Special 2010
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
At a party you get cornered when asked, ‘what’s your sign?’ Yes, people still go there, then pretend to know what on earth they’re talking about when it comes to astrology. Get clued up with this bijou booklet by The Liverpool Echo and The House of Good Fortune - a stylish new psychic service. It goes through all the signs of the zodiac, highlighting your characteristics and giving a brief insight into the way you may handle love, money and work. For an extra dimension, there’s even a few tarot predictions for the months ahead. Of course, we all have free will, and when studying the synchronicity between personality and the stars, a complete birth chart must be made. So, enjoy but don’t take the bits you don’t like too seriously.
Copy Penny Fray (Leo) www.thehouseofgoodfortune.co.uk
The following equation may help you understand the contents of the following pages: Zodiac + Tarot Reading = Tarotscope
Hair Jay Bowen (Pisces) Jonathen1986bowen@hotmail.co.uk
Photography Mark Gibbons (Aries) www.mgphotography.co.uk Styling Laura Sellers (Aries) laura@indigocreatives.co.uk Models Iskri Lawrence (Virgo) Abigail Philips (Libra) Charlotte Annie (Libra) Rachel Perera (Taurus) Amy Uzell (Capricorn)
Make-Up Jayne Whittaker (Scorpio) jayne.whittaker@btinternet.com Sam Parker (Sagittarius) samanthaparkermua@live.com Selina Woolfe (Taurus) s.xenophontos@yahoo.co.uk Special thanks to Alex Leigh (Libra) for always knowing who to call for a shoot. Alison Gow (Aquarius) for being open minded and digitally creative.
For more information see www.thehouseofgoodfo rtune.co.uk
March 21 - April 19
About You
Your ‘frenemies’ call you selfish. Your ‘ex’ says you’re self-centered. And your therapist labels you a narcissist. Seems like it’s all about you, you, you. But it’s only natural that you regard yourself as ‘numero uno’. As the first sign of the zodiac you’re dynamic, fearless and absolutely fabulous.
Love Passionate and playful, you regard love as a game and the excitement is in the chase. Partners must be lively and sizzle with sexual energy to be regarded as worthy playmates. Possessiveness or dull predictability will not be tolerated. This is especially true this year. The seven of cups indicates a need to break free of routine roles. But to secure the strong, passionate partnership you truly deserve, you need to be honest with both yourself and others. September is a time for some much needed self-reflection.
Career &Money Ambitious, pioneering and blessed with a powerful presence, you can achieve great things. But you lack patience and practicality. The king of pentacles says you need a steadying influence to succeed. So, be prepared to listen to the wise advice of a Taurean friend this October. The nine of pentacles also indicates a new home or money being invested in property.
Advice Your spiritual quest is to discover the meaning of selfless love. It may take some time, so be patient.
Symbolic and cute - this sheep dish-cloth is available at £2.95 from Drift Living. The diamond, your birthstone, is tough like you. This bling ring is available from Dominic Walmsley. Red and sporty, this is your tshirt of choice. Buy it for £18 at Jacamo.
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
April 20 - May 20
About You
All this talk about budgets is making you giddy with excitement. You’re a penny pincher with panache. In other words, you believe that the best is worth waiting for. Fortunately, your patience is legendary. Add a dash of practicality and a sprinkling of opportunism into the mix and an affluent lifestyle is yours for the taking.
Love You’re a romantic but a realistic one. You know that you have to invest a great deal of time and emotional energy to make a relationship work. And while, there’s no doubting your devotion and affection, beware of becoming a bore. The reversed nine of pentacles foretells of complacency or a refusal to break away from routine this winter. A partner may not share your idea of domestic bliss, favouring adventure over cosy nights in front of the television.
Career &Money Principles and material security are important to you. That’s why you are careful to plan and follow a set career path. Taking a risk frightens you but the fool card currently encourages you to do something different. Nothing dramatic or daring - just enough to jolt you out of a rut. Why not apply for promotion, seek new responsibilities or even learn a new skill? You have nothing to lose.
Advice It’s good to take the long term view and proceed through life with caution - but don’t sacrifice your dreams for a sense of security or delay action by lengthy pondering, says the reversed knight of pentacles.
The bull is your symbol. And this skull is available from The Old Cinema. Enjoy the great outdoors with this panama hat, £12, from Rio Moda. It’s even in your colour! Colours associated with your sign include green and bown. This earthy hued necklace can be brought from Totally Funky.
May 21 - June 21
About You
From gossiping whilst golfing to arranging 101 activities during dinner, you’ve got multitasking down to an art form. At best, you’re quick, adaptable and hugely entertaining - but at worst you’re fickle, garrulous and irritable. One thing that you’ll never be accused of, however, is being boring.
Love You don’t trust your emotions. You find them overwhelming and confusing. Consequently, you flirt and flutter from one relationship to another in the pursuit of the ideal union. Of course, the idea of finding a life mate appeals to you immensely but you’ll soon bolt if your personal freedom becomes restricted or a partner fails to stimulate your lively intellect. If you’re currently single, the eight of swords foretells of a new and successful union.
Career & Money Your communicative skill needs an outlet, so working with people is important to you. Geminis are naturally drawn to work that involves getting ideas and information across to others. Shrewd and versatile, you make money with relative ease - but you prefer fun over finance. The star card indicates that this is the right time for you to shine at work. Publicise a bright idea before Christmas and you’ll be richly rewarded by an open minded boss or client.
Advice That sense of wholeness you desperately seek can be found within. But logic cannot be your only guide. Learn to listen to your heart and soul too.
Your ruling sign is Mercury, the planet of communication. This Contemporary Home phone pushes all the right buttons. Butterflies and monkeys are traditionally associated with your sign. This chest is £395 from The French Bedroom Co, while the door hangers are from Hiccup Gifts.
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
June 22 - July 22
About You
From the whereabouts of every chef to off-the-wall dining trends, you know a thing or two about food. But some tidbits are strictly off the menu - like your tendency to be moody, defensive and manipulative. Don’t get upset. They’re just shadows of your best traits, which include compassion, tenacity and hospitality.
Love Love is your life blood. You thrive when you have someone to nurture and lavish with affection. That’s why a committed relationship with someone who makes you feel secure is important. Just keep a sense of perspective when it comes to perceived slights. Your sensitivity can be draining on less emotional types at the moment, says the moon card.
Career & Money You take your career seriously and will work tirelessly to get ahead not necessarily for yourself but for those you love and support. Financial security is important to your sense of self preservation. You’ll drive a hard but fair bargain in business. Change is currently indicated by the wheel of fortune. You may find the upheaval difficult at first but you’ll soon adapt and start enjoying the creative challenges that lie ahead.
Advice Find activities that will enhance rather than diminish your sense of security. Likewise, avoid people who are too harsh or critical. You’re feeling fairly vulnerable at the moment and can’t contend with any extra difficulties.
Ruled by the moon, this cushion is available from Retreat Home Ltd. Silver is your metal and eating is your passion, so combine the two with this cutlery holder from Velvet Brown. You adore crystals, especially when they welcome people into your home like this wreath from The Contemporary Home.
LEO 12
July 22 - August 23
About You
You’ve been known to make a scene or two. And though your performance may be applause-worthy, it’s best to leave the dramatics to the ‘pros’ and show the world what a ‘sweetie’ you really are. Yes, you can be opinionated, attention seeking and arrogant but you’re also loyal, brave and super generous.
Love Love, passion and adoration keeps Leo confident, caring and fun. Take them away and you’ll find a cold, cruel pussy cat. Emotionally idealistic, you hate being disappointed. But those who have the stamina to keep you happy will be well rewarded with your total care and commitment. Just beware of sacrificing too much for a partner, especially one who isn’t as dedicated as you, says the hanged man.
Career & Money A creative outlet and an appreciative audience is important to Leos. If found, you’ll go far and even motivate others to succeed. Why? Well, because you’re a natural leader. Money isn’t your main motivator although you like the luxuries it can buy - it’s your sense of pride that needs to be fed with success. The five of cups says this is a time for figuring our your priorities and enjoying unexpected legacies. Just don’t fritter away your winter windfall on foolish frippery.
Advice Learn the true meaning of love and don’t settle for second best. Your loyalty may become an admirable burden.
Despite all that noise, you’re a pussycat really, so get this cushion, £35, from hunkydory home. Vanity is your sin of choice and this gold mirror from Ivory Pearl Interiors will attract your attention. As the royalty of the zodiac, you deserve a crown like this one from Ebuni, £15.
August 24 - September 22
About You
Desperately seeking perfection - if life had an ‘ad’ board, this would be yours. Virgos are never satisfied with anything and are their own worst critics. The result? Needless worry and a demanding sense of duty. A positive synthesis of these qualities, however, makes you efficient, caring and hard working.
Love Your modesty often blinds you to admirers and stops you from expressing your real desires. But once you overcome these inhibitors, you make a devoted and reliable lover. Just be careful that your emotional self reliance isn’t interpreted as coldness by more affectionate types. The chariot card foretells of a loved one pursuing their own ambitions without consulting you in late August. You’ll feel hurt by their selfishness.
Career & Money I hate to say it - but you are one of life’s followers. But boy do you do well in a supporting role. Organised, quick thinking and thorough - you often find yourself being recommended for promotion by appreciative bosses or clients. Just keep that abundance of nervous energy positively channeled or you risk burning out, says the reversed ace of wands. Money-wise, you are cautious. The chariot card tells you to enjoy spending some of your hard earned cash on a family adventure as well as investing it.
Advice Know the difference between innate wisdom and destructive criticism. Heed the first and ignore the latter, says the high priestess card.
Pooches fall under the rulership of Virgo. If you don’t fancy the real thing, get a dog doorstep, £19.99 from Strawberry Fool. France is your country and this block, £9.95, is available from Beautifulthings.co.uk Communicate in style with this Trim Phone from Totally Funky.
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
September 23 - October 23
About You
As illustrated by your last mat-eating yoga pose, balance is key to your being. Scales, the symbol of your sign, resonates so deeply with your peaceable personality, that you’ll do anything to avoid drama or discord. This sometimes leads to false accusations of superficiality and cowardice. You may not like confrontation, but you certainly won’t hesitate to speak up against a perceived injustice.
Love The ultimate romantic, you don’t feel psychologically whole unless you’re in a relationship. Some Librans will even ignore a partner’s shortcomings in return for love. Self indulgence can also be a problem. You can sometimes depend too much on a partner. The seven of cups warns current singletons not to be too starry eyed when assessing a new suitor this September.
Career & Money Clever, charming and articulate, you have a talent for building up contacts and making people like you. As such, you’re best suited to positions that call for people pleasing and justice. Indecision, laziness and fear of isolation are your main obstacles to success.
Advice Despite being sweet as candy most of the time, you have a petulant and overbearing streak, especially when asked to take unpleasant orders. Try to accept that you can’t always have your own way. Life, as the saying goes, isn’t a bed of roses.
Symbolic and stylish, these silver scales are available from Dunelm Mill. Pink is your colour, so you’ll be drawn to this enamel bangle, £12, from I Kandi. The rose is a Libran flower and this I Kandi ring is super cute.
October 24 - November 22
About You
Are you plagued by revengeful thoughts? Do stupid, superficial people make you want to stick pins in their voodoo doll equivalents? Yes? Then, you’re a typical Scorpio. Yes, the black beast gets a bad ‘rep’. But there’s plenty that’s good about you too, including your magnetism, passion and drive. When the going gets tough, you’re usually the last one standing.
Love To Scorpio, love is a passionate, mystical and enduring emotion. Think of Heathcliff’s dark intensity in Wuthering Heights and you get the gist. It’s romantic but the darker underbelly of such deep emotion involves obsession and jealousy. The devil card warns you not to play psychological games with a potential or current partner. This is one battle you won’t win, says the reversed strength card.
Career & Money Your energy and determination is indefatigable. That’s how you get ahead. There are no dark arts involved. But frustration soon rears its head in a job that doesn’t allow any emotional involvement or fair play. If you’re feeling unsatisfied with your current career, the world card offers hope. It indicates prolonged travel or a new job that involves moving about and embracing new cultures.
Advice The scorpion is an insect more likely to sting itself than others. Use your tremendous powers positively for a happy and fulfilled life. Remember, the golden eagle - a bird that soars higher than others - is also your symbol.
Capture the drama and darkness of your sign with this chandelier, £1,250, from The French Bedroom Company. A designer black basque from Debenhams oozes sex appeal. All insects are linked to your sign, so this bug pendant from Liberty of London would make an ideal gift.
November 23 - December 21
About You
A rebel with a philosophical cause, you don’t easily give in to peer pressure. Awkward stares make you smile and conservative thinkers irritate the hell out of you. But that’s a good thing because a stifled and silenced Sagittarius is a sad and scary sight. So philosophise freely and exercise your right to roam.
Love You find conventional unions a little claustrophobic. You need someone whose intelligence, honesty and taste for adventure matches your own, otherwise a relationship will eventually crumble. Single centaurs should be wary of clingy Cancerians at the moment, says the moon card.
Career & Money Intelligent and inquisitive, you need to feel challenged or else your naturally cheerful disposition will soon diminish. You’re best suited to a job that involves learning, travelling or working with animals. The queen of pentacles even encourages you to work with the land - even if it means just growing some watercress in a window box. Expect some kind of financial luck early next year.
Advice Use your generosity and intellectual talents to guide others. You have knack of seeing the best in people and recognising the hidden talents of so called ‘no hopers’. You will be spiritually rewarded for your selflessness, says the hierophant.
The horse is your animal, so get this cushion, £42, from Rume. You enjoy travelling, so keep notes in this journal, £19.99 from Strawberry Fool. Your gemstone turquoise is prominant in this bangle £350, from Dominic Walmsley.
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
December 22 - January 19
About You
Goats may have bad facial hair and give serious attitude but they’re also ‘kinda’ cool in that they’re sassy, single minded and strong. Simply put - you climb mountains because you can.
Love You may display an almost Victorian attitude to love and commitment. But underneath that stern, stiff exterior is a secret romantic that’s too embarrassed to come out. You may marry for money or social status but you’d swap it all for a soul mate. After all, you have integrity. Those still looking for love by next February, may find themselves dating an eccentric water sign, says the reversed queen of cups.
Career & Money You know that the ladder to success must be slowly and steadily climbed. A natural careerist, you’re disciplined, dedicated and sometimes a little ruthless in the pursuit of power. You’re happy to play the waiting game to get what you really want from life. Beware of sacrificing a little too much to realise your latest financial ambition though. Your family may benefit from all your hard work but they won’t thank you for it, says the reversed emperor card.
Advice Learn to understand the needs and feelings of other people. You may be surprised to discover that they’re not always motivated by money or power.
Workaholics will love this classic leather briefcase, £179.99 from Blokes Bags. Relax after work with a glass of malt whiskey in this rocking glass from drinkstuff. The Taj Mahal is traditionally linked with Capricorn. Get this canvas from Artylicious.
Malesuada quis, quis. Donec ac sapien. Ut orci. Duis ultricies, metus a feugiat, dolor mauris convallis est, quis mattis lacus eu augue. Sed facilisis.
Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas.
Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.
January 20 - February 18
Model wears dress from Jane Norman
About You
You always fancied yourself a ‘Harley’ riding teenage rebel. Sadly, between that twee school uniform and your overprotective parents, you never got around to really living it up. These days you go out of your way to break the rules - mainly because your need to be different can’t be underestimated. Fortunately, most people forgive your contrary nature because you’re so friendly.
Love Despite your affability, Aquarians find it tough sustaining a close, emotional relationship. You guard your independence jealously and can come across as a bit cool when crowded by a partner’s emotional demands. Nevertheless, you make a loyal and tolerant companion. If you’re currently single, the star card indicates the return of an old friend or lover.
Career & Money You loathe routine and must be allowed to do your job without regulations, otherwise your genius will wither under the glare of a manager’s spotlight. Suitable occupations include anything that involves experimentation, technology and forward thinking. Humanitarian work also appeals to the Aquarian’s sense of philanthropy. After all, you want to make the world a better place.
Advice Your spiritual goal is to develop true self confidence. Putting your powerful intellect to good use is a great way to build a strong identity.
This turquoise water barer costs just £8 from Asda. Aquamarine is your sign’s gemstone. This wave comb is available from Eboni. Russia is a country traditionally associated with Aquarius, so get these dolls from beautifulthings.co.uk
February 19 - March 20
About You
Your motto: If at first you don’t succeed, pretend you never made a mistake in the first place. You hate facing reality and prefer to escape into an idealistic world where everything’s delicious and dreamy. Of course, this colourful imagination often fires your creativity - one of your most celebrated qualities. Pisces’ life lesson is to either accept reality and rise to the top or sink into the oblivion of illusion.
Love Love revitalises Pisces - both giving and receiving it. But sometimes you get so emotionally involved that you fail to recognise potential problems. The fool card warns single fishes not to drift too far into a relationship without first analysing whether you’re being deceived about something important.
Career & Money Your compassionate nature means that you are ideally suited to the caring professions. You make an exceptional counselor because of your intuition and unwillingness to judge others too harshly. But music, art and writing also appeals - even if it doesn’t pay well. Luckily, money isn’t that important to you. Your sixth sense may lead you to make some sound investments but you’ll probably squander it on the arts or on those in need. Yes, you are a soft touch.
Advice Serving others will help you find peace. Work hard and improve the lot of humanity through charity work.
These cute fish hooks are available from Milk & Honey at £2.95 each. Drink some calming camomile tea from this fishy mug, £3.50 from M&S Sea green is your colour, so wear this glass necklace, £28, from Pure Design.