winter or just need to run with a group to help you months) get to your goal? The Chek 360 running group will help you improve your running strength and stamina.

CHEK 360 Burleigh Ben Thomas 0450 091 582 John Laws Park, Goodwin Terrace (meet at the top car park Burleigh Point)


Chisel Runners Whether you are just beginning, or are an experienced runner, we’d love you to join us at one of our running groups. Experience the joy of running, and the connection between mind and body it fosters.

Mon & Fri 5.30am Tues 5.30am

Chisel Fitness Currumbin Currumbin Alley (meet in the car park) Chris 0439 040 580 Burleigh Justins Park (meet in the car park across the road from Borough Barista)


Ormeau Running/Walk Club This club is for everyone, from the beginner who would just like to walk to the more advanced runner looking for someone to push them that bit harder.

Sun 7.30am Wed 6am

Ormeau Landsdowne Park, Landsdowne Drive

Gold Coast Fitness & Martial Arts Jen Gale 0427 629 750


Mezzanine Coaching Agency The one-stop shop for running performance. A variety of weekly running sessions are on offer from social and beginner runs, right through to interval and technique work.

Tues 5am & 6pm (interval run) 5pm (beginner) Wed 6pm (social run) Thurs 5am (technique)

Mermaid Beach Mezzanine CA, Mermaid Central 2431 Gold Coast Highway

Mezzanine CA Brendan 0418 667 752

$2 (social) $5 (beginner) $10 (interval and technique)

page 64


NATURALLY GC Council manages an extensive bushland reserve network across the Gold Coast, and invites you to get out and enjoy our natural area reserves by participating in any of Natural Areas Management Unit’s exciting programs – NaturallyGC, Beaches to Bushland or Walk on the Wildside. Management of natural areas involves careful planning, weed and pest control, restoration of degraded sites and bushfire management to ensure the conservation of one of Australia’s most biodiversity cities.

About natural areas: • We manage over 12,500 hectares across more than 820 separate reserves, growing each year

For more information contact the Natural Areas Management Unit on (07) 5581 1521 or

NaturallyGC Workshops Learn more about our city’s unique and extremely diverse environment. The NaturallyGC workshops are free sessions designed for educating people interested in exploring our unique and diverse Gold Coast environment.

• We conserve, restore and sustainably manage the natural areas estate and its indigenous biodiversity

All ps o rksh o w are


Bookings for all workshops are essential. Bookings are taken Monday through Friday. Places are strictly limited. For further information, location details and bookings please contact Council’s Natural Areas Management Unit on (07) 5581 1521 or

Guided Bush Walk – Springbrook Presented by Jen Ford, Gold Coast City Council Join us for a guided walk starting on Springbrook plateau, along part of The Great Walk Track down into a section of Numinbah Conservation Area. Take in the sights and sounds and learn about the plants and animals as we pass through subtropical rainforest, wet sclerophyll and tall eucalypt forest. This is a challenging walk with a good level of fitness required.

Drawing Local Fauna Presented by Chris Rockley, Natural History Artist Learn to draw Australian animals from their skeleton up. Draw a local critter from a range of resources including photography, video, bones, live and taxidermy specimens. Learn to capture and draw form, movement, composition, pose and habitat features. You will also gain tips on rendering fur, scales and feathers.

Aboriginal Bushfoods & Medicines Presented by Jan Sinclair – Mother Nature’s Bush Tucker Ever wondered what life would have been like 200 or even 2,000 years ago? Come and experience how Indigenous people of the Gold Coast utilised some of the local plants to live rich and fulfilled lives.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 28 July 2012 9am to 1pm Springbrook Suitable for ages 12 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 14 July 2012 10am to 4pm Benowa Suitable for adult artists of all levels.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 4 August 2012 9am to 11am Burleigh Heads Suitable for ages 12 and above. page 65

Presented by Allan Burnett – Reptile Awareness Displays of Australia Be prepared for misconceptions and myths about snakes and other reptiles to be busted at this live display. Get up close and personal with some of South East Queensland’s common reptiles. Learn about their behaviour and how to identify them. You’ll also learn all about snake bite first aid, how to help in an emergency and how to avoid being bitten.

Mangrove Discovery Paddle Presented by Vertec Adventure Explore local mangrove communities by canoe. Glide quietly along with the tide sighting birds, fish and crabs as you go. Learn to identify individual mangrove species and uncover the secrets that they possess for survival.

Preparing for Bushfires Presented by Len Jeavons, Bushfire Education Officer QFRS Fire management requires a delicate balance to safeguard human life and property, promote the health and conservation of biodiversity, including the protection of sensitive ecosystems, cultural sites and historical assets. Come along to this informative session as we learn more about fire ecology and how to prepare your property and family for bushfire season.

Waterwatch – Up The Creek Presented by Natura Pacific Environmental Education Company Are you interested in what’s going on in your local creek? Join us to explore Tallebudgera Creek and discover what life is teeming under the surface. Learn how to test water quality and find out how healthy our waterways are. This is a hands on, fun activity for all ages.

Frogs Presented by ddwfauna, Environmental Consultancy Be guided by frog experts along the Melaleuca boardwalk, locating and identifying the many frog species that inhabit the Coombabah Lakelands Conservation Area. Learn the differences between native frogs and the cane toad, what frogs eat and where they live. Don’t forget to bring a torch.

Birdwatching & Identification Presented by Birdlife Southern Queensland Coombabah Lakelands Conservation Area is a haven for birds and a great location to birdwatch. Join us in search of migratory and native birds as we trek the boardwalk through tidal marshlands and mangroves to a bird hide on the lake’s edge. Don’t forget your binoculars.


Reptile Awareness

Free. Booking required. Saturday 11 August 2012 10am to 11.30am Burleigh Waters Suitable for all ages.

Free. Booking required. 9am to 12noon Saturday 1 September 2012 Pimpama Saturday 10 November 2012 Burleigh Heads Saturday 9 March 2013 Coombabah Creek Suitable for ages 8 and above. Free. Booking required. 9am to 11am Saturday 22 September 2012 Gilston Saturday 22 June 2013 Pimpama Suitable for ages 12 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 13 October 2012 9am to 11am Tallebudgera Suitable for ages 6 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 27 October 2012 Saturday 23 February 2013 7pm to 8.30pm Coombabah Suitable for ages 8 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 3 November 2012 4.30pm to 6.30pm Coombabah Suitable for ages 8 and above.

page 66

Presented by Chris Rockley, Natural History Artist Join us as we discover the skills and techniques used in the art of plant illustration. Draw a plant of your choice; explore its complexities in fine detail, how it is made up and how it reproduces. Discover a new level of observation. Artists of all levels and plant lovers welcome!

Among the Dunes Presented by GCCC Federation Walk Ranger & Griffith University Centre for Coastal Management Walk with us through Federation Walk Coastal Reserve as we explore this popular coastal bushland reserve. Learn about the history of this site, coastal dune processes, the importance of coastal vegetation and brush-up on your plant-identification skills.

Koalas on the Gold Coast Presented by John Callaghan, Gold Coast City Council Why are koalas listed as a vulnerable species throughout South East Queensland? Find out all there is to know about these iconic marsupials and how we can help protect them and their habitat on the Gold Coast.

Tracks & Scats Presented by Natural Areas Ranger, Gold Coast City Council We don’t always get to see the critters that live in our bushland, as many of our local mammals are shy, mostly active at night or wary of humans. So come along with us as we learn how to interpret the signs of their presence – their tracks, scats, nests, scratch marks and other traces.

Geology of the Gold Coast Presented by Warwick Willmott, Geologist and Author Come along and learn about our ancient landscape and the geological processes that have shaped the Gold Coast region. Discuss different rock types, how they influence the landscape and vegetation that it supports. Enjoy a hands-on activity as we identify rock samples. Feel free to bring some of your own to be examined.

Create a Native Garden Presented by Kate Heffernan, Specialist Ever wanted to know how to grow a native bush friendly garden? Come along and learn the benefits of planting local native species, how to attract native birds and animals to your garden, and lots more tips and techniques to make your garden bush-friendly.


Botanical Drawing – Flora

Free. Booking required. Saturday 24 November 2012 10am to 4pm Benowa Suitable for adult artists of all levels.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 1 December 2012 8.30am to 10.30am The Spit Suitable for ages 8 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 16 March 2013 9.30am to 11.30am Coomera Suitable for ages 8 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 20 April 2013 9am to 10.30am Coombabah Suitable for ages 8 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 27 April 2013 9am to 1.30pm Nerang Suitable for ages 12 and above.

Free. Booking required. Saturday 11 May 2013 9am to 12noon Benowa Suitable for ages 14 and above.

page 67


Guided Bush Walk – Burleigh Ridge

Free. Booking required. Saturday 25 May 2013 9am to 10.30am Burleigh Suitable for ages 12 and above.

Presented by Natural Areas Ranger, Gold Coast City Council Join us for a guided walk through Burleigh Ridge Reserve as we explore Eucalypt forest types that are home to koalas, brushtail possums, grey-headed flying foxes and many bird species. A moderate walk with a good level of fitness required.

Native Stingless Bees

Free. Booking required. Saturday 8 June 2013 9.30am to 3.30pm Carrara Not suitable for children.

Presented by Tim Heard, CSIRO Australian native bees can be many colours of black, yellow, red, metallic green or even black with blue polka dots. They can be fat and furry, or sleek and shiny. Native bees are also key pollinators of Australia’s unique wildflowers and are a critical part of our Australian bushland. Come and learn about our native bees at this buzzing workshop.

Bushwalking on the Gold Coast

With hundreds of square kilometres of rainforest and temperate bushland in the Gold Coast region, the number of bushwalks you can do is really only limited to the amount of time you have and your level of fitness. Bushwalking is a great way to explore the beauty of the Gold Coast’s natural environment and being active outdoors is wonderful for the body and soul. There is sure to be a bushwalking experience to suit whether you are a birdwatcher, nature lover, recreational walker or serious hiker.

beaches to bushland program

Great bushwalks on the coast include:

Volunteering in a bushcare group is a rewarding way to make a difference to your local natural environment. Meet like-minded people and learn new skills that can be applied in your own backyard. Join in activities like identifying and controlling weeds, identifying and encouraging native species, maintaining your site and planting local trees.

• Coombabah Lakelands Conservation Area

Visit or contact (07) 5581 1521 for more information

Some areas offer opportunities for fishing, canoeing, birdwatching, mountain biking and horse riding, while others have picnic and barbecue facilities.

• Burleigh Ridge Park • Freeman’s Road, Beechmont

Why not join a group?

• Mt. Bally Conservation Area – Rosegum section


Austinville Landcare Group

• Springbrook National Park – Best of All Lookout, Gold Coast Hinterland Great Walk and Purling Brook Falls Walk


Boonooroo Park Bushcare Group


Coombabah Lakelands Bushcare Group


Currumbin Creek Carers Group


Elanora Wetlands Bushcare Group

• Springbrook Conservation Area – Apple Tree Park • Hinterland Regional Park, Mudgeeraba • The Spit, Main Beach – Federation Walk • Lamington National Park – Tree Top Walk (rainforest circuit), Border Track, Box Forest Track, Araucaria Lookout Track and Caves Circuit (Binna Burra section)


Hinterland Regional Park Bushcare Group


Miami Bushcare Group


Nerang Riverkeepers Group

• Natural Arch, Numinbah Valley

Palm Beach

Tarrabora Reserve Bushcare Group

• Tamborine National Park, Curtis Falls

page 68

AQUA PROGRAM A range of low-cost, entry-level aqua classes are offered across the city through the Active & Healthy Program. Water-based exercise will assist with improving tone, strength and mobility and also offers resistance in all directions, compared to land exercises where you work only against gravity.


Active & Healthy

City Pools Whether you swim for fun, fitness or to race, Council operates seven aquatic pools across the city that will help you reach your goals. Each facility boasts a huge range of aquatic activities all year round. Group fitness, squad training and swimming lessons for all ages. And, they’re a great place to book a birthday party or to enjoy a family day out. Entry is affordable depending on how often you visit. Ask at your local pool how you can get the most from your local pool. Jump in today and visit one of our pools near you – Helensvale, Miami, Mudgeeraba, Nerang, Palm Beach, Southport and Woongoolba.

The 30-minute classes offered are particularly beneficial to anyone at risk from bodily stress, including the elderly, overweight, or those recovering from soft-tissue injury. It’s also particularly good for pregnant women and is an ideal post-natal exercise.

all classes


Active & Healthy Aqua Timetable Tues 8.30am Mon & Wed 12.30pm Thurs 8.30am

Deep Water Running Mature & Determined Aqua Fit

Southport Gold Coast Aquatic Centre Marine Parade

$2 includes pool entry

Mon 10am Thurs 12.30pm

Aqua Fit

Helensvale Helensvale Pool, Rugby Lane (off Discovery Drive)

$2 includes pool entry

Tues 9.45am Thurs 9.45am

Aqua Fit Deep Water Running

Nerang Nerang Pool Martin Street

$2 includes pool entry

Tues & Fri 12.15pm

Aqua Fit

Robina Robina Aquatic Centre, 20 Caulfield Street

$2 includes pool entry

Tues 11am

Aqua Fit

Mudgeeraba Mudgeeraba Pool, Robert Street

$2 includes pool entry

Mon 9am Thurs 5.30pm (Oct to end Mar)

Deep Water Running

Coomera Coomera Aquatic Centre, Billinghurst Cresent

$2 includes pool entry

Thurs 1.30pm

Aqua Fit

Burleigh Heads Burleigh Beach Swim Centre, 43 Goodwin Terrace

$2 includes pool entry

Fri (Oct-Apr) 12.30pm

Aqua Fit

Woongoolba Woongoolba Pool, 1030 Stapylton-Jacobs Well Road

$2 includes pool entry

page 69


Gold Coast Regional

BOTANIC GARDENS The Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens are a must see for tourists and locals alike. The gardens are set on 31 hectares, just 10 minutes’ drive from central Surfers Paradise. There’s an experience for everyone – smell and touch plants and flowers at the Sensory Garden, take a mangroves to mountain walk, check out our local species, visit the native Butterfly Garden or smell the roses in the Rose Garden. Fun for the whole family includes a stroll on the boardwalks around the lake, a children’s playground or a picnic in one of the many picnic areas.

Friends of the Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens

The Friends’ Centre, your hub for visitor information, is open from 10am-2pm daily, manned by our wonderful Friends volunteers.

Become a member of the Friends, a group of passionate supporters and volunteers who care about the future of the gardens and the environment.

The gardens are open year round, from dawn to dusk each day. There is visitors parking on site, and entry is free. The gardens are located off Ashmore Road, Benowa, opposite Benowa State High School.

For more information about activities or joining Friends visit, call in at The Friends’ Centre or phone 0449 561 674.

Visit the gardens today and experience the wonder of this Gold Coast gem.

Visit the gardens website

One of the Gold Coast’s favourite family destinations – Broadwater Parklands – is a vibrant hub offering a wide variety of recreational and activity options for the whole family. A world-class community and cultural parkland, this three-kilometre stretch of foreshore has regular activities from yoga and fitness classes to children’s sports games, sporting events, free movies and live entertainment.

Key features of the Broadwater Parklands: • Free movies and entertainment • Rockpools • Cafe • The pier • Swimming enclosure • Kilometres of pathway perfect for strolling or cycling • Great location for special events and celebrations Weekly Active & Healthy activities include: • Tai Chi Sat 8am

Broadwater Parklands has many unique features that make it a wonderful place to bring your family and friends for the ultimate park experience. Pathways interlink throughout the park, so it is a great place for a stroll or for the kids to ride their bikes and scooters. There are plenty of barbecue shelters and tables just perfect for a family celebration, or you can enjoy a coffee or meal from the Café Rockpool.

• Boxing Wed 5.30pm

visit or call (07) 5581 6863.

• Pilates Thurs 5.15pm

• Group Fitness Tues and Thurs 6.30am • Stroller Group Thurs 9.30am and Fri 10am

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SPORT&REC The Gold Coast is home to some of the best sporting facilities nationwide. Our 2,500 hectares of parkland plays host to hundreds of local sporting clubs each and every day. Whether you are looking to join a sporting club, community group or just get involved, you’ll find Gold Coast parks have something for you. Gold Coast City Council manages the Right of Use for over 100 sport and recreation user groups, so there has never been a better time to check out what’s on offer in your suburb. Visit our Sports Finder at and take your Active & Healthy lifestyle to the next level by joining a club.

SPORTS HOTLINE The Gold Coast, perfect one day, raining the next! To ensure you are kept up-to-date on your local field’s status Gold Coast City Council has created the Sports Hotline. Updated during/following periods of wet weather or when required, the Sports Hotline lets you know if your local field is open for use or closed due to inclement weather, renovations or a special event. Call the 24-hour hotline on (07) 5581 7827 or visit the Sports Hotline at and be kept up-to-date.

In 2008 Gold Coast City Council launched the Sports Fusion Project, a joint initiative with regional sporting bodies and Sport & Recreation Queensland. Through Sports Fusion all stakeholders in sport and recreation are striving to support each other and together build a thriving community with quality facilities and activities run by skilled and capable people. The two main initiatives of the Sports Fusion Project are:

Sports Planning Council has developed a simple and effective sports planning process, which offers both sport and Council an effective tool to ensure that we plan together for future facility needs and improvements and are able to allocate funds over time. Clubs that work with Gold Coast City Council in this planning process will get the best outcome for their member base and the community.

Grassroots Sports Fusion Summit The Grassroots Summit provides all levels of sport on the Gold Coast an opportunity to openly discuss issues and ideas, have their say into the formulation of Council policies and network with likeminded sporting people. To get your club involved in the Sports Fusion Project visit our Sports Fusion tab at and have your say!

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ACTIVE TRAVEL Council’s Active Travel program aims to promote and encourage Active & Healthy living through adopting more environmentally sustainable forms of transport as a way of travelling around. Why not choose to walk, cycle or catch public transport to your next destination and change the way you move! Benefits of Active Travel • gives you a chance to catch up with friends when you walk or cycle together • you’re a great role model for your kids and encourages them to live well • increases your fitness, strength, co-ordination and wellbeing • reduces the risk of diabetes, depression, obesity and stress • you make a positive difference – to you, and your planet • makes you happy, motivated and empowered • decreases your carbon footprint • saves you money

Gold Coast Cycling Guide – FREE Contact Council’s Active Travel team to receive a free copy of the Gold Coast Cycling Guide. This pocket size guide will help you gain the most out of your cycling experience – it provides general cycling advice, information and shows the cycle network routes, cycle lanes and cycle shops. Contact Council’s Active Travel team (07) 5582 8245 email or visit

Active Travel Workshops Council is offering a series of free workshops to help you get on your bike and enjoy the many benefits that cycling provides. All workshops are facilitated by an accredited instructor.

Get Back on Your Bike

Free. Booking required. To book contact Cycle Skills on (07) 3715 8228 or visit or

Is your bike gathering dust in the garage? Haven’t ridden for a while and feel a bit rusty? Get some confidence back by learning some new skills and enjoying your bike again. This workshop is designed for beginners ages 15 years and over. Workshops run for three hours and bookings are required.

5 Aug 2012 9 Mar 2013

9am to 12noon

Southport Broadwater Parklands, Gold Coast Highway

14 Oct 2012 20 Apr 2013

9am to 12noon

Broadbeach Pratten Park, Old Burleigh Road

17 Nov 2012 9 Jun 2013

9am to 12noon

Coolangatta Queen Elizabeth Park, Marine Parade

Better Bike Maintenance

Free. Booking required. To book contact Jenny Alcorn on or 0409 550 445

You will learn valuable tips and be shown how to clean your bike, repair punctures, adjust your brakes and maintain the chain. This workshop is designed for beginners of all ages as well as family groups. Workshops run for one and a half hours and bookings are required. Saturdays 1.30pm to 3pm 2012 – 18 Aug, 13 Oct 2013 – 2 Feb, 20 Apr

Miami Pizzey Park, Pacific Avenue

2012- 15 Sept, 17 Nov 2013 – 9 Mar, 18 May

Runaway Bay Runaway Bay Library Car Park, Lae Drive

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Become a Better Cyclist

Free. Booking required. To book contact Cycle Skills on (07) 3715 8228 or visit or

Become a better cyclist and learn more about road safety, rules and tips in this free cycle training course. This workshop will have you riding more confidently for all your work, shopping and recreational needs. Designed for cyclists who are comfortable on a bike, but would like to improve their cycling skills and roadsafety awareness. This workshop includes some on-road training and is suited to ages 15 and over. Workshops run for three hours and bookings are required. 9 Sept 2012 16 Mar 2013

9am to 12noon

Labrador Mitchell Park, Marine Parade

10 Nov 2012 26 May 2013

9am to 12noon

Burleigh Justins Park, The Esplanade

15 Sept 2012 17 Mar 2013

9am to 12noon

Coolangatta Queen Elizabeth Park, Marine Parade

Once you start, it’s easy: • Swap big for small. • Swap often for sometimes. • Swap sitting for moving. • Swap watching for playing.

A waist measurement of greater than 94cm for men and 80cm for women puts you at increased risk of type 2 diabetes, some cancers and heart disease. But become a swapper and you can lose your belly, without losing out on the things you love.

For more tips visit

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DISCOVERY The Oceanway

The Gold Coast Oceanway is a 36-kilometre network of shared-use pathways improving the connection and accessibility between the Southport Seaway (The Spit) in the north and the southern end of the Gold Coast at Point Danger on the New South Wales State border. Features To date over 18 kilometres have been constructed along the beachfront. The Oceanway typically features wide concrete pavement, outdoor furniture, showers, lighting, drinking fountains, rubbish bins, directional signage and landscape improvements.

Meeting community needs The Gold Coast Oceanway provides access for both walkers and cyclists, including greater opportunities for disabled access to experience the beauty of our beaches.

Benefits The pathways provide healthy and environmentally friendly ways for pedestrians and cyclists to explore the renowned beaches of the Gold Coast. Increasing numbers of people are enjoying sustainable journeys along our Oceanway. Council has an investment program to improve the quality and capacity of the Oceanway to encourage healthier and more sustainable behaviour from coastal visitors. Why not get active and take the scenic exercise option along the Gold Coast Oceanway?

BEACHCARE Come and care for your local beach with BeachCare. Learn about the coastal environment and the importance of a healthy dune system.

Get Involved & Get Sandy with BeachCare A qualified BeachCare officer will facilitate free, fun, family friendly dune care activities, including planting native dune plants, removing weeds and collecting and auditing beach litter. All equipment and refreshments are provided, please wear enclosed shoes, a hat and sun smart clothing, and don’t forget to bring along your enthusiasm!

Free. No booking required. For further information call BeachCare on (07) 5552 8823 or visit

2012 – Sat 11 Aug, Sat 3 Nov 2013 – Sun 3 Mar, Sat 11 May

9am to 11am

Paradise Point Paradise Point Parklands, Abalone Avenue

2012 – Sat 18 Aug, Sat 10 Nov 2013 – Sat 9 Mar, Sat 25 May

9am to 11am

Runaway Bay Broadview Park, Constance Esplanade

2012 – Sat 21 Jul, Sat 15 Sep, Sat 24 Nov 2013 – Sat 16 Mar, Sat 18 May

9am to 11am

Labrador Harley Park, Marine Parade (meet north of Charis Seafood)

2012 – Sat 21 Jul, Sat 15 Sep, Sat 24 Nov 2013 – Sat 16 Mar, Sat 18 May

1.30pm to 3.30pm

Mermaid Beach Mermaid Beach SLSC, Montana Road

2012 – Sat 28 Jul, Sat 13 Oct, Sat 15 Dec 2013 – Sun 3 Mar, Sat 20 Apr

9am to 11am

North Burleigh The Esplanade (meet south of North Burleigh SLSC)

2012 – Sun 29 Jul, Sat 22 Sep, Sat 24 Nov, Sat 8 Dec 2013 – Sat 9 Feb, Sat 6 Apr

9am to 11am

Palm Beach 27th Avenue

2012 – Sat 1 Sep, Sat 1 Dec 2013 – Sat 2 Mar, Sat 1 Jun

9am to 11am

Currumbin Currumbin Alley, Duringan Street

2012 – Sat 7 Jul, Sat 8 Sep, Sat 17 Nov 2013 – Sat 16 Feb, Sat 13 Apr

9am to 11am

North Kirra Tugun Esplanade Park, Pacific Parade (meet just south of North Kirra SLSC)

2012 – Fri 26 Oct 2013 – Sat 2 Mar (1.30pm – 3.30pm), Fri 7 Jun

9am to 11am

Rainbow Bay Marine Parade

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Federation Walk Take a break and relax in the scenic landscape of the Federation Walk located at The Spit. This dynamic ecosystem provides a wonderful opportunity to get up close with the area’s plants and birdlife and it is a great place to take the family for a casual walk or cycle.

Federation Walk Coastal Reserve Community Activity Days Come and help care for your coastal environment and get some exercise at the same time. All sessions are free. Participants must wear enclosed footwear, a hat and sun-protective clothing and bring a water bottle. Free barbecue and fruit for volunteers is provided on completion of works. To find out more visit Last Sunday of the Month (except Dec and Jan) 7am to 10am

Community Planting Day

Further information contact the Federation Walk ranger on (07) 5667 3615 or 0439 226 062 or The Friends of the Federation Walk on 0400 740 972 or Federation Walk Coastal Reserve Philip Park, Seaworld Drive, The Spit (meet in car park opposite Sea World entrance)

Community venues Gold Coast City Council offers a wide range of Community, Youth and Cultural Centres across the city that can be utilised for a wide range of activities, services and events. As well as meeting and activity spaces, each facility has something special to offer, such as specialised youth services at Thrower House, Palm Beach, community arts and gallery space at Kirra Hill, auditoriums and rehearsal space at Robina, conference facilities at Southport and a Child and Family Centre and Men’s Shed in Labrador.

Find your centre Centres currently cover the whole city with new facilities being created in Ormeau, Upper Coomera, Helensvale and Runaway Bay. There is a centre near you, for more information visit or phone (07) 5581 7227 for booking enquiries.

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Dogs are great walking companions and personal trainers. Get out and get active with your pet today and you will both reap the rewards. Spend a free morning out with all the family, including the dog, and join a healthy walk and morning tea at the park. Council’s Animal Management team will be there from 7.30am to 9am, November through to March to provide advice, tips and giveaways. The Just Walk Me program is held every Sunday in alternating locations. For more information visit 1st Sun

Robina Jack Wilson Park, Cnr Cheltenham Drive and Thorngate Drive Reedy Creek The Observatory, Barden Ridge Road

2nd Sun Robina Robina Parkway (eastern side) Cnr of Boowaggan Road and Robina Parkway 3rd Sun Ashmore Sun Valley Park, Horizon Avenue Varsity Lakes Frascott Park, Yodelay Drive 4th Sun Oxenford Damien Leeding Memorial Park (Regatta Lakes) Heathwood Drive Robina Robina Common, Ron Penhaligon Way

Gold Coast Pet & Animal Expo 2012 The Gold Coast Pet and Animal Expo is very much about promoting responsible pet and animal care and ownership, with the event providing lovers of all types of animals with access to quality and innovative products, care and information from well-known industry experts. Bring your family, bring friends… and don’t forget, pets are WELCOME!

Sat 29 and Sun 30 Sept 9:30am to 4pm

Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Sports and Arts Centre, Central Park Oval, Central Park Drive

RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2012 Grab the lead and your walking shoes, it’s time for the annual RSPCA Million Paws Walk! Whether you have a dog or not, choose between a 1.5km or 3km healthy walk. In addition to the walk, there is on-stage entertainment, pet expo, free vet advice, food and fun for the whole family. Help raise funds for the RSPCA and register online at

Sun 19 May 8.30am to 12.30pm

Main Beach Doug Jennings Park, The Spit

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Active After-school Communities Helping kids and communities get active

COMMUNITY COACH TRAINING PROGRAM The Australian Government’s Active After-school Communities (AASC) program is looking for prospective community coaches in the Gold Coast region. The AASC program is run at more than 3200 schools and after-school care centres across Australia. Each term the program provides up to 190 000 children with a fun, free and safe introduction to more than 70 sports and 20 structured physical activities in the after-school time slot.

Prior coaching experience is not necessary. Anyone can complete the Community Coach Training Program (CCTP) including parents, members of sporting clubs, teachers, high school and university students, volunteers and sports lovers. To become part of the AASC program all you need is the desire to have fun helping kids get active — the CCTP course will show you the rest. To register your interest to complete a CCTP course, contact the Queensland AASC state office on (07) 3031 8000. For more information about the AASC program visit

Remember, if any of the following apply to you, check with your doctor first before starting any exercise program: • a history of high blood pressure, heart trouble, diabetes or any other medical issues • more than 30 years of age and have not been exercising at all • have not had a medical check in the past 12 months • are overweight

Find out more This program contains information on Council’s Active & Healthy Program. For information on other council Active & Healthy programs phone council on (07) 5581 5233 or visit

Legal Notices Voluntary Assumption of Risk: You undertake an activity at your sole risk and acknowledge and voluntarily accept the level of the risk consequent with that activity. Warning: If you have any concerns regarding your fitness level, ability or skill to undertake an activity, it is recommended you seek the appropriate independent advice (including medical). Note: Gold Coast City Council staff are not authorised to give any advice in this regard.

Gold Coast City Council PO Box 5042 Gold Coast MC Qld 9729 Email: Web:

Disclaimer: The activities are provided by third parties, not by the Gold Coast City Council. In respect of each activity, your legal relationship is with that third-party provider. Gold Coast City Council takes no responsibilities or liability for any damage, loss, costs, expenses, liability, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, injury (including death) or dispute due to or arising out of, directly or indirectly, the actions or omissions (whether wilful, negligent or otherwise) of council (including any officer or employee) or any participant (including yourself) or any third-party provider.

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