The Case of the Georgian Forest Reform:Transition from Centrally Planned to Market Oriented Forest M

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The Case of the Georgian Forest Reform: Transition from Centrally Planned to Market Oriented Forest Management

Racha Region, Georgia



The Case of the Georgian Forest Reform Transition from Centrally Planned to Market Oriented Forest Management Ann Inasaridze, June 2013 KEY POINTS • The administrative and economic system that existed in the former Soviet Union was not able to detect consumer preferences and surpluses, eventually leading to unsustainable resource allocation and ineffective natural resources management. • The Georgian government supported the idea to transfer the forest use rights to private stakeholders for better forest management and utilisation. • Using the Georgian government reform example in the forest sector as a case study, this policy briefing tries to critically assess the implementation process of this new forest policy and its impacts on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). • The new policy refers to the tenure reform in Georgia, which implies transfer of Forest Use Rights to the private sector, while land remains under the state’s ownership. The government cedes responsibility for forest management and retains only forest licensing and control functions. • In particular, this policy briefing critically evaluates the new policy instrument that was used in Georgia, in order to identify the aspects that hindered SFM. • The outdated National Forest Inventory (NFI), the improperly designed auctions that hindered competition, the poor enforcement capacity of the government and the lack of public participation were among the causes, which were responsible for the failure of the reform. • The experience in Georgia has shown that the governmental officials preparing the new forest policy, have overlooked several aspects at the initial stage of the reform, which resulted in improper forest resource utilisation. • This policy briefing recommends that the role of the government through a properly designed policy mechanism, is significant in order to ensure the effective implementation of the main principles of sustainable forest governance, such as transparency, accountability, equity, competition and innovation. • This policy briefing concludes that a country should first build its policy implementation capacity before relying on market forces for natural resources management. KEYWORDS Illegal logging, corruption, Sustainable Forest Management, Georgia, centrally planned economy, market oriented economy, tenure, forestry reform, sustainability, natural resources management, forest governance, forest privatisation, rights of investors, threat to biodiversity, transparency and accountability, competitiveness and efficiency, international practices, forest utilisation plans.

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