BABY,We're Back! Reignland Magazine has rebranded as Fleurir Other than the style,nothing else has changed.Still,we're committed to bringing up indie artists,telling the stories that need to be told,and providing light for those in need.My sincere appreciation goes out to all of the creatives and PRboss babes that helped me put this together.Trusting me with these stories will always be an honor for me It's good to be back Welcome to Forty Six by
CEO,Designer & Journalist Fleurir Magazine
@fleurirmag & @ellaaudreyrae
During a scroll through Instagram,I came across the reel of New York raised and Nashville based singer,Jillian Steele.In the background,she played her new song, 'You Can Have Him,' while overlaying a relatable caption The moment I saw it,I fell in love with it and had to find out more about her. "My family used to bring me into NYC to watch my cousin perform and I remember I was probably five years old watching her at some cabaret show thinking "OKthis is what I want to do I want to sing on stage "
At 18,she moved to Nashville to study at the prestigious Belmont University and decided Nashville would be her home "I loved every minute I spent at Belmont and met some incredible people and mentors," she said Additionally,she noted that going to school can also hinder your career due to expenses and not being able to get out there as a full time student
In her first pop country song,"You Can Have Him," Jillian captures the emotions of a young woman just out of a toxic relationship,drawing inspiration from her own past " [It] actually isn't about a specific person or story (although i definitely pulled some inspo from my past lol). I was sitting with my co writers and we were discussing how there are so many sad breakup songs and not enough songs about being glad a certain chapter has closed. I also am the biggest fan of "Jolene" by Dolly Parton and always wanted to write kind of the opposite of "please don't take my man" which is how "you can have him" came about."
Her openness became increasingly popular as she became increasingly popular on social media "I think i am a relatively open person i have always
been super protective over what i would write and choose to share with the world, and it took being on platforms like TikTok and Instagram reels to understand that people really want to know about the human behind the songs Once i started sharing more and being more of an open book I felt more love and support than ever!"
In terms of advice for women who can relate to her song,Jillian says to just feel it and know what you are feeling is normal "I think the most important thing is just to sit with and make sure you are really feeling every emotion.knowing that everything you are feeling is a normal human reaction it is so easy to brush things off or bottle up how we are feeling,but i don't think you ever truly heal or "deal" with things that way also there's something so freeing about trusting the universe has your back and something better is already on it's way to you "
While she was working on new music,Jillian paused to address issues close to her heart,Roe vs Wade. She took on the song she loves most,'Just A Girl',by Gwen Stefani,to express her opinion The cover has over 11k views on Instagram "I have always been SUCH a fan of this song and Gwen Stefani.she is like the epitome of a bad ass,empowering woman and it just felt like this was the perfect time for this message to be brought back around given everything going on in the world right now."
Despite the fact that it may take time to process,voting is the key. "Vote like your rights depend on it because they do It's certainly an uneasy time,i feel like i am still processing it as well,but there are so many resources and support groups and incredible women and people sharing their stories that make this whole mess feel a little less lonely "
As long as Jillian releases the raw and uncut truth in her music,she gives us hope that we are strong enough to make it and strong enough to fight for our rights as women Her full debut album is set for late next year,and I am eagerly anticipating it
The CEO of SocialsbyAdalyn,Adalyn,is a thriving content creator and social media manager who I discovered while searching Instagram It was the 'aesthetic' she brought that I found appealing The theme matched mine so well that I was compelled to design her site Though I did not know her,I messaged her in her DMs and offered to design her website for free She agreed (later paying me for it) and the rest became history
As a young girl,Adalyn started making YouTube videos for fun as a way to spend her free time.Over time,she took YouTube more seriously until she reached 4000 subscribers She then discovered Tik Tok and learned about the role of a social media manager.She was intrigued by it in a way she had never experienced before."I started taking on clients,managing their social media accounts and creating tons of content for them,as well as my own." .
In your role as a social m edia m anager, do you find it difficult to convince people that social m edia is necessary?
Sometimes it can be very difficult to convince people that social media is necessary. Many people are still afraid of change,and doing things differently A very common way of getting your business out there is by word of mouth,and some people rely only on that,even though social media is where the true magic is at
Her decision to leave her 9 5 has been largely attributed to the fact that she finds it extremely difficult to do both,stating,"I did not have a work- life balance and I was only working.I would work on my social media management business,then get into bed at 12 AM and repeat this routine every day " For those who are trying to pivot out of a 9 5,she encourages them not to give up,"It sounds so cliche but it's so important not to give up when things get difficult It takes a lot of time and hard work to start your own business while working a 9 5,but it's so worth it "
In the m idst of the w hole m odern "aesthetic" trend, w hy do you find it so attractive?
I love aesthetic content,and I think many people do as well Life itself isn't aesthetic,so I think it's so interesting to watch "aesthetic" content because it shows life in a different, more beautiful,perspective Sometimes content can just help people get away from their chaotic reality,and I think "aesthetic" content really does that for them
In today's business w orld, how im portant is 'brand aesthetic'?
Brand aesthetic is so important and I can't emphasize that enough Your "brand aesthetic" is essentially what someone pictures & envisions when your brand is mentioned or brought up
Aside from managing brands' social media's,she is now dipping into UGC or user generated content creation In this case,she uses herself as the focal point of content for other brands instead of just making graphics or using their content She cites that she 'embraces authenticity' which I personally think is what will keep her brand at the top
Clearly,Adalyn is more than just a social media manager; she knows what she wants and will do her best to achieve it In addition to valuing life,she is committed to helping others along the way."I used to let people walk all over me and make my own decisions, but now I'm taking that power back and living my own life "
Kori Whitby is a quirky,outspoken copywriter who uses storytelling skills to help companies learn their audience and understand how they can amplify their influence Throughout this article,we discuss her story,the need for copywriters,and her thoughts on the Rode vs Wade case
"I went to college for theater,and left school thinking that I would be a playwright or work in the literary department of a new works theater I quickly realized that the literary corner of the industry is tiny,and that it would be nearly impossible to find a job without working as an unpaid intern for at least a year That wasn't feasible for me at the time (is it feasible for anybody,really?) so I pivoted."
In addition to working at the front desk of a real estate firm,she worked as a copywriter on the side She realized she could turn her passion for writing into a profitable business by doing this "It took me a few more years to have the guts to try,but obviously I did,and it worked out I get to exercise my creativity in a different way,and feel super fulfilled by my work "
In the beginning,she started as a virtual assistant since it was a trending career path, but soon realized it wasn't her cup of tea. Eight months later,she became a full time copywriter
Kori isn't the only storyteller in her family Her father is a journalist While working for an independent newspaper in FL,he pushed the boundaries of traditional journalism and exposed corruption in local government."They got in a lot of trouble because of this,but my dad and his staff were focused on telling the truth no matter the outcome My dad taught me about satire,how to be unbiased in my writing,and everything I know about grammar " She continued,"My dad will be the first to deny this,but he is the funniest, smartest,bravest person I know I still call him to this day whenever I'm stumped by sentence structure,punctuation,or how to land a joke in my writing "
Copyw riting is becom ing increasingly popular in the business w orld Why do you think that is? Years ago, the term w asn't w idely used
I think with the recent influx of independent business owners,freelancers,and entrepreneurs,people are starting to understand that building a sustainable business is a lot more complicated than simply "showing up " In recent years,I've noticed an emphasis on brand recognition,longevity,and marketing Copywriting sits neatly in the middle of that venn diagram Copywriters used to be viewed as the people sitting around ad agencies writing cheesy slogans,but since a strong digital presence has become so crucial for businesses,copywriters have evolved into the heartbeat of said businesses. We control the voice,perception,and message of a brand.It's important exercise my creativity in a different way,and feel super fulfilled by my work "
What m akes copy so im portant for a business's success?
This is a tough question I think that a business technically can be successful without copywriting,but copywriting makes it so much easier These days,people are searching for connection,even (maybe especially?) with the brands that they are buying from Copywriters foster that connection in a way that is personal,strategic,and data- driven It's our job to understand how to connect a brand with their audience in an authentic way Conscious consumers are looking for brand personalities that they can latch onto, and when you work with a copywriter to nail that brand personality it becomes so much easier to create a loyal audience of buyers,supporters,and fans
I custom tailor the experience to every single one of my clients A lot of people will encourage freelancers not to do this because it makes our job "harder " But my clients are people who are deeply passionate about their business,and I would be doing them a disservice by trying to fit them into a rigid formula or workflow.I say yes to "crazy"ideas, flex the boundaries of what a copywriter "should" be and do,and encourage my clients to think outside the box. Most of my clients end up becoming my friends,and I have made some great connections just from being willing to do things a little out of the ordinary
How difficult is it for you to w rite copy for yourself versus for others? Why is that so?
Writing copy for myself is wishy washy Sometimes it flows out of me and I can write a sales page or email funnel for myself in like,30 minutes Sometimes it takes weeks I think part of it is because it's easy to procrastinate on my own work in favor of my client work. It's also typically easier for me to step into someone else's brand voice than my own I think that's because it's easier to second guess myself when I'm living in my own brain. Someone else's brand is spelled out for me on paper Mine feels amorphous and liquid because I am always thinking about it
What kind of experience do you offer to your clients w hen they hire you to do their copy?
As a business ow ner, how do you balance life and w ork?
I don't (lol) I am a chronic overachiever who is desperately trying to separate her sense of self worth from her career accomplishments.I find it really hard to "clock out"at the end of the day because even when I'm not sitting in front of my computer actively working,I am still thinking about my business I'm working on it and when I figure it out, I'll let you know
One thing that I will say is a huge relief to me is trusting other people to do the things that I hate doing It's hard for me to release control of anything in my life,but hiring people like a business manager,jr. writer,and graphic designer has made it easier for me to step away semi peacefully at the end of a work day
Scrolling through your stories, I noticed your frustration over Rode vs Wade Could you please share your thoughts about the situation a little bit m ore?
Gathering my thoughts around this subject is hard for me,because I get really emotional when I think about it.To be honest,I'm terrified for the future of this country.At the end of day,the only thing that we truly own is our body If we don't have autonomy over it,then we have nothing.
Roe v Wade being overturned is just the tip of the iceberg Anyone who thinks that they won't be going after gay marriage,(even more) trans rights,interracial marriage,and more,is being intentionally naive Nothing is safe in a post Roe world,and we have to stop with the "how could this happen???" reactions We KNOW how this happened America has never been the land of the free,nor the home of the brave
In your opinion, how can w om en rise up and m ake sure that w om en's rights w ill continue to exist in the future?
This isn't something that I can pretend to know the answer to I find myself teetering between anger,despair,and desperation every single day What I do know is that women alone can't do it People have to care about people that they can't relate to All too often, we have to be personally slapped in the face with the ramifications of something in order to care about it. That has to stop.We have to care about problems that aren't our own, and fight for each other The American government is systemically corrupt and has been rotting from the inside out from day one If it were up to me,I would scrap the whole thing and start over Abolish billionaires,abolish the police,abolish prisons
Her ability to be valuable in her music and yet maintain a mystic is what makes her the artist she is "Although I'm a private person, I don't feel "exposed" or like I'm oversharing in my music. Nobody knows the reality behind the music so maybe that's where the comfort stems from "
She began writing and recording songs at 13 with her long time friend, Elijah Moon "He actually gave me my first mic, taught me the ropes and mixed/mastered everything I did. We were a dynamic duo and to this day I feel like our chemistry is unmatched." Eventually, she met a group known as the 5ive Collective that further fueled her career "I had gone to school with Leon Knight and worked in the same place as Con I went from being a fan to becoming the ?baby?of the group, teaming up with their producers and the rest was history "
Spotify lists your song 'Purpose' as the earliest on your account What w as it like w riting that and being so vulnerable at the beginning of your journey?
?Purpose?was my first single after my How Singers Cry EP I try to keep all of my music as vulnerable as I can Purpose might?ve been the first song I wrote without any actual motive I had just learned how to really record myself and layer my vocals how I wanted to,it was still an extremely raw song but it was definitely a pivotal moment for me when it came to figuring out what works for me
That sam e year, 'Face' w as also released ( one of m y favorites) At that point in your
career, w here w ere you? How do you feel about that song now that you look back on it?
?Faces?came really out of the blue for me I remember sitting on my grandma?s porch It was early in the morning and raining outside but I was having coffee and checking my emails like I always do My go- to producer at the time (who also produced Purpose) had sent me a pack of beats.There were maybe 6 beats in the pack and Faces was the only one I gravitated to naturally Everything just spilled out I drew inspiration from a quote I had read and started the song with ?you fell in love with the sound of my voice before anything else??and just let the rest follow THATwas my first legit vulnerable moment since my EP
In the year following the release of 'Face',Vesta was silent not by choice but by necessity She faced what many artists do,bad contracts."I was in a terrible management contract After ?Faces?dropped,it wasn? t long until I flew out to LA to be closer to my manager who practically ghosted me.He did just enough to where the contract wasn? t necessarily breached but all in all he did nothing for me but keep me bound I realized that anything I released,he would own in full including my EPwhich he later removed from streaming platforms,Faces and Purpose I was discouraged and wasn? t even sure if the music industry was one I could survive in so I stopped creating in hopes that he would just give up on holding me hostage "
She finally found the freedom she was looking for when she met her current manager, Ron When he discovered her twitter account and heard her rant about LA,he was determined to help her and free her from her contract "We met at a Starbucks and talked about my goals and where I was He told me about his background in management and ways he could help Obviously I was cynical about the whole idea,you know? I wasn? t sure I could trust him. I didn? t trust anyone considering I was 20 years old and 2000 miles away from home But he called in a favor from his lawyer and I was free in no time! Before jumping into another contract,we worked together for like 3 months By the time it was time to put something in writing,I was confident in our relationship and still am "
Is there a story behind 'Fam ous'? As I listened to your voice, I felt as if the story w as true.
?Famous?was most definitely a real life situation that I think most artists go through? when you just don? t have the time to be who someone needs you to be because you?re
locked in on your own goals and aspirations I tried to portray my own perspective while still keeping it relatable,but ultimately my message was ?Look,I?m not that great anyway You?re not missing out Let me do my thing?
Som etim es I see you take these hiatuses w here you delete everything including m usic, photos, videos, etc. When you do that, w here are you m entally? Do you think about it or is it just an abrupt thought?
Honestly,the pressure of trying to be relevant and appealing to all of these algorithms makes social media a drag for me I feel like I have to focus so much more on how I?m perceived more than who I actually am It?s a habit I?m still trying to outgrow and I hate that I?m still in the stage of figuring myself out because I?m doing it at the forefront of my supporters.
Her motivation to make music and perform was diminished during the pandemic, something many artists are still trying to recover from "The pandemic ruined my momentum,I won? t lie It was hard adjusting to not consistently being around other artists It had gotten so bad that even now,I turn down opportunities to perform because I feel like I don? t have that same spark "
Vesta finally released a full project in 2022 called 'The LWord' The music industry needed this 5 song masterpiece The title does not just stand for love,but each song is supposed to evoke either lust,longing,loss,or love,according to Vesta "I left it to the listeners to interpret!"
This project's opener, 'My Type,' has an airy vibe that I love It feels alm ost like a dream m ixed w ith the feeling you get w hen you put your hand out the w indow on a long road trip Why did you choose this as your opener?
Honestly it was the first song I had finished in months My Type was just something that came about on accident and I was so proud of the song (and had so much more to say about the person who inspired it) that my producer and co writer decided to dive headfirst into an EP
The third track, 'You're Wrong,' is one of m y favorites, especially w ith the artist singing on the hook How did you approach w riting this?
I don't entirely know how to answer this without providing too much backstory Ironically, my ex boyfriend and I co- wrote the first verse together and the artist you hear singing on the hook,Elxjh,wrote that part. It's probably the least personal song on the project but a "fan favorite" and my favorite as well
In the sam e song, you talk about the im portance of healthy com m unication in a relationship In a relationship, how significant is that to you?
Communication is vital But of course,comprehension is key! I've definitely learned through trial and error that you can talk all day long and get nowhere with a person who is committed to misunderstanding you
'While We're Young' & 'My Type' carry that airy vibe I m entioned above Do you look for those types of beats intentionally?
Everything on this EPwas produced on the spot So I went into these sessions completely blind and let Elijah Moon work his magic! We just have the type of dynamic where all he's got to do is ask me how I feel,I tell him and he's got it from there
I loved the outro of this project To begin w ith, is the voicem ail real?
Haha,fortunately not! I actually had so many people call me to leave voicemails and the one you heard was the most realistic
When the listener reaches the last track, do w e see Vesta finally feeling free from the struggles she experienced in this project?
This song,even with it literally being all of 3 sentences,was really just me saying "do you still see me as the person I was when we weren't on good terms?" At the end of almost every "era," I feel an immense amount of guilt about the way I am potentially perceived To a fault,even I would rather almost rather be unhappy with someone than to leave them first because of this very reason So yes,the outro is Vesta freeing herself from self abandonment and perl.
Get Vesta's new EP,'The LWord'. You can download it or stream it on any of your favorite platforms You can also follow Vesta on Instagram @vocalvesta.
Artist OSTON, based in Los Angeles, has been composing music since she was able to speak. At the age of six, she began taking vocal lessons and continued throughout high school While growing up in Park City, Utah, she did not see much of a music scene to be involved in, so as soon as she graduated from high school, she relocated to Chicago to attend music school She spent several years demoing songs for other artists before beginning to write for her own artist project, OSTON After releasing her debut EP, she moved out to Los Angeles, where she has been working as an artist and songwriter for the past few years. "Whatshisface" is the song that I discovered her through. As I scrolled through reels, I was caught off guard by the sound of her voice. My first reaction was to ask, "How did she know my story?"? It was refreshing to hear the rawness and emotion contained in it Throughout her music,including '20 nothing',she does not hold back and I believe that is one of the reasons so many of us are fans
Your EP, 'Melancholia', already feels like a classic project based on the singles you have released I noticed that you m entioned the title in the single '20 Nothing' Can you describe your journey w ith it?
I began writing for this project back in April of 2021at a writing camp in Big Bear with 3 of my best friends (JORDY,Drew Polovick and kate the dreamer) The first song we wrote that I knew had to be the start of the EPjourney was ?HARD TO LOVE?It was so raw and vulnerable and felt like the perfect way to close my Chicago chapter. Following this song, I kept being as open as I could about key moments I?ve experienced so far in my twenties.Painful and toxic breakups,coming to terms with mental health issues, struggling to love what?s staring back in the mirror,and trying desperately to figure out what in the world it means to ?grow up? ?Melancholia?takes the listener through the arc of my early twenties feeling like the ?best?version of myself is always right next to me and close enough to touch,but never fully attainable I still don? t have a clue what I?m doing (as many of us 20 somethings feel) but I?m getting there a day at a time. How are you doing w ith it now ? Do you have any advice for others dealing w ith it that can totally relate?
Growing up is an adventure and there?s no textbook on how to do it the ?right?way Navigating through life and its responsibilities and expectations is a really bumpy journey Some days I feel like I?m on top of the world and I?m totally happy with what I?ve accomplished so far,and other days I can? t shake the feeling that I?m nowhere near where I wanted to be at 25 The advice I find myself giving all my friends who feel similar is that we?re not alone in feeling lost and confused We?re doing the best we can! I could definitely stand to take my own advice in that regard
The importance of songwriters continuing the narrative that mental health is something that most people struggle with,according to Oston,is crucial as is songwriters being willing to be honest and vulnerable about their music about it Her favorites include Julia Michaels,Carole Ades,and Chelsea Cutler.."I stumble across more and more videos on social media every day of people opening up about their own mental health struggles and how they cope "
Has this EP assisted you in healing from the experiences you share on it?
Absolutely Writing this EPwas an undeniably therapeutic and cathartic experience for me.If I don? t heal from the writing process or from listening back to a song I?ve written, then I didn? t do my job correctly
OSTON performed her first Lollapoloza set last year and this year she was brought out by her friend Jordy to perform 'Tomorrow' This performance was the highlight of the festival,as their voices melted so well together
Can w e talk about how aw esom e Jordy is? How did you guys m eet? How is it w orking w ith him ?
JORDYis one of my closest friends and I love him dearly I can say with confidence I really don? t know where I would be without him I opened for him on a small run of shows back at the start of 2020
From the moment we met we instantly just clicked and started writing together and spending all our time with one another He?s been such an important part of my writing process and has helped bring some of my absolute favorite songs to life (including 2 of my favorites on Melancholia)!
OSTON released her debut EP,MELANCHOLIA,at The Moroccan Lounge this past weekend,her first LA headlining show. Dasha performed as a special guest "Playing live shows is the thing that makes it all feel ?real?for me It?s one thing to look at numbers on a phone screen,and a completely different experience to see a crowd of real human people showing up to support you I was just honestly excited to celebrate all the hard work my team and I have put into this project now that it?s finally out in the world "
You can now stream her debut EP,'MELANCHOLIA',across a variety of streaming services
While scrolling through my Instagram stories, I noticed my photographer had done a photo shoot with this musician named 'Luck' There was something about her style that really caught my attention. As I talked to my photographer about the experience, she boosted about Luck's vocals and ability to bring something different to the music industry It was immediately obvious to me that I needed to know more about her music after experiencing it for myself Luck is a Los Angeles based artist with an ear for music and an eye for design She knew at an early age that she wanted to be an entertainer "I had a lot of great influences growing up from different walks of life and that helped shape my perspective "
You m entioned in your Paper interview that you overcam e struggles, can you tell us a little about that journey and w hat principles helped you becom e the LUCK w e know and love? "My biggest inspiration is definitely the complexities of life itself I learned that the things that I once looked at as a flaw,or the things that would count me out and work against me, are now working for my highest good. I place a high value on my divinity these days And I'm very intentional about keeping that space anchored My emotions matter, my humanity is definitely relative but it doesn't overrule what I know is already written for my life I create from that space , and my purpose Is to share the good news I'm so excited about this l
new language that I've discovered and beyond excited to have the opportunity to put it into the earth through my music & creativity You talk a lot about stepping into your divinity and your divine design Can you tell us a little about how you learned to do that? Yes,I surrendered to a higher being ,I surrendered to everything I thought I knew and listened closely to the miracle that was happening inside of me I became obedient to the art when I wasn't walking in my divinity it was because I had lost focus on what mattered the most .I understood that the worlds perspective had diluted my own.inner dominion was essential,and I had to become radically focused on who I wanted to be so that I could easily decipher who I was not all these things highly effected my creativity I started to show up differently in the world And the music that I make is a full Reflection of my obedience.
'It wasn't luck',Luck's five piece debut EP, was released in 2022 It was in 2018 that she first embarked on this journey Luck describes the EPas a small piece of a larger project about the endless stories she needs to tell. Besides referencing her stage name 'Luck,' the title also illustrates her journey to get to where she is today "I'm here by grace ,and this project doesn't have my glory written all over it ,it's gods will.And the same goes for anyone else and their life,and all their hopes and dreams The oil that is placed on an individual's life is very specific to them And no one can alter that There's no luck,it's a journey and a will "
One of m y favorite tracks on the EP is 'Don't Sw eat' This song gives off boss girl vibes and serves as the EP's sem i closing track Does this song reflect how pow erful you have becom e after all your struggles? Precisely! That's what I discovered.And that's what the overall ep stands for Understanding that the power lies within all of us We just have to search for it There's so many hidden gems and hidden glory trapped on the inside of us! This song show cases your vocal abilities to the fullest. I really appreciate how true a singer you are Thank you! I'm just obedient to art.I'm not selfish in that way.I do whatever the music calls for All the notes and ideas are already there in the universe I'm just the vessel
The most surprising thing about this EP wasn't that it didn't have any features,but that I thought it did because of Luck's different vocal ranges Often,people think this because she has a lot of complexities in her voice "Lots of characters This project is luck featuring luck " Were you alw ays interested in becom ing a genre bending artist, or did you have a specific genre in m ind?
I have always considered myself A citizen of the World! And there's so many different ways to express myself And my feelings don't always sound or look the same,But they all are apart of me it fee Good to know that people are feeling the same thing, receiving the message in the ways that I intended These days I don't feel alone anymore
Here are this season's six artists that we can't get enough of Each of these six women brings something unique and valuable to the music industry.Among this batch,we have Pop,R&B,and Rock We'd love to hear if you add one of these to your playlist or library! Would you like to add your own to our season pick? Free single submissions can be sent to us via email.
We are proud to introduce you to Kianna Summers,one of the many new faces in the beauty industry who you need to know As someone who grew up in a household where domestic violence was common to someone who attempted suicide and still made a name for herself,Kianna's story is one we all need to hear It is an honor for me to share her story
Initially,I discovered Kianna while scrolling through social media She shot breathtaking self portraits and was working on her own magazine."I have always filmed my life growing up.I never realized how much I loved it until someone pointed it out to me.I went to film school and realized,even more,the passion I had,not just for photography but for film and TV ",she said The magazine,on the other hand,has not been released yet Due to issues with the company she booked with,the release will occur early in 2023 It was in 2020 that Kianna became the victim of sexual harassment and kidnapping
While in school,she worked for WWE,but due to Covid,she lost her job.In need of work,a friend helped her get a cleaning job that consisted of 12 hour shifts and cleaning parking lots "I actually really enjoyed my job there too!
I realized I loved to clean and noticed how dirty things were that needed help " One strange night she noticed her supervisor not only arrived to work late but began making strange advances at her during their route Summers stated that she experienced inappropriate touching,horrible conversations,and death threats for more than 20 hours."Each and every single location we stopped at,I was assaulted."
After Kianna convinced the predator to let her use the restroom at Publix,she hid there until the police arrived In spite of the fact that he had never been charged,she later found out that he had repeated this act countless times with his youngest being 16 years old at the time Additionally,the company she worked for offered no assistance and silenced her
Following the incident,Kianna struggled with memory loss,self- love,and more,but as of 2022,she feels absolutely incredible."I have traveled to Atlanta,New York,and even Los Angeles to chase my dreams I have put together amazing teams and created some amazing things for myself and others ",she states
What advice w ould you give to other w om en in this situation?
"No job is worth your life Listen to your gut THEFIRSTTIME! I thought I was overreacting because I was a woman working in a field full of men,but I wasn't."
Since stepping onto the runway,Kianna's life has taken a 360 degree turn
What has been the best and w orst thing about being a part of the beauty com m unity?
Best thing: The thrill,the ability to create and express yourself,and the people you meet Worst thing: Not enough exposure for black creatives,too many people who would rather compete than build,and the lack of beauty schools not teaching how to do hair and makeup on POCs
How can that w orld m ake it better for future m odels?
FEED USFOOD! Haha! But yes,feed your models I know this seems like such a foolish thing to say,but so many models have this fear of eating. I believe agencies and social media can limit the pressures of modeling You do not need to be a size 2 Also,the world can make it better by providing simple things like food and water on EVERYSET Teach models how to build It isn't about just your looks,but it is about your heart's posture and your attitude
It feels so amazing! I flew to Los Angeles with less than $100 dollars in my pocket for the first time ever and it was a huge leap of faith! I flew out alone for a fashion show and I was only supposed to stay for 4 days,but I ended up staying for 2 weeks! I was given a game show hosting job while there and my life has forever changed this year! Live Play Bingo w/ Hosts is the game in the app store! The years of stress,tears,and persevering is all worth it because I am now living the start of my dreams.I always do what I say I would,whether it takes a day,a month,or a year,it'll happen I owe it all to God of course! Shout out to Johnny Navarro,Tomas Rosales,and my girl Elizabeth Martinez for giving me a home to stay at while in Los Angeles for my first time!
Is there any advice you can give to w om en w ho are scared to enter the beauty w orld?
Just do it baby! Just because it's a cutthroat industry doesn't mean you can't make it. It is way more inclusive now than ever before Enter in and be yourself! To my skinny girls, don't let casting directors make you feel like you aren't thick enough To my plus size girls, don't allow the industry to make you feel like you aren't skinny enough. To my girls in between the two,love on your hips dips,curves,and slim thickness in every single way and go for it! There is really room for you! But BEYOURSELFand
The future holds plenty of promise for Kianna as she expands her modeling portfolio, relaunches her publication,and expands her hosting resume Her goals include moving into her own place and building with other creatives,shedding light on what seems impossible.Having accomplished what seemed impossible,I know she's capable of anything