The goldthwaite eagle november 4, 2015

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Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015

& the Mullin Enterprise

Volume 122, Number 19 • 325-648-2244 • •


Halloween & Harvest Fest Photos Inside

Pirates Cross Country Team State Bound PAGE 12A

Last Week to Sign Up for Veterans Day Program - 2A

Christian Chavez jukes and jives against Hico defenders last Friday night during the Eagles 28-0 blanking of the Tigers to clinch the District Championship. The Eagles take on Hamilton Friday night in the final game before the play-offs.

Eagles Clinch District


Mullin ISD Fall Festival This Saturday - 6B

2A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

When the Old Bird was Younger - Back through the files of The Goldthwaite Eagle Compiled by Becky Gray





By Bobby B. Boaldin

)RXUWK 6W *ROGWKZDLWH 7H[DV Preaching Minister, Goldthwaite Church of Christ

Being Able to Defend our Beliefs   A seventh grade reading assignment in a Texas school district called for students to deny the existence of God. According to the online Religion News Service, a student of Katy School District named Jordan Wooley ran counter to the intent of the assignment and affirmed that there is a God. Her teacher told her she was wrong and that she would have to admit God wasn’t real. Jordan didn’t know what to do so she told her mom. As a result, Jordan was able to testify at the district’s board of education meeting on October 26. She told board members,“Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith.� Thankfully, the district has since apologized and determined the assignment wasn’t necessary for students. This incident, as sad as it is, sheds light on a very important biblical principle. Christians need to be able to defend their beliefs to an often hostile and unbelieving world.   In the face of first century persecution, the Apostle Peter penned these words to Christians,“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have� (1 Peter 3:15). Peter tells his readers, “in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.� In the first century, the “heart� was not simply the seat of emotions, but also the seat of the intellect and will. So, Peter was telling his audience to make sure that Jesus was their Lord with their entire being: emotionally, intellectually and volitionally. He then writes, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone.� That is, we are to be ready and willing to give a formal defense of our beliefs when questioned. Peter was not telling his readers to sheepishly say, “Well, that is just what I believe.� Rather, he was telling them to be prepared to stand up for their beliefs, in a clear and convincing way, when they were questioned about “the hope� they possess.   There has never been a time in our nation’s history when we need children of God to be able to cogently defend their beliefs more than now. As a believer, are you able to defend your beliefs? God’s word says you have an obligation to do so. Prepare yourself to give an answer. That is what the Bible says about that.

The Goldthwaite Eagle and the Mullin Enterprise USPS # 221460

Published every week at 1002 Fisher Street, Goldthwaite, Mills County, Texas 76844

P. O. Box 249 - 1002 Fisher St., Goldthwaite, Texas 76844, E-Mail: Phone 325/648-2244 or 648-3563, FAX 325/648-2024

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10 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 2, 2005   Marilyn Tiemann, Mills County Justice of the Peace, has authorized The Goldthwaite Eagle to formally announce her candidacy for re-election subject to the Democratic Primary on March 7, 2006.   Carolyn Foster is pleased to announce her intention to run for the office of Mills District/ County Clerk. She brings 21 years of experience with local and county government experience.  The Goldthwaite Eagles clinched the District Championship with a big win over Evant last Friday night. The 63-0 blasting of the Elks extended the Eagles season record to 9-0 and put the Eagles into the Texas Class A football playoffs.   After Hurricane Katrrina, Goldthwaite Principal Joe Ramirez and five elementary students: Cody Couch, Whitney Edington, Jess Robertson, Kyla Wicks, Ryan Wright and Josh Moore took donated school supplies to Leander Middle School where they were expecting to get students from the damaged areas of south Texas.  G.W. Tarpley, 89 years young, took all afternoon to land a 43 pound yellow catfish at Lake Merritt. He finally had to have some help getting the fish to dry land.   20 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 2, 1995   Goldthwaite Elementary School students released over 3000 helium filled balloons Friday, Oct. 27, culminating a “Drug Free Week� celebration. A slip of paper with drug free theme notes and the school phone number was attached to each balloon. One was reported to be found just this side of College Station.   Cassidy Watson, daughter of Don and Debbie Watson of Goldthwaite, will be running at the Regional AA Cross Country meet at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Sat-

urday. Cassidy, who is the returning Class AA Texas champion in Cross Country is also the state meet champion in the 3200 meters.   Jeff Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schwartz and Leslie Limmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Limmer, were selected King and Queen of the Priddy Fall Festival. The Prince and Princess are Jim Bob Partin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Partin and Hope Hohertz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hohertz.   Brooks Auto Parts has announced the winners in the 4th annual Car Show held Saturday, October 21st. The People’s Choice award went to Dewayne Saverance of Coleman and the Spectator’s Choice went to Lewis Watson of Goldthwaite. Best Antique was Fred Goble of Baird; Best Coupe went to Frank Bridges of Goldthwaite; Best Open went to John Sanner of Lometa and Best Sports Car award went to Terry Hawkins of Goldthwaite. 30 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 7, 1985   The 1985 4-H Banquet was held at the Mills County Civic Center October 21. The highlight of the annual event is the announcement of the 4-H Gold Star winner for the past year. This year’s winner is Brad Reynolds, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wayne Reynolds of Goldthwaite. The Gold Star Award is the highest award given on the county level.   The Goldthwaite Eagles recorded their sixth shutout in nine games last Friday night by defeating District 8A rival Gorman 19-0. The win cinched a playoff spot and the district championship for the Eagles.   40 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 6, 1975   “The Way It Was� Excerpt from: Williams Ranch of Long Ago, written by James Bowie Long   Williams Ranch does not suggest to one’s mind the

name of a town, but this was the name of the most important town, for several years, which existed within the territory that now comprises Mills County.   Williams Ranch was truly one of those western frontier type towns. I’m sure a replica of it would be ideal to use in a western movie. This town, at its peak of growth, reached a population of two hundred and fifty people, and had several business establishments. Of course, as one would expect, there were two or three saloons. Other businesses were: a general store, a drugstore, a flour store, dry goods store, barber shop and a blacksmith shop. A post office was established in 1877, and the old stone mill was built the same year.   The old mill, one of the first of its kind to be built in this part of the country, was described as being built of native stone; a two-story building with large, hand-hewn beams. At first, it was used for the grinding of grain only, but later a cotton gin was installed in a connecting building, which was built of lumber for both the gin and mill. It was said that people brought grain here to be ground from as far away as one hundred miles.   This description of Williams Ranch would not be complete without mention of the old hotel, named the “Florida Hotel�. It was the first hotel within the present environs of Mills County; a large, two-story building with many rooms. Here was one of the major stops on the stagecoach line between Austin and Brownwood.   The first telegraph line through this part of the country established an office in the Florida Hotel and it was operated by the first woman telegraph operator in the United States. Quite a few famous people, and also some notorious ones, stopped at this hotel during its existence, such as General Robert E. Lee.   An annual cattle sale was held at Williams Ranch, with the hotel being crowded with cattlemen, buyers and cowboys. The cattlemen brought in cattle by the hundreds of

head. These great herds would be spread out over many acres of ground, forming a regular sea of cattle. There was always a large number of spectators present to watch the coming and going of the cowboys with their well trained cowponies, and the other proceedings, all of which presented a very picturesque scene. 50 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 4, 1965   The Star High School Senior Class elected officers for this school year as follows: Bert Geeslin, president; Larry Thurber, vice president; Earl Wall, secretary-treasurer. Sponsors are Mrs. Teauline Raley and Robert Roberson. The Junior Class elected Theresa Donnelly, president; Harold Miles, vice president; Ella Ruth Clary, secretary-treasurer. Sponsors are Mrs. Hazel Green and Russell Boyd.   A deacon ordination service for two members of the Center City Baptist Church was held Sunday. Ordained as new Deacons were Joe Kemp and Raymond Booker.   Liz Sparkman and Reggie Robbins were elected Princess and Prince of Goldthwaite Elementary School at the Harvest Festival October 23. They are sixth grade students. Liz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snodgrass and Reggie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William (Sonny) Robbins.   73 Years Ago Old Bird Column November 4, 1965 Taken from the Eagle Files November 6, 1942   A representative from the office of Mark McGee, State Price Administrator, met with the Mills County Teachers Association and rationing officials in the district courtroom here last night for the purpose of working out final details for registration for gasoline and mileage rationing. The rationing will be held in the schools of the county next Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Gas rationing will go into effect Sunday, November 22.

VETERANS DAY PROGRAM SET FOR NOVEMBER 11, 2015   The 19th Annual Veterans Day Program will be Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at the Mills County Civic Center at 11:00 a.m . Lunch will be served as students from the Goldthwaite Middle School Student Council help the Goldthwaite Lions Club members. The Mills Tones will sing and there will be a ROLL CALL to recognize Veterans, widows of Veterans, and active service members in attendance.   This event, which started on a cold day on the lawn of the Mills County Courthouse, now has a meal served and could not have continued without the help and support of the American Legion Post, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the Lions Club.   Please mark this special day and send the form below to: Goldthwaite Lions Club PO Box 242 Goldthwaite, Texas 76844 Please PRINT your information and send in this registration to arrive NO LATER THAN Friday November 6, so that adequate plans can be finalized. Name: ­­­­________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ Phone:_________________________ Branch of Service: _______________ _____ I will attend _____ My spouse or guest will also attend ________________________ _____I am a Widow of a Veteran and have listed his name and branch of service above _____ Active Service Member _____ Total number of plates for this registration

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Health Notes • (325)648-2244

State Capitol Highlights

By Mike McMahan, R. Ph.

Health Notes

Compiled by Ed Sterling, Texas Press Association

Governor rails against Dallas sheriff’s detention policy

AUSTIN — Gov. Greg Abbott on Oct. 26 wrote to Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez, saying her “case-by-case immigrant detention plan will no longer be tolerated in Texas.”   Under the sheriff’s current policy, an undocumented person who committed minor offenses is not held past their release date an extra 48 hours for federal immigration authorities.   Abbott accused Valdez “of refusing to automatically detain all criminal immigrants pursuant to the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) federal detainer program, which is designed to prevent dangerous criminals from being released into communities.”   The governor said actions the State of Texas could take to combat such policies are:   - Passing laws that prohibit any policy or action that promotes sanctuary to people in this state illegally.   - Enacting laws that make it illegal for a sheriff’s department to not honor a federal immigration detainer request.   - Evaluating the extent to which local taxpayers should foot the bill for local decisions that increase costs for Texas’ health and education systems.   - Amending the Tort Claims Act to ensure counties are fully financially responsible for the actions of any illegal immigrants who are released because the county’s sheriff failed to honor an ICE detainer request.

AG seeks to intervene

Last week, the Texas Attorney General’s Office filed court papers requesting to intervene in the City of Austin’s lawsuit against the Travis County Appraisal District.   In its lawsuit filed Aug. 25, the capital city is appealing “systematic undervaluation” of certain commercial properties by the county appraisal district. The city alleges the appraisal district’s action shifts the tax burden to residential homeowners and thus is in violation of the state constitution.   According to an Oct. 29 news release by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, “Austin is attempting to invalidate Texas’ non-disclosure law, which prevents taxing authorities from forcing property owners to disclose personal information regarding purchases and sales. Doing away with this protection would affect all Texas property owners, commercial and residential alike.”   Further, the news release said, “The district court barred Texas homeowners from intervening in the lawsuit. Because the city is attempting to rewrite Texas tax law and taxpayers are entirely unrepresented, the Texas Attorney General’s Office is asking to intervene.”   The appraisal of the Circuit of The Ameri-

cas racetrack is a prominent bone of contention between the city and the appraisal district.   The lawsuit is styled as City of Austin, Plaintiff, v. Travis Central Appraisal District; Individual Property Owners Who Claim C1 Vacant Land or F1 Commercial Real Property Within Travis County, Texas; and Glenn Hegar, in his official capacity as Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, et al., Defendants.

TxDOT awards grants

More than $20 million in federal “TIGER” grants was awarded by the Texas Department of Transportation on Oct. 29 to improve transportation services for rural populations.   TIGER stands for Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery.   The state agency said the funding would help replace 325 vehicles located throughout the state that are used to transport rural residents. Funds will also go toward updating or constructing transportation facilities in or near the cities of South Padre Island, Early, Weatherford and Cedar Creek.   According to TxDOT, the Lone Star State has the largest rural population in the U.S., with more than 6 million residents living outside urban areas. Between 2000 and 2010, TxDOT reported, the state’s rural population grew by 7.5 percent. Also, many areas served by rural transportation services have populations that are proportionally older, have lower income and often have a higher percentage of people with disabilities.

CORRECTION: Board gets new chief

By Mike McMahan, R. Ph.

Checking your Blood Pressure is Serious Business   About one-third of U.S. adults have high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for a variety of health problems. Cutting blood pressure below the currently recommended systolic (top number) target of 140mm Hg can significantly reduce the rate of heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and deaths, according to the the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. To determine if even lower systolic blood pressure might be better, the NHLBI sponsored the SPRINT study beginning in 2009. Researchers recruited more than 9,300 adults with high blood pressure and at least one other risk factor for heart disease, such as being a smoker or having high cholesterol. It was quickly determined that reducing systolic blood pressure to 120 or lower reduced heart attacks, strokes and heart failure by almost a third and the risk of death by almost 25%.

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Gov. Abbott on Oct. 21 appointed Bobby Jenkins of Austin as chair of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Jenkins replaces Harold Hahn of El Paso as chair.   Jenkins, president of ABC Home and Commercial Services, has served as vice chairman of the coordinating board since September 2013.   The agency’s mission is “to promote access, affordability, quality, success, and cost efficiency in the state’s institutions of higher education.”   EDITOR’S NOTE: In last week’s column, the writer erroneously reported that Jenkins succeeded Raymund A. Paredes as chair. Paredes serves as Texas Commissioner of Higher Education and is a member of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Election results to come

Early voting ended Oct. 30 and Election Ms. Sharon welcomed trick or treaters and gave out candy and fun during Halloween Saturday night in Day was Nov. 3. Goldthwaite. Hundreds of kids visited local residences during the annual event.   Seven proposed amendments to the state constitution were on the ballot.   Statewide results will be recorded in next week’s column.

Hillview Annual Shopping Spree

Goldthwaite City Council Meeting   The City Council of the City of Goldthwaite will meet in regular session on Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 5:30 pm in the Council Room at Goldthwaite City Hall, 1218 Fisher Street. The agenda is as follows:   1. Call meeting to order.   2. Invocation.   3. Discussion with audience   4. Consider and act on the minutes of the last meeting.   5. Consider and act on the Operations Report and Paid Bills   6. Discuss, Consider and Act on appoint-

Nov. 4, 2015 - 3A

ment for vacant alderperson position   7. Discuss, Review personnel performance and staffing-Executive session   8. Consider and Act on any items related to personnel performance and staffing   9. Review employee health insurance costs and benefits   10. City Manager’s Report   Paving report    Utility services and system update    Christmas Lighting installation   11. Adjourn

December 12 starting at 9:00

NEED: Donations of new or slightly used items for residents to give to their family members. Also donations of Christmas Bags, Christmas Paper, Ribbon & Bows. ALSO NEED: Volunteers to help set up for the event, help residents shop, and do gift wrapping. Call Linda at Hillview 325-648-2247 for more information.

4A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Mike’s Minutes by Mike Lee


Eagle Columnist  Even in tradition-rich Goldthwaite, where successful football seasons are measured by deep playoff runs and state championships, district titles still should be celebrated.   They just don’t happen every day.   The Goldthwaite Eagles won their 23rd district championship last Friday in their 96th season of playing football with a 28-0 win over

the Hico Tigers. The Eagles’ fifth straight win this year improved their record to 7-2 overall and 4-0 in District 7-2A Division I. The win also clinched the No. 1 seed for the upcoming playoffs.   “Sometimes with the tradition we enjoy in Goldthwaite, it gets lost on how hard it is to win a district championship,” said Greg Proffitt, the Eagles’ second-year head coach.   Especially when Goldth-

Score by Quarters: G’waite 7 14 7 0 — 28 Hico 0 0 0 0 — 0 Scoring Summary: G — Hunter Parrish 1 run (Leo Garcia kick) G — Jansen Head 18 pass from Parrish (Garcia kick) G — Parrish 9 pass from Head (Garcia kick) G — Parrish 30 run (Garcia kick) Team Statistics: G’waite Hico 13 First Downs 6 41-195 Rushing Yards 37-99 66 Passing Yards 3 261 Total Yards 102 7-13-0 Comp-Att-Int 1-8-0 4-37 Punts-Average 5-38 3-2 Fumbles-Lost 4-3 9-90 Penalties-Yards 9-65 Individual Statistics:   RUSHING: Goldthwaite – Hunter Parrish 22-129, Jansen Head 6-40, Aris Shelton 10-24, Landon Wiedebusch 3-2. Hico – Stran McLain 7-44, Brody Johnson 7-28, Blake Hyles 13-10, Justin Millican 1-8, Jacob Smith 5-3, Hunter Mullins 1-3, Ethan Warren 3-3.   PASSING: Goldthwaite – Parrish 6-12-0 for 57, Head 1-1-0 for 9. Hico – Hyles 1-8-0 for 3.   RECEIVING: Goldthwaite – Head 2-25, Jaydan West 2-17, Christian Valencia 2-15, Parrish 1-9. Hico – Cooper Conlee 1-3.

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Eagles blank Hico to win 23rd district title in school history waite lost starting running back Quaid Seward in the third game of the season, and when injuries threatened to dismantle the offensive and defensive lines. The offense leaned heavily on the versatile skills of quarterback Hunter Parrish and fullback/ tight end Jansen Head.   The offensive line finally solidified with Henry Valencia moving to center after Ryan Elderton’s injury, and Elderton returning as a sixth man who can play any line position. The remainder of the line also jelled with Travis Head, Dylan Sanders, Hagen Hohertz and Trevor Horton.   The defensive line improved when battle-tested David Valencia returned, and high-energy senior Landon Wiedebusch moved from the line to linebacker.   A season that could have gone south after a 44-7 nondistrict loss to Mason instead turned around with five straight wins. Goldthwaite beat up Tolar and Hico, its top district challengers, by a combined 57-7 in back-to-back superb defensive efforts in adverse weather conditions.   “From day one back in two-a-days we talked about getting better through the nondistrict games and then winning the district championship,” said Proffitt, whose team finished third behind Hico and Tolar in district last year. “Winning district was an attainable goal, and they put in the work and effort. It was nice to see them celebrate reaching that goal Friday night.”   The coach said the final nondistrict game against Little River Academy was the turning point. Goldthwaite rallied from a 14-0 halftime deficit and beat the Class 3A Bumblebees 21-14. The comeback came a week after the 37-point loss to Mason.   “We were down 14-0 at the half, but we kept fighting. That game gave us a reason to believe that we could be a good team. We’ve played a good stretch of football the last five games. I think we’re hitting our stride,” Proffitt said.   Against Hico, the versatile Parrish had a hand in all four Goldthwaite touchdowns, scoring on runs of 1 and 30 yards, throwing an 18-yard touchdown pass to Jansen Head on fourth-and-15, and catching a 9-yard scoring

Eagle receiver Jayden West makes a big reception against Hico Friday night during the Eagles 28-0 victory. Photo by Steven Bridges pass from Head, who also has seen spot duty at quarterback this season.   Parrish finished with 129 yards rushing to surpass 1,000 yards for this season despite weather and field conditions that didn’t favor the offenses.   “The offensive line has really come on,” Proffitt said. “They’ve been good mudders and gotten down and dirty the last two weeks. They’ve taken a lot of pride in being able to play well in bad weather.”   The Eagles’ defense dominated one of the better teams in the district for the second consecutive week, limiting the Tigers to 102 total yards. In 11 offensive possessions,

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Hico went three-and-out five times and gained 17 yards or less nine times. The Tigers’ longest drive of the night was 28 yards.   This after Goldthwaite limited Tolar to 138 total yards in last week’s 29-7 win.   “Anytime you can hold the other team to no points, it’s obviously hard to lose,” Proffitt said. “The defense played lights out against Hico. They shut them down and forced (three) turnovers.   “The defense has gotten better each week. We’ve got players in the right positions, and they’re flying to the football. Landon (Wiedebusch) is a good example of that. He has a big motor, and we got him in there where he needs to be.”  Linebacker Aris Shelton led the Eagles’ defense against Hico with 11 tackles and two fumble recoveries, which both set up Goldthwaite touchdowns. Wiedebusch finished with 11 tackles, a sack and two quarterback pressures while linebacker Jansen Head had 12 tackles.   The only time Hico threatened to score was after recovering a fumble at the Goldthwaite 26-yard line in the first quarter. But the Tigers gained only 6 yards after two passes and two runs, and the shutout was preserved.   The Eagles’ offense man-

aged a modest 261 total yards, but it opened the game 10-play, 55-yard drive that set the tone for the night. Parrish passed 8 yards to Christian Valencia to convert a thirdand-6 at midfield, and Parrish eventually scored on a 1-yard run for a 7-0 Goldthwaite lead.   Shelton’s fumble recovery at the Tigers’ 26 set up the Eagles’ second touchdown. On fourth-and-15, Parrish threw an 18-yard scoring pass to Jansen Head for a 14-0 lead early in the second quarter.   Later in the second quarter, Parrish punted Hico back to its 8, and the Goldthwaite defense held. Parrish then returned the Hico punt 13 yards, setting up the Eagles at the Tigers’ 22. Jansen Head moved to quarterback and threw a 9-yard touchdown pass to Parrish to extend Goldthwaite’s lead to 21-0 with 3:39 left before halftime.   Shelton’s second fumble recovery at the Tigers’ 42 set up the Eagles’ final score. Parrish broke for a 30-yard touchdown run to make it 28-0 less than two minutes into the third quarter.   “It was a blast to be with the kids and see them reach a goal and celebrate a district championship,” Proffitt said. “You don’t forget that kind of stuff.”

District 7-2A Division I Standings Team Dist. PF PA All PF PA G’waite 4-0 137 40 7-2 263 154 Hico 3-1 82 56 3-6 139 166 Tolar 2-2 132 64 5-4 252 188 De Leon 2-2 85 93 3-6 159 212 Hamilton 1-3 60 127 3-6 167 247 San Saba 0-4 39 155 2-7 116 306 Key: Dist. is district. PF is points for. PA is points against. All is all games.   Last Week’s Games – Goldthwaite 28, Hico 0. Tolar 42, San Saba 7. De Leon 24, Hamilton 20. This Week’s Games – Hamilton at Goldthwaite, Hico at San Saba, Tolar at De Leon. District 7-2A Notes   The only uncertainty in the playoff seedings in the district hinge on this week’s Tolar at De Leon game. Both teams are 2-2 in district. The Rattlers are favored to win and earn the No. 3 playoff seed, dropping the Bearcats to No. 4. However, if De Leon wins, the Bearcats can claim the No. 3 seed and drop the Rattlers to No. 4.   Goldthwaite has clinched the No. 1 seed and Hico the No. 2 seed. In bidistrict on Nov. 12-14, Goldthwaite will play the winner of this week’s Axtell vs. Valley Mills game, which will earn the No. 4 playoff seed from District 8-2A. Hico is set to face Bosqueville in bidistrict.   The other two playoff teams from District 8-2A are No. 1 seed Crawford and No. 2 Mart. They will play Tolar and De Leon in bidistrict. Other Scores of Interest Mart 39, Axtell 0 Jim Ned 60, Merkel 20 Wall 42, Bangs 0 Mason 21, Johnson City 10 Little River Academy 42, Lago Vista 28 Crawford 14, Bosqueville 0 Canadian 56, Panhandle 7 Stratford 56, Boys Ranch 0

Shiner 40, Schulenburg 0 Refugio 42, Flatonia 13 Albany 61, Santo 0 Brownwood 60, Snyder 16 West 28, Comanche 21 Clyde 41, Early 0 Mullin 1, Lohn 0 (forfeit) Richland Springs was open

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Anna Lou Schlee

Nov. 4, 2015 - 5A • (325)648-2244

Revelation 21:4

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the   Anna Lou Schlee of Priddy, Texas passed away October 26, former things have passed 2015 at Waco, Texas. She was 86 years of age. away.”   Anna Lou was born October 15, 1929 in Indian Gap, Texas

to Gerhardt Drueckhammer and Johanna Grabarschick Drueckhammer. She married Gilbert Schlee on June 24, 1948 in Priddy, Texas and lived in Priddy and Mills County all of her life. She was affiliated with the Zion Lutheran Church and was “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe a Retired Justice of the Peace, Mills County.   Services were held Thursday, October 29, 2015 at Zion Lu- also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If theran Church, Priddy, Texas. Paul Fiske and Mark Schimmel it were not so, would I have officiated.   Interment followed at St. John Cemetery, Priddy, Texas. told you that I go to prepare   Pallbearers included Michael Martin, Marshall Wood, Daa place for you? And if I vid Drueckhammer, Dale Drueckhammer, Chris Riojas, and go and prepare a place for Rodney Parrish. you, I will come again and   Survivors included her son Gary Schlee, Austin, Texas; will take you to myself, that daughter Suanne Martin & Bill, China Springs, Texas; grandwhere I am you may be also. children Michael Martin, Candace Martin, Wilbur Wood, MarAnd you know the way to shall Wood, & Laurie Cluck; Five great grandchildren; brother where I am going.” and spouse Alton Drueckhammer & Cherline, Priddy, Texas.   She was preceded in death by her parents and her husband.   Memorials may be made to the Zion Lutheran Church Philippians 1:23-24 Scholarship Fund. I am hard pressed between   Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home, Goldthwaite, Texas handled the two. My desire is to all arrangements. depart and be with Christ,   for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.

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John 14:1-4

Mullin FBC Thanksgiving celebration

The Mullin First Baptist Church will be having their annual Thanksgiving service and lunch on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015. Services will begin at 11:00 a.m. with lunch served immediately afterward. The turkey, ham and dressing will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring side dishes.   We would like to invite everyone in the community to come join us in celebration of Thanksgiving.   We would also like to announce that Bro. Bill Ellis is the Interim Pastor at Mullin First Baptist Church.

s d e B e l b a t s u j d A

COMANCHE APPLIANCE 1209 E. Central, Comanche Texas • 325-356-2050

Mary Elizabeth Burt-Hernandez   Mary Elizabeth Burt-Hernandez of Goldthwaite, Texas passed away Friday, October 30, 2015. She was 43 years of age.   Services were held Monday, November 2, 2015 at Goldthwaite Evangelism Center.   Arrangements were handled by Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home, Goldthwaite, Texas.

Pompey Mountain Methodist Church David Gilley ----- Pastor 325-646-8232 Sunday Worship ----10:50 a.m. CR 128, East of Mullin 2nd Sunday is Fellowship Lunch Please Join Us


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6A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

In-channel dam loses Region K recommendation Environmental and user impacts concern regional water planning group. By James Taylor Goldthwaite Eagle   The Region K Regional Water Planning Group downgraded the proposed in-channel dam near Goldthwaite from “Recommended” to “Considered but not Recommended” during its Oct. 14 meeting.   An in-channel dam to help serve the water needs of the City of Goldthwaite has been in the Region K water plan since its inception in 2001. O.P. Leonard of Big Valley Pecan Farm is also working on the project to secure their water needs during periods of drought. While there are no official commitments, it's been discussed that the City and Leonard would share costs on the dam project, and the City would manage and operate the dam. The two entities submit that an in-channel dam would improve local accessibility to existing water rights, and due to pass-through flow requirements, won't impact the downstream environment or senior water rights holders.   The Region K Water Man-

agement Strategies Committee (WMSC) disagrees.   “This project has evolved over time and circumstances have changed over the years,” the recommendations report from the committee and Chair Jim Barho reads. “The channel dam now under consideration appears to be significantly larger than earlier proposals, and the City seems to be an incidental beneficiary of a different project. In addition, some Committee members expressed serious concerns regarding the potential environmental impacts of such a project and its impact on downstream water supplies and water users.”   The committee said it was unable to determine that Goldthwaite has water shortages that would be met with an inchannel dam.   “It would not increase the amount of water available to the City during a drought-ofrecord,” the report said. “The City's demands can be met using the water management strategies already described in

the IPP, and that the proposed new channel dam is not needed as a strategy to meet the City's demands... The Committee finds that the Goldthwaite channel dam would fall within [the Texas Water Development Board rules for recommended water strategies] list of unacceptable strategies, and the Committee recommends the removal of this proposed dam from the list of municipal water management strategies in the final Region K plan.”   On this recommendation, the group voted to remove the channel dam project from the list of recommended projects. Goldthwaite Contends Decision   The City of Goldthwaite has released a statement contending the Region K group's decision.   “Region K took a bold stance against the City of Goldthwaite by removing the City's proposed Goldthwaite Channel Dam project from the regional water plan's recommended list of municipal water

management strategies,” the statement reads.   The City says the proposed dam is one of its longstanding water management strategies, and that the City has continued supporting the project because research proves the dam would assist the City in achieving a reliable water source, according to the statement.   Region K has no governmental authority, according to the City statement; that authority is held by the Texas Water Development Board and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.   “[They] are the two governmental agencies with the institutional knowledge capable of researching and clarifying if a water source project has the ability and capacity to provide the water necessary; not the regional water planning groups,” the statement reads.   The City lacks sufficient storage to meet demands during periods of extended drought, according to the statement, and the new pipeline to San Saba does not provide a

long-term solution. The agreement with the City of San Saba is for 25 years and only obligates San Saba to provide Goldthwaite water when it is available.   “When Region K members voted for the removal of the Goldthwaite Channel Dam project, their votes were improperly swayed by the emotions of individuals rather than facts and science,” the statement reads. “Region K chose to appease the public's opinion rather [than] appropriately assess the region's future water needs and provide the City of Goldthwaite with a reliable water source.”   According to the City statement, its dam project will not be impacted by the Region K decision other than that it will no longer qualify for funding via the State Water Implementation Fund of Texas.   “TWDB has many other options to assist in completing the dam project,” the statement reads. “The dam project will continue to be listed in the regional water plan, even though

it will not be a recommended project. Further, the removal of the project as a 'recommended strategy' will not change the TCEQ process. When the City begins working with the TCEQ on a permit for the dam, the removal of the project does not negatively affect the TCEQ permitting process.”   In a statement provided at the Oct. 14 meeting by City Water Attorney Russ Johnson, the City said the information relied upon by the Region K planning group in its review is inaccurate and generated by downstream opponents of the project in an effort to discredit both the need and the benefit of the project.   The City of Lometa, a downstream opponent of the dam, has passed a resolution opposing the project which they contend would negatively affect their water supply.   You can read the Region K recommendation and City of Goldthwaite statements online at www.goldthwaiteeagle. com.

DPS Sergeant Dies in Line of Duty in Mills County

A Texas Highway Patrol Sergeant died Thursday night in Mills County following a one-vehicle crash.  Sgt. William “Karl” Keesee, 49, was driving southbound on U.S. Highway 84 near Goldthwaite when his patrol vehicle left the roadway, traveled over the guardrail and into a creek bed. The wreck was reported at apSgt. William “Karl” Keesee proximately 11:25 p.m. after a passing motorist noticed debris on the roadway. The exact time of the crash and the cause are still under investigation.   “The DPS family is deeply saddened by the loss of one of Texas’ finest, Sgt. Keesee. Our state has lost a great man and outstanding peace officer, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones during this very difficult time,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “During his more than 25 years of proudly serving this department and the people of Texas, Sgt. Keesee touched countless lives, and his selfless service and sacrifice will always be remembered.”   Keesee joined DPS in 1990 and was stationed in Brownwood. He is the 217th DPS officer to die in the line of duty since 1837. He is survived by his wife and two children. Funeral arrangements are pending.

LCRA TOUR: Members and guests of the LCRA Upper Basin Regional Council tour the Legacy Plaza Botanical Gardens and Welcome Center in Goldthwaite last week.

Thank You Hoffpauir Chevrolet and Head Insurance

There are many reasons that I love living in Mills County and this is just one of them. My 95 year old Uncle, Louis Crouch, lives with me and his drivers license was expiring on Oct. 31 (thank goodness). Since he no longer drives, all he really needs is an ID card.

Last Friday my sister and I made our second trip to Brownwood in order to get my 95 year old uncle a photo ID card. We thought the requirement was for two pieces of ID with my street address on them. When you have a PO Box for your mail, it is not an

easy task to locate two items with your street address but we finally came up with my drivers license and proof of homeowners insurance which Head Insurance kindly printed off for us.   When we got to Brownwood, we were informed

GET READY FOR THE HOLIDAYS COME INSIDE OUR GYM AND START YOUR WORKOUT TODAY & LOSE A FEW POUNDS BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS - Lose pounds before the Holiday “Eating” Season - Look great on your Christmas Card this year

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that we needed two forms of ID not counting my drivers license. The clerk informed us that I could use my Car Registration as the other form of ID. Since my car was at Hoffpauir Chevrolet being repaired, I called and asked if they would mind searching in my car for the registration and then faxing it to me in Brownwood. They did so within five minutes and we finally got the ID.   I am very grateful for Hoffpauir Chevrolet’s employees going out of their way to do a favor for me that had nothing whatsoever to do with the repairs they were making to my car.   Mills County is a friendly and wonderful place to live. Bo Mackey

Cemetery Donations

Caradan Cemetery Donations made by:   Miles Reunion   David McNiel   In Memory of Jeff Stewart by:   Ray & Ginger Koen   William T Koen The LORD gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.” Deuteronomy 31:23

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 7A • (325)648-2244

Eagles seek to take care of business against Hamilton

By Mike Lee Eagle Contributor   Look at Friday’s football game as a business trip for the Goldthwaite Eagles, even though they’re not traveling for their regular-season finale.   Goldthwaite hosts the Hamilton Bulldogs at 7:30 p.m. Friday at muddy-but-rehabilitated Eagle Field on the final night of the District 7-2A Division I schedule. Senior Night festivities will begin at 7.   Goldthwaite (7-2, 4-0 in district) will be a heavy favorite over Hamilton (3-6, 1-3). The coaches know it. The players know it.   But the Eagles don’t want to lose the late-season momentum they’ve built during back-to-back wins over top district challengers Tolar and Hico by a combined 57-7. With the playoffs looming next week, the Eagles can’t afford a drop-off in performance.   They simply must take care of business. Hence, the business trip mentality.   “We’ve had two big games in a row, and we’ve played really well. We don’t need to take a step backwards now,” Goldthwaite head coach Greg Proffitt said Monday. “We’re not taking the week off, and we’re not spending the week celebrating the district championship. We can’t take a day off at this point.”   Goldthwaite captured its 23rd district championship with last week’s 28-0 win over Hico. But if the Eagles slipped up against Hamilton and Hico beat San Saba as expected, Goldthwaite technically would share the district title with Hico.   Such a scenario seems unlikely, but considering the Eagles struggled to beat De Leon 34-27 three weeks ago and De Leon only beat Hamilton 24-20 last week, anything is possible. Especially in sports when teenage boys are playing with an oblong ball.   Hamilton is much improved over last year’s 0-10 finish, and the Bulldogs have a lot of size up front and utilize several formations on both offense and defense. But while they do present challenges that require attention, the Eagles are doing what they’ve done all year – focus on themselves and getting better.   “We want to be better when we finish than when we started – whether it’s in practice every day or in a game,” Proffitt said. “We’re going to go and play the game like we have the last nine. If it takes four quarters to win it, that’s what we’ll do.”   The Eagles also don’t want to get anyone hurt with the playoffs in clear sight.   Speaking of injuries, running back Quaid Seward returned to practice this week from a lower leg injury suffered in the third game against Bangs almost two months ago. Proffitt wouldn’t say if Seward would play any this week, and even if he did, it would be on a limited basis.   Meanwhile, Eagles quarterback Hunter Parrish has surpassed the 1,000-yard mark in both rushing and passing after last week’s performance. The 5-foot-10 senior has now rushed for 1,037 yards and 15 touchdowns, and passed for 1,139 yards and nine scores.   That’s a rare regular-season accomplishment at Goldthwaite because of the Eagles’ heavy reliance on the run in most years. Parrish also has caught two passes this season, both for touch-

Christian Valencia cuts back across the field Friday night against Hico.

downs.   The receiving corps remains balanced, with Christian Valencia, Jaydan West, Jansen Head and Zac Gaspar all totaling between 19 and 26 catches this year.   The Eagles’ defense is on a roll after allowing only seven points against Tolar and Hico combined and holding each team to a little more than 100 total yards.   Head continues to lead the defense from his inside linebacker position with 85 tackles and two pass interceptions returned for touchdowns. Linebacker Aris Shelton (73 tackles), safety Parrish (67) and linebacker Jaydan West (60) are the other

Band Notes   Rain, rain, don’t go away. Just move to Wednesday. Or maybe Tuesday. Just no more on Friday. Two weeks in a row, the GEB was unable to perform their halftime show, “Courage of a Soldier,” and ended up going home before the game was over. This is extremely unusual, so not everyone knows why the band would opt out early. It all comes down to balancing two consequences of sitting in the rain: health and repair.  As a representative of GCISD, parents trust the care of their kids to me, even on trips out of town. I take this reliance seriously, so I guard both their behavior and their health in addition to all the aspects of music and performance for which they are responsible. If I’m pretty sure that any student is going to

turn up sick the next day, I pull the plug, even without a lightning delay. To be honest, I don’t want to get sick, either.   If you were one of the stalwart at one of the games in the last couple of weeks, you may have noticed that half the band didn’t even have instruments with them. Woodwind instruments, such as flutes, clarinets and saxophones, have a series of large holes drilled into the length of the tube. These holes are covered with a complex system of keys, rods, springs and posts. The keys actually cover the holes with a three part pad. Pads are made of a thin layer of cardboard, a cushion of felt and sealed with onion skin paper or kid skin leather. The onion skin and the leather are very sensitive to any type of moisture and will pop even

Photo by Steven Bridges

tackle leaders.   Landon Wiedebusch, who moved to linebacker midway through the season, has rushed up the tackle chart in recent weeks and now has 52 stops and 4.5 sacks.   The Eagles have eight players to recognize on Senior Night: Parrish, Jansen Head, Wiedebusch, defensive back Jacob King, lineman Fidencio Hernandez, lineman Travis Head, lineman Dylan Sanders and lineman David Valencia.   Hamilton leads the all-time series with Goldthwaite 24-19, but the Eagles have won the last three meetings by a combined 128-6, including last year’s 61-0 decision.

Area Agency on Aging to help with Medicare enrollment

in high humidity. When this happens, the pads no longer seal, and the instrument no longer works. At all. Currently, a repair, or repad, on one clarinet is running $150. Sax repads are over $200. Each. We have 4 flutes, 4 clarinets, 6 alto saxes and 2 tenor saxes.   This is the reasoning behind my decisions to get out of the rain, so I say, “rain, rain, don’t go away. Just move to Wednesday. Or maybe Tuesday. Just no more on Friday.”   The Band Boosters are planning a “Let Us Bake For You” Thanksgiving bake sale on Monday, Nov. 23 at Mills County State Bank and Mills Country General Store. I’m not sure of the times, but it’ll be after work for most folks. There’ll be pies of the apple, pecan and pumpkin variety as well as various persuasions of yeast breads. This is to benefit the band’s trip to Disney in June.

It’s that time of year! Medicare Open Enrollment began October 15th! Medicare beneficiaries will be able to change their choices for Part D (prescription drug) coverage, enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, change Medigap plans and/or change Medicare Advantage plans.   The Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas (AAACT) will assist Medicare beneficiaries in reviewing health and/or prescription drug plans for 2016. AAACT trained and certified Benefits Counselors will be available to meet with Medicare beneficiaries at the First Baptist Church, 1407 Fisher Street, November 19th, 10am to 2pm. To receive assistance, Medicare beneficiaries must bring their Medicare card, list of medications and dosage, preferred pharmacy and household

income. Staff will screen Medicare beneficiaries to determine if eligible for Extra Help. Individuals with limited income and resources may be able to receive Extra Help paying their prescription drug coverage costs.   The AAACT respectfully requests this information run under the Community Events section of The Goldthwaite Eagle each week up to November 19th (flyer attached). Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at 254.770.2341 for sue.   The Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas is a program division of the Central Texas Council of Governments and funded in part by the Texas Department on Aging and Disability Services.

Gold & Silver Prices GOLD (XAU/USD 11/02/15)................ $1,133.60 SILVER (XAG/USD11/02/15.......................$15.33 We’ll Buy Your Gold & Silver Coins, Jewelry, Etc. for Cash!

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8A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

USDA Announces $3.7 Million to Repair Rural Housing Funding will remove health and safety hazards, make homes more energy efficient.   Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced that USDA is investing $3.7 million to help rural families repair and rehabilitate their homes. The funds are being awarded through the Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) program in 46 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to support the renovation of 1,147 units.   “Many low-income families in rural areas struggle to afford necessary housing upkeep,” Vilsack said. “This USDA program provides

grants for repairs not only to ensure that properties are in compliance with health and safety codes, but also to help people lower their maintenance costs through energy efficiency and weatherization improvements. All of these efforts make sure rural folks can stay in their homes.”   USDA provides financing to entities such as local governments, public agencies, federally recognized Indian Tribes, non-profit organizations and faith-based and community groups. These

Mills County County Mills Commission Company Goldthwaite, Texas Commission Company Sheep & Goat Sale • Fridays @ 11 am

Sheep & Goat Sale •• John Fridays 11 am Clifton@ 325-938-7170 325-648-2249


Walt 512-484-7363 • •Wade 512-484-7364 OfficeClifton John Clifton 325-938-7170 325-648-2249 Walt Clifton 512-484-7363 • Wade Clifton 512-484-7364


EVERY FRIDAY at 11 AM Mills County Commission Company; Oct. 30; Total Receipts 2551; Week Ago: 1920   Wool: Lambs: 50-70 lb: 175-220 cwt; 70-90 lb: 60-210 cwt; 90-110: 140-180 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: N/T; Stocker Ewes: N/T; Bucks: N/T cwt;   Dorper-Dorper Cross: 40-60 lb: 215-260 cwt; 60-75 lb: 185-240 cwt; 75-90 lb: 160-215 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: 50-100 cwt; Slaughter Bucks: 80-100 cwt; Replacement Ewes: 135-210 head; Replacement Bucks: 175-250 head;   Barbado-Barbado Cross: Kids: 35-50 lb: 180-230 cwt; 50-70 lb: 170-225 cwt; 70-90 lb: 160-190 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: N/T cwt; Replacement Ewes: N/T head; Replacement Bucks: N/T head.   Boer-Boer Spanish Cross:   Kids: 30-45 lb: 230-300 cwt; 45-60: 225-280 cwt; 60-70 lb: 210-260 cwt; 70-90 lb: 170-245 cwt.   Nannies: Light Slaughter: 110-160 cwt; Heavy Slaughter: 95-150 cwt; Thin slaughter 70-90 cwt; Replacement Nannies: N/T head; Billies: Light Slaughter: 150-210 cwt; Heavy slaughter: 140-170 cwt; Replacement Billies: N/T head.   Trends:   Light Kids: Steady   Slaughter Kids: $5-$10 higher   Slaughter Nannies: Steady to $5 lower   Replacement Nannies: Steady   Wool Lambs: Steady   Dorper Lambs: $5 higher   Barbado Lambs: Steady

Thank You For Your Business! John, Walt & Wade Clifton

325-648-2249 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Psalms 103:2 - Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits

entities distribute the grants to individual homeowners as well as to owners of multi-family rental properties or cooperative dwellings who rent to low- and very-low-income residents.   In Texas, the Habitat for Humanity of Smith County will use a $93,392 grant to rehabilitate 30 homes for very low and low income owner-occupied dwellings, and the Community Council of South Central Texas, Inc. will use a $93,392 grant to rehabilitate 20 homes for very low owner-occupied dwellings.   In 2012, Celia Cerda, a beloved figure in the City of Crowell, Texas, suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by an old gas water heater. She was rushed to the hospital and did not regain consciousness for two weeks. USDA provided a Housing Preservation grant to Rolling Plains Management Corporation, a local community action agency, to rewire Ms. Cerda’s bathroom and replace the defective hot water heater with a new, energy efficient, electric water heater. With the assistance of the grant, Ms. Cerda can safely continue to live in her home.  Through this announcement, USDA is providing grants for 106 projects in 46 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Funding is


Jordan Cattle Auction Thursday, October 29, 2015   MASON & SAN SABA – Receipts totaled 3441 head for the week. The market was very active with the stocker steers selling $5 higher with 5 steers 561 lbs $200.00 ($1122.00) and stocker heifers sold a full $5-$10 higher. The feeder steers were $3-$5 higher with a set weighing 808 lbs $175.00 ($1414.00) and the feeder heifers were a full $5 higher. Packer cows were $3 higher and the bulls were $1 higher. Pairs and bred cows were steady. The 17 head of Griswold Angus bulls averaged $5276.00 with the top bull at $5700.00, Texas Stardance 25 Hereford bulls averaged $3648.00 (top bull at $5600.00), Collier Diamond C 17 Red Angus bulls averaged $3653.00 (top bull at $6000.00) and Iron Oaks Red Angus averaged $5025.00 (top bull at $5200.00), Martin-Bruni Brangus bulls averaged $3543.00 (top bull at $5300.00) and Texas Tech Angus and SimAngus


COMMISSION CO. CO. CORYELL June 14, 2008 CO. COMMISSION Cattle Sale - 12:00 PM October 31 June 14, 2008

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12:00 NOON 12:00 NOON

SHEEP & GOAT SALE RESULTS SALE DATE: 11-2-15 - HEAD COUNT: 2179 Slaughter Kids   Feeder: $180-250 cwt   Light Slaughter: $180-245 cwt   Heavy Slaughter: $180-250 cwt     Slaughter Nannies   Thin: $40-60 hd   Medium: $70-100 hd   Fleshy: $125-150 hd Boer & Boer Cross Replacement Nannies   Med. Quality: $100-125 hd   Choice Quality: $150-175 hd Spanish Boer & Boer Cross Billies   Slaughter: $140-175 cwt   Breeding: $N/T hd Wool Lambs   Feeder: $N/T cwt   Light Slaughter: $150-180 cwt   Heavy Slaughter: $130-145 cwt

Ewes   Stocker: N/T   Slaughter: 40-80 cwt Dorper Lambs   Feeder (20-40 lbs): $180-245 cwt   Light Slaughter: $180-240 cwt   Heavy Slaughter: $130-170 cwt Dorper & Dorper Cross   Ewes: $75-175 hd   Bucks: $80-110 cwt   Few up to $300 Barbadoes   Lambs: $180-220 cwt   Ewes: $40-100 hd   Bucks: $75-600 hd Trends: Kids: $10 lower Nannies: Steady Wool Lambs: Steady Dorper Lambs: $10 lower BBD Lambs: Steady Ewes: $5 lower

E L T AT 0/27 C NO ON 1 E L A S Livestock Marketing Contacts:

Randy Boone, Auctioneer (General Manager) 254-977-2382 Everitt Vandiver (Cattle Sale Mgr.) 254-784-3594 Andy Baumeister (Roping Cattle Special) 254-784-3181 WWW.HAMILTONCOMMISSIONCOMPANY.COM

contingent upon the recipients meeting the terms of their grant agreement.   Since the start of the Obama Administration, USDA has provided almost $47 million in Housing Preservation Grants that have leveraged more than $167 million to repair and rehabilitate 12,000 homes and apartments in rural communities.   President Obama’s historic investments in rural America have made our rural communities stronger. Under his leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities.   USDA, through its Rural Development mission area, administers and manages housing, business and community infrastructure and facility programs through a national network of state and local offices. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural America. For information on this and other USDA Rural Development programs in Texas, visit www.

No. 1 Steers under 300 lb. 220-275 300 - 400 lb. 210-265 185-235 400-500 lb. 500 - 600 lb. 170-210 600 - 700 lb. 165-190 700 - 800 lb. 150-175 No. 1 Heifers under 300 lb. 180-240 300 - 400 lb. 175-230 400 - 500 lb. 165-205 500 - 600 lb. 160-185 600 - 700 lb. 145-170 700 - 800 lb. 135-160 Slaughter Cows High Yielding 75 to 85 Low Yielding 65 to 75 Fats 70 to 82 Thin & Shelly 50 to 65 Packer Bulls (1250-2075 lbs.) Yield Grade 1 & 2 90-110 Cow & Calf Pairs Young Choice 2200-2800 Young Fair 1800-2200 Aged Pairs 1200-1800 Young Pregnancy Test Stocker Replacement Cows 750-2100 Hwy. Number of H36, ead: 212 Gatesville, Texas

Hwy. 36 254/865-9121 Gatesville, Texas

Hwy. 36, 254/865-9121 Gatesville, Texas


AG ROUNDUP by Mills County Extension Agent Tom Guthrie

Mills County Range and Livestock Workshop

A Range and Livestock Workshop will be held on Thursday, November 12th at the Mills County State Bank Community Room in Goldthwaite. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the program will run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Topics will include: Plant Identification & Management Resources, James Jackson-Extension Range Specialist, Stephenville; Feral Hog Update, Josh Helcel-Extension Wildlife Associate, Gatesville; and Sheep & Goat Production, Dr. Reid Redden, Extension Sheep & Goat Specialist, San Angelo. Two Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units will be offered. Individual registration is $10.00 parable at the door. For more information and to RSVP, call the Mills County AgriLife Extension Office at 325-648-2650.

Thank You   I would like to thank the following for helping me during my recent illness: Don Seward, Emily and Cheston Francis, Vanessa Story and the ladies at Quick Check, Rosie and Rocky at RTS Truck Stop, Major Auto Parts and June and Lake Hite. Jim Schoening

North Brown Cemetery Memorials   In memory of Oda Daniel by Jerol Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Leech.   In memory of William Glenn Crawford by Mr. and

Mrs. Floyd Rickel and Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Cline. Donations may be mailed to 10 CR 120, Goldthwaite, Texas 76844.

Deer Processing $


Basic Processing

bulls averaged $4975.00 (top bull at $5700.00).  Steers: choice lightweight calves 210.00-325.00; choice medium weight calves 170.00-242.50; choice heavyweight calves 160.00-187.00   Heifers: choice lightweight calves 185.00-295.00; choice medium weight calves 160.00-215.00; choice heavyweight calves 150.00-175.00   Yearlings: choice lightweight steer yearlings 155.00-174.00; choice heavyweight steer yearlings –150.00-175.00; choice lightweight heifer yearlings – 145.00-162.50; choice heavyweight heifer yearlings –130.00-136.00; #2 steer calves and yearlings 150.00-190.00; #2 heifer calves and yearlings 130.00170.00; shorties and plainer calves and yearlings 150.00-175.00.   Bred Cows: choice bred cows – No Test; medium to good bred cows –1660.00-2000.00; plainer and older bred cows – 1100.00-1740.00   Slaughter Cows: high yield 83.0091.00; medium yield 78.00-83.00; low yield 70.00-77.00; heiferettes and young stockers 100.00-150.00   Bulls: high yield 100.00-108.00; medium yield 97.00-108.00; low yield 94.0099.00; feeder 88.00-100.00   Pairs: Choice – 2000.00-2600.00; medium to good –1750.00-2440.00; plainer and older – No Test   Representative Sales: Spivey & Walton Partners, Lampasas, 1 steer 405 lbs 242.50 Forrest McGregor, San Saba, 4 steers 473 lbs 223.00 Dooley & Hoerster, Fredericksburg, 3 steers 513 lbs 210.00 Richardson Ranch, Ozona, 18 steers 527 lbs 203.00 Jason Signor, Dallas, 4 steers 561 lbs 200.00 Lone Mountain Cattle Co, Lake Jackson, 2 steers 613 lbs 187.00 Colton Curry, Dublin, 7 steers 646 lbs 183.00 WP Ranches, Cherokee, 2 steers 808 lbs 175.00 WP Ranches, Cherokee, 10 steers 858 lbs 168.00 Bill Hardy, San Saba, 1 heifer 405 lbs 215.00 Dooley & Hoerster, Fredericksburg, 1 heifer 490 lbs 199.00 Marsha Hardy, San Saba, 1 heifer 610 lbs 175.00 Richardson Ranch, Ozona, 1 heifer 715 lbs 162.50 Dooley & Hoerster, Fredericksburg, 1 heifer 760 lbs 160.00 Leta Ray Taylor, Richland Springs, 3 heifers 723 lbs 149.00 Walkin Cane Cattle Co, Hext, 4 steers 493 lbs 212.00 GW Speck, Kerrville, 13 steers 527 lbs 202.00 Hagood Ranch Partners, Junction, 2 steers 628 lbs 180.00 Walkin Cane Cattle Co, Hext, 18 steers 637 lbs 179.00 Mary Susan McAlpine, Eldorado, 7 steers 675 lbs 168.00 Walkin Cane Cattle Co, Hext, 12 steers 795 lbs 162.50 GW Speck, Kerrville, 8 heifers 487 lbs 185.00 GW Speck, Kerrville, 12 heifers 550 lbs 177.00 Walkin Cane Cattle Co, Hext, 3 heifers 670 lbs 166.00 Mary Susan Alpine, Eldorado, 12 heifers 696 lbs 164.00.

•Clean Facility • Friendly Staff • Quality Work Freezer Packs and Sides of Beef for Sale

HAMILTON QUALITY MEATS 1205 S. Rice - Hamilton - 254-386-4646

Weekly sales held at 11:00am Mason-Monday & San Saba-Thursday

Barber Ranch & Guest Bull & Female Sale Wednesday, November 11 @ 11:00 am - San Saba 95 Herefords, 34 Express Ranches Angus, and 30 Hereford Heifers

Special Bull Offering

In conjunction with our regular sale. Bull will sell at 10:00 am.

Thursday, November 19 @ 10:00 am - San Saba Pat Griswold Ranch Bull Sale

For details on the above sales and online viewing/bidding, please call or visit our website.

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

Lori Fariss announces for Tax Assessor/Collector

  Lori Fariss, the current Vehicle Registration Clerk, is announcing her intention to run for the office of Mills County Tax Assessor/Collector. The TZC position was formerly combined with the office of the Mills County Sheriff, but will now be separate after a vote by the people of this County.   As the Vehicle Registration Clerk, Fariss serves the people of Mills County for not only vehicles, but also must know the Voter Registration process and procedures.

Nov. 4, 2015 - 9A • (325)648-2244

  “I feel that my experience in the TZC office along with my absolute dedication and commitment to bringing the people of Mills County the best service and information possible provides a solid base upon which to be your new Tax Assessor/Collector. Additionally, my years of experience working in both the private sector in accounting and for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, gives me a knowledge base and familiarity with the complex laws and statutes both on the Federal

and State level.  As Vehicle Registration Clerk, it is my responsibility to have a firm grasp of the rules, laws, regulations, and statutes for not only Mills County, but also TxDMV and the State of Texas. I take this responsibility very seriously because I work for the voters and they rely on me to help them and give them the correct information when they need it. I love my job and being able to serve the people of Mills County in the Tax/Assessor/Collector’s office. I am

running for the TZC because I want to bring that service and dedication to the entire office and am excited about the opportunity to run for the position,� says Fariss.   Fariss said that anyone with questions, comments, or concerns may contact her after 5:00 p.m. on her cell phone (325) 938-0331.   “I look forward to your support in the March 2016 Primary when you head to the polls and vote for the office of Mills County Tax Assessor/ Collector.


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)RXUWK 6W *ROGWKZDLWH 7H[DV SUNDAY SCRAMBLE: Johnny Miller and Lannie "Long Iron" Gore and Craig Auldridge were our Sunday Golf Scramble winners.

At Goldthwaite Health & Rehab Center, our staff is committed to providing you the best care possible. We proudly offer skilled nursing care, short-term and long-term care. TUESDAY SCRAMBLE: Justin Stewardson and Craig Auldridge were our Tuesday Golf Scramble winners. We want to welcome Justin, he is a newcomer and won on his first time out. 1207 Reynolds St. • Goldthwaite, Texas 325-648-2258

Caring with respect, compassion and dignity


If you drink:

Offering strength and hope for friends and families of problem drinkers.

It’s your business. If you think you may have a problem and want to quit:

MEETING: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm Goldthwaite First United Methodist Church Family Life Center

HONORED: Dale Hall from Mills County was among 28 area 4-H members honored Oct. 26 during the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service's District 7 annual 4-H Gold Star Banquet in Coleman. Dale Hall is the son of Robert and Ella Mae Hall. The Gold Star Award is AgriLife Extension's highest youth award given on the county level and recognizes youth that exhibit leadership, citizenship, and complete a 4-H record book. Pictured is Representative J.D. Sheffield and Dale Hall.

Local Ranch Hosts Many Youth Hunters Goldthwaite High School senior and standout football player Zac Gaspar took this 13 inch, eight point buck while hunting on Saturday evening of the Special Youth Deer Weekend at the Casa Dilapidato Ranch just southeast of Goldthwaite in Mills County. Zac was guided by local hunter and taxidermist Mickey Donahoo. Zac is the 5th youth weekend hunter to kill a first deer (buck) at the Casa Diliapidato Ranch since the Special Youth Weekend Hunt was established in Texas.

Wreck on Fisher Street Snarls Traffic Monday Morning

Call Rhonda for info at 325-648-3101

It’s our business.

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets Mondays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at 1414 Parker St. Stop by and see us! We keep it simple!


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Has a complete line of Supplies for the man with outdoor interests! Two trucks collided Monday morning on Fisher Street near El Tapatio in Goldthwaite, snarling traffic in both directions.

Fencing Supplies • Bailing Wire Pipe • Trailers • Well Supplies • Tires Power Tools • Welding Supplies All Types of Guns and Ammunition

If we don’t have it, we can get it! All AT PriceS ThAT Are hArd To BeAT! 325-948-3638 or 948-3354 cenTer ciTy

10A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Retired Teachers Garden Club Fall Decorations to hear about Contest Results Announced Cryotherapy   Cryotherapy, its development and benefits, will be the subject for the next MCRTA meeting. Keryn McMahan will present the program. The meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, November 6, in the Mills County State Bank Community Room.  The business meeting will include the final count of books and service hours. Other upcoming events and items of interest will be covered as well.   The Scholarship Fund is in the process of replenishing in order to provide two scholarships for eligible graduating seniors in Mills

Thanks to everyone who decorated for the fall decoration contest and created scarecrows. We hope you will drive around our town and look at all the beautiful decorations.

County. Your contributions are welcome and encouraged.   All retired school personnel are welcome and invited to join MCRTA. Your membership will provide you with a state organization, TRTA, that gives a united front and consistent message on retirement benefits.   Come, learn about Cryotherapy and bring a friend.

Women Against Violence Project a Domestic Violence Shelter provides these services: • Protective Order Guidance • 24-Hour Emergency Shelter • Crisis Counseling • Sexual Assault Hospital  Accompaniment • Criminal Justice Support • Women’s Support Groups • Resources & Referrals Contact the W.A.V. Project for more information about your legal rights and options. Our Services are free! Everyone has a right to be SAFE!

Winners of the home category for the best scarecrow were:   1. Craig and Kim Smith at 1602 Fisher   2. Jo Head at 1619 Fisher   3. Daniel and Debra Colminro at 1902 Cline Street.   Best overall fall decoration winners were:   1. Kent Jr. and Amie Schillings at 1503 Freedom Street   2. Cruz and Moises Padilla at 1904 Cline Street   3. Jim and Kim Smith at 1513 Liberty Street.   Honorable Mention goes to Doug Holtzclaw at 28 Rim

Rock Road, Ray and Ginger Koen at 43 Quail Ridge Road, Rich and Laurie Brown at 41 Quail Ridge Road, Ronnie and Dee Dee Wright at 1616 Fisher.     Winners of the business category for best scarecrow were:   1. Mills Central Appraisal District at 901 6th Street   2. Mills County Artisan Guild at 1019 5th Street   3. Ranchland at 140 Highway 84 West   Honorable Mention goes to Courthouse and Mills County State Bank for their Scarecrows.   The best overall business fall decorations were:   1. First State Bank at 1301 Fisher   2. Mills County State Bank at 1017 Parker

Craig and Kim Smith were recognized for having the best home scarecrow display.   3. Live Oak Nursery on Highway 183 North  Honorable Mention goes to Goldthwaite Senior Health Center at 1207 Reyn-

olds, Rafter B on FM 574, Goldthwaite Eagle at 1002 Fisher and Duren and Roberts Law Office at 1014 Fisher.

Call 325-648-3326 or 911


Kent and Amy Schillings were named best overall fall home decoration winners.

Nov. 23, 4 pm until everything is gone

Mills County Appraisal District won First Place Scarecrow.

Mills County General Store and Schwartz Food

Sponsored by the Band Boosters to raise funds for the GCISD band’s Disney trip.

First State Bank won first place overall in the Business category.


Locals are encouraged to jump start their Christmas spirit by lending a hand to string Christmas lights in the Goldthwaite City Park.   Donations are always needed and can be taken to Mills County State Bank for the Christmas Park Lighting Fund.   Those interested in helping out can contact: Darleen McCoy at 648-2741

or 938-7700 Ginger Hoover at 451-4586 or Donna Featherston at 325-648-6813

or come to the park any morning or afternoon!   Anyone interested in purchasing a scene please contact Darleen at the above numbers or Jackie Boykin at 451-3137.


Hearing Aid will be in Goldthwaite Tues., Nov. Tues., July108 10 am to Noon 10 am - Noon

at Goldthwaite Senior Center 2110 Priddy Rd. Goldthwaite Free Hearing Evaluation ••• Complete Hearing Aid Service ••• Medicaid Approved

Mills County State Bank Director Milton Schwartz poses with the Fall Decorations in front of the lobby of the bank. Photo by Steven Bridges

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Hoffpauir Storage

1514 Old Priddy Road Goldthwaite, TX

Units 10x10 and 10x15 available


The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Nov. 4, 2015 - 11A

Enlargement of 2014 WWII veterans group photo: Front Row (L-R): William A. Dub Gunn, US Navy, J.D. Hunt, USMC, Kenneth McDonald, USA, Leonard Sperazzo, USA, Robert “Bob” Smith, USA, William Gibbard, Army. Back Row: J.C. Wesson, USMC, Melvin West, USN, Louis Crouch, USA, Felton Wilson, USA, Billy Dennard, USN, Leo Lacey, USN, Allen Moreland, USN, Dee Fleming, USA, James Leonhard, USA, Robert Long, USN, Earnest Langpaul, USN.

VFW adds new plaques, swears in officers

Lois Bender displayed four new plaques at the VFW meeting Thursday (L-R): 2014 Mills County WWII veterans group, Melvin West, Leo Lacey, and Tommy Turner.

Wreaths Across America

What is a Veterans Wreath?   A veteran’s wreath is a symbol of honor, respect and victory.   There are 10 Balsam Bouquets comprising each Veteran’s wreath, and each equals 10 Special Qualities that our veterans embody. The first bouquet is their faith in God. The second bouquet is their love for one another. The third bouquet is their strength, work ethic and character. The fourth bouquet is their honesty and integrity. The fifth bouquet is their humility, selflessness and modesty. The sixth bouquet is their ambitions and aspirations. The seventh bouquet is their optimism for America. The eighth bouquet is their concern for future generations. The ninth bouquet is their pride in carrying out their duties. The evergreens equal longevity & endurance. The Red Bow equals great sacrifice. The forest scent equals purity & simplicity. The circular shape equals eternity.   “This year, when you place a wreath on a veteran’s grave, you will know it is not just a wreath. It’s your personal gift to an American hero, and you’ll swell with pride and have a tear in your eye knowing you’ve done something very, very special. God bless our veterans and God bless America. -- Morrill Worcester, Founder of Wreaths Across America.   HHH Rescue and American Legion Post 289 are participating for the third year with Wreaths Across America. The veteran’s wreaths are $15.00 and will be placed at the Goldthwaite Memorial Cemetery. You can place your order locally by contacting Judy McKinney at 648-2356 or look for flyers around town. If you would like to place a veteran’s wreath in another cemetery you will need to pick it before December 12. Or you can order the Veteran’s wreath online at Be sure that you include our group ID: TX00065P and cemetery ID: TXGTWC. All checks need to be made out to Wreaths Across America. The deadline to sponsor a wreath is November 30. The ceremony will be held December 12 at 11 a. m.   Submitted by HHH Rescue and American Legion Post 289.

Mills County VFW Post #289 officers for 2015: (Front row, L-R) Tom Turner, Charles Hicks, Billy Hale, J.D. Hunt, (Back row) Floyd Rickel, Webb Mays, Duane Rawson, and Leo Lacey.

Sexual integrity workshop Nov. 9

TERRIFIC TEETH: Goldthwaite Elementary School thanks the Goldthwaite Masonic Lodge (Nurse Leslie and Don Kissire pictured)   The Pregnancy Care Center Care Center at 325-646-5433. for the Fantastic Teeth Fan Club and preventative tooth decay kits. is hosting a workshop on No- These kits will be distributed to all first-graders. vember 9th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the GES CafetoriHave I not commanded you? Star Volunteer Fire Department um for parents of students in Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be the 7th - 12th grade. discouraged, for the LORD  The workshop will be your God will be with you “Teaching Children Sexual wherever you go.” Integrity.” Topics will include Joshua 1:9 media, pregnancy, communicating values with your teen, legal right and privacy and state county statistics. The Pregnancy Care Center will be presenting SEX MATTERS - Abstinence Training Program to High School students on November 10 at 1:00 p.m. in the gym and to the 7th and 8th graders at 2:30 in the Middle School Library.   Permission slips are being sent home with all 7-12 grade students this week.   If you have any questions, please call the Pregnancy


Happy Birthday Cynthia We Love You Mom & Dad Your Sisters, Brothers & Nephews

Fellowship Cruisers Car Club Fundraiser Saturday, November 14 9:30 a.m. til gone

Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. 1 Chronicles 22:13

Saturday, Nov. 14

Star Fire Station Star, Texas 5:30 p.m. until ? Donations Appreciated

First Baptist Church Parking Lot

Sausage Wraps • BBQ Chicken All proceeds benefit our Scholarship Fund

12A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Linzee McNeel, Amber Breum, Dani Diaz, Gloria Gutierrez, Kasandra Morgan, Alex Evans, Shelby Smith, Kaitlyn Glass, Cara Ivy, Lexi Gutierrez, & Coach Roy Aaron

Priddy Pirates Advance to State Championship

Priddy Pirates Advance to State Championship By Kassie Morgan    The Priddy Pirates placed 2nd as a team in the Regional Cross Country meet on the 26th held at Joe Pool Lake in Grand Prairie. Also, four individuals placed in the top 15 of the run.   In the 3 mile race, junior Matthew Smith placed 2nd with a time of 16:57, 7th junior Zach House 17:50, 9th senior Tylor Raines 17:55, 13th freshman Chandler Hurst 18:08, 27th freshman Louis Shimmel 18:41, 28th sophomore Jayden Schrank 18:42, and 69th junior Adam Hurst 20:03.   “The boys really came to compete at region,” Coach Curtis Hurst said. “Everyone on the team ran the best time of the year. Matt Smith ran under 17 minutes for the first time in his career and was 2nd by 5 seconds. We also finished 2nd as a team behind #1 ranked and defending state champions Miller Grove. Now we have a week and a half to try and improve

on that performance.”

Priddy Lady Pirates Place 6th as a Team at Regionals By Jenna Steger   The Lady Pirates came in 6th as a team in the Region 3 Cross Country Meet in Arlington on October 26th. Sophomores Alex Evans and Kasandra Morgan will be advancing to state.   Evans finished in 3rd place with a time of 12:32, Morgan in 13th with 13:30, freshman Shelby Smith 55th 15:27, junior Dani Diaz 61st 15:35, freshman Kaitlyn Glass 73rd 15:59, junior Gloria Gutierrez 81st 16:08, and junior Amber Breum 96th 16:47.   “The girls did a great job improving from 12th place at regional last year to 6th place this year,” Coach Roy Aaron said. “Morgan improved by 30 seconds to make it to state and from 34th to 13th place. Evans improved from 4th place last year to 3rd place this year to get the bronze medal. And we’re looking Coach Curtis Hurst, Chandler Hurst, Jayden Schrank, Zach House, Adam Hurst, Louis Schimmel, Tylor Raines, & Matt Smith forward to going to state.”

Kasandra Morgan, 13th, state qualifier Alex Evans, 3rd, state qualifier

Tylor Raines, 9th, state qualifier

Zach House, 7th, state qualifier

Matt Smith, 2nd, state qualifier

Chandler Hurst, 13th, state qualifier

Lady Eagle Cross Country runs in Grand Prairie

DQ COUNTRY: Sarah Hodge, Simon Hodge, Sharla Lacey, and Sage Lacey visited Dairy Queen Monday evening to take part in DQ Night. Goldthwaite Elementary School will receive 10% of all proceeds taken in during this event.


The City of Goldthwaite Cemetery is accepting bids for the following:   (1) the construction of a free standing building to be located near the existing office building. Approximately 32 feet X 30 feet, with an additional overhanging roof on the west end. The building well be made of metal and some rock work.   (2) Same style building with the inclusion of a restroom.   Bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on November 20, 2015. Bid packages with additional information and conceptual drawings are available for pick up at City Hall. Bids may be mailed or hand delivered to Goldthwaite City Hall, P.O. Box 450, 1218 Fisher Street, Goldthwaite, Texas 76844. Envelopes should be marked “CEMETERY BID”. Bidders may bid on one or both items. The City reserves the right to reject all bids.   Questions regarding these items should be directed to Robert Lindsey, City Manager, or Ronald Cagle Cemetery Manager at (325) 648-3186.

The Lady Eagle Cross Country team travelled to Lynn Creek Park in Grand Prairie on Monday, October 26th to compete in the Regional Meet. The team of Judith Horton, Jessie Macias, Rylie Padgett, Julia Goldsmith, Brittany Balencia, Madison Martinez, and Lainee Knight finished 7th, falling just short of a state qualification. Judith Horton did run well enough to advance to the state meet and get this—she did it with one shoe! Judith lost a shoe somewhere within the first mile of the 2-mile competition but managed to stay close enough to the front of the pack to punch her ticket to 2015 State Meet to be held at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock on Saturday, November 7.   It has been a great season for Lady Eagle Cross Country. The athletes in our program have worked hard all season long and they competed well. I would to thank each of you for all of your hard work and positive attitudes this season. It has been a joy to watch you compete and push yourselves and each other to become better athletes, friends, and teammates. They are such a positive reflection of our community, school, and athletic program.   We will sure miss seniors Judith Horton and Jessie Macias, but those returning next season will carry on their strong work ethic. We thank you for all that you both contribute to Lady Eagle Athletics and we look forward to working alongside you throughout the remainder of this year. Jessie and Judith are both members of our varsity basketball team and we cannot wait for that to get underway, but until then-- Judith has one more race to run this season. What better stage than that of the State Cross Country Meet. Go get ‘em Judith! One more, one more!

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 13A • (325)648-2244

Constitutional Amendment Election

The 2015 Texas Constitutional Amendment Election took place Tuesday at polling locations throughout the county. According to County Clerk Carolyn Foster, 214 citizens cast early votes from October 19-30.   Complete results from Mills County voting will be posted online at following the election. Look for election analysis and comparison with voting statewide in next week’s edition of The Goldthwaite Eagle. Goldthwaite FFA Rodeo Team members Luke Harper, JW Allen, Ryder York, Whit Kitchens, Jaci Lewis, Allyson Martin, Advisor Kris York. Not pictured: Advisor Jess Seward.

Goldthwaite FFA Rodeo Team to compete at Region X

By Kris York Goldthwaite FFA   Members of the Goldthwaite FFA Rodeo team are competing in the Texas High School Rodeo Association (THSRA) Region X.   THSRA sponsors over 125

rodeos per year throughout ten regions across Texas. The rodeo year begins in August and concludes with the Texas High School Finals Rodeo in June. They compete for numerous awards, scholarships

and the coveted honor of representing the State of Texas at the National High School Finals Rodeo held each July.  Students must maintain certain academic standards throughout the school year in

It’s beginning to look a lot like...

order to be eligible to compete.   The next THSRA Region X rodeo is scheduled for November 7th and 8th and will be held at the Circle T Arena in Hamilton.

Mullin Bulldogs News

By Jessica Knight Off The Wall Photography   The Mullin Varsity Volleyball girls became District 8 1A Champions for the 2015 season. The Lady Dogs will advance to the playoffs as a result of their hard work and dedication. This is the second year in a row for the bulldogs to make it to playoffs and become district champions. The Lady Dogs received a first round bye, and will be paying their first playoff game between Thursday, November 5th and Saturday, November 7th. Unfortunately, there is not a set date, time or place for the game as of now, but once the game is scheduled it will be uploaded to the school’s facebook page, “Mullin Bulldogs’ News”.   Mullin ISD will hold its Annual Fall Festival Saturday, November 7th at the Mullin Gymnasium starting at 6:30. There will be activities for all ages, including Bingo, Cake Walk, Animal Walk and much more. The Varsity Football team will hold their last game of the 2015 season on Friday, November 6th at 7:30 pm. Post game festivities will be Parent’s Night for the Varsity Athletes starting at 6:30 pm.   Mullin Junior High Football team will travel to Brookesmith Thursday, No-

vember 5th for their last game of the season. The team has had an exciting season with more victories than loses and hope to gain another win Thursday against Brookesmith.   Mullin ISD held their first Open House for parents to meet with teachers over the student’s first six weeks. The school received a great turn out of parents and students.   Mullin ISD would like to thank the students, faculty, parents and community on the continuous support for all of the Mullin ISD events. We hope to see it throughout the remaining school year. For any questions, please contact Mullin ISD at 1-325-9853374. GO DOGS!

Steve Shuoke installs Christmas decorations for the City of Goldthwaite on Monday, Nov. 2. Photo by Bo Mackey

Senior Caitlyn Shelton hustles to recover a shanked ball to put it back in play. Photo by Jessica Knight, Off The Wall Photography.

Parents of Mullin ISD students meet with teacher Rebecca Nelson at the Mullin Open House. Photo by Jessica Knight, Off The Wall Photography.

New(s) Guy


By Brian Whitt, Eagle Staff Writer

Three dots, three dashes, three dots. For over a hundred years, anyone with passing knowledge of Morse code has known that sequence is a call for help, whether sent as pulses of electricity, sounds or flashes of light. Three dots stand for the letter S, three dashes for O.   In the early 1800s, the world was woefully lacking in ways to communicate quickly over long distances. After Samuel Morse’s wife became critically ill and passed while he was away from home, he began work on a way to send news instantaneously. His development of a code that could be quickly transmitted and translated changed the United States and the world forever.   We don’t worry about communication much these days. As long as we keep an eye on our phones, email, Facebook accounts and the like, we have constant access to current information. When family members or friends have a baby, it’s not unusual to hear it within minutes of delivery, and the same can be said for most major (and minor) events.   Easy access has made us

Brian Whitt complacent, and we forget sometimes what it means to be separated from that connection to the rest of humanity. As I drove down scenic SH 22 between Meridian and Hamilton Sunday afternoon, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if some unforeseen problem arose on that stretch of road cars rarely travel. Seeing one bar on the cell phone screen wasn’t reassuring, and begs the question how, with all the towers scattered around the planet, calls still get dropped. Morse would

find this failing in our communication networks perplexing, considering how far we’ve advanced technologically.   Human history hinges on the speed with which we communicate. Lives have been lost, the outcomes of wars have changed, markets have been shaken, governments have been overthrown, and history in general has been impacted by the arrival or delay of vital information. At The Eagle, we are working to bring the news to you more quickly than ever, so that you never have to wonder what is going on in Mills County. In addition to weekly reporting in the newspaper, we also provide news on our website goldthwaiteeagle. com, and we use Facebook, Twitter, email, and text messaging to inform you of events important to this community.   We may no longer rely on the telegraph and Morse code, but being able to communicate quickly is as essential in the 21st Century as it was in the 1800s. Samuel Morse would be amazed how far we’ve come.

Honoring veterans

By Lois A. Bender, Ph.D Project: Honor Our Own   November 11, 2015, is Veterans Day. A day to honor all the men and women, past and present who have sacrificed and served our United States of America. Our fallen heroes have flags proudly displayed over their graves, our ministers have raised prayers to God for their souls and families have shed tears for their loved ones.   Let us, here in Mills County, take a moment to acknowledge our veterans and to also thank the Lions

Club men and women who work so hard every year to provide a program and luncheon.   A thank-you to Grayson Wetzel for his work gathering the veterans' data.  Thank you to the Goldthwaite Eagle for always being available and for its excellent coverage of our veteran events.   President Abraham Lincoln once noted that “Any nation that does not honor its heroes will not long endure.”   Thank you, veterans!

NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ COURT MILLS COUNTY   Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court in Mills County, Texas, will hold the regular semi-monthly session on Monday, November 9, 2015, at 9:00 a. m. in the Commissioners’ Courtroom located at 1011 4th Street in the City of Goldthwaite, Texas: AGENDA

1. Opening Prayer.   2. Consider and Act on Previous Minutes.   3. Audience with Individuals.   4. Consider and Act on Accounts Payable.   5. Consider and Act on County Treasurer’s Reports.   6. Consider and Act on County Extension Reports.   7. Discuss Senior Center.   8. Consider and Act on Indigent Defense Grant Program Resolution.   9. Consider and Act on Burn Ban.   10. Consider and Act on Courthouse Christmas Decorations.   11. Consider and Act on County Assistance for Legacy Plaza Pavilion Site Preparation.   12. Discuss New Law Enforcement Center.   13. Commissioners’ Requests and Reports.   14. County Judge’s Report.   15. Adjournment.

14A - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


Find Us Online and View Our Weekly Ad at

FUMC Harvest Festival

Congratulations to the Goldthwaite Eagles


Hagen Hohertz Congratulations to the Goldthwaite Eagles

Athlete of the Week!

Christian Craft Table


Bounce House Gisell Puente, Miguel Martinez, and Gamaris Pinedo.

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Sophia Valencia, 7 months old, dressed up as a baby monkey for her first FUMC Harvest Festival

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Mark 4:30-32 Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.”




Trunk or Treat Fellowship Cruisers Linda and Wes Johnson help four yearold Addison fish for a treat out of the trunk of their 1969 Oldsmobile Toronado during the FUMC Harvest Festival.

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Cissy Williams, SVP-Branch Manager


Trey Brooks, Loan Officer

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 1B • (325)648-2244

Consuelo Martinez


Buick • Chevrolet SALES

Consuelo Martinez of San Diego, Mexico, formerly of Goldthwaite passed away at the Hamilton General Hospital on Monday, October 19, 2015.   Consuelo was a loving mother and survived by her children Vicenta Castillo and her husband Armando of Goldthwaite, Florina and her husband Aurelio Ramirez of Gatesville, Julia and her husband Andres Pinedo of Goldthwaite, Angeles and her husband David Garay of North Carolina, Lucy Walker of Lampasas, Jose and his wife Gloria Martinez of Goldthwaite, Juan David and his wife Crystal of Goldthwaite, Jamie Martinez of Goldthwaite, Juan Gabriel and his wife Alma Martinez of Mississippi. Consuelo was also survived by many grandchildren and great grandchildren.   Daughter of late Nicolas Lucio & Loreto

Martinez Lucio. She was preceded in death by her spouse David Martinez, daughter, Lucia Martinez.   The Martinez family would like to give a special thank you to Goldthwaite Rehabilitation Center and Hillview manor for all of the exceptional care and support of our sweet mom. We appreciated the wonderful flower arrangements sent in her honor.   Also a special thank you to the wonderful members of St. Peters Catholic Church for their wonderful dinner after the service.  Services were held Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015 at St. Peter’s Catholic Church Goldthwaite, Texas. Interment followed at the Goldthwaite Memorial Cemetery.   Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home, Goldthwaite, Texas, handled arrangements.

Decorate the Park with your Brand



Mon-Fri 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Mon-Fri 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Mon-Fri 7:30 AM-6:00 PM Sat 7:30 AM-5:00 PM Sat 7:30 AM-12:00 PM Sat 7:30 AM-12:00 PM


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The Goldthwaite Eagle

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1. TELEVISION: In what 1990s television series did the character of The Log Lady appear? 2. ANATOMY: What organ in the human body produces bile? 3. SCIENCE: What is the science of classifying things called? 4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the first U.S. president to lose a re-election bid? 5. HISTORY: Who was the first African-American to be elected to Congress from Georgia since Reconstruction and later appointed ambassador to the United Nations? 6. GEOGRAPHY: What country’s capital is Addis Ababa? 7. MATH: In geometry, what is a perfectly round ball called? 8. AD SLOGANS: What product was claimed in advertisements to be “good to the last drop”? 9. MOVIES: Who was the oldest performer to receive an Oscar for Best Actor? 10. FAMOUS QUOTES: What 20th-century humorist once said, “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” ©2015 King Features Synd., Inc.

Trivia Test Answers 1. “Twin Peaks” 2. Liver 3. Taxonomy 4. John Adams 5. Andrew Young 6. Ethiopia 7. A sphere 8. Maxwell House coffee 9. Henry Fonda 10. Mark Twain

2B - Nov. 4, 2015

Smile! Smile! Smile!

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 3B • (325)648-2244

Mills County State Bank celebrates Halloween

Jeanie Gristy, Briana Guthrie, and Brady Rountree of the MCSB Technology Department show off some Star Wars Costumes. The Force is strong with this Bank.

Now Offering

PEDICURES at Nicki’s

Call Jennifer Chavez



Tammy Perry, Epi Balencia, Tommy Head, Mindy Hopper and Donna Parrish depict the characters from the Wizard of OZ.

HOSPITAL BUILDING 1219 Parker - 325/648-2212

ce and Office Spa ce orage Spa Indoor St


325-648-2212 325-938-6765 Mills County State Bank will be CLOSED

Nov. 11th

in observance of Veterans’ Day

Goldthwaite • Early • Brownwood • Hamilton • Hico

LINE DRIVE: Atmos Energy workers work on lines in Goldthwaite on Tuesday, Oct. 27.

Fall Portraits Sunday in the Park   Jessica Knight of Off The Wall Photography has rescheduled her Fall Photo Session to Sunday. November 8, 3-5 p.m. at the Goldthwaite Park!   Each session is $25 and includes a 10-minute session, 10 edited images on a disc, two photo setups. Cost is $15 a session each child for families with three or more children and includes five edited images of each child, two group photos in each setup.   Please book a time within the time frame. She will be accepting debit and credit cards as well.   If you have any questions, call Knight at 325-200-9973!

“Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me; O LORD, be my help. You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.” Psalm 30:10-12

as a State Chartered Bank

Servic ff e Makes the Di

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in Banking


MCSB Goldthwaite President Steve Patrick poses with employees Tammy Perry, and Dolores Cox in the bank lobby Friday.

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“Where Service Makes the Difference”

Member FDIC

Mills County’s Courthouse Offices

will be closed Nov. 11th

in observance of Veterans’ Day

In His Church Clothes

Fellowship Cruiser Jerry Rountree participated in the Trunk or Treat activity held in conjunction with the FUMC Harvest Festival Saturday in Goldthwaite. When asked about his costume, Jerry replied with a smile, “I didn’t dress up. This is how I always dress to go to church!”

4B - Nov. 4, 2015 • (325)648-2244

High Speed Internet Computer Sales and Repair

Call The Goldthwaite Eagle

TO ADVERTISE HERE! 325-648-2244

Schwartz Food Store 1500 Fisher St. -- 648-3313

*** GO EAGLES! ***

David, Danny and Carolyn J. Schwartz

The Goldthwaite Eagle

HAGAN HOHERTZ I Can Block You With My Eyes Closed!

1108 Fisher St. 325/648-2515 GO EAGLES!

WILSON HEATING & COOLING Goldthwaite • 325/648-3661 J. & Darrell Wilson

D-S-M Dairy Farms, Inc. Don & Sara Massey, Don Massey, Jr., Mariah & Darren Route 3 Box 119 • Goldthwaite, Texas 76844


SILVERIO ARREDONDO ENTRIES DUE EACH WEEK BY FRIDAY AT 3:00 PM The Closest Guess to the Score of the Varsity Goldthwaite Eagles Game Each Week Wins a prize.

First State Bank Central Texas

1301 Fisher Street - Goldthwaite

325-648-3013 MEMBER FDIC

Buying or Selling, Talk to



Mills Co. Abstract and Title Co. Tom F. Duren and Keri Roberts, Attorneys


Charles Miles, C.P.A. 1105 Parker • Goldthwaite


Mills County Eye Care, P.C. Melanie Bartek, O.D.

1020 Fourth Street • Goldthwaite • 648-2040

1301 Fisher - Goldthwaite • 325-648-3013 Member FDIC

Peabody’s Restaurant

1206 Fisher St. • 325-648-3708

EAGLE CHEERLEADERS Mallory Sutherland, Kaity Boese, Katie Whitted, Gwendolyn Johnson, Julia Goldsmith, Olivia Patterson and Rachel Brown


The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


Jansen Head

Nov. 5, 2015 -5B


Friday, Nov. 6 Hamilton


7:30 p.m.


Thursday, Nov. 5

@ Hamilton

7:30 p.m.


Thursday, Nov. 5

@ Hamilton

5:00 p.m.

Lawson Implement Co. Your John Deere Dealer

325/648-2272 - Hwy. 84 • Goldthwaite Farm Bureau Insurance Agent

Beau Powell

1621 Fisher Street • Goldthwaite


MILLS COUNTY STATE BANK 1017 Parker - 648-2216 Member FDIC - Equal Housing Lender

325-648-2251 1318 Fisher St. Goldthwaite


322 South Hwy 16 • Goldthwaite


McMahan Pharmacy 1107 Fisher - Goldthwaite Phone 325/648-2484

Body By Design


648-2319 - 1312 Fisher St

MC Artisan Guild & Gift Shop 1005 5th St. • 325-451-0587

Tackles for a Big Loss!

Gerald Hale - Attorney and Hale Title, Inc.

1412 Fisher St. • Goldthwaite • 325/648-2233

The Toddy House 325-966-3776

Jackie Williams Real Estate

325-648-2796 Mary’s Tacos


Hwy 183 S., Goldthwaite 325-648-3839

Higginbotham Brothers 2020 Fisher Street, Goldthwaite


Rountree Electric 325-648-3610

Mills County Medical Clinic Operated by Coryell Memorial Healthcare System 1510 Hannah Valley Road • Goldthwaite



6B - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

“One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.” Psalm 27:4-5

School Zone

By Dee Dee Wright GES Principal   2nd Grade won the Box Top collection on October 23rd!! The students and teachers, Mrs. Biehl, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Williams, enjoyed DQ Blizzards! The school collected $665 in box tops! Thank you! Thank you Mrs. Edington for organizing our box tops! Please continue to clip box tops and send these our way. We appreciate your support! We will have another collection in March.   GES Science Fair begins Wednesday, November 4th. Public viewing is 4:30-6:00. Parents/Students may pick up their projects on Thursday from 12:00-5:30.   GES Little Eagles ~3rd, 4th and 5th grades, will be in action this Friday, November 6th, weather permitting! Go Eagles, go!   GES Veterans Day program is Wednesday, November 11th from 8:30-9:30, in our Cafetorium. We are inviting all of our area Veterans. We look forward to honoring you!

A Walk Through the Gardens



Love, Mom, Adra & Beckah

Too Busy for Homemade Desserts? Let The Priddy Store Help

Desserts for Thanksgiving Taking orders til Nov. 20 Pick up Nov. 23 or 24 Place Orders Early

By Savannah Early Legacy Plaza   Thousands of years ago, people living in this area relied on native plants as a food source. Some of these, discussed in previous articles, consist of agarita berries, Texas persimmon, pecans, and Mexican plums. These fruits can be picked and eaten right off the plants, although most times they are more delicious made into a jelly or fruit pie. I enjoyed my first taste of Mexican plum jam this week and let me tell you it was heavenly! However, there are other native plants that produce fruits that can be harmful if ingested by hu-

Goldthwaite Chapter 909 Order of the Eastern Star will hold a meeting every second Thursday of the month

at 7:30 PM

Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie, Apple Pie, Italian Creme Cake, etc. Call for a complete list. Order Yours today


Covered Dish Supper at 6:30 PM

All OES are cordially invited Mary Rhoades, Worthy Matron Dusty Rhoades, Worthy Patron

mans. This week’s plant of the week, possumhaw holly, produces vibrant blood-red berries that are pretty to look at, but should never be eaten. Indigenous people had to develop the skill of recognizing poisonous berries from beneficial ones. This knowledge would be passed down through generations and was extremely important for the tribe’s survival.  Possumhaw holly, Ilex decidua, is a small tree that grows 8 to 12 feet tall. The trunk grows upright with smooth, thin, silver grey bark and twiggy horizontal branches. Its leaves are dark green, spoon-shaped and toothed around the edges. The top surface of the leaves are glossy and smooth. Possumhaw holly is deciduous, meaning that it will shed its leaves every winter. During these months, the female plants contribute a blaze of color to the winter landscape with their magnificent red berry display. These berries are the most distinctive part of the plant come November and make Ilex decidua a favorite winter ornamental amongst Texas gardeners.   Possumhaw holly is the widest ranging of all the hollies. It does well in most types of soil, and once established

Possumhaw Holly

it is drought resistant. It can grow in shade, however it will produce more fruit if grown in full sunlight. Its an important winter food source for native wildlife such as opossums, raccoons, and songbirds.   So this holiday season, “deck your halls with possumhaw holly, Fa La La La La…”

And don’t forget to come by and enjoy a walk through the gardens this week. The Welcome Center hours are Monday thru Thursday 9-4, Friday and Saturday 10-4 and Sunday 12:30-4:30. The entry fee is $5 for adults (17 and older) and free for children (16 and younger).

Mullin ISD Fall Festival WIN THIS QUILT: Pompey Mountain Church Quilters are raffling this beautiful quilt to help replenish supplies needed for their many projects such as the Pregnancy Care Center, the VA, honoring Veterans and helping those in need. Tickets are on sale from most church members, and at the Eagle Office. The quilt will be on display at the Ranch Land Country Store this Saturday. For tickets ($1 ea.) call Becky Gray, 451-7504 or Susan Garner, 254-216-3045.

Saturday, November 7 6:00-8:00 pm in Gymnasium Cake Walk! Booths! Prizes!! BINGO!! Lots of fun for everyone!

BARBIE BIRTHDAY: Athena Taylor celebrates at her fifth birthday party with Barbie and friends and family on Nov. 1. She and her parents, James and Jacklen Taylor, thank everyone for coming and celebrating with her!

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 7B • (325)648-2244

The Future’s So Bright

By Brian Whitt Goldthwaite Eagle   When Goldthwaite High School Principal Stephanie Behrens talks about new college opportunities for GHS students, her enthusiasm is infectious. This is a time of change in the way GCISD’s administration approaches preparation for college, and the changes have faculty and students alike excited with the possibilities.   As you walk the halls at GHS now, college banners representing some of Texas’ best-known universities announce that this new focus is serious business. Behrens said the banners hanging in the halls represent the district’s plan “to change the conversation from ‘Are you going to college?’ to ‘Where are you going to college?’” After the GCISD Facility Committee visited Roscoe ISD’s Early College campus, “Coach [Angie] Hermesmeyer took the lead and ordered some banners,” Behrens said.   According to Behrens, Superintendent Ronny Wright has been very supportive of one new strategy for introducing students to college. Math teacher Karen Greenway began taking students on a series of day-long visits to the campuses of Texas’ universities last year, and other members of the faculty have joined her in this effort. These campus tours give students valuable, firsthand knowledge of what they can expect after graduating from high school. Though distance makes some potential trips challenging, GHS students have already traveled to Angelo State University and more will visit the University of Texas at Austin, Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas State Technical College and Baylor University in Waco, and as many other schools as possible. “Geographically, we’re in a great location,” Behrens said.   Greenway said it’s import-

Banners for Angelo State and other universities hang in the halls of Goldthwaite High School. ant for students to begin planning for college early in their high school careers. Gaining admission to a major university requires strong academic performance and much more, and waiting until senior year to prepare for college is too long to wait. “I hope they’ll all go [on the campus tours],” she said.   GHS graduates who currently attend Texas universities are proving a valuable resource for these tours. When students traveled to Angelo State last year, familiar faces were there to introduce them to the university. Greenway said the tours typically consist of a meal at the university dining hall, an hour-and-ahalf tour of the campus, and a thirty minute residence hall visit. “We’re just trying to expose the kids to education outside of Goldthwaite,” Behrens said, “Whether it be a two-year college or a university, we want them to go and visit and get excited about furthering their education and bettering themselves.”   Behrens said after the trip to Angelo State University, students from that group stopped by her office to say how much they enjoyed the

Correction   The Eagle received this correction from Craig Adair, Development Manager for Pioneer Green Energy, following the publication of last week’s Commissioners’ Court report:   “In addition to taxes paid to area school districts, we expect to make direct payments to Priddy ISD under a tax agreement with the district called an “appraised value limitation” agreement. We anticipate that the agreement will provide for annual, direct payments to the school district, and we expect those payments will add up to a total of $700,000 over the first 15 years of the project’s operation. The annual payments will not be $700,000 each.”   We apologize for the error.

experience. Therein lies the key to preparing students for life after high school - when the kids are engaged, they’re more likely to pursue a course of action. “Every year, we’re going to take each class to one college campus,” Behrens said. “I’m grateful...that Mr. Wright agrees that [these campus tours are] important, too.”   Behrens said GHS is seeking more collegiate banners to hang in the halls, and donations of banners from anyone interested in taking part in this effort are more than welcome. Collegiate banners cost around $30 apiece, and there are a multitude of colleges. The banners can come from any university, not just those in Texas, and every banner represents a gateway to higher education for GHS students. What Does A College Education Mean in Today’s Working World?   If you think success comes easy, Thane Hayhurst can tell you otherwise. He has owned multiple businesses, including one he started as a boy in New Zealand and a computer services company he built in Dallas. Founder

of Dallas-based iTalent Consulting, Hayhurst now helps experienced computer programmers, supply-chain analysts, project managers, and a wide range of technology and sales professionals find high-paying jobs.   What does it take to get a great job after graduating from college? Hayhurst says there are several factors, and most important of all is developing strong people skills and the ability to communicate. It is also “absolutely critical to find work in college,” he said Friday, and he encourages students to seek internships and other work opportunities in their desired career fields. Given the opportunity to observe Hayhurst’s process for evaluating resumes, you quickly come to understand that trying to impress a potential employer with anything other than proven skills and a reputation for doing good work won’t get you far. If your resume is lacking, it won’t get a second look.   How much does college play into getting those jobs? Hayhurst said most employers he deals with prefer to hire someone with at least a bachelor’s degree. Hayhurst

Thank You

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel in my heart to everyone who sent up prayers for me and all the health issues I have had recently. I know God was listening and was directing the events that happened placing me in the right places to receive the best health care possible at Brownwood Regional Hospital in Brownwood and at Shannon Regional Heart Center in San Angelo.   My family and friends have stood strong and have been there for me every step of the way. Thank you to them and to all on “Facebook” who answered the request for prayers on my behalf. Also thank you Lord for answering prayers for others who have had health issues recently. Without God’s blessings, where would we be? I am happy to be home and getting stronger every day. Just know that each phone call, card, visit and every act of kindness was so welcome and appreciated. God is good and people in Mills County are great people. Thank you Merlyne Long

excelled as a dual major in New Zealand, and his college marketing classes gave him an advantage when he applied for a marketing job after graduation. The people he helps place in top jobs have also excelled academically, but academic pitfalls exist that can sideline workers with advanced degrees. “I have some friends with Ph.D.s who are highly sought after and skilled, and some too specialized” to get the jobs they desire, Hayhurst said. Chander Dhall, a $30,000-a-week consultant Hayhurst characterizes as one of the world’s foremost experts on software development, architecture and practices, told Hayhurst he didn’t really learn to write computer code properly until he completed his master’s degree.   What are employers looking for today? Hayhurst said there is a shortage of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) graduates, and he said business grads are also in demand. “More education is better than less, unless they’re using it as an excuse to avoid responsibility,” Hayhurst stated. Grades are important, too. Hayhurst said anything below a 3.5 GPA doesn’t typically get much traction. Other factors play pivotal roles as well. According to Hayhurst, students who do unskilled work in college will have more trouble getting noticed than those who find work with businesses related to their degree plans.   What does this have to do with Goldthwaite’s students? Hayhurst said that as Baby Boomers retire, plenty of jobs are opening up for the next generation. There are potential entrepreneurs and technology professionals, doctors, scientists, graphic artists, agribusiness leaders, and more right here in Mills County, and all they need is a spark to launch their careers. With GCISD’s new focus on preparing them earlier

for college, they’re getting a jumpstart on success in life, gaining access to priceless knowledge and skills once inaccessible to high school students. Hayhurst said that getting an early start on college provides evidence of intellectual prowess students can carry with them throughout their lives. Why Focus on Early College Classes and Preparation?   College costs more than it ever has, with some universities like Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon currently assessing over $50,000 per year in tuition and fees alone. Texas A&M and the University of Texas charge a more reasonable $9,000-$10,000 a year, but being able to take college classes in high school is becoming ever more attractive because of these costs, which don’t take into account housing, food and other expenses. GCISD administrators hope to make it possible for more local students to receive the kind of education that will give them access to good jobs without leaving them financially crippled. Stories of students graduating with unmanageable education debt are a staple of national news reporting, and early college is one way of mitigating that problem.   Those banners in the halls at GHS aren’t there because they’re colorful, or because school administrators and teachers support the colleges’ football teams. They’re symbols of the new direction Goldthwaite Consolidated Independent School District is taking, a direction that will, with hard work and dedication, give local high school students access to a bright future. Referring to the campus tours, Principal Behrens said, “This is a great opportunity and experience for our kids,” an experience that will help shape the trajectory of their lives.

8B - Nov. 4, 2015 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Goldthwaite Health and Rehabilitation Center Fall Festival


Notice is hereby given that a Hearing to discuss the 2015 School First Rating for Priddy Independent School District will be held Monday, November 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the lunchroom located at 1375 SH 16 N. Priddy, Texas. Public notice of hearing to discuss school first rating. 10-28-2tc

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 9B • (325)648-2244

GCISD hires Huckabee for high school project

By James Taylor Goldthwaite Eagle   With a unanimous recommendation by the GCISD Facility Committee and on a unanimous vote by the board of trustees, Huckabee Inc. was hired last week as architects for the Goldthwaite High School upgrade project.   “Guys, you're going to be pleased, I guarantee you,” Committee Chair Bobby Rountree said. “They're ready to hit the ground running. They've got a strong team and they've already got a lot of information about the school itself.”   Huckabee will begin work on the project later this month, and in January, will host an Architect For a Day event,

inviting the public, teachers, committee members and the board to talk about concepts for the facility.   On a motion by trustee Cheston Francis and second by trustee Rodney Spies during their Nov. 2 regular meeting, the board voted 7-0 to contract with Huckabee.   Terms of the contract are $1,000 in preparation work helping the district prepare for a bond election, and then six percent of the cost of new construction and seven-anda-half percent on renovation construction. Superintendent Ronny Wright said this was a half-percent less on new construction than was paid for the new Goldthwaite Elementary School.

The board will meet Friday, Nov. 6, noon at the superintendent's office to discuss and take action on a delivery method for the construction project.

Early College High School   A miscommunication between the trustees and committee has led to more questions than answers on the proposed Early College High School program, similar to what is provided in Roscoe.  GCISD administration has discussed an educational model that allows graduating seniors to leave GHS with up to two years of college credits.   Trustees charged the Facility Committee with advising

the board on whether to build a new high school or renovate the existing facility, with the goal of infrastructure that could support an early college program if the district moves to that model in the future.   Rountree said he and the committee thought the board wanted research and a recommendation also on whether and how to implement such a program.   “We feel like we can't do research on the Early College High School and due diligence on the facilities and do justice to both of them,” Rountree said. “They're two separate issues... I thought that was one of our charges. I thought that's what I was told.”

Rountree suggested more early college schools than Roscoe be looked at, and that the board should appoint an internal committee of teachers and staff to study what an Early College High School is and what model would work best in Goldthwaite.   “It's great to graduate with college credits and go into college as a late sophomore or early junior, but concerns have been expressed that we don't want our kiddos to miss out on high school. We want them to have fun,” Rountree said.   Board president Charles Miles said going to such a model would be an administrative and board decision. Wright agreed.

“Any curriculum we discuss today can be implemented in any facility we put together,” Wright said. “I don't know how...people drew the connotation that you were responsible for the Early College High School, because that's never been part of the process other than when we asked you to go look... That's all the board's and administration's decision. We are researching it. That's the reason it's out there in the community.”   Wright said he felt the Commissioner of Education and the Texas Education Agency will be directing high schools to move toward the early college model in the future.


Mills County is currently accepting sealed bids for equipment to be purchased. The equipment is for a used 260 Hp tractor and a new tractor mounted rock crusher. Bids will be accepted until 9:00 am on November 23, 2015 at which time they will be opened in Commissioners’ Court. Bids can be turned into County Judge’s office at Mills County Courthouse or mail to by date given. Specifications can be obtained from the County Judge’s office 325-648-2222 or from Commissioner Jed Garren 325938-6138. Mills County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Address bids to: Mills County c/o Bids for Tractor & Rock Crusher P.O. Box 483 Goldthwaite, TX 76844

ROAD WORK: Goldthwaite City crews have been busy retopping Goldthwaite streets over the past week. Be careful!

Ranch Land Country Store Halloween Costumes Abound

GOLF WINNERS: The big winners of our Tuesday Golf scramble are : Craig Auldridge ( is just me or does it seem like Craig has been winning a lot of late),Steve Smith, James Crumley and Greg Hammack. Due to time change and because most of us have a hard enough time finding our Golf Balls in broad daylight; this was our last regular Tuesday Scramble. We resume our Tuesday Scramble with the "Spring Forward" time change in the Spring.

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; Ranch Land Country Store customers were treated to some fun costumes last week my heart trusts in him, as the staff and kids got into the spirit of Halloween. Left: Store staff and kids dress up and I am helped. My for Halloween. Right: Carl and The Other Carl show off for the camera. heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.” Psalm 28:7-9

... say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.” Isaiah 35:4

Family Practice Clinic of Mills County Clinic Hours are Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm

325-648-2850 Located at 1501 W. Front Street, Goldthwaite , Texas

A partnership of Mills County Rural Health, Inc. and Hamilton Healthcare System





The Witch of Hannah Valley Road (Melissa Duren) poses with Trick or Treaters Saturday night. The Witch sized up the kids, but decided all were a little too big to be cooked in her cauldron. She prefers smaller, more tender children for her wicked stew.


00 -12:


A M S P I TA L 0 0 : 7 AL HO 9




CHLOEE SMITH as Minnie Mouse

HALLOWEEN CUTIES: Lindsay Gross, Brinleigh Harvey, Rani House and Kiera Harvey pose for a quick photo during Trick or Treating.

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10B - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

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SAT., NOV. 7, 2015 @ 11 AM

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Offering approximately 700 head of quality replacement cows and heifers. 400 bred heifers from one ranch. 300 bred cows and heifers from reputable small consignors.


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Holiday Market

Nov. 14, 9-4 Hamilton Fair Park 1007 Park Rd @ Alamo Book sale, Kids Korner, FARMERS PROPANE Salsa Contest 254-372-3120

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500 Second Street - Goldthwaite, Texas


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LAMPASAS CITY-WIDE GARAGE SALE: Saturday, NOVEMBER 7, 8 am to 3 pm. Downtown Lampasas. Booths $30. Call 512-5565434. 10-7-5tc RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CLEANING: affordable rates. Regular and Deep Cleaning. References available. Call 512-734-2441 for appt. 1014-4tp GARAGE SALE: Paintings, wall art, chairs, misc. odds & ends. 1511 Fisher Street, Sat. 8 am to ? 11-4-1tp WANTED GRASS OR GRAZING LEASE: Coastal, Native Pasture or Ranch Land. Call 325-330-0329. 10-21-tfn HUNTING LEASE AVAILABLE: Coryell County, available 1/1/2016, 3 hunters, $1,500 each. Contact Anita at 325-752-6424. 1028-4tf FOR SALE 36 volt golf cart refurbished into high torque black rhino hunting cart. 4” lift, gun/bow racks, front storage rack, LED light bar, 500 amp controller, 3 sided enclosure. $6,800 512-5170626. They will never hear you coming. 11-4-2tp CONCEALED HANDGUN CLASS: Last One this Year! Nov. 21st, 9 am to 3:30 pm, hot lunch. Farley’s, 325648-3402. 11-4-1tp OLD PHOTOGRAPHS copied and restored. See LEON SUTHERLAND PHOTOGRAPHY, 1015 Fourth St., Goldthwaite, 325-648-3498. 11-4-1tc Call today to advertise here. Advertising Works! 325648-2244

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Mills County Home Health CNA- PRN Needed


Mills County Home Health 325-648-2263 or 325-648-3077 · 1510 Hanna Valley · Goldthwaite, TX 76844 Or send your application to: Coryell Memorial Healthcare System · Human Resources · 1507 W. Main Street · Gatesville, Texas 76528 · 254-248-6386 or Fax 254-248-6288 · E-Mail web site:

Mills County Home Health Services 1510 Hannah Valley (Located in the Mills County Medical Clinic) Goldthwaite, TX 76844

325-648-2263 or 325-648-3077   Texas Auto Exchange is taking applications for a full time automotive detail technician and a full time tire technician. We offer a fun, relaxed environment, competitive pay, overtime pay, paid holidays and paid vacation.   Pay depends on experience. All applicants must be over 21 years of age. Apply in person at Texas Auto Exchange 710 Fisher St. Goldthwaite.

Advertise here for all your employment needs! Call The Eagle 325-648-2244

DOVE HILL CARE CENTER is now looking for the best of the best. If you are that person please come in to apply for the following positions now available or call Jennifer Gooding DON or Starla Dyson ADM for more information. ADON position available; C.N.A’s Full Time with $500 signon bonus; LVN’S PRN; Medication Aid PRN; Assisted Living Staff PRN. Dove Hill Care Center & Villas 1315 E. State Hwy 22 Hamilton, TX 76531 # 254-3863171. Dove Hill is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 7-1-1tfn GOLDTHWAITE HEALTH AND REHAB is taking applications for 6 pm - 6 am CNAs. Apply at 1207 Reynolds or call 325648-2258. 9-30-tfn HELP WANTED: Sales person/ internet sales. No experience required. Positive work atmosphere. Competitive pay, health insurance, 401k. Call 648-2273 for application. 5-13-tfn HILLVIEW MANOR is now taking applications for Certified Nurse Aides for 2 pm to 10 pm and PRN shifts. $1,000 sign on bonus in effect. Apply in person at 1110 Rice Street or call 325648-2247. 6-10-tfn CLASS A CDL TRUCK DRIVER needed full time. Apply at JC Smith Co., 471 S. Hwy 16, San Saba. 8-12-tfn NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR COOK: $8-$15 per hour depending on experience. Apply at Diamond R Cafe in Zephyr or email 7-29-tfn HELP WANTED: PRIME FRESH FOODS needs Full Time & Seasonal General Labor. Send resume to PO Box 1377, Goldthwaite, TX 76844. 10-7-tfn HILLVIEW MANOR has an opening for LVN or RN, 2 pm to 10 pm shift. Apply in person at 1110 Rice Street or call 325-6482247. 10-28-tfn FULL TIME HELP WANTED: Electrical experience required. 325-648-3610. 10-14-tfn AMERICAN GREETINGS is looking for Retail Merchandisers in Goldthwaite, TX. As a member of our team, you will ensure the greeting card department is merchandised and maintained to provide customers the best selection of cards and product to celebrate life’s events. Apply at: Questions? Call 1.888.323.4192. 10-24-3tp Priddy ISD is accepting application for a full-time or part-time maintenance person. Pay starts at $12.00 an hour. Contact Priddy ISD at 325-966-3323 for more info. Or applications are available online at: 10-28-tfn Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. has full-time job openings in our Install & Repair Department for a Support Technician and an I&R Technician. Our Customer Service Department has an opening for a Customer Service Representative. Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Experience preferred. If interested, call Kristi Gross at (325) 648-2237, or pick up an application and job description at one of our offices - 1012 Reilley in Goldthwaite or 208 E. Brown in San Saba. Email your resume to This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 11B • (325)648-2244

Georgia Deeds


NEW 23.86+/- acres with beautiful Oak groves throughout property. A sloping terrain travels from the front of the property all the way to the back that ends in a terraced field. Amenities include barn, holding pen, septic and a water well that was working when last used. This property offers everything from hunting and agriculture to livestock and recreation. Located on a private road 7.5 miles NW of Goldthwaite. $75,000   NEW 20.32+/- acres with paved road access off of FM 218 in Mills County. This property has abundant cover for hunting and a variety of grasses available for livestock. Amenities include two tanks, a hunter’s cabin, shed, electricity, and holding pens for livestock. Several oak groves are located on the property. $70,000   NEW 680+/- acres - Coleman County - Quail, Deer, Turkey, Dove and other wildlife. There is a 2/1 farm house by the highway and a 3/2 mobile home on the back of the ranch. Ranch has four ponds, three windmills, four additional wells, public water and public access on two sides, electricity in several locations, old barns, working pens. The property is on Hwy. 153 West of Coleman. All for $2,495 per acre.   NEW 460+/- Acres - Coleman County - Two windmills, two wells, three ponds, public water, 3/2 mobile home, electricity, barns, working pens. The property is on CR 440 west of Coleman. $2,595 per acre   398+/- Acres - 3/2 Brick home with fireplace, HVAC, porches, shop, cattle pens, old SOLD barn with excellent hill top views overlooking the home and fields below with 4 tanks and a well. Call for appointment 1857 FM 581 Lometa for $3,195/acre   374+/- Acres - Two tanks, live oaks, pecans & other trees, great views, old windmill by old farm house, SW Hamilton County. 182 CR 533 Star, for $2,100/acre   3.418 +/- Acres on Hwy 183 in Lometa, 15570 N US 183. Great Commercial Location in Lometa. $49,500.   NEW 1607 Earl St. - Goldthwaite. 3 BR/2 BA, 1677 sq. ft. +/- (MCAD) brick home with metal (roof less than 5 years), CH/A, kitchen with walk-in pantry, den with UNDER CONTRACT gas fireplace, utility and formal living area. Two-car garage with garage door opener and ample storage. Patio with cover, sprinkler system (in front of home) and chain-link fence in the back yard. Close to both schools. $120,000   10 S West Ridge, Priddy - Two homes on this property, a 3/2.5/2 & a 3/2, 2,653 & 1,494 square feet in each home! First home has two living areas sun room small office and a gas fireplace. Nice landscaping, Call for Appointment, for $75,000   106 S Fifth, Lometa - 3/2/4UNDER Large family room, open kitchen/dining, HVAC on a CONTRACT large corner lot with extra space and a metal shed, for $39,500   703 E Liveoak & FM 581, Lometa - Open lot on FM 581 east of the city of Lometa, has public water available. Great views for a home, for $10,000



Ann Stegemoller, Realtor, 254-216-1174, Jonathon Williams, Realtor, 254-319-0727, Mike Williams, Broker, 254-319-0724,

We Appreciate Your Business! 325-648-2796 •

Ranch & Hunting Land Specialist


NEW! Beautiful 2 story 3/2 on 18 acres. Great hunting. Wet weather creek.. ..MOTIVATED! REDUCED!..........................................................................................$269,500 NEW! 590+/- Acres ... Brick home, in ground pool. Barns, shop. Spring fed creek. Tanks. Live oaks and rolling hills..............................................................................$2,950/acre NEW! 602+/- Acres ... 2 wells, 2-2 cabin w/ C/H with septic, pond, fenced, wind energy income, great hunting ..........................................................................$2,750/acre NEW! 980+/- Acres ... Beautiful ranch. Lake stocked with fish. Creeks, live oaks, pecans, & shinnery. Rolling. Double wide manufactured home, large garage. Metal shop. Pens. Paved road frontage...............................................................$2,675/acre NEW! 35+/- Acres ... Remodeled 3/2 home, large barn, stock tank, wet weather creek. Great cover and lots of wildlife! ..MOTIVATED! REDUCED.............................$350,000 25+/- Acres ... Oak motts, good grass, well, electric. Fenced, ag exempt, Hwy 84 frontage .......................................................................................................$3,995/acre 79 +/- Acres ... w/heavy cover of oaks, barn, shed, water well, electricity, good fences and convenient to town and a great place to build! ............................$3,400/acre 79+/- Acres ... 2/2 home, mother-in-law cabin, barn, 3 tanks, wet weather creek, beautiful trees loaded with wildlife... many other amenities.........REDUCED..................$365,000 NEW! 83 acres ... wet weather creek, scattered to heavy cover, approx. 35 SOLD acres of cultivation....................................................................................................$2,595/acre NEW! 84.81 Acres. Great combo place. Mesquite cover, tank, Ag Exempt, cultivation, beautiful views, good grazing.................................................................$2,450/acre 96.29 Acres ... Nice tank, wet weather creek, older farm house, elec. ..................$3,495/acre 96 Acres ... with newer Palm Harbour DW and cabin, metal bldg - 2 tanks, creek, SOLD wooded, great hunting .................................................................................................. 92 Acres ... Rolling hills w/heavy cover of pecans, walnuts, oaks, and seasonal deep creek through property, fenced, excellent hunting! .........................$3,250/acre 108+/- Acres ... live creek, ponds, oaks & pecans, cabin, good hunting .....................$443,500 160 Acres ... 2/1 home, barn, pens, grazing, hunting...................REDUCED........$2,500/acre 189+/- Acres ... w/Blanket Creek, two homes, good cover, fenced and more ........ $4,299/acre NEW 194+/- Acres with 3/2 home. Heavy cover of post oak, live oak, spanish oak, SOLD & shinnery, stocked tank, amazing hunting .................................................................$748,000 220+/- Acres ... cabin, ponds, spring fed creek, rolling hills, pecans and liveoaks. SOLD Paved road access and good hunting..................................................................... $3,400/acre 325 Acres ... Live oaks, rolling, 4 tanks, well, great hunting...MOTIVATED...........$2,550/acre 495 Acres ... Hilltop views, beautiful hardwoods, spring fed tank, great hunting...............................................................................................REDUCED............$2,595/acre 530 +/- Acres ... near Democrat. Paved road frontage. Rolling terrain, liveoaks, 3 tanks, deer everywhere. Large older farm house. MOTIVATED.........................$2,450/acre 118 Acres... Well, electricity, fenced ........................................................................$3,495/acre RESIDENTIAL NEW! 2211 Fisher, 6+/- acres with 3/2 brick home, metal roof, metal shop, pens, orchard, office/storage bilding. MOTIVATED! By appt. only ......................................................$209,000 NEW! 1307 Second St.,3/2, brick, metal roof, large yard, 2 car garage.....................$124,500 NEW! 1720 W. Elza ... Renovated 2/1, granite countertops, stunning bathroom, privacy fence...................................................................REDUCED..............................$99,500 1297 Trent St. ... 6.89 Acres, beautiful custom 3/2 home, large barn on manicured acreage, in town butSOLD private........................................................................$398,888 402 W. Ridgeview ... Recently renovated 3/1 rock home with metal roof. Large fenced yard ready to move in with new appliances................$99,500 .........................REDUCED TO $85,000 410 W. Sherman, Mullin, TX ... 3/2 d/w home, large metal barn/workshop on large lot with well and city sewer. ......................................REDUCED..........................$134,500



325-648-2700 Georgia Deeds Owner - Agent

325 451-0143

Bobby E. Deeds, II Broker

Visit Our Web Site for Pictures of All Our Listings

1004 Fourth Street Goldthwaite, Tx

Janette Padgett, Agent 325 938-6671

Serving Central Texas for Over 25 Years


FEATURED LISTING   NEW TO MARKET: 100 Acres located approx. 4 miles Northwest on Goldthwaite on CR 510. Property has new to very good perimeter fences with one side high fenced. Terrain is gentle rolling with Live oak, Mesquite and some Cedar. Water is provided by one stock tank and an 18 g.p.m. well (per recent test). Property has no improvements & approx.1/4 mile road frontage. Priced to move at only $2,995 per acre.   7 Acres: 4 miles Northwest of Goldthwaite CONTRACT PENDING with 2 BR, 1 BA home, 2 wells, barn & pens. $105,000   312 Acres Southeast of Goldthwaite. Secluded ranch with good hunting & 2 tanks for fishing. Improvements include 3 bedroom 2 bath home, barn & storage buildings. Varied terrain from bottom land to hill tops with good cover of timber including live oak, cedar, pecan & others. Priced to move at $2,695/ acre RANC Ranch has 1 wind turbine with associated revenues to convey. H We are taking consignments for our next Equipment Auction to be held October 10, 2015 at our lot in Goldthwaite

LIVE OAK REALTY & AUCTION Glen Love Jr. Broker - Auctioneer Chase Love Auctioneer # 16370




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56+/- Acres located on the Mills/Brown Co. line. This property is a great small acreage hunting- get away property or a nice location for a permanent residence.There is a great cover of trees and wet weather creeks throughout the property.The manufactured home located on the property provides a comfortable place to stay. There is electricity, phone service and two sources of water on the property. To schedule an appt. to look at this property, give us a call. PRICE REDUCED $260,000 **MOTIVATED SELLER**   120+/- Acres in Mills County.The property consists of a heavily wooded creek and open fields that have not been worked this year. There is electricity and an older water well (condiCONTRACT PENDING tion unknown) on the property. If you are looking for a good hunting/recreational property, or a place to run livestock, take a look at this property. Priced at $2,700 per acre   300+/- Acres with a house located in northern Mills Co. This property is a good combination ranch with a mixture of open areas and cover. The water well on the property is in good working condition, and supplies water to the house and livestock. Give us a call to look at this property. Priced at $3,500 per acre.   326+/- Acres located north of Priddy just inside the Comanche County line. There are two stock tanks and one windmill located on the property.The property has a combination of oak, mesquite, and cedar trees with rolling hills and great views. If you are looking for a good hunting/ranching property or a place to build a house with great views, take a look at this one. Priced at $2,750 per acre   495+/- Acres located south of Goldthwaite.This property has good grass and tree cover with elevation changes. The property is currently being used to run cattle and for deer hunting. There are three tanks located on the property, one of them is spring fed. This property is priced at $2,595 per acre    NEW 1206 W. 6th - 1BR, 1.5 BA, office space that could be converted into a second bedroom, walk-in closet, washer and dryer hookups, carport, fenced backyard. Priced at $49,500 REDUCED TO $47,000   NEW 87.95 +/- Acres located in Eastland Co. This property is near the community of Desdemona. The property consists of primarily an open coastal field with a small amount of cover. There are several irrigation wells on the property that were used at one time for peanut production. This property would be great for cattle or hay production. Priced at $3,500 per acre.

325-966-3900 Office

Priddy Office: 1348 S. Hwy. 16 N., Priddy, Texas 76870 Goldthwaite Office: 1010 Fisher Street, Goldthwaite, TX 76844

Clarence Grelle, Broker 325-451-0032

Clint Hammonds, Sales Agent 325-451-4140 Connie Grelle, Sales Agent 325-451-0204 Brandon Sides, Sales Agent 254-842-8980 Honest • Dependable • Ready to Earn Your Business Buying or Selling - Give Us a Call

12B - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


1416 Parker Street • Goldthwaite,TX • 325-648-2648 Becky Long, Agent/Manager, 325-451-4092 Cell; 325-938-5555 Home Curtis Lingle, Agent, 325-451-0195; Peggy York, Agent, 325-938-6434 Joyce Martin, Broker 325-451-7551

ACREAGE NEW 96.59 Acres great hunting property with heavy cover and open areas. Wet weather creek runs through property. $309,000 162.81 Acres perfect place to ranch with good grasses, a tank, well, elec., barn and cross fenced. $2,350/acre 24.4 Acres with completely remodeled 2 story country home, 3/2, +/-1,800 sq.ft. with bonus room. Pens, sheds,loading chutes, ag exempt, set up for goat operation, excellent fences, storage, 2 water wells, 2 septic tanks, quiet setting. $325,000 1.944 Acres, on FM 573 South, #11 CR 550, with 2/1 home. Remodeled, painted, metal roof, many more amenities. $97,000 14.31 acres. in Spring Creek Ranch Subd. Lots of cover, scattered oaks with cedar, no fence, no water, no electricity. $3,000 per acre. Possibly could purchase additional 45 acres. 21.15 acres. Good well, lots of cover, no fencing. $3,400/ ac. Motivated Seller-MAKE OFFER 495.2 acres. great recreation/hunting with spring fed tank, good cover and elevation changes. $2,595/acre 338.85 acres. Beautiful property with views, cover for wild life, well, on pavement. $2,775/acre - HUGE REDUCTION! COME LOOK! LAKE FRONT: Coleman County For Sale: SPACIOUS 2,400 sq. ft., 3/2 home on 3 lots. Fish house, storage building and RV shed. $125,000 COMMERCIAL East Front Street - Warehouse with two loading docks, hay/equipment barn. $105,000 1115 Front Street - lot. $12,000 negotiable. Could be purchased with additional lot with building. 905 W. 3rd - formerly Mike’s Barber Shop, great business location, metal building and roof, CH/A, detached carport ... $85,000. Additional lot could be purchased.

Corner of East Front St. & 4th St - 9,400 sq. ft. warehouse with docks on .34 acres. $110,000 LOTS Brooks Adn. 2 adj. corner lots. $14,500 ea or $24,900 for both 1810 W. Proctor - 2 separate lots on cul-de-sac. Located near schools. $13,500 each RESIDENTIAL 1505 Freedom - Large brick home, 2074 sq. ft - 3 BR, 2 1/2 BA, extra room for office/den/TV room. Lots of amenities. $175,000 #31 Quail Ridge Dr: Large spacious brick home on the hill. 3/2, fireplace, quiet neighborhood. $235,000 709 2nd Street - 3 BR, 2 BA, 1296 sq. ft. Needs some TLC. $50,000 701 4th St. - Lovely remodeled older home with new addition on corner lot. Would make a great Bed & Breakfast! Over 3200 sq. ft. 4 or possibly 5 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. Some original features were kept. Some new features added. High ceilings, in-ground pool in lovely garden setting and privacy fence. $195,000 BIG REDUCTION $175,000. By Appt. Only. HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELLER 1906 Peach Street - 1.41 acres w/1998 Fleetwood DW, 3 BR, 2 BA, great location with city utilities. $79,500 TO BE MOVED: Total electric 2010 Oak Creek Man. Home, 3/2, 1488 sq. ft. Textured walls with crown molding. Call to see! $58,900. EXTREMELY MOTIVATED SELLER, MAKE REASONABLE OFFER!




RESIDENTIAL • 1518 Parker - Things Changed! Back on market! VERY NICE, recently remodeled 3/2, brick, CH/A, attached double garage, fenced back yard with storm cellar, good location. Call Grayson for appt. to see. $99,500 • 1712 Reynolds - VERY NICE brick, 4/2, CH/A, large living room with fireplace and vaulted ceiling, large den, att. dbl. carport, storage, fenced backyard on large corner lot. “Move-in Ready.” $170,000. Call Gary. • 1702 Cline - Near schools, DON’T BE FOOLED FROM STREET ABOUT SIZE! MCAD shows approx. 2,700 sq. ft. Brick, CH/A, 3/1.75, living - dining - den with fireplace, game room, att. carport. RECENT UPGRADES. $92,500. • 808 Barrow – 3 BR, 1.5 bath, CH/A, carport, storage bldg., fenced backyard with nice trees. $69,500. Call SOLD Gary. RANCHES • 59+/- ACRES - SE of Goldthwaite, paved road frontage, open fields/pasture that has had productive coastal SOLD bermuda, fenced and cross fenced, stock tank. $125,000 • 75+/- ACRES - Approx. 8 mi. SE of Goldthwaite on FM 572, 3/2 brick, CH/A, fireplace, attached carports, older BUT in good, sound condition. Pecan trees, native pasture and old fields, nice liveoaks and scattered cover on hilltop, small stock tank, good well, deer and dove. $275,000 • NEW 172+/- ACRES - FM 572 close to town with tremendous hilltop views. VERY NICE (2294 sq. ft. MCAD) 3/3, CH/A, fireplace, covered deck, carport. Many improvements in recent years. GOOD WORKING & RECREATIONAL RANCH. Varied terrain. Excellent fences. Approx. 2,800 sq. ft. barn, shed, bunk on slab with approx. 1500 sq. ft. sheds on dirt, plus another 1400 sq. ft shed. Some improved grasses and native pasture. Good cover provides hunting for deer, turkey and dove. Good well and stock tanks. CR 305 on backside off hilltop. A place to have houses, cattle, sheep, goats &/or all-terrain vehicles. $876,000. Call Grayson for appt. to see. • NEW • 110+/- ACRES - approx. 9 mi. NW of Goldthwaite with Co. Rd. frontage. Good combination hunting - ranching place. EXTREMELY NICE AND MOVE-IN READY 3/2, brick, CH/A, open kitchen - living, att. dbl. garage, all elect. good well, good fences, pens, stock tank, small field, good cover of nice liveoaks, cedar, mesquite and other. You must see to appreciate. $467,000 • 12.25+/- ACRES - Hwy 16 S on N side of hwy, very close to town, nice oaks and pecans, small stock tank, fenced and cross-fenced. $60,000 OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED. • 140+/- ACRES - approx. 3 miles SE of Goldthwaite, VERY NICE 3,000+ sq. ft. brick, 4/3.5, open den-living w/fireplace, CH/A, att. dbl. garage. Nice live oaks, three wells, storage tank, 50x50 livestock barn, 40x60x14 metal barn/shop/RV storage on slab w/att. 20’shed, 1,000+/- improved pecan trees in 3 orchards, 2 are irrigated, 3 stock tanks, seasonal creek, some coastal bermuda, deer, turkey, dove. $800,000. By appt. only. Call Grayson • 250+/- ACRES - Approx. 6 miles South of Goldthwaite on Co. Rd. 412. Two story log cabin 4/1, upstairs has outdoor deck. Elec., well, septic, seasonal creek, heavy cover of primarily cedar and live oak. Has had some selective clearing of cedar. Located in the area of some of the best hunting in Mills County. Deer, turkey, dove, quail, hogs. $2,900 per ac. COMMERCIAL & OTHER DOWNTOWN Goldthwaite, Fisher & 3rd, ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT BUSINESS, recognized by Texas Monthly, turnkey operation. $550,000

All listings appreciated and will be worked in a professional manner.


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MILLS COUNTY PROPERTIES 184 acres on CR 315 & 318: Scenic ranch with great views, 2 water wells, 2 barns, travel trailer, good fences, good hunting. $3,150 per acre. (will divide & sell 120 ac for $2,950/ac) 303.48 acres on Hwy 84 at the NE edge of Goldthwaite: This is a great ranching and hunting property with exceptional development potential to divide into smaller properties. You have to see the views from the hilltop! $2,995/acre. BROWN COUNTY PROPERTIES 5215 Tamarack Dr. at Thunderbird Bay with Lake Brownwood frontage: 2 BR, 1 bath cabin w/large covered deck, a carport, storage bldg., private boat dock & pier. $107,000. SAN SABA COUNTY PROPERTIES 3.2 acres with very nice 2/1 rock home in Richland Springs. $69,900. 5.68 acres with Colorado River frontage; a nice 3/2 double-wide home & 30’x30’ metal building. $179,000.

36.67 acre weekend retreat with a small cabin & good hunting. $172,000. REDUCED TO $159,000 300 acres of raw tree & brush covered pasture land. Great hunting. $2,950/acre. 1510 acres with ½ mile Colorado River frontage, large lake, 5/3 lodge, huge metal barn, exceptional hunting & fishing. $3,500/acre. Check out our website for more details on these and other listings.

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FOR RENT: Eagle’s Nest Village - Homes starting at $375 Per. Mo. Contact Manager at 325-998-1543. tfn FOR RENT: Two one-bedroom apartments available, 325-451-0953. 9-2-tfn BROOKS ADDITION: Brick home for lease. Living room with pan ceiling. 3 BR, 2 1/2 bath, 4 walk-in closets, bonus room, central heat & A/C, double garage, large fenced back yard. Call Shillings 325-648-2186. 1028-5tp LAND FOR SALE: 13 acres, 2 wells, 2 septic system, 2 electric meters. REDUCED $68,000. Call 254368-5141. 9-30-tfn NEW! Spacious 2br, 1 ba, 2 carports Apartment. All appliances, huge covered deck. 648-2920 10-30-1tc HOUSE ON RANCH FOR RENT: 3 bd/ 2.5 BA, 8 miles out of Goldthwaite, 1/4 mile of pavement on Hwy 16, very nice house in great setting. Call 979-575-0529 for application and more information. 11-4-4tp


On July 13, 2009, the Public Utility Commission of Texas designated CGKC&H #2 Rural Limited Partnership d/b/a West Central Wireless and d/b/a Right Wireless (“WCW”) the “Eligible Telecommunications Carrier” for its service area for universal service purposes. The goal of universal service is to provide all citizens access to essential telecommunications services.

On June 11, 2007, the Public Utility Commission of Texas designated CT Cube, L.P. d/b/a West Central Wireless and d/b/a Right Wireless (“WCW”) the “Eligible Telecommunications Carrier” for its service area for universal service purposes. The goal of universal service is to provide all citizens access to essential telecommunications services.

• Voice grade access to the public switched network or its equivalent • Minutes of local service usage provided at no additional charge • Emergency services such as 9-1-1 • Toll blocking for qualifying consumers Use of these services may result in added charges including taxes, surcharges, and fees.




WCW provides single party residence (with unlimited local usage) and business service for rates which range from $24.00 for residential customers to $34.00 per month for business customers. The voice telephony service you subscribe to is supported by federal universal service. Such services include access to:

Gary Proffitt, Sales Associate

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BIDS DUE DEC 1 RED RIVER FARM & RANCH Red River County, TX ● 6,700± ACRES Multiple Tracts ● Irrigated ● Pasture ● Recreational

BAIRDSTOWN FARM Lamar County, TX ● 1,070± ACRES Single Tract ● Cropland ● Storage Facilities

BOGOTA FARM Red River County, TX ● 6,630± ACRES Multiple Tracts ● Cropland ● Storage Facilities

DALBY SPRINGS RANCH Bowie County, TX ● 770± ACRES Single Tract ● Cattle Ranch ● Home ● Recreation

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903-438-2585 ● Seeforwebsite terms.

WCW provides single party residence (with unlimited local usage) and business service for rates which range from $24.00 for residential customers to $34.00 per month for business customers. The voice telephony service you subscribe to is supported by federal universal service. Such services include access to:


• Voice grade access to the public switched network or its equivalent • Minutes of local service usage provided at no additional charge • Emergency services such as 9-1-1 • Toll blocking for qualifying consumers

On October 22, 2015, an application for the assignment of license was filed with the Federal Communications Commission to assign low power television station KAXW-LP, channel 51, Mullin, TX, transmitting with a power of 15 kW at 815 E. Second St. McGregor, TX 76657, from Northstar Mullin License, LLC to DTV America Corporation.

Use of these services may result in added charges including taxes, surcharges, and fees.

WCW understands the importance of consumers having access to quality local telephone service. To help consumers obtain and keep their local service, WCW offers reduced rates to eligible consumers under Lifeline Service which is a monthly discount on local service charges that is available to qualified consumers. Individuals subscribing to residential service who are eligible for Lifeline telephone assistance will receive discounts off basic local charges and are eligible for toll blocking at no charge.

WCW understands the importance of consumers having access to quality local telephone service. To help consumers obtain and keep their local service, WCW offers reduced rates to eligible consumers under Lifeline Service which is a monthly discount on local service charges that is available to qualified consumers. Individuals subscribing to residential service who are eligible for Lifeline telephone assistance will receive discounts off basic local charges and are eligible for toll blocking at no charge.

Basic services are offered to all consumers in the Company’s service territory at the rates, terms and conditions specified in the Company’s tariff on file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. However, WCW would be pleased to provide you with specific rates for your area upon request. If you have questions regarding WCW’s services or rates, please call 325-944-9016 or toll free at 800-695-9016.

Basic services are offered to all consumers in the Company’s service territory at the rates, terms and conditions specified in the Company’s tariff on file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas. However, WCW would be pleased to provide you with specific rates for your area upon request. If you have questions regarding WCW’s services or rates, please call 325-944-9016 or toll free at 800-695-9016.

West Central Wireless 3389 Knickerbocker Road • San Angelo, Texas 76904 Phone: 325-944-9016 • Fax: 325-949-9500 •

West Central Wireless 3389 Knickerbocker Road • San Angelo, Texas 76904 Phone: 325-944-9016 • Fax: 325-949-9500 •

The assignor, Northstar Mullin License, LLC, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Northstar Media, LLC which in turn is owned by Jericho Capital LLC. The following have interests in the assignor: Michael Jahrmarkt, Mark P. Hirschhorn, Robert B. Woods, Chris Jahrmarkt and James Haber. The assignee is DTV America Corporation. The officers, directors and ten percent or greater shareholders of DTV America Corporation are John Kyle, Kristina Bruni, Robert Stopford, James McAndrew, Alexandre Zyngier and Les Levi.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 13B • (325)648-2244





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BUY 3 EE! GUNS UP TILL SUNDOWN? FR We’ve got you covered. GET 1 Don’t suffer through the hunt.

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Bridging the Gap   I have two stories that happened on my trip to California and back the last couple of weeks. Southwest Airlines routed me through Phoenix, Arizona for my trip both ways and on the way I sat down beside a fellow at a table where they have plugs to charge electronic devices. They also have chairs that have charging plugs, nice and comfortable ones, but they were all taken. When I approached I asked the fellow if anyone was sitting there and I pointed to the stool next to him. He said, “No, have a seat.” So I did and dug through my purse for the phone charger and plugged it in. He asked, “Where are you headed?” I said, “I’m on my way to Sacramento to see my daughter and her family.” So I asked him, “What is your destination?” He said, “I am going to Los Angeles . . . home to my wife.” He said he traveled every week. He told me he had had cancer of the spine a couple of years ago and after that he had a heart attack. I told him, “You look well for having all that going on.”   A couple of weeks later as I was traveling back to Goldthwaite I was again in Phoenix and the room was crowded. I have never been there when it wasn’t crowded but there was an empty seat next to a nice looking older man... by that I mean older than myself. So we began to visit and I asked him where he was going. He said, “We’re going home to Austin.” I said, “I am flying to Austin and then going on to my home in Goldthwaite.” He said, “Oh, I know where that is.” I said, “You do?” He began to tell me that his name was Thurman J. Chapman, AKA-T.J. with the nickname of “Cheaty.” He told me that he graduated from Coleman High School in 1942 and was a graduate of A&M, class of 1947. He said, “I was a good friend of Y. B. Johnson.” He told me that he went to A&M with Y.B. He said, “Y.B. had a beautiful girlfriend . . . I think her name was Ollene.” I told him that I knew her well and she was still a beautiful lady. I told him about her son, Jett and his wife that live in Goldthwaite and that Ollene’s grandson, Jett Jay broke his wrist in a football game just recently. I told him that I wrote a column in the local newspaper and that I would write about him and his memories of Y.B. and Ollene in my column the next week. He told me he was 90 years old and they had all been to a family reunion at some place, I forgot where, in California.   There are some people that look at me like I have lost my mind and sometime I think that I am very close to that situation but I love to travel and talk to people. It has been my experience that men are much easier to visit with than women. I think that most people in Goldthwaite like to talk to me and only a few that would rather that I looked away than even say hello to them. I figure that is their problem, not mine. I think of what Frank describes as a small town . . . that when you happen to dial the wrong number you can still talk for thirty minutes.   Speaking of Frank . . . I will tell you what is happening with my beloved. His PSA has climbed up the ladder since he has had prostate surgery three or so years ago so now it is time to do something about it. We have consulted with Oncologists and Urologists along with our local physicians and the treatment they recommend is hormone therapy and radiation for his situation. Ugh! He says that if I wasn’t around he would not do anything . . . maybe so, maybe no.   On Saturday evening, Halloween night, we put our porch light on and I called Lynn and Kay Bouse who have moved right across the street from us in Waunitta Geeslin’s house to come over and enjoy the kids with us. As we were waiting for our first trick-or-treaters to arrive Frank was telling them that he needed to have hormone therapy. He said to Lynn, “You are going to have to be very careful

By Georgie Bridges

Carson Barrett

Sarah Barrett around me because now I am going to have “feelings”. We had a good laugh about that. We had lots of kids come by and I took some photos of some of them that I knew and some that I did not know. But we hugged them all and Frank was in charge of the candy bowl and gave them all a couple of pieces of candy each and they were on their way. Of course, Amber, Flint, Luke, Julie, Avery Jewel and Lindley and a group of their friends came by on a flatbed trailer with parents and kids enjoying the wonderful pleasant evening.   So Frank had his first hormone shot this morning (Monday). On our way home I was pondering about the side effects he might experience when he looked over at me and said, “I feel like I need to go to Dillards to get me a purse to go with my shoes.” We laughed together for about three or four miles. He is a great guy most of the time and I love him very much.   Steven is planning to print a photo of Sarah and Carson this week that I took when I was in California. My phone would not send them or I didn’t know how to get them to go. I need to go to school to learn all of these new fangled devices. Maybe I need one of those new G5 phones or whatever you call them. Sometimes I wish I had my rotary phone back. Remember the ones I am thinking about, the heavy black things with only about a four or five foot cord that you couldn’t walk around with?


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Amber and Flint Bridges, along with their cousin Avery Graves visit Mimi and Papa to Trick or Treat Saturday night.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 1C • (325)648-2244


By Steven Bridges Eagle Owner   Saturday morning hunters from all over Texas and farther will be in their Mills County deer stands as the first glimmer of light rises in the east.   Deer hunters will be waiting anxiously for that first movement in the brush. Will it be a yearling doe or a monster buck?

ing Guide.   It is music to my ears when a camo-clad hunter sticks his head in the door of The Eagle and asks me, “What day is IT coming out this year?” No award can replace that feeling.   In my humble opinion, the 2015 Edition of our Hunting Guide is the best Hunting Guide to date. We upgraded the cover to a heavy, slick cover and upgraded the inside pages to a heavier weight also. Upgrading the cover and pages will add years to the shelf life of the magazine. That way, hunters can read the Hunting Guide over and over at hunting camp or at home.   You will find the pages of this publication filled with trophy game animals harvested in Mills County by local hunters. You will also find wonderful stories written by local writers of hunts that took place right here in Mills County.   I’d like to thank all those who advertised and submitted photos and articles for this year’s Hunting Guide.

Deer Hunting Vitally Important

Hunting is vital to our local economy, as well as our outdoor way of life in Mills County. Some local business owners talked with The Goldthwaite Eagle about the positive impact the hunting season can have on the local economy.   Rodney and Ginger Spies, owners of the Mills County General Store, said their business typically increases to more than double the norm during the hunting season. They said the sales boom actually starts Labor Day weekend with dove season and continues through the winter holidays.   The opening weekend of rifle season is the second biggest weekend for them, right next to the day after Thanksgiving, Rodney said.

Trophy Room Ready For You!

Area Hunters Encouraged to Gear Up Locally

Now is the time to gear up and get going on preparations for the hunting season. Goldthwaite offers many places to get licenses, feed, seed, deer stands, guns, camo and ammo. These businesses are featured throughout the pages of this Rifle Opener Special Edition and 2015 Edition of the Mills County Hunting Guide.   Hunters are encouraged to shop locally for their hunting supplies. You’ll get great Richard Schunke approaches his trophy Mills County whitetail buck last season. Photo by Steven Bridges prices, selection and personalized service Guide won Special Section of the Year at that only our small town merchants can ofthe West Texas Press Association and South fer. Texas Press Association. Our 2013 edition   Dove, deer, hogs, turkey and small game racked up just as many awards and more are all in abundance in Mills County. Huntthat year! ers from across Texas and farther descend   We are honored to be recognized by our on Mills County each fall to chase various peers in the industry. However, we are just   This is the 15th year The Goldthwaite proud of the exposure we are able to progame. Eagle has printed a Mills County Hunting vide to our local advertisers. And even more Guide. Our 2014 Mills County Hunting proud of the thousands who read the Hunt-

Mills County Hunting Guide Available Now!

I encourage everyone to mail, e-mail or bring pictures and stories of locally harvested deer and other wild game by for The Eagle to publish in the newspaper’s Trophy Room that is featured every week of the season.   The best of these photos and stories are chosen to be included in next year’s Mills County Hunting Guide.

Wounded Soldier Hunt January 9th

The 2016 Mills County Wounded Soldier Deer Hunt is set for Saturday, January 9, 2016. This is the first Saturday of the Late Spike and Doe Rifle Season.   The hunt will be limited to 50 soldiers this year. Since the hunt will be limited to 50 soldiers, landowners are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible.   The sign up form is available to fill out on You may also email to request a form, or call event organizer Steven Bridges at 325-648-2244 or come by The Eagle at 1002 Fisher Street in Goldthwaite.


All Seasons • Hang ‘Em High • Platinum J Gotcha • Crossfire Capsule Game Feeders • HB Hunting

FEED & FERTILIZER Blinds Blinds Attractants Feeder Accessories Big Country Ranch King Beast Feast • Deer Cocaine Feeder Fire • Buck Jam Acorn Rage • Mad Buck

Purina AntlerMax Deer Pellets

Recleaned Corn • Horn Corn Milo • Trophy Rock • AntlerMax Deer Blocks Record Rack, Golden Nuggets

Batteries • Timers • Funnels Lids • Spinner Plates • Solar Panels Varmint Cages • Road Feeders

HB Hunting Bitter Creek

Bulk Deer Pellets & Delivery! Hog Lights & Varmint Lights

Let Us Deliver & Set Up Your Deer Stand For You!

2C - Nov. 4, 2015 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Outlook Promising for Deer Season during the last 10 years.   Editor’s Note: Several exceptional Mills County bucks have been harvested during archery season.   “Although these numbers are from 2014, I The size of these bucks indicates a great antler year would predict the deer population to be about for local deer hunters. the same, if not break the 4 million deer mark for By Steve Lightfoot 2015, so hunters should experience a quarry-rich hunting environment this year, ” Cain predicted,   Hunters should expect the 2015-16 Texas whiteciting above average fawn production this year. tailed deer season to be one of the best in years as timely rainfall and mild weather have certainly set   He also suggests hunters take advantage of the table, according to the Texas Parks and Wildopportunities to harvest antlerless deer this sealife Department. son, too, in order to offset high fawn production. “Folks need to keep deer numbers at a level   Mills County whitetail deer rifle season runs Saturthe habitat can sustain during lean years, ” said day, November 7, 2015 through January 3, 2016 and Cain. during the late spike and antlerless season January 4 through January 17, 2016. NOTE: Late Youth-On  Texas deer hunters wishing to assist with the ly Rifle Season will be January 4-17, 2016. statewide chronic wasting disease (CWD) monitoring effort this fall can do so by voluntarily tak  For Mills and other county specific regulations, ing their harvested deer (or the head of the harcheck the 2015-16 Outdoor Annual — Texas vested deer) to a location where TPWD wildlife Hunting and Fishing Regulations available at biologists will be collecting tissue samples for hunting license sales outlets, online at www.tpwd. testing. and as a free mobile app download on iOS and Android platforms at www.txoutdooran  A list of collection sites and times is available . online at In addition to those established collection locations, biolo  “We saw a diverse buffet of deer foods this gists will also be conducting localized sampling spring where vegetation growth was measured in at various sites throughout the season to meet feet rather than inches this year, ” said Alan Cain, sampling objectives. For additional information TPWD white-tailed deer program leader. “Meetregarding localized CWD sampling efforts during nutritional demands of antler growth, rearing ing this deer season, please contact your local fawns and building up body reserves for the rigors wildlife biologist ( rut as well as the winter should be an easy venwater/land/technical_guidance/biologists/) . ture for most big game animals this year. ”   Hunters are also urged to check out the “My   Unlike in recent years, deer didn’t have to search This big Mills County buck was killed by Sawyer Herndon of Texas Hunt Harvest” app that provides a means far to find a highly nutritious diet of native weeds Burleson, Texas on opening day of the 2015 archery deer to voluntarily report and track harvested game and browse plants. As a selective forager, deer preseason. Sawyer made a clean shot on the buck at 35 yards from a smartphone or tablet. Hunters can log fer native forages high in protein and energy that on his deer lease in western Mills County. The symmetrical ten harvests for all resident game species, including are easily digestible. The forbs, a biologist term for point buck had an 18 inch spread and sported heavy antlers. white-tailed deer. weeds, fit that bill, and there were plenty of them this year.   The information collected will help TPWD above average this year, and with a good number of bucks wildlife biologists assess annual harvest and manage   Although dry conditions returned in July and continued through late October, the recent deluge of rain across the in the 5-year-old age class I expect a number of hunters healthy game populations across Texas. Hunters should state may set the stage for an early winter weed crop. To- to harvest some exceptional bucks this year, ” Cain said. note that electronic reporting using the app does not fulfill ward the mid to later periods of the hunting season, deer “The habitat conditions statewide are much better than tagging requirements for any game required to be tagged, may not be attracted to feeders, so hunters might have to we’ve seen in years, and the abundance of native forage or requirements for the completion of the harvest log on will help bucks maximize antler growth this year. ” the back of the hunting license as it applies to white-tailed change up their hunting strategies.   Antler growth should be well above average, predicts   So what can hunters expect with regards to deer num- deer. Cain. Exceptions to this overall excellent outlook may be bers and quality? For starters, the 2014 statewide deer   The app is available for FREE download at the App in areas of East Texas where unusually wet years can result population estimate was 3.95 million deer, the highest esti- Store for IOS devices and Google Play for Android devicmated population since 2005. Statewide population trends es. You can also report your harvest at https://apps.tpwd. in lower-than-normal fawn recruitment.   “I have no reservations suggesting antler quality will be indicate a slow but steady growth in the deer population

2015 Bow Buck



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The Goldthwaite Eagle

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4C - Nov. 4, 2015 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Annual Chamber Wild Game Supper Set Saturday Night, November 28th  The Mills County Chamber and Agriculture is getting ready for this year’s Mills County Wild Game Supper set for Saturday, Nov. 28 at the Civic Center beginning at 6 p.m.   Raffle ticket sales are underway for the seven gun drawings to be held the night of the supper. Tickets are being sold by Chamber officials in Goldthwaite each Saturday until the event. You can also purchase gun raffle tickets at local retailers including: The Toddy House, Oliver’s, Dairy Queen, Ranch Land Country Store, and Duke Guns & Ammo in San Saba. Raffle tickets can also be purchased online at As always, tickets will be available for sale at the Wild Game Supper.

Chamber Director Nita Frazier presents Ralph Ynostrosa with the Sig Sauer 9mm Pistol Ralph won during the gun raffle at last year’s Wild Game Supper.

We are currently accepting items for door prizes as well as the silent auction. Any food donation would also be appreciated. Please contact the chamber office if you have an item you would like to donate.   Local cooks will donate their time and expertise again this year, cooking game dishes for the Wild Game Supper. Over 500 are expected to take part in the meal again this year. The buffet will again feature colored tickets, indicating serving order, when you arrive at the supper. No one is expected to go away hungry!   Reserved Tables are on sale now. These special tables will give front row seating to up to eight occupants. The reserved table guests will also be treated to the locally cooked wild game before anyone else gets a shot at the food. Reserved tables are available for $200 each. The number of reserved tables are limited, so anyone interested is encouraged to call the Chamber quickly at 325-648-3619 or E-mail   Vendor spaces are free this year for vendors to set up at the Civic Center for the event. While vendor spaces are free, space is limited. Anyone interested is encouraged to call ahead to reserve a place to set up.   For more information on any of the above, contact Lori Garner at the Mills County Chamber of Commerce 325-648-3619 or

Hungry hunters line up to eat during the Chamber Wild Game Supper at the Mills County Civic Center last year. Hundreds of local and visiting hunters and their families were served during last year’s Wild Game Supper. The Chamber has plans to make the Wild Game Supper bigger and better this year.

A new addition to last year’s Wild Game Supper was the advent of the Reserved Table. Above is the reserved table purchased by Mills County General Store. On the left side of the table are: Carolyn Parsons, Robby Russell and his wife Lori and Lynn Boese. Seated at the right side of the table are Rodney Spies, Ginger Spies and Pepper Parsons. Several reserve tables have already been purchased for next year’s event. Call the Chamber at 325-648-3619 to reserve yours before they are all gone.

2015 Mills County Chamber of Commerce


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Kristi & Kalli McCoy and Thomas Burrus of Ranch Land Country Store will be on hand again this year to hand out free peanuts and more for the attendees at the Wild Game Supper Saturday night, November 28th.

HENRY Silver Eagle 17 HMR

RUGER 22-250 American W/Redfield Scope To be given away at the annual


SAT., NOV. 28, 2015 at the Mills County Civic Center

Above are just some of the many silent auctions from last year’s Wild Game Supper. Raffles abound at the event benefitting good, Mills County causes.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Hunters Urged to Donate Deer to the Ministerial Assoc.   The Ministerial Association, with the help of Mills County Texas Game Warden Vance Flowers, has started a program where hunters can donate unwanted venison to the area’s needy families.   Hunters willing to donate the $40 to have the deer processed are much appreciated. Hunters that simply want to drop off their field-dressed deer, however, are also welcome to participate.   In cases where the hunters do not pay for the processing, the Ministerial Association will cover the cost, which has been

Nov. 4, 2015 - 5C • (325)648-2244

reduced for this project by the Mills County Meat Co.   The processed deer meat is collected by the Ministerial Association and distributed — either directly to the families or individuals, or through the Goldthwaite Evangelism Center’s Food Pantry in Goldthwaite.   Anyone who would like to help by donating meat, funds for processing, or even freezer storage space are asked to contact Vance Flowers via the Sheriff’s Office 325-648-2245.   Let your unwanted venison help needy families.


The Podany Buck was killed on a 155 acre deer lease in Mills County, not a 55 acre lease as was reported in the 2015 Mills County Hunting Guide. I thank the landowner of the deer lease for bringing this to my attention.   The 180 point monster is still a Mills County whitetail trophy of a lifetime no matter what size the place.

Hunting Guide Cover Buck Controversy Continues... By Steven Bridges Eagle Owner   Editor’s Note: Since this originally published a few weeks ago, we have had many local citizens and hunters comment on the identity of the Mills County buck in question. •••   Everyone loves a little controversy, right?   Justin Hanke shook up the Mills County hunting community last week, bagging the tremendous buck featured in the Mills County General Store Advertisement, above left. The buck is also pictured right just after Hanke harvested the deer with his cross bow.   The huge buck sports an impressive and unique set of antlers. This unique set of antlers is where the controversy comes into the conversation. Goldthwaite Eagle Reader Jeff Jarrel emailed me as soon as he saw the photo of this particular buck.   “As soon as I saw the harvest

photo, the end of that right main beam was like someone’s signature to me,” said Jarrel.   Jarrel went on to say, “It stuck out like a sore thumb and I remembered your article [in the Mills County hunting Guide Pg. 12]. I find it hard to believe there are two deer with so similar characteristics at exactly the same point on a rack being one year apart and it not be the same deer.”   I then involved my local Wildlife Biologist in the buck identification conversation.   “I have no idea and would not speculate,” said Texas Parks & Wildlife Biologist Dan Davis. “It would be nice to think that they are two different bucks. There may be another big one out there and some little babies to follow in Dad’s footsteps.”   Without DNA evidence before and after, we’ll probably never know the final answer. This type of discussion is one of the special things about Mills County deer hunting on a low fence ranch. These campfire controversies keep the sport alive generation after generation.   Many more hunters commetned on the identity of the buck. The consensus (70%) is that the buck is, in fact, the cover buck for the Hunting Guide. But, the landowner who invited me to take photos of the buck last year is not so sure.   “I think that buck is his brother or uncle,” said the landowner. “But that is not my buck. I’d know him anywhere.”   No matter what, this mature buck had time to spread his fine genetics to his offspring in the deer herd in the area. The bucks continue to get better each year in Mills County because hunters continue to let bucks reach maturity.

2015 Mills County


A Special Publication of

The Goldthwaite Eagle




Above Top is a photo of Justin Hanke with his monster archery buck at Mills County General Store. Immediately above is the 2015 Mills County Hunting Guide Cover buck. Steven Bridges took the photo of the buck in October of 2014. The similarities are uncanny. After many weeks of discussion, the question still remains... Is this the same buck?

The Deer You Bring in is the Deer You Take Home!

Get Your Buck Scored   Mills County General Store now scores big game animals. Ginger Spies and Amber Green (pictured above) are now Texas Big Game Official scorers. Both women attended the scoring seminar put on by Texas Parks & Wildlife and Texas Wildlife Association to learn official Boone & Crockett scoring. Bring your whitetail in to Mills County General Store to have your buck scored this season. They’ll score your buck free if you entered THE BIG ONE big buck contest at the General Store. If you didn’t enter the contest, they’ll still score your buck for a nominal fee.


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INVENTORY BLOWOUT!!! Springfield M1A 7.62 Nato Rifle NIB FNH 5.7X28mm Pistol NIB Kel-Tec PMR-30, Tan NIB Steven Bridges takes a swing in full camo at the Goldthwaite Municipal Golf Course with kids Flint and Amber in tow.

Camo Always Welcome   You can always tell when it’s hunting season in Mills County. The restaurants, retailers, parking lots, streets and everywhere else become a sea of camouflage.   Of course, a good number of our locals wear camo year round anyway, but the surge in camo-outfitted individuals during hunting season is definitely noticeable.   We’re totally OK with that.   Camo is perfectly acceptable in Mills County no matter where you go. You can wear camo into the restaurants and eat. You can wear camo in the stores while you shop. You can wear camo to the football games. Heck, you can wear camo to church in Mills County.   Stop by the Goldthwaite Municipal Golf Course and play a quick round of golf in your camo. The weather is fine most days for golfing all the way through the winter.   At the Goldthwaite Golf Course, you can play nine holes in a little over an hour.You can hunt in the morning, play a round of golf and be back in your stand for an evening hunt.   There’s no need to call for a tee time, or fight traffic getting there.This is not the big city. This is Goldthwaite, America, and camo is always welcome here.

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6C - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


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The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 4, 2015 - 7C • (325)648-2244

Texas Game Wardens, Leon County Sheriff’s Office Put Stop to Mass Poaching Rampage   A three-month-long outlaw road hunting rampage in Leon County this summer that state game wardens are categorizing as one of the most egregious poaching cases on record in Texas has come to an end.   Four adults and two juveniles are facing more than 175 state jail felony and Class A misdemeanor wildlife violations stemming from a surreal chain of poaching events between June 4 and August 29. While investigators suspect the toll on wildlife and property is likely greater, the suspects have been charged in the illegal killing of at least 68 white-tailed deer, numerous other wildlife species and livestock, and the indiscriminate and widespread destruction of public and private property.   The group is alleged to have used various firearms at night to shoot wildlife, livestock and property from a motor vehicle on a public roadway and on private property without landowner consent. Game wardens confiscated nine firearms ranging from .17 HMR to .270, including a .22 rimfire rifle fitted with a homemade suppressor.   The majority of the deer shot illegally were scattered from Jewett, in northwestern Leon County, to Leona, located in southeastern Leon County. Centerville was a midpoint between the two outlying communities and was nearest the majority of the wildlife violations, with

A buck left in a field to decay after allegedly being shot at night by the group of poachers. © Texas Parks and Wildlife Department more than a dozen deer shot from the feeder road along I-45 alone.   While some of the deer killed had portions of the carcasses retained by the suspects for consumption – loins and hindquarters – most were simply left to rot in the field. In addition to deer, the suspects purportedly shot numerous other animals from a motor vehicle on a public road, including: vultures, squirrels, foxes, feral hogs, doves, ducks, cormorants, blue herons, alligators, white egrets, armadillos and raccoons.   “This investigation represents one of, if not the most egregious poaching cases I am aware of in my 41 years in law enforcement, ” said Col.

Craig Hunter, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Law Enforcement Director. “I am extremely proud of the strong relationship between our game wardens, the Leon County Sherriff’s Office, and local landowners. Simply put, open communication is the cornerstone of solid police work and without great interagency cooperation this investigation would not have been a success.”   In addition to poaching wildlife, the violators also allegedly were involved in more than a dozen burglaries, mostly hunting cabins, according to Sgt. Brian Stafford with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, which is also investigating numerous other illegal activities believed to

be related. Those acts include the shooting of a plate glass window at a service station, repeated shooting of a pickup parked at a residence, target shooting numerous road signs and residential mail-

absolutely no resemblance to hunting, and I know sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts everywhere will be appalled to learn of this thoughtless waste of life, ” said Carter Smith, TPWD Executive Director. “It is fitting to see these violators brought to justice, thanks to an observant landowner who provided the initial tip and the diligent work of our Texas Game Wardens working with the sheriff’s office. ”  Despite the atrocities committed over the course of the summer, investigators are baffled at how little attention the suspects’ actions drew. Had it not been for a phone call on September 1st from a concerned citizen who reported a deer had been poached, the investigation might not ever have gotten off the ground.   “It amazes me that over a three-month period these young men likely fired hundreds of rounds of ammo, most of which were at night

Had it not been for a phone call on September 1st from a concerned citizen who reported a deer had been poached, the investigation might not ever have gotten off the ground. boxes, along with several house cats. Additionally, they are being charged with shooting and killing five cows and hacking to death a sixth cow with a machete.   “This reprehensible and senseless killing spree has

and in various locations, and no one reported gunshots or suspicious activity until September,” said supervising game warden Capt. Mike Hanson. “Not a single call. ”   Some landowners interviewed during the investiga-

tion told game wardens they recalled hearing gunshots at night, but dismissed them as feral hog hunters. Hog hunting at night is legal yearround in Texas, with landowner consent and a valid Texas hunting license. Deer hunting at night or from a vehicle on a public roadway is not legal at any time.   Shooting up road signs, storefront windows, pickup trucks and mailboxes, among other things, is also not legal. State game wardens worked closely in the investigation with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, which was also putting together penal code violations against the suspects, to piece together what was happening along the roadways at the hands of these individuals.   “The danger that the violators placed the public in, the sheer number of violations committed and the fact that they had little or no fear of being caught really stands out in my mind, ” said Hanson. “From a wildlife enforcement point of view, I hope this case raises public awareness and convinces people to work with and inform their local law enforcement to prevent situations like this from happening in the future. ”   Hanson noted ironically a sign on Highway 7 in downtown Centerville reads “REPORT POACHING-CALL GAME WARDEN.”  Surprisingly, this group did not shoot that sign…one of the few things they did not shoot.

Award-Winning Mills County Hunting Guide


Also Read

THE TROPHY ROOM Inside Each Edition of

& the Mullin Enterprise

to see the latest Mills County Trophies Taken During Deer Hunting Season Submit Your Local Tophy Photo for Consideration To Steven Bridges via Email at

2015 Mills County


A Special Publication of

The Goldthwaite Eagle




8C - Nov. 4, 2015

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

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Stay warm and dry in the woods with this two piece hunting jacket. Inside the waterproof shell is a warm inner zip-out reversible jacket. Lots of pockets for your gear and ammo too. It is the only Jacket you need this season!

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Men's and youth bibs, coveralls, and jackets: Regular Price $49.99 to $99.99

39 - 79




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The PowerView series offers the largest line of Bushnell quality, affordable hunting binoculars. Our mid size roof prism models with 32mm objectives provide increased brightness for low light viewing conditions.

Scent Killer Gold Spray 12 oz. Spray Bottle Only


$ 99 Scent Killer was found to be over 99% effective at stopping replicated human odor in testing at Rutgers University. The latest results show Super Charged Scent Killer to be even more effective.

Invader Crossbow Hunting Package Aluminum riser with strategically placed cutouts that reduce weight and increase strength. Fitted with new, 12.3-inch limbs. Custom configuration produces a fast and maneuverable 330 FPS, 165-pound draw weight assembly that is only 19-inches axle-to-axle when cocked. New pass-through fore-grip backed up with new, longer, glass reinforced nylon safety wings fitted on the stock above the grip. The stock is also fitted with TenPoint’s DFI (Dry-Fire-Inhibitor) and highly regarded 3.5-pound T2 trigger.


Wicked Ridge




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