Advancing Global Governance Since 1961
Reality out of complexity
Five decades of experience in providing strategic and sustainable vision to crosssector participants in the Global Governance landscape
We invite you to open any newspaper today. You will see that despite the speed of change and the technological and scientific advances in our society we face the same issues we faced 100 years ago, only this time, on a more global scale. The problem is we are still dealing with these issues with the same mindset and in the same way we dealt with them 100 years ago. It is time for change, it is time to look into the future and create a paradigm revolution that changes governance for the next 100 years. Today we are at the beginning of a major new transformation of the world system. This is a major historical shift in which people of the world have to learn to cooperate with each other in order to come up with sustainable solutions to major global issues and problems.
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Earth rise, July 1969, NASA: A view from the Apollo 11 spacecraft showing the Earth rising above the Moon’s horizon
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Gold Mercury International, an independent think tank and international non-governmental organization, has been at the forefront of history in promoting Global Governance and Visionary Leadership since 1961.
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Advancing Global Governance since 1961
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20 Our Global Agenda Gold Mercury’s Global Governance Framework encompasses democratic values and accountable decision-making in its endeavour to improve governance for the next 100 years.
32 Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership
33 © Gold Mercury International. All rights reserved.
Eduardo De Santis, Chairman and President of Gold Mercury International, introduces the Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership 2006–2007. Our Awardees are emblematic of the power that positive consensus can exercise, even in the face of the most critical international issues.
Corporate Vision Strategists The best way to predict the future is to create it. Producing clarity in a world of complexity, Corporate Vision Strategists can assist you in achieving remarkable results across all areas of your organisation. Shape the world according to your vision.
30 Glogonet – Gold Mercury Global Governance Network The Global Governance Network functions as the brain behind Gold Mercury International uniting key Global Governance actors in providing real intelligence behind global issues.
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Global sustainability through Visionary Leadership
Letter from THE Secretary General
Dear Friends, our era is unique in human history. How we decide to manage and organise the next two decades from a governance perspective will determine how the rest of the century evolves. If we fail to set a new and cohesive destination for the whole of humanity that transcends the limited and fragmented view of the past, this new century will be wasted like the last. Let’s not let this happen. Without a renewed and clear vision of our future, and drastic clarity of our present reality, we will not have a sustainable planet. An important task lies ahead of us: to change the perceptions we have of ourselves as citizens of the planet and of our personal roles for the future. Without the right vision and agenda to anticipate events and guide our decisions (and affect the outcomes) we are likely to unravel human progress. Now more than ever a vision of Global Citizenship must be attained to unite all peoples to work towards the common goal of global sustainability.
Since 1961 Gold Mercury International has been advancing Global Governance and recognised then, as it does now, that we need to renew the principles of what constitutes ‘good decision making’ to achieve lasting global sustainability. An inability to govern in modern times is a direct product of using last century’s systems to engage with the complexity of twenty-first century problems. Existing decision-making systems are at breaking point. Gold Mercury International understands Global Governance to require visionary and accountable leadership, from both state and non-state actors, in the management of interdependent international relations. We must look at the planet as a cohesive whole, understand the interconnection among all areas and address the causes, not just the symptoms, of global problems.
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The need for good governance of global public goods has come to the fore and some forms of global public opinion have started to form, concurrently proving the very presence of a global civil society with shared ideas and values. The global challenges, which may be felt locally yet with global consequences (such as the most palpable environmental disasters, health crisis caused by transmissible diseases, and downturns resulting from an ever more vulnerably intertwined global economy), make us realize the profound extent, scope and depth of the interconnected world we live in today. A unified nation state alone cannot deliver optimal governance of global public goods. A global order with characteristics of a multilateral cosmopolitan order has an increasingly significant role to play.
With the increasing complexity of globalisation, the importance of governance and ethics today could not be more starkly expressed: we need more applicable vision with more visionary leaders. We need people that think in terms of accountable and sustainable outcomes on every step of the way. The opportunities of the Gold Mercury International Awards for Visionary Leadership have become more important in delivering a distinguishing accolade at a time when leadership without a clear and sustainable vision can no longer bring about change. We are now faced with the irrefutable knowledge of our planet’s dwindling resources and the ethical dilemmas of globalisation and its complexity. At this juncture, the time has come for civil society, governments, corporations, religions and each and every individual to envision the possibility of a sustainable and more peaceful future.
“envision the possibility of a sustainable and peaceful future”
Gold Mercury defines Global Governance (interdependent multi-actor relations and their outcomes in the international system) as its core area of focus promoting, since its inception in 1961, international trade and cooperation among nations as a way of furthering its message of peace. By this time the first positive results of the pioneering project that resulted in the European Union (the Economic Coal and Steel Community) were being felt throughout Europe. Visionary Leadership steered the course of European history. Through the 1970s and 1980s, as part of the emerging globalisation process, Gold Mercury took bold steps to foster cooperation by inviting discussion on Global Governance and its challenges with even the most secluded of leaders from Kinshasa to Moscow. Gold Mercury cuts through to the meaning of cooperation across all ideological, political and cultural divides. Towards the end of the 1980s and into the 1990s, with decades of insight working with, observing and awarding the world’s top visionary leaders, Gold Mercury amassed an incredible body of experience in Visionary Leadership and governance. Out of this extraordinary knowledge, Gold Mercury developed a framework called Corporate Vision®: a unique think tank infused methodology to develop strategic vision for the future. Corporate Vision Strategists was set up as an independent consultancy unit to utilise the framework for both the private and public sectors. Corporate Vision® is today used by governments and corporations to improve strategic planning.
Nicolas De Santis is the Secretary General of Gold Mercury International and the CEO of Corporate Vision Strategists. From both these platforms he focuses on global governance issues and long term vision strategies for corporations, governments, institutions and world leaders. As an internet entrepreneur Nicolas has founded and
As old challenges will give way to new ones, global sustainability will require Visionary Leadership and the resolve of all international actors to believe it is possible to change course and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. How do we want to achieve human progress and development? Without a complete change of consciousness, global sustainability is not possible. In this very process of globally shared value creation and Visionary Leadership for Global Governance, the organizational vision and mission of Gold Mercury International can be found.
launched various prominent ventures including Opodo, the European travel portal of the European flag carriers. His expertise in vision advisory includes institutions such as The European Union, European Parliament, European Movement and global corporations such as Iberdrola, British Airways, Ferrovial, Morgan Stanley, Ferruzzi and Argentaria.
Nicolas De Santis Secretary General
1905 Einstein’s theory of special relativity E = mc2
1921 Communist party founded in China
1947 Bretton Woods & Marshall Plan
1960 Several African countries gain independence
COMMUNISM 1928–1929 The stock market crash and the Great Depression
1917 Russian Revolution
1950 The foundations for the EU are laid
1969 First Man on the Moon
1953 Discovery of the DNA double-helix
1945 Atomic Bombs end WW2
1918 End of WW1
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1920 1940
1975 United States and Russia cooperate in space
1978 First ‘test tube’ baby born
1981 First case of AIDS reported
1983 Sustainability era starts with the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development
1980 The Cable News Network (CNN) is officially launched Pac-Man is released
1979 Peace treaty signed between Egypt and Israel
OIL CRISES 1973 End of the Vietnam War
1976 The first commercial Concorde flight takes off
Microsoft founded in Albuquerque New Mexico
1972 First Oil Crisis
1970 First Gold Mercury Conference for International Cooperation held in Rome
Advancing Global Governance since 1961
1962 Gold Mercury creates International Awards for Visionary Leadership
1961 Aware of growing world tensions, Gold Mercury is founded in Rome
1960 The terms ‘GLOBALISATION’ & ‘GLOBALISM’ start to be used
BUSINESS PARTICIPATION 1975 World business leaders support Gold Mercury’s goals
1973 Gold Mercury’s international conferences debate increased ‘globalisation’ 1972 Gold Mercury grants Award to Jean Rey
1971 HE Gustav Heinemann receives Award
1978 President Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat of Egypt receives award
1977 Gold Mercury Peace & Cooperation Conference held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia HM King Juan Carlos I receives Gold Mercury Award for Peace 1976 Gerald Ford wins Gold Mercury Peace Award
1980 1980 2000 people attend Gold Mercury Moscow Peace Conference
1984 1984 Reform minded Zhao Ziyang wins Gold Mercury Award for Peace
Leonid Brezhnev awarded Gold Mercury Award
1979 The International Red Cross receives Gold Mercury Award
The 1979 Gold Mercury Peace & Cooperation Conference in Cairo
CHINA Robert Gallo Gold Mercury Award laureate publishes paper arguing that HIV retrovirus causes AIDS
1981 President Sadat of Egypt assassinated
Gold Mercury International is an independent think tank and international non-governmental organisation (INGO) based in London. Since 1961, Gold Mercury has been at the forefront of history in promoting peace, international relations, cooperation, pioneering Global Governance and Visionary Leadership.
Many international organizations deal with the issue of Global Governance today. Gold Mercury offers a uniquely flexible approach to identifying and establishing partnerships across sectors. Central to this flexibility is a unique framework linking Gold Mercury and its consultancy unit, Corporate Vision Strategists, combining both the public and private approaches to achieve a balance between highly profiled project management and network building. This framework places Gold Mercury in a position to lead business in the direction of sustainable and responsible practice in the corporate world, generating concrete policy direction in the context of Global Governance. As an independent think tank and INGO, Gold Mercury develops debates on major ‘big picture’ issues affecting global society with the aim to bring about the transformation of public involvement, activism and consciousness. We use the media, the internet and digital platforms, the Gold Mercury Awards, public debates, forums and a variety of publications to reach our audiences, to disseminate our work and to support the work of like-minded organisations.
1989 First Gulf War
1992 Rio Earth Summit aids future sustainable development around the world
Fall of the Berlin Wall
1995 WTO Created
2002 EURO currency introduced
1997 Asian Financial Crisis Dolly the sheep is cloned
1993 Intel’s new microchip quadruples processing power of computers
NASA’s Rover lands on Mars 2001 September 11th attacks
KEY ACTOR IN WORLD AFFAIRS 1991 Ronald Reagan receives Gold Mercury Award for Peace
USA 1990 Gold Mercury promotes importance of VISION and ETHICS as key components of improving governance towards sustainable development 1989 Camilo Jose Cela, Gold Mercury Award laureate Nobel Prize for Literature
2004 Darfur’s Commission of Inquiry launched by UN
2006 Russia cuts natural gas to Ukraine Ice shelf bigger than Manhattan breaks off an island in Canadian Arctic
1991 The Supreme Soviet meets and formally dissolves the Soviet Union
1993 Corporate Vision® strategy framework is created and trademarked The European Parliament commissions Corporate Vision Strategists to review the image of the EU
1992 Gold Mercury creates Corporate Vision Strategists to assist leaders and organisations on long term vision strategy development
1997 Corporate Vision Strategists launches Captain Euro to test feelings towards EU identity
1995 Nelson Mandela takes over as President of South Africa. Corporate Vision Strategists win project to create new vision and brand to relaunch country
2007 EU enlarges to 27 countries
2003 Iraq War (Gulf War II) 1990 The Internet created
2005 Euro overtakes the dollar as largest reserve currency in the world
2008 Oil prices reach all time highs. Global economic crisis and a possible US recession Google founded in 1998 reaches US $179 billion market cap
2009 Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America takes office
2010 NASA’s Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts continue their journey of discovery
2004 Gold Mercury Creates organisational goal of ‘improving governance for the next 100 years’
2003 Iberdrola power utility launches a new vision of ‘sustainable energy’ developed by Corporate Vision Strategists
2006 Gold Mercury launches GLOGO™ governance research initiative The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research of the World Bank receives Gold Mercury Development Award
Ethical Dynamics OUR PHILOSOPHY
In a world of uncertainty and change, current ethics are no guarantee for future survival. At the heart of globalisation lies the question of how ethics and culture need to rapidly evolve and adapt to face the new challenges and complexities of governance around the planet. Current ethical frameworks do not seem to deliver the innovation or energy required to think ahead in a more coordinated way.
2008 Gold Mercury delivers –The Global Governance Monitoring System based on its new theory of Ethical Dynamics™
2007 Gold Mercury reorganizes Visionary Leadership Awards 2005 Globalisation and complexity become core areas of study
HE Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President of the Republic of Liberia receives Gold Mercury Peace Award
2100 Massive gain in life expectancy with average human life span of 108·7 years compared to 65·82 years in 2008
2010 2010 Corporate Vision® 3·0 book to be released
2009 Launch of GLOGO™ and GLOGONET™
GLOGONET Gold Mercury and Corporate Vision Strategists to launch EU Vision project about the future identity of Europe
Gold Mercury believes that we are facing ‘ethical bureaucracy,’ our term to describe a legacy of global impasse created by complexity where ethics are used as an excuse and a barrier to differentiate and compete rather than a tool to find common solutions and concerted action. It is time to change the perception of governance and rethink our values for the future. In our search for a new ethical framework for global sustainability we feel there is a need to create a new conscience based not on the past but the future. To achieve such a goal we created a new practical theory of ethics that we call Ethical Dynamics™. Ethical Dynamics™ aims to study and rethink ethics and governance for the 21st century. It is forward-looking as it anticipates the effect that an action will have on the future of humankind. The purpose of Ethical Dynamics™ is to improve understanding and perception of personal values and clarify people’s role in sustainable Global Governance.
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Bringing visionaries together
The Executive Board The Executive Board, with the help of its administrative and support teams, develops the policy and organisational aspects of Gold Mercury International. It also manages day-to-day operations and maintains relationships with governments, corporations, and civil society organisations. The Board and its support teams also review and evaluate award nominations. Eduardo De Santis, Chairman & President; Nicolas De Santis, Secretary General; Anthony Bailey, Vice President; Philippe Cothier, Vice President; Kardam Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince of Tirnovo, Vice President; Juan Crespo, Vice President; Chechung Chang, Vice President; Rosendo Alvarez III, Vice President; Miguel Vergara, Vice President; Nevid Nikravan, Vice President; Pablo Vaggione, Vice President; Hyun Jee, Vice President.
Gold Mercury International
The International Advisory Board The International Advisory Board supervises the governance and development of Gold Mercury International. The Board also participates and nominates candidates for the Gold Mercury Awards in each category. Over the years the Gold Mercury International Advisory Board has included some of the most important people in government, business, academia and society, including: Soichiro Honda, President of Honda Motor Co; Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, Former Prime Minister of Spain; Ramon Areces Rodriguez, President of El Corte Ingles; Lord William Rees-Mogg, Editor of The Times, London; Gunnar Engellau, President of AB Volvo; Masaru Ibuka, Founder and President of the Sony Corporation; Hans Suessenguth, Chairman of Lufthansa AG; The Hon Pietro Campilli, Former Finance and Treasury Minister of Italy; Cav Lavoro Angelo Rizzoli, Founder of Rizzoli Editrice; Luis Garcia Berlanga, Film Director and Academy Award Nominee; Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Former Secretary General of the United Nations; Uolevi Raade, Chairman of Neste Finland; and Alfonso Escamez, President of Banco Central.
International Advisory Board
Our current International Advisory Board members include: His Royal Highness Prince El Hasan Bin Talal Prince of the Hasemite Kingdom of Jordan Federico Mayor Zaragoza Former Director-General of UNESCO and President Foundation for a Culture of Peace
Carlos Rodríguez Braun Author and Professor of History of Economic Thought, Universidad Complutense Spain Maurice Hatchwell President of Exem Group Isabel Tocino Former President of Siebel Spain and former Spanish Minister of the Environment
Kerry Kennedy Founder of The Robert F Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights
Count Ludovico Incisa di Camerana Former Italian Ambassador and Academic
Joseph Zappala Former US Ambassador to Spain
Jacinto Garcia Palacios Former CEO of Hispasat
Count Sabino Fernandez Campo Former Chief of the Spanish Royal House HE Manuel Fraga Iribarne Spanish Senator, Former Minister and President of the Xunta de Galicia Pedro Schwartz Professor of Economics at the Universidad San Pablo – CEU Enrique Baron Crespo Former President of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Party of European Socialists in the European Parliament Aldo Olcese Santonja Chairman of Fincorp and President of the Institute of Financial Analysts
Miguel Herrero y Rodriguez de Miñon Member of the Spanish Parliament and one of the fathers of the Spanish Constitution Bernardo Cremades President of the Spanish Board of Arbitration Enrique Ruiz Garcia Writer and Professor of Political & Social Science at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) HE Dr Mohamed Sahbi Basly Ambassador of Tunisia to the People’s Republic of China Alfonso Martinez de Irujo Duke of Aliaga Managing Director Instituto de Empresa Business School Juan Luis Cebrian CEO of Grupo Prisa
Chairman Secretary General
Corporate Vision® Strategists
Corporate Vision Studios
Global Governance Monitoring System
Platform & reporting
Global Governance Network
Global Governance Projects
Global Governance Projects teams
executive Board
Global Governance Forums & events
Support teams – Communications – Publications – etc
Dr Giovanni Scapagnini, MD, PHD Assistant Professor, Institute of Neurological Sciences. Italian National Research Council
Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership
The workings of a truly international organisation
Visionary Leadership in practice: Gold Mercury’s understanding of world affairs and global complexity provides the cornerstone of our ability to advise on long term vision for corporate strategy and business through our consultancy unit, Corporate Vision Strategists.
GMI Annual 2008–09 14/15 Corporate Vision Strategists was founded in 1990 by Eduardo and Nicolas De Santis as part of their realisation that vision is the core component of any sustainable strategy. The pair created Corporate Vision®, as a pioneering framework to deliver long-term strategic planning and competitive advantage.
Creates sustainable social and economic value Creates a shared challenge
Forecasts the future
COrPOrAte VISION Inspires passions and creates aspirations
Activates people to deliver on vision Fits in the historical context
Strategic altitude 30,000 ft Corporate Vision® What is our picture of the future? How can we best create our own sustainable future?
25,000 ft
Corporate Vision® ethical Governance
Ethical Governance Do we have a good system in place to make decisions?
Objectives and Strategies
Objectives and Strategies What are our main focus areas – Pillars of Excellence? What results do we need to achieve?
Business Design
Business Design Whom do we want to be our customers? How do we create long term value for them and for us? How do we organise to deliver on the vision?
Corporate Infrastructure Systems
Corporate Infrastructure Systems What are our most important processes and core competencies, how to best align them to deliver great customer value?
Customer Delivery
Customer Delivery How do we create and improve value for customers?
15,000 ft
Measurement Ground
Mission What is our purpose and role in society? What do we provide that people truly value? What are our beliefs?
Measurement How will we know if we are achieving the results we want?
the best opportunities and biggest challenges for a business are external not internal… Imagine that, instead of reacting to the changes around you, you shaped the world according to your sustainable vision. Corporate Vision Strategists understand that the best way to predict the future is to create it. We work with the world’s best companies and organisations to define their role in the future. We provide a comprehensive action plan to achieve a clearly defined vision. Corporate Vision® gives you the means to deliver brand leadership, transform your corporate culture, create new categories for your business and inspire your entire company to deliver your dream. We empower you to set trends rather than follow them. We help you see how the world will change, and show you how you can change the world.
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Global sustainability through Visionary Leadership. Global Citizenship in support of a sustainable world.
Gold Mercury International & Corporate Vision Strategists adopt as their symbol the famous gold statue of the Roman and Greek god Mercury (Hermes), the mythological messenger of the gods and patron of trade, commerce and travel. Believed to be the inventor of all the arts, Mercury was regarded as a great mediator and able to reconcile disparate or contradictory beliefs by melding practices of various schools of thought. The original gold statue of Mercury was designed in circa 1564 by the Flemish sculptor Jean Boulogne. Our symbol represents our values of Visionary Leadership, excellence in governance and peace and cooperation through commerce.
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Gold Mercury Global Governance Model™ to monitor and visualise our complex reality in order to understand interdependence among global issues, our Global Governance Model™ organises the planet into eight global governance areas to better frame the key issues and trends in each global area. We call it: Organised Complexity.™ The Global Governance Model™ is a first practical step towards creating a global agenda and worldview to generate a greater global consciousness. Globalisation requires new models to understand and frame governance and interdependence. The Global Governance Model™ is a tool for multi-stakeholder collaboration, cooperation and dialogue to achieve a more sustainable planet.
CItIZeNSHIP Global Culture
International Law & Humanitarian Affairs
SOCIetAL ePIDeMICS Global Health
Global Governance Areas
Global Peace & Security
Global economic & Social Policy
Global Science & technology
Global environment
Global resources
Gold Mercury International’s role is to foster interaction between Global Governance participants, encouraging much needed dialogue between representatives of government, the corporate world, religion, civil society, and those passionate visionaries who are making positive change for the betterment of our world.
Global Governance and Visionary Leadership – The notion of ‘global’ goes beyond the local, national and international to dissolve differences across boundaries and between peoples, and to embrace an inter-connectedness and shared consciousness about issues of concern, such as human rights. – Visionary and ethical leadership combines anticipatory thinking and decision-making with positive and sustainable outcomes.
Sustainability and sustainable human development – The ability to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of future generations. – In terms of Global Governance, dealing with global public goods and global civil society means unavoidably sustainable human development.
– Awareness about our role in the world as global citizens. – A transformation of conscience that allows sustainability to become a reality.
Global Governance Framework: etHICAL GLOBAL GOVerNANCe
Globalization and complex transformation of world order
Global Citizenship
– The Impact of Communication: Global communication development is highly influential in producing a much more interdependent world. Globalisation means interdependence, among the broader structures of world society. – The need to Fulfil the Unfulfilled Potential of the 20th Century: Globalisation enhances a debate about our collective future and how we might shape it in the current century. – Wars about Ideas and Cosmopolitan World Order: The creative potential of globalisation enables the cross-fertilisation of cultures and the hybridisation of identities. There is an opportunity to create an effective cosmopolitan world order, one which admits many values and enables the unity of all mankind.
Global challenges and Global Governance – Governance: The context of national politics has been transformed by the diffusion of power and authority, the shift from government to multi-layered governments regionally and globally. The very distinction between domestic and foreign affairs is no longer clear-cut. Questions of democratic accountability and legitimacy at the global level have arisen. – Global Rancour and the need for a Collective Global Responsibility: The world is not comprised of national communities of fate but of overlapping communities of fate. An individualism that is not tied to social responsibility is not tied to international responsibility and is corrosive of the whole process of globalisation. – Change of Mindset, Imagination and Will: The challenge is to find new responses and to change the mindset of policy-makers and those who influence them and build a real consensus for change. – Effective Mechanism: The initial challenge is to find a working model of Global Governance which develops appropriate systems and instruments that will permit fair and sustainable development at the global level, provide for inter-connections between governments, markets and civil society, improve the instruments of international cooperation (linking local, national and global action), and make steady, coherent, corrective action at international level. – Global Objectives: There is a need to set objectives, both in terms of substance and process. – Global Investment: Investment in the infrastructure of the poorest countries.
Global social justice and democracy at the global level – A Growing Separation between Economic Globalisation and Social Justice: The world is driven too much by markets. A variety of bargains and pragmatic adjustment occur at the global level and so do the radically unequal bargaining relationships. There is a growing need for a legitimate authority based on the maintenance of human rights and democracy. – The Prospects for a more Accountable and Democratic Global Order: No power should act as judge and jury in creating a more unified global order based on social democratic and cosmopolitan values and the right focus and progressive choices for the world.
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Global public goods – Global public goods such as a sustainable environment, sustainable development, equity, basic human issues of life and death cannot be resolved by untrammelled markets. – State Obligations and the Privatisation of Public Services: The privatisation of public services raises fundamental questions of obligation and responsibility, both in terms of management and delivery. The process of privatisation can mean the state loses know-how and finds itself in a position where it is required to monitor or regulate a service, which it is obliged to supply, with no knowledge of the process. As such, the debate about privatisation exposes the need for regulation in both the private and public provision of services and raises the issue of extra-territorial obligations.
Transnational networks, global public opinion and global civil society – New voices of an emerging transnational civil society. – Core elements of global civil society are people, processes and debate. – They point in the direction of establishing new ways of holding transnational power systems to account and they help to open up the possibility of cosmopolitan governments or cosmopolitan democracy.
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Anticipatory thinking: Improving governance for the
Governance and sustainability include questions of ethics and values which diverge greatly within and between cultures and interest groups. Gold Mercury’s main mission is to create a new perspective about the importance of global decision-making in our complex society with conflicting and dissonant values. For Gold Mercury, the goal to improve governance for the next 100 years is about creating a new mindset and redesigning a new global culture. It is about creating universal values that lead to the emergence of Global Citizenship.
To achieve this new awareness, sustainability needs to become the basis of a new and fundamental culture that values and constantly improves accountability. Sustainability has made Global Citizenship a moral and ethical imperative. Effective Global Citizenship comes with its own complexities. It means changing mindsets to understand and care for both the local and global contexts; it means to act with awareness of the world as a global community; it means recognizing that we all have universal ethical obligations and rights. Efforts need to be made in all areas of society to drive this new ethical imperative of Global Citizenship. This will require a dramatic change in our values, beliefs, habits and methods in homes, in schools and universities through to the corridors of power. We failed to set a clear vision for humanity in the last 100 years. The new vision of global sustainability for this century must be focused on the premise that humanity can only achieve its greatest potential in the now, if it manages to organise itself to preserve and guarantee its future.
To think in decades and centuries forces us to change our attitudes dramatically. It forces us to make better decisions and improve our chances of achieving global sustainability in the now. The 21st century feels disappointing. We were promised the end of disease, famine, injustice, wars and free energy for all (not to mention robots doing most of our work). These predictions linger severely behind reality. This is why the way we ‘manage’ the next two decades is critical for the advancement of the human race. During the last 100 years we saw the role and focus of governance change dramatically as it tried to reflect and adapt to the different international political ideologies, wars, empires, socioeconomic orders, technological orders and transitory value systems that emerged. Today in our globalised world governance works at many different levels, from a single person to all of humanity.
However, governance continues to fail mostly because of old fashioned norms and institutional remnants. Increasingly we just do not know what to ‘compare to’ when confronted by new, never seen before, situations. But it is in this complexity where we see an opportunity. For Gold Mercury, the true and simple purpose of governance, both for people and organisations, is to reassure and deliver good results and outcomes, on behalf of those governed, through vision and ethical leadership in a time of great volatility and increased uncertainty.
Gold Mercury research & development agenda: Improving governance for the last five decades and beyond
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Gold Mercury International programme activities:
2006–07 5%
5% Global Citizenship
Global Governance
Global Governance Network
Global Governance Monitoring Project
Corporate Vision Strategy Framework ®
Development in Africa
Anticipatory Governance
Global Frameworks
ethical Dynamics™
Organised Complexity™
Global Sustainability
Sustainable Development
Global resource Management
10% 50%
Globalisation and Complexity
european Union and the euro
2008–10 Middle east Peace
US and Soviet relations
5% 10%
China 10%
european Community
International relations
US and Soviet relations
Cooperation through trade
20% Corporate Governance and ethics
5% 15%
Visionary Leadership Awards
Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership in Global Governance
Visionary Leadership and Global Governance Forums
Global Governance, Sustainability and Ethical Dynamics Research Corporate Vision® Projects Pro Bono
International Relations and Affairs Glogonet Research, Collaboration and Projects Knowledge Transfer, Publications, Communications and Training Glogo: Global Governance Monitoring System
Gold Mercury research & development agenda: Knowledge transfer activities: Reports and tools
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Ethical Dynamics™ Series
Some titles include A Brief History of Ethics Hunting for Paradigms From Cosmic Reality to Reality on Earth Governance Impact Chain™ Corporate Vision® and Anticipatory Governance
Gold Mercury’s Ethical Dynamics™ Series aims to transform governance policy and practices to achieve greater accountability. The series offers a practical study of ethics and anticipatory governance for the 21st century. In our search for new ethical frameworks for global sustainability there is a need to create a new global conscience based not on the past but the future. Ethical Dynamics™ aims to achieve this by framing a new understanding of governance for the future. The series explores the current state of reality, the way personal values are framed in the context of globalization and clarifies people’s role in sustainable Global Governance.
GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper: the new way of doing politics
Glogonet™ – Global Briefing Series Gold Mercury’s Global Briefing Series is designed to offer an informative and invaluable insight into how our world works. The series is structured around our eight Global Governance challenge areas and a number of corresponding subareas. In each area we address where major policy discussion emanates from, who the key actors are, what developments and challenges we can expect the future to present and which actors are making a considerable contribution to finding global solutions to global challenges.
Some titles include: Global Peace & Security Global Economic & Social Policy Global Resources Global Environment International Law & Humanitarian Affairs Global Culture Global Science & Technology Global Health
Corporate Vision® Series & Tools Some tools include: Corporate Vision® Executive Learning Corporate Vision® Workshops Corporate Vision® One2One Coaching Corporate Vision® Leadership Briefings Corporate Vision® Case Histories Corporate Vision® Community Activities Corporate Vision® Global Forums Corporate Vision® Future Talks
Gold Mercury’s Corporate Vision® Series and Tools aim to improve management visionary leadership strategy practices. These series and tools are centred upon the theme of Visionary Leadership and its link with Corporate Sustainability. Visionary Leadership is a key component of any strategic planning and sustainability is a core differentiator for growth. Corporate Vision® promotes a view of strategy as perspective and a clear sense of direction for what needs to be achieved. From the concept of managing complexity and navigating uncertainty to sustainable business model innovation and corporate philosophy, this series, and its corresponding tools, are designed to supplement and train leaders on the corporate visioning and strategy process of any organisation. Gold Mercury’s understanding of world affairs and global complexity provides the cornerstone of our ability to advise and educate on long term vision and corporate strategy through our consultancy unit, Corporate Vision Strategists. Both organisations work together to deliver strategic insight to global leaders, corporations, international organisations and their people.
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Our Reports and Tools are available as free technical assistance for international development programs. These tools are useful and informative for teachers, students and future decisionmakers. Please contact us for further information:
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GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper:from cosmic reality to reality on earth
GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper: Corporate Vision® and Anticipatory Governance
and Anticipatory Governance
reality to reality on earth Key words: Creation> Reality> Perception> Truth> Facts> Complexity> Worldviews> Existence>Theory of everything> Philosophy> Ethics> Religion> Paradigms> Modern
Thinking anew to manage risk and create your own opportunities in the era of global complexity.
GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper: governance impact change
physics> Big bang theory> Theory of relativity> Materialism> Fiction> Fantasy> Life> Death> Realism> Humanism> Quantum physics> Reality frameworks.
Key words: Change, uncertainty, anticipatory governance, anticipatory thinking, risk, enterprise risk management (ERM), compliance & ethics, mental models, cognition biases, paradigms, corporate vision, accountable governance, entropy, complexity, taking for granted, assumptions,
triangulation method, decision theory, game theory, Pascal’s Wager, utility, systems thinking, leverage points, chaos theory, intuition, artificial intelligence, reality, speculation, strategic planning, foresight, sustainability.
* Fasten your seatbelt as the earth moves around the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
Impact Chain
Key words: Governance Impact Chain™> risk> risk prevention> disaster prevention> actors in a chain> communication> law of assumption> law
of prevention> culture> emotional intelligence> emotional capability> ability to foresee> vision
Glogonet delivers:
Glogonet is organised around the eight areas of Gold Mercury’s Global Governance Model™
Global Culture
Global Peace & Security
International Law & Humanitarian Affairs
Global Health
Global Governance Areas
Global economic & Social Policy
Global Science & technology
Global environment Global resources
Glogonet’s capillarity provides a 360° view of how an industry is affected in the short and long term and provides sustainable solutions. As an open collaborative model, we tap into multiple knowledge sources as a way of achieving both a top-down and bottom-up view of issues.
The brain behind Gold Mercury Glogonet is a collaborative network of key specialist actors in Global Governance including international organizations, think tanks, academic institutions, media, the private sector and individuals that contribute vigorously to the debate about Global Governance. Glogonet forms Gold Mercury’s future-orientated collaborative research and resource centre. Gold Mercury’s Global Governance model has organised global monitoring into eight Global Governance areas and sub-areas (ie. Global Security> Nuclear deterrence> etc). Glogonet is organised according to these areas. Governance does not happen in a vacuum and world events have implications for industries and markets beyond the obvious. Real intelligence behind global issues bridges the gap between inaction and action in the Global Governance landscape.
Glogonet: A global capillarity of leading trusted sources at every level of governance to achieve a 360° view of the issue
Strategic intelligence and foresight determining the key future drivers, scenarios, solutions, success factors, opportunities and risks for the benefit of our projects. The best minds for each subject area to discover new intelligence and ideas innovation. Open Source style opportunities for project collaboration and fast ad-hoc coalitions: Bottom-up and top-down innovation: local, national, regional, global. Links policy-makers with policy innovators. Cross-fertilisation and multidisciplinary approach across nations, knowledge and cultures (Transnational).
Government Bodies/Agencies (Local/National/ International) think tanks
the Global Public
Global Governance Area Project/Issue
Civil Society
the Media Social Innovators & entrepreneurs
Global Governance Areas Global Culture
Global Peace & Security
International Law & Humanitarian Affairs
Gold Mercury Awards Categories
Global economic & Social Policy
Global Health
Global Science & technology
Global environment Global resources
As Chairman and one of the key founders of Gold Mercury International, it is my honour to introduce you to the winners of the Gold Mercury Award 2006 –2007. Gold Mercury grants the prestigious Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership to leaders in the international system for outstanding achievements in eight different Global Governance challenge areas. Our laureates are among the most recognised and respected figures, institutions and organisations in the world. Gold Mercury celebrated its 45th anniversary in 2006. Since 1961 we have undertaken a dynamic role in international relations and affairs with an emphasis on promoting peace and cooperation, improving governance practices and promoting Visionary Leadership. Our historic Awards honour those visionary leaders who are making significant positive contributions to the world’s most pressing concerns, categorised as Gold Mercury Global Governance challenge areas. The eight outstanding winners of the Gold Mercury Award 2006 –2007 were selected by our international board and announced in a ceremony held at the Gold Mercury International headquarters in London. Considered as a group, our awardees represent living proof that partnerships between governments, Eduardo De Santis is the communities, non-governmental organisations, businesses and the public at large Chairman and President can achieve a constructive and sophisticated dialogue that inspires cooperative of Gold Mercury International. action and translates into real world solutions. They are emblematic of the An Italian born producer and entrepreneur, he has long been power that positive consensus can exercise, even in the face of the most critical a prominent figure in the Global international issues. Governance and international affairs arena. Through Gold Often, such consensus is hard won, and there is no embellishment in the Mercury, Eduardo has spent claim that the Gold Mercury Award is invariably a tribute to the unbridled passion, the last five decades involved commitment, tenacity, and moral courage of its recipients. I extend my sincere in international cooperation through trade. Through the congratulations to all the laureates of 2006 –2007, and I invite you to read about Gold Mercury Awards Eduardo their achievements in greater detail. is a pioneer in promoting governance practices and These laureates are the true visionary leaders of our time. sustainability in the public and private sectors. He is advisor to world leaders and CEO’s of major corporations.
Eduardo De Santis Chairman and President of Gold Mercury International
Gold Mercury Awards for Visionary Leadership 2006– 07 MeSSAGe FrOM tHe CHAIrMAN
I thank Gold Mercury for this award. We will continue to do what we believe is best to put our country on the right course. This award will be shared with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the people of Liberia HE President of Liberia
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Internationally known as Africa’s “Iron Lady,” President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is a leading promoter of peace, justice and democratic rule, and is Africa’s first elected female head of state. Born and educated in Monrovia, she continued her studies in the United States at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Harvard University. A trained economist, President Johnson Sirleaf has led a distinguished life spanning nearly four decades in local and international public life. In her professional life, Mrs Johnson Sirleaf has not only served as Governor of Liberia for several financial institutions, but has also served on advisory boards and committees both at home and abroad. In her efforts to bring justice to her people in Liberia, she spent more than a year in jail at the
hands of the military dictatorship of General CÔTE Samuel Doe and had her life threatened by ( Dub D'IVOIRE e ss Pelokehn e (D former President Charles Taylor. She campaigned Timbo C Bokoa e Sehn k w Shabli relentlessly for Taylor’s removal from office River Cess Yakakahn Yibuke Juazohn (Kaobli) and played an active and supportive role in RIVER GEE Kopo o SINOE the Transitional Government of Liberia as the Fish Town Tiehnpo Sehnkwehn e b country prepared for elections in October 2005. g Du Tatuke Tawake Sinoe Greenville President Johnson Sirleaf was a presidential u D Bay MA Kodeke GRAND RY Nyaakecandidate in the 1997 Liberian general election Nana Kru KRU LA ND Barclayville where she finished second in a field of 13. Prior Sasstown to this she served for five years as Assistant Nemeke Grand Cess Plibo Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau Tabou C. Palmas for Africa of the United Nations Development Harper Program, and as Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations; she was also the first woman to lead the United Nations Development Project for Africa. President Johnson Sirleaf served as the Chairperson of the Governance Reform Commission of the National Transitional Government of Liberia until she resigned in March 2004 to accept the nomination of the Unity Party of Liberia as its standard bearer. Gold Mercury recognises the multitude of challenges that faced Mrs Johnson Sirleaf upon her inauguration as President. After fourteen years of civil war, Mrs Johnson Sirleaf has taken on the task of building peace in Liberia, aiming to motivate Liberians to reconcile their differences and rebuild a newly unified nation. Through the restructuring of the economy and the reform of existing governance practices, Mrs Johnson Sirleaf has launched a sustained and co-ordinated effort to prevent any possible regression into civil war and firmly set the country on the path to peace, growth and development. The achievement of becoming the first democratically elected woman President also commands great respect and promotes the advancement of women’s prominence in every part of society. Gonglee e s C
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Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Peace & Security Award is given to individuals for their contributions toward peaceful co-existence and cooperation. Peace is generally defined as the absence of war or violence. In order to be eligible for an award, the candidate must therefore have made a clear, demonstrable effort toward improving relations between peoples and decreasing the likelihood of armed conflict or violence.
Since the 1970s, Gold Mercury has awarded efforts towards achieving peace and cooperation in the international system, ranging from contributions to the Middle East peace process to nuclear disarmament during the Cold War. Now more than ever, we focus on Peace & Security as one of the fundamental missions of Gold Mercury in improving the state of the world in uncertain times. We believe that although the role of the state within the international system is evolving and non-state actors are becoming more prominent on the world stage, states are still fundamental to ensuring peace as they retain a monopoly on the legitimate use of force. For this reason we focus specifically on the role of the state in ensuring peaceful international relations.
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Gold Mercury Global Peace & Security Award 2006–07 Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf President of Liberia
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We are honoured to receive the Gold Mercury Environmental Award in recognition of the important work the Aldabra Foundation is undertaking. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Aldabra belongs to all of us, a unique jewel in the Lars Kristoferson, global environment Prof Chairman of Aldabra Foundation
Many environmental threats do not respect boundaries. Gold Mercury focuses on threats to our planet’s biodiversity and environment, such as pollution, species extinction and climate change. Economic growth and progress will be short-lived if we do not conserve our natural environment and resources. Sound environmental management throughout the world is critical to sustainable development. We must meet the needs of the world’s current population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Gold Mercury Global Environment Award 2006–07 Aldabra Foundation Switzerland
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Environment Award is given to global corporations, organisations and individuals for their contributions to environmental sustainability. In order to be eligible for this award, candidates must either strongly support or uphold environmentally friendly practices or have found new ways of further protecting the environment.
Aldabra, located at the outer reaches of the Seychelles archipelago, was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982; it is the finest surviving tropical atoll ecosystem and the largest raised coral atoll on earth. Due to difficulties of access and the atoll’s isolation, Aldabra has escaped the devastation that followed human settlement on islands elsewhere, and thus retains its ecological integrity. Its unique ecosystems and species make it ecologically and scientifically valuable. The atoll constitutes a refuge for many endangered species, including the giant tortoise and flightless bird populations of the western Indian Ocean, and is also a vital breeding ground for substantial marine turtle populations and large seabird colonies.
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The Aldabra Foundation, a non-profit Swiss organisation, was established in 2005 to ensure the preservation of Aldabra in perpetuity through providing support to the Seychelles Islands Foundation and the creation of a research institute on the atoll, capable of supporting scientific research into the environment of Aldabra. This facility will enable comparative terrestrial and marine analysis of the atoll, and help achieve a better understanding not only of ecological change in general, but also of specific anthropogenic impacts on tropical ecosystems such as over fishing, pollution and global warming. The Foundation believes that Aldabra and its surrounding ocean are not to be viewed as an economic resource but as a priceless blueprint for evolution and living, a perpetually observable storehouse of data on biodiversity. It will ensure that future generations can study and enjoy undisturbed tropical marine and island ecosystems in a manner no longer possible throughout much of the world. Gold Mercury believes that the Global Environment Award is being given to one of the great natural wonders of the world. With most oceans now only containing 10% of their original large predator fish, and with many other key species removed, Aldabra stands to be a time capsule for future generations, a place where they will be able to understand what has been lost and work towards reversing the trend. If we can win the battle now, the Darwin’s of tomorrow will have an opportunity to test their theories in practice, with far-reaching consequences for the survival of mankind.
Gold Mercury International Law & Humanitarian Affairs Award 2006–07 Kerry Kennedy Founder of the Robert F Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Washington, USA GOLD MERCURY AWARD
We believe that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and that their basic human rights should be respected throughout the world. We continue to support individuals and organisations in their efforts toward achieving goals such as universal primary education, gender equality, the empowerment of women, combating of disease and the eradication of poverty and hunger. In the field of international law we reward international cooperation in addressing various global challenges such as conflict prevention and resolution, terrorism, crimes against humanity, poverty, torture, slavery and all forms of discrimination.
Kerry Kennedy first began working in the field of human rights in 1981 as an intern for Amnesty International, where she investigated abuses by US immigration officials against refugees from El Salvador. Inspired by her internship and by the work of her father, Senator Robert F Kennedy, she has spent the past twenty-five years dedicating her life to the advancement of human rights. In 1987 she established the R F K Memorial Centre for Human Rights, a non-governmental US-based organisation working in over 20 countries that aims to fulfil the legacy of Robert F Kennedy by promoting respect for human rights and fighting for social justice around the world. As the leader of over 40 human rights delegations to over 30 countries, including recent visits to Kenya and Liberia, Kerry Kennedy has worked on such diverse human rights issues as child labour, indigenous land rights, judicial independence, freedom of expression, ethnic violence, impunity, the environment and women’s rights, and has also provided advocacy to Capitol Hill, the United Nations and the World Bank. In addition, Ms. Kennedy is the Founder and Chair of Speak Truth to Power (STTP), a division of the R F K Memorial Center committed to human rights awareness. Through Criteria: The Gold Mercury the combined power of art and education, STTP International Law & Humanitarian affairs Award is given to individuals and organisations in recognition of their efforts in the fields of international law and humanitarian affairs. In order to be eligible for an award in this category, the candidate must have highly contributed to international cooperation, foreign policy and diplomacy or advanced the basic human rights of a certain population.
seeks to proactively engage the general public in an ongoing series of issue-related programs and events, bringing human rights activists and their work into contact with ever-increasing audiences. Over the past few years, STTP has developed out of Kerry Kennedy’s initial book – which compiles a series of searing and uplifting interviews that explore the courage of individuals committed to defending human rights – via a powerful series of portraits, an inspiring play, a Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) documentary film, the website, and an educational packet that has been distributed to over 10,000 high schools and college students. In association with her colleague, Nan Richardson, Ms. Kennedy has brought the stories of leading human rights defenders to millions of people around the globe. Gold Mercury believes that Kerry Kennedy’s work and her continued dedication to advancing the awareness of human rights is an example to us all.
Gold Mercury Global Health Award 2006–07 Dr Robert C Gallo Director of the Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore, USA GOLD MERCURY AWARD
As one of our Global Governance challenge areas, Gold Mercury recognises the crucial role of the health sector in the battle against global problems from HIV/AIDS to cancer. Global Health is a broad field encompassing different areas such as immunology, genetics, neurobiology and drug development. Gold Mercury works with actors from both the private and public sector to promote the development and testing of new technologies, tools and guidelines for disease control and risk reduction while also taking into consideration ethical and religious platforms that have become relevant as a result of technological advances.
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Health Award rewards individuals, organisations and corporations for significant achievements within the health sector. In order to be eligible for an award in this category, the candidate must have made crucial advances or technological progress in one or more areas that have implications for people’s health and well-being.
Dr Robert C Gallo is the founder and director of the Institute of Human Virology, a biomedical research facility dedicated to the improved treatment and prevention of chronic viral diseases, most notably HIV/AIDS. The renowned scientist is best known for his role in identifying the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) as the infectious agent responsible for the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). He also developed the first HIV blood test, which has saved millions of lives. His research and findings have helped to generate a new field of science and medicine dedicated to finding answers to the most serious epidemic of the twentieth century. Prior to founding the Institute in 1996, Dr Gallo spent 30 years at the National Institute of Health’s National Cancer Institute, where he was head of its Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology. Dr Gallo’s contributions to the field of virology include
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discoveries that led to diagnostic and therapeutic advances in the treatment of cancer and several other viral diseases. Dr Gallo was the first to identify a human retrovirus and the only known human leukaemia virus, Human T-Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV), one of few known viruses shown to cause a human cancer. In 1976, he and his colleagues discovered Interleukin-2, a growthregulating substance now used as therapy in some cancers and sometimes AIDS. Furthermore, Dr Gallo’s role in the development of the laboratory test to detect HIV has proved a powerful instrument in the effort to control the disease. This test makes possible the early identification of infected people, allowing for better treatment and longer life expectancies, and simultaneously protects the world’s blood supply from the growing threat of HIV contamination. Dr Gallo’s research has brought him international recognition as well as election to the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine. He has been awarded honours for his contribution to science from countries all around the world and holds 19 honorary doctorates. Dr Gallo was the most referenced scientist in the world in the 1980s and 1990s, during which time he had the unique distinction of winning America’s most prestigious award – the Albert Lasker Award in Medicine – twice, in 1982 and 1986. Dr Gallo is the author of more than 1,100 scientific publications, and the book ‘Virus Hunting – AIDS, Cancer & the Human Retrovirus: A Story of Scientific Discovery.’
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We’re delighted that Gold Mercury International has decided to recognize the CGIAR’s unique collaborative approach for contributing to sustainable Sierra, agricultural development Katherine CGIAR Chair
Gold Mercury Global Resources Award 2006–07 The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Washington, USA
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Mismanagement of the world’s most important resources puts our future at great risk. Maintaining and preserving natural resources is crucial to achieving long-lasting security, sustainability and growth. Gold Mercury advocates greater economic equality and global sustainability in the world through increasing the participation of developing countries in the global economy and promoting the equal distribution of resources.
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Resources Award is granted to individuals, companies and organisations that deliver new initiatives towards resource renewal, preservation and equal distribution as well as efforts towards tackling such challenges as water contamination, resource depletion, deforestation, land degradation and supply shortages. In order to be eligible for the Gold Mercury Global Resources Award, the candidate must have made major contributions towards promoting these initiatives.
Created in 1971, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research of the World Bank (CGIAR) is a strategic alliance that uses cutting-edge science to promote sustainable development, reduce hunger and poverty, improve human nutrition and health, and protect the environment. As a network of national governments, international regional organisations, and private foundations working in support of 15 agricultural centres located around the world, the CGIAR is a model of integrated cooperation in practice. Today more than 8,500 CGIAR scientists and staff are working in over 100 countries. Their research generates global knowledge that is focused on making a local impact, targeting the special needs and ecologies of poor farming communities
everywhere. CGIAR research addresses almost every component of the agricultural sector: agronomics, forestry, livestock, farming techniques, fisheries, and policy, to name only a few. Improvements in these areas promote agricultural growth and human wellbeing, as well as generating global public goods that are available to all. Over the 30 years of its existence, the CGIAR has made a major contribution to poverty reduction and food security in developing countries, and has achieved outstanding rates of return on investment. Food production has doubled, and without CGIAR research, world food production would have been between 4 and 5 per cent lower in developing countries. In real terms, this means that some 13–15 million more children would have suffered from hunger and malnutrition. In addition, the CGIAR’s innovation of environment-friendly technologies has ‘saved’ between 230 and 340 million hectares of land from cultivation worldwide, helping to conserve land and water resources, and biodiversity. By enhancing critical components of the agricultural sector through scientific research, the CGIAR has been able to improve people’s living standards and encourage agricultural growth. Indeed, Gold Mercury believes the CGIAR represents a model for cooperation by promoting human development as the key to sustaining social and economic progress in all countries, and recognising the importance of creating a global partnership for development.
Gold Mercury Global Economic & Social Policy Award 2006–07 Hernando de Soto President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD) Lima, Peru
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Gold Mercury is committed to finding better ways to organise social and economic systems around the world in search of economic prosperity, stability and social well-being. Gold Mercury studies different economic and social systems and institutions in order to identify best practices through which prosperity, stability, and social well-being can be achieved. Gold Mercury works in collaboration with both public and private bodies to find systems and modes of governance that promote goals such as higher standards of living, full and productive employment for all, and general economic and social progress.
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Economic & Social Policy Award is bestowed upon individuals, institutions and states to reward their efforts and achievements in promoting good social and economic policies. In order to be eligible for the Gold Mercury Award, the candidate must have developed or put into practice an economic model or theory that promotes stability between the state and society, and social well-being.
Mr Hernando de Soto is president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), a private, nonprofit organisation headquartered in Lima, Peru. The ILD focuses on creating modern legal frameworks that empower the poor of the developing and excommunist world by providing them with a new, comprehensive legal property system, allowing them to turn their assets into accessible capital. Mr de Soto was chosen as one of the five leading Latin American innovators of the last century by Time magazine in its special May 1999 issue on “Leaders for the New Millennium.” At the same time, The Economist deemed the ILD one of the two most important think tanks in the world. In October 2005, over 20,000 readers of Prospect magazine of the UK, and Foreign Policy of the US, ranked him in the top 13 “public intellectuals” in the world from the magazine’s joint list of 100. Mr de Soto has served as an economist for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, president of the executive committee of the Copper Exporting Countries Organization, managing director of Universal Engineering Corporation, a principal of the Swiss Bank Corporation Consultant Group and a governor of Peru’s Central Reserve Bank. Between 1988 and 1995, he and the ILD were responsible for some 400 initiatives, laws and regulations that modernised Peru’s economic system. In particular,
they designed and ran Peru’s property system which eventually gave titles to more than 1,500,000 families, brought under the law some 300,000 firms that previously operated in the black market, and streamlined government procedures to open up the legal system to greater participation by the majority. Today, Mr de Soto’s principal activity with the ILD is to work with heads of states in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, to simplify and restructure the process of granting property rights, thus transforming the lives of many poor people and greatly improving the rate of economic development in their countries. Gold Mercury recognises Mr de Soto and the ILD’s pioneering influence in initiating changes in the structure of law that open systems of governance to everyone. By reducing excessive regulatory processes and granting legal recognition to the already existing property claims of hundreds of thousands of poor people, the potential for their economic development may be realised. Around the globe, policy-makers in other countries are taking note of Hernando de Soto’s work and are introducing similar reforms with the help of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy.
Gold Mercury works with both the public and private sector in support of scientific and technological progress toward finding breakthrough solutions to pressing global challenges. In the fields of science and technology, Gold Mercury rewards sustainable innovation in recognition of the fact that the majority of advancements will have profound implications for both the future of planetary survival in general, and life on Earth in particular.
Gold Mercury Global Science & Technology Award 2006–07 Xerox Corporation Norwalk, USA
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Science & Technology Award is given to individuals, corporations and institutions for significant achievements within the field. In order to be eligible for the award, the candidate must represent responsible, forward-looking and ethical practice in their contribution to scientific and technological process, recognizing their obligation to society as a whole.
Xerox Corporation is the world’s largest document management company. It is a technology and services enterprise that develops and markets technology, products and solutions that customers can depend on to improve business results. Xerox offers an array of innovative document solutions, services and systems, including colour and blackand-white printers, high speed colour presses, multifunction devices, archiving services and digital copiers. Operations are guided by customer-focused and employee-centred core values such as social responsibility, diversity and quality, augmented by a passion for innovation, speed and adaptability. A role model in ethical behaviour and business practices, Xerox upholds Corporate Governance guidelines that reflect the Board’s commitment to monitor the effectiveness of policy and decisionmaking both at the Board and management level, with a view to enhancing long-
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term shareholder value. Gold Mercury recognises the high level of Xerox Corporation’s standards and practices over the last 3 years, as well as its remuneration policies, Code of Ethical Conduct, transparency, reporting, information and control. Xerox is consistently ranked among the “Most Admired Companies” in its industry by Fortune magazine, including a No.1 ranking for “social responsibility” in the computers industry for 2006. Its community and environmental efforts have earned Xerox awards from the US Chamber of Commerce, the World Environment Center, the National Wildlife Federation, and three top supplier diversity honours from the US Small Business Administration. Furthermore, Xerox affirms a policy and practice to employ, train and promote in all job classifications without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, age, marital status or sexual orientation. Xerox’s promotion of diversity and equal opportunity is an example of outstanding corporate governance and responsibility, one that promotes a culture of integrity, openness and inclusion.
Understanding how social groups interact and communicate in a society is crucial for the future. In the area of Global Culture, Gold Mercury understands the provision of information to be essential in fostering the communication of sustainable ideas between people in all corners of the world and all sectors of society. From the perspective of Global Governance and sustainable practice, initiatives that foster peace, solidarity and understanding between cultures play an increasingly fundamental role in raising awareness about global issues.
Gold Mercury Global Culture Award 2006–07 Television Trust for the Environment London, UK
Criteria: The Gold Mercury Global Culture Award recognises and rewards initiatives that promote cultural sustainability. In order to be eligible for an award in this category, the candidate must have shown a true commitment to advancing society, education, cultural understanding and the honest, impartial and open communication of information to the public.
Television Trust for the Environment is an independent, non-profit organisation that promotes and develops awareness of environmental, health and human rights issues through the use of media. Founded in 1984 with the support of the World Wide Fund for Nature, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Central Television, the Trust’s goal is to act as a catalyst for the production and distribution of films on these issues. Based in the UK but with very much a global focus, Television Trust for the Environment uses broadcast television and other audio-visual resources to reach its ever-increasing global audience. In 2005, the Trust’s programmes were broadcast or translated into 29 languages, reaching more than 150 million homes via nearly 80 channels in 126 countries.
Today, Television Trust for the Environment holds one of the largest global collections of copyright-cleared environment and development programmes, and these are made available to the majority of television broadcasters and nonbroadcast users across the world. Hundreds of television stations and thousands of NGOs, universities, activist organisations and schools are then able to access these programmes for educational, advocacy, activist and training purposes. Television Trust for the Environment’s most visible output is through two regular weekly slots on BBC World television: ‘Earth Report’, which covers environmental issues, and ‘Life’, which addresses issues of social development, social justice and globalisation. Above all, the Trust provides a journalistic platform for academics, policy-makers, civil society and the corporate sector to promote informed debate on key issues: sustainable development, social justice, new policy creation, and practical solutions to the growing challenges of human development in the twenty-first century. Gold Mercury believes that Television Trust for the Environment’s ongoing commitment to crucial environmental, political and developmental agendas has proven invaluable in raising global awareness across critical issues.
Gold Mercury Award process
Some of the historic Gold Mercury Award winners
Step 1 Candidate Research and Nomination The Gold Mercury International research team compiles a list of nominees in each award category, internally evaluates the nominations, and writes a recommendation report for the Gold Mercury International Advisory Board.
Peace Award Winners The Gold Mercury Award for Peace was created in 1970 and granted in its first year to Giuseppe Saragat, President of the Italian Republic. Since this time the award has been presented to some of the most prominent royal and political leaders in the world including US Presidents Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, HM King Juan Carlos I of Spain and HE Anwar Sadat President of Egypt. Each winner has been recognised for a major contribution to peace and fostering international cooperation among nations. Historic recipients of the Gold Mercury Award for Peace include:
Step 2 Nomination reviews The International Advisory Board reviews the recommendation reports to confirm the candidates in each category. Step 3 Selection of Winners The International Advisory Board Members vote independently to confirm the winners in each category. Step 4 Winners Announced Gold Mercury International announces the winners at a chosen date to the international press. Step 5 Award Ceremonies and Forum Events Gold Mercury International holds the Award ceremonies with laureates lectures and gala events around the world.
Prof Gustav Heinemann, President of the Federal Republic of Germany
Marshal Josip Broz Tito, President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia HH Shaikh Khalifa bin Sulman Al-Khalifa, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain Señor José López Portillo, President of United Mexican States Prof Kurt Waldheim, Secretary-General of the United Nations HE Mr Anwar El Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt Leonid Brezhnev, Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and President of the Praesidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR
M Georges Pompidou, President of the French Republic
Señor Luis Herrera Campins, President of the Republic of Venezuela
HM King Juan Carlos I, King of Spain
HE Zhao Ziyang, Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of China
HE Muhammed Hosni Mubarak, President of Arab Republic of Egypt
Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America
GMI Annual 2008–09 56/57
Industry and Corporate Governance Award Winners Winners of the Gold Mercury Award for Industry and Corporate Governance include some of the world’s most important corporations. These industry leaders were determined to have improved corporate governance by promoting sustainable strategies and practices that benefited all stakeholders. They demonstrated responsibility to the benefit of the environment and society as a whole. Avv Gianni Agnelli, President Fiat, Italy Mr Emilio Botin, President Santander Group, Spain Mr Masaru Ibuka, Founder & President Sony Corp, Japan Mr Gordon C Hurlbert, President Westinhouse, USA Mr Gerry Van Os, General Director Cessna Aircraft Co, USA Mr Antonio Barrera De Irimo, President Telefonica, Spain
HM King Baudouin I, King of the Belgians
Mr Remy C Heidsieck, President Champagne Charles Heidsieck, France
HRH Prince Bernhard, Prince Consort of the Kingdom of The Netherlands HIM Shad Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran Gerald Rudolph Ford, President of the United States of America
Mr Juan Miguel Villar Mir, President Obrascon Huarte Lain Construction SA, Spain Eng Mashhour A Mashhour, Chairman Suez Canal Authority Canal Authority, Egypt Prof Dr Bernhard Timm, President BASF, Germany Mr James Wilkinson, President Wilkinson Sword, United Kingdom Mr Hubert Beuve-Mery, Editor Le Monde, France Mr Raymond Vandemoortele, President Vandemoortele Mr Vaclav Klail, General Manager Skoda Auto, Czech Republic Mr M A Clements, Caterpillar, USA Mr Paul G Hahnemann, President BMW, Germany Mr Juan Miguel Antonanzas, President SEAT (VW Group) Mr Armand Petitjean, President Lancome, France Mr Michel Camus, Camus, France
Information and Media Award Winners Winners of the Gold Mercury Award for Information and Media include some of the world’s most important personalities, newspapers, magazines and media concerns. These industry leaders are determined to improve the way reporting is done and protect free media.
Time Magazine, New York
International Institutions and Humanitarian Award Winners Gold Mercury International awarded international organisations such as FAO, UNICEF, and the International Red Cross with the Gold Mercury Award for their work and special mission of combating poverty, hunger and malnutrition throughout the world. We also bestowed the Humanitarian Award upon individuals such as HM Queen Sofia of Spain for international cultural and humanitarian efforts.
Mr Camilo Jose Cela, Nobel Prize winner for Literature
Mr Jean Rey, first President of the European Commission, Belgium
Mr Luis Garcia Berlanga, Filmmaker
FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
The Economist, London The Times, London
Al Ahram, Cairo Axel Springer Verlag, Berlin Corriere Della Sera, Milano De Telegraaf, Amsterdam Der Spiegel, Hamburg Diario Panorama, Caracas El País, Madrid
Sir William Rees Moog, Editor The Times, United Kingdom
Ettela’At, Teheran
Mr Jean Pierre Guerlain, President Guerlain, France
Mr Gustavo De Negri, President Piaggio, Italy
Hurriyet, Ankara
Mr Pierre Rataille, President Poclain, France
Mr Francis J O Reilly, Chairman Irish Distillers Group, Ireland
Le Monde, Paris
Mr Rudolf (Rudy) Dassler, Founder Puma AG, Germany
Mr Alfonso Escamez, President Cepsa (TOTAL), Spain
Mr Dorrien B E Belson, President Justerini & Brooks, UK Mr Gunnar Engellau, President AB Volvo, Sweden Mr Ramon Areces Rodriguez, President El Corte Ingles, Spain Mr Soichiro Honda, President Honda Motors, Japan Mr Angelo Rizzoli, Founder Rizzoli Editrice (RCS), Italy Mr Uolevi Raade, Chairman Neste, Finland Mr Hans Suessenguth, Chairman Lufthansa AG, Germany
Lord Stokes, Chairman and CEO, British Leyland Corp, United Kingdom Comandante Mainetti, President Alitalia, Italy Mr Tomas Pascual, CEO of Leche Pasqual, Spain
Gulf Daily News, Bahrain
La Vanguardia, Barcelona
L’Express, Paris Le Soir, Bruxelles Mweti, Brazzaville Nip Borba, Belgrade Novedades Editores SA, Mexico City Pakistan Television Corp, Karachi Pravda, Moscow
UNICEF (the United Nations Children Fund) International Red Cross HM Queen Sofia, Queen of Spain Ms Paloma O’Shea, Creator of Albeniz Musical Foundation and Reina Sofía Musical School All Africa Leprosy & Rehabilitation Training Centre
Gold Mercury International is an independent global think-tank and award organisation with a uniquely flexible framework that combines both the public and private approaches to generating concrete policy direction in the context of Global Governance and Ethical Leadership. Since our founding in 1961, our commitment to the promotion of peace and dialogue through trade, cooperation and sustainable practices has captured the attention of statesmen, companies, the media and public opinion worldwide. The prestigious Gold Mercury Awards acknowledge Visionary Leadership exemplifying ethical, forward-looking and sustainable decision-making.