Goldthwaite Eagle Nov. 6, 2019

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& the Mullin Enterprise

Volume 126, Number 19


Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019 •

Hayes Greenway, Hagen Greenway, and Luke Patrick lead the Eagles onto the field Friday night. More photos, Pages 8B-9B. Story, 7A.

EAGLES AT VALLEY MILLS FRIDAY Veterans Day Program & Luncheon set Monday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m., the Goldthwaite Lions Club and Invenergy will host the 23rd Annual Veterans Day Program and Luncheon for Veterans, Widows of Veterans, and Active Service Members at the Mills County Civic Center. The sponsors appreciate all who have preregistered, as this helps planning for the event. However, if you missed registering by the Tuesday, Nov. 5, deadline, and would like to attend, call Lion Grayson Wetzel at 325-642-2245, as the sponsors do not want to miss anyone if possible.

GES honors veterans The Goldthwaite Elementary School presents:

'We Honor You' Monday, November 11th at 9:00 a.m. At Goldthwaite Elementary School Cafetorium To all our veterans, our students would love to thank you for your service. Please make plans to attend. Everyone join our students as they honor all those who served our country!

Buck breaks ranch record! Dori Blesh, owner of the RRR Ranch, finally decided to hunt this year according to her husband "The Bull." After striking out opening morning, the afternoon wind changed her luck. She bagged the new ranch record with this 206 5/8 gross score buck that netted an amazing 199 5/8. Dori will attend the Texas Big Game Awards banquet in Fort Worth in May. She has already booked her room. Rumor has it, she will be putting the buck in her office at MCBank for her boss Robb Hemsath to see each day!

2A - Nov. 6, 2019

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

When the Old Bird was Younger - Back through the files of The Goldthwaite Eagle -

10 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 11, 2009





DRT celebrate Texas Honor Days )RXUWK 6W *ROGWKZDLWH 7H[DV

  The Welcome W. Chandler Chapter of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas meets each month on the 3rd Monday at 12:00 noon. Visitors are always welcome to attend. On Monday, November 18, 2019 the chapter will meet in downtown 25 Years Ago Goldthwaite at the Mills County Historical Museum. Contact Taken from Julie Welker, chapter president or Gayle the Eagle Files Smith In November we celebrate two November 10, 1994 Texas history days and invite you to fly your Texas flag on In other news this week, those dates. November 3 was Stephen F. Austin's birthday, and the Goldthwaite Eagles November 6 is DRT Founders Day.

bested the Early Longhorns, 26 to 0, for their third straight district title, and the right to face the runner-up in district 16-AA in the bi-district playoffs. The Eagles were set to face off against the McGregor

of Mills County State Bank all dressed up for Halloween celebrations the week prior. According to the picture caption, “the group had a lot of laughs during the day and collected more than a few ‘funny looks.’� Pictured were Lo Wright, June Roberts, Phyllis Seider, Kay Shipley, Karen Tyson, Tommie Sue Boykin, Faylene Wilson, Charles Hardgrave, Frances Kopp Helen Mayr, Sue Buck, June Seward, Janette Padgett, Charlotte Cagle, Ollene Johnson, Darla Schwartz, Kay Hasley, Sue Ann Roberts, Delores Cox, Tommy Head and Nelma Tucker.   45 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 14, 1974 Headlines read: “Bountiful Deer Crop Confronts Mills County Deer Hunters in 1974.� According to Game Warden Benny R. Schriver, “Deer have heavy horns this year as a Bulldogs. result of the abundant supply of acorns and pecans. It Likewise, the Mullin should be a record year for Bulldogs ended their sea- trophy bucks.� son 10 and 0, and were named District champs af50 Years Ago ter beating Sidney. Taken from the Eagle Files 35 Years Ago November 13, 1969 Taken from A Coleman County the Eagle Files man was found guilty on November 8, 1984 a charge of theft of sheep Pictured on the front by a jury in Criminal Dispage were the employees trict Court of the 27th Ju-

dicial District held in Mills County Courthouse last week. The hunters headed for the hills Saturday morning to open the 1969 deer, quail and turkey season. At 7:10 a.m., Mrs. Jim (Darleen) McCoy bagged an 8-point buck. She was ďŹ rst to check in at the locker plant. Joe Langford, owner of the plant, stated that 72 deer were checked into the locker Saturday. 65 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 11, 1954 Spradley’s Upholstery Shop, which was formerly located in Evant, has been opened here. 85 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 9, 1934 Mills is one of 74 counties from which the government will purchase another quota of cattle. Information has been received that a quota of 1,000 will be taken from Mills County at an early date. 110 Years Ago Taken from the Eagle Files November 13, 1909 J.K. Brim sold to C.E. Strickland a residence and two lots in Mills County addition to Goldthwaite for $800.

Let Me Help with Your Holiday Baking!

Pies, cakes & more! Call Machelle Baird for more info


KRNR FM Goldthwaite (formerly at 107.3) is NOW at 100.5 on your FM Radio Dial

The Goldthwaite Eagle and the Mullin Enterprise USPS # 221460

Published every week at 1002 Fisher Street, Goldthwaite, Mills County, Texas 76844

P. O. Box 249 - 1002 Fisher St., Goldthwaite, Texas 76844, E-Mail: Phone 325/648-2244 or 648-3563, FAX 325/648-2024

‘09 Eagles honored Friday 2009 STATE CHAMPS: The Goldthwaite Eagle 2009 State Championship football team was recognized at Friday night's halftime. Players, coaches, and cheerleaders were honored. Photo courtesy of Terry Thompson

Put your thinking caps on & join us for an hour filled with mystery, clues, puzzles & fun! Choose from the Warden’s Office at Alcatraz, Disappearance in the Dorm, or the Masquerade Murder dark room! Visit today to book your favorite room!

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  Any erroneous reflection upon the character or standing of any individual, firm or corporation, will be cheerfully corrected when brought to the personal attention of the Editor. Opinions expressed by columnists or contributors are not necessarily the opinions of The Eagle.

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Letters to the Editor

POSTMASTER: Send Change of Address form to: Goldthwaite Eagle, P. O. Box 249, Goldthwaite, TX 76844


Monday - Thursday • 8-5 Closed Friday - Sunday





James Taylor................................................................................ Editor Tammarrah Pledger ................................................ Assistant Editor Bryan Venerable........................................................... Proof & Billing Brian Whitt........................................................................Staff Writer Steven W. Bridges .................................................................Publisher Frank and Georgie Bridges.................................. Editors Emeritus

  All Letters to the Editor must be signed in the presence of the Editor to be included in the columns of The Goldthwaite Eagle. Mailed, faxed or emailed letters may not be published. Letters may be edited as to content or printed or not printed at the discretion of the editor. Please limit letters to less than 250 words if possible.   The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject advertisements deemed objectionable, illegal or of poor reproduction quality, or because of conditions beyond the newspaper’s control. All advertisements must be on behalf of the advertiser’s business or service exclusively.

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Business: Dairy Queen

Residential: Karen Greenway



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Promote Eagle spirit during all District football games! • Weekly Winners recognized • To enter each week text or call 325-451-0299 by noon on Monday


The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 3A • (325)648-2244 Comanche County Medical Center

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New(s) Guy


By Brian Whitt, Eagle Staff Writer

This is a tale of two squirrels, a few elk, a moose, and a high-altitude traffic jam. Let me explain.   With the last trip to Colorado winding down, I went moose hunting along Trail Ridge Road. No guns were involved, but there was plenty of memory card space for photos of the elusive creature.   To date, I've been to Rocky Mountain National Park more times than any other park anywhere, other than Goldthwaite's City Park. Every time I've gone there, I've been on the lookout for moose, the last of the large land mammals (bear, bison and elk having already made appearances) found in our national parks. Time and again, I've come away without seeing one.   Some folks seem to find moose without any difficul-

ty. My sister has seen them in various places including quiet neighborhoods around Granby. A lady I talked to at the park's visitor center had seen a herd of them. For me, however, they have been little more than a fable.   The first day I searched for moose in August, I solicited hints from people at the visitor center. One of the attendants showed me a couple of places to find "maybe moose," highlighting them in pink on my map, and the previously mentioned herd-finder made it seem like a cakewalk. Armed with this information, I set out filled with

Brian Whitt confidence.   The first mark on the map was mooseless, and the second turned out to require a longer hike than anticipated. Driving into the park from the west entrance, I kept my eyes open, watching both sides of the road and trying to spot excited groups of tourists snapping pictures. At one stop, I found people looking toward a tree-lined river bend where they said a moose had been spotted. I never saw it.   Eventually, when driving proved an ineffective means of moose location, I stopped and hiked a short distance into the woods where I had seen other people go. After trudging down a slope to find nothing resembling a moose, I headed back to the car. Along the way, I spotted two squirrels playing, so I paused and stood still long enough to get photos of them, thinking they might be the only wildlife I found.   Leaving the park that day, I saw another collection of folks gathered. This time, there was something unusual to see, a small group of elk, and so more pictures were taken. Once again, however, the hope of finding a moose had to be reined in.   Entering the park on the nextto-last day of the trip, the plan was to drive the length of Trail Ridge Road from Grand Lake to Estes Park, something I'd never done before. Incredibly, upon nearing one of the spots I had passed again and again, I found another group of people watch-

ing something, and this time it was a moose. The cow grazed placidly beside a narrow waterway, and we had all the time we wanted to observe and take photos. Unfortunately, the impressive bull that shows up on many of the park's promotional items never made an appearance, but that was okay. A moose had been found.   That goal accomplished, it was time to finish crossing the park. At the Walmart-sized gift shop about halfway across, I stopped and picked up a few unusual jellies not available at Walmart, including Marionberry and Chokecherry. After climbing many steps to the observation point nearby and snapping a few more photos, I set off again.   It wasn't long until the last adventure of the trip began. No one told me you can get stuck in road construction on Trail Ridge Road, but you can. I have no idea how long we spent inching

along a couple of miles of one of this country's highest roads, but it is without doubt the highest elevation traffic stoppage I've seen. Things were moving so slowly we had ample time to get out of our cars and snap pictures from arguably the premier undesignated scenic view in the park. There was even time to take short hikes in the chilly mountain air. Except for the wait, it was the best traffic jam I've ever experienced.   That last day in RMNP, as one bumper sticker named it, was definitely worth waiting for. Chances are slim I'll return there anytime soon, so I'm grateful for the experiences it provided. Of all the places in Colorado to visit, that one tops most lists, and you shouldn't miss a chance to see it for yourself. If you're lucky, you may find a moose there.

Come see Steven Sloan and Bud McCorkle!



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4A - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

Mike’s Minutes by Mike Lee


Eagle Columnist   In the end, the De Leon Bearcats had their way in a 48-7 win over the Goldthwaite Eagles last Friday at Eagle Field. De Leon (3-6 overall, 2-2 in District 7-2A Division I) amassed 518 total yards and never had to punt while all but officially securing a berth in the upcoming Class 2A DI playoffs.   The Eagles, who fell to 2-7 and 1-3, now face extremely long odds at making the playoffs.   The game got away from Goldthwaite during a crucial stretch of the second quarter when the Eagles trailed 13-0. Nick Jones broke a 43-yard run to the De Leon 3-yard line. But the Eagles lost a fumble at the 1, the Bearcats recovered and took possession at their 4, and De Leon drove 96 yards to score and extend their lead to 20-0.   During De Leon’s pivotal 96-yard drive that lasted 11 plays, running back Angel Perez broke runs of 21 and 15 yards, plus quarterback Trey Lopez completed a 13-yard pass to Emery Amick. Jorge Gonzales scored the touchdown on a 10-yard run to give the Bearcats their 20-0 lead.   Shortly after the ensuing kickoff, Goldthwaite fumbled again at the De Leon 46. On the following play, Lopez threw a 54-yard touchdown pass to Amick as the Bearcats increased their lead to 28-0

after a two-point conversion pass.   “There were definitely some self-inflicted wounds there,” Goldthwaite coach Keith Virdell said of the key second-quarter sequence. “I’m not saying we would have won the game if we had scored there. I’m not sure it would have changed our mentality. But it would have changed De Leon’s mentality and gotten them out of their game plan.”   De Leon’s 27-point second quarter left Goldthwaite in a 34-0 hole at halftime.   The Eagles scored on a long drive in the third quarter after slotback Weldon Krause broke runs of 22 and 26 yards, and halfback Isaac Chavez added a 38-yard run. Jones scored on a 3-yard run to make it 34-7, but that’s as close as Goldthwaite got.   Lopez threw scoring passes of 18 yards to Skyler Harvey and 52 yards to Victor Amaya to make it 48-7 and complete De Leon’s night of offensive domination. The Bearcats finished with 518 total yards, including 151 yards and three touchdowns passing by Lopez, who completed all five of his throwing attempts.   Perez added 149 yards and two touchdowns rushing, including a 49-yard score. Gonzales finished with 84 yards and a TD rushing as the Bearcats put up 367 yards on

De Leon topples Eagles 48-7 the ground. Amick had 138 combined yards rushing and receiving, including touchdowns on a 58-yard run and a 49-yard pass. He also returned a kickoff 43 yards.   “They have some monsters up front,” Virdell said of the Bearcats’ offensive line. “It seemed like they completely crushed our defensive line when they wanted to. We couldn’t stop them.   “They had been having three or four turnovers a game, and they didn’t have any against us. On some of their big pass plays, I think we were trying too hard. We got out of position in the secondary.”  Goldthwaite rushed for 179 yards -- including 64

yards by Chavez, 57 yards by Krause and 50 yards by Jones. But the Eagles’ passing game produced just 12 yards, and the two fumbles also limited offensive production. Jaxon Wootton had 43 yards on kickoff returns.   Defensively, the Eagles were led by linebacker Mitchel Hopper and safety Jackson Patrick, who made eight tackles each. Chavez made six tackles from his outside linebacker spot.   “A bright spot was that the kids were still fighting and battling to the end,” Virdell said. “The scoreboard didn’t reflect it, but we have gotten more physical with our blocking and tackling the last couple of weeks.”

Score by Quarters: De Leon 7 27 7 7 — 48 Goldthwaite 0 0 7 0 — 7 Scoring Summary: D — Angel Perez 49 run (Slade Gooden kick) D —Emery Amick 58 run (kick blocked) D — Jorge Gonzales 10 run (Gooden kick) D — Amick 54 pass from Trey Lopez (Ethan Salinas pass from Lopez) D — Perez 1 run (kick failed) G — Nick Jones 3 run (Jaxon Wootton kick) D — Skyler Harvey 18 pass from Lopez (Gooden kick) D — Victor Amaya 52 pass from Lopez (Gooden kick) Team Statistics: De Leon G’waite 23 First Downs 10 52-367 Rushing Yards 37-179 151 Passing Yards 12 518 Total Yards 191 5-5-0 Comp-Att-Int 1-4-0 0-0 Punts 3-40 0 Fumbles Lost 2 9-83 Penalties Yards 6-45 Individual Statistics: RUSHING: De Leon – Angel Perez 14-149, Jorge Gonzales 1584, Emery Amick 2-57, Dylan Driskill 7-33, Trey Lopez 4-26, Kallen McIllvain 4-23, Ruben Sylva 2-7, Dawson Mathews 1-2, Toby Garrison 2-(-)4. Goldthwaite – Isaac Chavez 13-64, Welson Krause 5-57, Nick Jones 12-50, Jordan Simon 3-16, Jackson Patrick 3-(-)8.

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PASSING: De Leon – Lopez 5-5-0 for 151. Goldthwaite – Patrick 1-4-0 for 12.

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

RECEIVING: De Leon – Amick 3-81, Victor Amaya 1-52, Skyler Harvey 1-18. Goldthwaite – Chavez 1-12.

District 7-2A Division I Standings Team Dist. PF PA All PF PA S.Saba 4-0 207 28 9-0 509 37 Crwfrd 3-1 106 67 6-3 206 164 V.Mills 2-2 78 70 5-4 193 172 DeLeon 2-2 109 62 3-6 177 193 G’waite 1-3 54 144 2-7 123 277 Hico 0-4 19 202 0-9 88 445 Key: Dist. is district. PF is points for. PA is points against. All is all games. Last Week’s Game   De Leon 48, Goldthwaite 7. San Saba 48, Crawford 28. Valley Mills 45, Hico 6. This Week’s Games All at 7:30 p.m.   Goldthwaite at Valley Mills, Hico at Crawford, San Saba at De Leon. END OF REGULAR SEASON. District 7-2A Notes:   San Saba secured its second consecutive District 7-2A Division I championship with last week’s 48-28 win over Crawford.   Crawford will be the No. 2 playoff seed from the district. Valley Mills will likely be the No. 3 playoff seed. De Leon will likely be the No. 4 playoff seed. Goldthwaite is not mathematically eliminated, but would have to beat Valley Mills by 18 points and win a coin flip to make the playoffs.   San Saba trailed for the first time this season during the first half against Crawford -- once at 7-0 and again at 14-7. The Armadillos’ defense, which had allowed nine points in eight games, allowed 28 points to Crawford. But the Armadillos won, and their defense scored a touchdown on safety Logan Glover’s pick-six interception return.   San Saba QB Sean O’Keefe rushed for 369 yards and four TDs against Crawford. Running back Eli Salinas added 110 yards as the Armadillos rushed for 537 yards.   San Saba linebacker Risien Shahan made 20 tackles, including four for losses, against Crawford.   Crawford will make the playoffs for the 16th time in 17 years, and the Pirates have secured their 29th winning record in the last 31 seasons.   De Leon amassed 367 yards rushing, 151 yards passing and 518 total yards last week against Goldthwaite. Bearcats’ QB Trey Lopez was 5-of-5 passing, including three TDs.   By beating Crawford, San Saba won its 18th consecutive regular-season game and ninth consecutive district game. Other Scores of Interest: Ozona 25, Winters 6 Brackettville 62, Junction 2 Ballinger 63, Coleman 7 Tolar 36, Rio Vista 7 Lexington 41, Hamilton 0 Hamlin 41, Cross Plains 0 Jim Ned 45, Early 22 Waco La Vega 31, Brownwood 14 Dublin 20, Comanche 16 Bangs 62, San Angelo TLCA 0 Cisco 34, Anson 7 Mason 54, Harper 0 Blanket 49, Mullin 0 Evant 50, Lometa 0 Jonesboro 59, Zephyr 12 Richland Springs 62, Cherokee 15

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

Lee Roy Schwartz   Lee Roy Walter Schwartz was born on the family farm near Priddy Texas, to Fritz and Minnie (Kunkel) Schwartz on December 24, 1937. He went to be with the Lord at the same farmhouse on November 3, 2019, at the age of 81.   German was the first language at the Schwartz home. Lee Roy learned English as a student at Priddy ISD. He talked fondly of his time in Boy Scouts of America, and passed on the knot tying and other skills he learned to his children and grandchildren. He played on the Priddy High varsity basketball and football teams, and exhibited livestock at both county and major shows. Lee Roy was a skilled basketball player, but his passion was farming and ranching. This became obvious when, upon graduation from high school, he turned down a scholarship to play collegiate basketball and chose instead to focus immediately on a career in agriculture.   Lee Roy was a lifetime member of Zion Lutheran Church in Priddy. He was baptized and confirmed at Zion Lutheran, and served as church council chair three times, and as a council member for many more years. During one term as chair of the council, the congregation experienced an extended pastoral vacancy. Lee Roy took the lead in arranging visiting pastors for the congregation for a continuous three-year

Lee Roy Schwartz period, until a new pastor was called. Whether on the council or not, Lee Roy was always ready to do what was needed to keep the church focused on it’s mission and the building and grounds in good condition.   Lee Roy was a well-respected community servant from an early age. Soon after graduating high school, he was elected to serve as a trustee on the Priddy school board. He was re-elected repeatedly until voluntarily withdrawing to run for Mills County Precinct 4 Commissioner. During three terms as Precinct 4 Commissioner, Lee Roy sought to keep roads and bridges in his precinct well maintained. He used county funds frugally, shopping for bargains on heavy equipment, and used his considerable skills as a mechanic to refurbish each piece into good working condition. Lee Roy worked with the county judge

and other commissioners to establish a 9-1-1 system in Mills county, and maintain ambulance service. Lee Roy served on the Brown-Mills Soil and Water Conservation District for many years. He earned recognition as an expert marksman during 13 years of service in the National Guard, and was a member of the Priddy American Legion.   Lee Roy was deeply, lovingly devoted to Caroline, his wife of 63 years. He loved his family dearly, and gave unselfishly of his time and energy. His many grandchildren and great-grandchildren cherished spending time with him on the family farm. He had a servant’s heart, never turning away a friend, neighbor, or stranger in need, many times at the expense of his own business.   Lee Roy is survived by his wife, Caroline (Niemann) Schwartz, daughter Sharon Schwartz Riewe of Goldthwaite, son Andy Schwartz and wife Kathy of Austin, son Donald Schwartz and fiance’ Tjwanah Conklin of Proctor, daughter Amy and husband Eddie Huddleston of Sidney, ten grandchildren, eleven great grandchildren, and a growing number of adopted grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is preceded in death by his parents, Fritz and Minnie Schwartz, and brothers Layart, Paul, Melvin, and Charlie Schwartz.

News from the American Legion   We at the American Legion are very gratified at the turnout we had for our fish fry on Oct. 27. We are continuing to receive donations from those that could not attend the event, and we thank the community for that.   In our last meeting of 2019, which was Oct. 31, the members voted to donate $300 to purchase wreaths from Wreaths Across America, which we will receive around Dec. 15, and be placed on gravesites of veterans in Mills County shortly thereafter. We also voted to donate $500 to

Nov. 6, 2019 - 5A • (325)648-2244

the Mullin Community Center, to help offset costs of the well water pump replacement and other expenses.   Any questions regarding Wreaths Across America can be directed to Judy McKinney at 325-938-7777.   In other news, is everyone aware that the VA will provide a stone marker for veterans? This is usually handled by funeral homes, but not everyone is aware of this benefit. If you have any questions regarding this, just contact me, Craig Wright, at 325-451-5185.

Also, the American Legion in Priddy is sponsoring the Soldiers Dinner on Jan. 25, 2020. The American Legion in Goldthwaite will be assisting our brothers and sisters however we can, just as they would assist us. We are not competing groups, we are both here to support the community. You can find out more about this upcoming event by visiting their website www. Craig Wright Post Commander, Harry F. Edmondson, American Legion Post 289

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Walter Duncan   Walter James Duncan, 93, formerly of Mills County, Texas, passed away Monday, Nov. 4, 2019.   Visitation will be from at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9, at Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home. Services will follow at 2 p.m. at Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Chapel. Interment will be in Pleasant Grove Cemetery in Mills County.

Hammonds announces candidacy for sheriff

Thank You

We wish to thank each and every one of you for the love, care, and concern shown to all of us during Ray’s long illness.   Your prayers, visits, kind words, and deeds will long be remembered and appreciated.   Special thanks to Jo, Chas,

Lanton, and Brody at Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home, and Bro. Doug Holtzclaw, Bro. Sam Walls, and Don Kissire for making his service so special. With love in Christ, the Lynch and Hammond Families

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Clint Hammonds   I want to take this time to tell the citizens of Mills County, Texas that I will be seeking a third term as your Sheriff. I began my career in law enforcement 24 years ago Michael "Boom Boom" Caldwell, "The Count" Gary Head (The Count because he wins so often and this November. I served the counts his winnings) and James "Crusher" Crumley were the big money winners of our Sunday 18 holes great State of Texas starting as a county jailer and evenGolf Scramble. Come and join us on the first Sunday of each month at 1:30. tually serving you as your Sheriff. I'm am very blessed with the progress that my employees and myself have been able to achieve in serving citizens of this county and the United States of America. We are currently living in a society that has changed so much from what I remember growing up and being a peace Thank you to this week's sponsor! officer. Myself and my staff diligently take every opportunity to get the best training and equipment avaliable to assist us in better serving. So I ask for your support and vote to Re-Elect Republican candidate Mills County Sheriff Clint Hammonds in the 2020 election. If you have any questions please feel free to contact. Thank You and God Bless! Sheriff Clint Hammonds Mills County, Texas

Golf Course News

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325-648-3760 • 1002 4th Street, Goldthwaite

6A - Nov. 6, 2019

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Regional Cross Country Update

NAPA Customer Appreciation Day

By Coach Ashley Spradley   The Lady Eagles & Eagles both competed in the Region II - AA Cross Country Championships this past Monday in Dallas and both teams finished in 6th place. The meet was held at Jesse Owens Athletic Complex in ideal weather conditions and both teams took advantage with personal bests across the board. It was a date that couldn't get here fast enough for the Lady Eagles as injuries kept reoccurring for the already small team of seven. Junior, Ellie Petersen who had been finishing as the Lady Eagles 6th - 7th runner all season broke her ankle days before the district meet. Freshman, Jenna Fincher stepped up into that final varsity spot for district and regional competition. Junior, Emma Grebe who had been finishing as our #4 or 5 runner all season, suffered a bad sprained ankle in basketball practice on Thursday which also kept her out of regional competition. It was disheartening to say the least, but we understand that life has a way of throwing wrenches into our plans and each of the other girls stepped up and rose to the occasion.   Senior, Macy Seward who missed all of last season due to a knee injury has been a major factor in our success this season. Macy is the kind of kid that will impact anything she is involved in in a positive way. She is a natural leader who demonstrates that leadership best by her actions. Her work ethic and dedication to her team are second to none. When Ellie went out at district, Macy stepped up and ran a personal best time - that was until the regional meet. Macy went from consistently finishing in our 7th spot to our 5th best time at district and our 4th best time at the regional competition. Freshman, Avery Graves ran her personal best time as did junior, Jasmine Balencia as they finished their consistent 2 and 3 spots for the Lady Eagles and Kelly Ables rounded

Kylee Medina things out in our 5th spot for team totals.   And then you have Kylee Medina-- the workhorse, the poster child of Lady Eagle Cross Country. Kylee is always consistent, always competitive, and always advancing to state. She commented before the race as to how nervous she was because of how slow she feels like she has become, but she followed that comment up with a 4th place finish and season best time of 12:41.91. Kylee’s personal best time in cross country came her sophomore year at the Regional Meet when she ran a 12:06, which was good enough for a 6th place finish. This marks Kylee’s 4th consecutive year at the state competition and I have to admit it will be a bittersweet ending for me as her coach, but probably more sweet for Kylee as the competitor. It’s no secret that Kylee has had much success in cross country and track, but basketball is by far her favorite sport and should she shed any tears on Saturday, I’m willing to bet they will be tears of joy. I know that Kylee will leave everything out on the course for her final time to run at Old Settlers Park, I also know that she will be thrilled when it’s over because she can focus solely on the sport she loves with her teammates. It should be a special time Saturday morning for Kylee, her family, and the Lady Eagles. I am looking forward to watching her compete at that level one more time.   The senior leadership that we have had from Macy & Kylee is more than any coach could ask for. They are the type of young women that you want your kids to grow up and model after. They work hard in our program and in the classroom. They have servant hearts and can always be found lending a hand or picking up a fellow teammate no matter how young or old. The JH kids that we have in our program absolutely love them and want to grow up to be like them, and what a blessing that is as a coach to have that kind of leadership

Connor Bartek from the upperclassmen in your program.   Our boy’s program has been building year after year and with the leadership of 3 junior guys that joined up with fellow junior, Jonathan Bartek their freshman year, we have grown now to 8 high school runners and 5 junior high runners. Not only are we getting our numbers up, but we are also much more talented. Eagle Cross Country has claimed the district championship for the last 3 years, but would usually find ourselves near the bottom of the team standings at the regional meet. Enter freshmen, Connor Bartek, Javier Vanegas, and Ridge Stegemoller. Connor has been a force in cross country throughout middle school whereas the latter two had never competed in a meet until this year. These three young men made an immediate impact on our team standings. Connor jumped out ahead of the rest of the Eagles as our top runner. Javier finished as our second place runner in all competitions up until the regional meet when junior, Jonathan Bartek took over, and Ridge made consistent progress all season long flip flopping between #4 and 5 with junior, Brecken Reyes. Miguel Martinez, who is another freshman that ran some with Connor in middle school, made up the team of 8 which also included juniors, Clayton Schulze and Wyatt Adams. Once you get to district competition you can only carry 7 on a team so the guys constantly had to compete for a spot. I believe without a doubt that competition within a program makes that program better and this team is a true testament to that.   Connor got out and ran like Connor always does and had a very impressive finish at the regional competition. Several coaches from other high schools and college coaches that were in attendance at the meet kept coming up and asking if he was just a freshman and commented on how impressed they were of him. Obviously, I was equally as impressed, but it was noth-

Star Volunteer Fire Department Annual Fish Fry Saturday, Nov. 9th

Star Fire Station, Star, Texas 5:30 p.m. to ? Donations Appreciated

Jonathan Bartek ing new for me. I was just witnessing what I witness from Connor in any practice or competition on any given day – he finds a way to win and refuses to get let anyone beat him. He probably has to take twice as many steps as his competitors with the difference in their strides, but he never lets that hold him back and, if anything, it pushes him more.   While opposing coaches were locked in on watching Connor’s performance, I found myself most impressed by his big brother, Jonathan. Our race started out much like it always does with Connor in our first spot and Javier following closely behind in the second. Javier has been tremendous in assisting Jonathan to become a better runner because Javi was a more realistic “target” for Jonathan than Connor might have been. Jonathan started out in our third spot, but slowly overtook Javier and then gradually started to overtake the competition in front of him easing more and more toward the front of the pack, his little brother included. The top 4 teams advance to state and the top ten individuals not already a part of the qualifying teams also qualify for state so if you can finish top twenty you usually still have a chance. Jonathan finished in the 22nd spot and claimed the last individual qualifying time. I am so proud that Connor advanced as a freshman and that all of his hard work is paying off, but I am also very proud that Jonathan found a way to run a personal best and advance to the biggest stage at this level. The fact that he will get to compete with his brother is just the icing on top.   One thing is for sure – it’s going to be a special day on Saturday when these three compete. Kylee will start things off at 9:40 followed by Connor and Jonathan at 10:10. Awards will be presented approximately 30 minutes after the boy’s race and I’d be willing to bet Goldthwaite is represented on the awards stand. If you don’t have anything going on Saturday or you’re just interested in watching some small town kids with big time work ethic compete, I would suggest you make the trip to Old Settlers Park in Round Rock this Saturday. Go Eagles!

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 7A • (325)648-2244

Eagles to finish regular season at Valley Mills By Mike Lee Eagle Contributor   In today’s world of expanded high school playoffs, the Goldthwaite Eagles still aren’t mathematically out of the postseason -- although it would take a considerable upset and some good fortune for a postseason berth to become reality.   Goldthwaite, 2-7 overall and 1-3 in District 7-2A Division I, would have to beat Valley Mills (5-4, 2-2) by 18 points. Then the Eagles would have to win a threeway coin flip with Valley Mills and De Leon to make the postseason. It should be noted that Goldthwaite just lost to De Leon 48-7 and Valley Mills beat De Leon 21-0 in district play.   But stranger things have happened, and Valley Mills is dealing with injuries to its top running back and its quarterback.   “We’ve mentioned it to the players,” Goldthwaite coach Keith Virdell said of the playoff situation. “They understand the playoffs are still a possibility.   “Valley Mills has some injuries so we’re not sure who will be playing what positions for them. I’m sure they’re not going to change their scheme. But we’ll probably see some different plays with different personnel. They’re a solid team, even with those guys out. We expect them to play well.”   Valley Mills can earn the No. 3 playoff seed from District 7-2A DI if it beats Goldthwaite.   It will be the final regular-season game for Goldthwaite’s nine remaining seniors -- Nick Jones, Weldon Krause, Jaxon Wootton, Jordan Simon, Jaden Biehl, Shane Castle, Jose Valdez, Daylin Wiedebusch and Noe Sanchez.   As for his team’s goals against Valley Mills, Virdell said, “No turnovers. Eliminate mistakes. Play more consistently.”   De Leon converted two Goldthwaite fumbles into two second-quarter touch-

downs that turned a 13-0 Bearcats’ lead into a 27-0 lead last week.   Even with its injuries, Valley Mills can rely on a defense that is allowing only 15.2 points per game this season.   Goldthwaite has won eight of its 10 all-time meetings between the two teams. The two Valley Mills wins came in 1972 and 2018. San Saba survives first test   San Saba (9-0 overall, 4-0 in District 7-2A DI) hadn’t won an outright district championship since 1991 entering last season. But if the heavily favored Armadillos win Friday at De Leon, San Saba will win its second consecutive outright district title. The Armadillos also can finish 10-0 for the second consecutive season.  The Armadillos already have clinched the No. 1 playoff seed from District 7-2A DI with last week’s 48-28 win over Crawford (6-3, 3-1), which settled for the No. 2 playoff seed. De Leon will likely get the fourth and final playoff spot from the district.   San Saba finally was tested during its 48-28 win over Crawford. San Saba quarterback Sean O’Keefe took over the game, rushing for 369 yards and four touchdowns as the Armadillos won for the 19th consecutive time in the regular season and the ninth straight time in district.   San Saba had outscored its first eight opponents 461-9, but the Armadillos were tied with Crawford 14-14 at halftime, and the Pirates pulled within 34-28 on Garrett Pearson’s 1-yard touchdown run with 6:43 left in the game.  The Armadillos, whose starters had barely played in the fourth quarter all season, rose to the occasion. Running back Eli Salinas broke a 48yard touchdown run to extend San Saba’s lead to 41-28 with 6:02 left. And 6-foot-5 safety Logan Glover’s sixth interception this season went for a touchdown with 1:29 to play.

“It was an eye-opener. We had a wakeup call in the second half,” said Glover, whose team trailed for the first time this season at 7-0 and 14-7 during the first half. “A game like this will prepare us for the playoffs and make us a better team. Crawford got after us.”  O’Keefe’s touchdowns came on runs of 47, 18, 80 and 28 yards. Three of his touchdowns came during a 20-point third quarter when the Armadillos turned a 1414 tie into a 34-21 lead.   “They came out in the second half and hitched their wagon to No. 17 and rode him to the finish line,” veteran Crawford coach Delbert Kelm said of O’Keefe. “He’s hard to get a solid hit on, and that’s something you can’t coach. Guys like that are hard to tackle.”   San Saba finished with 537 yards rushing. Salinas added 110 yards on 14 carries, and backup quarterback Risien Shahan had 59 yards, including a 30-yard touchdown.   “I knew we would be tested,” San Saba coach Andreas Aguirre said. “It was a tough battle for four quarters, and we needed that. I think the second half came down to our conditioning, our up-tempo pace and our practice habits. It’s good to beat a program with the pedigree and culture that Crawford has.”   Crawford led 7-0 after converting Ty Torbert’s blocked punt into Trey Lacina’s 8-yard touchdown run that came after the Pirates converted a fake field goal into a first down. The Pirates also led 14-7 in the second quarter on a 61-yard waggle pass from Tanner Merenda to Tate Abel, who led Crawford in receiving with 74 yards and in rushing with 51 yards.   “We thought if we could get it to the fourth quarter, we’d have a chance because they hadn’t had to play four quarters much at all,” Kelm said of San Saba. “But they’re obviously good enough to overcome that.”

GHS Happenings   We had a great “Senior night” last Friday. Thanks to Coach Virdell, Mrs. Reynolds, Ms. Biddle, and all who were involved in making that night special.   This Friday will be an early release day. The pep rally will start at 2:40, and we will turn the kids loose at 3:10 so that our team has time to make it to Valley Mills for the 7:30pm kickoff. We hope that you will come and join us there. At the time of this writing, there will be no JV football game this week.   Girls basketball kicks off this week. Please check the schedule, and come out and support our Lady Eagles.  This Saturday, our cross country teams will be running at the State Cross Country meet in Round Rock at Old Settler’s Park. Contact Coach Spradley for more details, times, and directions so that you can go and support these Eagles, as well.   A big “Thank You” goes out to the Masseys for their generous donation of this fabulous Eagle. It will be displayed in the reception area of our high school. Next time that you come to visit, make sure that you check it out. It is very detailed, and is a beautiful piece.   If you’d like to participate in our “Themed Fridays”, there’s only one left: Nov 8: “Light

Up Valley Mills”-Wear All Blue (Tribute to Luke)   Thursday, Nov. 7 – JV Football at home, 7:30, cancelled -- FFA LDE’s at Tarleton   Friday, Nov. 8 – Varsity Football at Valley Mills, 7:30 -- Pep Rally at 2:40pm -- Early Release at 3:10   Monday, Nov. 11 – District FFA LDE’s at Hamilton   Tuesday, Nov. 12 -- JV and Varsity Girls Basketball at home, 5 and 6:30   Thursday, Nov. 14 – JV Girls Basketball Tourney at Coleman   Friday, Nov. 15 -- JV Girls Basketball Tourney at Coleman   Saturday, Nov. 16 -- JV Girls Basketball Tourney at Coleman -- Varsity Girls Basketball at Eula, 1pm -- Saturday School, 8-12   Tuesday, Nov. 19 – JV and Varsity Girls Basket-

Halloween at Hillview The Eagle grabbed these snapshots of trick-or-treaters at Hillview Nursing & Rehab in Goldthwaite on Halloween night.

Psalm 121:1-2   "I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

Spaghetti Supper Friday, Nov. 8 5 - 8 p.m.

Mullin Community Center

ball at home, 5 and 6:30   – Book Club Meeting, 7am   Friday, Nov. 22 – Early out for Thanksgiving, 12:00pm   Monday, Nov. 25 – Thanksgiving Break   Tuesday, Nov. 26 – Thanksgiving Break -- JV and Varsity Girls at May, 5 and 6:30   Wednesday, Nov. 27 – Thanksgiving Break   Thursday, Nov. 28 – Thanksgiving Break   Friday, Nov. 29 – Thanksgiving Break   Monday, Dec. 2 – Back to School from Thanksgiving Break   Tuesday, Dec. 3 – JV and Varsity Girls at Dublin, 4pm and 5:15pm -- Freshmen, JV, and Varsity Boys Basketball at Hamilton, 4pm, 5:15pm, 6:30pm   Wednesday, Dec. 4 – ASFAB test -- Blood drive   Thursday, Dec. 5 – No School -- All basketball at Dublin Tourney   Friday, Dec. 6 -- All basketball at Dublin Tourney   Saturday, Dec. 7 -- All basketball at Dublin Tourney -- ATTSB High School Region Band in Graham

If you aren’t part of our weekly email list, and would like to be, please email I’d be happy to add you.

Annual Spaghetti Supper by Mullin Masonic Lodge 806 A Spaghetti Supper will be held to benefit scholarships & other Masonic charities

8A - Nov. 6, 2019

Commissioners’ Court to meet   Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners’ Court in Mills County, Texas, will hold the regular bi-weekly session on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019, at 9 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Courtroom of the Courthouse in the City of Goldthwaite, Texas:   Notice: The Commissioners’ Court of Mills County may discuss, deliberate and take all appropriate action on any matter listed on this agenda. Items may be taken out of the order indicated. All testimony before the Mills County Commissioners Court may be taken under oath pursuant to Sect. 81.030 of the Local Government Code. AGENDA   1. Opening Pledge of Allegiance and prayer   2. Review and act on minutes of Oct. 28, 2019   3. Audience with Individuals   CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed are considered to be routine business by the Court and will be enacted with one motion unless any item is removed by the Court. Inquiries for clarification, additional information or explanation are allowed, but there will be no individual deliberative action allowed or considered on an item unless a member of the Commissioners’ Court requests such consideration, at which time, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Action Agenda.  Discuss Departmental Monthly Reports (Sec 114.044 Texas Local Gov Code)   a. Monthy County Treasurer reports   b. Accounts payable   c. MCAD monthly collec-

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


tion report   d. County Extension reports   e. Sheriff’s office   f. Justice of the Peace   g. County Judge’s receipts   h. Hamilton EMS   i. Veterans Services Officer   4. Consider and act on declaring the following scrap and disposing of items:   keyboard - Lenovo   keyboard - Microsoft   speakers - CA  Acer monitor #73206552040   5. Consider and act on declaring 6 ballistic vests as sa;vage and donating them to the St. Michael’s Shield Program   6. Consider and act on declaring 4 ballistic vests as scrap and destroying them   7. Consider and act on accepting funds from grants for Joe Demeis brought down this fine non-typical 12-pt. buck Saturday Criminal Interdiction equip- in Mills County. The buck’s gross score was 161 4/8 points. ment and Criminal Interdiction/Terrorism Intelligence Sharing   8. Consider and act on canvassing votes for Nov. 5, 2019 General Election   9. Consider and act on resolution with TexPool Investment Services   10. Commmissioners’ requests & reports   11. County Judge’s report   12. Adjournment   NOTE: Agenda items may be taken out of sequence  Executive Session: The Court may retire to executive session anytime between the meeting’s opening and adjournment for the purpose of deliberating business authorized in Texas Government Code Section 651.071

Adam Parma from San Antonio spent the morning and afternoon in the blind with “The Bull” hunting the RRR Ranch. The afternoon hunt led to Adam taking this lifetime buck that scored 208 6/8 non- typical. Congratulations Adam! Adam plans to attend the Texas Big Game Awards in May at Cabela’s.

Carolyn Foster County Clerk Mills County, Texas

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Cooper Inderman, Morgan Perry and Brady Westlund are pictured above with a big male coyote caught on the Graves XTC Ranch while trapping with Steven Bridges this week. The boys learned about snaring, raccoon trapping and leg hold trapping while out with Steve. The Ben Blaine is pictured above with his double drop tine crossbow coyote was caught in a leg hold trap. buck taken just east of Goldthwaite. This was Ben’s second shot at this buck. Ben grazed the buck with his first shot. A few weeks later, the buck made the fatal mistake of coming back to Ben’s feeder. Ben made a solid shot this time and bagged the big buck.

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SHEEP & GOAT SALE RESULTS SALE DATE: 11-4-19 HEAD COUNT: 1,577 SHEEP Dorper & Dorper Cross Lambs   20-40 lbs: $170-250 cwt   40-70 lbs: $195-265 cwt   70 lbs & up: $150-235 cwt

GOATS Kids   20-40 lbs: $225-270 cwt   40-70 lbs: $200-270 cwt 70 lbs & up: $160-255 cwt

Dorper & Dorper X Ewes & Rams   Ewes: $40-135 hd   Rams: $85-135 cwt

Slaughter Nannies   Thin: $50-100 hd   Medium: $90-155 hd   Fleshy: $160-225 hd Replacement Nannies   Med. Quality: $120-160 hd   Choice Quality: $165-225 hd Boer, Boer X & Spanish Billies   Slaughter: $135-170 cwt   Breeding: $165-180 cwt

Wool Lambs   20-40 lbs: N/T cwt   40-70 lbs: N/T cwt   70 lbs & up: N/T cwt Wool Ewes   Stocker: N/T cwt   Slaughter: $60-81 cwt Barbadoes   Lambs: $145-235 cwt   Ewes: $40-100 hd   Rams: $200-400 hd

Trends Dorper Lambs: $20 Higher Wool Lambs: $20 Higher BBD Lambs: $20 Higher Ewes: Steady Kids: $5-10 Higher Nannies: $20 Higher

* Fancier kids/lambs will consistently bring $15-$25/cwt higher than what is posted on this market report. **Feeder Kids/Lambs are Considerably Cheaper * HD= per head; * CWT=per 100 pounds

Derek Poe, General Manager



The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 9A • (325)648-2244

Farm - Ranch - Construction Equipment Auction Saturday November 30, 2019----- 10:00 a.m. 111 US Hwy 84 West-- Goldthwaite, Texas We will begin unloading Consignments of Quality Items Monday November 11. Unloading hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. & 1 to 4:30 p.m. All items must be in place by Tuesday November 26 in order to get items cataloged and advertised online and on Proxibid. – Closed Thanksgiving day. Consign your equipment with us and get world wide exposure on Proxibid as well as live auction exposure. $1,000.00 cash drawing will be held sometime during this auction. You must be present to win. To consign items or for more details contact: Live Oak Realty & Auction Texas Lic. # TXS 9123 111 US HWY 84 West, Goldthwaite, Texas Across road from Dairy Queen- Next door to Texaco. Glen Love Jr. 325- 938-6750 Chase Love 325-451-0029 Shylah Love 325-451-4326 office – internet manager Photos and more details Website updated daily auction week. Like us on Facebook for instant updates.

Kovar shares astronomy with students Mr. Walt Kovar visited the Goldthwaite Middle School 8th grade science class to share his expertise in astronomy. Through wonderful powerpoints, activities, and a variety of equipment, he demonstrated how the HR diagram works and the various forms of electromagnetic radiation. The students where very enthralled with his demonstrations and learned a great deal. The middle school greatly appreciated Mr. Kovar's time and willingness to share his extensive knowledge. Weekly sales held at 11:00am Mason-Monday & San Saba-Thursday +

Barber Ranch & Guest Bull & Female Sale Wednesday, November 13 @ 11:00 a.m. - San Saba

87 Hereford Bulls, 50 Express Ranches Angus Bulls and 20 Hereford Heifers

Special Bull Offering

In conjunction with the regular sale. Bulls will sell at 10:00 a.m.

Thursday, November 21 @ 10:00 a.m. - San Saba Featuring 15 Angus Bulls from Angus of Clear Creek Books are Closed!

For details on the above sales or online viewing/bidding call or visit our website.

Ken & Kynda Jordan — Owners & Operators


San Saba 325-372-5159 Mason 325-347-6361

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Quality, Small Squares in Bundles, 3x3x8, 4x4x8 bales Delivery Available Round Bale Cow Hay


Star Fish Fry AG ROUNDUP Fundraiser set by Mills County Extension Agent Tom Guthrie for Saturday

Mills County Senior Citizens Center Chair Bingo

By Brian Whitt Goldthwaite Eagle   Star VFD will hold its annual Fish Fry fundraiser this Saturday, November 9 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Star Fire Station.   The yearly fish fry has proven extremely popular with locals and visitors alike. Volunteer firefighter Sam Campbell shared information about the event with The Eagle Monday morning.   "Our annual Fish Fry is our main event for getting donations so that we can exist for another year," Campbell said.   "We've had very much success by trying to offer the very best fish at a donation price only."   In addition to fish, the meal includes all the fixings, desserts, drinks, and more. The firefighters, their wives, and other ladies in the community share the work of preparing the feast.  "There are homemade desserts, fish, hush puppies, beans, coleslaw, potato salad," Campbell continued.   "We'll start serving at 5:30 on Saturday, and serve until the fish is gone or we don't have anybody else to serve."   Because the event is held during deer season, hunters are a common sight at the Fish Fry.

"We like the hunters to come," Campbell said.   Volunteer firefighter Kirby Moore provides transportation via ATV for those who park far enough away to make walking to the fire station difficult. The Star VFD makes every effort to provide an enjoyable (and delicious) experience for all.   "Best fish in Mills County, some say," Campbell said. "We actually try to buy the best fish that we have found to be available."   Donations help the Star VFD in a number of ways. Campbell said the money helps pay for vehicle insurance, building insurance, property insurance, truck maintenance, tires, and equipment.   "And we put in a new well this year," he said. "Been borrowing water from the neighbor, and we felt like we need to be self-sufficient with our own water."   The Fish Fry plays an important role in the life of our community, providing an opportunity to get together, enjoy a great meal, and support our volunteer firefighters. Campbell offered this invitation as he concluded his comments.   "Everybody [is] welcome."

The Mills County Senior Center is collaborating with the Mills County AgriLife Extension Office and the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services Better Living for Texas Agent, Wendy Hamilton out of Brown County to provide a physical activity called Chair Bingo to senior citizens. The activity will be held each Thursday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am at the Mills County Senior Center. The dates will run from October 24th – December 19th, excluding November 28.

Timberlake hosts local students

Students from Stephany Eoff's ninth-grade biology class in Goldthwaite visited Tarleton State University’s Timberlake Biological Field Station near Goldthwaite recently for some hands-on learning.   The high school students, accompanied by teachers and parent volunteers, examined water quality, sampled plant populations, and discussed common mussels and mammals that occur along the Colorado River in Mills County.   Eoff organized the event with help from administrators and teachers from Goldthwaite ISD as well as faculty from Tarleton.   The field station is on land donated in 2013 by Dr. Lamar


MCRTA to present a program on scams

An ever present danger to retirees are scams. Daily calls, mailings as well as the internet are rude entrances into these problems. Earl Wall, a member of MCRTA, will present the program. The meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 2 p.m. in the Mills County Bank Community Room.   Shirley Boyd, District President of TRTA, will be attending and will be sharing pertinent infor-

mation regarding improtant business.  Dawn Wallingham, who is running for reelection to the State Senate, has been invited to attend the meeting.   Members are reminded that the collection of library books and volunteer service hours has begun. Donations for the Scholarship Fund are always welcome.   Come, enjoy this program and bring a friend.

Gary Mitchell

325-642-7653 1901 Early Blvd. • Early, TX 76802

Hebrews 11:1

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."

News, photos, ads & more! Visit us online at!


Mills County County Mills Commission Company Mills County Commission Company Sheep & Goat Sale • Fridays @ 11 am Goldthwaite, Texas

Commission Company

Goldthwaite, Texas Sheep & Goat Sale •• John Fridays 11 am Office Clifton@ 325-938-7170 325-648-2249 Walt Clifton 512-484-7363 • Wade 512-484-7364 Office • John Clifton 325-938-7170 325-648-2249 Sheep & Goat Sale •• John Fridays 11 am Office Clifton@ 325-938-7170 Walt 512-484-7363 Clifton 325-938-7170 512-484-7364 Walt Clifton 512-484-7363 •• •Wade Wade 512-484-7364 OfficeClifton John Clifton 325-648-2249 Clifton 512-484-7363 • Wade Clifton 512-484-7364

Mills County Commission Company;

Oct 31st; Total Receipts 1,512; Week Ago: 2,426   Wool: Lambs: 50-70 lb: 185-235 cwt; 70-90 lb: 170-215 cwt; 90-110 lb: 140-

Thursday, October 31, 2019   MASON & SAN SABA – Receipts totaled 2,249 head.The overall market on the stocker steers and heifers sold steady except for stocker steers and heifers that were weaned with ideal condition sold $3 to $5 higher. Feeder steers sold $2 to $3 higher with 21 steers 728 lbs at $135.50 ($986.46) and 6 steers 893 lbs at $123.50 ($1,102.86). Feeder heifers sold steady. Packer cows, bulls, pairs, and bred cows sold steady.   Choice Steer Calves: 100-200 lbs. – $170.00$200.00 200-300 lbs. – $170.00-$192.00 300-400 lbs. – $160.00-$190.00 400-500 lbs. – $140.00$170.00 500-600 lbs. – $130.00-$150.00 600-700 lbs. – $122.00-$133.00 700-800 lbs. – $120.00$135.50   Choice Heifer Calves: 100-200 lbs. – $130.00$148.00 200-300 lbs. – $130.00-$148.00 300-400 lbs. – $130.00-$150.00 400-500 lbs. – $120.00$139.00 500-600 lbs. – $113.00-$133.00 600-700 lbs. – $110.00-$119.00 700-800 lbs. – $105.00$117.00   Choice Yearlings: Steers 700-800 lbs. – $125.00$135.50 Steers 800+ lbs. – $120.00-$130.50 Heifers 700-800 lbs. – $110.00-$119.00 Heifers 800+ lbs. – $100.00-$112.00   #2 Calves & Yearlings: Steers – $105.00-$145.00 Heifers – $100.00-$130.00 Shorties and Plainer – $25.00-$100.00   Bred Cows: Choice – $950.00-$1000.00 Medium to Good – $775.00-$940.00 Plainer to Older – $500.00-$900.00   Slaughter Cows: High Yield – $49.00-$58.50 Medium Yield – $43.00-$49.00 Low Yield – $20.00$42.00 Heiferettes and Young Stockers – $55.00-

$100.00   Bulls: High Yield – $75.00-$77.00 Medium Yield – $70.00-$74.00 Low Yield – $45.00-$70.00 Feeder – $50.00-75.00   Pairs: Choice – No Test Medium to Good – $900.00-$1000.00 Plainer and Older – $700.00$890.00   Representative Sales: Sid Evans, Burnet, 1 steer 300 lbs 190.00 Boyle & Stokes, San Angelo, 1 steer 395 lbs 176.00 Bobby Ratliff, Llano, 1 steer 445 lbs 170.00 4B Ranch, San Angelo, 6 steers 485 lbs 144.00 Jerrod Pitcock, San Angelo, 2 steers 745 lbs 132.00 JAA Livestock, Richland Springs, 4 steers 668 lbs 129.00 Nisbet Family LP, San Saba, 8 steers 709 lbs 129.00 Bachman Enterprise, Richland Springs, 6 steers 893 lbs 123.50 Sid Evans, Burnet, 3 heifers 322 lbs 150.00 Shannon Prescott, Stephenville, 4 heifers 448 lbs 131.00 Triple P Livestock, San Saba, 2 heifers 765 lbs 119.00 Cody Rasberry, Brownwood, 6 heifers 620 lbs 115.00 Kelly McKinzie, Comanche, 5 steers 503 lbs 150.00 Bannowsky & Spenergy, Menard, 3 steers 520 lbs 146.00 Glyn Hutto, Eldorado, 8 steers 573 lbs 141.00 Paul Bracher, San Antonio, 21 steers 728 lbs 135.50 Glyn Hutto, Eldorado, 5 steers 822 lbs 130.50 Cliff Saunders, Houston, 5 steers 870 lbs 122.00 Walkin Cane Cattle Co, Slaton, 11 heifers 542 lbs 123.50 Ricky & Dale Bauman, Valley Spring, 3 heifers 758 lbs 115.50 Mitchell McMullan, Boerne, 3 heifers 790 lbs 114.00   This market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale on this date. There may be instances where some sales do not fit within these reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.

Johanson and his wife, Marilyn. The property is used not only for research but for field trips and classes of college and public school students.   The field station represents the ecological transition between the Cross Timbers and Edwards Plateau regions of Central Texas. This “east meets west” area supports a unique mixture of species for study in research and classroom-related endeavors. It also is known for outdoor recreation such as bird watching, camping, fishing, hiking and kayaking.   To learn more about the Timberlake Biological Field Station visit www.tarleton. edu/timberlakeranch.

185 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: 55-80; Stocker Ewes: N/T; Bucks: 75-110 cwt;   Dorper - Dorper Cross: 40-60 lb: 220-260 cwt; 60-75 lb: 190-245 cwt; 75-90 lb: 165-235 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: 55-100 cwt; Slaughter Bucks: 85-120 cwt; Replacement Ewes: 115-160 head; Replacement Bucks: 225-350 head;   Barbado - Barbado Cross: Kids: 35-50 lb: 175-250 cwt; 50-70 lb: 165-245 cwt; 70-90 lb: 150-220 cwt; Slaughter Ewes: 55-100 cwt; Replacement Ewes: N/T head; Replacement Bucks: N/T head.   Boer - Boer Spanish Cross: Kids: 30-45 lb: 230-290 cwt; 45-60: 225-265 cwt; 60-70 lb: 185-265 cwt; 70-90 lb: 170-260 cwt;   Nannies: Light Slaughter: 130-185 cwt; Heavy Slaughter: 110-150 cwt; Thin Slaughter: 65-90 cwt; Replacement Nannies: N/T head;   Billies: Light Slaughter: 160-200 cwt; Heavy Slaughter: 150-185 cwt; Replacement Billies: N/T head.   Trends:   Light Kids: $5-10 Higher   Slaughter Kids: $5-10 Higher   Slaughter Nannies: $10-15 Higher   Replacement Nannies: $10 Higher   Wool Lambs: $10 Higher   Dorper Lambs: $10-15 Higher   Barbado Lambs:


Thank You For Your Business! John, Walt & Wade Clifton



COMMISSION CO. CO. CORYELL June 14, 2008 CO. COMMISSION Cattle Sale - 12:00 PM November 2nd June 14, 2008 Jody & Sale Robin- 12:00 Thomas Cattle PM Jody & Robin Thomas 254-865-9121 254-865-9121 or 254-223-2958

or 254-223-2958



12:00 NOON 12:00 NOON Happy Thanksgiving! No Sale Nov. 30

No. 1 Steers under 300 lb. 140-175 140-175 300 - 400 lb. 135-165 400-500 lb. 125-145 500 - 600 lb. 115-130 600 - 700 lb. 110-125 700 - 800 lb. No. 1 Heifers under 300 lb. 125-155 125-140 300 - 400 lb. 120-140 400 - 500 lb. 115-130 500 - 600 lb. 600 - 700 lb. 105-120 100-115 700 - 800 lb. Slaughter Cows High Yielding 45 to 52 Low Yielding 35 to 43 Fats 45 to 55 Thin & Shelly 15 to 30 Packer Bulls (1250-2075 lbs.) Yield Grade 1 & 2 50-75 Cow & Calf Pairs Young Choice 1100-1250 Young Fair 950-1100 Aged Pairs Hwy. 550-950 36, Young Pregnancy T est Gatesville, Texas Stocker Replacement Cows 500-1050

254/865-9121 Number of Head: 676

Hwy. 36, Hwy. 36 Gatesville, Texas

Gatesville, Texas



10A - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

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The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

FUMC Harvest Festival

Nov. 6, 2019 - 11A

Church of Christ Trunk or Treat


Beg i Nov ns . 6!

There are two baskets worth over $1,700 EACH! The winners will be drawn by The Daytripper Chet Garner on Nov. 30 To purchase tickets contact a local DKG member, stop by the Jennie Trent Dew Library in Goldthwaite, or tickets will be sold at the Artisan Guild Holiday Bazaar at the Mills County Civic Center in Goldthwaite on Saturday, Nov. 23 THANK YOU TO THESE BUSINESSES FOR PUTTING THEIR VALUABLE ITEMS OR GIFT CARDS IN THE DKG RAFFLE BASKETS!

First United Methodist Church Goldthwaite Wednesdays 3:45 pm to 5:30 pm For children grades 2 - 5 Come feast with friends and discover God’s word! Crafts, Games, Small Group scripture time & worship


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Wendi’s Cakes Sister 2 Sister Catering Brookshire’s Lilly B’s Jewelry Boutique Harvest Restaurant Durham Pecan Company Rustic Grace B Salon Barbed Wire and Lace Dairy Queen Sonic Tractor Supply Company Woven Roots Bill Ellis Tire Station Miquel’s Restaurant Thairpy Cockrell Vineyards The Sweet Life Tomorrow’s Keepsakes Garcia Tire Tom & Ollie’s Kirkland Barber Shop Comanche Florist Pro Nails Mountainview Sweets Ace Hardware

De Leon Shuga Pops Kaitlyn’s Kreations Just Once Plumbing, LLC Kindred Threads Briannty Elkins, Mary Kay Goldthwaite S&S Ranch Supply Peabody’s Restaurant Schwartz Food Tegeler Chevrolet Buick Hill Country Ford Subway Mills County General Store Sherry Shaw Ranch Land Feed Switch Salong, Spa & Boutique Sutherland’s Photography Artisan Guild Live Oak Garden Center Gustine Livingston Florist Front Porch Photography by Jenny Kilburn’s Kitchen Dragon Tech PC Repair

12A - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Goldthwaite Eagles celebrate Senior Night

Nicholas Jones is escorted by Maggy and Craig Jones, and has played football for four years. He is a member of NHS, and leader and co-founder of Hearts for Others. After high school he plans to go to college, but is undecided on where.

Isaac Chavez is escorted by Jennifer and Eric Chavez, and has played football for three of four years. He is proud to have made it this far Weldon Krause is escorted by Ronnie and Brenda Krause and Justin and values his maximum effort on and off the field. He plans to pursue Mullins, and has played football four years. He is a member of FCA. He plans to attend CTC and pursue a career as a fireman. a real estate career and go to barber school.

Jaxon Wootton is escorted by Brian and Jennifer Walzel and Jamie Wooton, and he has played football four years. He was 2016 football district newcomer of the year, 2017 All-Region Team, 2018 All-Dis- Jordan Simon is escorted by Stephan Geltz and Korrin Stevens, and Daylin Wiedebusch is escorted by Paul and Angie Wiedebusch, and trict team, three-time team captain, member of the FCA and an FCA has played football four years. He plans to enter the fire academy and has played football three of four years. He is a member of the ag mechanics team. He plans to attend college and get a degree in business. become a firefighter. Huddle Leader.

Jose Valdez is escorted by Celia Lopez, and has played football four years. He is a Jr. ROTC cadet corporal, FFA member, and Dairy Queen’s Blizzard King. He plans to attend electrical lineman school in Denton.

Jaden Biehl is escorted by Chris and Keri Biehl, and has played football four years. He is an active member of the FCA, FFA, and is on the BBQ Team. Jaden is proud of his second place brisket at the state Noe Sanchez is escorted by Martin and Laura Sanchez, and has played BBQ cook-off last year. He would like to take over his family’s BBQ football three of four years. He plans to attend Tulsa welding school business. and continue trapping wild hogs.

Colby Darnell is the son of Timothy and Jennifer Darnell. He has been in band for 7 years. Colby has served as a section leader for 4 years and drum major for 2 years. He has earned a position in the Shane Castle is escorted by Coach Keith Virdell, and has played foot- Region Band and was the outstanding jazz soloist at the HPU leaderball two of four years. He plans to attend TSTC in Waco for electrical ship camp. Colby plans to attend Angelo State to study music with a specialization in education. engineering and then move to New Orleans.

Victoria Herrin is the daughter of Michael Herrin. She has been in band in Goldthwaite for 5 years. She has earned Division 1’s on UIL Solos and Division 1’s and 2’s on UIL ensembles and made the District Band.After high school, she plans to attend Angelo State to study physical therapy. Victoria would like to thank Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Wicks for always pushing the band to the limit, and always believing in them. She will remember her days in Goldthwaite because this school is one of the best.

Bayleigh Hicks is the daughter of Martha Hicks, and was escorted by Juan Martinez is the son of Armando and Vicenta Castillo. He has Martha, and grandparents Rosanita and Jimmy Hicks. Bayleigh has been in band for 7 years and plans to attend TSTC for welding and been in band for 7 years. She has led the band as a section leader diesel mechanics courses. and as a drum major for the last two years. She has also earned a Division 1 at the UIL Solo Contest. Bayleigh plans to go to UT Arlington majoring in nursing towards a masters specializing in pediatrics or education with a masters degree. She wants to thank her family, friends, church, coaches, and teachers for their contributions to her education and character. She would also like to give Mrs. Reynolds a huge round of applause for making her the musician and person she is. Once an Eagle, always an Eagle!

Dakota Moreland is the son of David and Jana Moreland. Dakota joined the GEB when he moved to Goldthwaite last year after “surviving the jungles of Hawaii”. He plans to go to TSTC to study cyber security.

Samantha Simmons is the daughter of Jamie and Erin Simmons. She has been in the band for 7 years and has served as the clarinet section leader. She has earned numerous Division 1’s on UIL solos and ensembles. While undecided about which university she will attend, Samantha plans to be a teacher.

Carter Taylor is the son of Buster and Dynette Taylor. He has been in band for 7 years and serves as a snare drummer during marching band and a French horn player during the concert season. Carter plans to continue working in the concrete construction business after attending Blinn for a business degree.

Izic Odom is the son of Cody Odom and Shanna Gillespie. He has been in band for 4 years and has served as the low brass section leader for 2 years. Izic won a Division 1 on a UIL solo and plans to study marine biology in college.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 13A • (325)648-2244

Goldthwaite Eagles celebrate Senior Night

Hannah Dennis is the daughter of Shawn and Jill Dennis. She has been a cheerleader for the Eagles for three years, and serves as the cheer captain this season. She has also been named homecoming queen, as well as serves as FFA chapter treasurer and is a member of the National Honor Society. After graduation, Hannah plans to attend Texas Tech University. Wreck’em!

Hooper Thorne is the son of Troy Thorne and Theresa Thorne. He has been in band for 7 years and has served as the trumpet section leader for 3 years and has competed in UIL Solo and Ensemble earning several Division 1’s. Hooper plans to attend Tarleton and study computer science and engineering.

Lane Dowell is the son of Scott and Crystal Dowell. He has been in band for 7 years and has served as a section leader. He has also earned 5 Division 1’s on UIL solos. Lane plans to major in Pre-Vet at Tarleton and hopes to get into Texas A&M for their Veterinary program.

Emmary Petersen is the daughter of Darnelle White, Jeffery Petersen, and Christa Petersen. She has been an Eagle cheerleader since 7th grade. Following graduation she plans to attend Angelo State University to major in Biomedical Science and then eventually attend medical school.

By Susan Reynolds GCISD Band Director   November 1 was a night to remember. We honored both our middle school band students and our seniors. It was sort of a look back and a glimpse of the future all on the same day.   The 7th and 8th grade bands and the middle school twirlers and flags joined the Golden Eagle Band in the stands for the first half of the game, then on the field during halftime. When there are over 100 teens on the field working together to entertain their parents and friends, that’s something. They played “Splish Splash” to a very appreciative audience. It was such a lot of fun for everyone!   We also took the opportunity to acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of our seniors. It will be sad to see them go, but they have even more to contribute in the wide open world. This bunch is going to do something.

Band Notes

Kaylen Owen, Karamie Gilbert, Madisyn Sutherland, Britni Roberts

Wyatt Alderson

GES & GMS Night under the Fright Night Lights

Amber Bridges

Andi Edwards

Kenley Howard, Riley Newton

Brooke Roberts, Riley Newton, Kenley Howard, Rylee Greenway

Aaliyah Avants

Mikaela Rodriguez

Lainey Leverett

Tai Gentsch

Rylee Greenway, Brooke Roberts Addi Lee

Hailey Herrera

Gretchen Eilers

MJ Terry

Kristin Senger

Luis Sauceda

Kalli McCoy

14A - Nov. 6, 2019

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Varsity FB

JV Football

JV Volleyball

Varsity Cheer

Varsity Volleyball

Kindergarten celebrates 131

Mullin Bulldogs Celebrate 131st Birthday

Bridging the Gap By Georgie Bridges

Mullin ISD students and staff celebrated the district’s 131st birthday on Friday, Nov. 1.

Join Us! For a Meet & Greet with Republican Congressional Candidate

Pictured are: Stuart who is the oldest (52), Steven the middle child (49), MiMi, Papa, and Bethany the youngest (46). To me it is about the most precious thing in this world that all of my children are alive and well. It must be the saddest event in the life of a mother or a father to lose a child. I ask God to take extra special care of them.


Lt. Col. August Pfluger is a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and a decorated combat pilot with over 300 hours of direct action against radical jihadists in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Until launching his campaign for TX-11 in September, August served as a member of President Donald Trump’s National Security Council staff, where he was entrusted with our nation’s highest security clearance and charged with advising President Trump on a host of foreign and domestic threats to our nation’s security. As a seventh-generation Texan, August learned the value of a hard day’s work on his family’s ranches in Kimble and Concho counties. August describes himself as a conservative Republican, a proud husband and father, and a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. He met his wife, Camille, in October 2000. They have three young daughters, Vivian, Caroline, and Juliana. In his free time, August enjoys coaching his daughters’ youth soccer teams and leading Bible study groups for military service members – something he’s done at every base he’s been stationed.

Paid for by Pfluger for Congress

I had Flint yesterday after school and got to take him to his flag football practice which was at the Goldthwaite City field. When Flint and I got there some of the players were there and had their drink containers of various sorts in the dugout spaced far enough apart so everyone would have space to sit. I watched as Wade Clifton had them line up in a row. He told them that when he said “Hut” they were to run to the fence at the other end of the field. He explained it quite clearly and as the boys got into their stance he said, “Ready! Set!” and one of the boys jumped. Walt grinned and the boys did five push ups for his error. Then he proceeded to explain to the boys the same scenario of when he says “Hut” they are to run to the fence and come back. So Walt said, “Ready, Set” and another of the guys jumped and quickly got down and did five pushups. It was so much fun to watch them laugh and have a good time. Ryan Wright was also helping with the coaching and plays.   I want to thank all of these coaches, their helpers, parents, grandparents, or whoever that give of their time and work with young people. In my opinion you are more important than you know. Some may say that you do it because you have a child in the mix but I know that you do it for your kids and for the

many others also and so I say “pat yourself on the back” or come by to see me and I will “pat you on your back.”   When Frank and I went to Flower Mound to help celebrate Bethany’s and Blake’s birthdays it just so happened that Steven was also traveling to Kansas to look at a hunting dog that he might want. So Steven arranged his schedule so he could have dinner with us. It is not often when I get all my “little chicks” in the same place at the same time and it was a wonderful time. We had quite a crowd at some Italian restaurant (I don’t remember the name of the place right now). Also attending were Frank’s brother and his wife, Kenny and Jackie of Richardson; Amy (Stuart’s wife) and two of Amy’s girls, Blakely who is in medical assistant studies and Savannah who is a senior in high school; Robert (Bethany’s husband) and their two, Sarah, an eleventh grader at Flower Mound High School and Carson, who is an eight grader at Forestwood Middle School; Blake, who was 26 that night and his wife Jordan who live in Dallas. We enjoyed a wonderful meal together. It was expensive but just a great memory. Maybe some day soon we will all be together in one place at the same time.   We all had a wonderful time.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 1B • (325)648-2244

s e l d n a C Paint a Goldthwaite Circle E t Free Gif Pumpkin with your ith Wrap w ! e Purchas friends! cates! fi i t r e C Gift


New Scents:

NOV. 6, 6 P.M.

Sugar & Suede Sandlewood & Spice

Old Favorites:


Bird of Paradise Orange Vanilla Leather Country Morning Fire on the Mountain

Come with us as we celebrate at The Central Texas Livestock Center in Goldthwaite! Be prepared for a fun night with your family and friends as we help you take home a unique work of art perfect for decorating your home .   We provide you with step-by-step instructions, all the supplies that you will need, including a stencil if necessary, and a great time! You’ll be amazed that in just a few hours you’ll have an amazing painting even if you’ve never picked up a paintbrush in your life.   Seats for this event are $35 at the door.   This event is a BYOB event!  This event is hosted by Painting With Friends of Brownwood.

(325) 356-0008 or find us on Facebook! They make great gifts for all occasions!

Halloween in Goldthwaite Above left, employees of the City of Goldthwaite at City Hall - Darnelle White and Sarah Castillo - get into the Halloween spirit last Thursday. Above right, Jennie Trent Dew Library employee Hailee Hill shows off her creative costume Halloween Day.

What makes a difference for you when you’re deciding on a rehabilitation program after a hospital stay due to an injury or illness? At Goldthwaite Health & Rehab, our entire team is committed to helping you on your way to a successful recovery and return home. We work diligently as a team to send you home strong! Visit us about our different care programs Short Term Care • Respite Care • Skilled • Nursing Care • Outpatient Rehabilitation • Short-Term Care • Respite Care • Long-Term Care • Outpatient Rehabilitation

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A BIG THANK YOU to all of our customers for coming out and sharing in our Customer Appreciation Day! We are so blessed to be part of such a supportive community and so happy to have our business here. • BROOKE SIDES & THE MAJOR FAMILY • ALL BATTERY, ALTERNATOR, STARTER & COMPUTER SCANS ARE FREE EVERY DAY!


Auto Parts 920 Fisher ST Goldthwaite, TX

2B - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Annual Chamber Chili Lunch held Saturday The Goldthwaite Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Hunters Appreciation Chili Lunch was held Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Goldthwaite Pavilion.

New local businesswoman, Sassy Central Spa owner and esthetician Marla Wimp, does a sugaring hair removal treatment on a client at Impressions last week.

Some sugar could spice up your appearance By Tammarrah Pledger Goldthwaite Eagle   With the holidays right around the corner, locals may want to know there is a great new way to treat the woman in your life to something extra — or treat yourself anytime!   Marla Wimp, the owner of Sassy Central Spa at Impressions, recently moved to Goldthwaite and opened a new business that offers services like facials, eyelash extensions, sugaring hair removal and more.   Longtime friend and colleague of Kim Brown, owner of Knots Out Massage Therapy in Goldthwaite, Marla said she was visiting Kim not long ago, and when other cosmetology-related business owners found out what she did, they encouraged her to move here to live and work.

“I was looking to move, but wasn’t really thinking about moving here,” Marla said. “Kim was introducing me to people and I met Cindy (Head), and she told me, ‘I want you here!’”   Marla is originally from Corpus Christi, but moved here about a month ago from Sanger.  “Everyone was just so sweet and so nice, and they convinced me to move here, and I just love it,” Marla said.   “There is definitely that small town feel here, and the people I’ve met are so wonderful,” she said. “I love meeting all the new people and getting to know this new place. I love it!”   Marla has been an esthetician — a person who specializes in the beautification of the skin with cosmetic skin treatments, such as facials,

superficial chemical peels, body treatments, and waxing, for example — for about 15 years, she said.  When The Eagle visited Marla at Impressions last week, she was giving a client a sugaring treatment. The hair-removal technique is all natural, Marla said, and her brochure indicates it can be used all over the body.   “I also do microdermabrasion, facials, lashes ... lots of things,” she explained.   Marla is at Impressions from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday through Friday and on Saturday by appointment. She also works out of Brownwood on Mondays and occasionally on Tuesdays.   For more information on what services she provides or to make an appointment, call Marla at (361)-3319987. You can also reach her via email at

GMS ONE ACT PLAY: GMS One Act Play will perform Zink: The Myth, The Legend, The Zebra, on Sunday, Nov. 10, 3 p.m. at the Goldthwaite Elementary cafetorium. Pictured in rehearsal are Adrian Ramirez, Aubrey Kelly, Quentin Oosthuizen, and Addisyn Howard.

News from the JTD Library By Susan Lindsey Library Director   QUILLBUR takes a bite out of THE DONUT THAT ROARED during National Radiologic Technology Week   JTD will be giving away FREE donuts on Thursday, November 7, in honor of NATIONAL RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY WEEK. .   We will be reading “The Donut that ROARED,” a book written to help children cope while undergoing an MRI procedure. We have purchased a wide variety of informational books through a grant from the American

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Society of Radiologic Technologists. Please come visit, browse the materials and share a story.   Book Club meets Thursday at 4:00. The book this month is “Celine” by Peter Heller.     Friends of the Library will

meet on Monday, Nov. 18.   Remember, we have Storytime every Friday at 10:00. I know there will be fresh donuts for our Friday group.   Please come take advantage of this timely collection. the DONUTS are waiting.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Retirement Plans 1105 Riverside Drive PO Box 1741 Stocks Brownwood, Tx 76804

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Eagle photos by Brian Whitt

Financial Advisor

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.”

Keeler’s Korner



NOW Saturday ONLY • 10-6 • Brisket Plates • Quesadillas • Brisket Baked Potatoes • Hamburgers & Much More!

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NEW JEWELRY IN STOCK! Come see what's new in our women's boutique!

Hwy. 183 in Zephyr

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 3B • (325)648-2244

State Capitol Highlights Compiled by Ed Sterling, Texas Press Association

Voters to decide on proposed amendments Darrell Head of Star is pictured here on his 93rd birthday on Saturday, Nov. 2.

Head: Hardly slowing down, even at 93! By Tammarrah Pledger Goldthwaite Eagle   Darrell Head of Star — owner of Head’s Hardware, which has operated at the same location in Center City for more than 70 years — celebrated his 93rd birthday this past Saturday.   A native of Mills County who has lived here all his life, Head said he started school at the North Bennett School and attended there until it closed. He then went to school at the Center City School until it closed, went to Goldthwaite schools for a couple years, and then graduated from Star High School.   After graduation, he worked at Hudson Drug Store for two years before he bought the store in Center City in 1946. Head recalled that when he worked at the drug store, which was in downtown Goldthwaite, people didn’t come to town much during the week. Saturday nights, however, were a different story.   “On Saturdays, everyone came to Goldthwaite,” he said. “You couldn’t get up and down the streets ... just solid cars up and down both sides of the street.” Most days his shift at the drug store started at 8 a.m. and he was done pretty early in the evening, he said, but on Saturday nights, he didn’t leave the drug store until about 10 p.m., and there were still people running around town even then.   In the 1940s, the business at Center City he would eventually buy was run by a couple of men who had a business killing mesquite trees, he said. The pair approached him to see if he wanted to buy the building and property.   “I told them I didn’t have enough money to make change let alone buy this place,” he said, but they let him take over the property and

buy it out over the years. At first, Head tried to operate a grocery store, but it didn’t do well, he said, so he decided to turn it into a hardware store, and that did much better.   “There’s been lots of changes since I opened the store,” Head said. “When I first opened, I might see 12 cars on the road all day long, and now there’s gotta be 1,200 that drive by every day.” In addition to the normal hardware they keep in stock, they also do oil changes and fix flats, he noted.   Head said he and his late wife Edna, who passed away in 2010, had a son and two daughters, Darrell Wayne Head of Star, Diane Sanders of Goldthwaite, and Sandra Compton of Burleson. He now has 11 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren, he said.   He said he enjoys helping his son and grandson with their cattle, and when he isn’t at the store or helping them with their cattle, he still enjoys hunting and fishing. In fact, he just got a deer over opening weekend, the same weekend as his birthday.   “When I was younger we did a lot of calling ... calling foxes and that ... but I’m getting too old for that I guess,” he said.   When asked what advice he would offer to people after 93 years of living, Head said he advises getting “a good job, work 20 or 30 years, and then retire and forget about it.” Ironically, he still shows up to work at the store every day at 7 a.m. and stays until about 8 p.m., he said.   “What would I do?” he chuckled at the thought of his own retirement. “I like to work!”   “A lot of these folks have been coming here a long time. I like waiting on them,” he said with a smile.

The state’s 10-day early voting period ran from Oct. 21 to Nov. 1 with Election Day on Nov. 5.   On the ballot are 10 proposed constitutional amendments, special elections and local political subdivision elections, including those for mayor, city council, school board, municipal utility districts and other local entities.  Secretary of State Ruth Hughs, the state’s chief election officer, encouraged all eligible voters to fulfill their civic duty by voting. During the early voting period, Hughs said, “It is critical that all eligible Texans have the opportunity to help shape the direction of the Lone Star State.” For more information on voting in Texas and a list of the proposed constitutional amendments, visit Feds set hemp rules   Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller on Oct. 29 announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s release of interim final rules for the U.S. Domestic Hemp Program.   The rules, part of the 2018 Farm Bill, serve as a framework for states like Texas that are planning to build an industrial hemp growing program. With federal guidelines in place, the Texas Department of Agriculture can now submit a state hemp plan to USDA for approval, Miller said. The rules can be found online at   “This is the big leap forward we’ve all been waiting for,” said Miller. “I want to make it clear – it is still not yet legal to grow industrial hemp in Texas.

But we are one step closer to allowing farmers to get this exciting new crop in the ground.”   Miller said he expects to submit the Texas plan for an industrial hemp program in 30 days or less. Harvey disaster continues   Gov. Greg Abbott on Oct. 28 extended the disaster proclamation he originally issued on Aug. 23, 2017, for counties affected by Hurricane Harvey that brought loss of life and damages estimated at more than $125 billion.   In the proclamation, the governor authorized the use of all available resources of state government and of political subdivisions that are reasonably necessary to cope with the disaster. Original counties named in the proclamation were: Aransas, Austin, Bee, Brazoria, Calhoun, Chambers, Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Fort Bend, Galveston, Goliad, Gonzales, Harris, Jackson, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Karnes, Kleberg, Lavaca, Liberty, Live Oak, Matagorda, Nueces, Refugio, San Patricio, Victoria, Waller, Wharton and Wilson.   Abbott later expanded the list to include the counties of: Angelina, Atascosa, Bastrop, Bexar, Brazos, Burleson, Caldwell, Cameron, Comal, Grimes, Guadalupe, Hardin, Jasper, Kerr, Lee, Leon, Madison, Milam, Montgomery, Newton, Orange, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Trinity, Tyler, Walker, Washington and Willacy. Update: ‘Vaping’ cases   The Texas Department of State Health Services on Oct.

29 reported that 165 Texas cases of severe lung disease have been identified so far in people who report “vaping” before developing symptoms.   One case was reported to have resulted in death. State health officials are gathering more information on about 13 other possible cases to determine whether they are consistent with the symptoms and substance use seen in cases in Texas and 48 other states.   Patients range in age from 13 to 75 years old, with a median age of 22 years. About one-quarter of the people affected in Texas are minors. Three-quarters are male, and nine in 10 report vaping THC or marijuana, possibly in conjunction with other substances. Almost all were hospitalized, with many requiring intensive care. TEA reports test results   The Texas Education Agency on Oct. 30 reported that Texas fourth graders taking the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress in mathematics improved from two years ago, outpacing the national average.   However, for eighth-grade students, mathematics scores declined slightly, dropping below the national average for the first time since 2003. Furthermore, eighth-grade reading scores showed the largest decline, mirroring a large decline across the nation. NAEP is a random sample test of reading and mathematics in fourth and eighth grades, overseen by the U.S. Department of Education and conducted every two years in every state.

Pumpkin search will continue at Gardens By Susan Lindsey Executive Director   The Great Pumpkin Search will continue in the Gardens. Please pick up a list in the Welcome Center and have fun finding twelve different types of pumpkins located in the Garden.   We want to thank Melissa Duren, Brenda Brooks, Pam

Tuminia, the JTD Library and the Chamber of Commerce Junior Directors for their help with our “Haunted” Gardens on Halloween. The weather turned out to be just right for a night of FRIGHT!   For two weeks in a row the Goldthwaite Pavilion has hosted some great community programs. Del Barnett

put together an Archaeology program October 27. University of Texas Archaeologist, Dr. Steve Howard was on site to identify artifacts. He is pictured with Laurie Painter. Last Saturday the Chamber hosted the Hunter Appreciation Luncheon in the pavilion.


! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

! 3RD ANNUAL COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER FBC & FRIENDS WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND AN INVITATION TO ALL! COME AND SHARE THANKSGIVING WITH US. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2019 SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER 11-1:30PM ALL ARE INVITED!!! No reservaLons needed! For more informaLon or to have meals delivered contact: Melanie Connally @ 325-451-0743 Butch Foster @ 512-695-2226 Brandi Rountree @512-567-4075


Sunday, Nov 10 @ 6:00PM Center City Baptist Church (located at 6 CR 249 just north of US Hwy 84 Center City, Texas)

Followed by Refreshments & Fellowship

4B - Nov. 6, 2019






RESIDENTIAL • 1617 Fisher - THIS ONE HAS CHARACTER! on .37 acre, brick, 2113 sq. ft. (MCAD), 3/3, attached garage, screened-in porch, unusual amount of closets & storage, well for yard, storage/workshop bldg. New CH/A, plumbing, insulation, and electrical since late 2016. Sound, solid, move-in ready, but also ready for you to continue with upgrades to suit your tastes. $175,000. Showed ONLY by appt. with Grayson. • 1803 Elza Dr. - EXTREMELY NICE (One of Goldthwaite’s nicest), brick with some rock accents, (MCAD 1792 sq. ft.) 3/2, bonus room for multiple uses, many custom features, on large lot, detached metal garage with storage, privacy fenced back yard, pool, spa, sauna, established yard with landscaping. Agent/owner has been only owner and resident. $219,000 $214,000. Showed only by appt. with Carolyn. RANCHES • 32.54 Acres - On CR 305 (East Front Street & becomes CR 305) less than a mile from the Courthouse. Spring Fed Stock Tank, Varied Terrain with Tree Lined Draws and Views, Other Scattered PENDING Live Oaks, Lots of Deer even though considered open pasture. Let Grayson show you and then make an offer. $4,750 per acre or $154,565. • 800 +/- Acres - THIS RANCH HAS IT ALL! Privacy, Beautiful House, Extremely nice OutBuildings, SUPERB HUNTING, Fishing, Livestock, Farming, Views, Varied Terrain, WATER, Areas of Early Native American Settlement, Great Cover with Planned-Sculptured Clearing, 300 +/- Pecan Trees, Variety of Other Trees, Variety of Wildlife & Birds, Trap & Working Pens, Fenced & Cross-Fenced, Native & Improved Grasses, Areas of Cultivation for Food Plots &/or Hay or Feed Crops, Good Wells, Browns Creek through the Property, Several Small Springs, 2 Large Tanks Stocked with Fish & Several Smaller Tanks. Hunting Managed since 2000 & in MLDP since 2013. EXTREMELY NICE 3/2 Rock House with Many Custom Features (approx. 3400 sq. ft.) on Hill Overlooking Large Tank. 9600 sq. ft. Metal Building on Slab that Includes Shop, Machinery Shed, Very Nice Bunkhouse, Great Cook Shack & Meat Processing Room, & Feed Room. Historic Rock Dairy Barn of approx. 1500 sq. ft. Extensively Renovated, but not quite completed as place for additional guests or a B&B. Al located about 5 miles out of Goldthwaite. $4,650,000. Or Seller Offers Option of 562 +/- acres with Improvements for $3,266,000. Showed ONLY BY APPOINTMENT with Grayson.

All listings appreciated and will be worked in a professional manner.

GRAYSON WETZEL, BROKER 1602 Parker Street, Goldthwaite, TX 78644 •

325/648-3486 Home/Office • 325-642-2245 Cell

Carolyn L. Schwartz, Sales Associate

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244


Gary Proffitt, Sales Associate 325/451-4220

4G Real Estate L.L.C. Farm • Ranch • Residential • Recreational

NEW! 396.17 Acres located in Brown County. This property is a sportsman’s paradise. It has one half of a soil conservation lake, great deer hunting, and nice weekend house that was newly built. Priced at $3,200 per Acre NEW! 250 +/- Acres located in Mills and Hamilton counties. This property is truly a great combination use property. There are grain fields on the front side, with grass and cover on the back half of the property. Both sides of Washboard Creek runs across the back of the property with a nice long hole of water. This property is priced at $3,325 Per Acre 50 +/- Acres to be cut out of a larger tract located in a area of Mills County with a good deer population. This property has easy county road access convenient to Goldthwaite. If you are looking for a smaller tract of property with great recreation potential, give us a call to take a look at this one. Priced at $190,000  115.92 +/- Acres located on County Road 217 in Mills County. This is a nice combination property that has a lot of possibilities. The property consists of open areas, with areas of good cover. Give us a call today for more details, or to set up an appointment to view this property. Priced at $3,650.00 Per Acre 707 +/- Acres located in Mills County. This is a opportunity to own a great property that has endless possibilities. There is over a mile of Pompey Creek that runs through the property. The property has good elevation changes, from creek bottom to scenic views. There is great wildlife habitat, and a strong population of deer and turkey. Along with Pompey Creek there are also four tanks that provide water for the property. Priced at $2,850.00 per acre 37 +/- Acres located on CR 405 in Brown County.There is good cover, completely perimeter fenced, electric on site, and rural water available at the county road. Priced at $175,000 825+/- Acres in Mills County. Please call for more details and pricing. SOLD 5.45 +/- Acres with a house in Priddy, TX. The house is a three bedroom, two baths with central heat and air. There have been updates made throughout the house, as well as the entire property. On the outside you will find a nice shed with a work area on slab, livestock pens, dog kennels, a gardening area, a nice playhouse, and really too many extras to mention. If you are looking for a home in a small community that is set up and move in ready, give us a call to take a look at this property. Priced at $139,500 .258 +/- Acres with a three bedroom, 1.5 baths house with central heat and air in Comanche, TX. The house has the charm of a vintage home, with convinces of modern upgrades. The roof and gutter system was replaced this year. For more information or to schedule an appointment to view the property, give us a call. Priced at $73,000 131 +/- Acres with FM 218 highway frontage locate in northwest Mills County. This is a great combination property with good fences, cross fenced, and ag exempt. Water is supplied by multiple sources including a nice stock pond that is spring fed according to the owner, a good water well, and Zephyr Rural Water. There is a great population of deer and turkey that can be seen on the property on a regular basis. This property has good elevation changes, with some great views. Priced at $3,375 per acre 3.873 +/- Acres according to the Brown County CAD. This great small acreage property is in a great location for your next business venture. Located just outside of Bangs, TX the highway frontage offers high traffic numbers from HWY 67/84. Priced at $55,000 56+/- Acres located on the Mills/Brown County line. The property has good cover, water, electricity, and a mobile home. For more info or to view this property, give us a call. Priced at $235,000 711 N. Hutchings Goldthwaite, TX. is located on a nice sized lot, .448 acres according to the Mills Co. CAD. The house is a three bedroom, two baths with central heat and air. The house is in move in condition, with some upgrades already being made. Priced at $95,000  0.64+/- Acres in San Saba County - 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath house. Call to set up an appointment to view. This property is priced at $2,900 per acre 71.967 +/- Acres located in Comanche County just outside of Sidney with a 3/2 Mobile Home with attached 2-car garage. The property is heavily wooded with some open areas. Large hay shed, water well. Priced at $300,000 226 +/- Acres located in the western part of Mills County. This is truly a beautiful, turn-key property. There is a good mixture of open grass fields at the front, with draws and cover on the back half of the property. The property currently has a wildlife exemption on it, but with good fences, cross fencing, five tanks, and a very nice set of covered working pens, this property could easily be used as a combination ranch. The house and garage with a guest apartment are centrally located, and provide a comfortable updated residence. If you are looking for a great, turn key property, don’t let this one get away. Give us a call today to set up a appointment. Priced at $765,00









325-966-3900 Office

Priddy Office: 1348 S. Hwy. 16 N., Priddy, Texas 76870 Clarence Grelle, Broker 325-451-0032 Clint Hammonds, Sales Agent 325-451-4140 Connie Grelle, Sales Agent 325-451-0204 Honest • Dependable • Ready to Earn Your Business Buying or Selling - Give Us a Call •

DH Land Company




NEW 147 +/- ACRES - 1/2 mile Colorado River frontage, 2000+ sq ft home, metal shop with living quarters, great hunting and fishing! .............................................................................. $924,500 NEW 140 +/- ACRES - with Colorado River frontage, heavily wooded, wildlife paradise, electric available, 2 tanks stocked with fish ...........................$4,745/acre ..................................$664,300 NEW 10 +/- ACRES on Pecan Bayou, heavily wooded, electric available, fishing, hunting! ......... CONTRACT PENDING .........................................................$9,995/acre ............................................................ $99,950 NEW 10 +/- ACRES with Leon River frontage. Barndominium with 4,000 sq ft living space & 3,000 sq ft shop ....................................................................................................................... $559,000 314 +/- ACRES with over 1 mile Colorado River frontage, Cottonwood Creek, lodge and out buildings, amazing hunting & fishing .........................$5,716/acre ..............................$1,795,000 200+/- ACRES - Live Water! Almost 1 mile of Colorado SOLD River Frontage, wildlife everywhere, coastal, 3/2 home and cabin by river. 2 irrigation rights will convey REDUCED ............. $4,175/acre ............ $835,000 NEW 150 +/- ACRES - Aprox 1/2 mile ofSOLD Colorado River frontage, easy access to river and deeper water also. Renovated 2-story home, cabin, new well est @ 60 gpm, barn & pens. Heavily wooded, 2 tanks stocked with fish. Great deer, turkey hunting .......................................$749,250 324 +/- ACRES Colorado River and Cottonwood Creek, 5 tanks, San Saba County ..... $1,263,600 SOLD

RANCHES NEW 677 +/- ACRES west of Goldthwaite. Amazing ranch with varied terrain and covered with live oaks & post oaks. Deer, turkey, hogs & dove. Well, electric, 2 stock tanks. $3,471/acre .............. $2,350,000 NEW 37 +/- ACRES high fenced, antelope, axis, two tanks, two cabins, two wells, ready to enjoy! ........ ...................................................................................................................................................... $457,900 NEW 12 +/- ACRES with electric & well. Part of 37+/- acre antelope ranch. ............................ $139,000 NEW 9.94 +/- ACRES Electric available. Part of high fenced antelope ranch. Antelope & Axis! .. $99,000 585 ACRES with 4/3 brick home, CONTRACT inground pool, barns, pens, rolling hills with creeks and oaks! 4 tanks PENDING stocked with fish ...................NEW PRICE..............$3,418/acre...............................................$1,999,500 401 +/- ACRES Improved grasses, cattle ranch with home, pens, barn & hunting! Cross fenced, water to each pasture..................... NEW PRICE..................$2,795/acre ..........................................$1,120,795 325+/- ACRES Beautiful ranch, barn, pens, stock tank, wells, cross fenced, great hunting, amazing views ............................................................... $3,150/acre ..................................................... $1,023,750 320+/- ACRES Great mix of cover and open areas, rocky bluffs, hilltop views, wildlife haven, well, elec, pens & barn with paved road frontage ..... NEW PRICE ................... $2,650/acre ....................$848,000 312+/- ACRES Custom built brick home with paved drive, barn, coastal, rolling, oaks, creek, large tank, 3 water wells. Amazing hunting! ................................................................................................ $1,985,635 NEW 182+/- ACRES With beautiful 3/3 home, 4 tanks, great hunting, improved pastures, great combination ranch! ............................................................................................................................... $875,000 118+/- ACRES w 2/2 home, Browns Creek, heavy cover with area for food plots. Great hunting! Ag exempt. ........NEW PRICE.........................................$4,668/acre .............................................. $569,500 72+/- ACRES Rolling with scattered liveoaks. 1 nice tank. Barn, pens, strong water well, great deer and turkey hunting ............................ NEW PRICE ...................................$3,795/acre................$277,035 NEW 57+/- ACRES Heavily wooded, rolling with beautiful views. Deer everywhere! ................................ ........................................................$4,100/acre .............. NEW PRICE...................................... $233,700 NEW 52+/- ACRES both sides of School Land Creek, fully fenced, Ag Exempt, older barn, electric in place with great hunting! ......................................... $4,995/acre ................................................ $259,740 5+/- ACRES off Hwy 84, just north of water towers ......................... $7,500/acre ....................... $37,500 156 +/- ACRES rolling, good hardwood mix, North Simms Creek, older home, electric in place, Ag Exempt, deer & turkey ........................................$3,250/acre SOLD ......................................................$520,000 50+/- ACRES - High fenced with few head of Spanish goats that convey. Well, electric with 30 and 50 amp hookups for RV or welder. Post oaks areSOLD main tree cover NEW PRICE ....$3,790/acre.....$189,500 NEW 33+/- w tree-lined School Land Creek, small tank, electric, fully fenced, Ag Exempt with amazing SOLD ........................................................... $164,835 hunting! ......................................................... $4,995/acre NEW 30+/- w both sides of School Land Creek, views, great tree cover, electric, tank, fully fenced, Ag SOLD............................................................ $149,850 Exempt with great hunting! ........................ $4,995/acre NEW 21+/- ACRES w beautiful School Land Creek flowing through it! Fenced, Ag Exempt, huge pecans and oaks, fully fenced. Amazing deer and turkey hunting! ............ $5,250/acre ........................ $110,250 SOLD 163+/- ACRES w 3/1 farm house, tanks, wet weather creek, deer, turkey & hogs! Feeders & stands SOLD ..................................................... $579,500 convey ................................................................$3,555/acre NEW 60+/- ACRES - Nice tank, rolling with scattered oaks. Great views. Good deer hunting. ................ SOLD ..............................................................................................$3,900/acre......................................$234,000 184+/- ACRES - in Comanche Co., 3/2 home, outbuildings, 2 wells, 2 stock tanks, 1 lake, elevation SOLD changes & spectacular hunting .....................................................................................................$650,000 102+/- ACRES Heavy cover of live oak, Spanish oak, cedar and elms. Wet weather creek, old windmill SOLD well. Deer, turkey and quail seen! Comanche Co. ...............$4,395/acre ...................................$448,290 NEW 148+/- ACRES rolling, tanks, oaks, deer,SOLD turkey, hogs, 3/2 MH .......$4,495/acre ........... $665,260 NEW 282 +/- ACRES Two spring fed tanks, great grass, scattered mesquite cover with hardwoods SOLD ...........................................................$675,390 along wet weather creeks ............................. $2,395/acre NEW 171+/- ACRES - paved road, frontage, spring fed tank, older pens & barn .......................$478,800 SOLD NEW 108+/- ACRES - large spring fed tank, rolling, old homesite, paved road frontage ...........$302,400 SOLD 642+/- ACRES Century old renovated farm house, cabin, 4 stock tanks for amazing fishing, great huntSOLD ing & grazing, amazing views, paved road frontage .........$2,995/acre ................................... $1,922,790 437+/- ACRES Deer and turkey oasis, rolling, views, wet weather creeks, 3 tanks one with lake potential. SOLD Good fences, older home, barn, 2 sets of pens, cross fenced. Hamilton Co. ..................ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED...........................................NEW PRICE............$2,495/acre .......................... $1,092,500

HOMES WITH ACREAGE NEW 309 CR 250 71+/- acres with renovated farmhouse, good well & outbuildings. Great hunting and tank stocked with fish! .................................................................................................................. $324,900 2010 Fisher St. 3/2 two-story home on 2+ acres. Beautiful property ........................................ $232,750 500 W FM 574 37+/- ACRES with custom built brick home, 4 BR, 4.5 bath, amazing kitchen, paved driveway, sprinkler system, 2 wells, metal shop, barn, pens, coastal..........................................$894,500 111 CR 505 18+/- ACRES with 4/3 home located less than a mile outside of town. Metal roof, hardwood floors, new windows, central H/A. Coastal, good fences! ...............MOTIVATED!.....................$279,900 NEW 365 CR 306 3/2 beautiful manufactured home on 20+/- acres, strong well, barn, cross fenced, SOLD covered deck, metal carport, pipe fence entry ................... NEW PRICE ................................... $236,900 NEW 10 CR 506 Immaculate 2/2 with office onSOLD 3+ acres, metal roof, hard plank siding & more! $184,725 111 CR 305 - 18+/- Acres with beautiful 2 story home located just outside city limits. 4BR, 3BA, barn SOLD with stalls, arena, beautiful views ................................................................................................. $349,500 71+/- ACRES - with Hill Country look and feel. Great deer and turkey hunting. Two wet weather creeks, one nice stock tank with dock, 3/2 immaculateSOLD manufactured home with metal roof, porch, deck and 2 car metal carport. 40’x60’ metal shop on slab, equipment barn, pens, orchard and strong well and some equipment will be thrown in. Beautiful property. ......... $4,577/acre ............................................$325,000


1410 Priddy Road 0.93 acre lot with older home, historic iron yard fence, large corner lot ...... $20,000 NEW 801 Reynolds St 2/2 brick home on corner lot, water well & large yard. .......................... $74,500 NEW 47 FM 572 4/3 two-story home, new siding, renovated master bath, amazing views, large yards, circular drive, garage and more! .......................................................................... NEW PRICE! $245,000 715 Hutchings St. Completely renovated 2/1 on corner lot. New wiring, plumbing, flooring, cabinets, tile in bathroom. Bonus 1/1 that could be rented for extra income. ........NEW PRICE ............... $94,500 NEW 1703 Earl St. 2/2 brick home with metal SOLD roof, privacy fence, bonus building. Immaculate! ..$134,500 1105 N. Rice St. 3/2 brick home on just under half an acre. Well maintained, screened in patio, water SOLD well, separate shop, fully fenced. Master bath is handicap accessible. Beautiful home!...............NEW PRICE....................MOTIVATED!....ALL REASONABLE OFFERS CONSIDERED!...............$169,900 NEW 1301 Rice St. Cozy 2/2 with 2 living areas, fireplace, 2 car carport, covered patio on huge, treeSOLD covered corner lot. Private with town convenience ........ NEW PRICE ...................................... $82,500

Mary Perez, Agent • Mobile 254-466-6588


Terri Harris, Broker

CONTRACT NEW! 1205 Hutchings St. 1+ acre of land with large olderPENDING building. Great location! ......................................... $35,000 904 Third St. Great location! 1,500 sq ft building with central h/a, 2 rest rooms, slab floor ............................. $65,000 EAGLES NEST VILLAGE - 15+/- acre complex located on edge of Goldthwaite city limits. 57 rental units, 8 RV 60.90 acres of prime recreational and grazing property. Nice stock tank, strong well, electric, fully Spots, 24 storage buildings, fenced, community center office and laundromat, farmhouse and so much more. cabin, RV hookups. Work haswith been done and is ready for you to enjoy. Tree cover4/2 is a mixbrick of oak, Spanish oak, cedar, mesquite and pecans. Good hunting. Must see to appreciate whatlive has been done and the income potential! Call$259,500 for details ................................................ REDUCED $4,395/acre $4,262/acre $267,655 84.81 acres of productive acreage priced right. Aprox 40 acres is fertile, cultivated land with remainder .............................................................................................NEW PRICE........................................................$1,034,537 being native pasture and scattered mesquite cover and several large pecan trees. One stock tank, Ag EAGLES NEST VILLAGE -Exempt. Lot 1$2,352/acre 8.41 acres on which there are 57 rental$199,500 units (49 single units and 8 park model 31.58 acres acres less than 5 minutes from town. Has beautiful 2/1 home that you have to see to appreciate. will scattered24 oak motts. Detached units, 2 car garage, greenhouse and barn.Center Paved road with full size kitchen and dining homes) all with decks and 36 withRolling carports. storage Community frontage with nice entrance. $299,500 acresadded with gorgeous story home and in ground tub. breakdown Home is 4/3.5, two living area, office and laundromat.7.006 Just 8 2RV spots. Callpool forwithahotfull of improvements ................................ areas and game room. Huge pecan trees in yard and beautiful oaks in front. Country living at its best. ................................................................................................NEW PRICE........................................................$796,237 Fully fenced, Ag Exempt. $229,500 NEW 2.93 Acres near DollarRESIDENTIAL General and MC Sheriff’s office. City utilities are available. Unlimited potential! ............ SOLD #4 SPANISH OAK TRAIL Beautiful renovated 3/2 with 2 living areas, full length front porch, covered ............................................................................................$15,000/acre.............................................................$43,950 back patio, 2 car garage, unique garden/sitting area. 25’ x 75’ metal shop on slab. Great home in nice neighborhood. REDUCED $349,500 Older building with Hwy 183 frontage in Lometa. 1000+ sq. ft. per Lampasas CAD ....................................$35,000 1708 CLYDE STREET Charming 3/2 with extra lot located near elementary school. Move in ready

60.90 acres of prime recreational and grazing property. Nice stock tank, strong well, electric, fully fenced, cabin, RV hookups. Work has been done and is ready for you to enjoy. Tree cover is a mix of live oak, Spanish oak, cedar, mesquite and pecans. Good hunting. REDUCED $4,395/acre $4,262/acre $267,655 $259,500 84.81 acres of productive acreage priced right. Aprox 40 acres is fertile, cultivated land with remainder being native pasture and scattered mesquite cover and several large pecan trees. One stock tank, Ag Exempt. $2,352/acre $199,500 31.58 acres acres less than 5 minutes from town. Has beautiful 2/1 home that you have to see to appreciate. Rolling will scattered oak motts. Detached 2 car garage, greenhouse and barn. Paved road frontage with nice entrance. $299,500 7.006 acres with gorgeous 2 story home and in ground pool with hot tub. Home is 4/3.5, two living areas and game room. Huge pecan trees in yard and beautiful oaks in front. Country living at its best. Fully fenced, Ag Exempt. $229,500

76 Hwy. 183 S., Goldthwaite

FOR LEASE: 5,600 square foot metal shop with concrete floor & 1 +/- acre of parking with Hwy 183 frontage 1501 Cline St. - 4 bedroom and 2 bath, detached carport, with a large storage building on a corner lot RESIDENTIAL ........................................................................................................................................................... $69,000 #4 SPANISH OAK TRAIL Beautiful renovated 3/2 with 2 living areas, full length front porch, covered back patio, 2 car garage, unique garden/sitting area. 25’ x 75’ metal shop on slab. Great home in nice 901 N Hutchings St. - 2 BR, 2 bath older home withREDUCED big yard ................................................ $37,000 neighborhood. $349,500 1708 CLYDE STREET Charming 3/2 with extra lot located near elementary school. Move in ready updates while maintaining of the home. Large master suite, sun room, covered patio, fenced 2 +\-acres 34 E Hwy 84 commercial or integrity residential property, with water & utilities available ... $39,000 PENDING back yard, garage with bonus room, garden area.


updates while maintaining integrity of the home. Large master suite, sun room, covered patio, fenced back yard, garage with bonus room, garden area. $159,500

Here to Serve You •

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 5B • (325)648-2244

Georgia Deeds Real Estate Georgia Deeds - Owner-Agent Bobby E. Deeds II - Broker

Ranch & Hunting Land Specialist 1014 Fourth St., Goldthwaite, Texas • 325-648-2700 CONSIDERING SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? SHOP AROUND. BEFORE YOU LIST, GIVE US A CALL.


Agent — Ralph Ynostrosa 469-964-5782


10 Ac. tracts. .....$4,000/Acre. Call Peggy 15+/- Ac. .....$3,750/acre. Call Peggy 17+/- Ac. Rolling terrain, oak trees, grass, tanks, and septic. $105,000 An RV can be sold at an additional cost. Call Peggy 20+/- Ac. ..... $3,500/acre. Call Peggy 34+/- Ac. Seller will subdivide. Call Peggy. 157 +/- Ac. of heavy cedar with oak trees, tank, electricity. Great hunting! Seller will subdivide. $3,250/ac. REDUCED $3,200/ac. Call Peggy 9.18 acres with electricity and well. GoodSOLD cover and view of the Hill Country. $41,310. Call Peggy 11.5+- Ac in Blanket. Beautiful build site,SOLD 400 sq ft patio and earthen tank. $65,000. Call Tracy. 84+/- Ac. Hunt, run livestock, cattle pens,SOLD well, electricity and paved hwy. frontage. $3,250/ ac. Call Peggy 100+/- Ac. Heavy Cover of live oak andSOLD cedar. Nice tank. Great hunting. $370,000 REDUCED to $390,000. Call Tracy. SOLDCall Tracy. 143 Ac. with home, creek, 5 ac pond. $729,000. SOLD 338.85 Ac. Good fences, well, electricity, on pavement. Call Becky 952+/- Ac. Hamilton Co. Hunting, livestock, tanks, creeks & improvements. $2,450/ac. Call SOLD Peggy New Listing! 50+/- hunting ranch used for guided white-tail and turkey hunts. Has heavy SOLD cover, numerous tanks, a hunters cabin and barn. $217,500. Contact Peggy


PENDING 409 E. Chaparral 1.3 acres with CONTRACT a beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 bath, open floor plan, granite counters, move-in ready. $189,000. PRICE REDUCED TO $158,000 Call Tracy. CONTRACT PENDING 2.95 acres w/ gorgeous 2 bd/2ba barndominium w/fireplace and outdoor fireplace 2 CR 222 $259,000. PRICE REDUCED TO $239,000 Call Tracy 3.9+\- ac. Lovely 4 bedroom brickCONTRACT home with carport and workshop on Lafayette St. in San PENDING Saba County. $225,000 REDUCED to $218,000. Call Ralph 4.02 acres with large remodeled 3/2 home. Metal roof, attached carport, shop and large oak trees. Close to town and golf course $381,500 REDUCED to $339,000. Call Becky For Sale: 5 +/- Acs. with largerCONTRACT older nicely PENDING renovated home on pavement, several out buildings, $250,000 REDUCED to $229,000 Call Becky SOLD 8.5 +/- Ac. 3/2 brick home with front and back porches, shop, livestock pens, cross-fenced pastures and close to town. $275,000. REDUCED to $269,000. Call Peggy New Listing! 8.04 +/- acres with a 3 bedroom 2 bath home with an office, sunroom, updated kitchen. Fenced pasture, barns/shed and a storm cellar. $199,000. Call Peggy New Listing! 10.510 Acs. New solitaire 2017 model manufactured home with 2,304 sq. ft. highly efficient, deck on front, 2 car metal garage, good well. $239,000 $219,000. Call Becky. PENDING 27+/- Ac. in Goldthwaite, 3200 sqCONTRACT ft barndominium to be finished your way. Well and electric on acreage. PRICE REDUCED TO $249,000. Call Tracy 181.604 Acs. working cattle ranch. 110 acres in coastal, 2-acre oat field. Also cover for hunting. $817,218. PRICE REDUCED TO $771,800 Call Becky 273+/- Ac. Remodeled home, barn, four tanks, arena & pens. $2,995/ac. Call Peggy 490+/- Ac. Texas German style ranch home w/bunkhouse, pool, party barn, hunters cabins and almost 2 miles of Simms Creek. $2,500,000. Call Peggy 152+/- acre horse property with a Victorian home, arena, round pens, tanks and pastures $799,000 Call Peggy 4.84 Ac. Nice brick home minutes from town. 3/2 with 1476 sq. ft. $189,500. Call Becky 2.3 Ac. beautiful, almost new 3 bdrm/2.5 SOLD bath, awesome finishes. $325,000 PRICE REDUCED TO $299,000. Call Tracy SOLD 7.5 Ac. Very charming 3 or 4 bdrm./2 bath home, barn, fireplace. $238,300. PRICE REDUCED TO $156,000. Call Tracy 8.62 Ac. Edge of town, with older remodeled home, 3 bedrooms 2 baths, 2 car carport, shop, SOLD storage, pole barn, $225,000. REDUCED to $220,000. Call Becky SOLD 26+/- Ac. 2 story renovated 3/2. Views, private, outbuildings, 2 wells. $350,000. Call Becky 33 Ac. Large Austin Stone home. 3 BR, 2 BA, close to town, metal roof, good well, secludSOLD ed, hunting. $399,000 PRICE REDUCED TO $345,000. Call Becky 34+/- Ac. 5 miles out of Goldthwaite, lg. SOLD barn, lots of outbuildings, great fences, 2/3 bdrm, 1 bath home that can be remodeled to make your own. $242,497. Call Tracy 59+/- Ac. Brick 3/2 hardwood floors, oaks,SOLD outbuildings, grazing & hunting. $324,000. Call Peggy 75+/- Ac. Brick, 3/2, shop, barn, tons of amenities. $525,000. Call Becky SOLD FOR SALE: 9.4 Acs. with brick home SOLD on pavement, nicely landscaped. Home contains 2,750 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 3 baths; an additional 5-25 acres can be purchased with the sale of this home only. $389,000. BIG REDUCTION $347,000. Call Becky.


For Sale: 1504 Freedom St. Large 2.074 sq. ft. brick home. 3 bdrm (all with walk-in closets), 2.5 baths, extra bonus room, many amenities. $235,000. Call Becky. New! 709 Reynolds -- 2 bedroom, 1 bath - new windows, metal roof, new central heat/air in 2018. $65,000. Call Becky. New! San Saba, 1804 W. Commerce -- A cozy 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Energy efficiency, insulated siding, attic, insulated metal roof, screened porch added to back of house, fenced back yard with storage building. $98,000. Call Becky. New! 1710 Peach -- 3 bedroom, 1 bath, and large kitchen. Central air and heat. Metal roof. PRICE REDUCED $116,900. Motivated. Call Becky. New Listing! 1409 Cline. 2 bedroom, 1 bath with carport. Great location close to schools. $78,000. REDUCED $71,000. Call Peggy New Listing! 1301 Fifth St. - Charming 1920 3 bed, 2 bath home on corner lot, tons of character in this updated home. $129,000. Call Tracy 1502 Freedom St. - 3 bed, 2 bath open concept living in the Brooks Addition. Gorgeous like new home, privacy fence w/ sprinklers system and attached garage. Back on market change! $209,000. Call Tracy. New! 1311 Parker St. - Iconic brick home, corner lot, close to churches, school & town. 3 bdrm/2 bath. PRICE REDUCED $219,000. Call Becky. New Listing! 1305 Reynolds - 3 bdrm, 3 bath with efficiency apt in backyard. $125,000. Call Tracy CONTRACT PENDING 1210 N. Reilley Street - Large 2-story colonial home. One of the first homes built in Goldthwaite. Hilltop view on 0.746 acres $229,000. Call Becky GREAT PRICE - 1506 Hannah Valley - 3 bed/1 bath, central air, nice corner lot, only $89,000. CONTRACT PENDING Call Tracy 1620 Faulkner - Beautiful 1+/- acre fenced lot and a very well built 1280 sq. ft. home with shiplap walls waiting to be renovated $97,870. Call Tracy New! - Brick home 4 bdrm/2 bath, bonus room, PENDING $187,000. Call Becky. CONTRACT 1620 Cline SOLD 3/1 $65,000 1707 Clyde Brick 3/2, privacy fenced, $129,000. SOLDCall Becky 1709 Clyde 3 bdrm, 2 bath brick home. Move-in SOLDready. $129,000. Call Tracy (Minnie Graves Home) 4 bd/4 ba with 3,571 sq. ft. on 1/2 acre lot in town. $233,000. Call Becky. 1910 Fisher St., 3 bdrm/2 bath, large remodeled SOLD home, with high end features and 2-car attached garage. $176,900. PRICE REDUCED TO $165,000. Call Becky. 1410 Reynolds St. - 3/2 brick home with many updated features, 2-car garage with work area, large SOLD laundry room and well. $160,000. Call Becky. New! 1305 N. Parker - Charming 1936 rock SOLD home with beautiful open concept renovation, 2 bdrm/1 bath. $134,000. Call Becky 1613 W. Hannah Valley Road - Very neat and well-maintained 3 bdrm, 2 bath home close to school. SOLD MOTIVATED SELLER. $154,000 $139,000 Call Becky


New! 1712 Peach Street -- Duplexes consisting of 2-1 and 2-2 bedrooms with covered parking. Close to schools. PRICE REDUCED $231,900. Motivated. Call Becky. Peabody’s Restaurant - PRICE REDUCED - Owner financing available - Very profitable business, building, equipment. Immediate takeover & income. Call Tracy FOR SALE - Classic Paint & Body Shop on 1.91 Ac. Large body repair area, paint bay, office, storage areas. $210,000. Call Becky.

.5+ Acs. 16+/- Acs. 20+/- Acs. 23+/- Acs. NEW! 25+/- Acs. NEW! 30+/- Acs. 30+/- Acs. 33+/- Acs. 37+/- Acs. 43+/- Acs. 50.66 Acs. 57+/- Acs. 62+/- Acs. 102+/- Acs. 150+ Acs. 130+/- Acs. 200+/- Acs.

Lake Brownwood with cabin, new floating dock w/ lift & more With deep creek meandering through the property, electricity available SOLD Excellent hunting. on the property and partially fenced. With deep creek, heavy cover, good hunting, county road access and electricity available. With good hunting, heavy cover of oaks, browse and mesquite, creek meandering through the property, minerals convey and ag exempt. With seasonal creek, pond, electrical available on property, county road access, near town With large pond, seasonal creek, water well, electricity, barn and pens, near town With views, pond, creek, well, electricity, pens and more With good water well, electricity, fenced, views and hunting With rural water, electricity available, fenced, set of working pens, excellent tree cover, views Good hunting, excellent cover of oaks, browse and mesquite, deep creek meanders through the property. County road access, electrical available, minerals convey, ag exempt. PENDING With water well, electricity, high fenced garden area, rolling terrain, excellent hunting, paved road frontage, ag exempt and minerals convey. With electricity available on property, heavy cover, creek thru property and more With spring fed pond, fenced, electrical available, excellent tree cover, SOLD good hunting Rolling terrain with amazing views, creek, fishing pond, oak cover, good hunting and fishing, all minerals convey, ag exempt. Hunting, ranching, building sites all available along with paved frontage, hill with amazing views, pond, well & elec. Acres with pond, electricity,SOLD good cover and much more! Excellent browse & cover, water well, rolling terrain, good hunting

$129,750 $71,920 $4,495/Ac. $4,495/Ac. $112,500 $250,000 $8,335/Ac. $4,295/Ac. $4,295/Ac. $4,495/Ac. $204,995 $3,695/Ac. $4,595/Ac. $330,000 $2,995/Ac. $3,550/Ac. $2,995/Ac.



2.78 Acs. 4.69 Acs. 17+/- Acs. NEW! 40+/- Acs. 95+/- Acs. 96.78 Acs.

108+/- Acs.

119 Acs. 142 +/- Acs. NEW! 302 +/- Acs. 394 Acs. 1050+/- Acs.

2000 Fisher, with lovely 3/2/2 home, fireplaces, C/H+A & more MOTIVATED SELLER With lovely 3/2 home, SOLD pond, outbuildings, paved frontage With lovely 3/3/ rockPENDING home, large barn, in-ground pool and more With beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large, custom home, well, large yard and so much more With large custom built home, bunk house, outbuildings & much more With 4/3 home and 2/2 home, pond, barns, and more With a 4 bedroom, 3 bath home and a second 2 bedSOLD room, 2 bath home. Both homes are spacious and serviced by rural water supply and a septic system. Other amenities include two large metal barns, several out buildings, two large ponds and a seasonal creek. Immaculate and move in ready! With beautiful, custom built, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath rock home with a lot of extras! Other amenities include a large metal barn with horse stalls, two water wells, seasonal creek, another set of working pens & so much more With beautiful custom home, barns, outbuildings, ponds, bunkhouse and much more, near town Paved frontage, 4/2.5/2 lovely brick home, oaks, pond, large metal barn, workshop and more. Great combination ranch! Paved frontage, 2/1 home with fireplace, central heat/air, SOLD water well, septic, fenced, oaks and four ponds. Good grass and hunting. 2 homes, 5 ponds, pens, hunting & more. SOLD With 2 homes, barns, Pens, and much more PENDING



$84,900 $285,000 $556,500 $925,000 $720,000 $629,000


$1,250,000 $749,000 $975,000 $1,529,900 $4,000,000

building with roll up doors, elecLarge commercial building Large commercial $90,000 PENDING tricity on large lot in San Saba. $249,500 Corner of Hwy 16 S Building & lot. Great location. Lots of traffic. & Commercial 707 N. Commercial (Road- Turn key restaurant for sale with all the fixtures, dishes & $79,900 house) appliances. Great location. Ready to go.

2000 Fisher St. 1706 Earl 611 Newman, Hamilton


Beautiful 3/2/2 custom home with appliances, move-in ready, $189,500 many updates on about an acre per MCAD PRICE REDUCED Beautiful 4BD/2BA, 1 car garage, convenient to schools, $179,750 lovely brick home completely remodeled, and move-in ready. PRICE REDUCED $185,000 SOLD Lovely 3/2/2, corner lot, and more


THESE ARE A FEW OF THE PROPERTIES SOLD IN THE LAST 6 MONTHS 5+/- Acs. 17+/- Acs. 30+/- Acs. 38+/- Acs. 50 acres 50+/- Acs.

With nice 3/2 home, views, well,SOLD septic, fenced, close to town. With pond, coastal, RV cover, good hunting SOLD Near town with heavy cover, paved access and more SOLD Good combination grass & hills,SOLD elec., paved access, good hunting With oaks, electric, hunting andSOLD paved frontage SOLD paved access, heavy live oak cover, With water well, electricity available, good hunting 52+/- Acs. Solid live oaks, paved access, electricity SOLD available, good hunting 70+/- Acs. SOLD creek, excellent hunting, heavy cover With 2/1 cabin, well, electricity, septic, 74+/- Acs. Hilly, good cover, paved frontage, SOLD good hunting 78+/- Acs. Beautiful views, two ponds, SOLD heavy cover, cabin, electricity and much more 79+/- Acs. Heavy cover, large pond, creek running SOLD through property, electrical available on property, good hunting, ag exempt 90+/- Acs. With heavy oak cover, well, electricity SOLDavailable, pave frontage 119+/- Acs. With 2/2 cabin with central h/a,SOLD well, septic, electricity, excellent hunting, heavy cover of oaks, cedar, elm and browse 136+/- Acs. Spring fed Deep Creek through property, SOLD heavy cover, good hunting 190+/- Acs. With pond, well, electricity available, heavy oak cover, good hunting, paved SOLD access 207+/- Acs. With 2/1 cabin, well, septic, electricity, SOLD amazing deep creek thru property, large pond, excellent hunting 309 Acs. Water well, electricity, heavy cover, good hunting SOLD 6.64 Acs. With custom 3/2 brick home, largeSOLD metal barn with electricity, water and septic for RV hookup. Home serviced by City but also has water well. Country living in town at its best! 65+/- Acs. With custom 3/3/3 brick home with all the amenities. Excellent breeding facilities SOLD for horses, sheep, etc., numerous barns, pens, well and rural water. Ag Exempt. 70+/- Acs. With 2/1 cabin, well, electricity, septic, SOLD creek, excellent hunting, heavy cover 1297 Trent St. - Custom 3/2 brick home on 6.64 beautiful SOLDacres with large metal barn with electricity, water & septic for RV hookup. Home is served by the City but also has a water well. Country living in town! Dana St., Beautiful 5/2 brick home in quiet neighborhood on large lot. Central heat/air, covSOLD Lampasas ered patio NEW! 1901 Lovely 3/2/2 brick in nice neighborhood SOLD with all appliances, central h/a, Peach Street storage building and more

$97,500 $3,300/Ac. $3,150/Ac. $3550/Ac. $3,995/Ac. $3,595/Ac. $4,295/Ac. $2,695/Ac. $395,000 $3,795/Ac. $3550/Ac. $4,500/Ac. $3,695/Ac. $3,695/Ac. $3,695/Ac. $770,955 $395,000 $675,000 $4,295/Ac. $395,000 $194,750 $169,000

60.90 acres of prime recreational and grazing property. Nice stock tank, strong well, electric, fully fenced, cabin, RV hookups. Work has been done and is ready for you to enjoy. Tree cover is a mix of live oak, Spanish oak, cedar, mesquite and pecans. Good hunting. REDUCED $4,395/acre $4,262/acre $267,655 $259,500 84.81 acres of productive acreage priced right. Aprox 40 acres is fertile, cultivated land with remainder being native pasture and scattered mesquite cover and several large pecan trees. One stock tank, Ag Exempt. $2,352/acre $199,500 31.58 acres acres less than 5 minutes from town. Has beautiful 2/1 home that you have to see to appreciate. Rolling will scattered oak motts. Detached 2 car garage, greenhouse and barn. Paved road frontage with nice entrance. $299,500 7.006 acres with gorgeous 2 story home and in ground pool with hot tub. Home is 4/3.5, two living areas and game room. Huge pecan trees in yard and beautiful oaks in front. Country living at its best. Fully fenced, Ag Exempt. $229,500

Visit our Web Site for pictures of all our Listings - Serving Central Texas for over 30 Years

GEORGIA DEEDS REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL #4 SPANISH OAK TRAIL Beautiful renovated 3/2 with 2 living areas, full length front porch, covered back patio, 2 car garage, unique garden/sitting area. 25’ x 75’ metal shop on slab. Great home in nice neighborhood. REDUCED $349,500 1708 CLYDE STREET Charming 3/2 with extra lot located near elementary school. Move in ready updates while maintaining integrity of the home. Large master suite, sun room, covered patio, fenced back yard, garage with bonus room, garden area. $159,500

Georgia Deeds Owner-Agent 325-451-0143

Bobby E. Deeds II Broker

6B - Nov. 6, 2019

JACKIE WILLIAMS Jonathon Williams

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Let Us Sell ! y t r e p o r P r u o Y


FOR SALE: 892 Acres of Beautiful Central Texas Ranch in Mills County! Magnificent Views, Rolling Hills, Excellent Hunting and Fishing! Owned by the same family for over a Century.

Bobby Fletcher, Broker 806-787-3030 Ranch Realty and Auction

Ann Stegemoller

NEW: 604 Barrow St. 4/3 CH/A 2400+/-sq/ft on two lots in Goldthwaite, TX. Beautiful two story red brick home built in 2003, welded metal fence surrounding front and back of the house with great shade trees. Bottom floor has an open concept kitchen, dinning and living room with, master bedroom, large walk in closet and bathroom. Also, there is a guest wing that has its own bed, bath and another room that would be great for an office. Upstairs has two bedrooms, large bathroom, living room and another room that can be used for an office or library. $184,900.


NEW: RECENTLY REDUCED - 808 Barrow St. 3/2, CH/A, 1260 sq. ft +/- living space conveniently located in Goldthwaite. Property includes a carport attached to the house, chain link fence, along with nice pecan and oak trees to shade the front and back yard. Also, there is a shed in the back yard with a concrete slab which would be great for storing lawn and other equipment. $74,900   NEW: RECENTLY REDUCED - 19.82+/- Acres 4/2/1 CH/A 2,356 sq.ft. +/- livings space. Peaceful hill top ranch located just south of Goldthwaite TX. This property has a lot of features along with some breath taking views of the Colorado River Basin. Some of the features of the house are as follows, office/library, fire place, multiple water filtration systems, open concept. Shop is 1500 sq.ft. +/- that has an open bay on one half and closed in on the other half. On the closed in portion of the shop roughly half of this is insulated with a window unit and a wood burning stove. Also, there is a storm shelter, two chicken coops, water well, and water storage tank. Lots of cover for various types of wildlife and plenty of elevation change on the property. $179,000.   NEW: 25+/- Acres of Beautiful Hill Country Hunting Property. Conveniently located off of HWY 183 south of Goldthwaite just a few miles, this place has the convince of town and the serenity of the great outdoors. Property amenities include: Barndominium, indoor plumbing, heat and cooled, septic, well, and electricity. REDUCED $160,000   NEW: 1605 Cline St. Quaint newly built 3/1 home within walking distance to all three schools in Goldthwaite. Amenities include: city water and city sewer, central heat and air, covered front and back porches. The kitchen has wood cabinets and laminate flooring with an open floor concept back to the dinning area and living room. Call for Appointment $59,500.    NEW: 180+/- acres 3BR/2BA Home. 2644+/- Sq. Ft. This property has it all, two hills that give amazing Hill Country views, a seasonal creek that works its way through the property, two tanks for fishing and hunting and cattle pens allowing for ag use. Located only 4 miles North East of Lometa. $799,500





San Saba Nursing & Rehabilitation is now accepting applications for a full time, dayshift, RN/LVN charge nurse position. Apply on line at or call Maria at 325-387-8123 for more information.

Ann Stegemoller, Realtor, 254-216-1174, Jonathon Williams, Realtor, 254-319-0727, Mike Williams, Broker, 254-319-0724,


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property described below on Friday, November 15th, 2019, 10:00 am at the North Door of the Mills County Courthouse. This sale is being conducted by authority of Tax Warrant #19-09-7110 issued by the Mills County District Clerk by order of the District Judge in the 35th Judicial District Court. Bidders are asked to keep the following in mind: 1) A bill of sale will be issued to the successful bidder which the bidder will need to use to get a statement of ownership and location in their name by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs; 2) Successful bidder is entitled to immediate use and possession of the subject property; 3) The purchaser will be responsible for moving the property from its current location or making other arrangements with the land owner; 4) The taxing jurisdictions reserve the right to reject any and all bids; and 5) The property will be sold as is, where is, without warranty of title or any other warranty either expressed or implied. All sales shall by by cash or cashier’s check, payable to Mills Central Appraisal District and Linebarger Law Firm, immediately following the sale. For more information, please contact Linebarger Law Firm at 855-643-1864. Property offered for sale: Personal Property consisting of a 1998 Festival Limited Model Manufactured Home, Label No. RAD1059654, Serial No. TXFLW12A79858FD11, Certificate No. 00969277, situated on Parcel 124, James A. Winn Survey, Abstract 703, Mills County, Texas Opening Bid Amount: $932.00

Computer Analysis Computer Solutions


LEGAL NOTICE: This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on November 15, 2019. You have until May 13, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2142 Triple Your Cash ($1) overall odds are 1 in 4.92. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on November 21, 2019. You have until May 19, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2137 Ruby 7s ($10) overall odds are 1 in 3.89. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on November 23, 2019. You have until May 21, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2135 Million Dollar Loteria ($20) overall odds are 1 in 3.31. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on November 28, 2019. You have until May 26, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2107 200X ($20) overall odds are 1 in 3.44. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on November 30, 2019. You have until May 28, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2171 Hit $250,000 ($5) overall odds are 1 in 4.16. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on December 11, 2019. You have until June 8, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2114 300X ($30) overall odds are 1 in 3.86. These Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket games will close on December 25, 2019. You have until June 22, 2020, to redeem any tickets for these games: #2068 Weekly Half Grand ($1) overall odds are 1 in 4.62. #2149 Fireball 5s ($1) overall odds are 1 in 4.70, #2079 Blackout Bingo ($2) overall odds are 1 in 4.41, #2080 Break the Bank ($2) overall odds are 1 in 4.80, #2134 $500 Frenzy ($5) overall odds are 1 in 4.34. These Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket games will close on January 1, 2020. You have until June 29, 2020, to redeem any tickets for these games: #2132 Topaz 7s ($1) overall odds are 1 in 4.75, #2089 Block-O ($3) overall odds are 1 in 3.88, #2136 Emerald 7s ($5) overall odds are 1 in 3.96, #2138 Diamond 7s ($20) overall odds are 1 in 3.36. This Texas Lottery Commission scratch ticket game will close on January 8, 2020. You have until July 6, 2020, to redeem any tickets for this game: #2077 Millionaire Club ($20) overall odds are 1 in 3.39. is the official source for all pertinent game information. Game closing procedures may be initiated for documented business reasons. These games may have prizes unclaimed, including top prizes. In addition, game closing procedures will be initiated when all top prizes have been claimed. During closing, games may be sold even after all top prizes have been claimed. Must be 18 or older to purchase a ticket. For help with a gambling problem, © 2019 Texas Lottery Commission. PLAY RESPONSIBLY.

The Mills County Sheriff’s Office is conducting a live tax sale public auction of the


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10- com, or pick up an application provider and employer. 10-30 at 1012 Reilley St. in Goldth- None 3tc is tsalazar-mbp15 looking 23 tfn printed at by Tommy Salazar / Tommy Salazar waite or 208 E. Brown in San for passionate caregivers for application and job HELP WANTED: Outside help HELP WANTED: Hamrick’s Saba.fontsAn our community. Multiple jobs approvals & images description is also available at needed at S&S Supply. Come Automotive Center, Inc. is available from CNA to RN creative dir None 74877 Fonts by to apply at 132 US Hwy. 84 Please for None a motivated indi- art director XASand LOTTERY Helvetica Neue LT Std (75 Bold,direct 55 Roman) Activity Director. Sign on looking None copywriter M EOG vidual for full-time employ- any questions to Jason Allen W and ask for Ed. Call 325BONUS! Please call Tiffany or account mgr MONICA MILLER 5” x 4” Images 648-2237. This insti- 648-2231. 11-6 2tc ment. Applicants should be at (325) proofreader None ne Carrie for inquiries (254)386None computer literate and have tution is an equal opportunity ne 3171. 9-25 tfn W Inks notes knowledge of auto parts on Black ne line and by phone from various HELP WANTED: Positions WSPAPER None ne open for two full-time employvendors. Responsibilities will ees for retail store also include tracking ordered in Goldthwaite. Stop by the of- parts and organizing parts so San Saba Central Appraisal District located at 601 W. Wallace, fice to pick up an application. they are easily accessible after San Saba, TX, 76877, is seeking a full-time employee to fulfill the W. Front St., Goldthwaite. they are delivered. Applicae 3001020 • austin, tx 78746 position of Financial Officer/Deputy Chief Appraiser. 79.6024 tions can be picked up at 611 E 10-9 tfn Candidates should have experience as a financial officer with exWallace in San Saba. 10-30 tfn tensive knowledge of Quick Books, Excel, and Medlin software. HELP WANTED: Quality DEF Opportunities for education in assessing/collecting and appraisSolutions is now hiring CDL CENTRAL TEXAS TELEtruck drivers. Applications can COMMUNICATIONS has a ing are offered. be picked up at 471 South Hwy full-time job opening for an As a full-time employee, you will qualify for health insurance, 16, San Saba, TX or call Sean at Installation & Repair Technidental, vision and a retirement plan. The starting salary is comcian and Construction Crew 512-963-1102. 10-9 tfn miserate with experience in this line of work. Member in our Goldthwaite ofIf you wish to apply, send a resume and completed employment HELP WANTED: Livestock fice. Must have a high school application to San Saba Central Appraisal District at the address manager, sheep operation. diploma or equivalent. Experior email to Please feel free to contact Competitive pay, housing, ence preferred. Interested apJan Vanderburg at 325-372-5031 if you have any questions. truck provided. Health insur- plicants may submit a resume ance available. Send resume to to employment@centexnet.

Care atAMHamilton -31-2019 11:38 from

ng, Inc. 2012. All rights reserved.




San Saba Pecan is an industry leader in food manufacturing. From San Saba, TX, our products can be found in dozens of countries-both organic and conventional and our name has been synonymous with quality since the 70's.We use the latest in technology to ensure quality and we are continually looking for new and innovative ways to revolutionize our industry.   As a Process Technologist for our pecan shelling plant, we need a skill set to encompass maintenance of our high-tech machinery, equipment operation, process understanding and production management. A process technologist would recommend ideas to productivity improvement, cost reduction and improvement in customer satisfaction. A process technologist would serve as a project manager of projects with a control system upgrade focus with responsibility for all phases of the project development and execution.This includes responsibility for all layers or project scope from the instrument/ device layer through data communication to data archive and HMI. A process technologist would provide technical support and in-service engineering. Pick up applications San Saba Pecan, 2803 W. Wallace Street, San Saba.

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 - 7B • (325)648-2244

MISCELLANEOUS JAMES DONOP ANGUS BULLS for Sale, calving ease, $2,500. Mason, Texas. 325-3477881. 10-24 tfn

FOR SALE: Potty Carter’s antique clocks are being sold at Aroma of HOPE and G&W Upholstery, both in Goldthwaite. All clocks are working and they all chime. For more information, call 210-421-3016. 6-5 tfn

SEEKING LEASE: Coastal and Grain fields needed for annual lease to run yearlings. Top money paid, or can trade for ranch improvements, tanks, brush work, fencing, etc. Brooke Dunlap. 325-451-0749. 12-19 tfn

FOR SALE: Registered Black Angus Yearling Bulls, tested and ready, calving ease, big butts, so good if you see them,

you’ll buy them. Robert H. Johnson, Brownwood, TX. 325998-1008 7-3 tfn FOR RENT: 2 bdrm, 1 bath apartment at 1508 Pine St., Goldthwaite. $500/mo. plus $500 deposit. 325-938-0616. 9-18 tfn

Linda Buffe - 254-644-8701; Landon Buffe - 254-644-7944; Brandon Buffe - 254-644-8332. 10-16 thru Dec.

FOR RENT: 3 bed 2 bath double wide in the country 7 miles out of Goldthwaite. Central heat and air, very clean. $900 includes water. 97 FM 1029. FOR RENT: Apartment for Call Tracy 325-277-4923. 10-30 rent, 1411 5th Street. Call 325- tfn 451-0953 9-18 tfn OLD PHOTOGRAPHS copWANTED TO LEASE: Pasture ied and restored. See LEON land for cattle, any size, culti- SUTHERLAND PHOTOGvation is okay, but must have RAPHY, 1016 Fourth St., water. Leonard Buffe Family. Goldthwaite. 325-648-3498. Leonard Buffe - 254-644-7844; 11-6-1tc


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8B - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle



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1301 Fisher Street • Goldthwaite • 325-648-3013


The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 -9B • (325)648-2244


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The Goldthwaite Eagle 325-648-2244

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The Goldthwaite Eagle

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GES School Zone

By Leigh Anne Jernigan GES Principal   Thank-you to Mrs. Virdell for a great Red Ribbon Week. Last week Mrs. Virdell spent time with each grade level discussing healthy choices and discussed how to be a friend and not a bully!   Mrs. Kendra Wright gave her 5th grade students a character trait assignment. The students were to choose a word to define and then had to decorate a pumpkin to illustrate the word. The students presented their word, its definition, and their pumpkin to all of the student body during assembly last Friday.   This week we had Delta Kappa Gamma speak with our 2nd, 3rd, and

4th grade students about anti-bullying. Delta Kappa Gamma presented a book to each of the students. The book is titled Say Something. The Delta Kappa Gamma ladies read and discussed the book with our students. There are resources at the end of the book that will help parents and children talk about teasing and bullying. Thank-you Delta Kappa Gamma for sharing with our students!   This Thursday, November 7th, is picture retakes. Picture forms are available in the GES office.   This Friday, the pep rally is at 2:40 and we will have an early release following the pep rally at 3:10. Pre-K will be dismissed from GES at 3:10 this Friday. If your child will not be

attending the pep rally, please call the GES office ahead of time. Thank-you.   Please join us for our Veterans Day Celebration! The Goldthwaite Elementary School presents: We Honor You Monday, November 11th at 9:00 a.m. At Goldthwaite Elementary School Cafetorium   To all our veterans, our students would love to thank you for your service. Please make plans to attend.   Everyone join our students as they honor all those who served our country!

The Goldthwaite Eagle

Nov. 6, 2019 -11B • (325)648-2244

Priddy boys, Partin qualify for state meet By Caitlin Bouyer Priddy Yearbook Staff   Priddy extended its streak to 29 out of 30 years for qualifying an individual or team in girls or boys for the UIL state cross country meet. This year the Priddy boys finished third as a team at the recent Region III-1A meet at Dallas, with sophomore Jarek Stout as their top runner in 12th place with a time of 17:25 and Joey Hall right behind in 15th place.   On the girls’ side, freshman Sydney Partin finished eighth, individually, with a time of 13:00 and qualified for the state meet. The Priddy girls’ team finished seventh, but only the top four go to state. The state meet is Nov. 9 in Round Rock..

Varsity Boys   In the 5,000 meter race, Stout placed 12th with a time of 17:25. Junior Joseph Hall was 15th with a 17:35, freshman Zackery Ward 21st with 18:03, junior Chance Hodges 30th 18:26, freshman Javier Del Bosque 35th 18:58, senior Isaac Goehmann 40th 19:09, and sophomore Hunter Gutierrez was 85th with 20:52.   “The only teams that beat us at regionals are the top two ranked teams in the state (Cumby Miller Grove and Saltillo)," Coach Curtis Hurst said. Varsity Girls   In the two mile race, Partin placed 8th with a time of

13:00. Senior Linda Evans was 54th with a 14:41, sophomore Danielle Goehmann 79th with 15:18, freshman Mackenzie Morgan 88th 15:33, sophomore Alyssa Hurst 95th 15:41, and sophomore Rianne Hurst was 98th with 15:46.   "We are excited that Sydney is going to state,” Priddy girls' coach Jimmie Cain said. “She has struggled most of the year, but came through at regional. All the girls ran their best at regional and did great to finish 7th as a team. Every team member worked through adversity this season, and Coach (Shannon) Buffe and I are very proud of them and looking to better things in the coming years.” Pictured above are Lindsay Grelle & Karissa Seider.

Terminating the competition By Alyssa Hurst Priddy ISD   The savior of the world rushes outside and frantically hops on a motorcycle. The Terminator throws open the door, running towards him as he speeds away. His arms Chance Hodges, Joey Hall, Hunter Gutierrez, Isaac Goehmann, Javier Sydney Partin swing by his side like a penDel Bosque, Coach Curtis Hurst, Zack Ward, Jarek Stout dulum. His legs propel him forward. He keeps on coming. Nothing can stop him.  Eighth grader Lindsey Grelle has been given the nickname “The Terminator” by Coach Jimmie Cain.   “She’s constantly the same pace and just relentless,” Cain said. “She never slows down and never speeds up. It’s just the same exact stride, the same exact form and it reminds me of the Terminator in The Terminator movies.”   Grelle placed first and 7th grader Karissa Seider placed second in the last 4 cross country meets this season: Priddy, Goldthwaite, Stephenville, and the District meet. They ran 2-mile races, in the 8th grade girls division.   “They both work hard,” Coach Shannon Buffe, Sydney Partin, Mackenzie Morgan, Alyssa Hurst, Rianne Hurst, Danielle Goehmann, Cain said. “They are highly Linda Evans, Coach Jimmie Cain motivated.”   The Junior High have prac-

ticed almost every morning at 6:15 with the High School girls cross country team to prepare for the cross country meets.   “At meets it’s fun,” Sieder said, “but at practice sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s not. But it is worth it.”   At Stephenville, Grelle and Seider ran against schools bigger than Priddy including Class 5A Cleburne, and 4A Brownwood. This did not intimidate Grelle though.   “It’s just another school that has a lot more people than us,” Grelle said.   After the gun went off, one runner was ahead of Grelle but then slowed down, she said.   “At the stairs, I could hear people yelling other names behind me so I knew I had to go a little bit faster,” Grelle said. “I just kept going faster and so I kept my pace.” Grelle was first with a time of 13:11 and Seider was second with a time of 13:23. The third place runner had the time of 13:26.   “What surprised me is how far ahead Lindsey was,” Cain said. “I really wasn’t expect-

ing that against those large schools. I figured they would have somebody that would be with her or ahead of her.”   Earlier this year, on Sep. 11, at the 1.5 mile race in Hico, Sieder finished in 8th place with a time of 10:03. She was ahead of Grelle who finished 11th place with a time of 10:24.  “We were both sick,” Grelle said. “And I didn’t feel very good.”   Grelle said she didn’t like Seider beating her but they are friends so it was OK.   “We’re like sisters,” Seider said. “We’ve known each other since we were really tiny.”   Next year, Seider said she is hoping to take Grelle’s place in Junior High. Grelle will be a freshman and on the high school team.   “I think she will help our team a lot,” Cross Country team member, Sophomore Rianne Hurst said, “but it’s not just her, Makyna (Harvey), Emily (Andrade) and Zoey (Ward) will also make us a faster team.”

Remember Keeler’s Korner this Christmas

Evelyn Lloyd is pictured at Keeler’s Korner in Zephyr.

By Madison Lewis Goldthwaite Eagle   Keeler’s Korner in Zephyr — a boutique and vendor store — has a rich history. Evelyn Lloyd tells The Eagle about Keeler’s Korner’s past and future.   “Five years ago, my husband and I bought it just to clean the corner up,” Lloyd said. “The back part was a filling station years and years ago. My daughter and I started a gift shop in the filling station part and it progressed to now we’ve got 30 vendors. It’s been a five year progress.”   Lloyd and her husband said they bought the place for the sake of the community.   “Whenever the school has reunions, sometimes people come over here and reminisce about when this used to be a little restaurant — a little hamburger place — and they would come in there. It was just something we didn’t want to disturb,” Lloyd said.   Lloyd decided to name the shop Keeler’s Korner after finding a stone with the name ‘Keeler’ on it.   “The gentlemen that built the filling station, (his) last name was Keeler,” Lloyd told The Eagle. “My husband now used to be married to Ann Keeler and she was the niece of Mr. Keeler who owned it to begin with. We decided not to take the stone part out and name the store Keeler’s Korner after him.”   About two years ago, Lloyd

expanded the shop to include outside vendors.   “I love having something the community can look forward to,” Lloyd said. “When you live out here, and people come to see you, what do you do? Where do you go? So the community’s been real excited when they have company to come show them the store.”   Lloyd said she meets peo-

ple from all over passing by on the highway.   “You meet a lot of people,” she said. “We’ve got a book here that everybody signs and we've got names and places from all over the world. You never know who's going to come in the door. Just today, we had two women from Anchorage, Alaska.”   Lloyd gives the following advice to those who want to

open their own boutique, but are too afraid to start.   “If you want to do it, do it. You don’t get anywhere sitting down and not doing what you want to do.” Lloyd said.   Lloyd said she loves her store and sees a long future ahead for it.   “I plan on keeping it open for as long as I can,” Lloyd said. “I don’t see it closing any time in the near future.”

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12B - Nov. 6, 2019

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

L&B still cookin’ City Council to meet a year later

By Madison Lewis Goldthwaite Eagle   Lori and Brian Hall have owned and operated L&B Roadhouse for a little over a year now and couldn’t be happier.   “We had been in the Houston area for twenty plus years and our youngest were moving out so we wanted to do something different,” Lori said, explaining why they went into the business.   L&B Roadhouse, formerly Ritter’s BBQ, celebrated their first year of business in September.   “Any new business, you have ups and downs,” Lori said. “In the restaurant business especially, there’s no even-kill, but we’ve made great friends and had a lot of learning experiences.”   The Halls have customers from all over the country who come to try their barbecue.   “Our customers are awesome. We have people from Nevada that just happened to stop in. There was a church group that stops by on their way to conference every New Year's Eve and they said they want to come every year,” Lori said.   Brian said they have certain customers who drive long distances just for their food.   “We have people drive up from Austin or take detours from their deer lease just to drive up here and get stuff,” he said.   However, being in a small town isn’t easy for the Halls.   “Being out here in Lometa, it’s hard to get the word out about us,” Lori told The Eagle. “It’s taken a year for our name to get out and people to try us. We're pretty much 18 miles from anything in any direction, so if we can get people to come here that means something because it's worth their while to them to drive 18 miles out of their way to come get some food.”   The Halls have a variety of BBQ products and dessert, including twenty flavors of pie.  “Everybody has different tastes in pie, just like in barbeque,” Brian said. “Ev-

The City Council of the City of Goldthwaite will meet in regular session on Thursday, November 7, 2019 at 5:30 pm in the Council Room at Goldthwaite City Hall, 1218 Fisher Street.     The agenda is as follows:   1. Call meeting to order.   2. Invocation   3. Discussion with audience   4. Consider and act on the minutes of the last meeting.   5. Consider and act on the Operations Report and Paid Bills   6. Consider and Act on a Resolution to close 6th Street between Riley and Lynch to traffic (CTTC has acquired all the adjoining property)   7. Consider and Act on Airport Lighting and Im-

provement Grant   8. Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Personnel Matters   9. Consider and act on Executive session item   10. City Manager’s Report Christmas Lighting Installation Chamber Recognition for Hunter Appreciation Event Upcoming Music Event November 15 11. Adjourn Robert E. Lindsey III, City Manager City of Goldthwaite

EXECUTIVE SESSION - The City Council may retire to executive session anytime between the meetings opening and adjournment for the purpose of deliberating busi-

ness authorized in Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Deliberations about Real Property), 551.073 (Deliberations about Gifts and Donations), 551.074 (Personnel Matters), 551.076 (Deliberations about Security Devices), and 551.086 (Economic Development). The City of Goldthwaite is an equal opportunity employer and provider. The City of Goldthwaite is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and equal access to communications will be provided to those who provide notice to the Mayor at 325-648-3186 at least 48 hours in advance.

Super News about GCISD

eryone has a different way of doing things. We had a customer today who said about one ingredient in our chili, ‘You don’t put that in chili’ and after they tried it said, ‘It’s a good thing you put that in the chili!’ It takes time for us to learn about people and about the barbecue of Central Texas.”   Lori says the best part of owning the joint is the people she meets.   “We can relate with (other restaurant owners) about the struggle of consistency and broken machinery, but it’s the people and the fun we have with the customers that keeps it fun. This is why

we’re here,” Lori said.   Lori and Brian plan to continue “cooking good food for good people” for years to come.   “We love feedback, good or bad,” Lori said. “If there's something wrong, let us know. If it’s good, share the word with others.”   Lori encouraged anyone unfamiliar with the Roadhouse to come out and give them a try.   L&B Roadhouse BBQ is located at 17346 N US Hwy. 183 just outside of Lometa. Their hours are Fridays 117:30 and Saturdays 11-4:30. For more information, call 512-752-3147.

By Ronny Wright GCISD Superintendent   Hey we have a back wall on the Administration building! How about that. This portion of the project should be completed relatively soon. We are still working on the landscaping portion at this time and are working up an outside punch list for the construction company to complete. This list includes but not limited to the flagpole, marquee sign, counter tops, signage, gates and fencing, soffits and any other outside adjustments, repairs or improvements we may find necessary. We are so close to having this entire project complete and what a blessing that will be.   We have a big game with Valley Mills this week, so if you happen to see any of the players or coaches out in the community please encourage as much as possible. Go, Eagles!   Ladies basketball has begun with as full schedule of scrimmages and games starting soon. Please back these young ladies and their coaches as much as is physically possible. Thank you in advance.   GMS and GES will be hosting Thanksgiving meals for families of our students in the

near future, so please listen for announcements on alert now and check backpacks for invitations to these events.   GES will be hosting a Veterans day celebration on the 11th for all veterans. If you happen to be a veteran, please come to this event if you possibly can as we truly need our young students to have the opportunity to see, appreciate and acknowledge the sacrifices that our special military friends have made for each of us in this country. Thank you Veterans. Please be our honored guests.   GMS will be performing their One-Act play for the community at 3:00pm on the 10th of November. This will give them an opportunity to hone their skills in front of a live audience before attending the District MS OAP competition in Hamilton on Tuesday. Plan on attending this event in order to help these young thespians perfect their craft before participating in their competition.   “If there is any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not deter or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” - William Penn

It’s time to plant your wildflowers By Laura Muntean AgriLife Today   Texas wildflower lovers should know that now is the time to plant their favorite varieties for blooms in spring, said Joseph Johnson, program manager for The Gardens at Texas A&M University.   Planting in the fall — before the start of the rainy season — will give your wildflowers time to germinate and gain a good root system before going dormant during the winter.   “It is good to use a wildflower mix with several different species to ensure yearround interests and not just blooms for the spring,” he said. “This will give you an array of colors, but also an opportunity to see what does especially well in your wild-

flower area for the next year. little bit of care goes a long If you let your flowers go way for the state flower. to seed, you could see them again and again from year to Scatter your seeds year.”   Spread your seeds over your prepped soil according Soil prep is essential to the instructions of your   Preparing your soil is key selected seed mix, or spread to gaining an array of wild- them thicker for a more full flowers worth taking the fam- meadow. ily’s photo in. Ensure soil-   Once your seeds are in seed contact by tilling and place, take a walk around the tamping the seeds into the area to compress the seeds soil. Water the area lightly into the ground for good gerfollowing planting to settle mination. Don’t bury or cover the seeds into the soil. them though. The seeds need   “If you are partial to blue- good exposure to sun. bonnets, consider planting them in full sun with good Enjoy the blooms drainage,” he said. “Other-   Because of the fall plantwise, an area with a mini- ing, the seeds should not remum of six hours of sunlight quire too much care and washould be sufficient.” tering. Blooms should begin  Don’t over-water, and to appear in early spring, dedon’t fertilize, he added. A pending on the weather, and with a good seed variety, may continue into summer.

MONEY TALK: Jason Johnson with the Texas A&M Research & Extension Center gave a presentation at Howard Payne University in Brownwood on Building Wealth On a Ramen Budget Oct. 17. The ‘big picture’ lesson: “Rich people buy assets; others buy liabilities, thinking they’re assets.” Goldthwaite Middle School 7th grader Canon Taylor (left) was in attendance.

Drop-Off Sites For International Christmas Project opening soon   This month, sites in the Goldthwaite area will be among 5,000 U.S. drop-off locations collecting shoebox gifts for children overseas during Operation Christmas Child's National Collection Week, Nov. 18-25.  Goldthwaite families, churches and groups are busy transforming empty shoe-

Mills County’s Courthouse Offices will be CLOSED will be CLOSED Monday, Nov. 11, Monday, Nov. 11, Veterans Day Veterans Day & will re-open & will re-open Tuesday, Nov. 12 Tuesday, Nov. 12


boxes into fun gifts filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items.  The Samaritan's Purse project partners with local churches across the globe to deliver these tangible expressions of God's love to children affected by war, disease, disaster, poverty and famine. For many of these children, it will be the first gift they have ever received.

This year, Goldthwaite-area residents hope to collect more than 21135 gifts to contribute to the 2019 global goal of reaching 11 million children.   "I love seeing the local community rally together for a global impact," said Regional Director Matt McClelland.   "We see all ages getting involved – and more and more every year."


CHILI: Jackie Boykin David Schwartz Frank Bridges Jaime Wiedebusch Darnelle White Linda Crum Nita Frazier Steven Bridges Warren Blesh Dave Johnson

BEANS: Linda Head

CORN BREAD: Allen Knight David Schwartz Cindy Head From the Goldthwaite Area Chamber of Commerce

The Goldthwaite Eagle • (325)648-2244

Nov. 6, 2019 -13B

Saylor Windmill Dedication held Saturday, Nov. 2

Star Museum closing, contents up for sale to fund scholarship   Billie Gail Soules Day had a dream. Her dream was to establish a Museum in her hometown of Star. The Museum was to be a place where people could go and learn about a community that had once been a thriving town with a school, post office, bank, barbershop, dry goods store and saloon. In February, 2000, that dream became a reality when the Star Volunteer Fire Department deeded a building to the newly formed Star Historical Museum, Inc. The building which was given had also previously housed the Star Masonic Lodge and Eastern Star, and was a two-story native rock structure. Original Board members included Annette Keeney, Billie Day, Shirley Duncan, Gene Moore and Roger Hashem.   During the early years, the Museum became a home to many items loaned by local community members which had belonged to their parents and grandparents. Shelby Hawkins brought by a kerosene stove which had been in his house growing up. Bettie Sheldon Black loaned her Star School Mascot’s dress and letter jacket. Althea Cline had a collection of gifts which she received upon her graduation from nursing school some fifty years before. Billie Day had a collection of turn-of-the century clothing from her grandmother, Nettie Hamilton, and Billie’s own extensive colle ction of pink depression glassware. Avery House came in one day with a large collection of items

commonly found on ranches in the early 20th century, as well as a collection of Star School memorabilia. Billie’s cousin, Freda Soules Decker, came from Odessa regularly with car loads of Soules family memorabilia. Little by little the collection grew until it finally became desirable to utilize the second story of the Museum to house the clothing collection, Aidele Tubbs’ 1940’s era beauty shop and the extensive collection of printed resource material which the Museum was accumulating. Funds raised by Billie and a grant from the Lower Colorado River Authority made it possible to obtain a lift so that the second floor was handicap accessible.   The task of maintaining the Museum records and exhibits was daunting, but Billie had able help in her friend, Judy McKinney, who visited Billie every week to work on Museum business. Dario Martinez, now the Administrator of Bangs Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, volunteered his time every Sunday to staff the Museum. Billie’s granddaughter, Jennifer Villarreal, also volunteered her time to work at the Museum.   Local resident Kathy Jurek Flaten recalls that one of the highlights of the school year at Star was the field trip to the Museum. Kathy recalls that Mrs. Day always had refreshments and gave the students a tour of the Museum.   Now, almost twenty years later, the Museum will be closing. Time, weather and

bee infestation have not been good to the old building. Approximately 4 years ago there was extensive flooding inside the building which unfortunately damaged some of the exhibits and weakened the structure. The Volunteer Fire Department has other plans for the property which necessitate the Museum removing the contents. The Museum was unable to obtain another location in Star. The Board tasked Melanie Reichenau and other volunteers with returning as many items as possible to family and heirs. The remaining items will be offered to the Mills County Historical Museum for their collections.  The unclaimed items which are not accepted by Mills County Historical Museum will be offered for donation on November 9, starting at 9:00 am at the Museum. Items will not be priced. Individuals are encouraged to donate what they feel the item is worth to the Museum’s scholarship fund. The Museum Board hopes to begin awarding the scholarship to a graduating Goldthwaite Senior this Spring. Many of the families of the original owners of the items have generously donated their items to be offered at this event in the hopes that the almost 20 year history of the Museum will have a happy ending in the form of the scholarship.   Items which have been donated for sale include antique linens, flatware, tools, jewelry and other items.

Area Agency on Aging rep talks

Kerry Fillip, Director of the Central Texas Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging, held a town hall meeting at the Mills County Community Center Wednesday, Oct. 30.

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The Mills County Historical Museum held a dedication ceremony for the Saylor Windmill Saturday, Nov. 2, at the museum. Members of the Saylor family in attendance are shown in the photo above.

(L to R) - Hudson Wallace, Karson Hudspeth, Creek Berry, Isiah Berry, Sean Eicher

Trail Life Troop TX3368 – On the Trail!

Trail Life Troop TX-3368 had the honor of participating in the Saylor Windmill dedication at the Mills County Museum this past Saturday. The Museum has lots of new additions to their exhibits, which these boys all enjoyed after participating in the ceremony.

14B - Nov. 6, 2019 • (325)648-2244

The Goldthwaite Eagle

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