From cosmic reality to reality on earth VISIONARY LEADERSHIP BRIEFING
Key words: Creation> Reality> Perception> Truth> Facts> Complexity> Worldviews> Existence>Theory of everything> Philosophy> Ethics> Religion> Paradigms> Modern
physics> Big bang theory> Theory of relativity> Materialism> Fiction> Fantasy> Life> Death> Realism> Humanism> Quantum physics> Reality frameworks.
* Fasten your seatbelt as the earth moves around the Sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
3 GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper:from cosmic reality to reality on earth
First framework: religion It derives from religion in general as a set of beliefs. All of the world’s religions address death in one way or another and through the doctrine of the faith, people are able to understand the importance of their actions and have a sense of the amount of time they have. For those religions that do not adhere to a belief in an afterlife, the followers have a specific understanding how to live while they are on earth. The worshippers of religions that believe in an afterlife address time differently and look to a world after death as timeless, where the soul lives on forever. The differing understanding of time dramatically impact the lifestyles and beliefs of the faithful and creates a deeply imbedded perception about life that others may not share.
The Garden of Eden is described in the Book of Genesis as being the place where the first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, lived after they were created by God. This garden forms part of the creation myth and theodicy
of the Abrahamic religions, and is often used to explain the origin of sin and mankind’s wrongdoings. The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch (Netherland, 1450-1516).
4  GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL  white paper:from cosmic reality to reality on earth
The understanding of death and the afterlife Buddhism: There are multiple paths within Buddhism that all relate to a life after the death of the body. Buddhists strive during life through meditation to reach a state of Nirvana. They go through cycles of regeneration that are termed reincarnation and re-birth. Through these cycles, the soul works to attain a closer relation with the spirit body, hoping to eventually join it in blissful union.
Hinduism: The soul, when it leaves the body after death, goes on a journey, following the path of the sun or the moon, and reflects on its last life and how it can strive for a more fulfilled one in the next. The period of death prior to re-incarnation is a waiting period that involves questioning and recuperation.
Islam: Muslims believe in a waiting place for the souls of the dead where they prepare themselves for the coming of the savior who will bring judgment. Christianity: Christians believe that the souls ascend to heaven after death and are judged by their actions and faith to live an eternity either of punishment or reward.
Judaism:The many sects of Judaism address the afterlife in different ways. There is generally accepted to be a waiting place for souls that will either punish or reward them for their actions on earth while they wait for the coming of the Savior. Although there are other beliefs, including Kabbalaism, all believe in some form of life after death.
Taoism: Through earthly enlightenment and transcendence, an individual is able to achieve immortality by rejoining with the fabric of the universe.
Wicca: The religion assumes that all souls will be reincarnated in other natural beings in a cyclical manner.
5 GOLD MERCURY INTERNATIONAL white paper:from cosmic reality to reality on earth
“Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high-mass stars that exploded their chemically enriched guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that means that we’re all connected: to each other, biologically; to the Earth, chemically; and to the rest of the universe, atomically. That’s kind of cool. That makes me smile. And I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe; we’re part of the universe. We’re in the universe, and the universe is in us.“ Neil deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist
A wormhole is a hypothetical topological feature of spacetime that is fundamentally a ‘shortcut’ through space and time. Spacetime can be viewed as a 2D surface, and when ‘folded’ over, a wormhole bridge can be formed.
Second framework: science It is based on an understanding of scientific findings that exclude the idea of the supernatural. These are not entirely mutually exclusive as many scientists have found their faith deepened by a greater understanding of the natural world, like Albert Einstein, but the scientific understanding offers another option for interpreting the world. The scientific community develops its theories through rigorous testing and peer criticism, striving to arrive at the truth through research and reason. In this way, although there will always be competing theories, one will most likely be given the strongest support by the community as a whole because of the strength of the scholarship. For example, there are multiple theories on the disappearance of the dinosaurs, some with larger followings than others, but new findings lead a majority to believe the validity of one theory more than the rest. Science also offers people different ways of understanding time. While each human’s time on earth is finite, there are different ways of perceiving time and Einstein suggests his theory of relativity as one possibility. This theory states that individuals will understand time differently based on their position and speed1. Although this may not seem a practical way of framing time for the average person, it does show that there can be multiple ways of understanding and using time, something that radically shifts the meaning of life for many people.