How to Make a Golf Cart Go Faster Plum Quick Bandit Upgrade Ryan Fenters is the founder of the popular YouTube Channel called Fentertainment. Ryan creates DIY videos of, in his own words… “dedicated to making, painting, building, modifying and fixing things…”
His golf-cart-related DIY videos are very informative and we thought it would be a good idea to transcribe them for you. This is the first video in a four-part series where Ryan transforms a 2014 Club Car Precedent. In it, Ryan shows us step by-step how to upgrade the motor to double the speed using a Plum Quick Bandit motor. Ryan Fenters: What's going on guys? I just picked up this 2014 Club Car Precedent and the first upgrade we're going to do is make this thing faster. Right now it is doing about twelvemiles per hour but with the help of a Plum Quick motor, it's going to go a lot faster. All right, so getting started we want to place the cart in the off position. Underneath the seat is going to be a tow/run switch. We want to put this switch into tow mode and I like to remove the positive battery cable to the pack just in case any of the wires decide to touch each other. In order to access the motor, there's going to be a motor cover and once you have the two clips removed, go ahead and take the cover itself and slide up with it. The motor has four wires on it and there's a speed sensor plug on the right-hand