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GoldenGlowHatha,TransformationalandVinyasaFlow Yoga200 HourYogaTeacher TrainingCourse FoundationCurriculum

(Simple Version) Live only

Note - All 200hr graduates studying at 300hr ( 100hr Add on Diploma ) and Experienced 500hr teachers are gifted access to the resources for this 200hr Foundation Course as part of their My Learning GGYC Yoga Online Resources and have additional Reading Lists and Self Study if they wish to progress to Senior level. Available on TEAMS – The work will be perused and evaluated as you are getting new additional course information.


General Knowledge - 5 Modules

Module 1 Personal and Professional Development 50hrs

A. Codes of Conduct - Self -Evaluation and Ethics – To encourage flexibility, tolerance,inclusion, and acceptance.

B. Pedagogy – The Art of Teaching -Historical context. Principles of demonstration & observation. A lifetime of Learning – Continuing Education.

a. Teaching Methodology – Presentation skills -Sequencing, pace, environment, cueing, Class management. Theme weaving and construction. Right /left brain.

b. Assisting, modifications, correcting, instructing hands on adjustments c. Finding your own teaching style d. Lesson planning and recording e. How to ensure classes are safe, instructive. Knowledge and experience – focus on Contra- indications f. How we remain sincere and joyful- Ethical Codes

C. The Veda - Ayurveda – (including self-study) and its links to yoga

D. Business Practice - small business start- up

E. Classroom Safety First Aid Course available at small additional cost

F. Challenging and encouraging your students

G. Practicum – Expanding your knowledge and understanding. Find your own rhythm as an asana practitionerMarketing, sales, Promotion, Liability insurance, waivers, and invoicing / recording information is part of the practicum alongside Mentor-ship, apprenticeships, and feedback loops of continuous assessment.

Becoming confident to change your teaching style, as suits, using your own intelligence takes time. We assist you to learn how to adjust programs according to fitness levels, experience, age, and ability of students. Add the GGYC programs to your own established practices. Hatha yoga consists of Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, and Bandha. Kundalini Kriyas are also often included. Our simple Sanskrit training includes chanting mantra, names of asanas, pranayama & other yoga vocabulary. We also use English asana descriptions to help students progress initially.

Module 2 History and Philosophy – 30 hrs ( 20 can be online)

1. Practical and Theoretical Knowledge. What is Yoga ? Key dates and ideas. Vedas, Vedanta, Hatha, Colonial, Modern.

2. What is Yoga Philosophy ? Foundations of Practice - Self Reflection. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother – Integral Yoga Practice and possibilities Various influences like Osho Meditations are examined (Kundalini, Chakra, Vipassana,Dynamic…) Worldwide Influence.

3. Highlighting the importance of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra philosophy and the 8 limbs of yoga. Insight to the 10 primary Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Pradpika.

4. Evolution of yoga lineage understanding. Yoga Alliance International, The British Wheel of Yoga and Yoga AllianceUS, Yoga Alliance Professionals The European Union of Yoga. Scope of practice; Ethical commitments.

Module 3 Anatomy and Physiology 30 hrs ( 20 can be online )

1. Physical Anatomy and Physiology- basic knowledge of body systems including respiratory, ( voluntary and involuntary breath) digestive, circulatory, nervous ( including, Stress responses and vagal theory, musculoskeletal, ( these are divided and given extensive attention. Major bones, types of joints, major muscles in asana and types of muscle contraction ). The endocrine system is given particular attention. The elimination system and cardiovascular as they relate to yogic practice are briefly covered. We investigate an Overall mind body connection. Neuro- plasticity and Trauma recovery.

2. Injuries and genetics for the main systems are studied

3. Diseases and Disorders for the main systems are also studied.

Module 4 Psychology of Transformation of Energy 25 hrs ( Techniques, Training Practice)

1. Theory of Integral and Transformational Yoga

2. Functions of 7 Chakras, Comparison of Integral and Sri Ma.

3. The 5 Bodies and Koshas, Kleshas, chakras, nadis.

4. The Pranic body including the 5 pranas ( Vayus) and their functions

5. Impurities of the 5 bodies, effects, and purification techniques for each

6. Energy mechanics of Transformational yoga – sequencing.

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