New Zealand gonatural naturist magazine September 2014 #230

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for health and wellbeing

INF Congress 2016 bid update

Nudefest 2014

230 Sep 2014

ISSN 1177-1887 New Zealand $8.75 Australia $9.00 UK ÂŁ6.99

Festivals Polar Plunge Nude Golf International


Editor’s letter

arlier this year, Joyce Fleming died peacefully at her home in Christchurch. The Service to Celebrate Joyce’s life was held on 31st May during which Mike Ward, President of Free Beaches NZ, presented ‘A Tribute to Joyce Fleming’ and this is featured as our leading article. Joyce was a quiet force to be reckoned with. ‘An inspiring woman’ pretty well sums her up, with a passion for a natural environment and creating change where she thought necessary. We didn’t always agree of course, but Joyce always presented her ideas in a quiet and convincing manner. There were numerous ‘causes’ where Joyce’s enthusiasm and passion made a tremendous difference to Pineglades Naturist Club, including introducing the game of miniten! The presentation of a grounds management plan incorporating the beautiful arboretum which has given so much pleasure to members and visitors alike, was due in no small measure to Joyce’s thorough research and dedication to ensure the plan was followed through. However it was on the promotion front where Joyce excelled; ‘collaborating’ with many others over the years, with several ideas to encourage others, particularly women, to enjoy clothes free living. One of her promotional coups was in NZ Women’s Weekly, but oh dear, the headline ‘I’m a Nudist Nana’ did not go down well at all! Before she became proficient with her computer, we would spend hours on the telephone “rabbiting on” as she was known to do. Joyce contributed numerous articles for gonatural magazine. Always looking for a new “angle” her creative contributions were a delight to read. Even at 86 years of age. Members of the New Zealand Naturist Federation and readers of gonatural magazine join me in extending our sincere condolences to Joyce’s extended family and to Bert. Check out the Polar Plunge feature in this issue. There were so many people getting their kit off and celebrating the Winter Solstice this year, and we received some super photos too! Your contributions are very much appreciated. Many thanks also to all our wonderful advertisers and readers who continue to support gonatural magazine. Thanks to the support and resources of Tourism New Zealand, and the sterling efforts of June CampbellTong and Donna Miller, I will travel to Ireland in September and attend the INF Congress. As Steering Committee Chair, my role is to present a submission on behalf of the NZNF to host the 2016 International Congress of Naturism in New Zealand. Is mian liom luck maith.




Kay Hannam Managing Editor

Deadline for the December issue - 17th October Front cover: June at Nudefest - Photo Steve Betts Left: Becky at Wai-natur - Photo Brian Williams

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Vanessa at Otama Beach - Photo by Daniel Jackson

Contents Editor’s letter....................................................1 Tribute to Joyce Fleming..................................3 INF Congress 2016 bid update........................6 Nudefest 2014..................................................7 Spring - a time for new beginnings....................10 Postcard from France .....................................12 Festivals.....................................14 Nude Golf International...................................17 Polar Plunge ...................................................20

Fire and water in the southern sun...................22 Winter Solace at the Winter Solstice................23 Sometimes everything turns out rosy...............24 Fire! Fire! Quick - grab the extinguisher!.........26 NZ Listings Naturist Clubs and Resorts........28 What’s On.......................................................29 Subscribe to your magazine ............................31 International Publications...............................32 Around & About...............................................37

Issue #230 Sep 2014

Contributors: Steve Betts June Campbell-Tong Paul Campion Kay Hannam John Lowe Nick Lowe Wilma Kremer

gonatural for health and wellbeing. The magazine for freedom lovers and those who embrace the naturist lifestyle. Published quarterly by the New Zealand Naturist Federation Inc. Registered at the Chief Post Office, Wellington, as a magazine. Managing Editor: Design & Layout: Printer: Website:

Kay Hannam Kay Hannam Taieri Print Ltd

Address all editorial and advertising copy to: gonatural magazine Address: 2704 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley RD1, Blenheim 7271 NEW ZEALAND Phone: +64 3 5722 681 Email: Purchase either the print version or subscribe to the digital edition of gonatural online via: 2 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

Donna Miller Bill McEwan Jasna Mozina Allan Perry Corey Shelton Mike Ward

Deadline for next issue: #231 December 2014 ~ 17th October 2014 This magazine is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photo­graphic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Editor. In our desire to present different points of view we publish articles and letters which do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Editor nor the policy of the NZNF.

A Tribute to Joyce Fleming Compiled by Mike Ward, President FBNZ Inc


he Service to Celebrate Joyce’s Life was held at Lamb and Hayward’s Westpark Chapel on Wairakei Road Christchurch, at 2PM on Saturday 31st May 2014. It was very well attended by almost 200 people of all ages. It was Joyce’s wish that the service should only be performed by someone who had read her book and understood her life. What was important to Joyce, something she was quite adamant about, was that the service should be not a dour affair but a celebration that acknowledged the part that naturism played in her life. Celebrant Rob Thomson, an Anglican priest who had read Joyce’s book, had listened to her radio interviews, felt that he understood her well from these. He honoured her wish. Joyce’s daughter Christine spoke first, followed by her brother John, who both reminisced on their lives with Joyce. They are immensely proud of the way Joyce’s passing happened naturally, peacefully and the way she would have wanted it. Mike Ward, President of Free Beaches New Zealand Inc. spoke on behalf of FBNZ and the New Zealand naturist community. Joyce was such a major personality in the naturist world, who had played such

an important and pivotal part of the development of the naturist community throughout her life in New Zealand. The final speaker was Ros Birney, a neighbour of Joyce who was a ‘Friend of Muir Park’, as was Joyce, who cared so much about Muir Park and its beautiful trees. Ros explained that Joyce was heartbroken that the council had heavily coppiced some cherry trees that Joyce so loved, shortly before she passed away. There were two hymns; Pilgrim’s Progress and Blest Are the Pure in Heart. The Lord’s Prayer, (thankfully the traditional wording) was also given. During the service, Joyce’s granddaughter Priya, who is Hare Krishna, performed a moving, gentle and spiritual Indian-style dance that she had designed and choreographed specially for the service. There was a slide show of photos of Joyce’s life – a tribute of photos of Joyce compiled by Christine’s daughter, set to ‘The Humming Chorus’ from Madame Butterfly, which was such a favourite piece for Joyce. This slide show included an obligatory shot of Joyce, au naturel of course, frolicking in the sea. The show wouldn’t have been complete without a representation of one of her fa-

vourite pastimes, wearing her favourite costume. It was so appropriate that Joyce’s favourite song ‘La Mer’ (The Sea) by French singer-songwriter Charles Trenet was performed, since she loved the sea so much. Finally, Joyce’s casket was carried out of the hall by family to the Skye Boat Song (an old Scottish Folk song about Bonnie Prince Charlie’s post-battle escape to the Isle of Skye). The service was memorable, a moving and a fitting tribute to the life of one of the few truly inspirational people who has touched so

many lives and who brought so much joy and achieved so much. She was a gentle, loving person, who gave so much of herself throughout her life. She was passionate in what she believed in, but measured, thoughtful and diplomatic. She was so articulate in written word and had such a wonderful gift for projecting these qualities in her many radio interviews. Joyce’s family can be proud of the magnificent send-off that they prepared. Joyce herself would certainly have been proud of her own Celebration Service.

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Joyce Fleming – My Personal Tribute During the service which was held in Christchurch to celebrate Joyce Fleming’s life, the President of Free Beaches NZ, Mike Ward, gave his personal tribute to an inspiring woman.


joined Free Beaches NZ in October 2008. My introduction to Joyce came about via an online anti-nudity discussion forum which was hosted by an organisation called SPCS (Society For the Protection of Community Standards) - although Joyce, in her usual mischievous style always referred to them as The Society for the Presumption of Community Standards). I didn’t know Joyce at this time but we wrote a lot of replies and comments which were supportive of each other and of the naturist perspective. Later that year, I attended one of Chris Arnold’s Annual Garden Parties for Free Beaches and was introduced to an elegant lady. As soon as we exchanged names – we both simultaneously realised that we had met ‘virtually’ on that debating forum. We were both highly amused by this meeting – thereafter she always referred to the event as ‘hilarious’. That event though, began what turned out to be a great friendship between myself and Joyce. We both quickly realised that we shared a common synergy and belief system. When I heard Joyce’s first radio interview I was simply awestruck by her ‘presence’, a most charming and delightful mix of quiet self-confidence, a charming soft voice, superb diction and a disarming sense of humour. She was just the perfect Public Relations Officer for Free Beaches and she will be irreplaceable. With Joyce’s constant support and encouragement, I was happy to take on the role of President of Free Beaches. As Vice President and PRO she was my ‘rock’ - the master of di4 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

plomacy and of gaining consensus, whether it was internal or external to the organisation and with such a talent for dealing with the media. As President I couldn’t have wished for more. Occasionally, when I was in Joyce’s home area, I would call Joyce to see if she was at home and if so I would stop by for a coffee and a chat. We both found each other’s company very stimulating and energising and the time would fly by. It is important to understand that naturism was so important to Joyce, as indeed it is to me. Only a couple of weeks ago, Joyce wrote to the Committee: “…That is why naturism is important to retain a sense of proportion in one’s life…” I was happy to purchase Joyce’s book Defying Convention. The amazing account of her life provided by this

little gem of a book provided all the insight I needed as to how the events and the course of her life defined the person she was. It is a great tragedy that the second part of the story will remain untold. Everyone who aspires to improve themselves and become the best that they can be will say that certain people come into their lives and make a defining impression. Well, I am pleased to say that Joyce was certainly one of those special people that have been an inspiration and a guiding, mentoring light in my life. Joyce, on behalf of Free Beaches NZ and the past and present Naturist Community of New Zealand, we owe so much to what you have achieved. Thank You Joyce, your work is now done. Rest in Peace, knowing that we will strive to build on what you have achieved.

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INF World Congress 2016 bid update For the first time ever, the NZNF has prepared a submission to host the INF World Congress, bringing delegates, friends and families from thirty countries to further ties with their Kiwi friends. The NZNF has always enjoyed a strong alliance with INF, maintaining a regular attendance rate at World congresses for almost 60 years. In the lead-up to the bid presentation in Ireland this September, Donna Miller shares our excitement and enthusiasm for the project.


reat progress is being made on the NZNF bid to host the International Congress of Naturism in 2016 at Wellington Naturist Club. The Steering Committee has worked tirelessly, under the guidance and expert tutelage of Tourism New Zealand, to produce a stunning bid document and amazing presentation. The Steering Committee took advantage of a recent NZNF meeting in Auckland, to meet together and also with TNZ, making great strides towards completion of the various bid elements required - logo, banners, bid document and presentation. While the committee communicates regularly together and with Gemma and Leonie - our team at TNZ via email, it is always more productive when you can talk face to face with all the papers spread out in front of you. Now that the final perfected copy of our bid document has been signed off, arrangements have been made to have this printed professionally and distributed to Congress delegates and the INF Central Committee in Ireland in mid-September.

At the 2014 Congress in Ireland Kay Hannam, the Steering Committee Chair, will give a 15 minute presentation to the Delegates and also show a powerful and moving video about New Zealand - courtesy of TNZ - at the conclusion. Then Kay, along with Wendy Lowe - our Delegate for the 2014 Congress, will answer questions from the floor before the delegates vote on where to hold the 2016 Congress. We are aiming to get a lot of international exposure and support as we share congress information and updates

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through regular posts on our Facebook Page - 35th International Congress of Naturism. We are offering tour suggestions, local facts and figures, and sharing images which display the kaleidoscope of beautiful scenery our country offers hopefully you are following and “like” this Page. The Committee is making the most of every opportunity to bring awareness and to promote our bid. At the time of writing, another member of the Steering Committee, June CampbellTong, is at Nudefest 2014 -

Britain’s biggest naturist event - in Cornwall with a banner and fliers promoting New Zealand and our bid for the 2016 Congress. Far from being fazed by the amount of work involved, the Committee keep going from strength to strength with an ever increasing excitement and enthusiasm for the project. We can’t wait to hopefully soon share the great news that we have been awarded the honour of hosting the 2016 International Congress of Naturism here in New Zealand.

Nudefest 2014 British Naturism held their flagship summer event, Nudefest, at the five star Newperran Holiday Park near Newquay. Celebrating their 50th year, BN welcomed more than 300 Naturist visitors from all over the UK and June Campbell-Tong from New Zealand who joined them for this unique clothing-free event.

Photos by Steve Betts


he idea of a holiday to avoid the New Zealand winter became more appealing following my husband Bevan’s passing and I made the decision to sell our house that Bevan and I had built. Wine being a passion, along with naturism, I booked a river cruise on the Duoro River in Portugal, a walking tour of Southern Spain and a tour of Morocco. At the end of January, at a function at Wellington Naturist Club, our patron Pat attended and offered to accompany me on my holiday.

Being on the steering committee for New Zealand’s bid for hosting the 2016 INF Congress prompted me to contact the Spanish and Portuguese federations. Positive responses first from Portugal and the President of the Spanish federation encouraged me to include meeting them during my holiday. An invitation from Ismael to come and stay with him and his wife (both of whom I had met when delegate for New Zealand at the congress in Croatia), at a city north of Madrid involved a little re-arranging of the itiner-

ary, especially when he told me they were in the heart of one of the best wine regions in Spain. We then finalised the tour including visiting naturist friends in the Channel Islands, Somerset and London. I then discovered that the British Naturists (BN) annual Nudefest was being held in Cornwall, a couple of hours drive from my Somerset naturist friends and around the time I was going to be with them. Emails to the organiser and Newperran Holiday Park advised that accom-

modation was fully booked, but there was the possibility of a campsite for a tent. Sorry, past tenting in inclement weather, so kept fingers crossed that something would turn up. Losing my phone in Morocco did not help matters when I had been advised a caravan was available, so passed my credit card details in a couple of emails to the campsite owners to secure it. By the time I was able to contact them again just 10 days before the event they told me the caravan was no longer available.

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After much pleading they said an apartment may be available for £769 for the week. Youch! That was just too much so said I was happy to share. Several phone calls later it was confirmed I could have it for £300 from Tuesday to Sunday morning plus the £122 registration for the 4 and a half days remaining of the festival. Sold! Lovely apartment - but nothing at all included as far as soap, dishcloths, teatowels, toiletries, towels, tea or coffee as is normal at accommodation of this type in New Zealand. Nudefest has been held at Newperran Holiday Park, situated in the middle of farmland in the Cornish countryside, for the past 8 years. BN had originally booked it for a weekend stop over when they organised their first visit to Alton Towers; a popular, public amenity in Cornwall. The owners of the campsite then invited them back for a long weekend. From this it has evolved to Nudefest - a week long event for all naturists. Andrew Welch, BN’s publicity officer is hoping to promote it to more international visitors as I was the only visitor from outside the UK. A full programme is organised each day with plenty of choices for attendees. There are off-site walks, scuba diving in the pool, casino night, mad hatters tea party, tai chi, massage, a brewery visit, an aquarium visit (nude), garden visit, and wonderful musical entertainment galore plus many more activities. I even had a go at archery in one of the 12 fields of the site used for camping. The fully equipped pub and a restaurant on site are popular meeting points for the nearly 300 people registered on site, plus the day visitors. Unfortunately this year the weather did not match up to last year’s, but the warmth and hospitality of naturists from the UK made up for lack of sunshine. BN operate a shop at events and I was pleased to be able to leave brochures promoting New Zealand’s bid for the 2016 INF Congress and Wellington Club as well as display the ‘Go Natural in New Zealand’ banner, produced and forwarded to me in the UK by Tourism New Zealand. BN organise many nude activities at public venues outside of public visiting hours. Aquarium Newquay was happy to host the 100 or so naturists, providing staff to give talks on several aspects of their aquarium. 8 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

There are several species of sharks, manta rays and a large blind turtle which had been rescued from a fishing net. Another outing to a lovely garden (normally open to the public) opened exclusively for the naturists with tea, coffee and cake included in the £5.50 entrance fee. All excursions were extra to the cost of the Nudefest registration and I was grateful to members that provided car rides for those who, like me, were without transport. The evening functions were mainly held in the large bar although a barn dance held in the marquee was popular. Body painting was also done and with fluorescent paint provided some stunning images in the black light. The president’s husband was a dab hand at disco music, although there were a few dances I was not au fait with. Like sitting on the floor doing rowing actions (or was it synchronised swimming?) a lot of fun, and great to see everyone enjoying themselves. A husband and wife duo, both talented singers and musicians, led the talent show which was fantastic. Classical violin, singers, guitarists and a few joining in the chorus brought warm applause from the large appreciative audience. Another night of musical entertainment concluded with a ‘Night at the Proms’ with the waving of British flags a great souvenir from a memorable week. The wind and drizzle spoilt the firedancers act on the last night but the range and variety of talent belied Andrew Welch’s comment to media “we are just normal people having fun”.

Thanks to British Naturism and Steve Betts for the photos gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Spring – a time for new beginnings Our enthusiastic Communications Officer, Donna Miller, reminds us that by the time we read this it will almost be spring again. What a wondrous thought!


ut with the turn to spring, our minds need to turn to renewing our promotion and recruitment efforts for the coming warmer months. Spring is a time of new beginnings and of getting things into shape; it’s a time get your club ready and inviting or attracting new members to your club. There are a lot of would-be naturists out there. I would suggest that there are no fewer people interested in the naturist lifestyle than there used to be - just that life has gotten busier and there isn’t the time or focus on relaxation or recreation. 10 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

I believe a lot of people would really like to know about or are open to naturism but there is just so much competition for their attention - with all the demands and distractions, life gets rather ‘noisy’. So we have to shout pretty loud these days to be heard above all of the ‘noise’, and we have to be smart about how we do it...we don’t have unlimited - or sometimes even limited - budgets. It’s good to know then that some crucial promotional tools don’t have to cost a lot, if any, money.

Becky at Wai-natur - Photos by Brian Williams

• Does your website need updating? Your website is your single best tool for promoting your club, sharing upcoming events, and advising the facilities you offer. People in your area might hear about the club and decide to Google you... Is your website Google optimised? The NZNF Webmaster would love to assist your club webmaster with updating or adding optimisation to your site. • Do you have a current club brochure that can be handed out, left in letterboxes or in flyer-holders at cafes? If you don’t, this is something that I can help with… you just need to supply some images and text that you’d like to use and we can work together with creating something awesome. The only cost would be getting it printed cheaply.

• Does your club have a Facebook Page? And if it does, are regular posts made to it? People of all ages engage on Social Media but particularly younger people. Facebook is a great way to make short little posts about what your club is doing and to share naturist news and views from around the world - and it’s free. You don’t have to post images of club members at all. Again I can help you set up a page and administer it until someone from the club is able to take it over. Those are just three suggestions that I think would make a measurable difference - at little or no cost - to promoting your club. The NZNF would like to partner with your club to help increase membership and introduce people in your area to nude recreation.

A lot of clubs have new committee members since their AGM in early winter. These people will have fresh energy, enthusiasm and ideas of how to introduce people to the joy and freedom of our clothes-free lifestyle. I do not believe however that it is just the committee who have the energy, enthusiasm and ideas. Everyone ‘brings something’ and this adds to the mix and flavour of the club. Please contact me: Donna Miller Together we can make the 2014/15 summer a great success for your club, increasing awareness of your presence in your community, and bringing new members to experience and enjoy the naturist lifestyle. gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Randonnue in France On the eve of her departure for Europe, Kay Hannam received these photos from her new friend, Valentine, who, with several others joined Xavier Feraut during the weekly “randonnue” in the surrounding countryside of Domain Naturiste L’Eglantiere.


’Eglantiere is chosen by many of the thousands of mainly Dutch and French families from an expansive selection of European naturist centres during their summer vacation. In the Hautes Pyrenees and at an altitude of 300 metres, the 45 hectare setting of gentle hills and centuries old woodlands is one of peace and serenity. Xavier and his family are keen conservationists and very proud of the history of the area. I’m looking forward to joining them on their nature walk this summer.

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It’s Festival Time! Every year, the NZNF holds a national festival - or rally - from 28th December to 3rd January, during which time the Annual General Meeting is also held. This summer NZNF Communications Officer, Donna Miller, will join those walking the red carpet at the Rapere Film Festival.


enerally, a festival includes a full sports programme with competitions of miniten, petanque, tenniquoits, indoor bowls, darts and more played for trophies or medals. The festival will also usually have a running theme with day-time activities and evening dinners or entertainment supporting this theme. Recent themes have included Taste of the Bay; Fairytale Circus; Age of Aquarius; Roman Rotota Rally… and coming up this year we have the Rapere Film Festival. These festivals are a chance to recon14 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

nect with old friends and a chance to make some new ones - a time to relax and ‘reboot’ enjoying clothes-free recreation together. Those who have been to a festival before make sure they aren’t going to miss one and those who haven’t been, have heard so much about them that they want to go to the next. The Rapere Film Festival is being hosted and held at Hawkes Bay Naturist Club. If you’ve been to a festival at HBNC before you will know they have a small but very enthusiastic team that is theatrically gifted - so you’re always

in for a great time and lots of laughs. You can read more about plans for the upcoming Festival in the Around & About section of this magazine, but we can tell you there are live bands, a theatre group, off-ground trips as well as movie themed nights and an open air movie. What an awesome programme! Accommodation is filling fast so if you are wanting to book you need to contact HBNC as soon as possible and get your registration in promptly. You also get an early bird discount by paying in full before 30th October. So, what are you waiting for?

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Nude Golf International

At the scenic course in Wairau Valley Kay Hannam played a round of golf during the annual Nude Golf International held on Sunday 23nd February 2014. Madeleine Fauvinet kept up with the play on her bicycle and took the photos.


ost of us had spent the previous day together exploring the Marlborough Sounds during the Nude Adventure on the BBQ CAT. So we were in fine fettle and ready for another great day out. Some of the usual ‘suspects’ arrived especially for the tournament, including a few we hadn’t seen for a year or more. Player numbers were bolstered by four Canadians, two of whom had made their initial enquiries regarding the Nude Adventure Weekend as early as June last year. Lois and Dan were keen golfers, bringing their own golf clubs with them to be sure of achieving a good game, not only at Wairau Valley, but several other courses they planned to visit around New Zealand. Wairau Valley put on another gorgeous sunny day, although temperatures became somewhat erratic later in the afternoon. Although we sported ‘corporate uniform’ throughout the day, I have to admit to donning my Kathmandu vest to ward off the wind coming off the ranges at various points around the course. Yes, that’s right! I played a round of golf! My second ever, the first being the inaugural Nude Golf International held at the Mackenzie Golf Course in January 2001. I had accepted the challenge from my buddy, Dave Care aka ‘the bag boy’. Bruce, the winner of the first tournament played at Wairau Valley had the mis-fortune to be teamed up with us two clowns. I could only gawk at his ability to whack the ball way down the fairway. To his credit, gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


he showed consistent patience as he guided my shots. Unfortunately the best all seemed to occur before lunch. Like the weather, my game gradually deteriorated. At least I had the satisfaction of learning that I was not the only one on the day whose round went into three digits. That meant the preparation of lunch (and cleaning up at the camp after the dinner party the previous evening) was left to Brian, who really didn’t mind a bit. He would far rather be fussing around the kitchen than walking for hours around a golf course all day attempting to hit a little white ball. To be quite honest, I rather enjoyed being one of the team and swapping golf yarns at the after match function. Local farmer and golf club committee member, Steve McKenzie, kept the drinks flowing and en-

sured the tournament itself was organised according to the rules. Thanks to his assistance a winner was selected from the golf cards and Kevin Omlo, who had played in earlier competitions, was presented with the magnificent trophy at the after-match function. It was here we raised our glasses for a kind wish to Monty, who had competed in every tournament since the inaugural tournament held in the Mackenzie in January 2001. We looking forward to hearing of his recovery and to seeing his smiling face on the course next year. And so what of next year? Is there to be another Nude Golf International? I had that question put to me recently by two couples from the UK who had competed at previous tournaments. 18 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014onatural Issue 224, March 2013

Even though Brian has plenty of sets of golf clubs in the shed, they plan to bring their own and we can expect a significant challenge on the course next year. So the answer is yes! The Wairau Valley Golf Club has the date of Sunday 22nd February 2014 in their diary. Why not enter it in yours? gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


What did it matter that the temperature was in the single digits? It was the Winter Solstice and the great stillness before the Sun’s strength builds, and days grow longer. From deep in the south to the top of the south - naked swimmers - from the Mainland celebrated the shortest day of the year.

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Fire and water in the southern sun During this year’s Polar Plunge, Paul Campion and members from the four clubs in Southland and Otago regions plunged into the southern ocean to celebrate the Winter Solstice and received a lesson in fire-walking from the local surf lifesaving club.


Peter Dowden, a member of that club - and also a naturist - gave a wee speech saying the club did not necessarily endorse naked swimming but did believe that every group had a right to be able to swim in the surf safely. Peter had organised for a nice big pile of dry shrubbery down on the beach for a bonfire and promised a novel activity for after our swim. Only a few brave bods did the ritual dip in the icy cold waters. I used the excuse of a recent minor op to limit myself to a waist deep immersion – some did the full plunge though, swimming between the flags of course. Gasps, shrieks, squeals and a drop of

Photos by Wilma Kremer and Paul Campion

t was a grey day, barely leavened by fitful bursts of weak sunshine. A thin wind blew from the hills down across Blueskin Bay disturbing the marram grass and the ghosts of the pingao that once abounded before raising goose bumps on winter bleached flesh and carrying the cries of the gulls out into the Southern Ocean. The pilgrims, for I shall call them that, both young and old from the Orchard Sun Club accompanied by friends from the Southern Naturally and Alpine Lakes Naturist Clubs made their annual journey to the sea; about 20 people in all. Once again we were welcomed by members of the Warrington Surf Lifesaving Club.

booze back on the beach are all part of the ceremony. Having made obeisance we gathered around the fire as the flames grew low until we were left with a pile of glowing hot embers. Peter gave us a physics lesson and we learned that although there was enough heat in the insides of the wood ember for it to glow

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red, that heat did not conduct very quickly through the wood so it was perfectly safe to stroll on through, and so he did. I followed suit as can be seen in the accompanying photograph. Although it looks as if I am uttering some primal scream of pain, it was as Peter explained, quite doable. There weren’t many takers for the

experience. We finished up with hot showers and a cuppa at the Warrington Surf Lifesaving Club building. A great big thank you to the members of that club, and especially to Peter Dowden, Pru Casey and Ibby Ibbotson for keeping us safe, and entertained, on our Winter Solstice Polar Plunge.

Winter solace at the Winter Solstice Members of the Canterbury Branch of Free Beaches NZ assembled at noon on Saturday 21st June 2014 to celebrate the Winter Solstice at South New Brighton beach.


Photos by Corey Shelton

balmy day with barmy people. We had chosen this beach, rather than our traditional Spencerville beach, after the success of our ‘Moonbeam’ swimming at this location. Perhaps, because of its accessibility or just a beautiful day, we had our best turnout for our annual Polar Plunge. The setting was spectacular. We had all the vivid drama of a Nor’ West arch, without the sand stinging, boisterous, howling North westerly wind. The seaward Kaikoura Mountains were starkly outlined in the distance, their peaks and slopes contrasting with the regular, elegant silhouette of the New Brighton Pier. The tide was high, the surf more benign than winter wild, and on the horizon, the usual ship. It always seems to be in exactly in the same place, inspiring many theories. Is it a cardboard cut out of a ship out there, perhaps a spy ship viewing and recording naked bodies on the beach; or a political party inviting their leader to walk the plank? As well as being naked, we still have our imagination! After the order to start - taking their clothes off - twenty four naturists jogged towards the ‘inviting’ surf. There were a few spectators, and some people walking their dogs. Two of the dogs took a close interest in the Free Beaches flag! What a perfect day for a Polar Plunge! No wind, a high tide, pleasant ambient temperatures and a cool sea. Well some returning participants admitted that the sea temperature was ‘bloody’ cool, or something like that. And afterwards, having got dressed, the best part was the camaraderie that seems to come ‘naturally’ to naturists - looking forward to summer, and swimming - naturally. gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Sometimes everything turns out just rosy New Zealand’s mid winter solstice is celebrated by an increasing number of naturists.On an annual basis, Bill McEwan encourages others to join him for the Blue Duck Nude Swim at Lake Roitoiti in the top of the south.


he annual Blue Duck Nude Midwinter Swim at Lake Rotoiti, Nelson Lakes National Park is an all-weather event. At 600 metres altitude and surrounded by snow covered mountains it is for the hardy. But on this June day the sun shone. It was a beautiful day. We put up a flag and a notice on the lakeside and Bryony, a veteran of last year’s event, gave handouts about the swim, mainly to families up for the day from Nelson and Blenheim. Some had come attracted by the swim, but, they added quickly, not to take part. A 10 year old said “This I have got to see” and there was laughter. It was shaping as a good day. Now one of the attractions at Lake Rotoiti is about 50 large eels living under the jetty. They are beautiful and repulsive at the same time. They are also in the water. The water we intended to enter. Bryony had a very close look at them. Twice. Soon we were joined by Dave and Madeleine, then Dave, also a veteran, and Ron, then Andrew. We walked in the bush for an hour to get toasty. Jasna from Slovenia told us her name meant ‘clear’. It fitted. We returned to the flag, now warmed up, and six of us stripped and prepared to plunge. Three blasts on a horn and in we went to cheers and clapping. Well, five of us did. To our delight a naked Bryony – She Who Looked at the Eels Twice - danced in the winter sunshine. Some of us went back in, Madeleine three times. The crazy French. Afterwards we sat together at a picnic table for a long time, full of joy and gratitude, warming ourselves with good company, hot drinks and shared food. We were not just in the pink; we were rosy. 24 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

Photos by Jasna Mozina and Bill McEwan


gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

FIRE! FIRE! Quick, grab the extinguisher! An approved fire safety auditor, NZNF North Island Vice President, Nick Lowe, offers some sound advice to club management teams about securing their valuable property.


h? What extinguisher? Where? Oh right, that. The one someone donated to the club 15 years ago? May as well go outside and see if you can find a hose. Meanwhile the whole kitchen is ablaze now. It may seem dramatic, but the fact is ‘just having’, a fire extinguisher can be worse than not having one, as this can lead to a false sense of security. In my travels around the clubs in New Zealand, mostly North Island clubs, it is a curse of my profession as a fire safety auditor that I can’t help but cast an eye over any fire fighting equipment or means of escape etc. I have found that in most cases the extinguishers and hose reels have not received the recommended annual checks, not to mention the 5 yearly pressure tests (extinguishers). When choosing the right type of fire extinguisher, you will need to consider the likely types of fire in the area you want to protect e.g. a ‘dry powder’ being a ‘cover all bases’ unit. However it is very messy. For electrical fires CO2 is best. ‘Wet chemical’ is ideal for fatty situations and so on. One club that I know of requires a ‘Building Warrant of Fitness’ each year, and proper maintenance of these units is mandatory. Luckily most clubs don’t require a BWOF, however in some cases your insurance

NZNF Vice President, Nick Lowe, welcomes visitors during ‘A Taste of the Bay’ Gourmet Rally.

company may stipulate the requirement. The fact is that in most cases when a fire extinguisher reaches 5 years old it is cheaper to dump it and replace, rather than get it pressure tested and recharged. This is only viable on the big ones and CO2’s. Unfortunately the dry powder settles and becomes hard over time (particularly in vehicles), which can render it useless and that ‘15yr old’ may as well be thrown at the fire. However the same

26 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

extinguishers are required to be tested 10 yearly in the United States, so you may well perceive 10 years to be an acceptable risk, just be mindful of your insurance requirements. Lastly - as with regulations - your extinguishers should be easily visible, easily reachable and appropriately positioned as well as have a blazon that indicates the type of fire it should be used for. I am only too willing to service your extinguishers

when I am at your grounds and happy to advise you if you have any queries by phone. I may even be able to source equipment. However I won’t even try to compete with Chinese crap that isn’t tested to any New Zealand or Australian standards such as the big box stores will sell you. I hope this is informative and reduces the risk of property and human loss. Nick may be contacted by mobile: 021 495021

Movie themed events Open air movie night Arts & Crafts market Casino evening Catered breakfast Blues, Brews & BBQs Confidence course FULL SPORTS PROGRAMME Registrations are now open. $10 discount on the fee of $150 applies if you register before 31 October

Accommodation limited so get in quick!

HAWKES BAY NATURIST CLUB 28 December 2014 to 3 January 2015

For all registration and accommodation enquiries call Wendy 027 363 0407 or email

Orchard Sun Club Ruby Anniversary 1st November 2014 40 Years as The Orchard and 25 years since the opening of our grounds at Sutton Past members and members of affiliated clubs are invited to join us in celebrating 40 years of “The Orchard Sun Club” and 25 years on our current grounds at Sutton, Middlemarch. Events include “Mix-n-mingle” on Friday night and a three course catered meal followed by a dance on Saturday evening plus activities over the weekend. For further information and to register your interest please telephone Julie on 03 4781026, txt 0224780903 or email Julie Haldane

Wairau Valley, Marlborough - +64 3 5722681 -

gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


New Zealand Naturist Clubs and Resorts North Island: Waitata Bay Bay of Islands Tel: 09 403 8586 Email: Eden Naturally 510 Owhiwa Rd, Onerahi Parua Bay, Whangarei 0192 Phone: +64 9 436 1938 Email: Auckland Naturist Orewa aka Hibiscus Coast Sun Club Inc. PO Box 128 Orewa, 0946. Tel: 09 427 6484 Mob: 027 1357545 Email: Auckland Outdoor Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 95235, Swanson Waitakere 0653. Tel: 09 833 9209 Email: Auckland Sun Club Inc PO Box 20257 Glen Eden, 0641 Auckland Tel: 09 814 9973 Email: Counties Sun Club Inc. 112 Ramarama Road, Ramarama Drury RD3, Auckland 2579 Tel: 027 296 2795 (grounds) Email: Waikato Outdoor Society Inc. PO Box 619 Hamilton 3240 Mob: 027 631 6883 Email: Katikati Naturist Park 149 Wharawhara Road RD2, Katikati, 3178. Tel: 0800 4 567 567 Email: Bay of Plenty Sun Club Inc. PO Box 22 Matata, 3194 Tel: 027 440 5157 Email: Rotota Sun Club Inc. PO Box 1164 Taupo 3351. Grounds: 07 333 7105 Email:

28 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

Taranaki Naturists Club Inc.

297 Brown Rd, RD42, Waitara, 4382 Tel: 06 752 3879, 06 754 4658 Mob. 027 444 2941 Email:

Wai-natur Naturist Park 2704 State Highway 63 Wairau Valley, RD1 Blenheim 7271 Tel: 03 5722 681 Email:

Hawkes Bay Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 551 Napier, 4140. Mob: 027 450 0557 Email:

Pineglades Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 1823 Christchurch, 8140. Mob: 021 052-2528 Email:

Manawatu Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 980 Palmerston North, 4440. Mob: 027 390 4428 Email:

South Canterbury Sun Club Inc. PO Box 13 Geraldine, 7956. Tel: 021 123 5904 Email:

Wellington Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 2854, Wellington 6140. Tel: 04 526 7853, Mob: 027 3306 212 Email:

The Orchard Sun Club Inc. PO Box 5460, Dunedin 9058 Tel: 03 476 3875 Email:

New Zealand wide: Free Beaches NZ Inc PO Box 20-295 Bishopdale, Christchurch 8543 Tel: 06 879 9262 or 03 310 6447 Email:

New Zealand Naturists PO Box 16095 Bethlehem Tauranga 3147 Email: NZ NUDVAN Club Inc. PO Box 619, Hamilton 3240 Email: Leisure Theme NZ Tour Planning Tel: +61 3 98998676

South Island: Nelson Sun Club Inc. PO Box 33, Upper Moutere, Nelson 7144 Mob: 027 710 8025 Email:

Alpine Lakes Naturist Club Inc. PO Box 18 Clyde, Central Otago, 9341 Tel: 0266031439 Email: Southern Naturally Inc. Postal address: 68 Clifden Highway RD1 Tuatapere 9691 Tel/Fax: 03 221 7092 Email:

New Zealand Naturist Federation President: Wendy Lowe Mob: 027 363 0407 Email: Secretary: June Campbell-Tong Tel: 04 2347 918 Email: PO Box 1359 Wellington 6140, New Zealand www. Communications: Donna Miller Mob: 021 0694014 Email:

What’s on Kay at Wai-natur - Photo by Daniel Jackson

For further contact details, check the listing of NZNF affiliated clubs and resorts on the opposite page, or the website: 30 August 2014 Horse racing in clubrooms with TAB Pineglades Naturist Club

29 November 2014 Christmas Function Waikato Outdoor Society

6 September 2014 Wild Food Fest Orchard Sun Club

28 Dec 2014 - 3 Jan 2015 Rapere Film Festival Hawkes Bay Naturist Club

11-14 September 2014 INF World Congress Lough Allen Hotel and Spa Drumshambo Co Leitrim, Ireland

Saturday 21 February 2015 Nude Adventure on the BBQ CAT Wai-natur Naturist Park

19 September 2014 Themed Pot luck Waikato Outdoor Society

Sunday 22 February 2015 Nude Golf International at Wairau Valley Golf Club Hosts: Wai-natur Naturist Park

27 September 2014 Pie night dinner Pineglades Naturist Club

Auckland Outdoor Naturist Club Nude Bingo in the club house Every second Wednesday night

27 September 2014 Club Dinner Wellington Naturist Club

Pineglades Naturist Club Chow and Chatter Last Thursday of each month

2-3-4 October 2014 Private function - grounds closed Orchard Sun club

Taranaki Naturist Club Fish and chip night Every Friday at the club

19 October 2014 Club Open Day Orchard Sun club

Orchard Sun Club Warm swim nights on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 5-6pm. $7 payable at the door. In “the cooler months” they also have a Spa and Sauna session on the 1st Sunday of each month from early March, at Lucky 7, Rattray St, Dunedin. $10 for 2 hours, 5 – 7 pm and features spa, sauna and steam rooms; a plunge pool and lounge. Bring drinks and nibbles.

Sunday 26 October 2014 Yet another Big Splash! Wai-natur Naturist Park 1-2 November 2014 40th Anniversary Celebration Orchard Sun Club 8 November 2014 Phoenix Shield Waikato Outdoor Society

Parakai Springs Naturist Days 1st and 3rd Friday of each month 10am-10pm. Please book as it is comfortable for only 30 persons. Contact Auckland Sun Club Sunday Saunas and Potluck meal Contact: (09) 814 9973 Waikato Outdoor Society Wednesday night Barbecues 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month Wellington Naturists Spa, Sauna and massage Second Sunday of the month 2-5pm Wellington Naturists Catered dinner last Saturday of the month Free Beaches NZ Wellington Region hold a spa night on the first Sunday of each month at Kilbernie Spa. Summer events mainly occur on the first Sunday at Breaker Bay; and third Sunday at Peka Peka Beach. But if the weather’s right - don’t wait! Email: Free Beaches NZ Canterbury Region Swimnights: Burwood physio pool, every first and third Saturday, 6.30pm-7.30pm. For info please email:

gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


30485 Natures-Gonatural NZ AD 5/21/14 3:26 PM Page 1

Uninhibited delights as we visit New Zealand nudist clubs. Hiking, trampolining, nude boat ride and a host of family sports. Seventy-five minutes.. DVD: U.S. $49 / NZ $56 / AU $53

Visit celebrations at Glen Eden and McConville nudist camps where we see a concert, athletics, water aerobics and more. Sixty minutes. DVD: U.S. $39 / NZ $45 / AU $42

Historic first for the Czech Republic. The event was open to male and female, all age groups. Over 300 attendees at this naturist slice of European history. Seventy-five minutes. DVD: U.S. $59 / NZ $68 / AU $64

Over 700 photos taken during the course of three summers at Cap d’Agde, France. Family-sponsored summer camp activities open to the public. DVD: Seventy-five minutes. CD: Over 700 files. DVD/TV viewing: U.S. $99 / NZ $114 / AU $107 CD/Computer viewing: U.S. $99 / NZ $114 / AU $107

Two full hours of non-stop trailers of twenty-nine different nudist lifestyle/family naturist titles. Nudist families at home, sports, parties, dancing, talent show, exercise, beach, summer camp, body painting and celebrations.

Two hours of trailers of 25 nudist lifestyle titles not seen in Previews 1 & 2. Two days, two groups of naturists at the gym, visits to more naturist families at home, energetic activities at two public swimming pools, a dance social, body painting, sports competitions, skinny dipping beach crowds, yoga class and more.

DVD: U.S. $69 NZ $80 AU $75

DVD: U.S. $69 / NZ $80 / AU$75 All four hours of Previews (two DVDs): U.S. $110 / NZ $127 / AU$119

Payment To: LIFESTYLES (NZ) P.O. Box 4820 Culver City CA 90230 U.S.A.

30 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

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gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Pineglades The home of Canterbury naturists * Visitor accommodation * Licensed clubhouse * Powered sites * Heated pool * Playground * Spa/sauna * Barbecue Visit us 135 Brookside Road, Rolleston Mobile 021 0522528 Email

A new holiday offer in the

Bay of Islands

Sick of being cold in winter? Did you know that the ocean around the Gold Coast region stays at an average of 24°C for our whole winter? Plenty of sunshine, cheap airfares, great surf, great food! Thaw out!

Australian Naturist Federation • Located 10 minutes leisure walk to the amenities of romantic & historic Russell. • We offer two exclusive self-catering accommodations at just 50m from the enchanting, friendly and family orientated naturist beach of Waitata Bay. • The 25 ha property also offers privacy and beautiful scenic walks.

For a summer to remember...and more information call us at 09-403 8586 or email to: w w w. w a i t a t a b a y. c o . n z

gonatural Merchandise T-shirts, polo shirts, caps, number plate surrounds, towels, mouse pads and more.

Visit to see what is available and make an order or email

34 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

For more information on Australia’s naturist facilities, contact the ANF, PO Box 426, Corinda QLD 4075 Australia Tel: +61 429 452 700 Email:

Kowhai Heights Clothing Optional Homestay

Waitati — 20km North of Dunedin Enjoy your clothes free lifestyle at our home while you explore Dunedin’s many attractions. 03 482-1953 or 0274576123

Kay Hannam’s memoir relates the nude adventures of one of New Zealand’s best known naturists. Order online: Price includes postage and handling: NZD40.00, NZD45.00 Aus, NZD55.00 O/S Phone +64 3 5722681 or email

Valley View Naturist Bush Retreat The only naturist resort in Far North Queensland

40 minutes from Cairns

Powered sites Unpowered sites On-site accommodation 0061740937007 or 0061428982999

Wellington Naturist Club Close to the city - but a world away

• Family friendly environment featuring heated large pool and children’s pool, sauna and spa, miniten and volleyball courts, petanque, pitch & putt golf, children’s playground, large hall, bush walk, barbeque • Cabins, powered and nonpowered campsites • Day visitors welcome

Email Tel 04 526 7853 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Taranaki Naturist Club 297 Brown Road, RD 42, Waitara Spacious campgrounds set in a private rural setting. Access to river and coastal walks - 10 mins to township. Fully equipped kitchen - Clubhouse, BBQ area Children’s playground - Swimming pool - Games courts. No powered sites available for tents or campers. Caravans for hire. Join us by the sea and be welcomed by on-site residents. Enquiries welcomed. Phone 06 752 3879, 06 754 4658, Mob 027 444 2941 ~ Email:


A congenial naturist environment on spacious private grounds, in a delightful rural setting. We offer: • Full camping facilities with powered sites and kitchen facilities. • A large, modern clubhouse with indoor games facilities and social area. • BBQ area, swimming pools, children’s play area, petanque, miniten courts. Our little patch of Paradise has to be experienced -

Now is the time.

Mobile: 027 390 4428 Write to: PO Box 980, Palmerston North 4440 Email: Colin & Trish - Web:

NEW ZEALAND NATURISTS Supporters of naturism in New Zealand For naturists who wish to enjoy the benefits of belonging to the social naturist community throughout New Zealand. Members receive the gonatural magazine, newsletters and NZNF membership cards. To find out more contact the Secretary: PO Box 16095 Bethlehem Tauranga 3147 Email: 36 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

OBITUARY MURIEL HOWELL 1923 – 2014 Muriel Howell passed away on 23 May 2014 in Dunedin. She was in her 91st year. Muriel was a Foundation member of the Waikato Outdoor Society Inc 1969 at Pirongia, having held many positions on committee including President, Secretary, and Social. My wife, Barbara, and I joined the club (WOS) in 1971 with our family and were nominated by Muriel and Stan Howell who looked after us. Members had many good times at Muriel’s home and at the club. Muriel was a founder Trustee of Geyser Land, now Rotota, along with myself as Trustee and also a very active member of the Japan Society in Hamilton. Stan Gartner

Classified Advertisement Natural Tai chi classes for beginners and advanced. Clothes optional. Auckland Phone 09 8289800

moral and financial support. A long-drop was converted to a flush toilet, a composting toilet was built and lawns, gardens and trees are an ongoing source of work. An outdoor entertainment area was built several years ago.

But when it came to the gate and roads, it was a different story. A new electronic sliding gate was installed in early 2013 but there were issues with loose road metal being washed into the tracks during the storms last year. It has been discussed for many years that the road from the gate to the top of the hill should be sealed, but funding was always an issue. Finally, it was decided to go ahead with this major project with the assistance of a loan from Percy Cousins Trust and the rental income from permanent residents on the grounds.

A ro und & A b ou t … Rapere roading upgrade Members of Hawkes Bay Naturist Club are constantly improving their grounds, but there are times when there is a need for some heavy machinery A lot of the maintenance work around naturist clubs is done through volunteer labour, either at or between working bees, but there comes a point where outside help is needed. A case in point is Hawkes Bay Naturist Club. Many improvements have been done around the grounds over the last 50 years through the efforts of the members, either through physical labour, keeping the willing workers fed or

Even once the decision was made late last year, it was a long time in the making, and there was a lot of preparation work to be done; with drains to be dug, concrete pipes to be laid, culverts and swales to be created, but it was all worth it. It was then the turn of heavy machinery working over the course of several weeks grading the road, laying new base course and compacting it. Finally, on a cold crisp winter morning the sealing of the road was done. This will make life easier for larger vehicles arriving at Rapere, as the road has been widened in places and there is now more traction on the uphill sections. It will also mean no more loose metal in the gate tracks. And just in time for the rally at the end of the year! Wendy Lowe gonatural Issue 230, September 2014 37

Around & About . . . Auckland Outdoor Naturist Club

Our AGM in June was interesting and successful. Many issues were resolved and we have a new committee with a healthy mixture of standing members and new members. Two of our committee members stood down after some sterling efforts and we welcomed a new Vice-President and other new committee members. Several work projects have been successfully completed; a highlight being Arbour Day, 14 June, when 220 new trees were planted. Thanks to everyone who contributed. We have had some very successful social events in the last couple of months, including our usual monthly takeaways, a Mexican Evening and other activities over the Easter weekend, and a Masquerade Ball in May. The Ball was good fun. The MC for the evening introduced a bevy of contestants with some excellent costumes. After a secret ballot of those present, all three categories were won by Don and Minka whose costumes you can see in the photo Facebook wouldn’t allow. Runners-up were Dennis and Anna in the Couples category and Dennis and Beth in the Individual categories. Our Takeaway Night for June was a very popular Pie, Mash and Peas Dinner organised by the Head Chef with assistance from Chief Masher and Chief Stirrer. On Wednesday 25 June, we had the first of our fortnightly Nude Bingo. Beef casserole and rice were provided with an enjoyable evening held in front of a roaring fire in the clubhouse. Our new committee is planning an eventful year for us including November’s Takeaway Night which will be a Burger Night followed by an outdoor showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is to get us in the mood for the Rocky Horror Social two weeks later. Time for the men to don their Basques, fishnets and high heels. “Let’s do the Time Warp, yeah!” We also look forward to Open Days, Christmas Party and the Oranui Games. Jeff Norman 38 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

Around & About . . . Rotota Sun Club

After a very successful rally ‘Roman Rotota’ over the New Year 2013/14 it’s back to the business of enjoying our wonderful environment. In preparation for the Rally we had working bees that saw us moving the water tanks, refurbishing the club caravans and getting all the chores that needed doing done. So the grounds are looking very neat and tidy. Arbour Day in April was remembered and members used the opportunity to plant native trees and shrubs in our grounds. An ‘all things botanical’ enthusiast had cultivated around 200 seedlings that are now planted out in the hope it will encourage even more bird life to match what we have in our bush land. We have also been partying with themed discos over the long weekends and Easter break. Our clubrooms are looking great with a donation of professional lighting from one of our members so it really sets the mood for dancing. As Easter was close to Anzac day this year we had an Anzac theme with Easter eggs hunts and activities for our children and hot cross buns in the club rooms. Our AGM was held recently. It’s usually a little chilly in June but fine weather was very welcome. A soup and bread night was held in our clubhouse, also bingo in the buff proved popular. Thanks to our wood burner we can still wear club uniform in the winter. We raised money for our club with raffles and two of our artists have donated a painting each to sell at a silent auction. This has proved a good fund raiser.

Southern Naturally

In June, Club members enjoyed mid winter dinner at Aparima. It was great to see so many turn out. The club house looked like a Marae on Saturday night. Several members slept in the hall on sofas and mattresses. It was so nice and warm with the fire going. Sunday there was plenty of noise of chainsaws going cutting wood and getting some odd jobs around the club done. The dinner was great. Everyone brought something to eat; good company and lots of laughs. After the main meal was finished we had a committee meeting in club unifrom. There are plans to re-pile the club house, paint the club house and to do up the toilets and shower. After the meeting, pudding was served. It then was clean up time and pack the car - which no one wants to do as it means the lovely weekend is over and it’s time to drive home for work on Monday. Inside the club house a baby owl had come down the flue of the fire place. Ernie managed to catch it and set it free. You just never know what you might find when you come to visit our club. Wilma Kremer

Wellington Naturist Club

Extract from their July newsletter. In anticipation of the INF Congress in 2016, a work list has been compiled of projects that need to be completed. Maintenance is now being carried out on the bridge to Faraway Land. The old wire mesh covering on the wooden bridge deck has been removed, partly because it was breaking and causing sharp edges. It is also intended to remove some of the end decking planks to get access for the reinforcing of the bridge supports. Visitors are reminded that CARE MUST BE TAKEN WHEN CROSSING THE BRIDGE with the mesh removed as it can be quite slippery when wet. A new plastic DEKGRIP anti-slip mesh will be laid on the deck after the repairs have been completed. There may be a time when the bridge will be closed when the steel supports on both ends are replaced. Access would of course be over the main concrete bridge.

Pineglades Naturist Club

Onward to spring and more swims in our beautiful lake. Cynthia McKenzie

Under the direction of our new president, Chris Nee, Pineglades members have been cutting up and splitting the wood piles from the trees that were blown down in the October storms. Approx 100 trailer loads are now ready for sale. As is usually the case the working party were well fed for their efforts. Then later this year we will be taking down another 50 plus trees. Members will be firewood merchants by the end of this project. Tony Nee gonatural Issue 230, September 2014


Around & About . . . Hawkes Bay Naturist Club

The mid-winter Christmas dinner at Hawkes Bay Naturist Club is always well attended and this year was no exception. The day started with an awesome working bee; there were people working on several projects around the grounds and a lot of work was done in preparation for the rally at the end of the year. Trees and gardens were the main focus of the efforts, with three large macrocarpas cut down and chopped, ready to be sold as firewood in a few months. Various gardens were also weeded and re-planted, to ensure a great display over the summer. And of course we can’t forget Trev’s kitchen team who produced a great hot lunch for all the workers and a sumptuous three-course dinner. The theme for the dinner was kept simple this year: Pyjama party. Guests were treated to a nonalcoholic hot toddy, warmed on the wood burner. Dinner was followed by drinks and convers ati o n around the fire, accompanied by live guitar music. Everyone who attended agreed it was a wonderful evening, topped off by the drawing of the raffle, which was won by long-time member Dave. A hot topic of conversation during the evening was of course the impending rally, which promises to be a great event. Two bands, a theatre group and a mystery trip are just some of the highlights of the Rapere Film Festival. The mystery trip is something that has never been done before and places will be limited when bookings open in a few months. There will also be a trip to the hot springs for the adventurous, in addition to a full sports program. The grounds are in great shape and the planning is going well, to ensure that this will be another great Hawkes Bay rally. All we need to book now is a week of sunshine and warmth! Accommodation is filling up fast, so get your registration and requirements in as soon as possible and make sure you pay in full before 31 October to take advantage of the early bird discount. Contact details are on our advertisement on page 27. Wendy Lowe 40 gonatural Issue 230, September 2014

Wai-natur Naturist Park

Brian and I finally made the difficult decision to allow our loyal Border Collie Nud a gentle death in May. His ashes and Cremains are now buried with some of his favourite toys under the Pergola overlooking the pool. Such a beauty and a clever and enthusiastic companion for Brian and me and our visitors. Many of us would walk for anywhere between four and ten kms across The Wolds and Irishman Creek while Nud would probably have chased rabbits around twenty-four kms in the same period. Moe and Jerry sent us this pic taken during their stay at Wai-natur last summer and photo-bombed by Nud, waiting ever so patiently for someone to throw the stick.

Our Summer Diary begins at Labour Weekend with Yet Another Big Splash! Bring some friends along for the day or for the weekend. The bicycles will be brought out of Brian’s shed for another Tri-Nude around the grounds. Earmark Saturday 21st February in your diary for the Nude Adventure on the BBQ CAT. The following day Sunday 22nd February, the annual Nude Golf International will be played at Wairau Valley Golf Course. We have received an indication from two UK couples, both of whom have played in previous tournaments. I’ll let you guess who. One is a former winner of the magnificent trophy, and another was runner-up the following year. And yes, they will be bringing their own golf clubs. Talk about throwing down the gauntlet! In search of the endless summer, I will be in France by the time you read this. Brian and I will be back in New Zealand in October with exciting news about the 2016 Congress from my side trip to Ireland Kay Hannam PS. Kay and Brian need your help! You need to be a physically fit, non-smoking, naturist single or couple, with your own accommodation and would like to live in a secure and peaceful naturist park. If you enjoy gardening, cleaning and meeting people and would like to help with the park’s operation, please give us a call. Hours of work are flexible and by mutual agreement.

Readers pics

June ca ught in th e garden by Dawn ’s


the beach Kayla on Scott and

Outside back cover: Jean and Margo at Wai-natur - Photo by Brian Williams

for health and wellbeing

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