Newsletter 21 october 2014

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Waikato Montessori Education Centre

267 Newell Road, R D 3, Hamilton. Ph 07-858 3563 fax 07-858 3561 <>





201 4

Items to update 

Welcome to Term 4 everyone —Spring has arrived and the childrens’ gardening work is continuing to flourish. Farfalline cooked a delicious cauliflower soup last week (with a slight curry flavour) and our older children have vegetables from their garden available for sale now. Organic celery is $1.50 bunch—pop over anytime to talk to the children about their produce.

Sun smart actions—all children have a named school sunhat which is required to be worn when outside. These stay at school and are laundered regularly. We also apply sunscreen to children going out in the afternoons —if you prefer us not to apply sunscreen to your child please let us know. If you have a preferred brand you would like us to use please supply a named bottle of this.

Parent conferences — Shayne Frickey and Lisa Townsend are available for individual discussions this Term. If you would like an update or have any concerns about your child’s progress, you are invited to book a time to talk with them. A booking sheet with available appointments is at the front desk. 10th and 18th of November are the days.

An invitation is extended to all parents to attend a presentation by Steven Arnold (Senior Lecturer Montessori Education, AUT University) next Tuesday 2.15pm. Steven is the per son who initiated Montessori Secondary Schooling in NZ when he opened Athena College in Wellington back in 2002. Since then Steven has led Brisbane Montessori School and now returned to NZ to lead the Montessori Programme at AUT University. We are sure you will enjoy meeting and listening to Steven’s presentation. We have suggested he address the benefits of keeping children in Montessori past 5years old but he is open to any discussion or questions from parents. The timing has been set so you will be able to listen to his presentation before collecting your children at 3pm. Do come along—upstairs in the library room of Papavero (new 6-12yrs building). We look forward to seeing you here.

2014 Calendar events Tuesday 28 October

2.15pm presentation by Steven Arnold (Upstairs library)

Monday 10th November

Parent conferences 1—6pm

Tuesday 18th November

Parent conferences 1—6pm

Friday 12th December

End of year presentation by children followed by a shared Community lunch

Friday 19th December

Final day of Term 4

Tobias works with the Fraction materials.

Blossoms on the fruit trees .

Sophie and Summa mix colours.

Ned brought his pet goats to school.

Welcome to the following new children and families Luke Chen —parents Tina and Jeffrey Chen Amber Wood—parents Prabani and Andrew Wood Charlie Woodcock —parents Sasha and David Woodcock Staff Term 4 2014 Fiore class Mrs Lisa Townsend Mrs Mujiono Mr Chris Findsen Mrs Sek Ching Kwong (seconded to 6-9yrs class) Mrs Hineata Ngawaka (Wintec student Thursday and Friday) 

Farfalline class Mrs Shayne Frickey Ms Lu Evelyn Mrs Tracey Lynn Russ Miss Saskia Schaudra.

Reminder that absences may be texted each day—027 8583002. This is a convenient way to get in touch with us especially during the busy drop off/pickup times.

Calendar shows days Centre will be closed in red, green shaded weeks are offered as days we are open during standard school holidays. We operate just one class at this time and attendance may be limited to 20 children. Booking requests are published in advance.

Term 1 Early starters Wednesday 21 January All ECE classes open 27 January—2 April

Term 2 Early starters 13 April All ECE classes 20 April—4 July Extended week to 11 April

Term 3 All ECE classes 20 July—25 September Extended week 28 Sept—3 October

Term 4 All ECE classes 12 October—18 December

The classroom programme as delivered is reliant upon parental donations. We appreciate your ongoing donations which allow us to deliver a full Montessori programme. Term 4 Donations are welcomed now. Charlotte matches the number Donations may be made at school or by bank transfer to account; symbols to the Number Rods. Golden Beads Charitable Trust 03-0318-0857768-000

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