Héraðsdómaranámskeið GSÍ

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HÉRAÐSDÓMARANÁMSKEIÐ Efni fyrir þátttakendur 2016-2019

Upplýsingar um námskeiðið ............................................................................................ Almennar upplýsingar um námskeiðið, tímasetningar og efnistök í hverjum fyrirlestri.


Meginbreytingar á golfreglunum árið 2016 ..................................................................... Lýsing á helstu breytingum sem urðu á golfreglunum með nýrri útgáfu reglnanna í ársbyrjun 2016. Mjög gagnlegt efni fyrir þá sem hafa góða innsýn í reglurnar.


Úrval úrskurða ............................................................................................................... Valin sýnishorn af fróðlegum úrskurðum úr ritinu „Decisions on the Rules of Golf“. Innihald þessara úrskurða er ekki til prófs, en þátttakendur eru hvattir til að kynna sér þá samt sem áður.


Æfingapróf ..................................................................................................................... Héraðsdómaraprófið verður með sama sniði og æfingaprófið.


Svör við æfingaprófi .......................................................................................................


Síða 2 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Upplýsingar um námskeiðið Dómaranefnd GSÍ heldur héraðsdómaranámskeið sem skipt er í fjóra hluta, að viðbættum spurningatíma og prófi. Farið er yfir reglurnar í þessum fjórum hlutum námskeiðsins eins og fram kemur hér að neðan. Nauðsynlegt er að þeir sem ætla að taka þátt í námskeiðinu hafi undirbúið sig vel. Gert er ráð fyrir því að þátttakendurnir hafi lesið siðareglurnar, skilgreiningarnar og allar reglurnar og kynnt sér þær vel. Ekki verður farið ýtarlega yfir allar skilgreiningarnar og reglurnar, þar sem gert er ráð fyrir að nemendurnir hafi lesið þær fyrir námskeiðið. Þátttakendur eru því hvattir til að skrifa niður athugasemdir varðandi þau atriði í skilgreiningunum og/eða reglunum sem þeir eru í vafa um eða vilja fá nánari skýringar á. Munu leiðbeinendur fjalla um slík atriði í reglunum og svara spurningum nemenda, eftir því sem tíminn leyfir. Rétt er að ítreka mikilvægi þess að kynna sér vel skilgreiningar á þeim hugtökum sem notaðar eru í reglunum, þekking á skilgreiningunum er lykilatriði við að skilja golfreglurnar. Fyrsti hluti:  Regla 1 – Leikurinn. Skilgreiningar: Að eiga leik, á leið, bolti í leik, dómari, framvörður, fyrirskipuð umferð, gæslumaður, hending, hola, högg, keppandi, kylfuberi, leiklína, lið, nefndin, púttlína, regla/reglur, staða, útbúnaður, völlurinn.  Regla 2 – Holukeppni Skilgreiningar: Mótherji, samherji, teigur.  Regla 3 – Höggleikur  Regla 6 – Leikmaðurinn (mismikilvægar undirreglur)  Regla 9 – Upplýsingar um höggafjölda Skilgreiningar: Högg, í holu.  Regla 10 – Leikröð  Regla 13 – Bolta leikið þar sem hann liggur  Regla 15 – Bolti í annars stað (skiptibolti). Rangur bolti Skilgreiningar: Hreyfa eða hreyfður, rangur bolti, skiptibolti. Annar hluti:  Regla 4 – Kylfur  Regla 5 – Boltinn  Regla 11 – Teigur  Regla 16 – Flötin  Regla 17 – Flaggstöngin  Regla 18 – Bolti hreyfður úr kyrrstöðu  Regla 19 – Bolti á hreyfingu sveigður úr leið eða stöðvaður (sbr. einnig reglu 18)  Regla 20 – Að lyfta, láta falla og leggja. Leikið af röngum stað Skilgreiningar: Bolti í leik, út af, röng flöt.

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 3

Þriðji hluti:  Regla 7 – Æfing  Regla 8 – Ráðlegging. Ábending um leiklínu. Skilgreiningar: Ráðlegging  Regla 21 – Bolti hreinsaður  Regla 22 – Bolti aðstoðar eða truflar leik  Regla 24 – Hindranir  Regla 25 – Óeðlilegt ástand vallar, sokkinn bolti og röng flöt Skilgreiningar: Hindranir, lausung, glompa, grund í aðgerð, næsti staður fyrir lausn, óeðlilegt ástand vallar, óviðkomandi. Fjórði hluti:  Regla 12 – Leitað að bolta og hann þekktur  Regla 14 – Bolti sleginn  Regla 23 – Lausung  Regla 26 – Vatnstorfærur (þ.m.t. hliðarvatnstorfærur) Skilgreiningar: Vatnstorfærurur, hliðarvatnstorfærur.  Regla 27 – Bolti týndur eða út af. Varabolti Skilgreiningar: Týndur bolti, útaf, varabolti, vítahögg.  Regla 28 – Ósláanlegur bolti Próftímar:

Prófið sjálft stendur í 90 mínútur, en á undan prófunum verður stuttur fyrirlestur um störf dómara, þar sem m.a. verður fjallað um reglur 33 og 34. Til undirbúnings fyrir prófið er mjög gagnlegt að svara spurningum úr golfreglunum, sem finna má bæði á vef R&A í Skotlandi og á vef Bandaríska golfsambandsins:  http://www.randa.org/en/Rules-and-Amateur-Status/Rules-Quiz.aspx  http://www.usga.org/RulesQuiz/rules_quizzes.html Undirbúningur:

Hafi þátttendur golfreglubókina ekki tiltæka til undirbúnings fyrir námskeiðið má nálgast hana á www.golf.is, undir liðnum Um GSÍ / Dómaramál. Áður en kemur að prófinu eru þátttakendur hvattir til að glíma við æfingaprófið aftast í þessum bæklingi, en form þess og uppbygging er eins og á héraðsdómaraprófinu.

Síða 4 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Meginbreytingar á golfreglunum árið 2016 Golfreglurnar Regla 3-3. Vafi um hvað gera skal Reglunni er breytt til að veita frekari leiðbeiningar um: 1. Aðferð fyrir keppanda sem er óviss um hvernig hann eigi að halda áfram og ákveður að leika tveimur boltum; og 2. Hvernig nefndin eigi að ákveða hvor boltinn skuli telja undir slíkum kringumstæðum. Til viðbótar hafa reglurnar verið útvíkkaðar til að veita leiðbeiningar um hvor boltinn telji þegar reglurnar leyfa aðferðina fyrir hvorugan boltann. Undantekning við reglu 6-6d. Rangt skor á holu Þessi nýja undantekning ákvarðar að keppandi hlýtur ekki frávísun fyrir að skila lægra skori á einhverri holu en rétt er, ef orsökin er að keppandanum láðist að taka tillit til vítahöggs eða vítahögga sem hann vissi ekki, áður en hann skilaði skorkortinu, að hann hafði bakað sér. Þess í stað hlýtur keppandinn víti samkvæmt viðeigandi reglu og tvö vítahögg til viðbótar fyrir hverja holu þar sem keppandinn braut reglu 6-6d. Regla 14-1b. Festing kylfu Ný regla er kynnt til sögunnar sem bannar að festa kylfuna, hvort sem er „beint“ eða með „festipunkti“ þegar högg er slegið. Regla 14-3. Tilbúinn búnaður, óvenjulegur útbúnaður og óvenjuleg notkun útbúnaðar Nokkrar breytingar hafa verið gerðar á reglu 14-3, þar á meðal: 1. Yfirlýsingu um grundvallaratriði hefur verið bætt við þar sem útskýrt er hvað lagt er til grundvallar af golfstjórnvaldinu við ákvörðun um hvort notkun hlutar brýtur í bága við reglu 14-3. 2. Til skýringar hefur tilvísun í „óvenjulega notkun búnaðar“ verið breytt í „óeðlilega notkun búnaðar“. 3. Refsingu fyrir fyrsta brot á reglu 14-3 í fyrirskipaðri umferð hefur verið breytt úr frávísun í holutap í holukeppni og tvö högg í höggleik. Frávísun er beitt við frekari brot á reglunni. Regla 18-2. Bolti hreyfður úr kyrrstöðu af leikmanni, samherja, kylfubera eða útbúnaði Regla 18-2b (Bolti hreyfist eftir miðun) hefur verið felld niður. Þetta þýðir að þegar bolti hreyfist eftir að leikmaður hefur miðað hann ræðst beiting reglu 18-2 einvörðungu af því hvort leikmaðurinn olli hreyfingu boltans. Regla 25-2. Sokkinn bolti Athugasemdum hefur verið bætt við til að: 1. Útskýra hvenær bolti er sokkinn; og 2. Staðfesta að nefndin má setja staðarreglu sem leyfir lausn frá sokknum bolta hvar sem er á leið.

Regla 26-2. Bolta leikið innan vatnstorfæru Texti reglunnar hefur verið stokkaður upp, eingöngu til að gera hann skýrari. Engar efnislegar breytingar eru á reglunni.

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 5

Úrval úrskurða Úrskurðabókin (“Decisions on the Rules of Golf) er mjög mikilvægur hluti golfreglnanna. Í henni er að finna túlkanir og nánari útskýringar á ýmsum þáttum sem eru ekki að fullu útskýrðir í golfreglubókinni sjálfri. Til að gefa tilvonandi héraðsdómurum innsýn í innihald úrskurðabókarinnar eru á næstu síðum nokkrir valdir úrskurðir úr bókinni. Þeir eru: Bls.










Útskýring á setningunni „í þeim eina tilgangi að halda vellinum snyrtilegum” í reglu 1-2. Lykilúrskurður til að ákvarða hvenær veita eigi leikmanni „afslátt” af vítum þegar leikmaður brýtur reglu endurtekið, eða sambærilegar reglur í sömu athöfn. Leiðbeiningar til mótsstjórnar um hvenær eðlilegt er að fella niður víti þegar leikmaður mætir of seint á teig.



Meaning of "Sole Purpose of Caring for the Course Player Breaches Rules More Than Once; Whether Multiple Penalties Should Be Applied Exceptional Circumstances Which Warrant Waiving of Disqualification Penalty Under Rule 6-3a Meaning of "Improve" in Rule 13-2















Explanation of "Fairly Taking His Stance” Use of Electronic Devices

Ball Deemed Unplayable in Water Hazard Is Dropped in Hazard and Played Determining "Nearest Point of Relief" After Relief Taken from Obstruction for Stroke Towards Green, Obstruction Interferes with Stance for Necessary Sideways Stroke Meaning of "Known or Virtually Certain" Resolution of Questions of Fact; Referee and Committee Responsibility

Síða 6 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Mjög gagnlegur úrskurður til að skýra hvað átt er við með orðinu „lagfæra” í reglu 13-2. Úrskurðurinn inniheldur bæði dæmi um kringumstæður sem falla undir lagfæringu og kringumstæður þar sem slíkt á ekki við. Útskýring á hugtakinu „að taka sér stöðu á eðlilegan hátt“ í reglu 13-2. Úrskurðurinn inniheldur túlkun á því undir hvaða kringumstæðum er leyfilegt að nota rafeindatæki og hvenær ekki. Mjög gagnlegur úrskurður til að skilja hvernig beita getur þurft hugtakinu „viðeigandi regla“ til að úrskurða um athafnir keppanda. Útskýrt hvernig leikmaður ætti að bera sig að við að ákvarða næsta stað fyrir lausn. Mjög fróðlegt sýnidæmi sem útskýrir hvernig leikmaður stendur að því að taka lausn frá óhreyfanlegri hindrun og hvað telst vera eðlileg leikátt. Útskýring á hugtakinu „vitað eða nánast öruggt“, sem kemur við sögu í mörgum golfreglum. Leiðbeiningar til dómara um hvernig þeir skuli bera sig að við að úrskurða um staðreyndir mála.

Úrskurður 1-2/0.7

Meaning of "Sole Purpose of Caring for the Course" Q. What is the meaning of the phrase "sole purpose of caring for the course" in Exception 2 to Rule 1-2? A. The phrase “sole purpose of caring for the course” in the Exception refers to the performance of acts that are encouraged in the Etiquette Section of the Rules of Golf provided they are taken at the appropriate time and in a manner permitted by the Rules. The provisions of Rule 1-2 do not prevent a player from taking acts that conform with the Etiquette Section, so long as the player does so for the sole purpose of caring for the course and without intentionally influencing the movement of a ball, or the physical conditions affecting play, of a player in the player’s group or match. For example, while a player may not smooth the ragged edge of a hole or tap down spike marks in order to influence the movement of a ball of an opponent, fellow-competitor or partner, the player may generally smooth the ragged edge of a hole or tap down spike marks as a courtesy to players in following groups or matches, or for care of the course (see Decision 1-2/3.5). Similarly, while a player may not press down a piece of turf in the area in which a ball in motion may come to rest or in the area in which a ball is to be dropped or placed with the intention of influencing the movement of the ball, a player generally may attempt to tidy up the course by repairing divot holes and/or replacing divots that do not affect play of the hole by a player in the player’s group or match (see Decision 1-2/8).

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 7

Úrskurður 1-4/12

Player Breaches Rules More Than Once; Whether Multiple Penalties Should Be Applied Situations arise prior to or as a result of a stroke in which a player breaches a single Rule more than once, or breaches separate Rules, in a single act or in different but sequential acts. The question arises whether it is appropriate to apply a penalty to each separate breach. The Rules expressly provide that multiple penalties are not to be applied in certain situations (e.g. Rules 15-2, 18, 20-7 and 21). However, there are many other situations where multiple breaches of the Rules may occur and the Rules themselves do not expressly specify whether a penalty should be applied to each separate breach. In such cases, equity (Rule 1-4) applies, and the following principles should be used: 1. One Act Results in One Rule Being Breached More Than Once – Single Penalty Applied Example: In stroke play, a competitor’s ball on the putting green strikes a fellowcompetitor’s ball in breach of Rule 19-5a and then strikes another fellow-competitor’s ball, also in breach of Rule 19-5a. The ruling would be a single two-stroke penalty. 2. One Act Results in Two Rules Being Breached – Single Penalty Applied Example: In stroke play, a competitor is considering putting his ball from a bunker and rakes a footprint in the bunker on his line of play. Both Rule 13-2 and Rule 13-4a have been breached. The ruling would be a single two-stroke penalty. 3. Related Acts Result in One Rule Being Breached More Than Once – Single Penalty Applied Example 1: In stroke play, a competitor takes several practice swings in a hazard, touching the ground each time. The practice swings are related acts breaching a single Rule. The ruling would be a single two-stroke penalty under Rule 13-4b (see Decision 13-4/3 but also see Principle 6 Example 3). Example 2: A and B are fellow-competitors playing a par three hole. B is to play first and A asks B whether it is best to play for the centre of the green or to play for the flagstick and B advises that it is best to play for the centre of the green. A then asks what club B is going to use. B says he will hit a six iron. After B’s stroke, which fell short of the green, A asks B if he had hit it well and B confirms that he did. A then hit his shot. The ruling is that both competitors incur a single two-stroke penalty under Rule 8-1 for seeking or giving three related pieces of information all of which might assist A in his choice of club for his next stroke and the way to play it. (But see also Principle 6 Example 2). 4. Related Acts Result in Two Rules Being Breached – Single Penalty Applied Example 1: In stroke play, a competitor is considering putting his ball from a bunker and rakes several footprints in the bunker on his line of play. Both Rule 13-2 and Rule 13-4a have been breached multiple times by related acts. The ruling would be a single twostroke penalty. Example 2: In stroke play, a competitor’s ball moves prior to address and, while it is in motion, it is accidentally stopped by the competitor’s club in breach of Rule 19-2 and comes to rest against it. The competitor then moves the club, as a result of which his ball moves – a breach of Rule 18-2. These related acts would result in a single one-stroke penalty (see Decision 19-2/1.5). 5. Unrelated Acts Result in Two Rules Being Breached – Multiple Penalties Applied Example 1: In stroke play, a competitor (1) touches the ground in a hazard with his club while taking practice swings in a hazard and (2) improves his line of play by bending a shrub with his hand. The ruling would be a two-stroke penalty under Rule 13-4 (touching Síða 8 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

the ground in a hazard with his club) and a further penalty of two strokes under Rule 13- 2 (for the unrelated act of improving his line of play by moving something growing), giving a total penalty of four strokes (see Decision 13-4/28). Example 2: Under Example 2 in Principle 4 above, if the ball is not replaced before the competitor makes his next stroke, the failure to replace the ball is an unrelated act and the competitor incurs an additional penalty of two strokes under Rule 18-2. 6. Unrelated Acts Result in One Rule Being Breached More Than Once – Multiple Penalties Applied Example 1: In stroke play, a competitor (1) purposely steps on another player’s line of putt with the intention of improving the line, and then (2) purposely stops his own ball in motion after it began moving without apparent cause before address. As the two acts were unrelated, the ruling would be two separate penalties, each of two strokes, for breaches of Rule 1-2, giving a total penalty of four strokes. Example 2: A and B are fellow-competitors waiting for the green to clear at a par three hole. A, who has been hitting all his iron shots right of target, asks B if his (A’s) alignment has been wrong. B confirms that A’s alignment has been wrong. After the green clears A asks B what club B is going to play. B does not answer. The ruling would be that A and B both incur a two-stroke penalty for asking for and giving advice about A’s alignment (advice on the method of making a stroke). A incurs an additional two-stroke penalty for asking for information from B, which might assist A with his choice of club. Although both requests by A are breaches of the same Rule (Rule 8-1) their character is sufficiently different to warrant two separate penalties. Example 3: Under Example 1 in Principle 3 above, the competitor then makes a stroke and fails to get the ball out of the hazard. He makes two more practice swings in the hazard, again touching the ground each time. The ruling would be two separate twostroke penalties under Rule 13-4b. The link between the acts was broken by the competitor’s intervening stroke (see also Decision 1-4/14). For the purposes of this Decision:  in making the judgment whether two acts are related or unrelated, the Committee should consider, among other things, the similarity of the acts, how close to one another they are in terms of time and location and whether there were any intervening events;  each principal subsection of a Rule is considered a separate Rule (e.g. Rules 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 are considered separate Rules); and  the following sub-subsections (but only these ones) are also considered separate Rules: 4-3a, 4-3b, 13-4a, 13-4b, 13-4c, 14-1a, 14-1b, 14-2a, 14-2b, 16-1a, 16-1b, 16-1c, 16-1d, 16-1e, 16-1f, 17-3a, 17-3b and 17-3c. (Revised)

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 9

Úrskurður 6-3a/1.5

Exceptional Circumstances Which Warrant Waiving of Disqualification Penalty Under Rule 6-3a Q. The Exception to Rule 6-3a states that if the Committee determines that exceptional circumstances have prevented a player from starting on time, there is no penalty. With reference to the following examples, what circumstances are considered exceptional such that there would be no penalty if the player failed to start at the time established: 1. The player gets lost on the way to the course. 2. Heavy traffic results in the journey to the course taking longer than expected. 3. A major accident results in the journey to the course taking longer than expected. 4. The player’s car breaks down on the way to the course. 1. The player was present at the scene of an accident and provided medical assistance or was required to give a statement as a witness and otherwise would not have failed to start on time. A. There is no hard-and-fast Rule. The proper action depends on the circumstances in each case and must be left to the determination of the Committee. Generally, only example 5 constitutes an exceptional circumstance under the Exception to Rule 6-3a. It is the player's responsibility to ensure that he allows enough time to reach the course and he must make allowances for possible delays.

Síða 10 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Úrskurður 13-2/0.5

Meaning of "Improve" in Rule 13-2 Q. Rule 13-2 prohibits a player from improving certain areas. What does "improve" mean? A. In the context of Rule 13-2, “improve” means to change for the better so that the player creates a potential advantage with respect to the position or lie of his ball, the area of his intended stance or swing, his line of play or a reasonable extension of that line beyond the hole, or the area in which he is to drop or place a ball. Therefore, merely changing an area protected by Rule 13-2 will not be a breach of Rule 13-2 unless it creates such a potential advantage for the player in his play. Examples of changes that are unlikely to create such a potential advantage are if a player:  repairs a small pitch-mark, smooths a footprint in a bunker or replaces a divot in a divot hole on his line of play five yards in front of his ball prior to making a 150-yard approach shot from through the green;  whose ball lies in the middle of a long, shallow-faced fairway bunker, smooths footprints five yards in front of his ball and on his line of play prior to playing a long shot over the smoothed area;  accidentally knocks down several leaves from a tree in his area of intended swing with a practice swing, but there are still so many leaves or branches remaining that the area of intended swing has not been materially affected; or  whose ball lies in thick rough 180 yards from the green, walks forward and pulls strands of grass on his line of play and tosses them in the air to determine the direction of the wind. Examples of changes that are likely to create such a potential advantage are if a player:  repairs a pitch-mark through the green or replaces a divot in a divot hole five yards in front of his ball and on his line of play prior to making a stroke from off the putting green that might be affected by the pitch-mark or divot hole (e.g. a putt or a low-running shot);  whose ball lies in a greenside bunker, smooths footprints five yards in front of his ball on his line of play prior to playing a short shot intended to be played over the smoothed area;  accidentally knocks down a single leaf from a tree in his area of intended swing with a practice swing, but, as this was one of very few leaves that might either interfere with his swing or fall and thereby distract him, the area of intended swing has been materially affected; or  pulls strands of grass from rough a few inches behind his ball to test the wind, but thereby reduces a potential distraction for the player, or resistance to his club, in the area of his intended swing. The determination as to whether a player has created a potential advantage by his actions is made by reference to all the circumstances immediately prior to his stroke. (Revised)

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 11

Úrskurður 13-2/1

Explanation of "Fairly Taking His Stance" Q. Rule 13-2 states that a player must not improve the position or lie of his ball, the area of his intended stance or swing or his line of play or a reasonable extension of that line beyond the hole by moving, bending or breaking anything growing or fixed (including immovable obstructions and objects defining out of bounds). An exception permits a player to do so in "fairly taking his stance." What is the significance of "fairly"? A. Without "fairly," the exception would permit improvement of position or lie, area of intended stance or swing or line of play by anything that could be said to be taking a stance. The use of "fairly" is intended to limit the player to what is reasonably necessary to take a stance for the selected stroke without unduly improving the position of the ball, his lie, area of intended stance or swing or line of play. Thus, in taking his stance for the selected stroke, the player should select the least intrusive course of action which results in the minimum improvement in the position or lie of the ball, area of intended stance or swing or line of play. The player is not entitled to a normal stance or swing. He must accommodate the situation in which the ball is found and take a stance as normal as the circumstances permit. What is fair must be determined in the light of all the circumstances. Examples of actions which do constitute fairly taking a stance are:  backing into a branch or young sapling if that is the only way to take a stance for the selected stroke, even if this causes the branch to move out of the way or the sapling to bend or break.  bending a branch of a tree with the hands in order to get under the tree to play a ball. Examples of actions which do not constitute fairly taking a stance are:  deliberately moving, bending or breaking branches with the hands, a leg or the body to get them out of the way of the backswing or stroke.  standing on a branch to prevent it interfering with the backswing or stroke.  hooking one branch on another or braiding two weeds for the same purpose.  bending with a hand a branch obscuring the ball after the stance has been taken.  bending an interfering branch with the hands, a leg or the body in taking a stance when the stance could have been taken without bending the branch.

Síða 12 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Úrskurður 14-3/16

Use of Electronic Devices As provided in the Etiquette Section, players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players. The use of an electronic device such as a mobile phone, hand-held computer, calculator, television or radio is not of itself a breach of Rule 14-3. For example, the following uses of an electronic device during a stipulated round are not a breach of the Rules:  Using the device for matters unrelated to golf (e.g. to call home);  Using the device to access information on advice-related matters that was produced prior to the start of the player’s round (e.g. an electronic yardage book, swing tips);  Using the device to access (but not interpret or process) playing information from previous rounds (e.g. driving distances, individual club yardages, etc.); or  Using the device to obtain information related to the competition being played (e.g. the leader board or projected “cut”). However, the following are examples of uses of an electronic device during a stipulated round that might assist the player in his play and therefore are in breach of Rule 14-3:  Using the device (e.g. a television or radio) to watch or listen to a broadcast of the competition being played;  Using the device to ask for or give advice in breach of Rule 8-1 (e.g. calling a swing coach);  Using the device to access information on advice-related matters that was not produced prior to the start of his round (e.g. analysis of strokes made during that round); or  Using the device to interpret or process any playing information obtained from current or previous rounds (e.g. driving distances, individual club yardages, etc.) or to assist in calculating the effective distance between two points (i.e. distance after considering elevation changes, wind speed and/or direction or other environmental factors). (Revised)

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 13

Úrskurður 20-7/2

Ball Deemed Unplayable in Water Hazard Is Dropped in Hazard and Played Q. On the 7th hole a player deems his ball unplayable in a water hazard and, thinking that Rule 28b or c is applicable, drops the ball in the water hazard and plays it. What is the ruling? A. Rule 28 does not apply when the player's ball lies in a water hazard. As Rule 261 was the Rule applicable to the player's situation, he is considered to have played from a wrong place under that Rule. In match play, the player loses the hole (Rule 20-7b). In stroke play, if a serious breach of the water hazard Rule was not involved, the player, in addition to incurring the penalty stroke provided for in Rule 26-1, incurs a two-stroke penalty for playing from a wrong place and must play out the hole with the ball played from within the water hazard - see first paragraph of Rule 20-7c and Rule 26-1. In stroke play, if a serious breach of the water hazard Rule was involved, before playing from the next teeing ground, the player must either (1) place a ball on the spot where the original ball originally lay in the water hazard, with a one-stroke penalty under Rule 18-2, or (2) play a ball in accordance with Rule 26-1; in either case the player would add two penalty strokes to the score with that ball (Rule 20-7c). If the player fails to correct the mistake, he is disqualified - see second and third paragraphs of Rule 20-7c. Related Decisions:  18-2/12 Player Entitled to Relief from Condition Lifts Ball; Player Then Replaces Ball and Plays It from Original Position.  20-6/5 Player Drops Ball Under Rules and Then Wishes to Replace Ball in Original Position.  25-1b/26 Player Unaware Ball in Water Hazard Takes Relief from Interference by Burrowing Animal Hole.  34-3/6 Player Proceeds Under an Inapplicable Rule; Committee's Decision.

Síða 14 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Úrskurður 24-2b/1

Determining "Nearest Point of Relief" Q. The Note to the Definition of "Nearest Point of Relief" provides that the player should determine this point by using "the club with which he would have made his next stroke if the condition were not there to simulate the address position, direction of play and swing for such stroke." May the player use any club, address position, direction of play or swing in determining the nearest point of relief? A. No. In determining the nearest point of relief accurately it is recommended that the player use the club, address position, direction of play and swing (right or left-handed) that he would have used had the obstruction or condition not been there. For example, the player has interference from an immovable obstruction and, were it not for the obstruction, he would have used a righthanded stroke with a 4-iron to play the ball from its original position towards the green. To determine the nearest point of relief accurately, he should use a right-handed stroke with a 4iron and the direction of play should be towards the green. See also Decisions 20-2c/0.7 and 20-2c/0.8. Related Decisions:  24-2b/3.7 Diagram Illustrating Player Unable to Determine Nearest Point of Relief.  24-2b/4 Club Used to Determine Nearest Point of Relief Not Used for Next Stroke.  25-1b/2 Diagrams Illustrating "Nearest Point of Relief."

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 15

Úrskurður 24-2b/9.5

After Relief Taken from Obstruction for Stroke Towards Green, Obstruction Interferes with Stance for Necessary Sideways Stroke

Q. With regard to the diagram, Point X is the original position of the ball and Point A is the nearest point of relief from the obstruction (cart path). The player drops his ball within one club-length of Point A (within the shaded area) and it comes to rest on the cart path at Point B. He re-drops as required by Rule 20-2c, again dropping within one club-length of Point A and the ball comes to rest at Point C. At Point C there is no interference by the cart path for a stroke towards the green. However, the player cannot play towards the green from Point C because of intervention by the tree. His only reasonable stroke is sideways to the fairway, and his stance for such a stroke would be on the cart path. Is the player now required to place the ball as near as possible to the spot where it first struck the ground when re-dropped in accordance with Rule 20-2c? A. No. The player is not entitled to place the ball because at Point C there is no interference by the cart path for a stroke towards the green, the intended direction of play when relief was taken. However, as a result of the tree, the player has a new situation. He is entitled to take relief under Rule 24-2b(i) for the sideways stroke since this is not an unnecessarily abnormal direction of play - see Exception under Rule 24-2b - and his nearest point of relief would be Point D. After the ball is dropped within one club-length of Point D (within the shaded area) and it comes to rest at Point E, the player may play in any direction he wishes. Related Decisions:  24-2b/17 Obstruction Interferes with Abnormal Stroke; Abnormal Stroke Reasonable in Circumstances.  25-1b/22 Cast of Burrowing Animal Interferes with Sideways Stroke; When Relief Granted.

Síða 16 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Úrskurður 26-1/1

Meaning of "Known or Virtually Certain" When a ball has been struck towards a water hazard and cannot be found, a player may not assume that his ball is in the water hazard simply because there is a possibility that the ball may be in the water hazard. In order to proceed under Rule 26-1, it must be "known or virtually certain" that the ball is in the water hazard. In the absence of "knowledge or virtual certainty" that it lies in a water hazard, a ball that cannot be found must be considered lost somewhere other than in a water hazard and the player must proceed under Rule 27-1. When a player's ball cannot be found, "knowledge" may be gained that his ball is in a water hazard in a number of ways. The player or his caddie or other members of his match or group may actually observe the ball disappear into the water hazard. Evidence provided by other reliable witnesses may also establish that the ball is in the water hazard. Such evidence could come from a referee, an observer, spectators or other outside agencies. It is important that all readily accessible information be considered because, for example, the mere fact that a ball has splashed in a water hazard would not always provide "knowledge" that the ball is in the water hazard, as there are instances when a ball may skip out of, and come to rest outside, the hazard. In the absence of "knowledge" that the ball is in the water hazard, Rule 26-1 requires there to be "virtual certainty" that the player's ball is in the water hazard in order to proceed under this Rule. Unlike "knowledge," "virtual certainty" implies some small degree of doubt about the actual location of a ball that has not been found. However, "virtual certainty" also means that, although the ball has not been found, when all readily available information is considered, the conclusion that there is nowhere that the ball could be except in the water hazard would be justified. In determining whether "virtual certainty" exists, some of the relevant factors in the area of the water hazard to be considered include topography, turf conditions, grass heights, visibility, weather conditions and the proximity of trees, bushes and abnormal ground conditions. The same principles would apply for a ball that may have been moved by an outside agency (Rule 18-1) or a ball that has not been found and may be in an obstruction (Rule 24-3) or an abnormal ground condition (Rule 25-c). (Revised)

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 17

Úrskurður 34-3/9

Resolution of Questions of Fact; Referee and Committee Responsibility Resolving questions of fact is among the most difficult actions required of a referee, or the Committee as a whole. For example, these situations include a broad array of incidents such as determining whether a player caused a ball to move (Decision 18-2/0.5), whether a player played from outside the teeing ground (Decision 34-3/4), whether a stroke was made (Decision 14/1.5), the hole at which a wrong ball was played (Decision 15-1/3) and the state of a match (Decision 34-3/5). In all situations involving questions of fact, resolution of the doubt must be made in light of all the relevant circumstances and evaluation of the weight of the evidence, including the balance of probabilities where applicable (Decision 15-1/3). When the Committee is unable to determine the facts to its satisfaction, it must resolve the matter in the fairest way (Decision 34-3/5). Testimony of the players involved is important and must be given due consideration. In some situations where the facts are not decisive, the doubt should be resolved in favour of the player (Decisions 15-1/2 and 19-1/4.1); in others, the doubt should be resolved against the player (Decision 13-4/35.5 and 21/3). There is no hard-and-fast rule for evaluating the testimony of the players or for assigning the weight to be given to such testimony and each situation must be treated on its own merits. The proper action depends on the circumstances in each case and must be left to the judgment of the referee, or the Committee as a whole. Testimony of those who are not a part of the competition, including spectators, must be accepted and evaluated (Decision 27/12). It is also appropriate to use television footage and the like to assist in resolving doubt. It is important that any questions of fact be resolved in a timely manner such that the competition may proceed in an orderly way. Thus, the referee may be limited to evaluating the evidence available to him in a timely manner. Any such ruling is always subject to further review by the referee, or Committee as a whole as additional evidence becomes available. If a judgment is made by a referee, the player is entitled to proceed on the basis of that ruling whether it is an interpretation of the Rules of Golf (Decision 34-3/1.5) or a resolution of a question of fact (Decision 34-3/7). In situations arising in both circumstances, if the ruling is found to be incorrect, the Committee may have the authority to make a correction (Decisions 34-3/1 and 34-3/7). However, in all circumstances, including both match play and stroke play, the referee or Committee is limited in its ability to make corrections by the guidance contained in Decisions 34-2/5, 34-2/6, 34-2/7, 34-3/3 and 343/3.3. (Revised)

Síða 18 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

Héraðsdómarapróf 2016-2019 - Æfingapróf Nafn ............. : Kennitala ...... : Tölvupóstur .. : Golfklúbbur .. : Próftími er níutíu mínútur. Prófið skiptist í fjóra kafla og kemur vægi hvers kafla fram aftan við nafn kaflans. Í krossaspurningum er ekki dregið frá fyrir röng svör. Í öllum spurningum er gert ráð fyrir að engar staðarreglur séu í gildi. Miða skal við að leikinn sé höggleikur, nema annað komi fram í spurningunni.

A. Svarið rétt eða rangt (10%) 1. Bananahýði má fjarlægja úr glompu ef það truflar sveiflu leikmanns við að leika bolta úr glompunni.  Rétt  Rangt 2. Leikmaður má hreinsa bolta sinn þegar hann tekur lausn frá óhreyfanlegri hindrun.  Rétt  Rangt 3. Í golfreglunum eru vallarmarkastikur skilgreindar sem hindranir.  Rétt  Rangt 4. Leikmaður á rétt á vítalausri lausn frá girðingu sem er í beinni leiklínu, 20 metrum framan við boltann.  Rétt  Rangt 5. Leikmaður sem hefur leik með 12 kylfum má bæta við tveimur kylfum á meðan á leik stendur.  Rétt  Rangt 6. Fífill vex á teignum, þar sem leikmaður vill tía upp bolta sinn. Leikmaðurinn má slíta fífilinn upp, vítalaust.  Rétt  Rangt Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 19

7. Bolti er í leik þegar hann hefur verið tíaður á teignum.  Rétt  Rangt 8. Leikmaður má fjarlægja laufblað sem loðir við boltann, þar sem hann liggur á braut eftir upphafshögg.  Rétt  Rangt 9. Leikmaður á rétt á lausn frá grund í aðgerð þegar bolti hans liggur í vatnstorfæru.  Rétt  Rangt 10. Bolti er utan teigs ef einhver hluti hans liggur utan teigsins.  Rétt  Rangt

B. Hvaða regla gildir? (20%) Skrifið númer reglu og undirreglu sem gildir í eftirfarandi tilvikum. Dæmi: Leikmaður leikur varabolta. Regla 27-2 1. Leikmaður skilar skorkorti með röngu skori á 4. holu, sex höggum í stað fimm högga. Regla:__________ 2. Við að taka sér stöðu við bolta sinn á flöt rekur leikmaðurinn púttershausinn óvart í boltann sem hreyfist úr stað. Regla:__________ 3. Leikmaður biður kylfubera sinn um að standa þannig að hann skyggi á leikmanninn á meðan hann leikur. Regla:__________ 4. Bolti leikmanns tollir ekki þar sem hann var lagður. Regla:__________ 5. Leikmaður lagfærir takkaför í púttlínu sinni með því að þrýsta púttershausnum niður í yfirborð flatarinnar. Regla:__________ Síða 20 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

C. Merkið við rétta svarið (40%) Eitt af svörunum við eftirfarandi spurningum er rétt. 1.

Hvenær má leikmaður leyfa kylfubera sínum að standa aftan við boltann, á framlengdri leiklínu, þegar högg er slegið? a) [ ] Þegar leikið er af teig. b) [ ] Þegar púttað er á flöt. c) [ ] Þegar leikið er úr glompu. d) [ ] Aldrei.


Bolti Hafsteins liggur á svuntunni rétt utan flatar. Eftir högg leikmanna úr fyrri ráshópum hefur sandur borist upp úr nálægri glompu og liggur á svuntunni og á flötinni milli boltans og holunnar. a) [ ] Hafsteinn má ekki fjarlægja neinn sand. b) [ ] Hafsteinn má fjarlægja hvaða sand sem er, þar sem sandur er lausung. c) [ ] Hafsteinn má einungis fjarlægja sandinn sem er á flötinni. d) [ ] Hafsteinn má einungis fjarlægja sandinn sem er á svuntunni.


Guðný finnur bolta á kafi í karga. Hún reynir að slá boltann, en hittir hann ekki. Áður en hún reynir aftur uppgötvar hún að þetta er ekki hennar bolti. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust og vindhöggið telur ekki, þar sem Guðný hitti ekki boltann. b) [ ] Vindhöggið telur ekki, en Guðný fær tvö högg í víti fyrir að leika röngum bolta. c) [ ] Vindhöggið telur, en Guðný fær ekkert víti. d) [ ] Vindhöggið telur og Guðný fær tvö högg í víti fyrir að leika röngum bolta.


Kjartan á mjög slæmt upphafshögg. Bergur, meðkeppandi hans, hjálpar honum að leita og finna þeir boltann milli steina. Bergur segir að skynsamlegast sé fyrir Kjartan að dæma boltann ósláanlegan. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust. b) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust ef Kjartan fylgir ekki ráðum Bergs. c) [ ] Bergur fær eitt högg í víti. d) [ ] Bergur fær tvö högg í víti.


Bolti Guðna liggur í karga, nærri vallarmörkum. Trjágrein, sem er utan vallarins, truflar baksveifluna. Guðni brýtur trjágreinina og leikur síðan boltanum. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust. b) [ ] Guðni fær eitt högg í víti. c) [ ] Guðni fær tvö högg í víti. d) [ ] Guðni fær frávísun.


Bolti Jóhönnu liggur á malarstíg á milli brauta. Hún fjarlægir nokkrar lausar steinvölur nærri boltanum, án þess að hann hreyfist. Að því loknu leikur Jóhanna boltanum. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust. b) [ ] Jóhanna fær eitt högg í víti. c) [ ] Jóhanna fær tvö högg í víti. d) [ ] Jóhanna fær tvö högg í víti og þarf að endurtaka höggið. Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 21


Ráshópur fer inn í golfskála eftir níu holur. Eftir að hafa horft á síðustu þrjátíu mínúturnar í spennandi knattspyrnuleik, sem verið var að sýna í sjónvarpinu, halda leikmennirnir áfram leik. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust. b) [ ] Allir leikmennirnir í ráshópnum fá eitt högg í víti. c) [ ] Allir leikmennirnir í ráshópnum fá tvö högg í víti. d) [ ] Allir leikmennirnir í ráshópnum fá frávísun.


Leikmaður fær eitt vítishögg ef bolti hans er óvart sveigður af leið af: a) [ ] Mótherja hans í holukeppni. b) [ ] Glompuhrífu. c) [ ] Golfkerru hans. d) [ ] Framverði.


Tryggvi og Úlfar leika saman í ráshópi. Úlfar leikur 3. holu á 4 höggum og Tryggvi á 5 höggum. Í hugsunarleysi slær Tryggvi upphafshögg á 4. holu á undan Úlfari. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust og höggið gildir. b) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust, en Tryggvi þarf að endurtaka höggið. c) [ ] Tryggvi fær eitt högg í víti, en höggið gildir. d) [ ] Tryggvi fær eitt högg í víti og þarf að endurtaka höggið.


Jónas slær bolta sinn inn á flöt. Boltinn stöðvast u.þ.b. tvö fet frá holu. Jónas merkir boltann og lyftir honum. Á meðan hann bíður eftir að meðkeppendur hans slái inn á flötina leggur Jónas boltann niður, utan flatarinnar, og púttar honum að golfpoka sínum. Hvernig dæmist? a) [ ] Þetta er vítalaust. b) [ ] Jónas fær eitt högg í víti. c) [ ] Jónas fær tvö högg í víti. d) [ ] Jónas fær frávísun.

Síða 22 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

D. Hvernig dæmist? (30%) Ákvarðið skor Jóns, í höggleik. Teljið fjölda högga sem Jón fær, þar með talin hugsanleg vítahögg. Tilgreinið hvaða golfreglur gilda um athafnir Jóns. Ekki er víst að telja eigi högg eða víti í öllum skrefum. 1. Jón leikur 1. holu par 5, 483 m langa. a) Jón er ókunnugur á vellinum, en sér að brautin beygir til vinstri. Þar sem hann hafði ekki orðið sér úti um vallarvísi spyr hann Ólaf, ritara sinn, hversu langt sé frá teignum í beygjuna. Ólafur segir að þangað séu um 190 metrar. Jón ákveður að nota 3 tré og slær ágætt upphafshögg sem stöðvast á miðri braut, í beygjunni. b) Þegar Jón lætur 3 tréð aftur í golfpokann sinn rekur hann augun í aukakylfu sem hann hafði verið að prófa á æfingasvæðinu fyrir hringinn og gleymt að fjarlægja áður en hann hóf leik. Hann tilkynnir Ólafi að hann sé óvart með 15 kylfur í pokanum og að hann muni ekki nota þessa aukakylfu. c) Næsta högg Jóns heppnast illa, boltinn stefnir í átt að vatnstorfæru hægra megin við brautina. d) Þegar Jón kemur að vatnstorfærunni gleðst hann þó, því boltinn liggur rétt innan við mörk vatnstorfærunnar og er vel sláanlegur. e) Jón nær ekki að stilla sér þægilega upp fyrir næsta högg því hnefastór steinn, sem liggur utan við torfæruna, truflar stöðu vinstri fótar hans. Jón veltir steininum í burtu og slær boltann. Höggið er of stutt og boltinn stöðvast u.þ.b. tvo metra frá flötinni. f) Jón ákveður að best sé að pútta boltanum. Hann skoðar hallann við flötina og tekur þá eftir boltafari sem er nákvæmlega í línunni sem hann ætlar að pútta eftir, u.þ.b. fet framan við boltann. g) Jón lagfærir boltafarið, skoðar línuna aftur og biður meðspilara sinn um að taka flaggstöngina úr holunni. h) Eftir að meðspilarinn hefur fjarlægt flaggstöngina púttar Jón. Púttið virðist ætla að heppnast mjög vel, en Jóni til mikillar armæðu stöðvast boltinn rétt við holuna. i) Jón gengur svekktur að boltanum og ýtir honum í holuna með púttershausnum. Skref a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)




Skor á holu:__________

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 23

2. Jón leikur næst 2. holu sem er par 4, 395 m. a) Jón slær gott upphafshögg á miðja braut. b) Þegar hann kemur að boltanum sér hann að boltinn hefur stöðvast við lausan torfusnepil. Jón reynir að fjarlægja torfusnepilinn, en við það hreyfist boltinn örlítið úr stað. Jón leggur boltann aftur á sinn stað. c) Næsta högg Jóns heppnast fremur illa og hafnar boltinn í glompu framan við flötina. d) Í glompunni reynist boltinn liggja þétt upp við hrífu. Þegar Jón lyftir hrífunni hreyfist boltinn. Jón setur boltann aftur á sama stað. e) Jón leggur hrífuna frá sér í glompunni og tekur um leið upp tóma bjórdós sem liggur í glompunni. f) Höggið úr glompunni er full ákveðið og fer boltinn yfir flötina og út á malbikaðan göngustíg sem þar er. g) Jón ákveður að taka lausn frá göngustígnum. Hann ákvarðar næsta stað fyrir lausn miðað við að hann vippi með PW kylfu og lætur boltann falla rétt við þann stað, ekki nær holu. Boltinn rúllar 2-3 fet, í átt frá holunni. h) Jón tekur sér stöðu við boltann með PW kylfunni. Hann stendur með annan fótinn á göngustígnum og vippar boltanum inn á flötina. i) Vippið tekst mjög vel og Jón nær að ljúka holunni með einu pútti.

Skref a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



Skor á holu:__________

Síða 24 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019


Svör við æfingaprófi 2016-2019 A. Svarið rétt eða rangt (10%) Spurning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Svar Rangt Rétt Rangt Rangt Rétt Rétt Rangt Rangt Rangt Rangt

Skýring Regla 23-1 (sjá líka úrskurð 23/3) Regla 24-2b og regla 21 Skilgreining á út af Regla 24-2a Regla 4-4a Regla 13-2 (sjá líka úrskurð 13-2/3) Skilgreining á bolta í leik Skilgreining á lausung. Sjá einnig reglu 23-1 Regla 25-1b Skilgreining á teig

B. Hvaða regla gildir? (20%) Spurning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Svar 6-6 eða 6-6d 18-2 14-2 eða 14-2a 20-3 eða 20-3d 16-1 eða 16-1a

C. Merkið við rétta svarið (40%) Spurning Svar 1. d) 2.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

b) d) c) a) d) c) a) c)

Skýring Regla 14-2 („Leikmaður má ekki þiggja áþreifanlega aðstoð eða hlíf fyrir höfuðskepnunum þegar hann slær högg.“) Skilgreining á lausung („Sandur og laus jarðvegur eru lausung á flötinni, en ekki annars staðar.“) Skilgreining á höggi og regla 15-3 (sjá líka úrskurð 15/1) Regla 8-1 (sjá líka úrskurð 8-1/16) Regla 13-2 (sjá líka úrskurð 13-2/19) Regla 23-1 Regla 6-8a (sjá líka úrskurð 6-8a/1) Regla 19-2 og skilgreining á útbúnaði Regla 10-2c Regla 7-2

Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 25

D. Hvernig dæmist? (30%) 1. Jón leikur 1. holu Skref a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Samtals

Högg 1









2 6






1 1

1 1 5


Skor á holu:

2. Jón leikur 2. holu Skref a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Samtals Skor á holu:

Högg 1 1

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Síða 26 - Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019

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Golfsamband Íslands Engjavegi 6, 104 Reykjavík Vefpóstur: info@golf.is Sími: 514-4050

www.golf.is Héraðsdómaranámskeið 2016-2019 - Síða 27

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