At last, after years of delay due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, the world’s best brains in turfgrass science and technology gathered in Copenhagen for the 14th International Turfgrass Research Conference. Expectations were high and you could feel that the delegates were really delighted to meet after the long involuntary break in close contact. The conference week really was fantastic, with large volumes of scientific results, innovative discussions and technology transfer, enhanced by extremely nice weather and exhilarating social events.
The conference also was a good opportunity to collect opinions about the future, in particular the global challenges and trends we face, from organisations, greenkeepers, industry representatives, authorities etc. We found almost total agreement between these different stakeholders. The main opinions, which the STERF team will use as input when designing coming programmes, are summarised below.
A stable and predictable climate and availability of natural resources is critical for the development of the turfgrass sector, but ongoing global temperature rise, now over one degree, poses a threat to this. In the Nordic countries, where the rise in
temperature is over two degrees, there is particularly heavy stress on natural systems. The global pandemic and the war in Ukraine have also revealed vulnerabilities in energy supply and access to fertilisers, with huge economic consequences. Therefore we need to:
Adapt to climate change and minimise factors affecting climate changes by:
• Building resilience to climate change.
• Adapting golf course construction, management and grass species to extreme weather conditions.
• Changing the carbon balance (emission and sequestration) of golf course management.
• Address problems with sea level rise and coastal erosion.
Ensure sustainable use of energy and natural resources by:
• Recycling water and fertiliser, irrigating with brackish water, greywater etc.
• Cease using finite, non-renewable resources such as phosphorus and sand.
• Introduce fossil-free golf course management.
Another effect of climate change is that growth zones are shifting. Ten years ago,
attacks by dollar spot, caused by the fungus Clarireedia jacksonii (formerly Sclerotinia homoecarpa), were not observed in the Nordic countries, but due to the rise in ground temperature the disease is now a severe threat to golf facilities. The increasing temperature may also permit the spread of invasive species of insects and weeds that affect turf quality. Therefore we must:
Develop sustainable solutions for control of diseases, weeds and insects by:
• Implementing maintenance strategies to minimise use of chemical pesticides.
• Further evaluating biological and mechanical control of weeds.
• Inventing new “control” chemicals and strategies for sustainable chemical use.
Today there is growing concern among the public, authorities and legislators about the effect of chemicals, hormones and micropolymers in the nature. Therefore, we have to:
Approach and build trust with legislators, authorities and the public through:
• Co-operation with the EU and national
authorities on regulations regarding sustainable use of chemicals and show that the golf sector is proactive in finding solutions.
• Find ways to minimise or eliminate harmful chemicals and polymers in nature.
• Communicate to the public that the golf course is a sound and beneficial eco-system when managed properly.
Regarding land use and urban development, the golf course can play a very important role in society. When rapid urbanisation and population growth increase the pressure for exploitation of green areas, the golf course may be at risk of expropriation of land for building houses or industries. To avoid this, golf needs to demonstrate its value in the urban landscape by:
Presenting the golf course as a resource for restoring and enhancement of biodiversity through:
• Compensating for loss of biodiversity related to climate change by active and sustainable management.
• Integrating the golf course into the landscape, thereby avoiding ecological barriers.
• Enhancing the multifunctional use of golf course facilities and using the golf course for outdoor life and recreation by other groups apart from golfers. Golf may be a conservative sport, which undeniably gives the game a fair bit of
charm and stability, but unfortunately the golf sector is also conservative when it comes to management and adopting new ideas. We lag far behind agriculture in adopting the latest findings. Therefore we must:
Increase use of new knowledge, techniques and technology such as:
• Robotics and automation, for better and more effective maintenance.
• Sensor technology, for monitoring the course.
• Databasing of collected empirical data.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI), for sustainable management, expert systems, IPM etc.
• GMO technology, for disease and climate resistance seeds.
• Non-fossil machinery.
Finally, to meet the huge challenges in the future, we must increase investment in research and development and continue to work together to solve global problems! At STERF, we are devoting much effort to finding joint projects and programmes together with stakeholders such as the R&A and USGA. Some of these projects are presented in this yearbook.
Bruno Hedlund STERF ChairmanThe 14th International Turfgrass Research Conference (ITRC2022) was arranged by STERF in association with the International Turfgrass Society (ITS) and held at Copenhagen University, Denmark, on 10-15 July 2022. It was the first time ever that ITRC had been held in a Nordic country.
International Turfgrass Research Conferences are among the largest and most comprehensive gatherings of turfgrass professionals anywhere in the world and this year’s conference was no exception, with over 300 delegates from 28 countries in attendance. More than 90% of the delegates indicated “Excellent and very good” as their overall assessment of the conference.
The conference theme was Development & Sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in Agenda 2030 constituted the conference programme framework.
Conference delegates enjoyed keynote addresses, scientific sessions, a practitioners’ seminar, field tours and several fantastic din-
ners and social gatherings. Participants commented on how much they appreciated the opportunities to network after more than two years of Covid-19 restrictions.
A new feature at ITRC2022 was a one-day practitioners’ seminar, as a meeting arena for practitioners and turfgrass researchers. Several top scientists and some upcoming
stars presented highlights from their field of expertise directly to practical turfgrass managers. The seminar concluded with a dinner party at Furesø golf club. A good part of the menu for the dinner was sourced from local golf courses, showing a perspective of multifunctionality on Danish golf courses.
A full day of technical tours was offered, highlighting the extraordinary range of turf
venues in the Öresund area, in Denmark and Sweden. All technical tours ended at the DLF Research Centre in Store Heddinge, for an introduction to their breeding programme and a tour of the experimental facilities, field trials and demonstration plots. The day concluded with a fantastic BBQ dinner at the turf fields.
The last day of the conference featured two parallel symposia highlighting challenges for turfgrass management in two contrasting climate zones. Invited scientists provided a world-wide perspective on cold-winter zones and on transition zones.
As a result of the preparations for the conference, more than 180 papers were published in three scientific journals. The 14 practitio-
ner seminars were all recorded, as were nine short interviews. The seminars and interviews can all be found on the STERF website:
During autumn 2022, STERF issued an open call for proposals. To meet the challenges our sector has to face and the global risks
relating to the eight SDGs set out in Agenda 2030 (SDGs), STERF has created four international and trans-disciplinary R&D programmes, on:
• Integrated pest management (SDGs 12, 13, 15);
• Sustainable water management (SDGs 6, 12, 13, 14);
• Turfgrass winter stress management (SDGs 12 13);
• Multifunctional use of golf facilities and ecosystem services (SDGs 3, 11, 15, 17)
• In its 2022 call for proposals, STERF decided to prioritise research and development within these four R&D programmes.
In response to the call, STERF received nine good quality project proposals within three of the four R&D areas (Integrated pest management, Multifunctional golf courses, Sustainable water management). The STERF Advisory Committee and committee subgroups then did a very thorough and important job in evaluating the proposals. The sub-group coordinators (Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde, SLU, and Karin Normann, Turf House) were especially important in the evaluation process. The total amount sought from STERF was SEK 12 499 000, the suggested amount of matchfunding was SEK 11 158 000 and the total
amount applied for in new projects was SEK 23 657 000. Based on the Advisory Committee´s recommendations, the STERF board decided to fund four new projects, corresponding to total investment by STERF of 6 047 000 SEK in total over four years. These new projects are presented on pages 28-35.
Research projects require resources and take time if they are to produce reliable results. Trials must be carried out over several years and under different conditions. Therefore, long-term planning and funding are critical for research to deliver necessary and practically useful knowledge. We have seen several good examples or research and development being a profitable investment. STERF continues to work continuously to guarantee the long-term funding from the Nordic golf federations. During 2022 meetings were arranged between STERF and the boards of all Nordic golf federations to discuss future trends and challenges for the Nordic golf sector and the need for research and development to assist the golf sector in achieving economically and environmentally sustainable golf facilities of high standard and in improving the credibility of golf as an environmentally friendly sport. Based on these
discussions, all Nordic golf federations agreed to guarantee long-term funding for STERF activities and set the goal of funding STERF by an amount corresponding to €0.5 per member and year.
Inspired by the STERF-funded Carbon Parproject, climate change was the theme of the 2022 EIGCA Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, the project’s home base. This annual conference, held by the European Institute of Golf Course Architects, attracted around one hundred delegates from 25 locations in 19
countries, including representatives from the R&A, the Golf Union of Iceland, the GEO Foundation, EIGCA golf architects, their industry partners and sister organisations in America and Australia.
Normally held in April, this unique summer solstice event concluded with the signing of a climate pledge by the world’s three major golf course architects’ associations, representing a highly influential group of decision makers with regard to golf’s future land use emissions.
More videos than ever before were produced during 2022. For example:
• A total of 23 videos were recorded in connection with ITRC2022, covering 14 practitioner seminars and nine short interviews. They can all be found on the STERF website: sv/itrc-2022
• The project ‘Golf course as an outdoor
classroom’, filmed a local school visit at Viksjö GC. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/484418
• Two short videos produced by NIBIO within the project IPM-GOLF 202023, one about rolling and the other about UVC-radiation & slow-release nutrition. They can be found at: http://
Finland made an impressive number of translations of STERF material into Finnish during 2022 – the yearbook, one handbook, three brochures, two reports and two articles! Iceland contributed with two “Winter survi-
After two years of cancelled meetings due to Covid-19, around 60 Norwegian and a few Swedish superintendents, golf club managers and other sector representatives gathered at NIBIO Apelsvoll and Mjøsen GC, Norway, on 19 May 2022 to study winter survival in the field trials and to hear the latest news
from the STERF projects ICE-BREAKER and SCANGREEN.
Participants were welcomed by Mikkel Bakkegaard (NIBIO station manager), Agne Strøm (Norwegian Greenkeeper Association) and Pål Melbye (head of the golf course section in Norwegian Golf Federation and project leader for ICE-BREAKER). NIBIO researchers and Mads Thers from Holtsmark GC then gave an update on the different work-packages in ICE-BREAKER, focusing on both on how to prevent and how to repair
ice damage. What perhaps attracted the most interest was a talk by Martin Wiig and Theodor Sundby, students at BI (Norwegian Business School), who in thesis work at the Norwegian Business School identified significantly higher profitability on golf courses that cover their greens with impermeable plastic sheeting before winter. After the field walk at Apelsvoll most participants made an enjoyable visit to Mjøsen GC, where Mads Thers demonstrated correct use of plastic covers on greens susceptible to ice damage.
On 7-8 September 2022, around 30 people gathered in Jönköping for a reference group meeting and field day in the project
ROBOGOLF. On the first day, the reference group held a project meeting to discuss results from the ongoing project, followed by a visit to the Husqvarna test facility. On the second day, Jönköping GC in collaboration with Swedish Golf Federation (SGF) hosted a meeting for greenkeepers and others interested in the use of robotic mowers on golf courses. Presentations were held by the parti-
cipating researchers from NIBIO (Karin J. Hesselsøe and Trygve Aamlid) and two course managers, Atle R. Hansen from Bærheim Golfpark, Norway, and Janne Lehto from Hirsala GC, Finland. New innovations from Husqvarna were presented and a discussion was led by Henrik Norén from SGF. Course manager Markus Rehnström from Jönköping GC led a guided tour where the use of different robotic mowers was presented.
Mads Thers demonstrating installation of collars before putting on plastic sheeting at Green 16, Mjøsen GC. Photo: Anne F. Borchert. Course manager Markus Rehnström, demonstrating the use of robotic mower Ceora at one of the fairways at Jönköping Golf Club.STERF is an independent research foundation that supports existing and future R&D efforts and delivers ‘ready-touse’ research results that benefit the golf and turfgrass sector. STERF was set up in 2006 by the golf federations in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Nordic Greenkeepers’ Associations. Research funded by STERF is carried out at universities or research institutes (or equivalent) where most relevant research capacity is concentrated. STERF helps to strengthen research capacity by encouraging and supporting networks and collaborating actively with international key organisations in the field of turfgrass management. STERF also arranges innovation workshops to help identify the golf and turfgrass industry´s future research needs, where researchers and industry representatives contribute to the planning process. STERF receives funding from participating golf associations, complemented by funding from other sources.
STERF’s vision is to be the leading international centre of expertise in sustainable golf course management.
To achieve this vision, STERF focuses on:
• Making the turfgrass industry in the Nordic countries a role model regarding responsibility for sustainable societal development, i.e. in producing managed turfgrass areas of a high standard while at the same time ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and contributing to functioning ecosystems and providing recreation areas that are open to the public and to outdoor activities.
• Ensuring that Nordic turfgrass research and development focuses on internationally important areas where concerted research and industrial efforts are required. These include the pressures generated by government demands for greater environmental regulation, the increasing pressure on natural resources (notably water, energy and land), the emerging role of turf management in supporting ecosystem services and enhancing biodiversity, the continued need to promote integrated pest management, and the looming challenges posed by a changing climate and the urgent need to adapt. Activities within the focus
areas must contribute to the fulfilment of eight of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in the UN Agenda 2030.
• Establishing a successful international research and development collaboration, including research facilities and expertise in all five Nordic countries. STERF will continue to initiate inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and support collaborations in Europe, Canada, USA and China, involving both researchers and stakeholders interested in land used for managed turfgrass areas.
• Developing and expanding the STERF industrial scientific partner programme by collaborating with leading international companies within the sector to further strengthen the strategy that research and development should be integrated from producer to end-user. The STERF industrial scientific programme can be found at:
• Taking a lead in making research results and new knowledge easily accessible to end-users and providing support to implement changes, a prerequisite for achieving improvements in the sustainable management of golf courses and other turfgrass areas.
STERF´s activities must contribute to the fulfilment of eight of the 17 SDGs set out in Agenda 2030. STERF has divided these into six categories:
1. Sustainable use of natural resources and chemicals (SDGs 6, 11, 12, 14, 15).
2. Ecosystem services and enhanced biodiversity (SDGs 14,15).
3. Adapting to a changing climate and minimising factors affecting climate change (SDG 13).
4. Sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).
5. Healthy lives and well-being for people of all ages (SDG 3).
6. Partnership for sustainable development and for new regulations (SDG 17).
These categories and goals are closely related to the golf and turfgrass industry´s everyday challenges and to STERF’s programmes, projects and dissemination efforts.
Bruno Hedlund, STERF, Chairman
Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO, vice-Chairman
Jari Koivusalo, Finnish Golf Union
Torben Kastrup Petersen, Danish Golf Union
Pål Melbye, Norwegian Golf Federation
Einar Gestur Jónasson, Golf Union of Iceland
Gunnar Håkansson, Swedish Golf Federation
Jerry Knox, Cranfield University
Thomas Pihl, Danish Greenkeepers’ Association
Maria Strandberg, STERF
Maria Strandberg, STERF
Maria Strandberg, STERF Director (Chair)
Karin Normann, Turf House (Coordinator for golf course consultants/agronomists employed by the Nordic golf federations and for Scandinavian greenkeeper associations)
Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU (Coordinator for representatives of universities/research institutes)
Bruce Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Turfgrass Pathology, Rutgers University (independent international expert)
Consultants and practitioners:
Karin Normann, Coordinator, Turf House, Denmark
Thomas Jepsen, Danish Golf Union
Håkan Blusi, Swedish Golf Federation
Mads Thers, Norwegian Golf Federation
Saila Innanen, Finnish Golf Association
Hólmar Freyr Christiansson, Golf Union of Iceland
Martin Nilsson, Danish Greenkeeper Association
Stefan Ljungdahl, Swedish Greenkeeper Association
Agne Strøm, Norwegian Greenkeepers’ Association
Janne Lehto, Finnish Greenkeeper Association
Steindór Ragnarsson, Icelandic Greenkeeper Association
Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde, Coordinator, SLU, Sweden
Birte Boelt, Århus University, Denmark
Tom Young, The Environment Partnership, UK
Ann Norderhaug, Researcher, Norway
Markku Niskanen, Researcher, LUKE, Finland
Bruce Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA
Managed turfgrass areas, such as golf courses, sports fields, landscaped amenity areas and public parks, all act as an important social, environmental and economic resource for both urban and rural communities. These areas serve a multifunctional purpose by offering valuable open spaces for recreation, helping to improve the health and quality of life for individuals and, when designed and managed appropriately, enhancing biodiversity and supporting regulatory targets for environmental protection. Conversely, where turfgrass management practices are inadequate or inappropriate, their services to society are reduced and their impacts on the natural environment can be damaging and costly.
The future challenges for turfgrass and golf course management are many and diverse. They include increasing demands on natural resources (notably land use, water resources and energy) driven by economic development and population growth, coupled with government demands for greater environmental protection, which are creating conflicts at the interface between land management (including turfgrass) and the environment. The situation is particularly acute in peri-urban areas, where the majority of managed turfgrass
facilities are concentrated. Population growth, migration and climate change will exacerbate the current situation, by increasing the competition for resources between individual sectors, including agriculture, urban development, tourism and the environment.
Many golf courses, sport facilities and stadiums are under economic pressure due to the financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and economic recession in many parts of the world. In many countries there has also been a decrease in the number of registered golf players. It is common for golf courses to base their financial stability on a constant inflow of members, rather than a static membership. However, they are now facing the challenge of balancing this approach against the new concept of fewer members and new conditions in a more variable and more competitive market.
The keys to success in future golf course and turfgrass management will be to increase resource use efficiency, reduce maintenance costs and minimise the environmental impact. In this context, protection and enhancement of ecosystem services will need to be fully integrated into the planning, design, construction
and management of all golf and turfgrass facilities.
The Nordic Golf Federations have approximately 900 000 members, playing golf on more than 900 courses that occupy a total area of more than 60 000 hectares. Any societal activity as significant as golf must take responsibility for building knowledge through research and development (R&D). There are several important reasons why Nordic R&D is necessary. In Central Scandinavia, Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki lie at the same latitude as the southern tip of Greenland (~60oN). This gives a unique climate resulting from a combination of factors such as light, temperature and precipitation during the playing season and particularly during the winter season. The Nordic climate creates conditions for plant growth and construction and management of golf courses, sports fields etc. that are not found anywhere else in the world.
R&D will continue to be a necessary and strategically important investment for the golf sector in achieving economically and environmentally sustainable golf facilities of a high standard and in establishing the credibility of golf as an environmentally friendly sport. Golf facilities that are already
using new knowledge are achieving cost savings through more efficient management strategies, while also enhancing their golf course, raising the profile of their golf facility and improving the environment.
The financial resources allocated to R&D in each country are very limited and the number of scientists actively working within each priority R&D area is also quite limited compared with agricultural and forestry research. The financial resources and efforts of these researchers should therefore be coordinated through STERF, to optimise R&D within the golf and turfgrass sector.
The golf and turfgrass industry, like other land-based industries, must take responsibility for sustainable societal development, i.e. it must produce golf courses and other turfgrass areas of a high standard while at the same time ensuring sustainable use of natural resources and contributing to functioning ecosystems.
The aim of STERF is to support R&D that can help the golf industry to fulfil these ambitions. The activities of STERF are intended to lead to improvements in the quality of golf courses, as well as economic and environmental gains for the industry and society as a whole.
The strategic objectives for STERF-funded R&D activities are that:
• The design, construction, management and administration of golf courses provide optimal conditions for playing quality, degree of utilisation of the course and management inputs.
• The design, construction, management and administration of golf courses are economically and environmentally sustainable, for example with respect to plant nutrient requirements, water and energy use, drainage and control
of weeds and plant diseases.
• Golf courses contribute to production of biological diversity, the conservation of natural and cultural envi¬ronments and the retention and expansion of ecosystem services, and to improving the conditions for good quality of life and health, e.g. through providing a broa¬der active outdoor life, experiences of nature and better climate adaptation in the everyday landscape.
It is apparent that the golf and turfgrass industry faces a number of local and international challenges, all of which will need concerted and collective solutions, underpinned by robust, applied science. To meet the challenges the sector has to face, STERF has created four international and trans-disciplinary R&D sub-programmes:
• Integrated pest management
• Sustainable water management
• Turfgrass winter stress management
• Multifunctional use of golf facilities and ecosystem services.
Progress in these programme areas will collectively lead to improvements in the quality of managed turfgrass areas, as well as economic and environmental gains for
the industry. The key objectives of the programmes are to coordinate the design and running of R&D activities and to manage the effective dissemination of outputs (new knowledge) through channels and formats which are easily accessible to end-users. STERF will play a key role in expanding the programmes on international level.
New regulations at national and international level relating to the turfgrass industry are becoming more demanding. A good example is the EU Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides, which includes strategies for integrated pest management (IPM). STERF, together with the Nordic park and
golf sector, universities, research institutions and authorities, takes responsibility for ensuring that R&D activities important for IPM are coordinated and executed and that new knowledge is delivered.
Water is essential to secure the future of the turf industry and the livelihoods of many rural communities that depend upon it. Working with industry and leading research institutes, STERF’s goal is to provide science-based information to practitioners and stakeholders on integrated water management in turf. This will improve management practices relating to both irrigation and drainage systems, help protect environmental water quality and support the industry in adapting to the effects of future changes in rainfall and climate variability on water resources.
Winter damage is the foremost reason for dead grass, reducing the aesthetic and functional value of turf. UN-IPCC climate scenarios predict that, due to high precipitation and unstable temperature, ice and water damage will become the most important cause of winter damage in the future. This is a complex but high-priority area for STERF, as it has been estimated that about 70% of Nordic golf courses suffer from winter damage each year and that the associated average annual costs per golf course are €35 000-40 000. STERF will
take responsibility for developing strategic expertise and new knowledge to avoid and manage such damage.
Multifunctional golf courses can contribute to increased biological diversity, conservation of na¬tural and cultural environments, and retention and expansion of ecosystem services, and can help to improve people’s health and quality of life by providing facilities for active outdoor recreation. Through STERF´s R&D programme within multifunctional facilities, the societal benefits of golf can be improved and the Nordic area can become a model region as regards multifunctional golf courses and collaborations between different interests in society.
Four central research and development areas have been identified: (1) The everyday landscape and peri-urban nature, (2) Nature and culture, (3) Dialogue and cooperation, and (4) Business promotion.
To achieve maximum impact from the turfgrass sector´s sustainability work in the future, it is of the utmost importance to establish international interdisciplinary collaborations, where all stakeholders make efforts to cooperate and align their resources and efforts using the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a steering document.
The R&A Golf Course 2030, established by the Royal & Ancient (R&A) in 2018, is a significant initiative to support and stimulate golf industry stakeholders to agree on a roadmap that secures optimal golf course condition and playability for current and future generations. The roadmap is also intended to highlight the potential for golf courses to be designed and managed to promote critical ecosystem services, and to restore and enhance biodiversity in ecologically simplified landscapes.
As part of the R&A Golf Course 2030 initiative, STERF has created Golf Course 2030 Scandinavia. This collaboration between STERF and the R&A regards ready-to-use research as an important tool to help prevent negative impacts on the planet and aims to develop new knowledge
that is necessary to change the mindset and attitudes of people worldwide.
Thirteen on-going projects, including STERF´s IPM GOLF project, are being match-funded by the Golf Course 2030 programme. A new call for proposals was issued within the Golf Course 2030 programme during the autumn 2022 and a number of new projects will start during 2023. The aim of all projects is to improve sustainability and develop solutions that can be shared with golf course managers, greenkeepers and organisations involved in the maintenance and conditioning of golf facilities around the world.
Information about the R&A initiative Golf Course 2030 can be found at: golfcourse2030
Information about Golf Course 2030 Scandinavia can be found at:
• To create meeting places for discussions between plant breeders, seed companies and greenkeepers in order to encourage variety awareness, integrated pest management and continued efforts in turfgrass breeding for high-latitude environments.
5 April: Internal course for NIBIO evaluators at SCANGREEN Landvik on disease assessment.
19 May: ERFA-treff and meeting at SCANGREEN Apelsvoll. Field walk by Jørgen Hornslien and Pia Heltoft. Presentations by Pia Heltoft and Karin J. Hesselsøe.
9 June: Visit by NIBIO Dept. of Cereals and Seed crop in SCANGREEN trial, Landvik
Pia Heltoft, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Turfgrass research group, Nylinna 218, 2849 Kapp, E-mail:
Bjarni Hannesson, Reykjavik Golf Club, Iceland.
Karin Normann, Turfhouse, Denmark.
Per Rasmussen, Smørum GC, Denmark.
Michelle DaCosta, University of Massachusetts, USA.
Eric Watkins and Andrew Hollman, University of Minnesota, USA.
Karin Juul Hesselsøe, Trygve S. Aamlid, Tatsiana Espevig, Trond Petterson and Jørgen Hornslien, NIBIO, Norway.
• To screen in the field and clarify which varieties of Agrostis, Festuca, Poa and Lolium are most winter-hardy, most stress-tolerant and most disease-resistant on putting greens at four experimental sites representing the two major climate zones in the Nordic countries.
10-15 July: ITRC in Copenhagen: ‘Poa trivialis, Lolium perenne or Poa annua as nurse crops for faster establishment of Agrostis stolonifera putting greens in Nordic climates’. Poster by Pia Heltoft.
10-15 July: ITRC in Copenhagen: ‘Seed mixtures of red fescue and colonial, creeping or velvet bentgrass for pesticide-free management of Nordic golf greens’. Oral presentation by Karin J. Hesselsøe.
13 July: ITRC fieldtrip to SCANGREEN Smørum.
22 Sept.: Students from Danish Greenkeepers College visiting SCANGREEN Landvik.
16 Nov.: Danish Greenkeepers Association Yearly Conference at Slettestrand, Denmark. Presentations by Per Rasmussen and Karin J. Hesselsøe.
17 Nov.: ERFA-treff/field walk at Smørum with Danish greenkeepers and Micah Woods.
May-October at SCANGREEN Smørum: Several individual visits from Danish greenkeepers, DLF and Barenbrug/Semenco.
June-September at SCANGREEN Iceland: Several ‘snapps’ (Snapchat) from Bjarni Hannesson to Icelandic greenkeepers. One visit from Icelandic greenkeepers.
In SCANGREEN 2019-22, species and varieties were tested at NIBIO Apelsvoll, Norway, and Reykjavik GC, Iceland, in the northern zone, and NIBIO Landvik, Norway, and (since 2021) Smørum GC, Denmark, in the southern zone. There were other trial sites in Massachusetts and Minnesota, USA.
In the 2019-22 test round, 30 new varieties and 24 controls representing eight species were tested. Seed mixtures with alternative combinations of bentgrass and fescue were tested in the southern zone.
For species, the results showed that, across all sites and years, creeping bentgrass was best overall, followed closely by chewings fescue and slender creeping red fescue. At Landvik, creeping bentgrass was significantly better than the other species, while at Smørum chewings fescue made the best overall impression. At Apelsvoll, Kentucky bluegrass performed best, closely followed by the fescues. In Iceland, velvet bentgrass performed slightly better than creeping or colonial bentgrass.
Among varieties of chewings fescue (Festuca rubra ssp. commutata), across all sites and years the new variety ‘EuroCarina’ performed best, followed by the new varieties ‘Gima’ and ‘Torona’ in line with the two control varieties ‘Musica’ and ‘Barlineus’. Among varieties of slender creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra ssp. littoralis), across all sites and years the control variety ‘Cezanne’ performed best, followed by the new varieties ‘Sybille’ and ‘Coptic’, but differences were small. Interestingly, dollar spot was found on the fescues at Smørum, with the highest incidence in slender creeping red fescues. The new American variety ‘Sea Mist’ showed higher resistance to dollar spot than other varieties of slender creeping red fescue at Smørum.
Among varieties of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera), the new varieties ‘Matchplay’ and ‘L-93 XD’ performed best across all sites and years. In the southern zone, attacks of microdochium patch were highest in ‘Pure Select’.
For the mixtures at SCANGREEN, preliminary results showed that a mixture of red fescue and creeping bentgrass had higher turfgrass quality and less microdochium patch than the traditional mixture of red fescue and colonial bentgrass. To retain a balanced proportion of fescue, this mixture should receive no more than 110 kg N/ha/yr and have mowing height of 5 mm.
Detailed information on the 2019-22 results will be published in a scientific NIBIO report, at and in the final project report to STERF in spring 2023.
Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO Department for Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology, Turfgrass Research Group, Landvik, N-4886 Grimstad, Tel: + 47 90 52 83 78. E-mail:
Tatsiana Espevig, Karin Juul Hesselsøe, Wendy Waalen, Pia Heltoft, Ann Borchert, Marit Almvik and Sigridur Dalmannsdottir, NIBIO.
Carl Johan Lönnberg and Håkan Blusi, Swedish Golf Federation. Michelle DaCosta, University of Massachusetts. Eric Watkins, University of Minnesota.
Primary objective - Better understanding and improved strategies to prevent and repair damage caused by prolonged ice cover and meltwater on golf courses and other grasslands.
9 March. Turfgrass ice and water damage and re-establishment challenges. Finnish Greenkeeper Association Winter Meeting, Teams. T. S. Aamlid.
13 April. Species survival under extended ice cover. UMN WinterTurf Field Day, St. Paul, Minnesota. A. Holmann, UMN.
6 May. Grass research at NIBIO TRomsø. Seminar at Stockbridge School of Agriculture, Massachusetts. S. Dalmannsdottir.
19 May. ICE-BREAKER and SCANGREEN Field Day, NIBIO Apelsvoll, Norway
- Bruk av duker og sensorer og/eller fjerning av snø og is for å forebygge is- og vannskade på greener.. W. Waalen.
- Fire års erfaringer med tette duker Holtsmark, Haga, Bærum, Asker and andre norske golfbaner. M. Thers, Holtsmark GK, Norway.
- Økonomien ved dekking av greener. T. Sundbye og M. Wiig, Handelshøgskolen BI, Oslo.
- Betydning av spirehemmende forbindelser ved reetablering av døde greener om våren. P. Heltoft and K. J. Hesselsøe.
- Såteknikk, krypkveinsorter, vårduker, og biostimulanter for raskere (re)etablering av greener ved lav jordtemperatur. T. S. Aamlid.
7 June. NGF/ICE-BREAKER Webinar.
- Velkommen og oversikt over ICE-BREAKER P. Melbye, NGF & T. S. Aamlid.
- Ulike gressarters og -sorters toleranse for oksygenmangel (anoxia). K. J. Hesselsøe.
- Vårduker under plasten og behov for ventilering? T. S. Aamlid.
- Plastdekking, snø- og isfjerning til ulike tid gjennom vinteren eller ingen tiltak på tunrapp, krypkvein og rødsvingelgreener. Resultater fra feltforsøk i ICE-BREAKER WP2 på Apelsvoll. W. Waalen.
- Erfaringer med dekking på 20 norske baner 2021-22. T. S. Aamlid.
- Vinterskader til tross for dekking. T. Petterson, Sala/Heby GK, Sweden.
- Den vanskelige overgangen vinter-vår: Erfaringer fra norsk-amerikansk samarbeid i ICEBREAKER WP4. S. Dalmannsdottir.
- Ulike krypkveinsorters evne til å spire ved lav jordtemperatur. C-J. Lönnberg og H. Blusi, SGF.
- Vårduker og biostimulanter for raskere (re) etablering av krypkveinsgreener. T. S. Aamlid.
10-15 July. International Turfgrass Research Conference, Copenhagen.
- Practical reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages – A field study. Poster. C. J. Lönnberg, SGF.
- Plant parasitic nematodes, substrates or grass species as reasons for poor re-establishment of a sand-based putting green after winter kill. Poster. T. S. Aamlid.
15 July Intl. Turfgrass Research Conference Winter Stress Symposium, Copenhagen.
- Covering greens to reduce winter stress damage. T. S. Aamlid.
- Winter stresses of grasses in the Arctic. S. Dalmannsdottir.
- Covering greens to reduce winter stress damage. T. S. Aamlid.
18 Oct. Plastdekking for mindre vinterskade. NIBIO Landvik Lunch Seminar. T.S. Aamlid
25 Oct. Timotei og overvintringsproblematikk. Årsmøte i Tromsøysund Bondelag, Skulsfjorden, Tromsø. S. Dalmannsdottir.
4 Nov. Glimt fra gressforskingen i 2022 med hovedvekt på ICE-BREAKER og (re)etablering av vinterskadde greener om våren. NGF Golf Forum; Gardermoen. T. S. Aamlid.
8 Nov. Using environmental sensors on golf greens to improve knowledge and management of winter stresses in cold climates. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intl. Meeting. E. Watkins, UMN.
10 Nov. ICE BREAKER project & reference group meeting, Bærum GC.
15 Nov. Herding og vinteroverlevelse i gras. Norsk landbruksrådgivings kursuke, Gardermoen. S. Dalmannsdottir.
22 Nov. Vintertäckning. Seminar, SGA Uppland, Stockholm. H. Blusi, SGF.
7 Dec. Physiology and Management for Minimizing Winter Injury of Turf. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation Conference and Show. M. DaCosta, University of Massachusetts.
PROJECT SUMMARY AND STATUS AS OF 1 JANUARY 2023 The project has six work-packages. In WP1, a study examining anoxia tolerance (AT) was repeated in 2021/22. Samples were taken from SCANGREEN in December, vacuum-sealed, kept in darkness at 0.5°C and survival determined after 5-10 weeks. Species were ranked for AT in the order velvet bent (VB) > chewings fescue (CF) > colonial bent > slender creeping red fescue (SCRF) > creeping bent (CRB). Within species, the highest AT was found in VB ‘Nordlys’; CF ‘Lykke’, ‘Compass II’ and ‘Radar’; SCRF ‘Cezanne’ and ‘Charlotte’ and CRB ‘Penncross’.
In WP2, a trial examining ice encasement (IE), spring tarp + plastic cover between turf and ice, and timing of snow/ice removal on annual bluegrass (AB), CRB, and RF greens was repeated in 2021/22. Despite O2 levels down to 2%, there was less winter damage and the best spring start on CRB, AB and RF greens covered with plastic for up to 140 days.
WP3 includes large-scale trials on four GCs near Oslo. Winter 2021/22 showed no need for ventilation, but higher temperature fluctuations at the green surface and increased risk of damage if the tarp under the plastic was omitted.
WP4 focuses on the critical transition when greens that have been under IE are exposed to ambient O2, strong light and low temperature after ice melt in spring. Trials at UMass and UMN showed that increasing duration of anoxia results in higher risk of photoinhibition upon re-exposure to 21% O2 and 800 µmol m-2 s-1.
WP5 addresses chemical inhibition of re-establishment from seed after IE. In 2021/22 uncovered greens of CB and RF with >7% OM in the thatch had 87% and 71% winter kill, respectively, after 128 days of IE. However, extracts collected just after ice melt showed no higher concentrations of butyric or acetic acid and no inhibition of germination or seedling growth compared with plots that had not been under IE. Thus the risk of inhibition of germination after IE of golf greens may have been exaggerated and temperature is the most important driver for recovery after reseeding.
WP6 compares the emergence of CRB cultivars after reseeding winter-killed greens in Sweden. While re-establishment in spring 2022 was slow due to low temperature, recovery rate tended to increase in the following order: Independence (unprimed seed) < Independence (GA3-primed seed) < Luminary < Pure Select. NIBIO trials showed that apart from their temperature effect, temporary shade covers may have an effect in preventing light stress in newly emerged CRB seedlings.
Tatsiana Espevig, Researcher (PhD), NIBIO - The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research Reddalsveien 215, 4886 Grimstad, Norway Tel: +47 406 23 778. E-mail
Karin Juul Hesselsøe, Trond O. Pettersen, Kristine Sundsdal, Victoria Stornes Moen, Erik Lysøe, Monica Skogen and Trygve Serck-Hanssen, NIBIO, Norway
Christian Spring, STRI - Sports Turf Research Institute, UK
Martin Nilsson, Københavns Golf Club, Denmark
Wolfgang Prämaßing, Lukas Borrink, Daniel R. Hunt and Jan Rosenbusch, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrueck, Germany
Axel Städler, Golf Course Osnabrueck, Germany
Karin Normann, Asbjørn Nyholt ApS, Denmark
Marina Usoltseva, Botaniska Analysgruppen, Sweden
Kate Entwistle, The Turf Disease Centre, UK
Sabine Braitmaier, ProSementis GmbH, Germany
Carlos Guerrero, University of Algarve, Portugal
Tatiana Gagkaeva, VIZR - All-Russian institute of plant protection, Russia
Yuri Lebedin and Anna Antropova, XEMA, Finland
Ingeborg Menzler Hokkanen and Heikki Hokkanen, University of Eastern Finland
The overall aim of the project is to investigate cultural practices and new technologies for prevention and control of the two most important turfgrass diseases on golf course putting greens and insect pests on golf courses with minimum use of pesticides. Specific objectives are:
• To investigate the effect of cultural approaches such as rolling (microdochium patch only), UV-C radiation and alternative products against microdochium patch and dollar spot (WP1 and WP2).
• To identify the fungal species causing dollar spot in Northern and Central Europe and investigate immonoassay for identification of Clarireedia spp. and Microdochium nivale in plant tissue and Clarireedia spp. in commercial seeds (WP2).
• Compile a review of the management and potential innovation options of monitoring, warning and control of chafer grubs and leatherjackets on golf courses (WP3).
• To provide technology transfer to the golf course industry, to disseminate the results from the project through popular and scientific publications, videos and fact sheets, and to participate in international seminars and meetings, which will provide exchange of knowledge and experience among scientists, superintendents, the industry, turfgrass agronomists and consultants.
21 March: Teams Project meeting: Update on immunoassay, Y. Lebedin, A. Antropova, V. Maygurova.
6 April: Teams Project meeting: Update on UVC and Suståne trials at Osnabrück, W. Prämässing, L. Borrink.
28 April: Golf Course 2030, IPM-GOLF 2020-23 Update R&A and STERF. T. Espevig.
13 May: Teams Project meeting:
- Update on trial on DS at Bingley, M. Clark.
- Update on trial on MP at Bingley in 2021/22, M. Ferguson.
- Update on MP at Landvik in 2021/22, Tatsiana Espevig.
14 June: Teams Project meeting:
- Syngenta trial on MP at STRI Bingley, Mark Ferguson.
- Syngenta trial at NIBIO Landvik.
24 Aug.: Golf Course 2030, IPM-GOLF 2020-23 Update R&A and STERF, T.Espevig.
23-24 Nov.: Lednice in the Czech Republic, A world without pesticides, C. Spring.
22-23 Nov.: NIBIO conference, poster, NIBIO Research Group, Hellerudsletta.
4 Nov.: Golfforum, Glimt fra gressforskingen i 2022 med hovedvekt på ICE-BREAKER prosjektet og (re)etablering av vinterskadde greener om våren. Aamlid T.S., Espevig T., Hesselsøe K.J. og Borchert A.F., Oslo.
This project is a joint effort by researchers and greenkeepers from the Nordic countries, Germany, Portugal, UK, Finland and Russia, suppliers (ICL, Syngenta, Suståne and AquaYield), Golf Federations in Germany and Netherlands and The Danish Environmental Protection Agency to investigate cultural practices, alternative products and new technologies for managing important diseases: microdochium patch (MP) and dollar spot (DS) with no or strongly reduced pesticide inputs. Seven field trials were conducted: in Denmark (1), Norway (2), UK (2) and Germany (2).
Due to no MP outbreak at Copenhagen Golf Club in Denmark by December 2021, the effect of rolling was recorded in the 2020-21 season only. Rolling both 2 and 4 times per week reduced MP from 5% (no rolling) to 2% and improved overall impression from 4 (no rolling) to 6 (scale 1-9). No differences in coverage of annual bluegrass were found between the rolling treatments (1.5%) vs. no rolling (1.1%). At NIBIO Landvik, on annual bluegrass/ creeping bentgrass putting green in March 2022 the reduction in MP by rolling twice per week from the last week in August through September 2021 ranged from 47% (control) to 32%. In addition, the following treatments reduced MP compared with control (no fung., weekly nutrition, 313 kg N/ha/yr): non-frequent (bi-weekly) nutrition, organic slow release nutrition 5-2-4+Fe Suståne (275 kg N/ha/yr) and 28% reduced N-nutrition. Late autumn fertilisation (LAF) increased MP. At STRI Bingley, on bentgrass/poa golf green the following treatments increased MP compared with control (no fung., weekly nutrition, 122 kg N/ha/ yr): non-frequent (bi-weekly) nutrition and 28% reduced nutrition, but not LAF.
In spite of the low disease pressure in 2022 as in 2021, the results from the UV-C radiation trial at Osnabrueck GC showed that the highest dosage (80 mJ/cm²) compared with control (no treatment) and lower dosages (10-40 mJ/cm²) reduced MP from 1.8% (untreated control) to 0.78% (in the highest UV-C dosage) and DS from 0.87% to 0.16%.
Dollar spot fungus was not found in the seeds of 10 cultivars of turfgrass analysed in the project. Clarireedia spp. were found in turfgrass samples from golf courses in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and UK and they belonged to either C. homoeocarpa or C. jacksonii.
During immunoassay for identification of MP and DS in plant tissue, the data showed recognition of MP with ELISA prototype, but not of DS. Validation of the MP ELISA prototype is ongoing.
The review on chafer grabs and leatherjackets was completed and published.
• To generate and disseminate knowledge about implications for turfgrass quality, fertiliser requirement, weed encroachment and susceptibility to various diseases of switching from conventional manual mowers to robotic mowers on fairways and semi-roughs with grass species typical for Nordic golf courses.
• To generate and disseminate knowledge about implications for labour and energy use, CO2-emissions and soil compaction of switching from conventional manual mowers to robotic mowers on fairways and semi-roughs with grass species typical for Nordic golf courses.
• To generate and disseminate knowledge about implications for player and greenkeeper satisfaction of switching from conventional manual mowers to robotic mowers on fairways and semi-roughs with grass species typical for Nordic golf courses.
Karin J. Hesselsøe, Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Department for Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology, Turfgrass Research Group, Landvik, Reddalsveien 215, 4886 Grimstad, Phone:+47 41396851.
Olle Markusson and Maria Viking), Husqvarna AB
Anne Borchert and Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO, Norway
Atle Revheim Hansen, Bærheim Golfpark, Norway
Lars Henrik Schovbye Nielsen, Grenå GC, Denmark
Marcus Rehnström, Jönköpings GK, Sweden
Janne Lehto, Hirsala Golf, Finland
Bjarni Hannesson, Ness GC, Iceland
3 March: Reference group meeting on Teams. K. J. Hesselsøe.
24 May: K. J. Hesselsøe took part in Husqvarna Golf Event video recordings at Österåkers GC.
10-15 July: Poster presentation at ITRC 2022 in Copenhagen.
30 Aug.: Golf event preparation session for Husqvarna on Teams. K. J. Hesselsøe.
7 Sept.: Reference group meeting at Husqvarna, Jönköping. Presentations by A. R. Hansen, J. Lehto, S. Liljenberg, T. S. Aamlid, and K. J. Hesselsøe.
8 Sept.: Field walk and info meeting at Jönköping Golf Club. Guided tour on the course by M. Rehnström. Presentations by A. R. Hansen, J. Lehto, H. Noren, O. Markusson, T. S. Aamlid, and K. J. Hesselsøe.
4 Nov.: Golf Forum meeting at Gardermoen Oslo. Presentation by T. S. Aamlid.
In WP1 and WP2, field trials at NIBIO Landvik comparing robotic and manual mowing were continued from 2020 and 2021. A dry autumn 2021 combined with a very dry spring and summer 2022 affected the trial area severely, with dry spots and outbreaks of antracnose in some of the experimental plots, and white clover developed markedly in both manual and robotic mown plots, especially in the semi-rough and in Kentucky bluegrass in the fairway. Irrigation was done in spring and summer.
In WP1, turfgrass quality in the fairway plots of colonial bentgrass was significantly lower than for the other species (regardless of mowing system). From June to August less white clover was observed in the robotic mown fairway plots compared with the manual mown plots. In the semi-rough the situation was the opposite with more white clover in the robotic mown plots. Lower ratings of turfgrass quality in the robotic mown semi-rough were explained by the higher coverage of white clover, most obviously in perennial ryegrass. In September root length and thatch accumulation were measured in sandplots in the fairway trial. No differences between robotic and manual mowing were found here.
In WP2, the N fertiliser effect of return of clippings at robotic vs. manual mowing showed a trend for higher quality with robotic mowing, but the difference from manual mowing with return of clippings was not significant. In both mowing systems and at all fertiliser levels, return of clippings gave significantly higher turfgrass quality compared with when clippings were removed. Regarding turfgrass quality and clipping yields, return of clippings corresponded to around 60 kg N/ha/year in this experiment. A trend for more white clover with robotic mowing on unfertilised fairway plots was observed, and confirmed the observations from WP1 semi-rough.
In WP3, demonstration trials at fairway and rough on five golf courses compared robotic and traditional mowers. Observations in 2022 from Bærheim GC, Norway, showed more dry spots and diseases in traditional mown fairway compared with robotic mown. At Hirsala GC in Finland, observations of less compaction resulted in improved drainage on the robotic mown areas compared with the traditional mown areas.
Edwin Roald, Eureka Golf ehf., Stekkjarflöt 23, 210 Garðabær, Iceland,, +354 693 0075.
Jón Guðmundsson, Agricultural University of Iceland.
• Estimate CO2 losses and carbon storage from land use of cultivated and managed areas on Icelandic golf courses, in total and by facility.
• Discuss whether/how the estimation process can be streamlined further.
• Determine what is required in terms of funding, time and other resources to produce a similar estimation for other Scandinavian countries.
• Identify marked trends, if any, revealing or suggesting how golf facilities can, in a general sense, easily improve their carbon status from land use without negatively influencing the playing experience.
June: Annual Conference of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects (EIGCA) ‘Is the climate emergency a golf emergency?’, Reykjavik, Edwin Roald.
Dissemination was very much the theme of Carbon Par´s project work in 2022. A large part of this was devoted to the organisation of the 2022 EIGCA Conference. Through Carbon Par, it was decided to devote this year’s conference entirely to climate change. The event was attended by 100 delegates from 25 locations in 19 countries. Most were golf course architects, a key sector of the golf industry that is involved in major decisions on golf course land use at present and in the future. The event concluded with the signing of a climate pledge by the world’s three major golf course architects’ associations. Information on the Carbon Par project is provided on its website,, and in mainstream social media under @carbonpar.
Social media:
Facebook: 9 original posts and 1 share. Page likes to date: 142. Followers to date: 156.
Instagram: 6 posts. Followers to date: 410.
Twitter: 16 direct tweets and 12 retweets or quoted tweets. Followers to date: 377.
LinkedIn: 8 original posts and 4 shares. Followers to date: 155.
Establishment of some golf courses has included wetland drainage or use of previously drained wetlands. Through this, many clubs have unintentionally caused large emissions of greenhouse gases. Emissions from golf courses on drained organic soils can thus be very high, while courses on mineral soils can sequester carbon. Grass can sequester considerable levels of carbon. Furthermore, managed grasslands, or turf, can sequester more carbon than unmanaged. This indicates that well located golf courses, thoughtfully planned, designed and built, have a reasonable chance of becoming net carbon sinks.
To estimate the carbon status of land used by all golf courses within the Golf Union of Iceland, a variety of methods are used, including mapping, reference to national soil databases, soil sampling, interviews and analysis. Perimeters of various golf course land use elements, such as fairways, managed roughs and native areas are drawn in architectural software, using underlying georeferenced aerial photographs. Each golf course area is broken
down into 3-4 basic soil types. Soil samples are collected from a selection of golf facilities and analysed by dry combustion, delivering %C and %N content.
There are 61 golf course sites within the Golf Union of Iceland. These include 723 holes on the clubs’ main golf courses, i.e. those that have a course rating. There are exactly 100 holes on various short courses. All sites have been mapped. Preliminary spatial analysis of these maps reveals that Iceland’s golf courses occupy around 2350 hectares. Of this area, 51% is in the form of managed turf, special golf course features or hard surface, comprising mown rough (26.7%), fairways (19%), roads, paths, parking and buildings (2.9%), greens (1.4%), tees (0.7%) and sand bunkers (0.3%).
Collection of soil samples from all 61 golf course sites was completed in November 2022. Laboratory analysis has been completed for half of these, with the other half scheduled for completion in 2023, the last year of the project.
Carbon Par director Edwin Roald gave the opening address at the 2022 EIGCA Conference in Reykjavik, which was specially devoted to climate change. Photo: EIGCA. Each soil sampling location, on all 61 golf course sites in Iceland, was logged with a GPS-device and a geo-tagged photograph of the pit dug to extract the bulk density samples. Photo: Carbon Par.PROJECT PERIOD: MAY 2020 - DECEMBER 2023
• To evaluate how different care routi¬nes benefit specific insect species.
• To spread knowledge and experience to golf clubs, municipalities and other organisations in society nationally and internationally.
Presentations at Golf Districts with similar projects running:
1 March: Linköping, Östergötland Golf district, meeting, LONA Halland. P. Edman.
9 May: Vassunda GC, Upplands Golf district, meeting. LONA Halland. P. Edman.
* 50% in SEK and 50% in in-kind funding
Peter Edman, Swedish Golf Federation, Box 11016, 10061 Stockholm. Tel +46 70 266 5686. Email:
Ingela Danielsson, Falkenberg Municipality. Email:
• To develop a model for local collabo¬ration between golf clubs, municipalities and other actors in the community, with the aim of creating rich plant and animal life.
• To improve biodiversity on golf cour¬ses through increased knowledge of how different measures and course mainte¬nance routines can contribute to creating rich plant life and wildlife.
• To study the effects of different care routines to increase the number of pollinating insects and the playability of golf course roughs.
25 Aug : Älvkarleby GC, Upplands Golf district, meeting. LONA Halland. P. Edman.
Seminar - 20 Sept.: SLU Uppsala, student seminar. LONA Halland, P. Edman.
Webinar - 17 Feb.: Local Government in Halland, “Green Infrastructure”. Biological Biodiversity on a golf course, K. Persson & P. Edman.
Presentations at Swedish Golf Federations training courses for greenkeepers
14 March: Araslöv GC, GUB (Step 1). LONA Halland, P. Edman.
17 March: Ombergs GC , GUB (Step 1). LONA Halland, P. Edman.
10 Nov.: Wiredaholm GC, GUB (Step 1). LONA Halland, P. Edman.
22 Nov.: Halmstad, VUB (Step 2). LONA Halland, P. Edman. Information signs - 55 signs in total have been produced, with approx. 11 signs/course, in different sizes, describing specific local biotopes.
Video - “Hofgårds GK gör det naturligt. Swedish Golf Federation, KlubbTV, produced by T.Björn.
Nature Walks on the golf course to present the project
Members of the general public, club members and representatives from local conservation organisations took part in the events.
16 Aug.: Hofgårds GC. Guides: K. Persson & P. Edman
18 Aug.: Ullared Flädje GC. Guides: K. Persson & P. Edman
Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse are major future threats to humanity. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 proposes a more holistic approach to biodiversity policy. Protecting and restoring nature cannot achieved by regulation and must include all actors in the peri-urban and rural landscape. Golf courses could help protect
biological diversity, conserve na¬tural and cultural environments and retain and enhance ecosystem services in peri-urban areas and the cultivated landscape.
The project is testing measures to promote biodiversity that are adapted to each golf club’s con-ditions, e.g. it aims to benefit insects by creating flower-rich soils with exposed sand. The various measures and
maintenance efforts can be adapted to golf course anywhere in the area, region or country. The goal is to show improved flora and insect diversity on the golf courses by final inventories in 2023.
Individual action plans have been drawn up for five golf courses; Falkenbergs GC, Ullared Flädje GC, Harabäckens GC, Hofgårds GC and Vinbergs GC.
Basic inventory, field visits and maintenance planning were carried out on all in 2022 and individual plans have been implemented in practice. In autumn 2022, each facility was revisited to review the season, and individual care plans were updated for 2023. The Swedish Golf Federation and golf club staff were consulted to ensure that the action plan proposals can be coordinated with the game itself.
The action plans describe what, where and when measures for biological diversity can be applied on a course, estimated time required and costs. Examples are:
• Grass surfaces burnt off (Hofgårds GC, Harabäckens GC)
• Grass surfaces cut and material removed (Hofgårds GC, Harabäckens GC). A challenge encountered is disposing of the grass material in an economically and environmentally viable way.
• Sand areas produced by excavating and/or supplying sand to support seeding and establish new meadow plants that help pollinating insects (Falkenbergs GC, Ullared Flädje GC, Vinbergs GC)
• Larger solitary trees and brow environments revealed by thinning and clearing (Falkenbergs GC, Hofgårds GC)
• Parts of bunkers managed and adjusted so that certain insects can find sites to live in edge zones (Hofgårds GC)
• Information material and signs produced for all clubs and their different habitat types.
Karin Juul Hesselsøe, NIBIO Landvik, N-4886 Grimstad, Norway
Tel: + 47 413 96 851 E-mail:
Pia Heltoft, NIBIO Apelsvoll, Norway
Bjarni Hannesson, Golf Union of Iceland
Per Rasmussen, Smørum Golf Club, Denmark
• To screen in the field and clarify which varieties of Agrostis, Festuca, Poa and Lolium are most winter-hardy, most stress-tolerant and most disease-resistant on putting greens at four experimental sites representing the two major climate zones in the Nordic countries.
• To create meeting places for discussions between plant breeders, seed companies and greenkeepers in order to encourage variety awareness, integrated pest management and continued efforts into turfgrass breeding for northern environment
Testing of new varieties is key to improving turfgrass quality. Today, breeders are focusing on disease resistance and tolerance to abiotic stresses. STERF’s programmes on IPM and ‘Winter Stress Management’ recommend variety evaluation as one of STERF’s most important tasks.
This project is a continuation of SCANGREEN variety testing for the period 2023-2026. The same protocol as in former projects will be used, i.e. assessment on sand-based greens at NIBIO Landvik and Smørum GC in the southern zone and at NIBIO Apelsvoll and Reykjavik GC in the northern zone.
The project will comprise 7-8 species and we expect breeders to enter about 25 new varieties for comparison with the references. Plots will be evaluated monthly and varieties will be ranked for turf quality, winter tolerance, diseases and invasion of moss and Poa annua. The test sites will be used for field days according to a predetermined schedule and results will be communicated at, and in greenkeeper magazines.
Karin Juul Hesselsøe, NIBIO Landvik, N-4886 Grimstad, Norway Tel: + 47 413 96 851 E-mail:
Anne Friederike Borchert and Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO Landvik Norway
Daniel Hahn, Independent Turfgrass Agronomist
Wolfgang Prämaßing, Hochschule Osnabrück, Germany
• To investigate management strategies for fairways and semi-roughs (robotic vs. manual mowing, mowing height and fertiliser level) that result in high turfgrass and playing quality with the lowest possible inputs of energy and fertiliser.
• To determine the long-term effect of robotic mowing on soil physical conditions affecting greenhouse gas emissions from golf course fairways and semi-roughs.
• To investigate how the combination of mowing system (robotic vs. manual), mowing height and fertiliser rate affects the infestation rate of individual weed species and other aspects of turfgrass quality on fairways and semi-roughs.
Replacement of fairway and semi-rough mowers that burn fossil fuel with lightweight electricrotary mowers is an important step to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from golf courses.
Besides eliminating fossil energy, N2O emissions may also be reduced by this change, due to less soil compaction. However, recent research shows that robotic mowing may lead to more white clover, and therefore reduced playing quality, on semi-roughs.
In the 2023 season, experiments using the new generation of GPS-controlled robotic mowers will be performed at our research facility in Norway and on golf courses in Scandinavia and Germany.
• Screen eight soil surfactants for their potential to prevent drought stress, reduce water • consumption and enhance recovery after drought.
• Validate in field trials in Norway and Germany the two most drought-tolerant blends/ mixtures and the two best-performing surfactants identified in previous steps, to optimise fairway quality under drought.
Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO Department for Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology, Turfgrass Research Group, Landvik, N-4886 Grimstad, Tel: + 47 90 52 83 78.
Anne F. Borchert and Karin Juul Hesselsøe, NIBIO, Norway
Peter Edman, Swedish Golf Federation
Wolfgang Prämaßing, Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Thomas Fischer, iNova Green, Germany
The main aim is to develop management strategies for resilient GC fairways that retain acceptable quality with no or strongly reduced consumption of potable irrigation water. Specific objectives are to:
• Identify the most drought-resistant cultivars and blends of the turfgrass species/subspecies commonly seeded on (a) fairways and (b) semi-roughs/lawns in Northern Europe, including mixtures of these species.
During the past five years, many European golf courses (GCs) have experienced an increased risk of drought due to global warming. Scarcity of potable water for irrigation has become an issue even in the Nordic countries.
With a focus on Northern Europe, this project will (1) identify the most drought-resistant cultivars and seed blends/mixtures for available for golf course fairways and (2) explore the potential of market-ready soil surfactants to prevent drought on unirrigated fairways. The project includes replicated trials at NIBIO Landvik and Hochschule Osnabrück.
The project will emphasise ready-to use research and technology transfer, including revision of STERFs irrigation handbook.
• Identify approaches to assess and document existing qualities and biodiversity potential, prioritise approaches and recommend methods to monitor development based on GC potential and landscape context.
• Provide simple indicators of GC contributions to landscape functions to be used in design and management, such as connectivity, species pool and structural and habitat diversity.
• Provide methods to estimate multifunctionality for golf courses and landscapes.
• Prescribe principles of design to improve biodiversity and ecological functioning, covering both the quality of GC habitats for biodiversity and their contributions to biodiversity in the wider landscape, while retaining playability and quality of the game.
Hans Martin Hanslin, The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Dept of Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology, Særheim Research Centre, Postvn. 213, 4353 Klepp St., Norway, Tel: + 47 40475239, E-mail:
Trygve Aamlid, NIBIO, Dept of Urban Greening and Vegetation Ecology, Norway
Wendy Fjellstad, NIBIO, Dept. of Landscape Monitoring, Norway
Johannes Kollmann, NIBIO and Technical University Munich, Germany
Tommy Lennartsson, Swedish Biodiversity Centre, SLU, Sweden
Christopher Marston, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, UK.
The overall aim is to provide knowledge of how golf courses can be designed and managed to improve their contributions to biodiversity and multifunctionality at the landscape scale. Specific objectives are to:
Golf courses (GC) are often established in highly fragmented and at least partly degraded landscapes, resulting in positive effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functions. However, there are few studies on ecological effects within and beyond GC. The project will fill this gap through landscape ecological analysis of 40 courses in peri-urban and rural landscapes in several countries.
Landscape analysis will be based on digitised maps with calculations of patch number, size, form, edge effects and connectivity. The patterns within the GC will be related to the surrounding landscape, and results will be verified by fieldwork on a subset of the courses. This will provide knowledge of how GCs can be designed and managed to improve their contributions to biodiversity and ecological functions at the landscape scale, also given the context-dependence of each GC.
The main findings of the project will be disseminated to the golf industry in a combination of guidelines, workshops and webinars.
The projects listed below were funded by STERF during the period 1999-2020. More information about the projects can be found on the STERF website
1. The effects of soil organic matter, content, and quality on soil biological activity and turfgrass root development in sand dominated golf greens. Karin Blombäck, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (1999–2001)
2. Nitrogen utilisation efficiency in different golf green constructions of Creeping Bentgrass golf greens. Karin Blombäck, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2001-2004).
3. Effects of demand-driven fertilisation on growth, appearance and nitrogen use efficiency of turfgrass. Tom Ericsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2003-2004).
4. Leaching of fungicides from golf greens: Quantification and risk assessment. Nicholas Jarvis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2004-2005).
5. Benefits and environmental risks of fungicide use on Scandinavian golf greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2004-2005).
6. Evaluation of Agrostis and Festuca varieties for use on Scandinavian golf greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2004- 2007).
7. Environmental management programmes for golf facilities - a case study in the Stockholm golf district. Mårten Wallberg, Swedish Society of Nature Conservation, Stockholm (2005-2007)
8. Evaluation of Agrostis and Festuca varieties (Nordisk sortguide).Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2007).
9. Evaluation of biodiversity and nature conservation on golf courses in Scandinavia. Bente Mortensen, GreenProject (2006-2007).
10. Effects of organic amendments and surfactants on hydro-phobicity and fungicide leaching from ageing golf greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2006-2007).
11. The role of golf course management in the support of wetland-associated organisms in greater metropolitan Stockholm. Johan Colding, Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, Royal Swedish Academy of Science (2006-2008).
12. Ageing of a sand-based rootzone. Karin Blombäck, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2006-2008).
13. Turfgrass demonstration trials in Dalarna. Erik Svärd, Swedish Golf Federation (2006-2008).
14. Improved strategy for control of Microdochium nivale on golf courses. Anne Marte Tronsmo, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (2006-2008).
15. The influence of golf on nature and environment – analyses and evaluation of the environmental performance in Scandinavia. Bente Mortensen, GreenProject (2006-2008).
16. Evaluation of the plant growth regulator trinexapacethyl (Primo MAXX®) on Nordic golf courses. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2007-2009).
17. Development, evaluation and implementation of playing quality parameters in a continuous golf course evaluation concept – user survey. Anne Mette Dahl Jensen, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen (2007-2009).
18. Prediction of turf growth as a function of light and temperature under Nordic conditions. Karin Blombäck, Swedish University of Agricultural Science (2007-2009)
19. Re-establishment of green turfgrass after winter damage, spring 2009. Agnar Kvalbein, Norwegian Greenkeepers’ Association (2008-2009).
20. Impact of mowing height and late autumn fertilisation on winter survival of golf greens in the Nordic countries. Agnar Kvalbein, Norwegian Greenkeepers’ Association (2008 -2010)
21. Multifunctional golf course with unique natural and cultural values. Carina Wettemark, Kristianstads Vattenrike Biosphere Reserve, Kristianstads kommun (2008 – 2010)
22. Evaluation of turfgrass varieties for use on Scandinavian golf greens, 2007-2010. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2007-2010)
23. Demonstration trials with winter cover protection. Boel Sandström, Swedish Golf Federation (2007-2010)
24. Breeding of winterhardy turgrass varieties for central and northern Scandinavia. Petter Marum, Graminor AS, Bjørke Research Station (2007-2010)
25. VELVET GREEN: Winter hardiness and management of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina) on putting greens in northern environments. T. Espevig, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2007-2011)
26. Fertiliser strategies for golf turf: Implications for physiology-driven fertilization. Tom Ericsson, Department of Urban and Rural Development. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (2007- 2011)
27. Nordic cooperation between authorities and nongovernmental organisations for creating multifunctional golf courses and healthy ecosystems. Maria Strandberg, Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research FoundationJanuary (2010–2011)
28. The Nordic Turfgrass Guide 2012 and Variety Lists. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2011-2013)
29. Optimal maintenance for hardening and early spring growth of green turfgrass. Karin Blombäck, Department of Soil and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2006-2013)
30. Development of methods for non-pesticide weed control on golf fairways. Anne Mette Dahl Jensen, Forest & Landscape, University of Copenhagen-LIFE (2008-2013)
31. Preservation of cultural landscapes and cultural heritage elements on golf courses. Ole R. Sandberg, Department of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (2009-2013)
32. Interactive map with navigation to learn and understand environmental work and impacts at a golf course. Magnus Enell, Enell Sustainable Business AB (2011-2013)
33. Integrated pest management - communication project within the park and golf sector. Maria Strandberg, Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (2011-2013)
34. Evaporative demands and deficit irrigation on sandbased golf greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2008-2014)
Often referred to as the ‘roots of roots’, the symbiotic relationship with mycorrhiza extends the root system of turfgrasses, thus enabling them to absorb more nutrients, especially
35. Large-scale demonstration trials: Silvery thread moss on greens. Mikael Frisk, Swedish Golf Federation (20112014)
36. SCANGREEN: Turfgrass species and varieties for integrated pest management of Scandinavian putting greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2011-2015)
37. Increasing rates of the current and a new formulation of Primo MAXX® for plant growth regulation on greens and fairways. Ingunn M. Vågen, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2013-2015)
38. Effects of mowing height, N-rate and P-rate/ mycorrhiza on quality and competition against annual meadowgrass on putting greens with red fescue as predominant species. Tatsiana Espevig, Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research (2011-2015)
39. Validation of the GreenCast prediction model for microdochium patch on golf greens in the Nordic region. Tatsiana Espevig, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2012-2015)
40. Testing of alternative plant production products for the control of Microdochium nivale and other diseases on golf greens.Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2011-2015)
41. Better turfgrass survival in a changing winter climate Tatsiana Espevig, Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research (2011-2015)
42. A comparison of the soil surfactant Qualibra and Revolution on creeping bentgrass greens varying in water availability. Trygve S. Aamlid, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2014-2015)
43. GreenCast validation of anthracnose (Colletotrichum graminicola) on golf greens in the Nordic region. Tatsiana Espevig, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research (2014-2015)
44. FESCUE-GREEN: Best management of red fescue (Festuca rubra) golf greens for high sustainability and playability. Trygve Aamlid, NIBIO (2011-2016)
45. Overseeding of Fairways - A strategy for finer turf with less broad-leaved weeds and Poa annua. Anne-Mette Dahl Jensen, University of Copenhagen (2011-2016)
46. Identification and risk assessment for dollar spot on Scandinavian golf courses.Tanja Espevig, NIBIO (20142016)
47. Experience mapping and multifunctional golf course development - enhanced possibilities of increased and more varied use of golf courses. Ole Hjorth Caspersen, University of Copenhagen (2011-2016)
48. Multifunctionality in golf courses – effects of different management practices on the ecosystem services carbon sequestration and biodiversity. Thomas Kätterer and Jörgen Wissman, SLU (2014-2016)
49. Optimal application of nitrogen and sulfur in autumn for better winter survival. Agnar Kvalbein, NIBIO (20142017)
50. Successful reestablishment of golf greens following winter damages. Wendy Waalen, NIBIO (2014-2017)
51. Fairy rings and thatch collapse, Tatsiana Espevig, NIBIO (2016-2017)
52. Evaluation of the soil surfactant Qualibra on sandbased putting greens. Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO (2015-2016)
53. Evaluation of Aquatrols experimental biostimulant formulations on fine turfgrass subjected to wear, drought (nutrient) and winter stress. Agnar Kvalbein, NIBIO (2015-2016)
54. Sustainable fairway management. Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO (2014-2016)
55. Evaluation of fungicides for Nordic golf courses. Trygve S. Aamlid (2016-2017)
56. Evaluation of a phosphite pigment, alone and in combination with fungicides, for control of turfgrass winter diseases on green and fairway. Trygve S. Aamlid, (2016-2017)
57. Optimal application of nitrogen and sulphur in autumn for better winter survival of perennial grasses – with emphasis on turf. Bert Sandell, NIBIO, (2014-2017)
58. Dandelion management at Värpinge golf course Håkan Rasmusson, Värpinge golf course (2014-2018)
59. Engineering better irrigation in turf - Quantifying impacts of application uniformity on turf quality in golf. –Jerry Knox, Cranfield University (2014-2019)
60. Effect of fertiliser type, silicon and copper on turf quality and Microdochium infection on Poa annua putting greens. Tanja Espevig, NIBIO (2016-2019)
61. Effect of irrigation, fertiliser type and soil amendment on turf quality and organic matter accumulation/thatch control on creeping bentgrass greens. Bert Sandell, NIBIO (2017-2019)
62. Testing the effect of AlgeaGreen® on winter stress tolerance. Bert Sandell, NIBIO (2016-2019)
63. Selection and management of bentgrass cultivars for genetic and induced resistance to microdochium patch and pink snow mould. Trygve Aamlid, NIBIO (20142019)
64. Practical re-establishment of golf greens following winter damage – a field study. Carl-Johan Lönnberg, Swedish Golf Federation (2017-2019)
65. Winter damage to golf greens in the Nordic countries: Survey of causes and economic consequences (part II). Tanja Espevig, NIBIO (2017-2019)
66. Golf clubs as landscape players – Establishment of collaboration networks in the landscape for enhanced contribution to the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development. Anders Esselin, Man & Nature (2017-2019)
67. SCANGREEN: Turfgrass species, varieties and seed blends and mixtures for integrated pest management of Scandinavian putting greens, Trygve Aamlid, NIBIO (2015-2020)
68. Risks for surface runoff and leaching of fungicides from golf greens varying in rootzone composition and amount of thatch, Trygve Aamlid, NIBIO (2016-2020)
69. Invite the starling to help the greenkeeper, Henning Heldbjerg, DOF Birdlife Denmark (2018-2020)
70. Go outdoors and use the Golf area in a pedagogical way – creativity, learning and health in the unlimited classroom, Anders Szczepanski, Linköping University/ Spetsa (2017-2020)
71. From dense swards to biodiverse roughs. Hans Martin Hanslin, NIBIO, (2017-2020)
72. Risk assessment, management and control of dollar spot caused by Clarireedia spp. on Scandinavian golf courses. Tatsiana Espevig, NIBIO, (2017-2020)
73. SUSPHOS: Sustainable phosphorus (P) fertilization on golf courses. Trygve S. Aamlid, NIBIO, (2017-2022)
These key indicators are based on information in annual project reports. STERF issues an open call for proposals approximately every three years. If there are specific reasons, a project application in between the open call for proposals may be approved for funding by the STERF board.
Blank, S., Svensson, M. & Strandberg, M. 2022. A cross-disci plinary forum promoting efficient biodiversity conservation in “new” grasslands in Sweden. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 311-315.
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. ROBOGOLF: Robotic mowers for better turf quality on golf course fairways and semi-roughs. Preliminary results from 2020 and 21. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 1049-1056. its2.143
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Øgaard, A.F., Krogstad, T., Chen, Y., Prämassing, W. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Reduced phosphorus fertilization on golf courses: A comparison of three fertilizer recommendations for putting greens. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 76-89.
Lönnberg, C. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Practical re-establishment of golf greens following winter damage – a field study. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 533-538. its2.69
Roald, E. & Guðmundsson, J. 2022. Carbon Par: Estimating carbon status of land used by Icelandic golf courses and measuring carbon storage of turfgrass on golf fairways and mown roughs.International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 1061-1062. doi/full/10.1002/its2.121
Szczepanski, A. & Strandberg, M. 2022. The golf course as an outdoor classroom – a proof of concept project. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 14 (1), 1022-1025. its2.119
Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Scandinavian research shows better win ter survival with impermeable covers on golf course putting greens. Winter turf blog posted 12 April 2022, University of Minnesota.
Aamlid, T.S., Hornslien, J., Pettersen, T. & Tuxen, G.R. 2022. Are more or less fungicide applications needed on greens covered with plastic than on uncovered greens? Winter Turf blog/Newsletter. 1 December 2022, University of Minnesota.
Aamlid, T.S., Waalen, W. & Hornslien, J. 2022. Good turn-out to study winter survival of greens at NIBIO Apelsvoll, Norway. STERF popular scientific articles, June 2022. http://www.
Aamlid, T.S., Waalen, W. & Hornslien, J. 2022. Good turnout to study winter survival of greens at NIBIO Apelsvoll, Norway. Winter Turf Blog posted 1 June 2022, University of Minnesota.
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Heltoft, P. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Can fescue and bentgrass seed mixtures help pesticide management? Golf Course Management Magazine (gcmonline July 2022). news/fescue-bentgrass-pesticide-management
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Pettersen, T., Hetland, O., Jørgensen, L. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. ROBO-GOLF: Robotic mowers for better turf quality on golf course fairways and semi-roughs. Results from 2021. NIBIO Report 8 (48), 45 pp.
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Pettersen, T. & Aamlid, T.S.
2022. Robotic mowing on fairway and semi-rough. Less diseases but more white clover. Popular article on www.
Hesselsøe, K.J. 2022. IPM-GOLF 2020-23 - preliminary results from 2020 and spring 2021. NIBIO Report 8 (80), 58 pp.
Hesselsøe, K.J., Nilsson, M.P., Kvalbein A. & Espevig, T. 2022. Effect of rolling on Microdochium patch – field trial at Copenhagen Golf Club 2020-21. NIBIO Report 8 (109), 19 pp.
Hesselsøe, K.J., Menzler-Hokkanen, I., Petersen, T.K. & Edman, P. 2022. Chafer grubs and leatherjackets on golf courses – integrated management in Scandinavia. NIBIO Report 8 (122), 24 pp. https://hdl.handle. net/11250/3022042
Roald, E. 2022. Can golf courses earn money from carbon?. Golf Course Architecture Magazine 68 (April), 38-39. tH_OUYBwKqYx-55BmjamP66t-RuX0y3zfIST8A
Strandberg, M. 2022. STERF Yearbook 2021. 39 pp.
Strandberg, M. 2022. 14th International Turfgrass Research Conference (ITRC 2022) quickly approaching. International Turfgrass Society newsletter, January 2022, pp. 1-5. http://
Strandberg, M. 2022. 14th International Turfgrass Research Conference (ITRC 2022), an update. International Turfgrass Society newsletter, May 2022, pp. 1-5 . http://turfsociety. com/newsletters/2022-05%20itsnd.pdf
Strandberg, M. 2022. 14th International Turfgrass Research Conference attracts 300 attendees from 28 countries. International Turfgrass Society newsletter, September 2022, pp. 1-8.
Strandberg, M. 2022. ITRC2022 attracts 300 attendees from 28 countries. STERF popular articles p. 8. http://www.sterf.
Watkins, E., Runck, B., Hollman, A., Schulz, B. & Bishop, J. 2022. Using environmental sensors on golf course greens to improve knowledge and management of winter stresses in cold climates. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meeting. November 2022. Baltimore, MD. https://scisoc.confex. com/scisoc/2022am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/142867
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Lowinput turfgrass species for sports turf, by Stacy Bonos. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=3BZc3-SO7Tw
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Carbon balance on golf courses, by Michael Bekken. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=o8CwcnyITZM&t=8s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Soil tests cannot estimate nitrogen fertilizer requirements, by Doug Soldat. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. https://
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. The impact of putting green management on visible wear caused by golf cleat designs, by Thomas A. Nikolai. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=bnVFaJFeRio
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Earthworm casts, by Paige Boyle. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=EWdPky4KKUo&t=88s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Light therapy. Update on lamps and their effects on different grass species, by Etienne Abelard. Video ITRC,
The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=tTt_2tagj58&t=7s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Robotic mowers. Experiences from 5 years of full-scale testing, by Atle Revheim Hansen. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars.
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Strategies for insect pollinator community augmentation and conservation in managed turfgrass, by Terry Billeisen. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=vCO0aG6kxGY&t=142s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Hybrid turfgrass systems for football/soccer, by Adam Thoms. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars.
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Controlling clover and dandelion with iron, by John Kaminski. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars.
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Broadleaved weed control on golf course fairways without herbicides, by Clint Mattox. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=Pkwgfqdld0k&t=37s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Let the robots pick the weeds, by Jason Henderson. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. watch?v=CqL7JNQmXRU&t=72s
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Technology to fight dollar spot: a new way of disease management, by Wendell Hutchens. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars.
International Turfgrass Research Conference. 2022. Alternative, non-chemical solutions for dollar spot control, by Paul Koch. Video ITRC, The Practitioner seminars. https://
Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Tiltak for raskere (re)etablering av greener om våren. Gressforum 1/22, 16-22.
Aamlid, T.S., Hornslien, J., Pettersen, T. & Tuxen, G.R. 2022. To nye feltforsøk startet gjennom prosjektene ICE-BREAKER og WINTER TURF: Medfører dekking av greener større behov for soppsprøyting ? Gressforum 2022 (4), 22-25 Aamlid, T.S. & Lönnberg, C.J. 2022. Åtgärder för snabbare återetablering av greener om våren. Greenbladet 39(2).
Aamlid, T.S. & T. Pettersen 2022. Tiltag for hurtigere (re)etablering av greens ved lav jordtemperatur. Greenkeeperen 36(1), 44-47.
Aamlid, T.S., Waalen, W. & Hornslien, J. 2022. ERFA-treff i forskingsprosjektene ICE-BREAKER og SCANGREEN på NIBIO Apelsvoll og Mjøsen GK. STERF poular scientific articles, June 2022. erfa-treff-i-forskingsprosjektene-ice-breaker-og-scangreen. pdf
Aamlid, T.S., Waalen, W. & Hornslien, J. 2022. Rundt 60 deltok på ERFA-treff i forskingsprosjektene ICE-BREAKER og SCANGREEN på NIBIO Apelsvoll og Mjøsen GK 19.mai. Gressforum 2022(4), 13-17.
Aamlid, T.S., Waalen, W., Thers, M., Bentley, J., Tuxen, G.R., Jagger, G. & Blusi, H. 2022. Sensorer kan bli viktig hjälp för att bedöma gräsets tillstånd under plastdukar och istäcken. Greenbladet 39(1), 54-59.
Aamlid, T.S., Svalheim, E., Hanslin, H.M., Knudsen, G.K., Bratli, H. & Breiby, T. 2022. Er det mulig å forvandle plen til blomstereng? Park & Anlegg 1/2022, 16-23.
Björn, T. 2022. Kongress i Köpenhamn som hade allt. Greenbladet 4, 30-31.
Björn, T. 2022. Allemansrätt i centrum – Golfbanan blev ute klassrum för Stockholmselever. Greenbladet 5, 36.
Björn, T. 2022. Golfbanan och allemansrätten. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Björn, T. 2022. The golf course as an outdoor class room. Video, KlubbTV STERF. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/485630
Björn, T. 2022. STERF-chefen om förväntningar på ITRC2022. Video, KlubbTV STERF. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/485624
Björn, T. 2002. Leicester skapar egen akademi för grönytor. Video, KlubbTV STERF. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/485619
Björn. T. 2022. Golfbanornas väg till att bli koldioxid neutrala. Video, KlubbTV STERF. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/485599
Björn, T. 2022. GS-Gunnar plockar guldkornen i Köpenhamn. Video, KlubbTV STERF. https://www.klubbtv. nu/#parts/485591
Björn, T. 2022. Förutse kan förebygga dollarspot. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Björn, T. 2022. Hållbarhet nyckelord för Husqvarna. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Björn, T. 2022. Företag som föredrar forskning. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Björn, T. 2022. På Furesö äter man sin egen golfbana. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Björn, T. 2022. Storsatsning på hållbarhet i Schweiz. Video, KlubbTV STERF.
Blusi, H. 2022. Vinterskador på golfgräs. För liten kunskap trots många års studier. Greenbladet 39(4): 32-36.
Dalmannsdottir, S. 2022. From Arctic Norway to Minnesota and Massachusetts. Winter turf blog posted 12 July 2022.
Ericsson, T., Blombäck, K., Kvalbein, A., Hesselsøe, K..J.,Aamlid, T.S. & Borchert, A.F. 2022. Täsmälannoitus
- Teoriasta käytäntöön. Get/3862/ta-sma-lannoitus-2021-k
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Pettersen, T. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Robottileikkuu väylillä ja semiraffeissa: Vähemmän tautia, mutta enemmän valkoapilaa. Pop article on (Finnish version) Get/3891/robottileikkuu-vaylilla-ja-semiraffeissa-_-vahemman-tautia-mutta-enemman-valkoapilaa-k
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Pettersen, T. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Robotklipping av fairway og semi-rough: Mindre sopp, men mer hvitkløver. Pop article on (Norwegian version) Get/3905/robotklipping-av-fairway-og-semi-rough-mindresopp-men-mer-hvitklover
Hesselsøe, K.J., Borchert, A.F., Pettersen, T. & Aamlid, T.S. 2022. Robotklippning på fairways och i semiruff: Mindre sjukdomar men mer vitklöver Pop article on (Swedish version) robotklippning-pa-fairways-och-i-semiruff-mindre-sjukdomar-men-mer-vitklover
Hesselsøe, K.J., Menzler-Hokkanen, I., Petersen, T.K. & Edman, P. 2022. Turilaiden ja vaaksiaisten toukat golfkentillä.
Holmblad, A. & Da Silva Berglun, G.B. 2022. Golfbanors potential vid åtgärder för ekologisk kompensation. EXAMENSARBETE INOM TEKNIK. KTH Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad. Pp 61. Get/3844/golfbanors-potential-vid-atgarder-for-ekologiskkompensation
Ihse, M. & Strandberg, M. 2022. RAPORTTI pohjoismaisesta seminaarista golfkenttien mahdollisuuksista ja haasteista.
Kvalbein, A., Espevig, T., Aamlid, T.S. & Walen, W. 2022. Endurraktun og endurheimt golfflata eftir vetrarskaða. STERF Fact sheet Turfgrass winter survival. http://www.
Kvalbein, A., Espevig, T., Aamlid, T.S. & Walen, W. 2022. Vagestir ad vori Krefjandi kaflaskil vetrar og sumars. STERF Fact sheet Turfgrass winter survival. Media/Get/3841/vagestir-a-vori-krefjandi-kaflaskil-vetrarog-sumars.pdf
Lönnberg, C.J., Blusi, H. & de Wall, J. 2022. Ice-breaker: Första rapporten från treårigt krypvensförsök. Greenbladet 39 (1): 40-41.
Olofsson, P. 2022. Enemmän kuin golfkenttä.
Strandberg, M., Krantz, E. & Björn, T. 2022. Golfbanan som utomhusklassrum - Fortbildning i utomhuspedagogik för medverkande lärare 2022-23. Get/4010/lararhandledning-skolprojektet-2022-23
Strandberg, M. 2022. Tutkimuksen ja kehityksen vuosikirja 2021. 39 pp.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Tutkimus hyödyttää golfia.http://www.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Monikäyttöiset golfkentätHyödyntämätön resurssi. Get/3952/monika-ytto-iset-golfkenta-t-hyodyntamatonresurssi-k-kopia.pdf
Strandberg, M. 2022. Golfbanan bevarar stadsmiljön grön. Greenbladet 1, 48-49.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Internationell mässa i Köpenhamn. Greenbladet 1, 62.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Vi äter upp en golfbana. Greenbladet 2, 58.
Strandberg, M. & Nilsson, S. 2022. Konferens i Köpenhamn en investering för framtiden. Greenbladet 3, 40-41.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Idrotten kan ta ett större ansvar. Greenbladet 4, 42.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Toppbetyg till ITRC2022. Greenbladet 5, 40-42.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Klimat och miljö - valets förlorare. Greenbladet 5, 38.
Strandberg, M. 2022. ITRC2022 lockade 300 deltagare från 28 länder. STERF Popular article, 8 pp. http://www.
Strandberg, M. 2022. ITRC 2022 houkutteli 300 osanot tajaa 28 maasta. STERF popular article, 8 pp. http://
Strandberg, M. 2022. Hur sköter vi oss utan golfklubban? Krönika Idrottens Affärer. 2022-10-04.
Strandberg, M. 2022.Diskuterade hållbara idrottsanlägg ningar. Krönika Idrottens Affärer. 2022-08-16. https://
Strandberg, M. 2022. Golfbana kan ersätta skolgården. Krönika Idrottens Affärer. 2022-06-27.
Strandberg, M. 2022. Efter återvinning serveras en golf bana. Krönika Idrottens Affärer. 2022-04-21. https://
Strandberg, M. 2022. Vårt behov av grön kraft. Krönika Idrottens Affärer. 2022-01-31. https://idrottensaffarer. se/kronikor/2022/01/vart-behov-av-gron-kraft
Strandberg, M. 2022. Samverkan mellan forskning och praktik för att möta golfens hållbarhetsutmaningar. Framgångsexempel Mistra sport and outdoors. https:// framgangsexempel/framgangsexempel-STERF/
Strandberg, M. 2022. Golfbanan som klassrum – ett sätt att lära oss sätta värde på naturen. En blogg om idrott, friluftsliv och miljö, Mistra sport and outdoors. https://
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