The Jesuit Community of St Aloysius Gonzaga
Gonzaga Board of Trustees
Danny and Jacqueline Diaz
The Maggiano Family and HigherEchelon, Inc
Thomas and Jennifer Mooney
Julin and Michael Williams
The Ferrante Family
Cortney and Kirk Morgan
Allison and Matt Shay
Bethesda Contracting Co , Inc
Built by Bennett Gonzaga Onyx Moms
Kristen and Mark Allen
Anne Kelley Events
The Badrak Family
Greg and Robin Bernhard
Peter and Jennifer Brooks
Jennifer and Jeff Burnside
Patrick and Christine Calpin
Karen Christian and David Torborg
Coakley & Williams Construction
Steven and Amy Coles
Jay and Elizabeth Cormier
John Corso, Sr and Marian Sullivan
Olivia Dorieux and John Lonergan
John and Sarah Egge
Tom Flanigan and Jessica Herrera-Flanigan
The Giving Dogs
Philo and Elizabeth Hall
Brian and Mary Hanfling
Trey and Ashley Hardin
Tricia and Donald Holley
Jim Coleman Toyota
JRD Law PLLC, Jo Ritcey
The Keefe Family
Paul and Shannon Kopplin
Jennifer and David Leland
Trish Lingan, John Fowler, and Casey Lingan ‘96
Logistics, Capital & Strategy, LLC
Lost Whiskey Club, Nick and Lizzy Cioffi
Chris and Jen Lukawski
Dana and Walt Lukken
Hazel and Bob Lychak
Chris and Neil MacBride
Michael and Lorin Allan
Holly Bamford and Shannon Carroll
Eugene and Trina Barlow
The Carter Family
Andre and Amanda Christian
Alex and Michelle DelPizzo
Dolci Gelati, Gianluigi and Anastasia Dellaccio
RADM Sinclair Harris USN
Retired, Gonzaga Board of Trustees
Kim and Todd Howard
John and Alicia Keller
Landscapes by Peel
Mr and Mrs Sydney Lee III
The Mackie Family
optX Imaging Systems
Catherine and Mark Peterson
Franny Rock
Jason and Erin Thielman
Washington Aloysius Foundation
Ayana and Ronald Machen
Darcy and Malcolm Marshall
Liz Martin and Chris Coakley
Shannon and Bob McCarter
Michelle and Andrew Merkle
Shannon and Ted Merkle
Erik and Beth Milito
Brian and Mary Miller
Ryan and Amy Modlin
Andrew and Maryellen Moline
Tara Moore and Reginald Adams
Bryan and Laura Orme
Bridget and Brian O’Toole
Karen and John Owczarski
The Portolese Family
Brooke and Ben Roth
Rubin, Turnbull & Associates
Sarah and Tom Scherer
Kevin and Janet Schwalb
Don and Shannon Seay
Jenn and Mike Shumaker
The Skorny Family
Lindsay and Gail Slater
Sarah and Dane Smith
Stephen and Kelly Smith
Steve and Jeanette Staton
MaryAnne and Ryan Szymkowicz
Mike and Ines Thornburg, Emblemax
Rachel Welch and Gerry Salemme
Sheryl and Michael Wilbon
Brigen and Jennifer Winters
Bryan and Kristen Wood
Katherine Yonkers and Kelly Welch
John and Maria Arias
Tania Chomiak-Salvi and Lucantonio Salvi
Jamie and John Fotos
Andrew Friedman and Karen Harriman
Adriana and Charles Gartland
Susan Janec and William Steyn
Dawn and Dan Kretz
Kurt and Suzanne Marisa
Scott and Jessica McKeen
Maria O’Donnell and Jason Hutt
Juliana Park and Todd Tescher
Mary and David Ralston
Renee and Tyson Redpath
Dear Members of the Gonzaga Community and Friends,
Dear Members of the Gonzaga Community and Friends,
Dear Members of the Gonzaga Community and Friends,
Welcome! It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 44th Annual Gonzaga Gala presented by the Gonzaga Mothers Club. This year's theme “St. Aloysius Old World Christmas,” highlights the wonder and beauty that Christmas inspires in our imaginings, memories, and family traditions. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this evening's Gala.
Welcome! It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 44th Annual Gonzaga Gala presented by the Gonzaga Mothers Club. This year's theme “St. Aloysius Old World Christmas,” highlights the wonder and beauty that Christmas inspires in our imaginings, memories, and family traditions. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this evening's Gala.
by the Gonzaga Mothers Club. This year's theme “St. Aloysius Old World Christmas,” highlights the wonder and beauty that Christmas inspires in our imaginings, memories, and family traditions. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this evening's Gala.
Welcome! It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 44th Annual Gonzaga Gala presented by the Gonzaga Mothers Club. This year's theme “St. Aloysius Old World Christmas,” highlights the wonder and beauty that Christmas inspires in our imaginings, memories, and family traditions. It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this evening's Gala.
Once again, our wonderful Gonzaga Moms have worked hard to make certain that this year's Gala would be an evening to celebrate and remember all to the benefit of our school. Through their generous and tireless efforts our campus has been transformed into a wonderful reminder of the gift that is Christmas.
Once again, our wonderful Gonzaga Moms have worked hard to make certain that this year's Gala would be an evening to celebrate and remember all to the benefit of our school. Through their generous and tireless efforts our campus has been transformed into a wonderful reminder of the gift that is Christmas.
Once again, our wonderful Gonzaga Moms have worked hard to make certain that this year's Gala would be an evening to celebrate and remember all to the benefit of our school. Through their generous and tireless efforts our campus has been transformed into a wonderful reminder of the gift that is Christmas.
I thank all who have contributed to making this evening most special. I especially wish to thank this year's Gala chairs, Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux-Lonergan, Shannon Merkle, and Tara Moore, as well as all the members of the Gala Committee who dedicated countless hours to ensure the success of this year’s Gala event.
Once again, our wonderful Gonzaga Moms have worked hard to make certain that this year's Gala would be an evening to celebrate and remember all to the benefit of our school. Through their generous and tireless efforts our campus has been transformed into a wonderful reminder of the gift that is Christmas.
I thank all who have contributed to making this evening most special. I especially wish to thank this year's Gala chairs, Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux-Lonergan, Shannon Merkle, and Tara Moore, as well as all the members of the Gala Committee who dedicated countless hours to ensure the success of this year’s Gala event.
I thank all who have contributed to making this evening most special. I especially wish to thank this year's Gala chairs, Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux-Lonergan, Shannon Merkle, and Tara Moore, as well as all the members of the Gala Committee who dedicated countless hours to ensure the success of this year’s Gala event.
In addition, I wish to thank all who have sponsored tonight's Gala, as well as all who generously donated auction items. Finally, to the many volunteers who are assisting with this year's Gala event, please know, your generous service and commitment to Gonzaga is deeply appreciated!
I thank all who have contributed to making this evening most special. I especially wish to thank this year's Gala chairs, Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux-Lonergan, Shannon Merkle, and Tara Moore, as well as all the members of the Gala Committee who dedicated countless hours to ensure the success of this year’s Gala event.
In addition, I wish to thank all who have sponsored tonight's Gala, as well as all who generously donated auction items. Finally, to the many volunteers who are assisting with this year's Gala event, please know, your generous service and commitment to Gonzaga is deeply appreciated!
Tonight, we gather in the sacred season of Advent in anticipation of celebrating Jesus' birth. I pray that you, your family and loved ones enjoy a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
In addition, I wish to thank all who have sponsored tonight's Gala, as well as all who generously donated auction items. Finally, to the many volunteers who are assisting with this year's Gala event, please know, your generous service and commitment to Gonzaga is deeply appreciated!
Tonight, we gather in the sacred season of Advent in anticipation of celebrating Jesus' birth. I pray that you, your family and loved ones enjoy a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
In addition, I wish to thank all who have sponsored tonight's Gala, as well as all who generously donated auction items. Finally, to the many volunteers who are assisting with this year's Gala event, please know, your generous service and commitment to Gonzaga is deeply appreciated!
Tonight, we gather in the sacred season of Advent in anticipation of celebrating Jesus' birth. I pray that you, your family and loved ones enjoy a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
Tonight, we gather in the sacred season of Advent in anticipation of celebrating Jesus' birth. I pray that you, your family and loved ones enjoy a Blessed and Merry Christmas.
Rev. Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. '75 President
Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. '75
Rev. Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. '75 President
Rev. Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. '75 President
W e a r e s o p r o u d o f o u r E a g l e s !
Mikey ‘24, Rocco ’26, and Jacob ‘27 The Williams Family
Gonzaga Mothers Club
Executive Committee
President Sarah Scherer
Vice President
Tara Moore
Vice President
Alexandra LeFrankie
Secretary Dana Lukken
Treasurer Shannon Seay
Database Manager
Shannon Merkle
Communications Nicole Philbin
Past President
Shannon Kopplin
Rev. Joseph E. Lingan, S.J. ‘75
On behalf of the Gonzaga Mothers Club, I am honored to welcome you to Gonzaga’s 44th annual Christmas Gala, St. Aloysius Old World Christmas. We are grateful for the opportunity to gather together to celebrate the Christmas season and the spirit, traditions, and fellowship that make Gonzaga so special.
We particularly want to thank our sponsors and all the families and friends who generously supported this year’s Gala. Whether it was through the purchase of an ad or Gala merchandise, or the donation of items for our live or silent auction, this evening’s success is a direct reflection of the participation by our entire Gonzaga family.
The Gala is a gift to the Gonzaga community, lovingly dedicated through the time and talent of so many Gonzaga Mothers Club volunteers. Our 2024 Gala Chairs – Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux, Shannon Merkle, and Tara Moore –led a fabulous team of dedicated Gala Committee Chairs, and have given us a true labor of love in our St. Aloysius Old World Christmas. May that generous spirit remain in all of us this evening.
We wish all of the Gonzaga community a blessed and very Merry Christmas.
2024-2025 Gonzaga Mothers Club President
December 7, 2024
Dec. 7, 2024
Gonzaga Gala
Thank you for making St. Aloysius Old World Christmas a wonderful success Your support of the 44th annual Gonzaga Gala has truly made this a joyous season on Eye Street
The Gonzaga Gala brings together the tremendous spirit of the Gonzaga Community Tonight‘s Gala would not be possible without the sponsors, donors, committee chairs and volunteers who give so generously of their time, treasure and talent A special thanks to Fr Joseph Lingan, David Dugan and the amazing Gonzaga faculty and staff, as well as the Gonzaga Mothers and Fathers Clubs They work year-round to support the Gala – Gonzaga’s biggest fundraiser for our students and our school community
Tonight’s Gala is critical to the Gonzaga mission of shaping our sons into “Men for Others ” Your generosity will open Gonzaga’s doors to students who might not otherwise receive a Jesuit education Additionally, the Gala supports several of the best aspects of Gonzaga: service projects, spiritual development for our students and faculty, our rigorous and well-rounded curriculum, and the community building events sponsored by the Gonzaga Mothers Club
Again, thank you for your generous support of the Gala and enjoy St. Aloysius Old World Christmas
We are so happy to share Christmas joy with each of you on Eye Street We wish you a very blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year
Your 2024 Gonzaga Gala Chairs, Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux, Shannon Merkle and Tara Moore
Owners Mike Thiede (son George 27') and Jason Henry wish
Gala Chairs
Jennifer Burnside
Olivia Dorieux
Shannon Merkle
Tara Moore
GMC President
Sarah Scherer
Gala Treasurer
Shannon Seay
Communications and Social Media
Nicole Philbin
Gala Grams
Maura Lannan
Program Editor
Sarah Scherer
Marie Bunag
Kadeen Menzie
Tree McKinnon
Family & Business Ads
Jen Cedoz
Mary Fran Delaune
Michelle Prisco
Parish Ads
Leah LaMonica
Liz Martin
Julie Welch
Kristen Wood
Sponsorship Concierge
Shana Keefe
Gala Volunteer Coordinator
Heidi Capati
Gala Supply Coordinator
Kim Davis
Eagles Wings
Mary Sheila Evans
Patricia Lingan
Purple Moon
Josie Militello
Molly Wolff
Live/Almost Live
Lisa Bongardt
Dede Curteman
Caroline Hollas
Athletic Eagle
Mary Fran Delaune
Christine Fintel
Carole Lindsay
Eagle Adventures
Stacy Chin
Claire Portolese
Eye Street Gallery
Heather Heil
Jennifer Winters
Parties with a Purpose
Lorin Allan
Melody Caprio
Sherwood Turnbull
Ann Woodson
Ashley Hardin
Tosha Martinez
Alison McHugh
Tara Rice
Christine Fintel
Liz Hall
Allison Shay
Wine Pull
Wendy Kehoe
Mary Newcomb
Kristen Allen
Corey Siembieda
Jeanette Staton
Amazon Coordination
Carol Hom
Michelle Merkle
Meeting Hospitality
Kim Davis
Our Gratitude to the Faculty, Staff and Community of Gonzaga
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o and the Class of 2025!
Patrick, Christine, Henry ’25, and Ellie Calpin
1981 Claire Cooney Christmas Gala
1982 Thea Nardi Christmas Around the World
1983 Rosemarie Buckley & Nora Tiffey Gonzaga’s Country Christmas
1984 Thea Nardi Winter Wonderland
1985 Debbie File Victorian Christmas
1986 Elena Johnson & Thea Nardi Colonial Christmas
1987 Maureen Ferroli & Nora Tiffey Chesapeake Bay Christmas
1988 Nancy Griffin & Shelby Ruddy Christmas in the City
1989 Cathy Aldeman & Barbara Blank A Christmas Fiesta
1990 Joan Broadnick & Carol Kluttz Christmas in Toyland
1991 Ellen Murray & Petey O’Brien An American Christmas
1992 Shannon Sorzano & Denise Balzano On Angel’s Wings
1993 Riz Carey & Pat Cox Miracle on Eye Street
1994 Emily Mahoney Peace—Let it Begin With Me
1995 Pam Hall & Pam Lucey The Spirit of Giving—A Gonzaga Tradition
1996 Jan Test & Gerry Welch A Time to Rejoice
1997 Barbara Mullarkey & Mary Del Bianco A Mid-Winter’s Eve
1998 Sharon Raimo & Cathy Pfeiffer It’s a Wonderful Life
1999 Vivian O’Neill & Mary Mills Roman Holiday
2000 Karen Fornaro & Christine Murray Christmas in Provence
2001 Katie Brady & Suzanne Derby Deck the Halls
2002 Cathie Desmarais & Judy Stack A Christmas Legacy—The Heart of Gonzaga Traditions
2003 Ann McMurray & Mary Ralston A Spirit Runs Through It
2004 Debbie Onufrychuk & Jeanne Wallace Angels on Eye—The Light of Gonzaga
2005 Ginna Chambers & Ann Newell A Star Shines on Eye Street
2006 Alice Curtin & Karen Stewart Many Gifts, One Spirit—The Silver Anniversary Gala
2007 Jane Balkam & Barbara Heffernan An Old Fashioned Christmas
2008 Julia Casey & Joan Knetemann The Music of Eye Street
2009 Jonna Stoycos & Terri Burke
Christmas Gala
2010 Maureen McCarty
Christmas Gala
2011 My-Hanh Burr & Nancy Leach Christmas on Eye Street—The 30th Anniversary Gala
2012 Katherine Long & Carrie O’Hara
Celtic Christmas
2013 Marcella Townsend & Karen Hill Sleigh Bells on Eye Street
2014 Meghan McCaleb, Jill Mote, & MaryBeth Powers
Purple Polar Express
2015 Tahneena Barron & Ana Rivas-Beck Miracle on Eye Street
2016 Kathy Kirvan, Andrea Mellado & Kimberly Notarianni Nutcracker Suite on Eye Street
2017 Kim Howland & Maggie Sinnott Mejia Winter Wonderland
2018 Lidia Barnes, Meghan O’Boyle & Maggie Sinnott Mejia Jingle & Mingle
2019 Sheila Maloney, Meghan O’Boyle & Kristen Wood Making Spirits Bright
2020 Katie Ronca & Laura Tramonte Gonzaga’s 40th Gala: The Ruby Celebration
2021 Jeanette Staton, Jennifer Winters & Colleen Schrier A Roaring Return
2022 Alison Heafitz, Jennifer Mooney & Jeanette Staton It’s Christmastime in the City
2023 Olivia Dorieux, Alison Heafitz, Shannon Merkle & Jennifer Mooney Angels We Have Heard on Eye
2024 Jennifer Burnside, Olivia Dorieux, Shannon Merkle & Tara Moore
St. Aloysius Old World Christmas
Our heartfelt appreciation to the amazing Faculty and Staff of Gonzaga.
We are blessed to have you in our lives.
Thank you for all you do to make our sons Men for Others. They couldn’t do it without you.
- The Gonzaga Mothers Club
Andre Abrantes
Yaphet Afeworki
Thomas Albero
Peter Allen
John Alzona
Dylan Amolsch
Lucas Angier
John-Michael Apostol
DeVenchi Arnold II
Gianluca Balestrieri
Burette Baran
Palmer Bice
Michael Bicksel
Anderson Bishop
John Bradshaw, Jr.
Thomas Brady V
Adam Brittain
Andrejs Brooks
John Broome
Ethan Brown
Jackson Brown
William Buckley
Jose Maria Eduardo Bunag
Jose Maria Lorenzo Bunag
William Burkhart
Carter Cadin
Henry Calpin
Colin Carpenter
Nathaniel Carr
Thomas Choquette
Gaetano Cicotello
Andrew Clark
Kaleb Cole
James Coogan
Lucas Cousins
Cooper Cowley
Patrick Coyne
Hartwell Craig
Colin Crowe
Benjamin Cruley
Langston Davis
William Decker
James Deerin
Christopher Delaune
Andrew DelToro
Brayden DeVaul
Diego Diaz
Christopher DiLorenzo
Derek Dixon
Owen Donohoe
Kellan Dugas
Max Dunn
Samuel Dunton
John Eager
John Egge
John Eich
Declan Ewald
Theodore Thomas Ewald
Giovanni Fabi
Benjamin Feinberg
Jacob Fernando
Lincoln Fisher
Mason Flax
Luke Forde
Gavin Fore
Aidan Foster
Zachary Foulkes
Christian Francis
David Fred
Edward Friesz
Thomas Gabay
Christian Gaffney
Mac Gage
Jack Gardner
Quinn Gibson
Bryce Gilbertson
Francisco Gonzalez
Jesus Gonzalez
Joseph Greenhaus
Jake Gularson
Christian Gurdak
Matisse Haag
Samuel Hahm
Anderson Harlor
August Harper
William Harper III
Tyler Harry
Ethan Heim
Austin Herndon, Jr.
Aakash Hill
Carter Hillyer
John Hirko
Andrew Hoffman
John Holley
Ivan Hughes
James Hugo
Alexander Irisari
Tyler Jasek
Carter Jefferson
Ryu Johnson
Frederick Jones
Mark Jungers
Andrew Kalitka
Kevin Kane
Haitham Karim
Thomas Keefe
Daniel Keller
Thomas Kemp
Matthew Kennedy
Aedan Kiesner
Patrick Kopplin
Gavin Kosch
George Koutrouvelis
Anthony Kozuch
James Kramer
John Krivka
Andres Krizan-Luque
Zachary Kumar
Benjamin Lee II
James LeFaivre III
Nykolas Lewis
Michael Licamele
Luca Limarzi
Marco Limarzi
Sullivan Locraft
Carson Looney
Samuel Lukawski
Alistair MacBride
Julian Mackie
Elijah Maddox
Gabriel Mallek
Hosea Malley
John Mann
Christian Marmor
Luis Martinez-Molina
Luke Matelis
Sean May
Pharaoh Mayo-Carey
Lonnie McAllister III
Robert McCarthy IV
Cash McDade
Luke McDermott
Aidan McGee
Timothy McGrail
Colin McGuinness
Gavin McIntosh
Nicolás McKee
Andrew McKeen
Jack McNair
Ryan McPhail
Daniel Mebrahtu
Braeden Meeker
Jacob Mendenhall
Bryan Mercado
Ethan Merkle
Kyle Merkle
William Milito
Noah Miranda
Jason Mohr
Gabriel Molina-Majano
Miguel Monteverde III
Charles Moore
Cooper Mowrey
James Mulholland
Chase Noyes
Conor O’Brien
Caleb Oliver
John Parfomak
Ryan Paxton
Zachary Pepperman
Colin Phoel
Christopher Pirone
Matthew Podratsky
James Prater
William Prisco
Caleb Quartey
Brighton Rabin
Ryan Rafferty
Pierce Reisig
Jaden Rivas
Michael Rock
Zion Rogers
Brendan Rosello
Gabriel Routh
Michael Salemme
Dev Saluja
Stephen Salvi
Michael Schaefer
Henry Scherer
Jack Schwalb
Brendan Seay
Christopher Settle III
Matthew Shay, Jr.
Edwin Siembieda
John SiemietkowskiNeedham
Timothy SiemietkowskiNeedham
Luke Slater
Bearand Smith
Wyatt Smith
Ariel Solares
Zachary Sousa
Matthew Sowell
Hudson Spencer
Andrew Stansel
Sean Stanton
Rex Stinchcomb
Samuel Stogoski
Matthew Sucato
Nicholas Sucato
Thomas Szymkowicz
Samuel Terry, Jr.
Benjamin Tescher
Ryan Thomas
Connor Tierney
Calvin Timm
James Tobin IV
Andrew Torborg
Alexander Touomou
Courtland Tucker
John Turner
Peter Turner
Dylan Valencia
Matthew Van Sice
William Veneri
Coleton Vernon
Roman Villegas
Leo Wach
Charles Wagner
Justin Wallace
Clayton Wang
Johnathan Watson
Graham Weinstein
Jac Welsch
Caden Wilkinson
Noah Winder
Kelvin Winston
Alec Wood
Mikael Wube
Malcolm Wyatt
Nahom Yohannes
Giovanni Zapattini
Miguel Zein
Jayden Zollarcoffer
Our thanks to the many volunteers who helped make our Gala a huge success.
Thank you for contributing your time, energy, and talent.
Every one of you is so appreciated!
May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season; we wish you a joy-filled Christmas.
- The 2024 Gonzaga Gala Committee
6:00 p.m.
Doors open
Cocktails, conversation and Silent Auction bidding
7:45 p.m.
Doors open to the Carmody Center “Grand Ballroom”
8:15 p.m.
Welcome program and dinner
Heads or Tails, Live Auction, and Raise the Paddle with our Mistress of Ceremonies, Sherry Truhlar
Dancing at the after party in the Upper Commons
10:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m.
Checkout is available in the Lower Commons
Checkout closes and the night concludes
Please drive safely
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s
and the Senior Class of 2025.
We love you, Wyatt.
Mom, Dad, and Callahan
K e e p c a t c h i n g t h o s e w a v e s !
During this season of Thanksgiving, there are countless reasons to be thankful for
Tonight, we hope you will Raise Your Paddle in appreciation for what Gonzaga has given to your son and to your family
Raise Your Paddle in honor of your son’s favorite teacher or coach or in recognition of the impact the spirit of service has had on him
Raise Your Paddle as a shout-out to the team or club that has enriched your son’s time at Gonzaga
Raise Your Paddle to celebrate the bonds of brotherhood and friendship your son has formed on Eye Street
There are so many reasons we are thankful for Gonzaga
We hope you will consider a generous gift when you are invited to RAISE YOUR PADDLE!
All gifts raised during the Raise the Paddle portion of the Gala go to support the Gonzaga Annual Fund
Thank you for Raising Your Paddle for Gonzaga!
The Gonzaga Annual Fund is the critical source of support that allows Gonzaga to keep tuition relatively low for all families -- while supporting both faculty salaries and tuition assistance for those students who otherwise would not be able to attend Gonzaga The reality is that tuition alone falls far short of meeting the costs of running the school -- with actual per-student costs over $7,500 more than tuition When you support the Annual Fund, you help keep Gonzaga affordable and accessible for all families, while funding things like faculty salaries and financial aid that are essential to the Gonzaga experience
T h e K e e f e F a m i l y
and the Class of 2025 M e r r y C h r i s t m a s
wishes the entire Gonzaga community a and a safe and H a p p y N e w Y e a r Jack ‘28
Anne & Michael Kelley ‘02
For $30, play Heads or Tails before the Live Auction begins Each guest may purchase one chance to play this fun game of luck Players pick “heads” or “tails”… and touch their head or touch their tail! The coin is flipped and those who chose correctly are still in the game and can play again; everyone else sits down The last person standing gets the coveted “Neon G,” which has auctioned off for as much as $4,000 in the past!
For $35, pull a bottle of wine from the wine tree to reveal your prized bottle of vino All bottles were donated by the wine connoisseurs in the Gonzaga community and are at least $25 retail with more than a dozen valued over $100! Feel free to buy more than one… Christmas is coming… you need some wine! Wine not?
Thank you to the following generous donors who made the wine pull possible:
Ingrid Allen
Lorin Allen
Jennifer and Jeff Burnside
Jen Cedoz
Amanda Christian
Danielle Curry
Dede Curteman
Suzanne Duvalsaint
Christine Fintel
Nathaniel Gillespie
MaryAnne Sapio Groharing
Nancy Harrington
The Hollas Family
Catherine Irisari
Annie and Dave Keffler
Maura and Bob Lannan
Becky Lilly
Vanessa Lim
Eileen MacDonald
Erin Maguire
Jennifer Matellis
Kathyrn Maxwell
Shannon Merkle
Bethany Molter
Tara Moore
Kristin Moorhouse
Rachele Oh
Ann Reisig
Tara Rice
Christy Scango
Sarah Scherer
Beth Scott
Catherine Seangino
Allison Shay
Georgina Sperber
Maggie Sullivan
Ines Thornburg
Mary Tracy
Kristen Walker
Roxanne Wallace
Julie Welch
Purchase a glass of champagne for $100 and you are entered for a chance to win this beautiful diamond bangle from Boone & Sons Jewelers. The 14k yellow gold flexible bangle bracelet has 1.50 carats of diamonds and is valued at $4,600. Only 100 chances will be sold.
There will only be 100 glasses sold, so get yours early!
Drawing will be held at the beginning of the Live Auction. Please see the Gala volunteer at the Bubbles and Bling area to buy your champagne and have your bidder number added to the drawing.
2. By his/her purchase, the buyer waives any claim to liability against either Gonzaga or the donor of the property or services Neither Gonzaga nor the donor is responsible for any personal injuries or damages to property that may result from the use of the property or services sold
3. Unless otherwise specified, all auction items must be used by Sunday, December 7, 2025 Dates and times are to be arranged at the mutual convenience of the buyer and donor
4. All resort and private vacation homes are offered to adults and minors accompanied by adults No pets allowed
5. Payment for auction items may be made with cash, check (payable to Gonzaga Mothers Club), Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover PAYMENT IN FULL IS MANDATORY If a credit card is not on file,
the purchaser will be contacted
6. It will be the buyer’s responsibility to arrange for delivery, if required, unless otherwise specified
7. See the tax information below and check with your own tax advisor as to the deductibility or non- deductibility of individual items
8. All items must be removed from Gonzaga on the evening of the Gala OR Sunday, December 8th between 10:00 a m and 2:00 p m in the Gonzaga Commons
9. A final receipt will be emailed to all supporters postevent
10. All bidders must have an in person or virtual ticket to the event Bids of those who do not have a ticket will be canceled
11. All silent auction items close at 8:00 p m
1. The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be the buyer In the event of any dispute, the auctioneer shall determine the successful bidder
2. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid that, in his or her opinion, is not commensurate with the value of the lot being offered
3. To bid on an item as a group, a spokesperson shall be designated to mobile bid on behalf of the group If the item is won, each person will be billed separately for his or her portion of the bill Please speak to the OneCause representatives at the Help Desk to split payments
You will be provided with a receipt for your purchases via e-mail which you may wish to retain for tax purposes Your receipt includes a good-faith estimate of the value of the item offered in the auction, based on information provided by the donor We are not professional appraisers and are not responsible for the accuracy of such valuations It is advisable to consult with your own tax advisor for definitive advice regarding the deductibility of an individual item, permissible deductible amount of any item, and documentation or other substantiation that may be required for such deduction
With gratitude and best wishes to the entire Gonzaga community.
from the Martin/Coakley Family graduates in the Class of '28. Congratulations and
On Saturday, November 30th, prior to the Gala, each registered guest will receive a personalized text message and email using the information entered when purchasing event tickets. Just click the link to begin placing bids either on your phone or desktop! Bidding on SILENT Auction items will begin Saturday, November 30th. Bidding on LIVE Auction items can only be done by guests who attend the auction. Virtual attendees are NOT able to bid on LIVE Auction items.
Making bidding seamless so you can easily support the mission you care about.
1. Locate the Silent Auction on the left navigation bar (desktop) or the bottom auction gavel (mobile).
Keep in mind that the tab title might be named something other than Silent Auction.
2. Choose an item from the list and click the image or description to open bidding. You must be registered or buy a ticket for the event to bid.
3. Use the +/- buttons to increase or decrease your bid amount. The initial amount shown is the minimum amount for the next bid.
4. Select the ‘Place Bid’ button and confirm your bid.
Enter your credit card if not already on file.
5. Set a Max Bid (optional) using the +/buttons or type in a custom amount. Not interested? Select ‘Not Now.’
Wishing all of Gonzaga a very M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S
The McCarter Family
W i s h i n g t h e e n t i r
G o n z a g a c o m m u n
a h o l i d a y s e a s o n f u
p e a c e , j o y a n d h a p p i
T h e M o d l i n F a m i
One of the most luxurious oceanfront vacation rental resorts in Kauai, this Whaler’s Cove condo unit has 2 bedrooms, 2 5 baths and sleeps four Set on a point overlooking Koloa Landing, the resort features commanding 180 degree views of the coastline The sounds of the ocean fill the condo and the large spacious lanai offers a great lookout for hours of relaxing turtle, dolphin, and seasonal whale watching Well attended orchid gardens and manicured lawns, along with a spectacular heated oceanfront pool and hot tub, provide the ideal island vacation setting
Specific dates to be scheduled with owners and based on availability https://www parrishkauai com/vrp/unit/ Whalers_Cove_137-135-15
Winner to contact Jennifer Monteverde at jepemon@gmail com to coordinate
Specific dates to be scheduled with owners and is based on availability
Donated by: Jennifer & Miguel Monteverde
The Ultimate Capitals package for any fan! Includes four lower level tickets to a mutually agreed upon game, four passes to the Caesar’s Sportsbook VIP Lounge for complimentary food and beverages, one rider on the Capitals Zamboni during intermission, one autographed jersey by the ‘24-’25 team, and one hockey stick signed by player, Alex Ovechkin.
Winner to pick a mutually agreed upon game
Donated by: The Montgomery Family
May the holidays bring peace, love, and joy to the entire Gonzaga community this season. F R O M T H E
Ten couples will begin this exclusive event with a private Mass and tour by Fr Lingan, one of the most knowledgeable experts on the history of St Aloysius Church, followed by cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres in the Headmasters Hall of Honors Guests will then be invited to enjoy a sumptuous three-course meal with specially selected wines, all served in the Jesuit Dining Room It is certain to be an evening full of fine food, perfectly paired wines, and great company that you and your guests won’t soon forget!
Please contact Kathy Nealon at knealon@gonzaga org in the President’s Office to make arrangements for a mutually agreeable date
Donated by: Rev. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Two couples traveling together will enjoy a three night stay in a winery’s guest villa located in the breathtaking countryside of Tuscany This is the opportunity of a lifetime! During your stay, you will receive VIP treatment, including one-of-a-kind vineyard and winery tours, private wine tastings, delectable luncheons and an insider’s look at wine making in Italy’s most famous wine region Buon viaggio!
Airfare and transportation not included You must rent a car or hire a driver Advance notice is required Dates are based on availability and must be mutually agreed upon with donor before travel plans are made All travelers must be 21 or older Lodging is first come, first served and available Monday-Friday, September through June (excluding the Christmas and Easter holidays), and only available for four individuals (two rooms) This trip does NOT expire The earliest dates available for lodging are in 2026
Winner to contact Candace Child at cchild@totalwine com to coordinate
Donated by: Total Wine
Happy Holidays to the Swim & Dive Families, Coaches, and Volunteers
From the Morgan Family (Kirk ‘27) GO EAGLES!
Wishing the Gonzaga community a
The O’Toole Family Patrick ‘28
Enjoy an unforgettable evening at the Lost Whiskey Club in Delaplane, VA, dining on whole hog BBQ, sipping local whiskey, and taking in the views of the rolling hills of the VA countryside Or we will bring BBQ and whiskey to you at a location of your choosing, made possible with our Airstream
Your party for 50 will include a locally raised heritage breed hog, slow smoked over hardwood coals The whiskey and the beautiful venue are provided by Lost Whiskey, co-founded by Nick Cioffi (P ‘26) and the pig is generously donated by the Gonzaga Class of ’91 We’ll serve the pulled pork with your favorite sides and drinks The event will take place on a mutually agreed upon date, within one year of the Gala Winner to contact Steve LeNard at stevelenard@yahoo com to coordinate
A one-week stay at Villa Cielo Bonito, located in a private community that is minutes from the pristine beach, Playa Rajada, in the Guanacaste area of Costa Rica You will have a private chef and housekeeper on-site for the week (the cost of food and beverages is not included in the package) in a truly breathtaking and remote area that feels like paradise The villa is within a very small private community that features a welcome center and mountain top look-out The villa itself features 4 large bedrooms and 4 5 bathrooms (3 bedrooms with queen size beds and private bathrooms, plus a master bedroom with king size bed and private bathroom) It has a fully equipped kitchen, spacious living room area, private plunge pool, purified water cooler, and washer/dryer The villa is less than 75 minutes from the Liberia airport Winner to Contact Sharon Dougal at sharon_michel74@yahoo com to arrange the details
Donated by: Jason & Sharon Dougal
“Day on the Bay” fishing excursion aboard the Cioffi/Kelly Families’ 50-foot sport fishing yacht This adventure will take place during prime Rockfish season, which runs from midMay through the end of June
The yacht can accommodate 4-6 people for this memorable trip, where you’ll join the Cioffi/Kelly families, the boat Captain, and his first mate for a day of fishing To top off this fantastic experience, enjoy food and beverages on board, along with a Lost Whiskey tasting on the return leg to Kent Narrows, near the Bay Bridge The trip will set sail in the morning at an agreed-upon date and time at the beginning of summer 2025
One lucky Gonzaga student will have the best guaranteed parking space in the garage for the 2025-2026 school year Open to any student with a valid driver’s license
Please contact Student Services to make arrangements
Donated by: Rev. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
New to the Gala this year, Churchill Downs Racetrack is pleased to support Gonzaga College High School with a box in Section 111 for the 151st running of the Kentucky Oaks and Kentucky Derby on May 2 and 3, 2025 The package includes: one box of 6 seats in Section 111 for both days of the races, all-inclusive food and beverages, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties, complimentary racing programs, and a private tour, as well as a $500 American Express gift card for your enjoyment We look forward to seeing you at Churchill Downs in 2025!
Winner to contact Janet Miller for further details at jmiller@kyderby com or (502) 638-3944
Donated by: Ms. Britton Stackhouse & Churchill Downs Racetrack
With Gratitude to the Entire Gonzaga Community and the Class of 2025!
Spend a relaxing three-night weekend at Deep Neck Point, a private luxury waterfront retreat in St Michaels, MD This spectacular, beautifully furnished home will be a welcome respite for up to ten people Located on a private 50-acre peninsula that reaches out into a mile-wide stretch of Broad Creek, the 8,000 square foot home is surrounded by 270 degrees of water Enjoy nature hikes, hunting in season, fishing, or even dock your own boat at the dock The property features a large in-ground pool, a 150-foot dock, a new tennis court, a 200-foot zip line over a marsh, a game room, a ping pong table and a small playground The home is perfect for a family retreat, girls’ weekend, or couples getaway
For more photos go to: https://www vrbo com/942769ha?vgdc=HAUS&preferlocale=true
Winner to contact Tree McKinnon at tree_mckinnon@hotmail com to schedule
Available on a mutually agreeable date
Donated by: Will and Theresa McKinnon
Matt, Allison, Pearson, Matthew ’25 & Talley
Best wishes for a safe and Happy New Year!
Wishing the entire Gonzaga community a very
Merry Christmas
Jenn and Mike Shumaker Nicki, Joe, Sammy, Jake ‘28
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o
S z y m k o w i c z and the Class of 2025!
Love, Dad, Mom and Lucia T h o m a s
Wishing a very to all!
The Torborg Family Karen & David Christian ‘23, Andrew ‘25, and Charlotte
Break free from the cafeteria routine! Your son and 4 of his friends can enjoy a monthly lunch (January through May) with Mr Every Skip the cafeteria lines and come to the Headmaster’s office for an exciting lunch consisting of beverages, appetizer, entree and dessert The winner will have a hand in menu planning and meals will range from your son’s favorites to international delights – including a trip off campus to a restaurant in May! In addition to the excellent meal, your son (and his friends) will be able to get out of 7th block classes early so that the meal won’t be rushed Lunches will be scheduled on mutually convenient “B” days Students can pick Mr Every’s brain about Gonzaga history and legends, advocate for new initiatives, or just come to relax and enjoy the food with friends!
Winner to coordinate monthly dates with Mr Tom Every, Headmaster of Gonzaga College High School at tevery@gonzaga org
Donated by: Thomas Every, Headmaster
Private Tour of St Aloysius Church and clock tower by former Gonzaga President, Father Stephen Planning, S J Have you ever wondered about the iconic clock tower that soars high above historic St Aloysius Church? Father Planning will guide a group of 6* guests on an exclusive tour of the church and clock tower You will learn fascinating facts about the church through history, its artwork, structure, and rich symbolism, as well as get an in-depth
Join Gonzaga President, Father Joseph Lingan, S J , and friends for a tailgate party on the balcony of the President’s Suite at 77H overlooking Buchanan Field You choose the sport, the game, and the guest list and the Alumni and Advancement Office will provide the rest Catered BBQ and refreshments for 40 guests will be included, so bring a hungry and thirsty crowd to cheer on the Eagles Restrictions: Mutually agreeable date Not valid on Sundays Note that the balcony is already reserved for several key dates, such as reunion weekend Aside from those dates, the choice is yours Please contact Kathy Nealon at knealon@gonzaga org in the President’s Office to make arrangements for a mutually agreeable date As this event includes beer and wine, the event is limited to adults only, or the winning bidder may choose non-alcoholic refreshments
look into the history of the famed clock tower *We kindly ask that all 6 guests are able-bodied and not afraid of heights Follow your tour with a lunch at The Dubliner with a $250 gift card, donated by the Gonzaga Mothers’ Club
Donated by: Rev. Stephen Planning, S.J. and the Gonzaga Mothers Club
To be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date
Donated by: Rev. Joseph Lingan, S.J. ‘75
Make your 2025 Gonzaga graduate’s commencement weekend a memorable one! Take the stress out of graduation with 3 reserved parking spaces for you and your family for the baccalaureate Mass on Saturday and the commencement ceremony on Sunday Celebrate with VIP treatment and a catered lunch for 25 before the baccalaureate Mass in the Collins Rotunda on Saturday OR breakfast before the commencement ceremony in the library on Sunday A group of Eagles’ Wings parent volunteers will extend traditional Gonzaga hospitality to welcome you and your guests, take care of every detail, provide non-alcoholic beverages, and sweeten the day with a sampling of desserts to round out the catered menu The graduate’s parents also will be welcomed to Eagles’ Wings with a special commemorative gift A volunteer photographer will provide candid photos from the event Your son will receive an armload of class graduation gifts from the Gonzaga bookstore Included is a $200 credit toward photos taken at commencement and baccalaureate
Ranked #1 in Virginia (Golf Digest 2024), Kinloch Golf Club is renowned for its superb conditioning, split fairways that offer an abundance of risk-reward, and one-of-a-kind “Kinloch Hospitality ” Recognized as one of the unique experiences in the country for members and their guests, the excellent Lester George and Vinny Giles parkland style layout tested some of the nation’s best amateur players during the 2024 USGA Mid-Amateur
This package includes cottage accommodations for one night and 36 holes (maybe more) of golf for up to four (4) people with dinner, drinks, breakfast and lunch
The visit will be scheduled between the winner and the host on a mutually agreed upon date This package cannot be resold or reauctioned and expires on December 31, 2025 Winner to contact Michael Johnson at mwj22306@gmail com to coordinate
by Gonzaga’s official photographer, Stone Photography Don’t miss this opportunity to make your son’s graduation one you and he won’t forget Hail Gonzaga! Winner to contact Marie Duellman at mcreevers@gmail com to coordinate
Graduation weekend 2025
Donated by: Gonzaga Eagles’ Wings and the Gonzaga Mothers Club
A d M a j o r e m D e i G l o r i a m
Thank you to the Gonzaga community, nd staff for the last 15 s been blessed by the Eye Street.
r i s t e n a n d M a r k A l u k e ' 1 6 , J a c k ' 1 8 , M a s o n
C h a n d e a r !
h o w t i m e f l i e s … h Ethan, the class of 2025, zaga students a very mily e, x
Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit ESPN’s multiple Emmy award-winning daily studio show, Pardon the Interruption, which is filmed right here in Washington D C ! You and a guest are invited to tour the studio, view a show taping, and then meet and get a photo with co-host Michael Wilbon (2020 Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Curt Gowdy Media Award recipient)
Please note that co-host Tony Kornheiser will not be in the studio with Wilbon, but “Fill-in Frank (Isola)” could be, depending on the agreed upon date
You will also get exclusive PTI merchandise not available to the public -- a personalized autographed photo of Wilbon and Kornheiser on the PTI set, two PTI hats, two PTI T-shirts, two PTI coffee mugs, and two ESPN notebooks
Also included is dinner at the chic French Le DeSales restaurant across the street from the studio prior to the show (restaurant gift card has a value of $350)
Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, mother of Joaquin ’27, will take up to four people on a special visit to the U S Capitol The visit will include an exclusive tour of the Capitol Dome, as well as lunch in the Member’s dining room Tour to be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date (best days are Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays), based on voting schedule and availability
Donated by: Representative Linda Sanchez
Winner to contact Sara Eckert at sara m eckert@gmail com to coordinate
Winner to decide on a mutually agreed upon date
Donated by: Sheryl & Michael Wilbon 207
The winners will stay as guests at our house for a week in July 2025 We will decide together on a mutually agreeable date
The house is a 3 BR, 2 BA fully renovated pet-friendly house with a private pool, off-street parking for one car, 5 bikes, 5 backpack beach chairs, Sonos sound system, gas grill, and all the amenities The house comfortably sleeps 6 and is easily walkable (or bikeable) to the Southernmost Point, Duval Street, Hemingway House, the Truman Annex, Fort Zachary Taylor beach, shopping, restaurants, bars, and the Sunset Pier at Mallory Square
Enter this light and airy abode where you immediately discover a modern, galley-style kitchen that has everything a foodie could desire for turning out your favorite family feast State-of-the-art appliances and kitchenware will inspire culinary creations for days Carry your crafted cocktail into the living and dining area where you can sink into a cozy couch or cushioned chairs for a book escape or binge watch your favorite show on the wall-mounted television A dining table for 6 looks out into the landscaped backyard patio area with moving glass walls and door This property is equipped with a security camera on the driveway of the home
The king primary suite downstairs boasts abundant Florida sunshine coming from multiple windows Sip on your morning coffee from the plush window chair and plan your island adventures A hanging closet, dresser and bed storage offer ample space for your vacation wardrobe The downstairs bathroom consists of a large glass and tile shower, single granite sink, as well as a standard size stacked washing machine and dryer Travel up the stairs to two more bedrooms The queen bedroom has a closet and dresser for clothing storage, and a small smart television It shares a jack and jill bathroom – with glass and tile shower and single sink – with the other bedroom that is furnished with two twin beds (can be converted to a king) The twin bedroom offers a flat screen TV as well This last bedroom offers an oversized closet for clothing and storage
From the living and dining area, open the retractable glass sliders to bring the landscaped outdoor space inside
Sultry breezes invite you to step into your private dip pool (comes heated in the cooler months) while your dinner is sizzling on the outdoor grill Enjoy stargazing from the comfortable outdoor furnishings with views of the Key West lighthouse and plan your next amazing day in paradise!
Winning Bidder to contact Roger Dennis at rdennis@nfmlending com to coordinate
Donated by: Mimi and Roger Dennis
This private Club Level suite between Home Plate & 3rd Base can accommodate 22 guests It’s yours for a mutually agreeable August 2025 game! Includes standard catering (soft drinks + snacks) Private bathroom, AC, outdoor seating for 15+ (4) parking passes, and a $500 Amex Gift Card to be used toward additional catering or for the Nationals team store
Winner should contact Allison Shay at allison shay@gmail com to coordinate
Mutually agreeable August 2025 game can accommodate up to 22 people Beyond included standard catering package, additional food/beverage can be arranged via the Nats Park Catering
Donated by: National Retail Federation and Shay Family
Get away from it all in this lovely beach house with 4 bedrooms, 4 5 baths just 1/2 block from the beach The house is quaint and quiet but near everything in Fenwick, Delaware and sleeps 11 people and is just steps to the beach Each bedroom has its own full bath so it’s perfect for multiple families It is conveniently located in walking distance to restaurants, shopping, ice cream, liquor store, mini golf, coffee shop, bars, and more Equipped with elevator for all 4 floors and has beautiful ocean views
Expires December 31, 2025 Sorry, no pets Black Out Dates: April 12-27; June 9-August, 31, 2025
Donated by: Don & Amelia Gay
Enjoy a four night stay in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware in 2025! This fabulous Rehoboth beach house features three bedrooms and can accommodate up to ten guests Located just one mile from Rehoboth’s beach and boardwalk, the house has a private pool, hot tub, an expansive deck and patio, and a great party barn in the backyard with two TVs, a kitchenette, full bath, extra washer and dryer, and plentiful seating for outdoor meals and games The beach house has one queen bed, one king bed, and a large third bedroom that sleeps six Don’t miss this opportunity to spend some pristine days at the beach!
No pets; winner to contact Cristin Finkel; to be booked on mutually agreeable dates in 2025 (holidays excluded)
Donated by: Seth and Cristin Finkel
The Peninsula is a beautiful, private golf community and club with extensive amenities on the Indian River Bay in Delaware, located approximately 25 minutes from Rehoboth Beach and Lewes Amenities include a Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, an extensive fitness facility, tennis and pickleball courts, basketball court, a full-service spa facility, three outdoor pools including a wave pool with a beach, an indoor pool, a nature center and nature trails, dining facilities and numerous children’s activities You will stay in a beautiful, 4 bedroom, 3 5 bath townhouse, which comfortably sleeps eight people, for one week to enjoy the terrific Peninsula facilities and nearby Delaware Beaches Guests will be responsible for the weekly amenity fee (currently $110 for each adult and $55 for each child, ages 6-15; golf fees are extra) Dates to be mutually agreed upon with owner
Your stay will be coordinated with the owners for a mutually agreeable time No rent will be charged for the townhouse; however, the users will be responsible for Peninsula activity fees
Donated by: Joseph DiZinno and Jacki Depew
The Neon “G,” a Gala favorite, is a sought-after item that will cast a warm purple glow over a bar, bedroom, college dorm room, or office Surprise your favorite Eagle with this almost one-of-a-kind-piece of art!
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
The Neon “G,” a Gala favorite, is a sought-after item that will cast a warm purple glow over a bar, bedroom, college dorm room, or office Surprise your favorite Eagle with this almost one-of-a-kind-piece of art!
Donated by: Gonzaga Mothers Club
Own a piece of Gonzaga College High School history by bidding on this signed, retired #18 Gonzaga jersey for 2022 Heisman Trophy winner Caleb Williams! This exclusive item commemorates Caleb’s incredible high school career, where he led the Eagles to the 2018 WCAC championship and earned national recognition A star at Oklahoma and USC, Williams was the #1 pick in the 2024 NFL Draft and is starting quarterback for the Chicago Bears But first, he was a Gonzaga Eagle!
Donated by: Caleb Cares
Thank you to Coakley & Williams Constructon for your support of the Gonzaga Gala
Wishing the entire Gonzaga community a holiday season filled with joy and laughter.
The Lukken Family Dana and Walt Will ‘21, Gigi & Crawford ‘27 M e r r y C h r i s t m a s
Go Eagles!
Own a piece of Gonzaga College High School history and bid on this exclusive package – a #77 Gonzaga jersey, AND a #74 New York Jets jersey BOTH signed by Olu Fashanu Olu was a force on the Gonzaga Eagles football team, showcasing exceptional talent and leadership on and off the field Fashanu went on to dominate at Penn State, where he was elected to the 2023 Football All-America Team He was selected in the first round of the 2024 NFL Draft by the New York Jets with the #11 overall pick But first, he was a Gonzaga Eagle!
Donated by: Olu Fashanu
t o t h e e n t i r e G o n z a g a
c o m m u n i t y ! M E R R Y
G r e g a n d R o b i n B e r n h a r d
G r e g o r ‘ 2 8
Congratulations A l e c and the Class of 2025!
Bryan & Kristen Wood Jack '21, Luke '22, Alec '25, and Zach '28
Wishing the Gonzaga Community a Very The Owczarski Family
M e r r y & J o y - F i l l e d C h r i s t m a s and a W o n d e r f u l N e w Y e a r !
Wishing a joyous Christmas season to all!
May the New Year bring a winning season to the Gonzaga Crew Program!
The Egge Family Jack '25
George Balboa ‘21
Anderson Bishop ‘25
Zach Blume ‘28
Gaetano Cicotello ‘25
Jimmy Corcoran ‘24
TJ Corcoran ‘26
Collin D Cullen ‘85
Collin Cullen ‘16
Carrick Cullen ‘19
Christopher Cullen ‘23
Sloan Deerin ‘89
Jack Deerin ‘23
James Deerin ‘25
Richie DiMaio ‘24
Jack DiMaio ‘26
Mason Flax ‘25
Jackson Funderburk ‘27
TJ Gletner ‘17
Will Gletner ‘23
Cody Hobson ‘24
Kai Hobson ‘24
Collin MacLennan ‘23
Joseph Mahler ‘26
Johnny McGrail ‘16
Luke McGrail ‘20
Timmy McGrail ‘25
Kyle McHugh ‘24
Caleb McHugh ‘27
Jack Meenan ‘28
Pete Murphy ‘07
Seamus Murphy ‘17
John Phillips ‘28
Thatcher Redpath ‘28
Bill Rowan ‘57
Mike Rowan ‘87
Michael Rowan ‘17
Tommy Rowan ‘22
Douglas "Duke" Skorny ‘27
Oliver Sood ‘28
Sam Van Dyck ‘23
Jack Welch ‘28
Daniel Wimsatt ‘28
Brendan Alt ‘17
Joe Barloon ‘18
Tim Barloon ‘23
Daniel P. Barry ‘06
Timothy R. Barry ‘12
Jeff Connors ‘19
Christian DeGroot ‘17
Pieter DeGroot ‘19
Dominic DeBritz ‘23
Anthony DeBritz ‘24
Arthur Ferridge ‘21
Jacob Floam ‘16
Christian Gaffney ‘25
Charles Gartland ‘28
Brian Hannon ‘75
Shane Hannon ‘10
Devin Hannon ‘15
Tommy Healy ‘10
Patrick Healy ‘13
Homer V. Hervey Jr ‘84
Homer V. Hervey III ‘16
Christopher LaFrankie ‘22
Andrew LaFrankie ‘24
William LaFrankie ‘26
Michael Ledecky ‘12
Joseph McPhearson ‘28
Rocco McPhearson ‘28
William McBeath ‘16
John McGuinness ‘15
William Mudlaff ‘17
Henry Mudlaff ‘19
Brendan Munter ‘19
Michael Rusnak ‘19
Ryan Scott ‘26
Aidan Scott ‘27
Liam Thomson ‘23
Charlie Blackwood ‘16
Henry Blackwood ‘19
Thomas Caulfield ‘16
Ryan Caulfield ‘17
Mike Clancy ‘88
Joe Clancy ‘15
Ben Clancy ‘17
Peter Clancy ‘24
Brendan Coleman ‘13
Liam Gibson ‘14
Brendan Gibson ‘17
Brian Henneberry ‘88
Brian Henneberry ‘23
Patrick Henneberry ‘27
Grant Johnson ‘14
Brian Johnson ‘16
Kevin Johnson ‘19
Tommy Keane ‘16
Bobby Lannan ‘26
Ryan McGlynn ‘11
Jack McGlynn ‘14
Ian McGlynn ‘22
Pierce McGlynn ‘24
Gordon McMillen ‘19
Matthew Mulligan ‘16
Dan Mulligan ‘18
Michael Pappas ‘07
Michael Russo ‘14
Colin Squier ‘09
Conor Squier ‘11
“Be ministers of Me rcy above all .” – Pope Francis
Daniel A Albornoz ‘07
Johnny Broome ‘25
Andrew Geary ‘23
Devin Geary ‘24
Jack Irving ‘26
Matthew Lee ‘13
Carlos Marquez ‘07
Alejandro Marquez ‘11
Billy McKinnon ‘17
Danny McKinnon ‘18
Tommy McKinnon ‘23
Jimmy McKinnon ‘26
James Miller ‘22
Jack O'Neill ‘12
Tim Royston ‘82
Jack Royston ‘16
Joe Royston ‘19
Cullen Tomsheck ‘14
Ryan Tomsheck ‘16
William Veneri ‘25
Matthew Wilbon ‘26
Wishes the Gonzaga Community a Merry Christmas & a Happy, Healthy New Year
Nicholas Blanda ‘05
Abe Cutler ‘23
John Davis ‘10
Peter Davis ‘12
Jimmy Davis ‘13
Michael Davis ‘17
Kevin Gorman ‘13
Brian Gorman ‘17
Anthony J. Kikendall ‘05
Joe Limarzi ‘92
Alex Limarzi ‘23
Marco Limarzi ‘25
Charles T. Magnetti ‘68
Thomas O. Magnetti ‘71
Charles O. Lorenzo Magnetti ‘17
Nolan Mooney ‘22
Finn Mooney ‘24
William Opdyke ‘84
Andrew Wagner ‘21
Andy Wassmann ‘05
M Matt Boylan ‘95
James Boylan ‘28
Marty Jacobs ‘91
Jack Morelli ‘20
William Ott ‘22
Peter Ott ‘27
Colin Riley ‘27
Brian Savercool ‘10
Colin Savercool ‘14
Marty Stanton ‘88
Ryan Stanton ‘16
Devin Stanton ‘17
Matthew Thomas ‘21
Adam White ‘28
Anderson Harlor ‘25
Jonathan Hofmann ‘21
Zachary Merkle ‘21
Kyle Merkle ‘25
Ethan Merkle ‘25
Tom Scherer ‘19
Will Scherer ‘21
Charlie Scherer ‘23
Henry Scherer ‘25
Fr. Greg Shaffer ‘89
Jack Staton ‘22
wish you a Joyful and Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year !
W. Scott Berg ‘93
Austin Berg ‘23
Gregor Bernhard ‘28
Michael Chehade ‘18
Michael Cindea ‘12
Daniel Cindea ‘18
Robert Coffey ‘07
Kevin Coffey ‘23
Joe Comizio ‘07
Mike Comizio ‘11
Matthew DelPizzo ‘26
Jonathan Dykes ‘07
Andrew Estes ‘10
Owen Fisher ‘14
Tommy Fisher ‘21
Austin Flanigan ‘28
Pablo Fox ‘21
Luke Francese ‘20
Peter Francese ‘26
Elias D. Garcia ‘18
Louis Genovese ‘22
Anthony Genovese ‘24
Nicholas Hamisevicz III ‘00
Victor Hamisevicz ‘03
Gregory Hamisevicz ‘10
Andrew Harrs ‘11
Stephen Harrs ‘12
Brian Harrs ‘19
Andrew Irisari ‘23
Alex Irisari ‘25
Juan Ignacio Jerez ‘24
Will Keeler ‘24
Henry Keeler ‘26
George Kilguss ‘18
Thomas Koenig ‘17
John Koenig ‘20
Colby LaMore ‘27
Aidan Linegang ‘26
Jack Loesch ‘19
Quin Loesch ‘21
Alejandro E. López ‘26
Brett Lychak ‘17
Colin Lychak ‘20
Daniel Lychak ‘22
Fernando Mata ‘15
Ignacio Mata ‘17
Nick Matta ‘23
Gabe Matta ‘26
Tom McCarthy ‘91
Dave McCarthy ‘24
Connor McGrath ‘15
John McNamee ‘03
Michael McNamee ‘08
David McNamee ‘11
Billy Miossi ‘05
Jack Miossi ‘11
Michael Orfini ‘01
Joey Orfini ‘07
James Orfini ‘14
Daniel Rice ‘27
JT Stranix ‘03
Chris Stranix, ‘06
Patrick Stranix ‘08
Johnny Tecala ‘22
Frank Vasquez ‘14
Tom Vasquez ‘17
Ned Vasquez ‘20
Nicholas Zaso ‘17
wish you a joyful and blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year
Nick Bambino ‘09
Andrew Bolka ‘08
James-Michael Roncal Centeno ‘22
Jacob-Paolo Roncal Centeno ‘24
Tom Diganci ‘08
Nick Diganci ‘10
Joe Diganci ‘22
Michael Diganci ‘24
Brandon Michael Gatti ‘17
Grayson Harkness ‘22
Peter Hoffman ‘27
Luke Howard ‘21
Paul Hutson ‘05
Chris Hutson ‘11
Kieran Hutson ‘14
Patrick Manetto ‘27
Nathan F. McGrath ‘04
The Gonzaga Families of St. Leo the Great Fairfax, Virginia wish the Gonzaga Community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Tyler Baroudi ‘21
Colin Baroudi ‘23
Dylan Baroudi ‘26
Ryan Dowd ‘13
Trevor Dowd ‘16
Patrick Hesse ‘16
Kaelan Kehoe ‘27
Frank Kelly ‘10
Tom Kelly ‘12
David Knapp ‘19
J.P. Loyko ‘24
Colin Loyko ‘26
Spencer P. Notarianni ‘17
Eamon Passey ‘21
Liam Passey ‘23
Colin Passey ‘28
Declan Passey ‘28
Tristan Wang ‘23
Clayton Wang ‘25