David Green
Founder of Hobby Lobby on investing where it matters
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Kristen Bland
10 Louie Giglio
Need a perspective shift? 6 GOODlife Events
Check out our list of upcoming of local events.
9 Called
Examples for faithfully walking out the calling God has on your life
12 Only One Life
Insights from Hobby Lobby’s David Green: Where to invest that matters most
Managing Editor
15 The Story of Ron Baker
Revival can happen anywhere, even on a bus.
16 GOODlife Recipes A double feature: Chipotle Turkey Chili Crab & Artichoke Dip
17 GOODlife Travel
Georgia Aquarium & Marriott Marquis: Two Atlanta classics mean less time traveling and more time enjoying.
Gabriel Bland Editor
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On the Cover GOODlife Magazine features Louie Giglio: author, pastor, communicator, and founder of the Passion movement. For the full story, see page 10.
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Martin Luther King Day Celebration Acworth January 15 at 9:30am Festivities will begin with a unity walk from Acworth City Hall to Zion Hill Baptist Church, where the ceremony will be held. www.acworthparksandrecreation.org Senior Lunch Acworth January 16 and February 13 at Noon Roberts School Community and Education Center, Acworth Come join us for lunch, bingo with prizes, and other special activities. This program is free to all senior citizens. Atlanta Boat Show January 18-21 Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta Whether you’re looking for sails, paddles, skis, or motors, you’ll find the largest selection of boats and accessories here. www.atlantaboatshow.com Sound Summit by Vineyard Worship January 18-20 Vineyard Community Church, Marietta Sound Summit is for beginner to advanced sound techs, worship leaders, and musicians of ALL AGES who want to take their church’s sound to the next level! www.eventbrite.com/e/sound-summitatlanta-tickets-39016675928
Boots, Blue Jeans, & Chili Cook Off January 27 from 6-9pm Cobb County Civic Center, Marietta Put on your finest pair of cowboy boots and come out for a night of food, dancing, games, and more to raise awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse in Northwest Georgia. www.livesaferesources.org Calibrate 2018 February 1 from 8-4pm Piedmont Church, Marietta This event will encourage, educate, and equip worship teams in serving your communities. Speakers include Bethel Worship’s Paul McClure, Matt Mahar, Josh Wilson, and Meredith Andrews. www.calibrateworship.com Unspoken Men’s Conference February 2-3 First Baptist Woodstock Join us for the two-day Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference, Unspoken: What men won’t talk about and why. www.johnnyhuntmensconference.com Gather Women’s Conference February 2-3 Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, Marietta Join us for our two-day Women’s Conference, Gather, featuring keynote speaker Lisa Harper and music artist Ellie Holcomb. www.johnsonferry.org
Winter Jam February 3 at 6pm, Doors open 4:30pm Phillips Arena, Atlanta Winter Jam Tour including Skillet, Kari Jobe, Building 429, NewSong, KB, Jordan Feliz, and more! www.2017.jamtour.com Chick-fil-A Daddy Daughter Date Night February 3 Enjoy an evening out with your little girl at your Atlanta area Chick-fil-A restaurant. Go on-line to RSVP your time and location. www.atldaddydaughterdate.com Adult Spelling Bee February 9 from 7:30-10pm The Strand Theatre, Marietta A night of laughs, some on-stage antics, and truly funny attempts at spelling difficult words – that’s the “Bee” Benefitting Communities in Schools, Cobb/Marietta. VIP ticket includes exclusive access to a pre-event with heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and two drink tickets. www.cismcc.org/WP/adult-spellingbee-2017 Night to Shine February 9 from 6-9pm Over 30 churches are participating in Georgia, including First Baptist Woodstock and Northstar Church. Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages
Know of any upcoming events? If so, let us know! Send information to submissions@goodlifemagazine.org
14 and older. www.timtebowfoundation.org/ministries/ night-to-shine North Atlanta Home Show February 9-11 Infinite Energy Arena, Duluth More than 150 companies exhibit the latest home improvement products and services. www.atlantahomeshow.com Acworth Daddy-Daughter Dance February 10 from 7-9pm North Cobb High School Cafeteria, Acworth The Hawaiian Luau will include a DJ, light refreshments, gifts for the girls, and a photographer set up for optional pictures. Cost per couple: $30 for City of Acworth residents; $40 for non-City residents; additional daughters $10 each. For girls 13 and under. Be sure to preregister for this event! www.acworthparksandrecreation.org
Atlanta Mission 5K Race To End Homelessness February 17 at 8:30am Pemberton Place – World of Coca-Cola, Atlanta Join us as thousands will take to the streets of downtown Atlanta to run a race in the cold for those who sleep in the cold. www.atlantamission.org/race
Unlimited Together March 3 from 8:15-4pm Mount Paran Church, Atlanta Open to all special needs ministry leaders, children’s and youth pastors/ directors, church staff, volunteers, and parents. Jillian Palmiotto will be sharing tips to help you start or improve your church’s special needs ministry. www.mountparan.com/together
Special Olympics Polar Plunge February 24 at 1pm Acworth Beach at Cauble Park Hosted by the Law Enforcement Torch Run For Georgia to support and spread awareness for the 27,115 Special Olympics Georgia athletes. www.specialolympicsga.org/polarplunge-2018
Radical Women’s Conference March 15-17 at 1pm World Changers Church International, College Park Join Pastor Taffi Dollar and the Radical Women’s Ministry to gain knowledge and insight on biblical gender equality. www.creflodollarministries.org/Events
Rescuing Hope – Run For Hope 5K February 24 at 8am Five Points, Athens Second annual run to raise awareness of sex trafficking in America. www.active.com
Marietta Shamrock Shuffle 5K March 17 at 8am Marietta Square, Marietta The Marietta Police Athletic League (PAL) will raise money to support Marietta PAL’s Youth Sports and Recreation Programs. https://runsignup.com/Race/GA/ Marietta/ShamrockShuffleMarietta
b e nef i ting
F R I DAY F E B. 9 , 2 0 1 8
A night of laughs, some on-stage antics, and truly funny attempts at spelling difficult words – that’s the “Bee” AN ALL GROWEN UP E VENING OF COMEDY
A t l a n t a B r ave s In-game Host
Purchase tickets:
cismcc.org/WP/adult-spelling-bee-2017/ General Admission: $30 VIP Tickets: $60
S TA R 9 4 . 9 Morning Show Hosts
**VIP Ticket Includes exclusive access to a pre-event with heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and two drink tickets. ** For more information on Communities In School, visit cismss.org
Jesus Loves Broken People by michael lewis lead pastor of Roswell Street baptist
In the reading of John chapter 4, one clear observation is that Jesus loves broken people. Jesus encountered the woman of Samaria at the well and revealed Himself to her as the One who gives “living water” and said that whoever drinks of the water will never thirst again. Question: How did this woman who experienced the brokenness of five husbands in the past and brokenness in her present relationship merit or deserve such a revelation? Answer: It was only by God’s grace, which is God’s amazing unmerited favor shown to us in Jesus! Reflect on the following questions: What things have you done this week to cause God to love you
less? NOTHING! What things have you done this week to cause God to love you more? NOTHING! The truth of the Gospel is that it’s only by His grace—it’s only by His unconditional love that Jesus was provided to be our Savior and Lord. Pause now and worship Him for His amazing love and amazing grace. Drink deeply of the provision of living water Jesus freely offers to you as a broken person. Abba Father, I praise the glory of Your grace which You have given me by accepting me as Your beloved. I am so thankful that You love broken people because I am a broken person transformed by Your love. Truly, Jesus Christ changes everything! I worship You in Jesus’ name, Amen!
omans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Imagine feeling frightened and inept, and being assigned a momentous task that seems beyond your strength and abilities. This was the situation that both Esther and Moses found themselves in. They were called by God to serve in ways which tested their faith and dedication to God. When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, “…Moses said to God, ‘Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’” (Exodus 3:10-12). Moses had a speech impediment, was a fugitive, and seriously doubted that he had the qualifications to be the leader of a nation. Similarly, when Mordecai instructed Esther to go before the King to deliver her people, it was tempting to remain silent (Esther 4:11, 16). But Esther and Moses were called by God for a purpose and had untapped courage, tenacity, and talents that they were not even aware of. Everything that led up to them being given the assignments of their lives positioned and prepared them for what they were called to do Esther 4:14).
As the accounts of Moses and Esther illustrate, being called by God almost always comes by assignment—not by choice (2 Timothy 1:9). God chooses where and when we are called to serve. The things that God calls us to do often push us beyond our comfort zone and test our limits. God always “equips the called,” giving us the strength, resources, and ability to follow His calling (Psalm 18:32, 33; 1 Peter 4:10-11). Both Esther and Moses faced a moment of truth when God presented them with difficult assignments. They could have let their fears and doubts overwhelm them and chosen to reject God’s assignment. Responding to God’s call is a matter of faith, trust, obedience, and maturity. Furthermore, it requires complete surrender to God. The Bible is filled with the accounts of women and men who were called to serve God in ways that they felt were beyond their capacity. The stories of their acceptance of God’s call are examples for us to gain courage from and to follow when we ourselves hear God’s call. There is nothing more rewarding or fulfilling than being of service to God. Answering His call gives us a chance to roll up our sleeves and do something that has real lasting meaning and purpose. Those who choose to follow God’s call “shine like a star in the universe” (Philippians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 4:4-6), reflecting God’s light in darkened places and ultimately accomplishing His divine purpose.
Lisa Stafford-Johnson is a writer, professor, and doctor who is passionate about sharing the love and principles of Christ. january/february 2018
there’s more to our relationships than we are currently experiencing? there’s more purpose and meaning to life than we are living now? there’s more to freedom than we know? we need a perspective shift?
ow can we do it? How do we see things in a whole new light, one that leaves us with hope? Can we overcome the chains holding us back and the burdens weighing us down? Can we bring together imperfect people to create a family? How about finding lasting satisfaction out of our lives that will never fall short? In our conversation with Louie Giglio, author, pastor, communicator, and founder of the Passion movement, we found the answer to be yes, but it will take a perspective shift. Since founding the Passion movement in 1997, Louie has helped cultivate a gathering of believers from churches nationwide to celebrate the Gospel and worship the name of God. In addition, he has published several books, including his latest Goliath Must Fall, and founded Passion City Church and Passion Global Institute, both in Atlanta, GA. Over the past 20 years, God has continued to instill a desire in him to see the body of Christ come together to glorify God. And since day one, it’s all been based upon a fundamental shift in perspective.
Satisfaction // Life
Q - What has God been putting on your heart? “It all stems out of Isaiah 26:8, the last phrase, which says, ‘For your name and renown is the desire of our souls.’ And that’s a big statement, and a big shift. It’s not just a big shift for humanity, it’s a 10
big shift for the humanity in the church because we have spent a generation making church about ourselves, making the Bible about ourselves, making God about ourselves, Heaven is about us, the cross is about us, the whole story is about us. That doesn’t lead us anywhere because we were created in the image of God, stamped for greatness, with identity woven into our very DNA. And there is something deep down inside of every human being that doesn’t end with that human being. We’re called for something bigger than ourselves, yet we are serving to an entire generation ‘self.’ So that’s not going to satisfy, that’s not going to lift anybody up. And even great adventures that end in ‘self’ aren’t going to lead us to what we were created for either. The only way we are going to find the truest meaning and joy and purpose is to connect to the reason we were created for, and that is, we are reflectors of divinity. We were made in the image of God, not to be God, but to reflect the greatness of God, to know Him, and to make Him known.”
is a big difference between oneness and sameness. ”
Unity // Community
is because there’s an interesting bedrock in this story, and it’s not just about our freedom. David didn’t run off the hillside into the valley of Elah just so that Israel could be free. He ran off the hillside into the valley of Q - So what does “unifying the Body of Christ” look like to you? Elah because God’s glory was being diminished by this giant. And so our freedom and God’s glory are intertwined, and that’s why the title is “There is a big difference between oneness and sameness.” important. Addiction must fall, not just so you can stop going to rehab, “I am almost 60 years old now and I have beat that but addiction must fall so that God can be seen as greater than whatever drum my whole life because Passion is a gathering it is you are addicted to or whatever pain is underneath that got you ground. We have a name, the name of Jesus. addicted in the first place. So we preached these messages, we let the We gather around His name, His fame, and text [the Bible] lift some giants up to us—the giant of fear is right in the His finished work on the cross. So we do text, the giant of rejection, the giant of anger, the giant of comfort is a big gather people from all various groups one right in the text—and we did a series that really resonated of the church. On one hand, I have two “We with people… And the big hook of it was, a bit of a spoiler decades of joyful experience hosting for the book, but we were trying to help people see are not the events that fill up football stadiums that it really doesn’t boil down to a rally where heroes of the where people come from all different we all get fired up because we are David in streams of the church. Different story of David and the story of the David and Goliath and go, ‘Oh denominations all come together and Goliath; David isn’t even man, I’m gonna go out and take down all rally together—that’s ‘oneness.’ But to think my giants.’ But the beauty of the story goes the hero of the story. that we are all going to leave the Georgia all the way back to where we started this Dome and all function in the exact same way David said, ‘I killed a bear, big idea that this is God’s story. So, we are in our faith would end up being ‘sameness.’” and I killed a lion, but I not the heroes of the story of David and “What I am looking for are churches that honor God Goliath; David isn’t even the hero of the did it by the power of the as God, who lift up Jesus as the unique savior of the world, story. David said, ‘I killed a bear, and I killed who preach the word of God, and let word of God drive the story, drive Spirit of God.’ So God a lion, but I did it by the power of the Spirit of was already the hero the message, drive the hope; who are outward thinking, who want to God.’ So God was already the hero of the story see the world, the nations, come alive in the Gospel of Jesus. And where of the story of of David. God gave David the ability, the power, I find that, I find brotherhood, I find synergy, I find a oneness that’s the strength to go do what he did.” David.” rich and powerful. I think as that happens, it draws people, not to us; it draws people to Him, as we lift Him up. So, I’m happy that my neighbor’s So, to walk in fullness and satisfaction of life, thriving in church is a little different than our church, as long as we have that relationship with those around us, and to overcome the chains and synergy around the Gospel story and Jesus, around the truthfulness of burdens in life, we need to have a shift in our focus. We need to focus the Word of God, and an outward reaching heart, not just to the poor in less on self and more on Christ, and trust that as we devote ourselves the community, but to reach out to share the gospel, to the unreached to Him, He will meet our needs and lead us in a life that’s more fulfilling peoples of the world.” than anything we could ever ask or imagine. Bringing it all together, “I endeavor to get to know people and not to get to know denominations Loiue closed with this: “And so God is inviting us into a big story, His story. It’s a story that’s always been about Him. It’s about Him today and and movements… I usually try to fly right by [other people’s always will be about Him. But He’s invited us to be a part of it and to take characterizations of other Christian leaders] until I have a chance to up roles and places to be used in His story. But to do that, we need to meet that pastor, meet that leader, and learn their heart… They may not be exactly like me and my approach, but they have a sincere love of God, ultimately drive a stake through the heart of ‘self.’ And that’s what Jesus sincere love of Jesus, and have a sincere desire to see the world changed was saying when He [essentially] said, ‘If you want to follow me, I’d love for you to follow me, but I need you to take up your cross every day and because of Jesus.” follow me.’ He wasn’t saying you have to come to the end of life, just you have to find life by coming to the end of self.”
“So, I’m happy that my neighbor’s church is a little different than our church, as long as we have that synergy around the Gospel story and Jesus”
Freedom // Glory
Q - What was the reason behind writing Goliath Must Fall? “I think the privilege of being a pastor is you get to walk with people who are in pain, and as a pastor, that’s the number one filter that you see through. You look out to your community of faith, and you see people, and because we are living on a broken planet, you can’t help but see what people are walking through. And everybody in some way, shape, or form is walking through the valley of the shadow of death. So, we did a series a few years ago called ‘Goliath Must Fall.’ The reason the sermon is titled ‘Goliath Must Fall’ and not ‘Goliath Has Already Fallen’
Louie Giglio is pastor of Passion City Church, founder of the Passion movement, author, and communicator. Be sure to check out his most recent book Goliath Must Fall. january/february 2018
LY ON one LI FE By David Green
realize that running a billion dollar company doesn’t exactly make me just one of the guys, from a purely financial standpoint. Money tends to separate us in our culture, and that’s unfortunate because I’m just like you. I get up every day, spend time with God, kiss my wife, eat some breakfast, and go to work. I’m just a man. I started my career working retail, stocking shelves. I got married and started a family. I’ve lost sleep wondering about the future of my wife and kids. Now I’m entering that area of the baton exchange, and I want to do it well. I want us all to do it well. I want my grandchildren to grow up understanding that generosity begins with an attitude that extends into every aspect of life, not just money. I want them to understand that today begins their legacy. Because if there’s
one thing I’ve discovered, it’s that true wealth encompasses all of life. That’s the big idea. I believe we can chart a course for our lives and our families that allows us to think beyond one generation. We can outline our vision, mission, and values. And we can live that out through our generosity. These ideas will allow us to stay rich for generations—not just in a monetary sense but in a values sense. Some of you reading this are standing in shoes similar to my own. You are nearing the end of your life, wondering how to finish well and leave a legacy that will bless your family and those they interact with for generations to come. Some of you are just starting out in life, taking your first steps toward those dreams and plans. Whether you’re at the end or the beginning of life, I want to challenge you to do three things:
1. Work with all your heart, for God and not for men. 2. Hold those plans lightly, because you really have no idea what the Lord has in store. 3. Consider now what you want your legacy to be. It is not too early to begin. The decisions you make today will affect the legacy you leave behind. Whether you are a young business man who has found himself encountering what the world sees as success both in career and family life, or a young woman who recently graduated and has no idea what is in front of you, today is the right day to make your decisions in light of the truth that God owns it all. Live your life in this world while investing your wealth in the next. When I was growing up, we did not have much artwork in our house. Money was tight, and our family got along with just the basics of life. Knickknacks, frills, and family photos were not to be found in our simple home. But there was one plaque on the wall I have never forgotten. It was a short poem:
Only one life ’Twill soon be past Only what’s done For Christ will last. In my teen years and for quite a few years into my adulthood, the words of that poem stirred up guilt inside me whenever I remembered them. Assuming that “what’s done for Christ” meant work done as a pastor with his flock, as an evangelist on the street corner, or as a missionary to remote tribes in Africa, I felt defeated because I knew those were things I could not do. Not until my late thirties did I discover the joy of giving to God’s work and come to realize its lasting value. Until recently, I had no idea that those lines were actually part of a longer poem with a very interesting story. It was written by the son of a wealthy British family, Charles Thomas (C. T.) Studd, who
lived from 1860 to 1931. His father had made a fortune producing indigo dye in India. Charles and his brothers attended the best schools England could offer, first Eaton and then Cambridge, where Charles became, as some have called him, the Michael Jordan of cricket. Charles represented his country on the national cricket team and became a household name in Britain. He knew that when he turned twenty-five years old, he would inherit a large sum—some $25 million in today’s dollars—from his father’s estate. Yet by that time, God had touched his heart and called him to service overseas. He started out in China, where he married a young Irish woman of like mind. Together, they gave away their entire portion of the Studd fortune to such ministries as George Müller’s orphanage, D. L. Moody’s Bible school in Chicago, the China Inland Mission, and the Salvation Army. From that point on, they trusted God to supply their needs. Ten years of work in China were followed by six years in India, where Studd’s father had become rich. C.T.’s health was not the greatest by then, and neither was his wife’s. After India, he pressed on for another twentyone years in the heart of Africa until he died and was buried there at age seventy. His passion was to share the gospel with those who had never heard of Christ. C. T. Studd was a man who did not let family money distract him from what was truly important in life. History tells us that his children caught his values system. Three of his daughters married Christian leaders. Some two thousand Congolese showed up for his funeral in July 1931. I will never be the speaker and writer he was, but I am just as committed to the goals he exemplified. Of the various scriptures under the plexiglass on my desk, this is perhaps the most compelling in my heart and mind: “This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth” (1 Tim. 2:7–8, The Message). I hope they put that verse on my tombstone. Through the efforts of the company God has allowed us to build, I want as many people as possible to come to know Christ as Savior. David Green is the founder of Hobby Lobby, the largest privately owned arts and crafts retailer in the world. He is softspoken, passionate about his faith, and dedicated to his family. David and his wife Barbara are the proud parents of two sons and one daughter, grandparents to ten, and greatgrandparents to eight. David writes what it looks like to leave a lasting legacy in Giving It All Away..And Getting It Back Again (Zondervan). Taken from Giving It All Away…And Getting It Back Again by David Green with Bill High. Copyright © 2017 by David Green. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.zondervan.com.
january/february 2018
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The Story of Ron Baker by William Graham
he man behind the wheel was an alcoholic. His marriage was broken. He was angry and bitter, and he didn’t mind one bit showing his disdain to the people who climbed into his vehicle.
their marriages are fractured, and their hearts are far from God. In Mr. Baker’s case, he flatout hated Christians, yet deep down he was searching for hope. Once he found it, it changed his life and eternity.
The year was 1959, and Ron Baker was one of many Australian bus drivers who had been hired to transport people to and from my grandfather’s Crusade at the Sydney Showground. Night after night, he put up with his riders singing hymns and worshiping. He’d drop them off and sit in his seat stewing until the doors opened and his bus filled again with jovial people who were excited about what God was doing in their city.
2) As I approach an evangelistic outreach, I often pray that God would raise up “the next Billy Graham” from the people who respond at the invitation. I pray for the person that would reach the world with the Gospel. Mr. Baker, however, is proof that even if a person doesn’t reach millions, he can and does influence others, passionately sharing the Gospel with those around him.
Mr. Baker’s wife attended the Crusade and decided to commit her life to Christ. The following week, Mr. Baker found himself in the same stadium to which he had begrudgingly brought others. When the invitation was given, Mr. Baker walked forward.
Will is the third generation of Grahams to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the banner of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). He also serves as vice president of the BGEA, and as executive director of the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, N.C.
God radically transformed Mr. Baker’s life following his salvation. He gave up those things that were poisoning his body, mind, and marriage. He pursued theological education and became ordained. As I contemplate the story of Ron Baker, I’m left with three thoughts: 1) There are a lot of Ron Bakers out there. We pass by them every day; people who are hurting and broken, and probably know it. Their addictions control them,
3) Evangelism is vertical. Mr. Baker and his wife made individual decisions for Christ, reconciled their marriage, and began living for Him. Their children were then raised in a Christian home and went into ministry. Mr. Baker’s grandchildren were raised by godly parents and began relationships with Jesus. Entire generations can be impacted when people turn to Christ. It’s easy to think that a heart is too callous to be pierced by the Holy Spirit. We may believe that our neighbor, our co-worker, or the bus driver, for that matter, could never find hope in Christ or be used by God to reach others. The story of Ron Baker, however, shows that God can reach and use anybody. We just have to do our part in sharing the Good News with them.
GOODlife Recipes
Chipotle Turkey Chili Serves 4 I simply cannot have enough chili recipes for my slow cooker. This particular recipe is made with ground turkey, but ground beef works too. Do not be afraid of the chipotle peppers...they’ll give this recipe a lot of flavor with very little heat.
Directions In a large skillet over medium-high heat, brown the ground turkey in a drizzle of olive oil. Once browned, add a big pinch of salt and pepper and transfer to your slow cooker. Next, layer the onion, two chipotle peppers (or a few more for extra heat) along with a little adobo sauce, tomatoes, tomato paste, stock, beans, and chili powder. Cover and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours or on high for 3 to 4 hours. About 20 minutes before you’re ready to serve, remove the lid and stir in the corn. Continue on high and for 20 minutes. Garnish with cheese, sour cream, and cilantro.
Ingredients 1 pound ground turkey
1 (14 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 1⁄2 cups frozen corn
Extra virgin olive oil
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
Salt and pepper
2 cups chicken stock
Monterey Jack cheese for garnish, shredded
1 onion, chopped
1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained
Cilantro for garnish, chopped (optional)
1 small can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (you’ll only need 2 peppers and a little sauce!)
3 tablespoons chili powder
Crab & Artichoke Dip Serves 6-8 A hot crab and artichoke dip is just a few steps away! For your next party, plug in your slow cooker and let it do all the work while you enjoy your guests.
1 (12 ounce) can lump crab meat 1 (14 ounce) can quartered artichoke hearts, drained 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1⁄2 cup milk Good pinch of salt and pepper Green onions for garnish, chopped “Hi! I’m Shay! I’m a cookbook author, lifestyle blogger, travel agency owner, wife and mama who loves making every day special for my family.” For more, go to mixandmatchmama.com 16
Sour cream for garnish (optional)
directions Place all the ingredients into the slow cooker except for the green onions. Allow the dip to cook on high for about an hour, or on low for about 3 hours. Stir to incorporate when ready to enjoy. When serving, garnish with the green onions.
GOODlife Local Travel
Less time traveling. More time enjoying.
Spend more time relaxing and less time traveling with a weekend getaway right here in Atlanta. Featuring the worldʼs largest and most captivating aquarium, the Georgia Aquarium. With more than 10 million gallons of water and one of the most abundant collections of aquatic life anywhere, Georgia Aquarium promises wonder and excitement around every corner. The seven distinct galleries and more than 100 exhibits within the aquarium represent aquatic environments ranging from arctic to tropical waters. Georgia Aquarium is the only aquarium in North America that is home to manta rays and whale sharks, the largest fish in the world.
Upgrade your getaway to a VIP experience
Get the VIP pakage and discover the Georgia Aquarium with Anytime Tickets including all-access to the AT&T Dolphin Celebration, Funbelievable 4D Theater, Sea Lions at SunTrust Pier 225 and more!
NEW exhibits Come face-to-nose with one of the worldʼs most feared predators in the new temporary exhibition available through April 2018, “SHARKS: On Assignment with Brian Skerry.” The puffin exhibit will open on Friday, January 19, 2018! Located in the Cold Water Quest gallery across from the Southern sea otters, guests will see two types of puffins—horned and tufted—in addition to two other types of seabirds—pigeon guillemots and common murres.
What weekend trip is without a restorative nightʼs rest? Partner your dayʼs entertainment with Atlanta’s Marriott Marquis for a relaxing evening away from the daily distractions of home.
Or end your day of fun with a romantic evening by booking Marriottʼs Romantic Weekend Getaway, which includes a deluxe king room, bottle of champagne, hotel parking, and breakfast for two in the hotel restaurant.