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Student Guide 2009-10 Design by: Rheem Al-Adhami James Bates Zarino Zappia With thanks to: James Haywood Jennifer Jones Evy Samuelsson Ciaran Logue El Ashfield GSU staff Content and any prices correct at time of print
Contents 5 Sabbatical Officers’ Welcome 6 Part-Time Officers’ Profiles 8 How does the Union work? 10 Student Media Opportunities 12 Common Room & Cafe 13 Palestine Twinning Campaign 14 Campaigns 18 Guide to Library Resources 19 Advice Services 22 Transport 23 Cycling & Volunteering 24 Sports Listings 26 Societies Listings 30 Freshers’ Fortnight Events 34 Useful Contacts 35 Membership Sign-ups 36 Pay for tickets & memberships 39 Tube Map
elected officer
campaigning and representation
Evy Samuelsson & Francesca Bancarino
As Women’s Officers this year we will put gender inequality back on the agenda through active campaigning and by hosting both debates and meetings. We plan to hold self-confidence and self-defence classes and workshops; create networks with other women’s liberation groups and campaign on local and national women’s rights issues. We will also offer our support to women at Goldsmiths on matters of harassment and discrimination. Our aim is to create a safe space and a community for women at Goldsmiths and actively work for the improvement of Women’s Rights in wider society. Email:
Women’s Officers
Black & Ethnic Students Officer Carey Christian
LGBT Officer
Seamus McDermott
Disabled Students Officer Frances Ward
I intend to be a point of contact for students suffering from any form of disability and to offer support where necessary, for example when meeting with the Disability Team or with departmental staff. Once a week I will be holding an open surgery so that students with any concerns regarding their disability can come and speak to me, and I will also be available by email. As well as looking after the interests of individual students, I also want to help to make the campus as accessible as possible to everybody. Email:
Campus Officer Tom Hibbins
International Students Officer Moon Zheng I want to help new international students feel comfortable and thus enjoy their life more at Goldsmiths. I am proud that we have students from over 60 countries studying here, something that contributes to the cultural and ethnic diversity that makes Goldsmiths so unique. I will organise events for international students and give everyone a chance to present their own country and culture. This year, I will promote cooperation between societies, to create a space to learn about where we come from. Email: internationalstu-
Palestine Twinning Officers James Haywood & Myiah Thompson
There’s more to be gained from education than a higher wage. Your Union should be a community inviting to all, fostering friendships and encouraging collaborations between people of all backgrounds, beliefs and ambitions; combining their talents, in pursuit of a common cause. Email: campusofficer@
Mature Students Officer Karl Darrell
Part-Time Students Officer Patrick Butterfield
PostGrad Officers
Manoj Kerai & Uri Verthime
We will encourage postgraduates to be more involved within the union led campaigns including support free education, Palestine campaign and all the equal opportunity campaigns. Email:
Ethical and Environmental Tom Poole & Charlie Wainwright
We will engage with as many students as possible by working together to push Goldsmiths up the green league, help provide more for cyclists and seriously address our energy consumption. We are also planning a trip to Copenhagen for the UN Climate Conference (between 7th and 18th of December), where thousands of protesters will be utilising direct action against the world leaders. If you are interested in coming or helping please contact us. Email:
Campaigns Co-ordination Officer
Lucas Amin & Simon Morley Email:
Student Assembly Chair Jennifer Clutten
How does the Students’ Union work? Involvement
Plans to Change
Right now it’s very difficult for students to get involved with what goes on in their Union because we underwent a Governance change that removed Student Meetings and effectively transformed direct democracy into representative democracy.
In fact, we have a policy condemning our own governance structure as ‘undemocratic, top-down and disempowering to students’.
This was because New Labour has been pushing the Charity Commission to introduce new laws that require Charities (of which we are one) to register their Trustees. This was disingenuously distorted by the NUS and Students’ Union managers who pushed Students’ Unions to create Trustee Boards with external (unelected) Trustees. The only ways students can get involved with Union policy making is to call Referenda or Open Meetings. No student called either of these last year. This may be because it’s prohibitively difficult to call a Referendum (300 signatures required) and because Open Meetings don’t have any power to make decisions. This means that while the current team of Officers welcome your involvement, the structure itself actually limits what you can do.
There was a referendum in February 2009 on whether the Students’ Union should bring into force the former constitution from 2004. The student body voted 299 for and 334 against, resulting in no changes. This year we hope to bring back Student Meetings, where all are equal and have the power to vote. If you’d like to get involved in making this change happen, contact: Get Elected All the liberation officers on the previous pages have been elected into their positions, and sit on the Student Assembly to represent sections of the student body. You can sit on the Student Assembly as your departmental rep! Look out for info on the elections in the new academic year! Get Involved
Who Makes Decisions? Elected Officers are the only people whose votes count. This is disempowering to the rest of students whose votes are meaningless. Currently there are four full-time sabbatical officers (often called ‘sabbs’) and 29 parttime student officers who are elected each year to run the Students’ Union. For a college of around 8,000 students we don’t need this kind of representative democracy in which decisions are made at Assembly Meetings that often only have 12 people present. Instead we can all participate together in open forums for collectivised democracy.
Later in this guide, you will see information on various sports clubs and societies that Goldsmiths Students’ Union has to offer. Run and led by students for other students. The great thing about sports clubs and societies here is that students are encouraged to get their own ideas off the ground. Don’t see something you like? Get it started! The Students’ Union has elected officers and staff to support you in doing that.
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For students By students
Student Media
radio station ((())) magazine ((())) Newspapers ((())) gallery
Goldsmiths students are not one coherent homogenised being with a single unified expression. We are the make-up of a multiplicity of persons who embody a multiplicity of differing philosophies, interests, art forms, personalities, religions, cultures and more. Now, it is SMITHS role to represent this complexity. And it does so by providing a field for the battle of thought, for challenges to representation and for the struggle of ideas both in print and online.
The Magazine With SMITHS you can socially interact, vent, debate and stay in tune 24/7. What ever your interest, from media to art, music to comedy, politics to design or DIYing to economics SMITHS is your platform for exploration and expression. Contact Zeke Morgan, Editor
Your New Student Newspaper from the Students’ Union The Free Press was established to fill a void in communication at Goldsmiths and for the first time in decades Goldsmiths has a student paper written by students for students. With the majority of articles solely about Goldsmiths, we aim to contribute to the student community and ensure greater communication between the Union and students.
The ‘Free’ in Free Press reminds us that it’s independent, ‘free’ of commercial influence as well as being free to pick up! Regular sections are News, Features, Culture, Politics, Out & About, Comment, Debate and Sport. We aim to provide an outlet for student journalism and to ensure that students have a publication that keeps them in the know about all that’s happening at Goldsmiths.
MIG is a student/artist-led intiative that provides the student body with opportunities to build contacts and utilise networks that promote creative and interdisciplinary work within Goldsmiths and its alumni, the local community, and London’s creative & cultural industries. Space will be provided to showcase creative talent via the shop, The Gallery and online. Through events such as the monthly MiG Marketplace, students will also have the opportunity to derive revenue from their creative outputs in a safe, innovative and fun environment.
Contributors Wanted! If you’d like to contribute photographs, reviews, comment pieces, rant about a burning political issue or just write about your unique experience of Goldsmiths/New Cross/the world then email the editor, your Campaigns & Communications Officer at
The Gallery is a multi-disciplinary space dedicated to showcasing art produced primarily by Goldsmiths students and alumni, closely associated with the Made in Goldsmiths initiative. The Gallery aims to engage the student body in critically questioning artistic, cognitive and socio-political norms, with respect for cultural difference in today’s world of deepening interaction across borders. Contact Meeshka Bernabe, Programme Director, at Find us on Facebook at ‘Made in Goldsmiths & The Gallery’.
find the Gallery on the 1st floor of the SU with the Common room:
also part of Student Media through the University of London: NEWSPAPER
Your London-wide Student Paper
Fortnightly & Free London Student is the fortnightly newspaper for University of London students. It’s Europe’s largest independent student publication and has been running since 1979.
The editorial team is made up of around 25 students and about 100 students contribute to every edition. It features extensive news coverage alongside opinion and analysis, a wide range of features and the latest sport It is written and produced by from around the University students with the support of of London. a full-time elected Editor.
The main paper also carries dedicated Travel, Politics and Science sections, and each issue of the paper includes ‘Play’, a dedicated culture magazine. If you’d like to get involved, check out the latest issue, the website or email the editor, Hilary via
Palestine Twinning Campaign In solidarity with Palestinian students since 2006 The twinning campaign was first devised by students in 2006, who overwhelming voted to twin with Al Quds Open University (QOU), a university in Palestine that caters for over 60,000 students in a country where the freedom of movement, and consequently education, is restricted and constantly denied.
In 2008 we hosted a delegation from QOU and in April 2009 a delegation of over 20 Goldsmiths students and staff visited the West Bank and QOU where we were warmly received. All those who went agreed it was a life changing experience and so will now be an annual event the Students’ Union organises. The campaign is all about solidarity. Palestinians suffer a horrific occupation that expels them from their land, restricts their movements and every day activities, and regularly detains and kills innocent people. All
this is done with impunity thanks to the complicity of the international community. Our twinning campaign fights for the rights of Palestinians, especially students. In February 2009, in response to the massive wave of student occupations over the Gaza bombardment, we organised an occupation of Deptford Town Hall where university management hold their offices. As a result we won full scholarships for the next ten years for Palestinian students and will be welcoming out first scholars this year.
Students occupying Deptford Town Hall
This year we have a host of campaigns, from fighting to free student prisoners to volunteering in refugee camps in Palestine. We want everyone to feel like they can get involved – whether you’re part time, full time, postgrad or fresher. We hold meetings every Tuesday at 5.15pm in the Stephen Lawrence room to discuss our activities, and you can join the mailing list to be kept updated by sending your email address to
You can also find us on Facebook (Goldsmiths Palestine Twinning Campaign) and finally, don’t forget to check out the website with more detailed information, which can be found at
Peace an d solidar ity from Go ldsmiths SU! Goldsmiths students on a visit to Palestine in April 2009 at one of the apartheid walls separating Palestinians from their land
Campaigns 2009
Goldsmiths: Not For Profit Campaigning is at the heart of every Students’ Union and at Goldsmiths we have a long and proud history of student activism. Campaigns can and do make a difference so get involved. This year we’ve got a host of campaigns. Check out the following pages to find out more.
No More Halls Rents Rises Management this year is increasing Halls of Residence rents by 6%: the largest increase in decades. At the same time, Student Loans will not rise at all. That means students will receive no more funding but on average will have to pay £400 more in rent this year. Your Union will be campaigning this year for a freeze on Halls rent from 2010. Make sure to attend Goldsmiths: Not For Profit meetings if you want to get involved and sign the online petition before term starts:
Last Year's Campaigns: The Nursery
Campaigns & Communications Officer
Repeal the new immigration rules New international students who apply for a Visa or extension from March 2009 will be required to have an ID Card and have their finger prints on Home Office records. New legislation will also result in international students’ attendance records being given to the UK Board Agency. We’re planning to run a practical campaign against the new rules, with tshirts planned saying “I’m not a Boarder Agent” for staff. Make sure to get yourself a t-shirt reading “Please don’t spy on me”. We’re also planning co-ordinated protests outside the UK Border Agency with other university groups.
Last summer senior management attempted to outsource the on-campus nursery to a privately run operation.Your Union ran a joint campaign with the UCU and Unison arguing that the proposed nursery was of a lesser quality, could not
guarantee parents would not be charged more and was too far from campus. Senior management eventually agreed that no local nurseries at the time were found to be suitable and our nursery was saved!
Campaigns 2009: Goldsmiths: Not For Profit
24hr Library Campaign This autumn we are launching a campaign to secure 24 hour library access during exam times. We have already written to management requesting a ‘trial period’ during January’s deadline and exam period but were ignored without even a reply.
students who pay more fees. Your Union believes it is educational resources and access to these resources that is important, not the courting of international students as if they were cash cows.
Goldsmiths: Not For Profit meetings will be held early next term to initiate the Senior Management prioritises aspects campaign and plan how we are going to of the library such as ‘more plasma achieve our aims. Email Jennifer.Jones@ screens’ and a ‘coffee bar’ as these fea- if you would like to be put on tures are seen to impress international the mailing list.
Teach In
Campaign Launch
This year’s‘Annual Teach-In’ will take place on Wednesday 11th November with the theme ‘Is Our Future Past?’. A ‘Teach-In’ is an afternoon of lectures given by staff from across all departments on a given theme with a final rally of students, staff and external speakers.
Each lecture will discuss various aspects of what our future will look like. Prospective topics include the future of media, the future of feminism and of course, the future of education. The ‘Final Rally’ is where we plan to take major action in the 24 Hour Library campaign so make sure to attend!
Last year Senior Management were in talks
Last Year's with a private construction company, ‘INTO’ Campaigns: with proposals to sell off part of Goldsmiths No To 'Into' land to open a privately run language learning centre for international students. The SU and
UCU campaigned against this.With mounting pressure Senior Management quickly agreed that they would not be pursing plans to sell off any part of Goldsmiths campus to a private contractor.
Campaigns 2009: Goldsmiths: Not For Profit
No Trust In The Goldsmiths Trust Goldsmiths is currently going through a period of negotiation to enter into a ‘Trust’ Federation with 3 local schools merging under one governance structure. This means that the schools’ governance will be limited to a ‘Board of Trustees’, not a ‘Board of Governors’ and will include no parent representation. It will further move the school out of the democratic control of the Local Education Authority. Why is this bad for Goldsmiths? The majority of staff in the Education Department at Goldsmith oppose the proposals and see it as a way of privatising education. There is a local community campaign against the proposals involving parents,
Next Meeting: 6th October ‘No Trust in the Goldsmiths Trust’
Lewisham NUT, local councillors, and Goldsmiths UCU and Students’ Union. We fear the Trust will damage the reputation of our College as we are seen to be undertaking actions that the local community oppose. Why are Goldsmiths entering into the Trust? Senior Management claims it is to make ‘wider links with the community’ but the Education Department already does this. The actual reason is that by entering into the ‘Trust’ school Goldsmiths will be guaranteed a space on the Trustee Board making decisions about how these 3 local schools are ran.
Speakers: Mellissa Benn, Education campaigner Michael Rosen, Laureate and Educationalist Martin Powell, Lewisham NUT
Your Union was one of the many across the
Last Year's country that supported and helped organise the Campaigns: National Demonstration for Free Education Free Education that took place last February. This year we aim to again support the
‘Another Education is Possible’ conference which will take place on October 31st at SOAS. Please email Jennifer. to reserve your £5 ticket.
Campaigns 2009: Goldsmiths: Not For Profit The F-word: Women’s Rights Campaigning
Despite the feminist movements of the 60s and 70s, sexism, objectification and gender inequality persist. Women are not promoted nor waged the same as their male colleagues, do not have rights to their own reproductive bodies and are constantly being bombarded with sexist media in the form of Page Three and plastic surgery advertising. Over 65% of the student body at Goldsmiths is female. To represent and fight for their rights we will this year be campaigning on the following issues:
Miss-Ogynist Campaign
Just when you thought Beauty Pageants had been consigned to the dustbin of history and discarded as backwards and antiquated, we have seen their re-introduction across the country. Last year saw the second year of the so-called ‘Miss University of London’ which has targeted young female students from across the capital to be judged on their looks. These contests form part of a culture where women are seen as no more than objects. In a society where women are constantly being told to lose weight, tone up, be ‘pretty’ these contests are enforcing sexism and misogynist stereotypes. Sexism with irony is still sexism.
Rape Crisis Campaign
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, last year promised to continue funding the Croydon Rape Crisis Centre, as well as three new centres across the city. This promise has not been kept. At the same time the number of reported rapes in the capital shot up by 14.5% last year (and that is only the reported rapes which is said to be just 10% of the actual number). We will actively campaign for the opening and the funding of the promised rape crisis centres in the city by pressuring the Mayor through demos and direct actions. While violence against women remains, women need these centres to be able to get advice, support and help. Get involved in this campaign to show Boris that this is an issue that London students will not let him get away with.
Abortion Rights Campaign
Women are still fighting for their reproductive rights as the UK law gives doctors the power to decide over a woman’s own body. At the same time women in Northern Ireland are forced to cross the sea and then pay for private appointments in Britain as abortions are still illegal in Northern Ireland. The Abortion Rights Campaign will actively be putting pressure on the British Government to support the legalisation of abortions in Northern Ireland, and for the British law to be amended so that the power lies in the hand of the woman. After various student societies voiced their
Last Year's opposition to the private catering company Campaigns: Scolarest which runs the College’s catering we Anti Scolarest decided to campaign for College to bring cater-
ing back in-house to improve quality and value.
As part of this campaign the Union set up its own alternative: Café Nutura in the Common Room. Make sure to check it out!
Library and Computer Resources Opening Times*
during term time only Rutherford Building/Library Mon-Fri - 08.00 - 24.00 Saturday - 09.30 - 24.00 Sunday - 09.30 - 24.00 IT Services Helpdesk/ Issuing Desk Mon-Fri - 09.15 - 21.00 Saturday - 10.00 - 17.15 Sunday - 11.30 - 17.15 Languages Resource Centre Mon-Fri - 08.00 - 24.00 Saturday - 09.30 - 24.00 Sunday - 09.30 - 24.00 Languages Advisory Desk Mon-Wed - 09.15 - 20.45 Thu - Fri - 09.15 - 17.00 Saturday - 09.30 - 1730 Sunday - Closed
Computer Services
You can find the library in the Rutherford Building on Lewisham Way opposite Goldsmiths Cafe. You’ll need your Goldsmiths ID card.
There are computer labs on the first floor of the Rutherford Building with literally hundreds of PCs and Macs running the latest versions of the main office and design software, principally Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite 4.0.
There are both short loan (24 hour, 3-day and 7-day) and long term loans available on the catalogue, depending on the quantity of the book the library holds. You should be able to find several copies if all reading list texts here. You can borrow books using the automated self-issue machines but audi0-visual resources must be checked out at issue desks. Remember to renew your loans to avoid fines. This is easy to do online once you get yourself a passcode- available from the library services desk.
To log on you just need your college login details which you can get upon enrollment from the IT Services Helpdesk which is situated on the first floor. The helpdesk can assist you with all manner of problems from software to hardware and can also provide you with the security software needed to access the college’s WiFi network. The WiFi network is accessible throughout the college and even in some halls of residence.
Senate House Library: as part of the University of London Opening Times*
during term time only Senate House Library Mon-Thu - 09.00 - 21.00 Friday - 09.00 - 18.30 Saturday - 09.45 - 17.30 Sunday - Closed Senate House Malet Street London WC1E 7HU 020 7862 8500 Nearest stations: Russell Square (Piccadilly Line) Goodge Street (Northern Line)
Senate House Library Many students never discover this valuable resource located in the heart of London. Senate House houses loads of books available for loan. Loans are often longer than at Goldsmiths and you can renew online. Take your Goldsmiths ID card to register. Other UoL Libraries As part of the University of London, Goldsmiths students are also eligible to use many other libraries in and around London. This includes the libraries at SOAS or LSE where you cannot normally borrow books but can use them while in the reading rooms.
Advice Services at your Students’ Union Advice
Officer Support
The Students’ Union Advice Centre is staffed by a full-time Advice Services Co-ordinator and provides professional, independent advice on issues relating to academic programmes. The confidential advice and information on offer can cover a wide range of academic related matters.
Bindz Patel ( is your Welfare and Education Officer, representing and supporting you on academic and pastoral issues. The Students’ Union is separate from the university and our priority is to enhance the student experience.
We can help guide you through the processes and procedures who specialises in complaints and appeals. The aim of the Advice Service is to empower you with the knowledge you need to resolve your situation yourself. We can accompany you to meetings with your department and to hearings if appropriate to act as moral support and even sign post you to other support services if you need non-course related advice. We work closely with Student Support Services in the College to ensure you get a holistic resolution to your problem. Pop in and see us; if we can’t help you, we’re sure to know somebody who can!
You may have some ups and downs during your time at Goldsmiths and if things do get a bit rough and you encounter problems of any kind, there are staff and student officers specifically here to support you. Whether it’s course issues, housing, physical and/or mental health issues, money or you feel a bit low, the Union is here to advise and refer you to the right support services. Some of these issues are widely felt by many and together we can also campaign for change so others do not face the same challenges. We hope that your experience at Goldsmiths will be great and where it is not we will strive to make it better.
Advice Centre Opening Times Drop In (without appointment): Monday - Friday 10.00 - 12.00 Appointment Only: Monday - Friday 14.00 - 16.00 To make an appointment please email: Alternatively you can phone 020 8692 1406 during normal office hours
Advice and Support for Women We live in a society in which rape, sexual assault and sexual violence are regular features. It may seem irrelevant to you right now but these things are not uncommon and it’s likely you know several people who have been affected by
one or more of these issues. Trust your instincts; if you feel uncomfortable in a situation, it’s probably for a reason so get yourself out of it. Remember that it’s your body and your choice. Speak to people about any concerns you have or seek the help or advice of someone you trust. If anything happens or if you’re concerned about something that may have happened in the past, check out the helplines on this page.
illustration: El Ashfield
Rape and Sexual Abuse Support 0808 802 9999 020 8683 3311 (limited hours) Samaritans SE14 020 8692 5228 The Haven Camberwell (SARC) Sexual Assault Referral Centre Rape & sexual assault help, 24/7 confidential service 020 3299 1599 Rights of Women Helpline Legal advice 020 7251 6577 (limited hours)
route f i nder London Bridge: Waterloo East: Charing Cross: Camden Town: Oxford Street: Hackney: Shoreditch:
Take a train from New X or New X Gate - 6mins Take a train to London Bridge & change for dir.Charing X Change at London Bridge to Platform 6 for Charing X Take the Northern Line from London Bridge Charing X then walk or take Bakerloo Line Train to London Bridge, 48 bus (c. 50 mins) Train to London Bridge, 149 or 48 bus (c. 45 mins)
Top travel Tips Get yourself an Oyster card
HOW: £3 deposit from any ticket office BUT: THEY DON’T WORK ON ALL TRAIN SERVICES YET so get yourself a railcard as well
WHAT: £1 bus fares & cheapest tube, dlr & tram fares
HOW: from your local Rail station for £26 for a year and even if you’re not under 25 you’re entitled to one if you’re in full-time study. You’ll need a passportsized photo and proof of ID
Get a National Rail ’18-25 Railcard’ from your local Rail station WHAT: These entitle you to 1/3 off all Rail travel. This means that a return ticket to Central London (eg. London Bridge or Charing Cross) would cost you just £2.30 instead of £3.50.
HOW: Apply online at with a digital photograph and a debit or credit card. You’ll need to be enrolled with the University before you can apply
If you’re living in or around the New Cross area you may not need an Oyster Student Photocard (£5 per year) but if you’re travelling through Central London on a regular basis or commuting to College then you’ll likely find it best value to get yourself one of these
Train travel
Goldsmiths is in the heart of New Cross which, despite being just six minutes from London Bridge, suffers from confusing transport options. Here’s the deal:
Until June 2010 when the new ‘Overground’ line extension will come into operation, New Cross is connected only by regular train services and buses. closest stations are
The New Cross & New
Cross Gate (each less than a five minute walk from campus) both of which have frequent trains to London Bridge.
Popular destinations: Head to London Bridge (for the South Bank & Borough Market) you can transfer further to trains to Waterloo East (for the South Bank & BFI) Charing Cross (for Covent Garden, Soho, The Strand, Trafalgar Square) or London Underground services. Both the Northern Line (black) and the Jubilee Line (grey) serve London Bridge. Other stations include (walking time): Brockley (12 mins South) Deptford DLR (15 mins East) Queen’s Road Peckham (20 mins West) Lewisham & DLR (25 mins East)
While slow and bumpy, London’s buses are pretty reliable and New Cross is well endowed with 24hr services so if you’re headed into Central London for a night out you might find they come in handy. The best thing is the fares are only £1 however far you’re going (using an Oyster PAYG card). Some of the key services that run from outside College are: 453 Marylebone via the Elephant or towards Lewisham 436 Paddington via Victoria, Camberwell and Oval (24hrs) or towards Deptford 21 to Newington Green via Old Street 171 Holborn or towards Brockley
Cycling in London can be a bit daunting but it’s a great way to get around and is often faster than public transport, not to mention cheaper. Make sure you have a decent lock or two and if you’ve got a nice looking cycle then it may be worth you making it look less flash.
Look out for Dr Bike sessions around college and the ‘Lunch ‘n’ Learn’ bike repair sessions we’ve got scheduled for Freshers’ fortnight. We’re giving away a limited number of hi-vis vests too so grab one while you can
FREE CYCLE MAPS You can get free London Cycling maps sent by post from Transport for London at which have designated cycle paths marked on them.
You can check out extensive resources on London Cycling Campaign’s website at and join the Campaign for just £14 (student rate) which includes a monthly magazine and support services.
Volunteering through the Union Volunteering is one of the best ways to gain experience in areas you may be interested in. It’s also an amazing way to give back to the community and help people.
Volunteering Contacts: Hayley Chandler Student Development Coordinator Rheem Al-Adhami Student Activities & Services Officer
touch and we’ll help facilitate your involvement.
Volunteering is basically any activitiy where you offer your time and energy to a project or organisation. This could be on one-off occassions or over a long period of time.
At the Students’ Union there are many opportunities to get involved in student volunteering. You can put your time into helping run a society, sports club or media team. You could put on a fundraising event, run for election or campaign on issues affecting you.
If you’d like to get involved in any community volunteering projects such as teaching refugees English, helping out at a women’s refuge, working in a local allotment or doing prisoner support, the get in
There’s also ways to gain valuable experience producing media content for one of the SU’s many media outlets, designing flyers or making films for the SU Youtube channel (new this year!).
at Goldsmiths
Getting involved in sport at university is a great way to make new friends, keep healthy and get away from the books. Whether you’re interested in playing competitive games or just going to ocassional training sessions, our clubs offer something for everyone. Never played before? No worries, this may be the best time to give it a go.
Basketball: Women’s
for everyone, of any ability or experience Remember to come to Freshers’ Fayre Friday 25th September 10-4pm to sign up. Or send your membership fees in advance at the back of this booklet, or by joining online at contact Rheem, Al-Adhami, Activities & Services Officer for more info at or the Sports Development Coordinator at r.gibson@
Dance: Mixed
Captains Jennifer Nancy
Captains Mellissa & Lyndsey
Train Varies, usually 5 or 7pm start on a Mon, Tues & more in RHB300 or Great Hall
6pm Tuesdays, Haberdashers’
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
Basketball: Men’s
Football: Women’s
Captains Yannick Jack
Captains Gillian Krystel
8pm Tuesdays, Haberdashers’
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
Breakdance: Mixed
Captain Chris
Cheerleading: Mixed
Captains Charlie Beth Train
4.30pm Thursdays 1pm Saturdays, Upper Gym
Cricket: Mixed
Captain Ben Train
summer months only
Games Wednesdays
5.30pm Tuesdays in Catford
Games Sundays
Football: Men’s
Captains Sam Luois Ben Joe
Bobby Train
1st 2nd 3rd
7pm Mondays, Mile End
Games Wednesdays & Sundays
Frisbee Throwabout
Contact Rheem
Play 2pm Weds in dry weather, Backfield Games er, maybe in the future...
Hockey: Women’s
Captain Frances Train
Captains Zade
7.30pm Crystal Palace
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
6pm Mondays Venue TBC
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
Hockey: Men’s
Captains Matt Alex Train
7.30pm Crystal Palace
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
Captains Karen Uri Train
7pm Tuesdays & Thursdays
Ski & Snowboard
Captains Alex Louis Trips
twice a year
Volleyball: Mixed
Captains Leonie Kasper Train
Thursdays & Sundays, various
Games Wednesdays
Kung Fu & Kickboxing
Captains James Uri Train
Wednesdays & Fridays, various
Netball Captains Rose Becky
6.30pm Lewisham College
Games Wednesdays & Saturdays
All Teams Training New For 2009-10: monthly training sessions for anyone to join in with - Mondays 5-7pm on following dates: 5th October 9th November 7th December 11th January 1st February 1st March Wednesday following will be Sports Club Sandwich
Societies Societies are one of the best ways to get involved in activities and meet like minded people. Whether you’re interested in collaborating with creative types or discussing politics and policy, exploring new religions or tasting the finest foods, there really is something for everyone at
Adventure Society
The Adventure Society is there for anyone who has ever had a dream of going on an adventure. Simple. From camping trips to the coast dressed as pirates to ghost hunting in abandoned hospitals.
Afro-Carribbean Soc
Goldsmiths. Our societies are active, enthusiastic and full of people just like you. Check out this alphabetical (almost) listing of current societies and turn to the last few pages to send in your membership fee before you arrive. But BE SURE to come to Freshers’ Fayre, 25th September!
Anime & Manga Soc
Arts & Entertainment
Anthropology Society
Art Society
With Anime and Manga becoming one of the fast growing sub-cultures, our aim is to bring people at Goldsmiths who are interested in these genres together and widen the fan community.
The ACS is an anti-racist, incredibly active society at Goldsmiths that organises a variety of events from debates, music nights, trips to Thorpe Park, Pro-Evo tournaments and often hosts speakers discussing racial issues.
Just like in previous academic years, we welcome students from all disciplines to join in various types of events and trips in relation to anthropology. We aim for collaboration with other societies and institutions and a multidisciplinary dialogue within Goldsmiths.
Amnesty International
Autonomy & Solidarity
We support Amnesty International’s mission to fight against violations of human rights and to raise awareness in the Goldsmiths Community of such human rights abuses.
for more info contact Student Activities & Services Officer or Student Development Co-ordinator
We seek to encourage debate and activity around the subject of social anarchism. A&S believes that the power of the capitalist elite - the tiny fraction of humanity that wields all the economic power- is the single biggest obstacle to organising society completely democratically where we all take part in the decisions made about our lives.
If you enjoy music, theatre, comedy, film, dance, if you want to see concerts, shows and plays for less, if you want to get more out of your time in London, then the Arts and Entertainment Society is for you!
We run various workshops throughout the week for different artistic practices such as life drawing, and organise one-off events to help foster a community of members and friends.
Bass Society
We’re committed to showcasing the best student dj’s alongside the bigger names in Dubstep, Electro and Drum and Bass. We are looking to build on our immensely successful first year, winning the ‘Best Student Led Night’ for the mammoth ‘Chase and Status’ night. You can look forward to more big nights this year, as well as smaller showcases of student talent.
Charity Society
The Charity Society aims to raise funds and promote awareness for four different charities throughout the academic year. By becoming a member you will be invited to attend regular meeting where you will vote for our ‘charity of the term’ and share ideas for exciting fundraising events and activities. Not only will you be raising money for some fantastic causes, you will have a lot of fun meeting new people and getting involved!
Chess Society
Open to all levels and experience.
Cheese Society Open to all.
Circus Society All Welcome.
Christian Society Open to all.
Chinese Society
We warmly welcome everyone who is interested in Chinese culture. Last year we organized the first ‘Asian week’ which was for students to experience the food, the traditions and the culture of Asia. This year we plan to organise more events which help Chinese students to enjoy their life in college as much as possible as well as helping non-Chinese people to understand Chinese culture better.
Feminist Society
Debating Society
We will seek to engage people in considered and intelligent debate on a range of topics and issues. It will aim to develop the communication and rhetorical skills of its members as well as introducing beginners to the world of debating.
Drama Society
We seek to offer and promote experience in the theatrical world to any interested individual regardless of previous experience. The society allows people from all backgrounds to work together towards a variety of projects and to generally meet and have a great time together.
We are a friendly, passionate society focusing on environmental and human issues around the world. Our weekly meetings act as an arena for discussion, learning and exchange of knowledge and ideas about these issues in an exciting and understanding way, as well as for progressing with our chosen projects.
We are a friendly and welcoming society open to all. We are one of the most active societies on campus and combine debates about serious issues with socialising. We host debates and talks on women’s rights issues and campaign for gender equality. Our aim is to highlight and fight sexism on campus as well as on a national and international level. We also hold arts and crafts workshops and regular film screenings. For this year we are continuing our campaign against the misogynist Miss University beauty pageant and collaborating with the Palestine Society for the release of female prisoners.
Film Society
The Film Society, founded 3 years ago, has grown to be the largest society at Goldsmiths. We host weekly film screenings in the Students’ Union Common Room or Small Hall Cinema, script writing competitions, editing workshops and does its own group productions using college camera equipment. Last year a Film Journal was produced by the Film Soc and we are hoping to do another edition in the coming year.
Goldsmiths WI
The Goldsmiths WI aims to provide an alternative education for the women of Goldsmiths, by becoming part of the well established National Federation of Womens’ Institutes.
Top Tips Check out these listings to find societies that may interest you Join Societies’ Facebook Groups or email them Read more about them on Send your membership fee in advance or pay online Go to Freshers’ Fayre, Friday 25th Sept 10-4pm
Green Party
We seek to discuss important political issues and take action upon them in the local area of Lewisham and aross London. We are part of the national Young Greens network and the Green Party.
International Society
We aim to connect students from different backgrounds and encourage activities and represent international and EU students’ interests.
Japanese Society
Through workshops, demonstrations etc we hope to teach our members a little something about the intricate and interesting heritage and culture of Japan.There is no discrimination of any sort and everybody is welcome to join, Japanese or not. All that we ask is that you share our enthusiasm and interest for all things Japanese!
Jewish Society
All Welcome.
To provide & support Jewish based educational and social activities for its members and those affiliated to the society. To support the welfare and Jewish religious requirements of its members and those affiliated to the society.
Improv Society
Korean Society
Hindu Society
All Welcome.
Islamic Society
We hold regular activities and events such as football, ISoc lunchtime amongst a range of other activities. We have been given the benefit of being provided a multi faith prayer room to stay in line with the principles of our faith, with ablution facilities with hot and cold running water. Our events are open to all students regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender etc.
Not only for Korean students but also anybody interested in Korean cultures and how we study and live in London. Also, we will perform many activties with other London Universities’ Korean Societies.
Labour Society
We will hold politial debates with other societies such as the Greens. We will seek out political figures and Members of Parliament in order for students to question them to find out more on how the country is run and why.
LGBT Society
The purpose of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans (LGBT) Students’ Liberation Society is to tackle issues that affect LGBT people, raise awareness of these issues within college and the wider community and to work towards eradicating Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.
Liberal Youth
A society in which likeminded students can meet and discuss politics. Liberal Youth seeks to provide a clear presence of Lib Dems on campus, encourage membership, tackle apathy and provide a constant stream of events.
Middle Eastern Society We shall aim to educate, entertain and bring forth the vast wealth of history that contemporary Middle Eastern society was shaped by. Not only will the society help Middle Eastern students understnad their own background in more depth, it will also be a valuable tool of familiarising non-Middle Eastern students with a relatively alien region of the world - so as to disprove the idea that the only recognisable products of the Middle East are falafel and sheesha!
MTO Sufi Society
This society aims to raise awareness of Sufism to students of all ages.
Musical Theatre Society We endeavour to promote musical theatre at Goldsmiths. The main way we do this is with our major show, which will be performed on the 5th and 6th of March 2010. However for this to happen we need to get as many people involved as possible. So whether you wish to perform on the stage or behind it then get involved!
Photography Society
Please come and join us for practical sessions, discussions, workshops, socials and all things fun! Regular sessions in the College’s darkrooms. We’ve also got plans for trips to second hand camera stores & markets.
Politics Society
We provide a fun and informal environment where students can discuss political issues and practice skills learnt in class. We organise debates, talks and film screenings on a wide range of topics, and always want more people to get involved in planning and running events.
PostGrad & Mature Soc We exist to offer a social atmosphere and events for Postgraduate and Mature Students at Goldsmiths University where they can network and socialise.
Ukulele Society
We make and inspire Ukulele music! You do not even know how to play the ukulele to get involved. All welcome.
Socialist Worker Student Society
Psychology Society
The purpose of the society is to act as a meeting point and host events for everyone who is interested in Psychology. The society aims to bring together students from different courses (not just those studying Psychology) and students from different years.
Shakespeare Society
‘Shakespeare in Love?’ We are! Join our society for theatre trips, performance, discussion and general appreciation. We are looking to put on more productions such as ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’. Shakespeare Society; the only club from which its good to be bard!
Sing Society
We provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which singers get together to enjoy singing a wide variety of music genres from Musical Theatre to pop or whatever everyone wants to try out. Either come and keep your voice active or just have a bit of fun with a friendly group of singers.
Socialist Students All Welcome.
This is not an exhaustive list. If there’s something missing, why not consider starting a society yourself !
This is the student-wing of the Socialist Workers Party, an anti-capitalist organisation that falls within the international socialist tendency. At Goldsmiths SWSS is the most active left-wing political group, with several elected part-time and full-time Officers. SWSS organises a regular speaker/discussion on a Thursday evening debating current issues and various themes around revolutionary politics. Recent meetings include ‘Barack Obama: real change for America?’, ‘How can Marxism be applied today?’
Stop the War
Goldsmiths has a proud history of anti-war campaigning and as part of this we’ve had the army and all military groups banned from our campus for the past 7 years, since the start of the Afghanistan war. As part of Stop-the-War students at Goldsmiths attend demonstrations against occupation in the Middle East and also are heavily involved with the Palestine Twinning campaign.
Unite Against Fascism
We will campaign against the BNP by exposing their fascist ideology and pushing ‘No Platform’ policies.
Visual Anthropology
A space for students interested in visual anthropology and anthropological film making to share ideas and learn.
Freshers’ fortnight: week one Sun 20th 11am Women’s Fun Run Meet on the Backfield
sat 19th 7pm doors, Free Welcome Party The Stretch
Meet your new neighbours and have a chat.
Head to events during Freshers’ Fortnight to make new friends, meet like minded - and differently minded - people & have a laugh. Tip: why not buy a GoldPass Wristband for entry into all events for the whole fortnight - just £35! from the G-shop or on the back of guide!
Connect with people interested in Jogging and get a tour of the local area too! Women of all abilities welcome. Led by Evy WomensOfficer@
12.30pm Frisbee Throwabout Meet on the Backfield (in good weather)
Meet other student frisbee fans and have a friendly throwabout
2pm Back to Back: The Wire The Stretch Catch back to back episodes of the cult hit ‘The Wire’ in the Students’ Union all afternoon.
7pm doors, Free Deadly Rhythm The Stretch
Meet your new neighbours and have a chat to some good tunes.
mon 21st 8pm doors, £4 adv Funny Folk Cafe The Stretch
Comedy to kick off Freshers’ Fortnight...
tues 22nd 12pm - 3.30pm The Jumble Sale The Stretch
Pick up some bargains, including course books from other students!
2.30pm - 4.30pm Speed Meeting Tea Party Common Room Like Speed Dating but for friends. A perfect way to meet new people over some craft activities and freshly prepared W.I. refreshments. All welcome.
7pm doors, £1 The Quiz The Stretch
Drinks from a quid while you test your trivia.
thurs 24th weds 23rd 2pm - 4pm Jewellery Making RHB 139
Connect with other students over some beads at this brilliant Jewellery Making workshop session brought to you by a professional jewellery workshop trainer & the Feminist Society! All welcome Places LIMITED, donations on door.
2pm, Common Room PhotoDAY Gallery Trip & Social
With the Photography Society. Meet in Common Room and go from there.
5pm Film Screening: ‘Slingshot Hiphop’
Small Hall Cinema Part of Palestine Twinning Campaign.
9pm doors, £3 adv Club Sandwich The Stretch A Goldsmiths Institution.
2pm - 4pm Make Do And Mend RHB 306
Meet new friends and cut up some old clothes. Craft session to recycle, reuse and recreate cloth wares! All welcome. Led by Fran, & Feminist Society.
Tip: go it alone sometimes! Everyone’s just as new and just as nervous!
friday 25th 10am - 4pm Freshers’ Fayre Backfield Marquee
4pm Intro to the Palestine Twinning Campaign Stephen Lawrence, (Ground Floor, Union)
THE best chance to find out what’s what with activities at Goldsmiths and sign up to sports and societies. Don’t Miss it!
8.30pm doors, £5 adv Shazia Mirza Comedy The Stretch
Hang out with the Wired Radio crowd at this awesome student-led Indie night. £2 advance, £3 on door
A chance to find out about this hugely important issue and meet new people.
Unmissable comedy from this clever, groundbreaking and very very funny Muslim woman. Check out her weekly ‘Guardian’ column and get on down for some huge laughs. £5 advance, £6 on door
10am - 5pm Poster Sale Students’ Union
Grab some cheap posters to donn your new room with. Continues on Friday too.
8pm doors, £2 adv Strangeways with ‘Wired Radio’ The Stretch
sat 26th 8pm doors, £20 adv Death on the Nile Backfield Marquee
DJs, Bands, Shisha Lounge, fun and games. A distinguised event for all Goldsmiths students, new and old. Get your frocks on. Don’t miss it. £20 advance, £25 on door
Freshers’ fortnight: week two sun 27th 12pm, Backfield Women’s Football
Have a friendly kick about with the team before the season starts. All abilities.
1pm, Backfield Lunch & Learn with ‘Dr Bike’ Don’t forget to bring your bike to Uni! Come along and learn for an hour over Lunchtime how to mend those niggly little bits & get help with the following Dr Bike session. Places LIMITED - reserve now! £ donation. Email
2.30pm, RHB 300 Self Defence for Women Theory and practice combined – understand space and power dynamics by drawing on feminist thought and the understanding of gender specific violence. Learn basic techniques to tackle difficult situations, as well as day-to-day confidence building. Read more online. Places LIMITED, reserve by emailing Evy,
mon 28th 4pm, Backfield Rounders
A friendly game for the late afternoon. Players and spectators welcome. Hosted by the W.I.
9pm doors, £5 adv Bass Society Presents The Stretch Bristol Dubstep Take Over! with Joker, Gemmy, Guido and more.
tues 29th 5pm, RHB 139 Intro to Wired Radio
Come along and meet the Wired team and get involved in your on-campus student radio station.
5pm Intro to the Palestine Twinning Campaign Stephen Lawrence, Ground Floor, Union
A chance to find out about this hugely important issue and meet new people.
Tip: Go to something you’re not interested in. Yet. You might suprise yourself.
still tuesday 6.30pm, £2 adv Film Screening: Club Des Femmes Small Hall Cinema
The arty, queer and feminist Club Des Femmes collective will show short films by women artists. This will be an event in true ICA spirit with an introduction by Club Des Femmes followed by thought provoking and inspiring shorts. £2 advance, £3 on door entry.
7pm doors, £1 The Quiz The Stretch
Drinks from a quid while you test your trivia.
weds 30th 5.30pm Where are all the Women in Art? Ian Gulland (IGLT)
Panel discussion with author and Professor Angela McRobbie, Artist and Professor Janis Jefferies and Althea Greenan exploring just where all the women in art are.
Followed by Feminist Society Social
8pm Drama Soc Meet before Club Sandwich Common Room
A chance to get to know each other and share ideas in the Union before Sandwich.
9pm doors, £3 adv Club Sandwich The Stretch A Goldsmiths Institution.
thurs 1st 5pm How can we fight the fascist BNP? Stephen Lawrence With the Socialist Worker Student Society.
8.30pm doors, £3 adv Comedy ‘The News at Kate’ Kate Smurthwaite & Guests The Stretch Brilliant comedy with a topical, relevant edge that’ll split your sides. £3 adv, £4 on door
friday 2nd 8.30pm doors, £5 adv Audio Intifada Vol 2 Clubnight The Stretch
The massive Hip Hop night is back! Hip Hop/Reggea in support of Palestine. Feat. Lowkey Riz MC DJ Snuff The People’s Army plus special guests All funds raised goes to the Palestine Twinning Campaign. £4 advance, £5 on door
11pm ‘til late Orlando Boom Freshers’ DJ contest The Stretch
Following the Comedy, this competition is open to anyone to enter and compete, competition entry fee £5.
This symbol means the event has an entry fee and we advise buying tickets in advance to avoid disappointment. See back of guide or to buy in advance.
Useful Contacts and Information Citizens Advice Bureau (Catford Bureau) T: 08701 264037 W: Deptford Police Station T: 020 8 297 1212 W: (IN EMERGENCY ONLY CALL 999) National Day Nursery Association (Child Care Advice) W: NHS Direct (Telephone/online health advice) T: 0845 4647 W: Samaritans T: 08457 90 90 90 E: W: Transport for London (Public Transport Information) T: 020 7222 1234 W:
Goldsmiths Students’ Union Dixon Road, New Cross London SE14 6NW T 0208 692 1406 F 0208 694 9789 For a full list of Goldsmiths Students’ Union contacts please see the ‘Contact Us’ section of our website. Goldsmiths Students’ Union can help you with many of the problems that can sometimes arise whilst studying at university or whilst living away from home, friends or family.
Memberships Are Here! Once you’ve filled in this page, remember to turn over to complete the sections marked:
1 2 3
Join Sports Clubs, Societies and Media here by filling in this form and completing the name, address and payment parts 1, 2 & 3 of this form overleaf. You will recieve an email confirm-
Anime & Manga
Arts & Entertainments
ing reciept of membership and any further information.
Art Society
Bass Society
If you would like to buy tickets for any Freshers’ Fortnight events, you can do so overleaf.
Christian Society
Green Party
Hindu Soc
International Soc
Liberal Youth
Middle East Soc
Photography Soc
Socialist Students
Socialist Worker SWSS
Stop the War
Unite Against Facism
Basketball - Men’s
Basketball - Women’s
Football - Men’s
Football - Women’s
Hockey - Men’s
Hockey - Women’s
Ju Jitsu
Kung Fu & Kickboxing
Rugby Union
Ski & Snowboard
Volleyball - Mixed
Total Tick cut here
<add it up here...
Wired Radio
Smiths Magazine <add it up here...
<add it up here...
nb. not every club or society is listed here. Remember to check out freshers’ fayre!
Buy Tickets & Complete Membership Signups HERE
please write clearly in capitals
First Name Last Name Contact Email Contact Mobile Home Address Post Code
All events are likely to sell out so we advise buying tickets in advance: Fee
Funny Folk Cafe
21st September
The Quiz
22nd September
Club Sandwich
23rd September
Shazia Mirza Comedy
24th September
Strangeways - Wired
25th September
Death on the Nile
26th September
Bass Society Presents
28th September
Club Des Femmes
29th September
The Quiz
29th September
Club Sandwich
30th September
News at Kate Comedy
1st October
Sports Clubs
Audio Intifada
2nd October
Buy tickets for Students’ Union events during Freshers’ Fortnight Here
or at You will recieve an email confirming reciept of your order with e-ticket details enclosed. You will be required to bring these e-ticket details with you for admission. Deadline for receiving orders: Wednesday 16th September 2009.
<add it up here
Freshers’ Events
Or, alternatively, get yourself a Gold Pass Wristband - limited number available
Gold Pass Wristband
All Fortnight
enter total here>
now enter total in the box below here:
entitles you to entry to all events! Total £35 tickets non-refundable, entry cannot be guaranteed 1hr after doors open.
Please tick the box to indicate payment method
a) Credit/Debit card Electron
Start Date Mastercard
Expiry Date CVC code
Issue(if any)
Card Number b) Cheque (please tick):
Make cheques payable to Goldsmiths Students’ Union Please sign and date this form to confirm your purchase
Signed please note:
Minimum Card spend (total of tickets & sports/socs memberships) is £5
cut here
Return this page to: ‘Freshers’, Goldsmiths Students’ Union, Dixon Road, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW